xt7pk06x0t7x https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7pk06x0t7x/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1977-04-14 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 14, 1977 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 14, 1977 1977 1977-04-14 2020 true xt7pk06x0t7x section xt7pk06x0t7x Vol. LXVIII. Number 144
Thursday. April 14. 1977

Kevin Snead fornns the crossbar of a




on independent student newspaper

I 'W

-$lsve Scholar

playground A as he swings in Woodland Park. Snead is a pro-optometry


Senate allows voting students

to voice opinion on referendum

Kernel Staff Writer

The Student Senate moved quickly
through business in its last meeting
of the year Tuesday night.

It voted to place a referendum on
the ballot during student senate
electims enabling students to voice
their opinions of a recent change in
withdrawal policies made by the
University Senate.

Elections are being held today.

The question on the ballot will be
“Do you favor this recent change in
the withdrawal policy of the
University ofKentucky?” Voters fill
in spaces to irndicate preference.

Several senators have also been
circulating petitions protesting the



new policy. The list currently totals
approximately 2,725 signatures,
according to Don Pratlner, senator-

Petition forms may be obtained at
the Student Government (86) office
or from any senator. They will be
circulated until May 1, said Mike
McLaughlin, SG president. They will
be presented at the University
Senate meeting May 2.

In other action the Senate voted
against a constitutional amendment
which would have made the vice
president chairperson of senate

“The Presidernt brings clout (to
the chairperson’s position),” said
Mike Hammons, law senator.
Without this additional respon-
sibility, he will not have that clout,

Hammors contended.

Jim Newberry, senator-at—large
and the sole candidate running for
president, disagreed saying that the
President inns responsibilities that
are his alone, which the amendment
doesn’t affect.

The Senate also ratified the
preamble to the Student Govem-
ment Association of Kentucky
(SGAK). This association is a
collection of student government
representatives from all univer-
sitites and colleges in Kentucky.

Any student‘oganization that

ratifies it would send delegates to

the meetings, according to
McLaughlin. It would promote more
interaction between the schools.

Continued on page 4


A disconcerting candidate
Ware seeks solutions
to poverty, alcoholism

Kernel Reporter

(Editor's note: This 3 the sixth in a

series on the mayoral candidates in

Rigor Ware is running for mayor,
and does not expect to win. Not only
that, but lne doesn’t seem to care.

Winning the election is not the
reason Ware, 36, is runnirng. He says
he only wants the people of
Lexington to be aware of things the
other five candidates do not talk

“While the other carndidates are
off speaking about sewers and
traffic lights, people in Lexington
are starving and being denied help,”
he said.

Ware is a master barber, and in
one month will be an accredited

To illustrate h's poirnt that people
are being denied help, Ware read
some figrres from the Lexington-

Fayette (bunty Planning Book.
“Tern per cent of the families in
Iexington are considered below the
poverty level (income less than
$4,500), and about 43 per cent of
unrelated people (old, yourg, and
people on their own with no family
support) are below the poverty

20 per cent receive aid

“Of those families under the
poverty level, only about 20 per cent
received public assistance
payments, arid about 8 per cent of
those unrelated people received

Ware has lived in downtown
lexingtan all his life, and says he
feelslneis more aware of the serious
problans than the other candidates.
The mod prominent problem, as
Ware sees it, is alcoholism.

According to Ware, there are
thousands of alcoholics in
Lexington, many of whom never
receive help. The one: who do are

Happy returns.....

Speaks to students at law school,
discusses his term as governor

Kernel Staff ther

Surrounded by friends, he walked
into the law school Courtroom
yesterday afternoon, Albert
“Happy” Clnandier. In an everyday
bluegray suit, he had a broad-
rimmed felt hat irn his hand and a
Peadn Bowl watch on his wrist.

Smiling “hello’s” and shaking
hands, the former Kentucky
govemrr and US. senator was
immediately at ease among law
students and professors as he
returned to his ahna mater of 53

Cinndler, at the request of the
Student Bar Association, spoke to a
lunch-hour crowd of about 75.
Sometimes sentimental, often
forceful and always funny, Chan-
dler’s good humor was contagious as
he tdd stories about his term as
governor and senator while voicing
strong opinions on abortion, the
Equal Rights Amendment (ERA)
and the death penalty.

Mosquito irn nudist camp

“There are so many things I could
talk about,” began the 79-year«old

ex-politician. “I feel like a mosquito
who just flew into the nudist camp, I
hardly know where to start."

Having characteristically done so,
Chandler went on to say he believed
that “frankness makes long friend-
ships” and modestly admitted to
being “perhaps the most successful
Kentucky politician in the last 100

“In the '30s, I was known as a
‘budget balancing governor,’ ” he
said with a wry look, “and that was
usually said irn derision. My ad-
ministration never spent more than
it took in (I know that’s not popular
today), we lived within our means
and paid our debts.

“Now that may sound old
fashioned, butwe need to get back to
it. Why, our present state deficit
could be as high as $2 to $3 billion.”

Abortion is ‘murder’

As for abortion, Chandler said, “I
think it’s murde. Now you can
agree or disagree, mine is only one
man’s opinion.”

He next turned his attention to
ERA and sail he had advised his
dauynter-in-Iaw against supporting
the proposed amendment. After
observing that women, by natrrre,




An organizing comittee for the American
Federation of Sta te, County and Municipal Employes,
consisting of a group of University employes, is
planning to picket the home of UK President Otis
Singletary tomorrow to protest an average 14 per cent
increase in room arnd board costs. The committee said
yesterday that salaries are slated to go up only five
per cent. A statement issued by the committee said in
part: “if Singletary feels Kentucky needs 14 per cent
more incrme to meet its expenses, how are we em-
ployrs to meet our expenses on a five per cent wage
increase.“ Charles Abner, the federation's in-
temational representative, said Singletary was
chosen “because he typifies that three per cent of the
university staff which earns over $30,000 a year and
reca'ves 12 per cent of the payroll while 34 per cent
earn poverty level wages."

Millions of gallons of raw sewage dumped in-
tentionally into the Ohio River in Louisville for two

weeks may soon “pose a grave threat" to downstream
water supplies in Kerntucky, Indiana and Illinois, Jack
Ravan, regional administrator of the Environmental
Protection Agency said yesterday. Meanwhile, the
Louisvile Board of Aldermen has proposed a 35,000
reward be offered for information leading to the arrest
and con victim of the person or persons responsible for
dumpirng the toxic chemicals.

(lov. Julian Carroll heard pleas in Pineville
yesterday for mops, buckets and shovels for eastern
Kentucky mountain residents tryirng to clean out flood-
ruined homes, and for temprnry housing for those
with no hanes left. "These people have a big back-
bone,” Carroll said as he splashed through the muddy

interior of the Home Drug Store in downtown


The only major American cities gaining population

are located irn the South and West, the Census Bureau

are now located irn the Southwest, due partly to a
migration from the older, declining cities of the
Northeast and Midwest, the bureau said.


South African officials reported yesterday fierce new
internal fighting in Angola, while Zambia charged
that air force jets from neighbwing Zaire had crossed
its borders and bombed two villages and a hospital.
Meanwhile, the US. govanment announced Tuesday
it is sending a second shknment of emergency aid to
Mobutu-a 3 million C130 plane and“ million in other
“norniethal” military equbment

Withering hots

Madly sunny and warm today buttlnereisssligll

University of Kentucky
Lexington, Kentuch y

male, as there are no treatment
centers in Lexington for wornern.
There are three centers for men.

Durirng the interview, Ware took
this reporter to SID (Situation,
ldentiticatiorn and Disposition), an
alcoholic “dry-out” clinic on East
Third Street. Opened in November,
1973, SID isa clinic where people can
sober up and receive counseling
about their problem.

Once they have become sober,
these men can enter treatment
centers arch as the James Haverly

Ware said this issue is so im-
portant to him because these people,
the wanen in particular, usually go
right bacir to the streets, or the
environment that led to their

“The mayrr,” Ware said, “must

'take an active role. He must assert

his influence to provide the needed
funds to help these people.”
Continued on page 5

have the “deciding vote” in matters
anyway, Cnandler jokingly told her
she would be “trading superiority
for equality.”

Even women in the audience were
amused at his comic remarks and
after laughter subsided, Chandler
addressed a more serious issue—the
death penalty.

“During my time as governor, I
signed 36 death warrants,” he said.
“Thirty four men, convicted of
murder, were electrocuted and two
mern were hanged on convictions of
rape. They (the courts) later
repealed those sentences and I don't
think they slnould have done that"

Continued on page 5



Kentucky Kernel editors for
the summer and the 1977-78
school year were chosen last
night by tlne paper’s Board od

Steve Ballinger, journalism
senior, will be editor next year.
Marie Mitchell, BGS senior, was
selected editor for the summer.

Ballinger, a native of
Lexington, has worked as a staff
writer arnd copy editor for the
last two years. He will work as
an editing intern this summer
with the Richmond News Leader
in Virginia.

Calling the Kernel's news
coverage “spotlight,” Ballinger
said, “I would like to see the
Kernel have more com-
prehensive and thorough
coverage of the campus.

“I feel there are enough
newsworthy events on campus
for the Ker-set to concentrate

Mitchell canne to UK last
summer and has been a staff
writer Ince then A native of
Mt Plums, lows, she said die
would like to see the paper
"cover lots d arts and en-
tertainment, and incorporate
campus and community


maria yesterday. Ir‘iveofthe nation's isrgestcities my




der'dnwers, ligln In the low 0’s.








editorials 8: comments

Editorials do not represent the opinions of the University‘

G“ allude

Rm Ill-tr
Waller lllxlou

Halal-g Idler
John Wlan Miller

wamwmumummmu.muclm I .‘l'be “let
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lie Int-er ail-e urba- Ptll new
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like like“. Stewart lum-
Am urn lam. urn. “vent-tn. I
Nu" M J. Kemp Alex Hz..."





Civil-rights office is

a national disgrace

Several years ago Daniel Patrick Moynihan
caused a national uproar when he was quoted as
saying that the Nixon Administration should
treat the civil rights movement with “benign
neglect.” While civil rights advocates were busy
blasting Moynihan, his philosophy quietly

became government policy.

Unfortunately, the new “benign neglect”

results more from incompetence

carefully designed policy. According to the
General Accounting Office (GAO), the federal

Office for Civil Rights (OCR) is

GAO stated in a report prepared for Sen. Birch
Bayh (D.-Ind.), that the civil-rights agency, a
section of the Department of Health, Education

and Welfare (HEW), is

unorganized and lacking in consistency. Since
OCR is responsible for enforcing equal op-

portunity laws in all institutions

receiving HEW funds (including UK), the report
is particularly distressing for civil rights ad-


Acca‘ding to the report, OCR lacks:
—detailed information about the civil-rights

cases it has handled;
—uniform policy guidelines;
—staff expertise, and;

—internal coordination among its different
divisions and between its national office and the

10 regional offices.

“The findings of GAO. . .are truly appalling,”
Bayh told HEW Secretary Joseph A. Califano
when he took office. Shortly after he was sworn
in, Califano told a new conference that one of his
top priorities would be reorganization of the

civil-rights agency.

OCR. established in 1967, has been repeatedly
criticized for inadequate enforcement of non-


descrimination laws. Last year, a coalition of 57
civilrights organizations said the agency’s
ineffectiveness had reached “a crisis situation.”

So far, Califano’s only action has been to name
F. Peter Libassi, the first director of the office,
special consultant directing the

reorganization—a reorganization that OCR

than from any

a mess.


and programs


recommended more than a year ago.

Libassi has a tough job ahead of him. In ad-
diton to reorganizing the agency, he has to
revamp and modernize its system of data
collection, which according to GAO is almost

According to the GAO report, the agency’s
data collection deficiencies makes it impossible
for the civil-rights agency to know:

—how many race, sex or other discrimination
complaints it has received;

——to what stages of investigation various
complaints have progressed;

—-how many cases have been closed, and;

—how much staff time is spent on an average

The agency’s problems have also been com-

plica ted by the lack of quality staff—particularly
employes with adequate investigative skills, the

report stated.

With such a large number of problems it’s hard
to believe that the agency is doing anybody much

good. It’s also difficult to understand how such

an important agency could get by with being
incompetent for so long. If Carter is really
serious about advancing human rights and about eXPl‘eSeS in a concentrated and
making government efficient, the reorganization
of OCR should receive top priority.

In its present state, “benign neglect” is too soft

a description for OCR’s performance—it borders
on criminal neglect.

Dick Downey. . .

The almost great issues that just missed

It’s distressingly dull! It‘s
frighteningly flaccid! It's the
general air of honesty and
cooperation at UK. And what it’s
doing is suffocating the flames of
potential campus controversy.

Good. you say? Wrong. It‘s
terrible! It’s boring! We need
something to complain about—and





fast-if we don't want to go
comatose from this streak of
collegiate harmony. But folks, it‘s
not easy time for dirt at UK.

In fact, hard-core campus scandal
has been harder to find lately than a
job for a BA graduate with a
political science major. The sorry
result of this dearth of dirt, at least
for students, has been a near-
banishment into the netherworld of
boredom. If it weren't for sex,
there‘d probably be nothing to think
about around here.

Sane students, We heard, even
use drU§ to combat this evil.

I‘ve tried on occasion to stir up
trouble, but to no avail. For
example, sane of you may recall
last August when I expressed the
hope that President Singletary
would build a swimming pool—with
University money—in his backyard
so I‘d have a juicy, clear-cut issue to

Instead he‘s gone and turned
down a fancy Wasington job with an
$85 million budget and all the
trimmings—to stay here at UK.

Piss me off.

His decision may look like an
unswervingly loyal, responsible and
devoted testimonial to UK, but my
intuition tells me he‘s just setting up
the Trustees so that they'll let him
build that swimming pool in a year
or two.

After all. Otis is no dummy He



Writer missed the point

Repeated Robeson myths


The Monday, April 11 article
“BSU honors Paul Robeson,"
though tolerable in some respects,
contains, in my opinion serious
distortions with respect to the life,
especially the later years, and
poiitirs of Paul Robeson.

The last two sentences in par-
ticular of the article in question

condensed form many of the
threadbare and discredited coldwar




slanders and untruths that serve to
obscure rather than clarify the true
meaning of the life and example of
the mu lti-talented human being
known as Paul Robeson.

The final section of the above
mentioned article reads as follows:
“Later in his career, Robeson grew
quite disillusioned with American

doesn’t pay any rent does he? How doctors. And Demerol will be a racial policies and eventually

many of you don’t pay any rent? I
rest my case on that point.

A few rumblings exist

Recently there’ve been a few also-
ran issues worth at least one or two
secmds of thought. I offer a few
short comments on these sparks of

When Jed Smock comes to
campus. students act like dummies.
Some of the people who hang around
when Jed does his thing often look
like bigger idiots than ol‘ Jed
himself. Example one: the bright
young sophomore fresh out of In-
troductory Logic class. Taking any
one of the most ignorant of Smock’s
claims to task, the junior Descartes
gloatingly asks the penetrating

question, “Where's it say that shit in .. t

the Bible?" Afterward, he trium-
phantly returns home and starts
reading (han‘ots of the Gods for the
fourth time. _

All the SG election candidacies are
boring except for one. Most of the
Student Senate candidates are
mouthing inane gobbledegook like,
“To provide pertinent input..." and
"My purpose is to serve the
students..." and “I feel I have the
insight and experience to...." All
except me. Johnson Toritsemotse‘s
posters say, “SG should be radical. "
That‘s inane too, but at least it’s not
boring. Hang in there Johnson.

Louisville's sewer system stinks.
but not because of what you'd ex-
pect. The problem of human waste is
one thing, but 50 million pounds of
sludge contaminated by highly toxic
chemicals is something else again.
Too bad the stuff didn‘t decide to
settle in Lexington and run in the
current 80 elections; nobody would
have thought anything about it then.
I can see it now: Sludge for
President. Probably'd win. too.

The Student Health Service won't
raise its fees next year. but they are
making a few changes to stay within
their bucket. For example, the
clinic medical staft is being lail off
and replaced with a team of witch

standard prescription drug next
year. Officials anticipate a record
turnout for the service in 1977-78.

Finals are coming up again.
That’s a bigger joke than anything
else I can think of right now.


Dick Downey. in his second year as a
Kernel columnist. is rapidly ap~
proaching graduation from Law
School. His column appears every



became an outspoken advocate of
Soviet communism. The last
decades of his life were spent in
virtual seclusion after he was
blacklisted for his political activities
in the 1950’s.”

Let’s examine this statement in
sane detail so as to determine the
historical veracity of the assertions
contained therein. To begin with,
Paul Robeson did not become
“disillusioned with American racial
policies” later in his life.

As is the case with most black
people, Paul Robeson became
disillusimedat the racist oppression
and mistreatment of his people in
the United States very early in his
life. Witness, for example, his
decision early in his career to live in
Europe because of the suffocating
racism that stifled his professional
and creative aspirations in this

It is a supreme insult to the in-
telligence of this outstanding
American to assert that he became
“disillusioned with American racial
policies“ only toward the end of his
remarkable career.

However, a firm believer in the
essential goodness of the human
spirit, Paul Robaon never became
disillusiaied with the people of the
United States. Until the end of his

inspiring life he possessed an un-
shakable confidence in and respect
for the common people and the
representatives of progressive

“But I do care—and deeply—"
Robeson wrote in his later years,
“about the America of the common
petple whom I have met across the
land . .. the working men and
women whose picket-lines I’ve
joined, auto workers, seamen, cooks
and stewards, furriers, miners, steel
workers; and the foreign-born, the
various nationality groups, the
Jewish peque with whom I am
especially close; and the middle-
class progressives, the people of the
arts and sciences, the students—all
of that America of which I‘sang in
the "Ballad ‘forIAmerlca'ri'sfth'e Et-
ceteras and the And-so-forths, that
do the work! ”

Secondly, Paul Robeson was never
“an outspoken advocate of Soviet
communism." He made no bones, of
course, abort his friendship with the
Soviet Union and his respect for the
Soviet peoples. Furthermore, he
made no attempts to .hide his
socialist convictions. But Paul
Robeson understood that socialism
was not the exclusive property of
any one country or people, but was a
social system that represents for all
people an important advance in the
progressive thrust of struggling

Again I quote Paul Robeson: “My
views concerning the Soviet Union
and my warm feelings of friendship
for the peoples of that land, and the
friendly sentiments which they have
often expresed toward me, have
been pictured as something quite
sinister by Washington officials and
other spokesmen for the dominant
white group in our country.

“It tas been alleged thatI am part
of some kind of ‘intematioanal
conspiracy.’ The truth is: I am not
and never have been involved in any
international conspiracy or any
other kind, and do not know anyone
who is."

Cmtinuing, he writes: “On many
occasions I have publicly expressed
by belief in the principles of
scientific socialism, my deep con-
victim that for all mankind a
socialist sodety represents an ad-
vance to a higher stage of life—that



Notice something peculiar about
Ford's speech Monday night?
Nobody asked any questions about
what he was speaking on, a strange
and notable omission, given that he
was suppcsedly a guest lecturer. .

Not everything he said was
completely clear or even coherent (I
particularly rejected his veiled
imputation that impracticality
implies unconstitutionality in
statute law), but no one bothered to
demarll clarification.

This is the pmblem with famous
guest lecturers. One expcus their
insights and experience to provide



it is a form of socrety which is
economically, socially, culturally,
and ethically superior to a system
based upon production for private

“History shows that the processes
of social change have nothing in
common with silly notions about
‘plots’ and ‘conspiracies'. The
development of human society . . . is
brought about by the needs and
aspirations of mankind for a better

Finally, Robson concludes by
saying: “I do not intend to argue
here for my political viewpoint, and
indeed, the large question as to
which society is better for humanity
is never settled by argument. The
proof of the pudding is in the eating.

“Let the various secial- systems
compete "with each other under
conditions of peaceful coexistence,
and the perple can decide for
themselves. I do not insist that
anyone else agree with my
judgment, and so I feel that no one is
justified in insisting that I must
conform to his beliefs. Isn’t that

Now for the remaining sentence of
the article under consideration. It
reads: “The last decades of his life
were spent in virtual seclusion after
he was blacklisted for his political
activities in the 1950’s.” The second
half of this sentence is indisputably
true. In fact, if anything, it is an

For the principled political stands
he took agairst war and racism and
for justice for black people in the
United States and independence for
the colonial peoples of Africa, Paul
Robeson wassingled out as a special
target of attack during this shameful
period in our country popularly
known as “McCarthyism."

A vicious and systematic cam-
paign was waged to silence him, to
deny him his basic right to earn a
living, to intimidate and break him.
The doors to stage, screen, concert
halls and broadcasting studios were
closed to him. Dneied the chance of
practicing his chosen profession at
home, Robeson was effectively
blocked from continuing his career
abroad. ,

In 1950 lis passport was revoked
by the State Department and it was

(‘ontinued on page 3



the fuel for exciting new per-
spectives, irstead, as in the case of
Jerry, the whole affair seems more
like a campaign whistle stop.

I can only hope that next time,
next lecturer. there will be less
demagrgy and self-justification on
the part of the lecturer. less star-
strudr adoration on the part of the
cheering audence and a little more
atttention paid to the substance, and
not merdy to the fireworks, of the

speech- John Fields
Philosophy junior


The Kernel recognizes an
obligation to provide a forum for


opposing viewpoints. We accept
submissions in the form of letters to
the editor and comments.

Letters, restricted to ap-
proximately 200 words, can concern
virtually any subject. Comments are
restricted to 750 words or less. We
reserve the right to edit both letters
and comments.

Any subnl'ssions to the Kernel
must include the writer’s name,
address, academic major and
classificatim (or occupation for non-
students). When several sub-
missions concerning one subject are
received a representative sample
may be rid.

We mom the right to limit
frequem cmtrlbuton.
















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It’s a quiet revolution

New evolution theory gaining

By PAUL L.CORNELIUS column, according to the order. The allegedly older
theory, should show primitive strata, instead of lying on the
fossilized life forms in the bottom of allegedly younger
lowest rock strata and we strata, actually lie on top 0f
cessively more advanced them. 4 _
fossilized life forms as one Ah example 15 the LEWIS
ascends the levels of strata. Overthrust in Canada and

However, scientists, like Montana, extending over
Dr. Duane T. Gish and Dr. 7.000 square miles. which has
Henry Morris,ofthe Institute Precambrian rock strata
for Creation Research in San lying 0“ top 0‘ Cretaceous
Diego, point out there are strata supposedly about 500
insurmountable problems million years younger. .
with such an interpretation. This huge rock formation.

Among these problems is weighing trillions of tons,
the systematic absence of would have hadto have been
.transitional life forms. moved at least 35 miles. Yet
Darwin himself admitted noforcesor processes known
that, “As by this theory in- to science could have
numerable transtitional displaced the” ”dis intact
forrnsmusthaveexisted, why SUCh a distance. Fur-
do we not find them em- thermore, there is no
bedded in countless numbers distortion where the strata
in the crlstof the earth? are in contact With each

“The number of in other, clearly showing that
termediate links, between all the top rock did not slide into
living and extinct species, place.
must have been in-
conceivable great.” This was
not a major embarrassment
to Darwin because of his
strong faith that such fossils
would surely be found.

But Gish emphasizes that
today, decades aftr Darwin
during which millions of
fossils have been studied, the
gaps still remain. Even Dr.
George Gaylord Simpson,
leading evolutionary
paleontologist, says, “Gaps
among known orders, classes
and phyla are systematic and
are almost always large.”

A second problem for
evolutionary geology and
paleontology is that of so-
called thrust-faults where
rock strata exist in the wrong

Robeson .
A life dedicated to fighting racism

Continued from page 2 Thetruth isth's: In 1964, at "the right goes on. The
decreed that he could not the age of 66, a serious and fight wil go on until we win

screnutlc theory as neither is
verifiable in repeatable,
controlled experiments.

Both are “models" which
provide an intellectual
framework within which
facts and data may be in-
terpreted and correlated. A

Today in a little publicized
quiet revdution thousands of
highly qualified scientists are
challenging the theory of

Among these scientists in
fields ranging from .
mathematics and physics to bemadeby studying hOW well
they “fit” or explain the
available data.

The creationist scientists
believe the fossil record and
other evidence strongly
support the creation model.

Unfortunately, any
challenge to a cherished
theory often provokes an
emotional response. On this
issue, this is especially true,
perhaps because the creation
model may carry with it some
far-reaching personal im-

A lecture-discussion of
evidence concerning the
creation-evolution con-
troversy will be presented
Monday, April 18 at8 pm. in
Room 107 d the Thomas Hunt
Morgan Biological Sciences
Building. Speaker will be Mr.
John Baumgaridner (M.S.,
Princeton; formerly a
research scientist with the
Air Force, now with Campus
Crusade for Christ).

1 encourage both students
and faculty to attend, to
supptrt a- to challenge, or to
just listen to some facts and
ideas they probably have not
encountered in either text-
book or clasroom.




biochemistry are men with
degrees from universities like
Harvard, Princeton,
Berkeley, UCLA, Johns
Hopkins and Oxford. They
are calling the evolutionary
theory into question from
virtually every field of
scientific investigation. '

These scientists are
publishing numerous
scientific papers which have
been largely ignored by most
evolutionists. (For example,
the Creation Research
Society Quarterly is not
available in any of the UK

These writers claim that
the idea of spartaneous origin
of life is mathematically
impossible and violates basic
laws of thermodynamics.
Furthermrre, they question
the validity of the present
estimate of 4.6 billion years
for the age of the earth,
claiming that there is
evidence that the earth is
much younger.

The evdution'sts’ belief in
evolution heavily relies on
their interpretation of the
geological column of rock
strata and its fossils. This

The creationist explanation
is that the evolutionary
theory is not true and the half-
billion year discrepancy in
the fossil record is a half-
billion years that never
existed. It is further asserted
that the dating of the
geological column is based on
circular reasoning, and that
the geological column was, in
fact, laid down rapidly, not

The alternative