xt7pk06x0q4h https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7pk06x0q4h/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 198901 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, January 1989 text GLSO News, January 1989 1989 2019 true xt7pk06x0q4h section xt7pk06x0q4h q 9 89 3 Free at Selected Business Locations
Home Delivery at $5 per year
The Gayline (231-0335), GLSO's
Over seventy people from four states telephone hotline, is up and running again.
gathered in Lexington, Kentucky on December The computer which runs the phoneline gasped
2-1;, 1988, for Dignity's Regional House of its last breath in October and then broke
Delegates meeting. down completely. A new computer was
Friday began the weekend with a party purchased in early December, and the system
at Keith's house. Saturday meetings were was soon in full operation again.
held at the Unitarian Universalist Church. Phoneline staffers have reported the line
The workshop led by past Dignity/Lexington has been extremely busy, with many calls
people, Kris and Shirley, was one of the best coming as a result of GLSO's Pubic Awareness
workshops ever. It's focus was on increasing Program. The Gayline is staffed each Wednes-
participation of women in Dignity - a long time day, Thursday, and Friday evening from 8 pm
Lexington success story. to 11 pm: hours may be extended, however,
A delicious banquet dinner was followed as additional people volunteer to answer calls.
by a dance (including the Region's two With use of the computer, calls are forwarded
traditional dances the Hokey Pokey and the to the phone of the volunteer working that
Bunny Hop). The meeting concluded Sunday shift. This method allows volunteers to
with the weekend's fifth standing ovation for answer calls in the comfort and privacy of
the week's work and a final congratulatory their own homes.
resolution stating that in addition to all the Training is provided for new staff
hard work from the presenters, the visitors members; continuing staffers may attend
felt loved and cared for. Many felt so good training sessions at any time. Anyone
about the weekend they want Lexington to interested in staffing the phoneline one or two
host the Convention in 1990. It was a great nights each month can call Edwin Hackney at
weekend for Region V and for Dignity/ Comp Care Center (233-ouuu) during regular
Lexington. work hours.
Bobbi Stout, member of GLSO's Board of Ms. Stout replaces Barry Grossheim,
Directors, has been appointed as the director who recently moved away from the Lexington
of the Speakers Bureau. Ms. Stout brings with area after several years of involvement with
her a master's degree in counseling psychology GLSO. Mr. Grossheim's activities included
and years of experience with organizations several terms on the Board, interim editor of
dedicated to equal civil rights for women, gay the newsletter, working with Pride Week
men and lesbians, and political prisoners. Committees several years, serving as GLSO's
One of her most recent involvements was the public spokesperson, and directing the
recently successful Lexington Prison Project, Speakers Bureau.
which worked to bring more humane treatment Anyone interested in taking part in the
for several Women incarcerated in Lexington on Speakers Bureau may call Bobbi at the number
political charges. Ms. Stout is also currently listed in the Directory. New people are
working with the Convocation '89 Planning needed, as well as those who have participated
Committee as it prepares for the continental in the past. A training session covering
conference of Unitarian Universalists for methods for focusing on content while speaking
Lesbian and Gay Concerns to be held in and dealing with hostility, will be held
Lexington in February. January 2n, at Comp Care Center at 7 pm.

Please send me a free introductory TO MURDERER BECAUSE VICTIMS WERE GAY
El issue of GLSO News and information , ,
on GLSO. A gay rights leader In Dallas warned
that outraged voters would remember a judge's
I'd like to become a voting Member statement that he gave a lighter sentence to a
E] of GLSO, including home delivery murderer partly because his two victims were
of the GLSO News and discounts homoselxuals. . .
at GLSO functions. My Membership These.two guys that got killed wouldnt
fee of $10lyear is enclosed. have been killed if they hadn't been queers
cruising the streets picking up teen-age
| don't wish to become a Member but boys," State District Judge Jack Hampton
E] please send me the GLSO News each stated.H "Pg/e 90‘s: teen-hagehboy.l')' th
amp on, , w o as een on e
month. I enclose the $5 annual fee. bench eight years, said the homosexuality of
Name: the murder victims entered into his decision
——-—-———'————"‘ Nov. 28 to give the 18-year-old killer a
30-year prison term instead of a maximum life
. sentence.
Address.________—__ The judge said he would have given a
harsher sentence to Richard Lee Bednarski if
- - _ his victims had been, for example, "a couple
Clty’ 51' Z'p'———'——‘——— of housewives out shopping, not hurting
Mail to: Newsletter, P.0. Box 11u71 anybody." .
Lexington, KY ”0575 . Hampton expressed no reservations about
his statements, a newspaper reported.
"Just spell my name right,“ Hampton
said. "If it makes anybody mad, they'll forget
GLSO News is ublished monthl b the itbY 19.99 “"30"“ YEW” ,
Lexington Gay SeEvices Organization, y Inc. William Waybourn, preSIdent °t “2° Dallas
[d.b.a. Lexington Gay/Lesbian Services Gay Alliance, said th? organizations eight
Organization), Box ”#71, Lexington, KY “0575 telephone lines began ringing constantly after
Dallas newspapers published the Judge's
Steve Sav e, Editor statements. .
Craig Clere, Asst Edaigor, Events Calendar He said he h°PEd Hampton's remarks
Debbie 8 Teresa, Asst Editors for Esmerelda would prompt the public to work to remove h'm
Aunt Mary, Advice Columnist from the bench when he comes up for
Additional Contributors: The Advocate, Dave, . "Judge ”3min”. said it himself: No one
Craig, AVOL, Keith, Carol, AP; Typists: Will rsmerililber this in 1990. But we will
Steve, Crai ; E uipment: Dave; T etti : remem er.
Matt; Layougz Gegry; Mailing: Davezypeéouri'egr: , ."Bheing at the wrgng place at the wrong
Kenneth; Folding 8 Stuffing: Mark. Steve, tinting: “St"Smuggfily’foyatyhzouf?.Is.a'sd :1: me
- . mi ie e
JOhn’ Dave, Gerry, BObbh Shelby, Frank. men who were killed. They don't deserve
this. And Hampton doesn't deserve to be a
Views or opinions expressed in GLSO News are Judge." . ,
those of the authors and do not necessarily Robert Flowers, executive director °f
represent those of the Board of Directors. the.Texas Commissmn on JudICIai Conduct,
Submissions are welcome. All submissions declined to comment-on Hampton's statements
become the property of GLSO and must include and said the commissmn would investigate, but
the full name and address of the author. onlyif a. complaint were filed. A high ranking
Anonymous submissions are not accepted. The off'c'a' '" the. Texas Department °f Justice
editorial staff reserves the right to alter any 5“th on national talev'sw" .news “33‘ he
submissions (including advertising) to meet conSiders Hampton a. 9°“? ““195 w'fi' an
publishing requirements. outstanding record behind him. .
None of the numerous media reports
The placement of advertising in GLSO News concerning the judge's statements pointed out
does not denote a person's sexual orientation that the ”3° "E“Fde'ed gay "‘qu had not, '"
nor a business's customer preference. fact, been CV‘WSIng the Streets.
2 GLSO January

BE CHANGED, 11 RESEARCHERS AGREE by Christopher J. Chipello
A person's sexual orientation is largely Cambridge BioScience Corporation
determined by a biological predisposition received approval from the food and Drug
present at birth and cannot permanently be Administration to sell its five-minute test of
changed by external means, including therapy, Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome.
11 prominent researchers agree. Opinions of The approval marks an important
the experts are included in a new booklet development for AIDS testing world-wide.
released this week by an international Unlike currently available tests, the new
organization composed largely of parents of product doesn't require laboratory instruments
gay and lesbian children. and thus could be administered in remote
Researchers surveyed by Tineke Bodde, areas. It also shortens testing time from the
a writer and mother of a gay son, agree that three hours or so now required - a factor that
the origins of sexual orientation are complex can be crucial in certain situations, such as
and involve a combination of genetic, organ transplants.
hormonal, psychological and social factors. The test will be marketed in the U.S.
They were unanimous in rejecting the notion and overseas exclusively by Baxter Healthcare
that so-called "learning" factors alone can Corp. Cambridge BioScience said the tests,
determine sexual orientation. which can be run on a drop of blood from a
There "is no evidence that male finger, could be used in doctor's offices,
homosexuality is caused by a dominant mother emergency medical centers or venereal disease
or a weak father, or that female homosexuality clinics. They will be priced at about $10
is caused by girls choosing male role models,“ each, depending on volume, and sales are
said one of the researchers, Dr. June expected to begin within the next few weeks."
Reinisch, director of the Kinsey Institute for AIDS tests now are priced at $1 to $3 each,
Sex, Gender and Reproduction in Bloomington, and are used mainly by blood banks.
Indiana. The scientists generally agreed that Clinical trials on more than 7,000
people who are exclusively gay cannot specimens at nine sites have shown that the
permanently change their inherent sexual 5-minute test yields only 0.14% false negative
orientation, although some can learn to readings and 0.14% false positive readings -
suppress their homosexual behavior. The levels he said are as good or better than
homosexual inclination, however, usually will currently available tests.
persist in dreams and/or fantasies. The FDA said the 5-minute test, the
"Scientific research is laying to rest the first for AIDS virus infection to be developed
myth that persons 'choose' to be homosexual," by gene-splicing techniques, isn't intended to
said Paulette Goodman, president of the replace current tests used by blood banks for
Federation of Parents and Friends of Lesbians screening donated blood.
and Gays (Parents FLAG). "The only choice The test would enable doctors to tell
our lesbian and gay children have is whether patients right away if they tested negatively
to accept or hide their innate sexual for the AIDS virus. For those patients
orientation, whether to admit it or live a lie.‘I testing positive, doctors would be advised to
Copies of the booklet, "Why is My Child immediately repeat the test. After a second
Gay?" are available for 25 cents each from the positive finding, a larger blood sample would
Federation of Parents FLAG, PO Box 27605, be taken for further laboratory confirmation.
Washington, DC, 20038; (202) 638-11200. Cambridge BioScience is seeking FDA
Enclose a stamped, self-addressed envelope. approval during 1989 for a confirmation test
that can be done in just two hours, compared
with the 2'4 hours for the procedure commonly
"In the gay rights movement, we try to used.
emphasize that we are the same as everybody The new test has already been approved
else except for what we do in bed. The for sale in Sweden, Norway, Belgium,
American Indian cultures I studied do just the Switzerland, the United Kingdom, the
opposite; they emphasize the difference, but Netherlands and Ireland. Licenses for the
instead of seeing that difference as abnormal, test are pending in West Germany, France,
deviant, or threatening, they see it as a Spain, Italy, and Japan. Buck said sales in
'specialness,‘ and extra gift." Africa will be negotiated with the World Health
- quoted from The Spirit and the Organization to reflect the lower levels of
Flesh: Sexual Diversity in American Indian income on that continent.
Culture, by Walter Williams, 1987.
January GLSO 3

 Do You Talk
About AIDS On
The First Date?

Talk About AIDS
AIDS: Get The Facts
For More Information, call 1-800-654-AIDS
Kentucky AIDS Education Program
Cabinet for Human Resources

 — year (since its inception), it would be tough
» to see it die. All we can do, though, is trust
a that that isn't going to happen . . . that you
1d 3 par] won't let that happen. Thanks in large part
. re a S O r to Esmerelda, the lesbian community is broader
sme a . . .
a“ and stronger than It has been In a long time,
Q1! and we know that there is someone out there
i.‘ ‘ who would be just perfect for the job.
\aI'“ Perhaps several of you would like to work on
‘ it together. However you would like to do it,
— d°"'t be Shy"Esmere'da is waiting t° hear
from you!
It's 1989! Do you know what your New (If you would like to get involved in working
Year's resolutions are? It's funny how the on Esmerelda's Parlour, call Debbie or Teresa
new year and high expectations drive many of at 255-3851 or Steve or Craig at 266-8887.)
us to set ourselves up for the ultimate fall.
Even though it is (in reality) just another
date on the calendar, it is a date packed with PASSION GROUP
all the potency of fifty-two Mondays when it
comes to the potential for "failure" in our After a brief lull during the holidays,
eyes. How ambitious we are, giving ourselves the Passion Group is ready to take on the
a whole new set of challenges to start off the world of JoAnn Loulan once again. Our
new year: change this, fix that, do this, meeting in January will be a little later in the
don't do that. Unfortunately, more often than month than usual, due in part to the holidays.
not our hope and aspirations exceed our However, we will probably be moving it to
determination and/or ability, and by the end later in the month on a permanent basis in
of January, our New Year's resolutions are February, so that the meetings will stop
nothing more than a dim memory. What a sneaking by everyone. We have heard from
waste of a great opportunity for reflection and far too many of you that you don't hear about
self-assessment! Esmerelda's challenge to you the meetings until they are already over with.
is to be kind to yourself this New Year's. Well, we don't want anybody to miss out, so
Reflect a little. Give some thought to your we'll do our best to make sure that you know
accomplishments of the past year, and pat about it. We've had some great discussions so
yourself on the back. Think of some things far, so why not join us when you get a
that you'd like to accomplish or work on chance. With JoAnn as our guide, the sky's
during the next year. Be realistic! Then the limit as we tackle each new topic. This
pick two or three things to work on, and give month we'll be discussing what we want to
yourself the whole ear to work on them. discuss for the next six months or so, so
(What a concept!) Anyway, this is your you'll have an opportunity to express your
mission, should you choose to accept it. feelings as to which topics you'd like to see us
As this new year begins to unfold, we go after next. We'll be meeting on January 26
can't help but look ahead to March, when our at 7:30 pm. Call Esmerelda at 255-3851 for
term as co-editors of Esmerelda's Parlour will more information. Hope to see you there!
come to an end. When Laura left and we took
over as editors we had no idea what the year
ahead would be like. Alternately exhilarating NEW AROUND TOWN
and exhausting, it has definitely been a
learning experience for us both. We are Two new stores appeared on the scene
proud of what we have accomplished so far, recently, and they each have a lot to offer.
but we are also aware of missed opportunities Located in the same building at 506 East High
and our own limitations. It excites us to Street are "Blue Moon“ and "Customs". Each
think of the the new directions that store has a unique feel of its own, even
Esmerelda's Parlour might take under our though they are connected by an interior door
successors. Of course, we are somewhat (a distinct advantage during these cold
fearful (hopefully without cause) that no one weather days). "Blue Moon" is primarily a
will want to take over for us when we leave, bookstore, concentrating on self-help,
as we took over for Laura when she left. metaphysics and new age topics. It also has a
After nurturing Esmerelda's Parlour for over a healthy supply of crystals and other jewelry.
January GLSO 5

 "Customs" is a cozy import store with a limited THE NEW JUDY CHICAGO
selection of high quality items. Featured are by Carol
some beautiful clothing (the sweaters, in
particular, are impressive), along with What's so distressing
jewelry, purses, belts, and novelty items. Be about her current dressing?
sure to stop in when you get a chance - Her Birkenstocks.
they're a real treat!
I should have been there
when she bought them.
Jesus sandals
Admit it, you've made them, and a shoulder pouch
sometimes not kept them. We all have. The French braids she's grown
dreaded New Year's Resolutions. Amid all the '
talk and banter at the December potluck, I since the time I'd known her
managed to finagle sampling what kinds of
promises and resolutions are going around in heard from a friend she's bought
the womyn's community. From the mundane to the new Judy Chicago
the spectacular, the predictable to the print
shocking, the serious to the "come on. you've the Birth Process
got to be kidding," here they are folks, the
Lexington Womyn's Community New Year's for a wall
Resolutions for 1989 (or at least a few of and as I recall
them): she never heard
of Judy Chicago
"Lose Weight." --Angela
"Get another job." --JoAnne a year, or two, ago.
“Try to be a little more imperfect so my
girlfriend won't feel so bad." --Angela M. when we hung
(who "obviously" needs to work on her a New York skyline
self-esteem) Naked at Midnight
"Crawl out of the Hills more often." --Kate and dreamed
and Kim (from the Boonies of Jessamine in the blur
County) of our ceiling
"Find Marylin (my bird) a new home." fan
--Candy (our animal loving friend)
"Be more receptive to the feeling of others." a life among palms
--Jane and ferns
"To lose control." --Debbie staring out the attic
"To find a woman who is a Natural Blond." that starry, starry
--Dana (who's tired of buying Miss Clairol)
"To survive my first semester of graduate Night.
school." --Debbie (we know you will)
"To learn to look within and like what I'm
seeing a little more often." --Teresa
"To spend three weekends a month in The
Lexington." "Tina (rumored to be spending '
her time with a special someone of the female crazy Ladles
persuasion in Western Kentucky --good luck BOOkStOl'e
Tina, we all know how those long-distance
relationships are.) V)S|T US
"To have more confidence in m self." --Kathy -
"To let my leg and armpit haiyr grow." --Lori 'n our NEVJI
(an asplrlng P.C. Dyke) ‘BLHLD‘SJG _
' 0"
Well, there you have it ladies. 31:3???” mam.:;oh
Recognize anyone? We hope all of you are m
successful in meeting those desires in the m|HamiuonAygnu9
coming year. Let us know how they turn out. CINCINNATI. OH 45223
6 GLSO January


 — _
_ —
Dear Editor. Dear Aunt Mary.

I guess it was AIDS that caused me to My lover and l have been together for
examine my feelings on life and death so 10 years. A friend had sex change surgery
closely. I hadn't been promiscuous at all, but almost a year ago and my lover has become
I knew it only took one wrong move to be obsessed with the idea. I'm deeply in love
exposed to the virus. Being the logical with him - not a woman - but he doesn't think
person that I am, my brain drew the following it should change our relationship if he becomes
conclusions: I have had sexual contact with a woman. Can you help?
at least one person of "unknown background", Appalled
therefore my odds for having been exposed to
the HIV virus and eventually developing AIDS Dear Appalled,
are greater than those of the general UK has an excellent reputation for this
population; therefore the odds of me dying at kind of surgery. But that doesn't solve your
a young age were also greater. problem. You may be deeply in love, but I'm

Don't let me mislead you. This wasn't afraid it sounds like the two of you are
something that I came up with over my bacon, moving in different directions. Some men
egg and cheese biscuit one morning. It was genuinely believe they should have been born
more of a long-term thought process over the as women. Others look for a way to avoid
course of many months if not several years. being gay. Since this problem is a recent
But the final conclusion, that there is a very development, your lover may be exploring his
real possibility that I could die of AIDS within feelings about his gayness.

a few years [whether it was a probable He needs to understand several things.
conclusion or not) forced me to come to terms He can't change back to being a man again
with my mortality. should he want to, if he has the surgery.

I considered taking the test to find out He's got to live with the decision for the rest
if I had in fact been exposed to the virus. A of his life. There are no guarantees for
seemingly simple answer. But I hesitated for happiness or acceptance by society. If you
several reasons: I knew the test wasn't 100% truly love him, encourage him to explore
accurate; I knew that even if I tested positive what's involved. I'm sure the surgeons and
it wouldn't necessarily mean that I would ever counselors try to do what's best for each
actually develop AIDS. And one thing I didn't individual. If he becomes a she, I assume he
know was: How would knowing the results of already understands you won't be his husband
the test, whether positive or negative, affect anymore.
my life and the lives of those with whom l Good Luck, Aunt Mary
chose to share the results?

So it was many more months of being a
logical person before I came to my second, but From Unnatural Quotations by Leigh W.
vastly more profound conclusion: I was going Rutledge (Boston: Alyson Publications, 1988):
to die someday whether it was one year from
now from AIDS, 90 years from now from old "I've been trying today to bring back your
age, or next Monday from sudden impact with face - to remember just how you look Most
a runaway tobacco truck (fitting irony for a clearly I remember your eyes, with a kind of
non-smoker such as myself). Yet the fact teasing smile in them, and the feeling of that
remained that l was going to die someday, the soft spot just northeast of the corner of your
odds for that generally run around 100%. mouth against my lips."

Having made this earth-shattering - Quoted from a letter by Lorena Hickok
discovery it was a lot easier to stop worrying to Eleanor Roosevelt. Shortly after becoming
about dying, the part over which I have little First Lady, Eleanor had Lorena moved into the
control, and start concentrating on enjoying White House, where she secretly lived for four
life, the part over which I have lots of years. In a letter to Hickok, Eleanor wrote:
control. This isn't something that you learn "Hick darling. All day I've thought of you
to do by reading an article about it in some and another birthday I will be with you
newsletter, but I hope it's something someone Oh! I want to put my arms around you, I ache
might decide to strive for after having read an to hold you close. Your ring is a great
article about it in some newsletter. comfort. I look at it and think she does love

Vita Brevis me or I wouldn't be wearing it!"
January GLSO 9

Join today. Membership in Dignity can
be yours for $25 ($20 for students, $45 for
couples.) Join the Dignity team. Send your
check to Dignity today!
[0. Box I984 0 Lexington, KY 40593
Father Matthew Fox of Oakland, Calif.,
FROM DIGNITY'S PRESIDENT was silenced by his Dominican superiors for
his stands on homosexuality and on the role of
It's over. women in the Roman Catholic Church. The
Actually, that could apply to the holiday l47-year-old priest is now prohibited from
season, but I'm referring to the regional expounding on or teaching his views in public.
meeting. What a great weekend! I have
never been more proud to be a Dignity member
than I was that weekend (or when I think
about it.) The teamwork of the weekend was SAN FRANCISCO GAY CATHOLICS
unbelievable. Highlights for me would be: MOVING MASSES
when the room for dinner was transformed
from the liturgy in 20 minutes - a bare room Many San Francisco members of Dignity
became spectacular and everyone marveled at said they remain firm in their commitment to
the change - the great workshop done by Kris the Church, despite being told they can no
and Shirley, and the hugs and kind words of longer hold a weekly mass on church grounds.
everyone. "We have faith in the gospel and what
A big thanks to Gerry who did the Church means to us,“ Dignity member
incredible work all week long. Thanks to Kevin Calegari said November 20, the day
Debby, Joe, Ben, Brian, Craig, Steve, Don, after Archbishop John Quinn evicted the group
Kenneth, Laura, Janette, Jerilyn, Robbie, from St. Boniface Church in the city's
Jim, John, Steve, Bill, Mark, Ann, Jean and tenderloin district. Quinn told the group it
everyone else (gee, I hope I didn't forget could no longer hold its weekly mass in the
someone) for their work. The work they did church because Dignity endorses gay
and the love they gave will be long sexuality.
remembered. Members of the 350-member local chapter
Our regional director, Jack Hezek, said pledged to keep celebrating mass elsewhere.
he felt like part of a family. Another delegate Dignity leaders said they have received offers
said it was the best regional ever. Delegates of space from several Protestant churches.
from Flint, Grand Rapids and Cincinnati were The San Francisco Bay-area chapter of
doing the wave after dessert. Many said the Dignity was reportedly the last one in a major
energy was so good here and the weekend so U.S. city to sponsor masses on church
wonderful we should host the Convention in grounds, according to Church officials. The
1990. I don't know about that. All in all, I group had been holding services in various
consider it to be the highlight of the chapter's Catholic churches for the past 15 years.
existence, a weekend where we put our best
foot forward and were rewarded immensely.
Perhaps most importantly, Dignity/
Lexington showed what it is all about - loving DAYTON DIGNITY MAKES ITS STATEMENT
and caring for one another. I urge those of
you who are not involved to find out what I Dayton, Ohio's chapter of Dignity is still
mean. holding masses on Catholic church grounds. In
I hope to see you at Dignity soon. order to be allowed to continue meetings on
In peace, love, and thanks church property, the chapter officially
Keith endorsed the church's views on homosexuality.
10 CLSO January

Dignity's Region V meeting here in town was eventful and significant. The highlights
included the election of the interim treasurer, preparation for the national convention in San
Francisco next September, news that our Region had won the membership drive and one free
convention registration and housing space, and reports from each of the region's 16 chapters.
Perhaps the most significant event was a new commitment on many chapters to be more
inclusive of women. That, thanks to a workshop on the topic, may prove to be the best seed
planted during the weekend.
Here's a breakdown of the Dignity Region V chapters and noteworthy items from each.
Chapter Members and Friends Men Women Notes
Lexington, Kentucky 22 12 10 men and women working
Louisville, Kentucky 5 it 1 chapter reorganizing
Ann Arbor, Michigan 16 9 7 good women's participation
Detroit, Michigan 162 151 11 membership up 150%; chapter is
15 years old
Flint, Michigan 30 27 3 almost 114 years old, growing
Grand Rapids, Michigan 81 76 5 hosted regional convention
Greater Lansing, Michigan 115-25) chapter in formation; being
Lafayette, Michigan 28 211 is membership includes good age
Tri~Cities Area, Michigan 18 18 0 helped form AIDS support group
Cincinnati, Ohio 140 36 U. will host next House of
Delegates Meeting
Cleveland, Ohio 611 514 10 no president; chapter is now 15
‘ years old
. Dayton, Ohio 160 38 2 still meets on Catholic property
- Toledo, Ohio 79 78 1 almost 12 years old
' Fort Wayne, Indiana 16 15 1 just turned 1 year old
Muncie, Indiana 10 10 0 no meetings held this year
' Central Indiana 19 18 1 getting good press on local TV
and in the newspaper
Total Region V membership 650 591 59
I. :=====:=:2==222::=:2======================================:=======================================
5 Our January Forum, to be held on Monday the 9th, 8 pm at Comp Care, will focus on the
principles and emotions involved in taking stands, whether it be done personally or as a group.
This topic is particularly important now, as the past year and the coming year will have proven to
be a period of major, visible activities for Lexington's lesbian and gay organizations. GLSO's
Outreach Grant Project, begun in 1988, will continue through June of 1989: Dignity's Regional
House Meeting was just held in Lexington: the Rainbow Bowling League sponsored a regional
tournament in Lexington in November, and the Unitarian Universalist Church and Interweave's
1| Continental Convocation of UU's for Lesbian and Gay Concerns will take place this winter.
n This topic is also extremely important on a personal level, since simply coming out as a gay
0 man or lesbian requires taking a stand about oneself and one's lifestyle.
Y Come ready to talk about taking a stand. This meeting will also be a good opportunity to
. discover what's happening in Lexington's gay and lesbian community.
January GLSO 11

 ‘ CA

The Society for Lesbian and Gay The president of the Houston chapter of
Philosophy was founded to promote American Gay Atheists was arrested last month
philosophical inquiry into lesbian and gay for stealing a Bible from a public monument.
issues, reported the newsletter of the Donald R. Sanders surrendered to police two
Sociologist's Lesbian and Gay Caucus. A gay days after he was charged with the crime.
and lesbian caucus within the American Sanders allegedly broke open a glass display
Philosophical Association was also established. case in the Harris County civil courts building

and replaced the Bible with a gay erotic
VALENCIA, CA magazine. Sanders maintains the religious
display violated the principle of separation of

The student senate at College of the church and state.

Canyons gave approval for the establishment
of a campus gay group, the Gay and Lesbian A state task force on AIDS has agreed
Alliance. The senate's move makes the group to recommend condoms be made available for
an official campus organization and the first sale in state prisons. Recommendations were
gay organization in the Santa Clarita Valley, also passed to prohibit discrimination against .
north of Los Angeles. people with AIDS in the workplace, housing,
education. and public accommodations.

A city councilman filed a lawsuit against
two men who allegedly assaulted him outside a For the third year in a row, the
West Hollywood restaurant in April because he Cay/Lesbian Association at the University of