xt7pk06x0v7g https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7pk06x0v7g/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1986-09-08 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 08, 1986 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 08, 1986 1986 1986-09-08 2020 true xt7pk06x0v7g section xt7pk06x0v7g , ’ . - t .
I F Vol. XCI, No. 9 Established 1894 University of Kentucky, Lextngton, Kentucky Independent since IWI Monday. September 5. I986 _ ,,
“t (..(.. [AHELLH The gunmen set/ed the platie at have said 17 Americans were Karachi last night after represent After seixing the plane. the hiJack Plylt‘l)‘ sullhlllt‘d “”h m“ “0} Wk" " . " , 5. f ,V’
_ howl-mud Press the airport with nearly 400 people wounded ing Pakistan ainthe summit of the ers had demanded to be flown to (’y WU“ WNW”) l'm'fi‘ handled m“ ”l ' . ' ,' .'. ,_
l aboard. early Fl'l‘lit.‘ Th“ hllw'kmk‘. Zia bdld the hiJackers I‘-Wul(l not non-aligned movement in Harare prUs where they wanted to tree ('Hit‘m ' " ; ' '
.= l\:\l{:\('lll.I Pakistan -7 President ended 11 hours later when the lights beIextraditIed to thel nited btates zimtmhm- Jailed Palestinian terrorists The , I m H.” proud U, ”1me * Z“ V. . 'I 1
. Mohammad Aia uerag said yester- went 0t“ dlx'ifl'd 1h" plane and ”1C “10 [-5. JUSUCC Department 0“ Pakistani courts impose death by four are now being held at an army gum ”f the “Tum“ fur-Hm ~11 mum , . . j . '1
day that four young Palestinians hltat'kt‘l‘h “l‘t’tl "'1 [HS-WIMP“ l’dkl naturday ISNUM arrest “I‘itIrrafIlIlS for hanging for murder The sentence is camp near Karachi hate been n“- “aw Many mm}. .I ,. I 'I U" . ' -I
_ who hiJacked a Pan Am Jumbo Jet stain commandos were in control three of the hiJackers l b officials routinelyimposed Zia said he strongly supported the In es could hll\t‘l)(‘(‘llll).\’ ‘ ' 4. ‘I . {. ‘ '
will be hanged if convicted of hijack half an hour alter the shooting said the warrants were issued as a The president card 1m. gunmen are [nilestiman cause. but did not see I ' i f
_ ing and murder began precaution. but emphasized that l’a- Palestinians. ranging in age tt'oii: to the need for actions such as hiJack ”Ask"! about r“l>‘””'~> that ': ""v'k . "1"-
"'l‘hey will receive the punishment M-‘ilim wastiandling the WW to 2.3 He said they do not appear to ings lI‘lkhIt‘HI'l flimgpdnllm up IIHI“)IIm;‘n" ‘ H’ " '
, that such ti crime deserves." Zia “1an people including three “We have a very effective law the lN‘t'lmm‘Clt'flIttan)‘ government "Such incidents do leave a bad [IIIL'LU “its” Tkljlfmflhlltl". n ~. ,’ I. .~ i '
' told a "news conterence at Karachi .-‘iiiicricuiis. were killed Hospitals punishment for which is the death "They re youngsters. but \el‘} vol MSW. hesaid t““"' 't-.U-- in... .4... Mimi. .... ". l.,“
airport reported 127 inJured l' .s' officials, sentence." said Zia. w ho returned to atilc. Zia said The president said he was coin \CL‘ HRRORlsIs intact v, 'I I .- .' r -' '. I
. ,,"t"-i
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» Alle ed dru dealer r:
I ' i-Ily
- “‘“ arr d b 7a ntS‘
3 , ”A” “I: .4... *v, ’ "-. 1' ' l I. :- -l . : IS '
» ex radl ion pending
..~ _. . _ . . . n c J, I_ II II, II ItI.
. . O . A , Indiana man picked up in California 2 t
, . . . . -~ . . . followmg two—year DEA investigation ; «fIIixi-
‘ "“xI ,/'\I ‘ .'- E, 7» l ‘1 .‘ s‘;
II t I . l.t)l'[.\'\'II.LE APl - A man de— irlrleigrouni‘. (‘Itl'.}lttl'37it‘li'> tu-li ed .‘ I‘ ' - - '
9‘! v ' - Eff in? " scribed as the head (it the largest ti time been ilst‘tl to store drug ‘ I '~ . ’ ‘.I, '
‘ _I ‘ . ms“ was v . m . 3;. drug operation in Kentucky has been llnvllt". " j.
‘ _. -39.. ‘\ ‘t ' ‘ . . ’ -~- »- . -» ~» "" ”W" arrestediiit'alilornia.officials said - 3
II .. - is: itiaiivri Eyuns tits inimu f *
at ngxfiswsm- I“ James 1. Evans of New Albany. .H .ng Nth :to ”mpg pr WHIP . I . ; . I»
if . . ‘ hid . is in custody in San Diego after to :mpor' Alt-g“: drugs with 3:, 3 I ' 'I' ,. . . 5"
”51'2"" _ his arrest by Drug Enforcement Ad toys”; to distribute ttoo pom. 2.. .i; V“ 8 I~ ' ‘ .‘i ~'
I I“ . .. _ ..... ._........~ . ministration agents ntdr'ltuhngt in team and silo p1tl“,js m I' .- , § :
.. . 11487 :‘-
. .. Assistant I b Attorney Alexander ) I I w -‘ :
‘ liatt of Louisville said he believed “III!” II\ scheduled to a“ or: If“): r. : I .‘ . 1 i?
Imam “WSW. laians was arrested on hentuck) ,m lht (“Him-IN”. .Im‘. month ,‘ :’ . - .’
-.....- ..~-,..._w— .w . i § 2:... . I " ' ' ‘I ' . charges and says an agent will tray . ‘I = p.“- i. ,' '~
- H l GOOd Signs "1 I“ t'alitornia 1" bring Emns h‘Wl‘ He was indtcted last month zor '~ . I
l ‘ ‘ tostandtiial conspiring to import and 'lldl‘l'vlll!’ " t ‘I ‘I
, , § " ,8 W . Deon H0“ 1'09 Pl‘CYO races I UK‘dlllt‘dlltllIltil‘lIlUullLl 'l'attsari ‘ . ‘5. ,
- ' i ’ (h “‘3’" his Porsche 944 III competir hymns has been indicted thrw '_ Q ~ .. ' "
:V ' , ‘ t r, . . . s‘ ' . a l I ~' ‘ V.
. I . ' . . ’I 3 ‘ tion at the Sports Car Club 0‘ “mt“ on \drlolh d’IUR ”hills” llt' l)l".;\ .igt-nts sad tn.i' :m.»rt- ~ . 3 I- - .
, .“ , I " ,; Americas Central Kentucky tled his home in November. whet: “a“. “mg mp} hm: m”. .c't. v II )- ' . .I . .
. I . . . I < t‘ ' I.- if? regional competition at Corn thelirslindictmentwas returned and thIIIIiII-IVI. m ”9mm, ,h'. IIIW . . I, .I ,, II
' ' ,t ‘sIItII lth , , tester- ,. . against the They asked tiirri to ”it: 'i '. ». « _~ -,
I . ‘ 'e . “til monfiio | bShOdl‘JT l” Ihc indictment charged l‘.\itll> humppy Ii ‘ I
4 . N r _ :«t - day, 9 C U as C"mpeI' 'On with conspiring to transport :.ooo ' , f 7g f
V j q “ § .3 .‘o‘ 5' race courses set up Sltx YC: pHUlItls ”f ”MHJUI’ina from MCAllt‘l‘t. l‘liit‘t‘i irituil dL’a‘itb' l‘i'utl‘is t..:"'.es ' Z‘: .' ’,
' ' I .558 ' Olgl’“ times 0 year ‘Lel" Texas. to Elizabethtown and Shelby , comm”. ,ii ‘ip to 1', years to ,ctc '- I r_ z ' . 2 ' II
I . ~ , ’ .2 . ' " ‘ Dave Brown 9 hangs around t'ounty. Ky. in 198-1 The marijuana oi. and ii t.i,c or up w. 5147 ooir 1.1:; :‘I lI I’ .
, ‘ - .I a; 2‘ ” the start at the race course, was part of a shipment of almost “it: i . - .
g 1 1* ‘ Brown assisted drivers With 22.000 pounds smuggled from t'olom- .- A . ' '_ .
I l i ‘ , their helmets and helped bia to Texas. according to the criiiiy .l::7.tn'. Plans s on o: ’Et 2 w " I I ., I. r ,’
. gs ' ' ._ . 1' serve them beverages nalcomplaint, tit-.ilers tor tli.s pm! lit the Hm: ‘: . ' " ,-I '. '
. W ‘i A. . 4;,iifivgssucfi“. 'liili' wt 41 ‘is silt") ht» " '4 -‘_. ,' ,. ' . .
_ it”? i ‘ . - ' sT‘fi’iéi‘fit‘ Mans home was searched in \.,, numbers or with: ‘i‘ be- .. an i. . .. .L"
\eniber and authorities found two nighcrttiano’nerpeoples ’..I _
. . \ //I \\ xI'I . .I _I ft
* Space club , fl Health pre-professmnal honorary , s. ., ..
IA \ /’ i ' " ' ' '
k . . _‘ a .' . . ,«7 ,.
formed at 3% t 1 / offers career inslghts member says = =-
. * w’ . sItv;II~~I:
' a? / ’ " * i ' ‘
‘ III 'i I. III'II'.I.
‘ . . 3 “\‘x ,4 1h N\ll..\.l.\ .\|\|.P3.\|P\Tl dental and physical therapy stu- in intramural football and .tt‘V- " .. I-
’ I ' ' nlverSl y I \\"d / beniorStaft Writer dents ball. lluinphries said "51 I' n: ‘I {Ia-[‘3
QR " \ fl t/(ict. 2 i Salvatore Turco of the "The officers haw planned 5 .mod f. “I! ’7 '- ‘
' ‘ ’\ gri * ll .‘ttU‘l‘t‘ U W“ ht'i'l‘h l"‘0f9>510“31 biochemistry department will speak year, but they cant do it all ~ ad I I' ‘ I' 'I ‘ ‘ .I‘
' \/ ‘\ ~- .tudent .ii'l interested in Iettin . ' ies Ste hen Smith. the or animal ul‘, . . '5» l,'-..v -.
Members to study .\ . I II II .5 I g onadmissiIOnpollCI . I p. .. __ 8, , ..
~I ’t‘.. more insight into your cartel. con- “Oct. to ~ Edward J. hasarskis. ad\isei \\e \e got to have . 4..» . I. . It, I I..-
' ‘ l E: Slflt‘rl‘NWIE 31le Elb'llWIDt-‘l‘it clinical research. will discuss mul- ber participation ‘ I f' fI‘;..II
Stars, satellltes —5—— ‘ _’;L.‘,,.~, AED 15 it” httntlmr.‘ (”1‘ pre-health tiple sclerOSis. Barbara Mabry. the pre-profes ‘I. ' ‘I
. \ l3 91‘ P“)f(‘>5'0llitl “NW“ The organiza- l10ct, 30 v Preston Nunnelley. sional adviser, also emphasized the , -. i’ '.
By K \RI-l.\ PHILLIPS ~;, )4 - tior- helps students become tamiliar (ifs—(AN. Will give information on importance of members lietdrrimg . .. ‘I. III ’
contributing Writer Le” ’ """O'm‘ With the health careers through the malpractice insurancecrisis involied “The more you pi.t into I ’ij
’ *Pt‘dki’r-‘imd “WOW8911““0‘ .zNov 13 - Gordon Hyde. surgery the organization the more Ixi-t‘ will "i ' , 3‘“ '. .. i
Space isn‘t the final frontier for a program like SIGNS. the more in for the shuttle is a very \aluable ttne ot' :\l-II)'s concerns this year department. will analyze the medir receivet‘romit." I I, . >‘I‘ -'_~ .
some I l\ students. its Just the be- centiveI it “ill give them to learn thought and very suited to the will be to "bridge the gap between calaspects of alcoholism Mabn said she was looking lor- », tI. "-. . II;
ginning about what s happening in the space group. Torbett said. and there is undergraduate students and the Med I dd't' t th . thl . ward {6 meeting 1]] mp AFI) “tom- ‘: i. ‘.'- ' I. ' ' v
5 Students for the Exploration and industry."Fieemansaid room for these student protects and t'enter." said Roger Humphries. "I 3 ”Th 0 ke femfirflgn ll hers “-\dvisin (r9. rtit‘ess‘itinllls its j'I .‘ - x- -. t“ i
. . 3 Development of Space was started Mike Torbett. assistant professor it is encouraged by NASA " president of the organization. at an "lg? Ibigs. VI”! , :peamers. I‘ ‘1 V” 1’. on. of ‘thegth’in E I d... ”I“. , I; :- .' M
' over the summer by two computer of astronomy. is the organization‘s Ed Muccio. president of the Ken~ organizaltonalmt‘t‘tlng Thursday d 501 iImove m. Ema-a C0,") 0.?" l? to [my heagrt ”inf-l“ bet - f I
_ science Juniors who want to educate adviser tucky National Assoctation of Rocky 'wp want AEI) to become more muInidy serViCIehprCoJec S ‘5 Iyeard. :tIrs WA}— h )ne of you -~ ‘ h H " l '5 .‘ is K
,' PWPIP about developments in the "The whole topic of space obser- etry and a ['K assistant professor of at‘tlYt‘ with tht. medical school 50 Inc u ing Heat Iareers Day an 0 “0“ ”C ( ~ ‘I‘ . .."
“WC“ program WW)“ “Elm ”U“ 1> WU germane." engineering. Will h“ ”10 organlza students can find out what it's like anorgandonordriye An) interested student is enteur- —‘ -, ' '9’.
beth Robson and II‘EI‘IC Freeman. he said. ”and this organization is not tion'sfirstsrx‘aker u, g” [hr(,ughI” lluniphries said The organization m“ provide aged [0 take advantage m the my .I. I . f II -,
co founders of the [Ix chapter. are designed with Ju>l those going into (lub members hope Muccio will twp-p try to get m touch mm the members free tutoring services m ities' .\l-ZI) offers. Humphries and, . -. '
I \ll‘lHng to make this more than Just the spacefieldinnnnd teach them something about model dental school and physical therapy courses such as general chemistry ' ' .; I. ‘.' .
ii social group. One of the club s goals is to place rockets so they can build their own school.also 'ind biologv To become a permanent nHmIimrI . I . ~ I
‘ttur direct goal is to educate." a st‘ientitic payload on the space and enter local competitions. Rob- Tl f ll t ~i -l d ' students should attend at had half 5‘ . ' I y
‘ . Robson said. “especially about the shuttle when launches resume. Rob son said. The lecture is still in the l ,R h f'f‘mgIl“ “. “M‘I'I‘I‘IIM R ‘ A faculty'staff picnic is scheduled of the meetings this semester .ind f fl
current ideasmspacetechnology " son said planning stages and no definite date it ‘ tort '5 “m“mr " ‘9‘“ U“ for the end of this month. and ARI) maintain both an overall and sci- ' . -' ,‘ 5‘ '
l ‘ ”Th? more 9909'? get involved in “This goal of a scientific payload \t-t-sPAH. Pitt-N /Sept in Panel of medical. members are planning to partiCipate ence grade point average of El o . f I " — »
. . :r ‘23:“ . x I -. . r. IIl
42?“ch V”; 3.: I“ I ' , 4
,3” -.I§>» \ "."t’—"‘lr-j'tg«““’ff‘.'”’" I .' r I. .
UK couch Jerry Claiborne is ' I i V
> UK’s farmers of the future must weather changes in more than just courses 9m "“s ” ‘ -.
weekends opener. See I
. 3%,? .5. l
' Iti sll \lto\ It.\T('IlH)ItlI lations for lllt‘ college of Agi H iil dreii growing up on farms and enter- tug credit. finance and other .igricut the national “farm problem" arose. cg -
Matt “i‘ltt‘t‘ ture mg agriculture school tural fields. while another 10 percent he said . ‘ - '
l . V
Between 23 perccnt and to percent A report. prepared and distributed of the graduates career choices are Before that. he was more inter- ‘no" 00‘“ o. Lexington ’ ‘ ‘ .
“hen (llenn Slack (‘nlf‘rf‘d [K's of I'K agriculture students come by the ('5 Department of Agricul unkiiimnhesaid ested in agricultural economics. °m°"°"°' Pr.“"'°"°" °f
(‘ollcili‘ “l ARI‘K‘UHUW “V" years from farm backgrounds, .lackman ture this year. said there will be a “bile the average family farm Slack's father's farm raises beef "A Lesson From Aloos” I
All“ ”WW “"5 a £00” ”‘1th h*‘ said surplus of qualifiuf college grad has between too and 300 acres of cattle and purebred hogs His family proved ,0 be a good losson.
W’Ul‘l lN‘ returning home ‘0 his par- The other 70 percent to 7.3 percent llalt‘sHIttgt‘lt‘ullurtllrl‘(‘llilt‘(lflt‘ldb land. Slack said his family's farm is also grows soybeans. wheat. tohac For a review DIVER '. ‘
HHS farm In GUlhl‘lf‘. K". after come from urban backgrounds. .il It is also predicted that by 1990. largerthaninost co. corn and hay.hesaid '
Rl'ilfllldllml though most haw experienced farin three fourths of the employment But no“ that Slacks brothers and "i[)iverSification of CFOpSl is how sons, '09. 8-
1h ms iiinior vcar. however, the work. .lackman said openings for college graduates in ag~ sisters are starting their own fami~ we stayed in business " And diverSi- , 33:1.“- M II 4 i
“MI;mmftwwfl‘ Those students ‘.'. ho come to the riciilturtilly related fields will he lies. the farm is not big enough to fication of crops is the big lesson “rmr ’3}
._ school with no farm background filled by engineers. scientists. sales support everyonefilack said being taught to farmers right now. . . .' X “I . I *
I We”) much faced the fact that often enter such fields as \eterinary representatives and marketing spe- ()ne of Slack's brothers graduated Slack said. If prices for one crop sowiwwfi’s
l “““l‘lnl return ‘9. the farm medimnc entomology. genetic engi- cialists from t'K s (‘ollege of Agriculture in fall. the others can act as a safety
”’r'l‘ghl ”l" "f “0“”19‘ ”a'd Slack. neering and landscape architu'ture. (if the {to percent of (K graduates 1973 He is now a banker in (luthric net .
‘l ‘33 yearold agriculture commur hesaid who are not returning to farms. so and ii part-time farmer on his fa- “Agriculture is gomg through such Today will b. sunny with o
. ”"31"“‘5 maJor “h“ willgraduatein Ten years ago a "consulerable percent are entering agriculturere thersfarm a restructuring process right now hlgh J" m. m 70. 7G -
December amount more" of the students came lated businesses. such as the mar “(I tried f'irmin l llt h t it's gains to be more of a big. "lab? I l." b.
Slack Lg one example of how the from farms..Iackinan said keting and merchandismg of farm “I ust couldn‘t :n’k‘ll‘ I‘lllo‘gl ”k big business."Slack said ”mam" w
agricultural picture is changing .Iackman attributed the change to products said J ‘ d ' ' ‘ ac He doesn't think the huge farms mostly '3" WM' m MW
Only about m percent of ('K'S agri the declining national farm econ Another 30 percent are becoming “ will take over completely. however, in ”to up" & cad N“
. mun“. graduates E" m work on omy. which has decreased the num agricultural scientists. engineers Slack cam m, m“ probably enter “I don‘t think America can allow tomorrow “hwy“.
i {arms or m farm management. said her of farmers and farm related speCialists DUN!“ relations m agriculture He it “
Jay .lackman. director of student re As a result. there are fewer (‘hll' Still another 20 percent are enter became Improved ,n that field what] s“ FARMERS. pas: ~

 . _ g ’ ‘ ,. .
_ " 2 - KENTUCKYKERNEL My, W8, 19“
. ‘ ‘l; '1‘ I i.
. ...\ I, J Information on this calendar of events is collected and coordinated through
, I551? ‘ the Student Center Activities Office, 203/204 Student Center, University of Ken-
-. -. t: : tucky. The information is published as supplied by the on-campus sponsor. with .
:,_\ ._ editorial privilege allowed for the sake of clarity of expression. For student orga-
:5,\:_,._.,: i: ; nizations or University departments to make entries on the calendar. a Campus
\ : ‘5 . ‘, 7.. Calendar form must be filled out and returned to the Student Activities Office.
, g , .1, . . . .
. ; - .3; Deadline: Forms Will be accepted no later than the Monday preceeding the
-."§""~"‘. : publication date.
,’: 4"
L ‘5. 3 . i ,
“ ~. '3 ‘fvfi
We 3-._ _-i:f:k. ,
- _.‘ '1 3‘ m; '
13":- .IF-t‘t..;§«‘:‘_ / , 9’13: Movies: Body Heat; $1.95: Worsham Theatre; 7:40
st ‘\§‘::‘=:‘;: p.m.: (0117-8867
-~.‘.~"“;~;'_-‘t\l._.£~i: r O'Ne' A r 5" -~' Sate» Rm 245 SC '3 a '1‘ S p m 0 Workshops Learning Skills Program Time Manage- 9‘35 Movies: 3°“ '° "‘9 FU'U'O? 51-952 WOTSth Theatre;
‘1'“ \ J ‘rtno' ment SIO-UK Student/S25 Non UK 201 Frazee Hall 11‘ 9 10, Movies Body Heat: 31.95: Worsham Theatre; 7.40 lO:00p.m.;Ca||7-8867
:r (:‘11 ' Accident (s I"'99r3' ve Snares Sem "a: an Susanna H 50° m. CO” 7’870‘ pm.. C9“ 7‘88(’7 I
. , ;‘ ~,-: ‘ ‘7‘. he, ,5: gene,“ pn, an, 7 300 m (an 3 550:) ' Academics: Isolation 8 Characterization at a Hiberno- 9, ~ i . k t t ' '
’_| ‘ ,~ ~ ‘ g ‘ 10. Moves Bac a he Future $1.95, Worsham Theatre, .
w". 333.}. 0 _ “He's toccfiw Rec '0' Margare' Kennedy SuprO'tO "0" FOC'O’? Free: ‘63 Med'COl Center 4:00pm. 10 00pm. Call 7-3867 ‘
r"'-.-‘v.~.".§" 3.13“ c ._ g 5.0:. pic,“ p.99 CFAR9\JQ Hu‘ 8 00:: m 0 Intramurals' Golf entry deadline Seaton Center Call 9 11 Movies Body Heat 51 95 Worsham Theatre 7 40
Mon.» . .. .. t. . - , 772898 ‘ ’ ‘ '
,1, «t. .' ., r ti s ctt . o s c t n F a: Footbali :35 Sea
3., 1‘1”," . M . V‘ . , pm.,Ca||7-8867
s-i"‘t,‘".5l‘.‘t . a 41.1 L , ‘0 A308 0 Meetings. American Advertising Federation Free 9 11 Movies: Back '0 the Future $195 Worsham Theatre,
.‘.‘."‘;'I_"t"»l“,!'_ e x ,~c “some, “My _,,Sii.mc m, purge” 0 i3 Jaurnalism Bldg; 7:30 pm. 10 00 m Coll 7-8867
1ft ’gi . u A n "e studcm ID Memo: 0 Colmeam 5 a 1T- 3 ' Sports. UK Women's Volleyball vs, Ohio UniverSity p ’ . ‘
.“i"“..*:".2/3J.i.‘," . v I.) ‘ 5 5 Free w UK ID Sit-Pub. Memorial Coliseum 7 30 p,m,, Call 9 12’CMfiVIe858267BOdY Heat “‘95 Worsham Theatre: 710
twist ' "‘"““‘ R"’”"“’ "W"? "e“ R” ‘ ”‘0'"“5 7 mg grin} Mo '7- a kt th F t r 5195 w h Th t .
.1;3'.."_‘~.";;o.,;'."§_ 5 u ‘ ~ it c (av '1‘40 . Sports Football ticket distribution for Rutgers (9»13) oviecs 113(886: e U U e. ' ‘ ors om ea re,
{Lil'iui‘fl ‘1] Free w lull-time student ID, Memorial Coliseum; 9 am, - 4 ‘0 00pm, ° '
7“ pm Call7-3151
3.1": 2‘; air if
5- is- r 3,“; fl
- a tgg'fl's. .'
s ”‘7‘“ 1.3-1“
"11:" .ht'l‘fl E
. {($333 1
3‘ 5141‘“? 9 8. Concerts: Faculty Recital - Margaret Kennedy Sopra-
';.::' rn,‘ no 8 Lucian Stark piano Free' CFA ReCital Hall, 8 00 pm.
.g;.¥l?i,;‘-;{f 9 13. Recitals Lecture-Recital: Theme Variations Musical
“"3. Borrowing Dean Richard Domek. Free CFA Recital Hall.
J »- 352315.}; 10 000,m., Call 7.4900
1 SIC-3'12; 'J'.‘ r‘»: 3
.' -_-’:’ I. 115.}
s' 1. ‘ - 55.. 15:313-
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_‘. 1'3“; 'i‘A-r: J
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5}"? \ig) . , _ ' 4 ““1". '5 SPORTS 9 9: Sports: Football ticket distribution for Rutgers (9-13):
- rg‘g-fi’ ' A 34r- , ~ .3s' 3:. pave" *' '(‘ng’YO'lO‘ tees 'Workshops Learning Skills Program Time Manage- ‘s. , . - ,
1",; ,5 UN» .._, Free w lull-time student ID, Memorial Coliseum; 9 am. - 4
172.3»:5; ; J _ >5 , g 3, d J n; tees -~ ads.» .; avoid Lancelio ment SIO-UK Student S25-Non UK, 201 Frozee Hall 11» 6Q“) p m :Call 1315,
S;‘igig?:\‘}::§ - ~ ‘91 11 SOa.m.‘ Call7-870i ' " . . . _
J :zi‘ll.il.“}3.'f. ' M V 9: Boot Heo' S‘ 95 v‘-:'sna'i‘ Theatre ‘ 40 0 Meetings. Fellowship Christian Athletes meeting (meet Ir 9 10' Sportstootball ticket distribution lor‘Rutge-rs (9.13):
' :f.;.|,»“'v‘:,_.:;;"l , ~ C3 ‘ 35F every Thursday at this time and place) Basement of Kir- Free w lullrtlme student '0' Memorial Coliseum, qa'm' '
f, at}? . "‘5‘ "K 53‘“ "H We 7" X '9 S. :5 “Two?" Theatre WON 9'OOp.m. C0” 8'68” 9 8 lntromurals Otlicials Clinic tor Fl F tb II' 135 S ‘P-m41C0ll7‘3l5l
4:11.133 _ _n_ ; : f: ‘ 88(2‘ ' Movies Body Heat; $1.95. Worsham Theatre, 7.40 tori Center 4'00p m 'Call 7 2898 09 00 0 ea- :13: Sports: UK Football vs Rutgers: Commonwealth Sta.
,; ,“H)~?"l"." ‘. . 30:9. :9; 9pm?“ .0, "‘(L‘W‘N‘g Freshman & Transfer p m. CO“ 7e8867 ‘ , -, - > , ‘ IUm
- A, Q‘r’i' Rage“: F'ee Apoaiom arCenter .‘ or N La” ‘ 4852 0 MOVIGS' Back to the Future' $1.95 Worsham Thea're Z 8' SW2"; Football "Cke' distribution for Rutgers (9-13), 9 '5: Sports: Football ticket distribution '0’ Kent State ‘
',.‘ .;»",.3_3{’j\2 - my“ For-“no ~ ”.9. 3,5",bwgw 1c, Rutgers Q 13 10.00 m CalI7-8867 ree w U -time student ID Memorial Coliseum 8 am. - 8 game (920): Free w’tulI-time student |.D.: Memorial Col-
2/17. £513.17 , t . . .. m s - m o p. Y - p,m.: Call 7315‘ iseum' 80 m —8 m 'Call 7-3151
.1 u -:_-I_.VI.. ~ ~' u ' * » v v ' ‘ 5 ps: n erytewing i s, ree m a » lin aton Center, Co ' ' ' ' "
t. 7“" _ it: " s *y_ ‘ ‘ «“9. > 39’ u MP'V i ~ SOL/1‘ c m ' Work ha I t 5“ H F R ‘03 M ’h 9 9 lntramurals. Golf entry dead e Se H p
V.tq,:;-_::'_t(i;§;‘ 4;. Vii c a - 5” u D ews Bldg. 12-1250 p.m.: Call 7-2746 7-2898
’;‘_..-;_;-f.‘,> u- ‘rrw' “as i e" ‘-_ on 'r: 3 aces V3" is: ssion
Kiri" 4‘, .cs . flame: Brig C 50min ;» SC 9,, HQ Noe: 9 9: Sports UK Women 5 Volleyball vs Ohio University
'-.".!:"=;-}’1:;’3r'v‘,lf Free w UK ID S3-Pub. Memorial Coliseum, 7.30 p,m.; Call
’55; wit-"15!, 7. 141 9
,, ‘r’r " j;
:55; $313-$111
.u *,'.v a r.
23.1“." 3‘25
‘ ”Hi-i} a.” * . - »
I .' if if 33.3 M‘
> 3?; ‘z‘f 9 9. Meetings: American Advertising Federation Free:
1:1; 37‘ Journalism Bldg: 7:30 pm,
:‘gg', 9 10: Meetings; 'Getting off to a good start' (Discussion
‘\‘ groups for women)--Brin a sandwich, SC Rm. 119 Noon
.t .. {.12 1' ELL. 9
”SS1"! 9 11' Meetings: Fellowship Christian Athletes meeting
13.5“: 1;“: (meet every Thursday at this time and place‘ Basement of
1 s1“ 12%;“ Kirwan l, 9.00 pm ,Call 8-6822
:“j’rlm' 9 12: Meetings. German Stammtisch-speak w German tac-
<'?11::;?~’-;t (I; FRIDA Y ulty 8 students 381 S. Lime UniverSity Club 4-6 p m., Call
a». “6“
11-... (‘1) 9 12, Meetings. UK Badminton Club equipment prowded
’9: xx)“ Seaton Gym, 8'30p.m. - 10pm. Call 3 5157
' if; r -i ,
CREST)?" . knew A ~90 r‘e' E3t.‘_3’ , finance $5.5 Odi'V‘l"iS o Mowes, Body Heat 5195 Worsham Theatre 7 4o 9 12: Meetings German Stammtisch-speak w German lac-
.3131 ,Hi“) i, p m Call7-8867 ulty 8 students 381 S Lime UniverSitv Club 4-6 pm. Call
,";f3;‘_‘-.;321.rf;i ' ‘v‘ee‘ ‘cr Germo S's/w“ uh speak w German tac ' Movies Back to the Future $1.95 Worsham Theatre 7‘46“
11,33 (it-”1.3) . ‘t s s'sjw‘s 3» S . me u’Nvetsr'y Czob 4 (s p m Coll 1000p.m. Call7-8867 9 14: Meetings UK Badminton Club equipment provided
:l',‘3f".,}'.$)'}fl ‘ 4w ' Recitals Lecture-Rental Theme Variations Musical Seoton Gym 8230710p m 'C0113-5157
‘5'“ - ‘th' . as J'- Eocrv “rev: :‘ub eociprnent DICvlded Borrowmg Dean Richard Domek Free CFA Recital Hall
'-._:.'z.:'3'_:J_:7v.:.:{-$,) , .3» a, 3: : :; ca 3 5‘57 10 000 m. Call7A4900
33)th - . es 300-. New 3 95 wcisnom Theatre 7 40 ' Sports. UK Football vs Rutgers Commonwealth Stadi-
‘t‘:_‘,\ ; , f: ' 586‘ um
F:- ‘Itjfiflr‘l ' ‘.' . 0* Box ‘: "we Footsie S‘ 95 Worsham Theatre
{fig Extil‘fi ., 1 v - . h -
.'.’-:"\“.*.' .5. . -3 Boo
x‘ .j?;’:\::}:g- O Other yearn r79 Sersifies Center Minority AHOIFS C791
*1.:"x_t‘3::.g\j_, 5: 3 "'9‘. Dance Free SC Grand Bail'oorn 9 p ’r‘ 1?
Eli‘s" 7"53; r ’3 7 :34 ‘
\,l’ ' ‘~““‘""9‘ GP'WO” Stom"“isch week w Germo" lot
' {ukwfi'l N 5 skaefls 38' 5 Lime U":v€.’§lly Club 4 o p m Coll
.‘z‘.i‘:.3i§!,;"‘§~ . “A
c ”3’13, ifs"; ' A' 319" 's "\e 11“DO(‘ 5" Chronic ll'1193\ o" Caregiv 3:: l
._.; ;»?._.:.'-_
i , p, . 2 WPWW Mg m Co“ m L, SPECIAL EVENTS
Lyitgyygie 7A”
i_::‘-‘..,:.;.j::":.._’:‘}i 9 8 Other: Art Print Sales. Rm, 245 SC 10 am. - 5 pm. 9 17' Academics: 'The Impact of Chronic Illness on Core-
4 1.":1)‘ Call 7-8867 givers; Rm. 112 Sanders-Brown Bldg; 1:30 p.m.: Call 233-
;f‘.‘-;_t_:_i,-.‘,t," 9,8: Academics: Integrative Studies Seminar on 'Susanna': 5471
i“-'~."«t. . > .
{laryfjj Free. 137 Chem Phy Bldg. 7.30p "1. CO” 3 5563 9 14: Other: Hiroshinge: The Fifty-three Stages ot the To-
.’1 Pia-12:23. 9 8: Workshops: Resume Writing Free, Rm. 103 Mathews Kaido; Art Museum; Call7-5716
“xi-{71:90: Bldg; 55:30 pm: C0” 7-2746 914: Other: Sigma Chi Derby Day: Call 7-3151
_-'f.t": £31.71" 9 9 workshops- Learning Skills Program, Time Manage- 9/14: Academics: Techniques 01 Core Logging and Meo-
t,t‘«,“;- 9.7"? merit; sio-ux Siudenis2s Non UK; 201 Frazee Hall. 11- suremoni;Coiir.2w
4.3.71. -I f: .
'.;i?/~'J.";’sg,vt' 11'W0.m.:CaI|7-8701 915: Workshops: Learning Skills Program. Notetaking.
Jinyffl; 9 9. Academics isolation 8 Characterization at a Hiberna- SIO-UK Student/$25-Non UK; 210 Frame Hall; 11-11-50
3,2,1}. fr]: tion Factor; Free, 463 Medical Center, 4.00 p.m. o.m.; (131173701
3,, I...', 2"?" ‘ . ' . . .
'71,;fi‘1'. 9 10: Academics: Last day tor payment at registration tees 9/15. .ACOdOMICS. Dr'u'"9 °"d Sampling °l Subsurface
, if}; ‘37: S l l N D 1 5 MONDAY and or housing and dining fees in order to avoid cancellae Materials; Call 74847
”"5 .‘ “on of registration. 3 1:: OtILerzSAB Awareness Week; Call 8-6991
;"'”r";r 9 10, Other: Reception for Incoming Freshman 8 Transfer C/ "7 808,67“. A" Pm" sol”; RM 2‘5 Stu. 0"? '0'5 p.m.;
ff") 'zf‘c‘. 1_ students: Free, Appalachian Center: 2.5 p.m., Call 7-4852 0 '
5, 1,1), “I . . H . m ‘ . . _ 9/ 15: Other: Student Teaching Applications for Spring 1987
i’vffzfaflll ‘0 ”snags- - e F 'v ‘nree Stoops c‘ the ToKai WorhShOPS LOtllt'mt‘tg Sktlls Program NO’etOkIng $10— 9 11 Workshops: Learning Skills Program, Time Manage- can be picked up in room 104 Taylor Education Blda.
ftf'i‘ji—t‘i 1: a: ”1,591,". Cali 7 Sub UK Student $25-Non UK; 210 Frazee Hall, 11-1150 a.rn,, mom, SIO-UK Student $25-Non UK 201 Fraxee Hall; 11. 9 15; Workshops: learning Skills Pragram- Motivation
_ ,;. 1,} e t ,i .-. i s n r I v
Barr-,1“: .5 ‘4“: ”has“ C)": ‘Bodrmn or (on equiome t provided C0.” 7:70; . , 'I' . 11v50om.; CalI7-8701 Learning 3 Success; SIG-UK Student/SZS-Non UK; 201 Fra- ‘
375.1,".3‘5'. l . IN» )V. g . y}: p m (0.13 5 5 . V . M c|a emics, Dril ing and Sampling of Subsurface 9 11: Workshops: Interviewing Skills- Free Rm 103 Math- 1.. Hall: 3-3:50p.m.: Call7~8701
99121;:t'l‘--r . ”All 9 ‘0: 89“” DGV‘CE“ 35‘ glam” s.Ca|l7-2847 ews Bldg: 12-12-50p.m.: (0117-2746 9/15: Academics: Integrative Studies Seminar on ‘In the
‘4 "if“. ’5: 7r ermirsV P: r‘iqiies r7 trnrn Lmqqmq and Meg Other 5A3 AWOYOROS! Week Call 8-6991 9 ‘2» A d . 1, h Ed 9' E ' C 'e '5 admin- beginning...’: Free; 137 Chem-Phy: 7:30pm.; Call 3-5563
7;,15.‘ ( We m 2841 . Other' Art Print Sales: RM 245 Stu, Ctr, io.s pm, ‘° em'“ °°‘ " ”‘° '°" " '°" 9 5
,j'g‘, w? Call 78867 istered
ifz'l’A-ir-‘ljt ' Other Student Teaching Applications for Spring 1967 ,9 ‘2 Other. Learning,- SFerviceSsC Ccfnte; (BM'TOMY :ttairs)
' .2) ,r; if); can be picked up in room 104 Taylor Education Bldg. Get .AqUO‘T'ed Dance, ree. ran a room p.rn,- .
:‘,,';.t '. , 0 Sports. Football ticket distribution for Kent State game ”M'd ‘VCOI 3-6347 ‘
Vii/'17“. (9 20) Free w/tull-time student ID . Memorial Coliseum ’
{‘_s"'r-‘fi‘; 80m ~8p,m.,Coll7-3151 ‘
Ir: mg. .“j. 0 Workshops Learning Skills Program Motivation
5,1 Learning 8 Success, SlOUK Student S25-Non UK 201 He
-" {My 0 Academics Integrative Studies Seminar on In the be Q
, Li" ' ginning Free, 137 Chem-Pity; 7 30pm. (0113-5563
. . .‘I :1 . “Jr
, ’4: I ' RV @
’, '_ Z . ,1 ,-
'_ 9 16 Sports Football ticket distribution tor Kent State 9/19: Academics: Last day to apply for admission to TEP
,' . ’ '. game (9 20). Free wrtull-timo student ID Memorial Cal‘ for Spring Semester
iseum:9a.m.-4p,m.'Ca|l7v3151 9/19: Academics: Last day tar reinstatement at students
916, Intramurals Track meet entry deadline 135 Seaton cancelled for nonpayment at registration tees and/or
. ’. ,‘ .1. Center; A 30 p m., Call 72898 housing l dining tees. Requires payment at 850 reinstate-
: '. ,, 917 Sports Football ticket distribution tor Kent State menttee.
, " -' game (9 20). Free w tullAtime student I D Memorial Col-
. : iseum 9a m.-4p.m.: (20117-3151
. , '_- 9 17 Academics Lastday to change grading option
" , 7' 9 i7 Academics. Last day to drop a course without it up»
, peering on the student‘s transcript

 . . . | .
xswrucxvxsmvsL Mondny, Sophmbatl, 1986-3 '
, . . OTerronsts .
if}: :' W I , , ,
_ ' . lllmllvlm? Ktmtl ltw pu-wlmz It ‘mpurl \Q‘thll'} nllu mlx \gmt jn-x l 'lllnk Hum; mll he tuulnl ll. ' :
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a UV.» ”Hli ’lum Iulllllutlllill glIIllgl- Tln' -,'.HII 'ltl'tllL’lz “hlt‘h 'hfi' llilm'K 'o-t't.2’. " ‘ , ..'
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Headers ' ' H i 3.25:?
l : U C INTO FALL! .
Ray Stamper, o mechonlcal engineering tresh- Vonnosdoll a psychology freshmOrI ymm- my : ' , .1 : 5“",
man, returns the ball with a header to David otHoggin Field . , “ .th ‘ ,