xt7pk06x0z26 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7pk06x0z26/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2007-09-04 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 04, 2007 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 04, 2007 2007 2007-09-04 2020 true xt7pk06x0z26 section xt7pk06x0z26 A FAMILY AFFAIR

Tonight's UK-EKU volleyball match pits
UK athletic director against daughter

. «


iagv .










UK official urges ‘segregated' Greeks to cooperate

8140591 Montana McCoy

lmccovéflykernel corn

Mahiabeen Rafiuddin wants to end
the separation betw eeti black and white
Greek communities at l'K.

“You cart look at the way the Greek
community is set up. and it is blatantly
segregated." said Rafiuddin. the direc-
tor of FR student diversity engageA
ment. “Nobody questions why the
black and w hite Greeks don‘t cooper—

Rafiuddin. who joined l'K in No7
v'ember 2006. developed an Inter
Greek Relations Protect plan this surn-
mer airiied at bringing Greek leaders
together for six roundtable discus—

will challenge black and white
sororities arid fraternities to practice
better cooperation.

"Student leaders aren‘t inclusive."
she said, “How do you bring together a
group of exclusive people and ask them
to be inclusive”

Separation of white and black
Greek communities on campUs begttis
at the top. Rafiuddin said. Each Greek
organization has separate assistants
who have graduated that oversee their

The Interfrateriiity Council over--
sees white fraternities. the Panhellenic
(‘ouncil oversees white sororities and
the National PansHellenic (‘ouncil
oversee. both black sororities and fra»

Rafiuddin wants to see the leaders.

and promote each other. while joining
together more often for Greek events.
she said.

Kimber Hatton. a committee chair
at Delta Sigma Theta. a historically
black sorority. has volunteered tvvo se-
mesters with student diversity engage-
tiient and believes one person's initia—
tive can spark a movement.

”Greek relations are very big at UK
and very influential." said Hatton. a JU-
riior nursing mayor. "I believe if (stu-
dents) see black and white Greeks
unite. then non-Greeks will also unite.‘~

Patrick Nally began working with
multicultural student affairs in Jan.
2006 and said the Inter Greek Relations
Project is meant to build relationships.
not just provide a photo opportunity
I'K should embrace the initiative. said

strategic communications junior. be
cause the university is meant to irn-
prove students.

In return. he said students should
make the university better.

"As long as there are divisions be-
tween Greeks. the work is going to be
cut short." Nally said.

Jenni Von Deylen. Panhellenic
(‘ouncil leadership and diversity train-
itig chair at UK. said she believes it is
important for Greeks to join together
and get their name out on campUs.

"We are starting what needs to hap-
pen.” Von Deylen said.

Diversity problems extend beyond
race. Rafiuddin said. and also include
differences in economic class and the
culture in which students w ere raised.

Students who do not have enough

affected on campus. Rafiuddin said.
Those not in a sorority or fratemity. or
involved with another organization.
should strive for more understanding
and cooperation among cultures. she

"Student diversity engagement
wants to know if you are not a Greek or
an athlete. who are you on campus?"
Rafiuddin said. "Does campus bring
the world to you? Do you open your

Rafiuddin keeps a quote by Howard
Zinn posted in her 5th floor office in
Patterson office tower that reads. “You
can't be neutral on a moving train, You
can and must act against injustice."

“We are on a mobile train of glob-
alization." she said. "If we don't pre-
pare our students. we are doing a dis-

The project 7 It‘s All Greek to Me along with student members. suppon Nally. a marketing and integrated money to join a Greek community are service."

UK art prof

crash victims
with sculpture

By Sarah Knight

news flikvkerne! com



When L'K art professor Arturo Alon/o San~
doval began work on his sculpture. “MEMORIAL.
5W] he remembered his encounter w ith two v1c~
Inns of the (‘omait I‘light Sl‘ll crash last year and
worked to memoriali/e the generosity he evperi-

The victims. Homer and Diane Combs. were
parents of one of Sandoval's previous students. An»
drea Combs. who was
studying fiber arts at the
time. :\t her senior Bache
lot of .\tts show. Andrea‘s
parents presented each of
her teachers with gift cer»
tificates to show their ap~

"I had never reccived
this type of gesture before
from a students parents."
Sandoval said. "So I vvant-

ARTURO ALONZO ed to commemorate their
SANDOVAL kindness and all of the (‘o—

UK 3,. .' __ mair I-ltglit Sl‘ll victims."

Sandov al‘s commemo~

iative creation a 33,

foot fiber sculpture that depicts his views of life af-

ter death in memory of the 4‘) passengers who lost

their lives iii the crash is now open to the public
at the L‘K Art Museum.

"MEMORIAL: 5W1” represents the Journey

made by the v icttms as they pass through the tunnel

of light after death to become stars. Sandoval said, ' " ..,. '

‘ SG rethinks program funding priorities


"It was
important to
create an
artwork that
had meaning
for me."


lVlfillCllB Dematlie examines photographs from UK assriCiate art professor Ruth Adams work entitled 'Unremarkable,‘ whrch documents Adams" fight with
Hodgkin’s Disease through a series of 350 self-portraits Adams work is torrently on disprav in the UK Art Museum as part of the faculty an show, which
runs through Dec 23 SEE PAGE 7 FOR MORE

ple‘s stories of ncar‘Adcatlt cvpei'ienccs.
Inspiration for the piece came after a guest cu;
rator. (‘ari Solway. visited l'ls' last year and found a

main theme of survival throughout the works of the y .
trons had with S(i.

faculty members. Sandoval said.

Solway challenged him to push this theme in
his own work. and Sandoval said he used local c.\~
periences to relate to the audience with his new
piece featured in the Us" An Faculty Exhibition.
"His challenge to create something for that
space gave me the opportunity to consider the (‘o-
iiiair SI‘II crash as a possible idea." Sandoval said.

Roe Memorial on page 10

By Katie §altz
ksaltz @kvkernel corn

Wheti budget cuts were needed.
Student Government President
Nick Phelps looked to the past.
Phelps studied SG budgets from
the last six years to determine
where to trim funding.

“We examined where the iiion-
ey went and how it was used.w
Phelps said. “We were looking to
see it the money was spent w isely."

Last year SG spent Slwlllll
on ('ampus Services. This year that
number is down to Sl-l-H ill

Becatisc of an overall budget
cttt of more than SI ,lllllllll. funding
to some campus programs was re-
duced or eliminated

The DVD rental service and
LTK Book Exchange were cut from
the budget completely. (‘oinpared
to last year. funding was decreased
for SafeCats by 312.500. (‘ats Con»
voy by $8,000 and Peer Tutoring
by 538.350. but Phelps said he
worked to make sure the groups re
ceived funding from other sources.
such as the Provost‘s office,

Another factor in the cuts was
the level of involvement organi/a

“We lound tin past budgetsi
that most of the money went to-
ward successful events and good
programming." Phelps said. "But
SG didn‘t have a lot of involve-
ment. There are different groups we
feel we can work with to increase

One of these groups is the V107
lence. Intervention and Prevention
('enter. VIP (‘enter director
Dorothy Edwards said SG is not
oiily funding a peer education pro»
gram. btit is planning on significant

“They are not only giving us
money. they are giving us their
time. energy and influence." lid-
wards said. “They really are putting
then money where their mouth is."

SG allotted SINK) for a new
project that will place cameras in-
side the Johnson (‘entcr so students
can see how crowded the facility is
or see it a certain machine is avail-
able, The cameras will provide a
live feed that students can access
through the SG Web site. a feature
that Phelps said would likely in

See 86 on page 10

UK 50, EKU l0
Unanswered questions remain after rout

And both teams showed now powerful they
are on offense. l7 of L racked up 655 yards of to—
tal offense en route to a 73-point effort. while
the (‘ats gained 5M yards. Seven (‘ards‘ scored
iouchdow iis. while five (‘ats found the end zone.

“()ffensively‘. I thought we ran the ball very
well with a variety of backs and showed some
depth at that position." l'K head coach Rich
Brooks said.

“Above anything. that‘s probably the biggest
thing that l was pleased about."

So what can UK take away from its game
against IiKll'.’ Not much. The Cats did what
they were supposed to do 7 and what Michigan
couldn‘t do fl by blowing out an inferior oppo-

With both teams having already played a
game. It might seem that we are ready to predict
what is going to happen when the two meet in
tWo weeks.

But actually. we are still at square one
there‘s no way to know who would have won
had [K and l' of I. play ed each other this week
end. because the teams started their seasons so

Both learns played an extremely ov'err
whelmed inrstate opponent. and both held their
foe to rust It) points.

Both teams scored on their first offensive
possession With a long pass play. L'K‘s Andre
Woodson hit Dicky Lyons Jr, with a Sl-yard.
stop—and—go. pump-fake touchdown. while lT of
L‘s Brian Brohm hit Harry Douglas with a 44-
yard touchdown.

If it were last year. this would be a lot differ-
ent. I'K would still be reel-
ing front its season opeir
ing beatdown from

But it's not last year.
Now. [K and l' of Ifs sea,
sons are both underway.
not yet having played each
other. and both teams are
heading the right way.

The (‘ats won their
season opener Sit-ll)
against liastem Kentucky
on Saturday night at (‘om«
monwealth Stadium. and
Loursville out»raced Murray State 7TH) on









camsrmA umm i STAFF
UK art professor Arturo Alonzo Sandoval 3 work
"MEMORIAI 5191. ' honors the All victims of last years
trash of Comair Flight 5191 The sculpture lS rurrently
on display to the UK Art Museum as part it‘ the UK art

tariiliy QXhlblllOl‘ See South on page 3

m 257-1915; W 29-872
a e v


l D


 PAGE 2] Tuesday, September 4 2007

your daily dose of entertainment, pop culture and fun [camel ‘ a.
























By Linda C. Black

To get the advantage check the
day s rartrru 30 is the eas‘rest .ray 0
the most rhah‘wgho

Aries llVlarr‘ii 2T Apnl T9r Today is
a7 , Gone y;-urselt' extra time lot a
camoltcateil task This .5 :i you
don't want to rush You r. =;l easriy
mess on Mt hare to start i; .v
Tanrus lAizol 20 May 2Ui Today :5
a 7 l’lltltlEilT costs Will reveal
'hemselves soon Ross? the tiirrtritd'
tron to spend on thrrius: you can't
take back This includes host etlfoie
terns Save all receipts

Gemini (. lay 2T June 2T) Today is
a 7 ., Tit-Fri" are stil1 a few ta'iales
ti: be Wt"li£9ll out Give yourseil
plenty ‘1‘ time If you tut; and
scream arrl holler, you'll j is' trithtwt
the Knots And you might hurt some


Cancer (June 22 , July 22) Today is
a 7 , lt what you're doing is not
what you want to be doing for your
whole lite, learn how to do some-
thrhg else It's as easy as that
Ieo (July 23 ,, Aug 22) Today is a7
Give up on getting all the run
flitting factors to agree on every
th-ng Thats not going to happen It
you get them to agree on anything,
count it as d success
Vargo IAJg 23 Seat 22) Today is a
7 ,, You may have the problem
solved out nobodys listening
They re all busy llllllellllg at each
other Don't get into that
LihralSeot 23 Oct 27lToday 188
7 They say travel broadens one,
meaning your perspective In this
situation you need a broad perspec-
trve when you begin Watch out for
iiriiileasant S‘ITDTISCS
Sr ’iriiio r’Otit 23 . Nov 77‘ Today is
a 7 Not a good time tr; gamble
[set it you soil. you could take a
Hold onto what you have as

filO all you can 3!“le Draél‘s £1 \r\le,l\s

much as possrhle lock up your valu-

Sagittarius (Nov 22 , Dec 2)) To-
day )5 a 6 One person lll patilCU'
lat continues to drive you crazy Re-
sooiid vvrth lacts and good hum-or
You can repel this verbal assault
wth style

Caurrcorn iDec 22 'Jan l9)- Today
vs a 7 Work oiatx'y, even rl
you're not Sure this job Will be lucra-
tive Don't do II for the money Do it
for the love

Aquarius lJan 207 Feb l8) Today
is a 7 , Just when you thought
you had everyone settled down,
controversy breaks out again Listen
to all opinions coinpiomrse '18 no’
noss‘ihlr: yet

Piscesileb T9 - March 20) Today is
a 6 There's a lot of contusmn out
there You sure you want to get in
volt/ed? Wouldn't it he smarter to
wart and see which way the wmd
triuwsl Yes, ll would

Riff lit-Roll? lle‘rIL SERVICIS NC

, ,. A ., \ ..~‘
,\l.t )T It. ‘8
L‘ unlumsm ans-tom tiimL~ “

Ashley Tisdale talks
Zac Efron, fame and
Paris Hilton with Us

l‘riplc-thi‘cat alcrt' Ashlcy
'l‘isdalc acts. sings and danccs as
posh Shai'pay in High School
Musical 2 (which prcmici'cd Au-
gust 17 with more than l7 mil-
lion \icwcrs). An c\cn grcatcr
t'cat: Tisdale makes thc spoilcd
character likablc whilc Sharpay
ti‘ics to stcal popular Troy (Zac
szron) from swcct (iabriclla
(\"dltcsstt Hudgcns). In real lifc.
thc New .lcrscy iiativc. 22. is
dating Jarcd Murillo. It). a
dancci‘ in the movie. and rc-
launching hcr albutn Headstrong
this fall. Shc chats L’s tip.

Q: Can you believe the

It‘s ama‘lingT We hoped fans
would cnioy it but ncwr c.\pcct—
cd this. I callcd Zac. Vanessa
and ("what [BlcuL and wc all
congiatulatcd cach othci‘.

Q: How was it filming to-
gether in l'tah‘.’

Wc'rc Iikc sistcrs and broth»
crs; it w as so much fun. Zac did-
n'! know how to do laundry. so I
had to tcach him? And thcy
would always stcal my gro-
ccrics \Vc haw so many funny

Q: Sharpay seems very
Paris Hilton-csque. Did you
model her after Paris?

A lot of people think that.
but not at all. I put myself into
it. and people I knew in high
school. and then I mix it all to-

Q: l'nlike some other
young stars. you seem to stay

HSM’s Nice Bad Girl


out of trouble. What‘s your se-

It has a lot to do with my
parcnts. 'l'hcy ‘rc very supportiw
but also very protectivc. No-
body ‘s pcrfcct. but I want to he
know n for the work I do.

~~ Aimee Agresti

New wedding couple

On August 22. Oregon na—
ti\c Jessica Mapcl. 33. and Ari—
Iona-born (‘ody Hclngon. ll.
both students. won (by only 500
votes?) the chance to wed live
on the Today show October 5.
Thcy talk I do"s with Us.

Love story The duo met
more than thrcc years ago at thc
restaurant where they still work.
"The first night I met Jessica. I
told my boss I was going to
marry her." future architect
Helgcson tclls Us.

Aisle style The pair are hap-
py to let viewers vote on wcd-
ding details and thrilled to have
Martha Stewart as a planner.
And after the wedding" Says
nursing student Mapel. "Any-
\\ hcrc bctwccn four and lb chil~

Sarah Grosshart

Hollywood's long locks

Rapun/cl. Rapunzel. let
down your hair? Gwyneth Pal~
trow. Angelina Jolie and Vanes—
sa Minnillo are just a few lead—
ing ladies growing their trcsscs
to grcat lengths. "Long hair
looks sexy." trichologist Philip
Kingsley tclls Us. To combat
tangled trcsscs and breakage.
“Use a moistiiri/ing hair mask

thrcc times a wcck." ad\iscs
Kingsley. "Also. the Icss you
brush your hair. the better."

, Monique Meneses

U.S. Open tennis hunks

Thcsc hottics will coinc out
swinging in NYC from August
27 to Scptctnbcr ()


Roddick. 35. is thc highcsl
ATP—ranked American in incn's
tennis (No. 5) and he's also a
ladies‘ man. He datcd Mandy
Moore. 33. for nearly two years
(they split in March 2004) and
has been linked to fellow tcnnis
star Maria Sharapova. 30.

Casual cutie When he‘s not
perfecting his ISO mph serve.
the "T—shirt and jeans guy" loves
watcrskiing at home in Austin.
Texas. And if he weren‘t an ath-
letc'.’ "I'd be in my seventh year
of undergrad.”


The author of Breaking
Back: How I Lost Everything
and Won Back My Life knows
what he‘s talking about. In 200-1.
Blake broke his neck. lost his fa-
thcr to cancer and suffered facial
paralysis from shingles. Today.
the New York nativc. 27. is
ranked No. 6 and is "a firm bc-
Iicvcr that things happen for a

Single and sexy Blake lwho
dropped out of Harvard) is on
the prowl: “If I meet the right
woman . . . I‘ll start a family



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Sophomore tailback Alfonso Smith dives across the goal the tor a toutliumyn iiiriori UK s 50 10m" over LKU on


Bi Eris Lindsey
elindseyttZkykernel corn

Although l'ls' racked up 568 _\ards ol' total ol—
tetise in Saturdays sCllstllerpClllllg 50-10 win
against Eastern Kentuek). wide reeen er Dick)
l.)ons lr. thinks the offense has more to prm e.

"We felt good about putting points on the
board and mi\ing it up with the run and pass
game." L)ons said. “but a lot oil us were still upset
at the wa} we played with our missed assignv
ments and some plass we Usiiall} make and need
to make."

The junior wide out. who eaught si\ passes
l'or H3 _\ards and a touchdown in Saturda} ~s sea-
son opener. was instrumental in the (‘ats‘ \ietor}
against EKL'. ()n the (‘ats‘ lirst oll'ensne posses-
sion of the season. quarterbaek Andre Woodson
hit a streaking L)ons down the lelt sideline on a
Sl-yard pump-and-go toiiehdown pass
to put the Cats up 7-ll.

Despite the earl} aerial displa)
and a stead} ground attaek lrom tailr
baeks Rat'ael Little. Ton) Dixon and
Allonso Smith. the (‘ats had se\eral
missed opportunities on Saturday

In the first quarter. Dixon dropped
a screen pass out of the backfield from
Woodson at the EKL‘ 23—yard liiie and
appeared to hate plenty ot’ room to
run for a touchdown. Later in the
game. Woodson tinderthrew a wide ._ .,. L.
open SteVe Johnson Jr.. who would haie had an
easy touchdown it the ball would haie been on

The ('ats ean't all'ord those missed i)ppt)l'lllltl~
ties this weekend against Kent State. w hieh upset
lowa State last week 23-1—1. head eoaeh Rieh
Brooks said.

“We lia\e a lot of things to work on Brooks
said. “I hope (the pla_\ersl reali/e it. and l think
the) do. We can be happy that we got a good win.
but we need to understand that the competition
gets tougher each week as w e go through the sea-
son. We lime to continue to get better on the
things we‘re not doing well."

Brooks was partieiilarly unhapp} with the
(‘ats' special teams pla). t_\pieall_\ a l'ls’ strength.

“It‘s one of those things that we ha\e done so
well {or a while that at .sonie point nia_\be our
gins started taking it for granted. that w e can just
show up there on the punt returns and the kiekoll

ll totinueti trom page 1

, “That was

“A lot ol us are pleased with
the win.‘~ l._\ons said. "but a lot
of us are upset because we had a
lot of missed opportunities."

li\ en though it‘s hard to de
termine where the (‘ats are alter
one game. the} seem tar ahead
in a few areas that hurt them last

['K rushed for 2K8 _\ards.
eight more _\ards than it had
through the air. and scored l'oiir


was just

"We have to
continue to get
better on the
things we're not
doing well."

RICH Bnooxs

toiiehdowns with three dill‘erent
backs, Last war. the (‘ats were
seeond-to-last in the Southeast
ern (‘onlerenee in rushing

biggest l'oeus (last) week to
establish the running game."
recener Keenan Burton

l'he (‘ats‘ biggest locus on
detense this _\ear is to impro\ e
on third down. The) were last in
the SE(' a )ear ago. but l2ls’l'
Zit‘ord-i Saturday.
mueh better than the 30 percent
goal that delensixe end _leiem)
.larmon said the team set going

returns and make some good plan." Brooks said,
"Well it doesn‘t work that was. You ha\ e to work
_\our tann} oil to get ll done "

ls'ieker l.oiies Seibei' struggled on Saturda} as
well. missing two e\tra points and a “Hard field
goal attempt.

“llis stroke is a little dilierent on almost C\L‘I_\
kick. and he needs to get to the point where it‘s 'alr
w a}s the same." Brooks said. "It doesn‘t make
an} difference it it‘s an L‘\ll".i point. a Rtliyird field
goal or a 43—}ard l'ield goal. the swing needs to be
the same."

Michigan loss affected Cats

Alter watching l)i\ision l .-\.»\ .'\p[t;ll;l\.‘lllilll
Stale upset No. 5 Nliehigan in one ol' the biggest
upsets in college t'ootball Iiistoi).. the (‘ats made
sine the} aioided the same result against lils'l '.

".\ couple o1 giiis brought lthe
upseti to our attention and so did
eoaeh Brooks." senior linebacker
\M‘sle) \\'ood_\ard said ".s\n'\ time
that happens before a game it goes
the otliei teams in their di\ision. like
liKl'. more power to come in and get
an upset."

Brooks. who the .'\loun~
taineers should get top-35 eonsidera-
tioii alter their historic upset. ae~
knowledged that it‘s al\\a_\s hard to
. tell how a team is going to pla} no
matter who the opponent is.

“The thing that l was ner\oiis about last week
is )oii ne\ei' know where _\our team‘s head is."
Brooks said. "Was Michigan read} to pla) that
game iiietitall)" ! doubt it."


Wart F’JF"

Iniury update

Although the ('ais won their last season open-
er sinee beating l.oiiis\ille in 2002. the) didn‘t
eoine out or the game unseathed.

(lorrierhaek l:,.|. ,»\dams is out indefinite-l} al~
ter SlillL‘rlllg a wrist iiiiiir} that will likel) require
surger). Starting tree salet) .\lareus .\le(‘linton
and backup eenter .loige (ion/ale/ are question-
able this week with sprained ankles. lsons ipatel
lar tendinitisl and ol'lensne lineman Jiistin .lelli‘ies
leoneiissioni will be limited ni praetiee this week.
but both are probable lor Saturda) ~s game

into the game

But reall_\. it doesn't matter
all that ninth. lt was a tune-up
scrimmage against a l)i\ision lr
.-\.'\ opponent which had \irtiial-
i} no shot to w in r)eah. ( lls'. ililv
less it was .\ppalaehian State.)
.»\nd the result was a minor ini-
age ol the l' ol l. game

\\ hieli makes ti'}ing to get a
leel lor what to e\peet two Sat-
iiid.i_\s liom now almost impos»

[marl/rim \m/l/t /\ (I ruriHiir/~
IrHIrIi/ Muir/it"

probabh our

A\/\r t'llr .r'i rlll!


luesday, September 4, 2007 | PAGE 3






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0Rush Phi Sigma Pi:

OCbeap Seat Tuesdays- i-Rush Phi Sigma Pi:

Co-Ed Honors
Fraternity!, 7:00 PM,
Student Center
New Art Faculty
Show, Tuska Center,
Fine Arts Building
OUK Art Department
Faculty Exhibition,
12:00 PM, UK Art


i Pirates of the
gCarribean 3, 8:00 PM,
§Worsham Theatre

: (Student Center)
°Rush Phi Sigma Pi:
Co-Ed Honors
Fraternity!, 7:00 PM,
Student Center

OUK Art Department
Faculty Exhibition,
12:00 PM, UK Art

ONew Art Faculty
Show, Tuska Center,
Fine Arts Building


fCO-Ed Honors
rFraternityL 7:00 PM,
3W.T. Young Library
,The Gallery Room
?;-New Art Faculty
lShow, Tuska Center,
iFine Arts Building
l-HOME (Honor Our
{Military Everywhere)
lMeeting, 8:00 PM,
‘W.T. Young Library
,n-Five Times August,
i7:00 PM, Memorial
lHaII Ampitheatre
OUK Art Department
Faculty Exhibition,
12:00 PM, UK Art
Museum in the
Singletary Center for
the Arts


;°Young|ife-FYF, 7:50
PM, Student Center
OThe Naked Truth,
7:00 PM, Worsham
ETheatre in the

r Student Center
g'NEW Art Faculty
Show, Tuska Center,
' Fine Arts Building

OUK Art Department
Faculty Exhibition,
12:00 PM, UK Art
Museum in the
Singletary Center for
the Arts

OThe Late Night Film
Series Presents: The
Dreamers, 10:00 PM,
Worsham Theatre,
Student Center

OThe Late Night Film
Series Presents: Ghost
Dog: The Way of the
Samurai, 10:00 PM,
Center Theatre,
Student Center

ONew Art Faculty
Show, Tuska Center,
Fine Arts Building
OUK Art Department

.Faculty Exhibition,
_ 12:00 PM, UK Art

For interested indivrduals - there is a MANDATORY meeting
at 6 00 PM at the Joe Craft Center
Please enter through the main entrance behind

Beth Davis


257 8867 ‘

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 PAGE 4 I luesday, Sepiemhw 4, .1“

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Page 5


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Men's soccer posts shutout,
rebounds from opening loss

By James Pennington
sportstakvkeinel corn

l)espite opening its season on l‘l‘ltltl)
“1th a 2-0 loss to (‘ornell. the l'K‘s men's
soeeer team sahaged its seeond game oi the
season h) defeating L'N(' Ashe\ille 3—“ on
Sunda) afternoon.

In their season opener. the (fats l’ought
hard \Hlll ('ornell until the last minute ot the
game but eould not manage as man) seoriiig
opponuiiities as the Big Red. While (‘ornell
tired 15 shots on goal in the game. l'ls' Ulll)
ltuLl lii\ e.

['K head eoaeh Ian (‘ollins \\ as adamant
about his team proxing itsell on Sunday

“After a reall) disappointing game on
Frida}. it \\ as important for tis to pla} \sell."
(‘ollins said. "We ueren‘t eoneerned about
the result. hut \se “LilllCLl to eoine out and
prove to oursel\es that we here eapahle ol
playing at a mueh higher level.”

Alter a slo\\ first hall on Sunda) after
noon against the Bulldogs. the (‘ats hit the
ground running in the second hall‘ and ne\ er
looked back. In the 53th minute. sophomore
defender Barr} Riee headed the hall in the
baek ol' the net oil. a eorner kiek l'rom junior
midfielder Masiimi Tumhull.

"l Vsa