xt7pnv99905x https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7pnv99905x/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1930 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, February 1930 Vol.2 No.1 text The Kentucky Press, February 1930 Vol.2 No.1 1930 2019 true xt7pnv99905x section xt7pnv99905x 323;} _4 _ 4 4 ‘ '. . 4 4 , ' 3 4 ‘ ~ 4 4 4 444 4 4 44 ,3 ', 4 4

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4 3 ‘ ‘ ,4

,_ 4_ Of, By, And For The Kentucky Newspapers " ‘4, ‘4 34, j.
" 44“ ‘3
‘4 ‘ —————————_——__—— ‘3‘73‘43‘3 fw,
Volume Two FEBRUARY, 1930 Number One ‘ 44,3: 44 4
3 ‘ 4 3*} “ 4 ‘ 3 I
_., _ _ _, _—_____——_ .1 '44 4 ;4
' ,1 4 43 ,4 4' ‘
.4 ‘4, 4 _ , 444 .4444
,4 4 l 44 4 44- 4 4 ‘4 ,
4‘ ‘ _ _ Spring Style Apparel; Style Shows; _ 3 ‘i 4 , ‘3
4" An Address Given Before the Mid- 4Linen Sales; Better Homes Exposition, Ask Your Merchants If They Are f I 33444 4‘,
." 4 , winter Meeting of the Kentucky including Furniture, HousefurnishingS, Budgeting .Their Annual Ad- :4 ‘4 4 444‘ '
, 4,44, Press Association Electrical; prpliciinces, Home Appli- vertismg Campaign , 4,4444 ‘ 44
: ances, e rigera ors, etc.; Dress-Up ‘ 4434,41 “ ‘
‘ ,. By HOYT MOORE Sale. Events featuring special “Weeks”; Harry B. Rutledge, Field Manager of 3 2 33 2 ‘4
' ; Fulton Daily Leader House Cleaning; Refrigeration EX- the Oklahoma Press Association, di- 334 3
. I do not come here today as an ex— hlbltss _ 4 ,, rectedrthis challenging question to his ,f 4 -, 4
xpert. Rather, I come as a simple stu— March andow Suggestions: ~ ,4 , members in one of his recent Bulletins 44 ; 4 4‘ 4
\dent who has conducted some experi— Style Displays; St.‘Ifatritk’sEWindow: ‘ and roffered a suggestion that is so ‘3 [l4 -“ j 4
3 4 a ments in the labartory of human in— West P031“ Military“ Academy, Patriotic Bfactit'althat the Service Letter of the ' 3‘43“ 341‘ , '4 4
k terest, and whose work in this line has Window; Kitcheri' Danny; . Utilities ,Nationajl‘ Editorial Association, passes ‘43 44' 4‘ ‘_
3 created some interest in a narrow cir— Demonstrations ;» ' Furniture. —” Rboie "it'cn'to’publishers in other states. ‘44 4‘ 4 ‘4
3‘ 4:377 cle of friends. It has been work that Outfits; Pure4Food 3315131334333. Baby Week. 4 , ,Every publisher can well afiord to 34,133, I 4
‘3 $1 have enjoyed, and work that might Window: Fn‘St A1034 WW“??? 4.34917 spend the time necessary to discuss ,4‘ 4‘ ' 3
‘, Ki) be of interest to the members of‘ the irigeration Demonstrationsn- ’- ' with every retailer and business repre- 4 3 ‘
-‘,' newspaper fraternity who are gathered 4 Advertismg Pomters 44 _ sentative of his town, an advertising 34, 4 , 4 34
. I here today. Spring; Sportts; Pure F0°d§ first plan and an advertising budget. You 314,34 .3 4
I , - . - - - Aid"; Refrigera ion; Summer Com 0 3 will contact the retailer at a time when ‘43 ‘43
3 n61,3;sszggrogghgistthioigyj6643, (14:44,: St¥18:_0a11 0f Outdoors; Appeals E0 he is tremendously interested in this 33 33 3‘4 ‘,
Y ' ' human interest I fear definitions pnde “1 appearance; Remacements "1 subject. The natural tendency of ,3: ' .‘ l
44 Rather than attempt a specific on 6’ Home Necessities; New Idealism Living. many is to cut down on the advertising 4 44444, 34 44 4 4 j
‘ 3' I will tell what I conceive human in- Events Affecnng Business investment (they will call it expendi- “3333. ‘4 ‘2‘
3 terest to be in loose and general terms. Spring Weather; Spring Styles; ture) because the tangible results for “‘43 ‘3 ,3 34
- ‘ In order to achieve human interest in House Cleaning; Call Of Outdoors. WhiCh they had hoped have not been 31 34 3
3 the written word it is necessary to Keynote 40f March Retailing attained. It is doubtless true that some ,4334 4 44 3
I write of the humanities to talk of the The predominating keynote Of all re— 0f their advertising expenditure has 3333‘ ‘3 ‘ 4

‘ h d fears the smiles and the tailing will be Newness. New modes and been wasted. The merchant has in 444.4 , 4,4

, 3 44:5? till; heartaches and the joys of new merchandise Will be in demand. mind cutting down the amount going 3‘3 1 3 I4
4 the people of the world. Abstract Keep Windows Lighted 4 4 into advertising because he does not ,‘4 ,l 4

’ thoughts brilliant though they may be Many dealers d° n°t belle“ that 1t ‘5 know how to invest it wisely4 hence he “4434* , *

» 4 will never have the appealingness of necessary to keep their windows lighted will not invest it at all or run the risk ,3, :4 4 4
, 4 human interest Human interest at night. This iS wrong. AS many, 01‘ of squandering it loosely. 34434 4 l I
,, 44 comes from the .heart and not from more, people go window shopping at Here is where you, as a publisher, 4:444 44 44, 4

, f . . . night as do in the daytime. In a dark . . . . 43,4 5‘ ,, 4 , : 4

the brain if such be posSible. It need . . can fit into the picture. Discuss With 4 4 . , .
3 ’. . . Window one cannot see the articles the . 4 4 4 2‘44, 4

‘ ' not be brilliant it need not show deep . . him his advertising plans for the year. , ,4 . , , ,
3 . thought, in order to accomplish its merchants are trying to display, and Advise him of the correct amount he £43444 ,4 '1 ,

. I purpose. The one thing that it must thls often causes them to lose sa4es. can invest in advertising. Advise him 443 4‘ 4 4

‘4, have, however, is stark sincerity. If it Every merchant, no matter what kind as to the seasons of the year he can\ 4313444 - ‘
3', has all the elements of human interest Of, a $30136 he 13 running, ought to keep invest the most in keeping with the de— , , 3 If .4 ,
, otherwise, yet lacks sincerity, it will ms Windows lighted until at 163$ velopment of his business. Help him 4 44', 44 ' i
4 not be true human interest and your eleven OCIOCR every night. plan-his advertising budget for the 3 ‘3 1 4
readers will instinctively reject it as DECORATIVE SYMBOLS year. While you are doing these things 4 44 4 4
I spurious. Dealing with the human St. Patrick’s Day—St. Patrick’s Day, you are gaining $91116 valuable informa- 4 . 4
. ,4 things of life it must deal with them, like Christmas, is in reality an ec- tion relative to his newspaper advertIS- 44 , 4 4 ,

: ‘, ,, fairly and hOHEStIY- clesiastical festival, but it is made a mg~ Newspaper advertismg 15 gomg to 43 44 4 ,4 4

' , '34 I would not be understood as stand- popular holiday by the majority of the (Please Turn To Page Six) 3 4 444 4 ,

.f mg before you and telling you that I people The popular symbols are the 4., 4 :4 4
4 know what human interest is, or that harp, potato, Blarney Castle, clay pipe, . 4 4 4 4 ‘ 4

‘ . I can achieve it at any time and any pigs Paddies and Colleeens green Spring Flowers—App 1e, cherry4 and 4t: ‘ ' 4

4 . ’ . . ’ almond blossoms, rose, pussy Willow, 4‘4 : ,

4 place. If I had that gift I would be a snakes, shillelah, stove-pipe hat, mortar lilacs tuli s daffodils hyacinths 4 4, .

- fortunate man, for writers who have hods. Green is the color of the day. ’_ p’ ,' ’ ' ls f ‘3‘ 4, 4 4 4

1 that gift, even in 1imited manner, are Spring—Spring flowers, apple, cherry, Spring OPegngS—Au Phe symbo 0 444 444 41 ,

'4 I able to write the literature 0f their peach and almond blossoms, Wisteria, Spring, 1nv1tations, 13.1115“; “If M h 433 4.4‘ . ‘4

4 time. Human interest is the basis 0f lilac, snowball, poppies, etc. Butterflies, March—{The March4hare. 941?}: 44 4 4‘4 , 4

" 4 all Worthwhile fiction; indeed, it is the birds, sun-dials, statues 00f mirth and comes 4}“ hke a lamb 1t W111 go out e 144‘ 44 ’, 43
4 _ 4 keystone 0f the Splendid arch of litera— festivities of Music, of the Muses and a lion. 4 4

4 ture. Not all writers have it. Many of Love. *Compiled by, and printed here 4 4 3‘ 44 ‘

stories and novels are painfully lack- Spring Colors—Pearl gray, pink, lilac, through the courtesy of 'I'he Advertis- f4. 44 4 44 4 - 4

:"4 (Please Turn To Page Four) ivory, light blue, coral, apple green. ing World, Columbus, Ohio. 4 ‘ 44 4: 4 4

.L ‘ ‘4

3 4,4 . , ,

44 4‘44 4:.- ‘e 4" '

3'1"?” 7; ‘4‘: 44‘ .‘,4r - .

’. 4333.14" 4

 3 41:.f3 3
I M" r» ,-‘~ »
. 333333 e
7 ”viii-3 3.3
31 ,3; 3 Page Two THE KENTUCKY PRESS . February, 1930 ::
33 .133333:.‘3~'33 331:
33333;? is S entries for the Front Page Contest
' 3.333333 3.‘ T H E K E N T U C K Y P R E S and the Community Cup Contest .
1333,33 3 which rules will not be changed. It has
333333333333 . ——-———————‘_ ' . _ been suggested that the Best Editorial ‘.
3' 3i if; Official Publication of the Kentucky Press Association Contest be changed to include the
flv'iig.j3 35.1 ——-—————'——‘_— Best Editorial Page instead of just 23*.
-.. 33333. 3-; VICTOR R. PORTMANN, Editor-in-Chiet one editorial to be judged. In all 3
L 33333 3 FRANCES L. HOLLIDAY, Assistant probability there will be two classes '
1.3333. i: _._________— . in the Best Newspaper Contest, one 3
' ; ‘i33 3 3 . Published by the Department of Journalism, University of Kentucky, Lexington for any community newspaper in the 3
; '3“ Printed by The Kernel Press state, and the other for newspapers 3
3, 3335333 3 3.; which have not won first place in pre- 3
. 3 *3312‘ 33 3.3 . . d 01 Matter vious contests of that name. Your 3,
3 3333* 3 Application Pending for Entry as Secon ass __ views and comments on this proposed 3),
3Fh33133 ‘ [3: E: ‘ _._._ _—v —_—.—_—_’_——-.33 K . ' ' V 1 3
3’3 muss ASSOCIATION OFFICERS glasigficazilgsr; £3330 be gladly ieceived ..
. 33433 33 311; HERNDON J. EVANS, Pineville Sun, President 33' e r: 1
‘3 3333333 333 3‘ J0 T LOVETT M L d T' V‘ President 33 3
. .. I! 3-. if E - ’ “my 9 ge" “nes’ 308' A ER ENT‘ 3
j ' 33 333 3;: JAMES T. NORRIS, Ashland Independent, Chm. Exec. Committee DV TISEM 5 .
.33 “3133 3? J. CURTIS ALCOCK, Danville-Messinger, Secretary-Treasurer The new edvertisement of the Louis- . 3
3 333333‘3 33‘3 —-———————‘——'—'————— Ville .Paper 00., appears in this issue~ '3‘ 3' ‘
3 3,333 3 ————‘_—— Slowly the advertising column of the 3
3: “33.331333 3 .i ‘ ‘ N . -~ .- Press are being filled and all adver-
92.3..“ 33, r.‘ d)“ ' ‘ " ' ' . 3 ““‘ ” ’ - - 3 '
x 3:33;: L33 3 MEMBER 353$? "3 i :;" ' i _: 1‘ : :3 3353' _ O tisements pertainlng to the craft Will 3
33 333333333 3 “NW ' ’3 ‘ Member} IL193 be welcomed. The cost of issuing the
e 3733 33;.3‘- l’ 3 ‘ ‘ -‘- ‘ ~ - - ,9... "1—" Press is now being met by the revenue
«sl'wlyi 1‘. .' —- ~ . ._ ._
=3 [3:3‘3333 3- K 3 TUCKY PRES - ._: 3..:MMW from its advertlsmg columns. As soon
3;3 333333 . _ 3 ‘ ‘ ‘ " 73 as the revenue will permit; we will
’31‘33333 33f: ASSOCIATION 1; if 33— f." :‘2: 3 change to a larger size in order to .13
3 '3 33333313333333 3;.4 ORGANIZED JANUARY. 1569 . ‘ :?J%—_ ive our readers a biager, better a er ,I'
. 333,33 . 3,. .. ._ g as . p p
; 3311333333 3:35 W each month. Tell the companies with
; 3 .1331! 33333 L . . h 31-,
xi: 333333 5: JUST ONE YEAR OLD hive (me f°r every non-member wh° Efiécihye°3r§33er33§3m§i3531-1353355
3133333 3.31;; 3. __ W111 join us in our work for Kentucky th . advertisement a car in” each 3'
333333.33 3 Well, well, well! So the infant is newspapers and Kentucky. If you do 155:” of the Press .pp. i
3.33333 33 3 just one year old this issue! My, how not receive your logotype within the e * -* * 3.
.13 “[3333 3-: the child has grown and how well next week, notify the Press editor. If b1 h 1d b h 3
.5 ii.‘53'i3.lil‘.ilr~ and sturdy he looks! He certainly has a: 3-: . every pu ls er wou e on ls ,
.3 333 733333 3 3- - , - uard a ainst irres onsible subscri tion
s: 333.333 35 been well-nourished and Vtell taken OUR CARTOON Eontest gmanagers pand shyster ppm-
.3 3133:7333 3" care of in the first trying year of his moters of S ecial pa es and would give _
33 3,3333 3.5 3 eXlstence. All thls leads us to remark . Thru the courtesy of the Engraving a decisive ‘PNon as fnswer to their al- -
' 3333333., - that the Press starts on Volume Two D t t f th L . .11 C . _ _ ‘ ' - 3
3 33:23:33"? - th‘ - ‘th d hf: and epar men 0 e 03118331 e ourler luring propOSltlons, much money would
l3 33’3533333‘ . Wlth ‘5 issue W1 renewe " Journal, the Press will run a perti- b sa ed and much worr eliminated 3
3 3393333333 E ambition. New advertisements are nent cartoon each month. It is said e v. . . .y 3 3
433333333 3 appearing in the Press, and, if the that “pictures make news”, but the Publlshers in California, Iowa and ‘3
.3 3333333333 3 revenue increases to any extent, we Press will use these cartoons to drive Pennsylvania have appealed, the past 3
33 333373333. ', 3 W311 greet our readers each month home certain points in connection month, to N'E'A' headquarters. for help 3
333333 3 With a larger and better Papa‘- We with the plans and ideals of the KPA in re°°Veming 1°55“, pr°te°tmg the" ;
3233333’3331333 want to thank every member 0f the and the tenets of good journalism. rights, and locating such promoters. '
3 33333333333 3 . ‘ K333333101“, newspaper fraternity for We are indebted to Mr. Corcoran for FOHOW these suggestions and you
. i: 3133 hls loyal and hearty support and 00‘ his suggestion, and extend thanks to W111 avoid 1055: ”0113013 and regrets: I
3333333333 if operation and request Its COQtln‘lal‘?e- him and his associates in this apprec- 1. Before signing up with a salesman . ‘
- 333334 3 We-agam take this opportunity to le‘ iated cooperation. not backed by a well known reputable
» 13.3333 3 quest that you 53333.33 m news items Of - i= * firm consult your state or N.E.A. press '
' 33335333333353 Q3 yourself, your family, your office, and association head uarters even tho he 3
. ., m; ,i, ~ . . . THANKS q , 3
r; 33333333 3 your brother editors. Lets make this __ carries the best references. 3
’ «(r3331 ' .
w 33'433333 E. :{enltflaclk 3:53;?231135, ngzvgsigzis :13; We again extend thanks to the 2. Be sure you have a clear under- 3
i la $3333 .7 . y p p ' ' , Whittaker Paper Co., Cincinnati, for standing of every clause in the agree- ‘
g 3.3 gill-,3 2, articles on the craft and the fratem- . . . _ . . 3
;. 333331.: ;,_ it will ladly be received and pub- the paper upon which this 1Ssue and merit under conSlderatlon. ;
3 333333 333 \ lizh ed atg any time Will you coope- subsequent issues will be printed. The 3. Read every paragraph in the con—
3; 3393333333 E: . . ' company is showing its desire to co- tract carefully—six point type parti- 1,
3.3.3333”, 5. rate Wlth the editor? Thank you! , .
333331333333 * * * operate With the Kentucky newspap- cularly. 3
f; 3,1133” . ers in every way and takes this meth- 4. It’s always a good rule to submit I
' 33.33.3333 ’- . SHOW YOUR COLORS od to aid the Press in its activities in a contract to your attorney for an 3
'2'. 35515333333333 —— behalf of the Kentucky newspapaers. opion before signing on the dotted line. .-
333333333333 ' , The logotypes of the KPA are being * * 5. Finally, if you are still in doubt— 3
3 3.333333 ,3 sent to the paid up members of the NEWSPAPER CONTESTS DON’T SIGN. It’s better to be safe 3
I 333333 . association this week. Put your “seal —— than sorry. 3
. :3 33.33333: ; of comradeship and cooperation” in The rules and regulations for the Keen Johnson, Richmond, is the 3
3333333333 ; your masthead. It stands for pro-_ 1930 KPA newspaper contest will be N. E. A. vice—president for Kentucky. F
53:3333‘ f gressiveness and your active partici- announced in the March issue of the ——~————— 3
‘, 333333333 -3 pation for the success of your associ- Press. The divisions of the contest Have you_followed your new year i
3 333333333 . ation and of the newspaper fraternity will not be exactly the same as in pre— resolution by raising your subscription
[3333333333 _ in the state at large. We have plenty vious years, if present plans mature. and advertising rates to the standard .
333333 of these badges of membership and However, begin now to select your rates?
‘ 353333 3
3.329;. i ,
. zit-3:33: , ’
. 3.3 -
i: 3:333 3 i ..
3333333333333: 3324 :33 . 1*
3:13:33" , ~:
x». l. . Wu .3 , 3
i. 4.2;: .3. 333$“ k a

 ' “1‘1" 1
11113217? '
15111112f= " 1
I February, 1930 THE KENTUCKY PRESS Page Three 11 12,1? '. ‘1
1' ' 1;I1
COME ON IN, THE HUNTIN’S FINE! and harmony of color, carries with it I' 1 1
1 a peculiar fascnation that is too 11‘ ,111
1 I /’ often unknown and unapperciated by 1. .11 111 I1 ,
h /,_/—\,\I he;c % is, one who is only a writer or a sordid 111‘: 11 :1
1' I W 1', //6/ 4:33; \ . business man, it matters not how pro- 111121 I , ,
f'r'k/iaé :1 1, ficient and accomplished he may be 11.1 1 g, ' 1
2 (9 , "Io/5'9" 22:-7: “WW7 2;; 1 in his own particular field. 11 1111 1
”DUES. ~ 1 7 @4175. ’I2 2/ However, the mechanical part of job I 11‘: f; ' I1
I ,1 XII, ‘ It 123:1 \ printing, fascinating as it may be, is 3:11: :11 I ‘
I ’ 2‘1. 2’11" .‘2 by no means altogether “art for art's 11" '2' 1111 1
1 (few /, ' \I sake” as it were. We all realize that 111 1,311 'I
,. . \1 < \2/31 \ while job printing is a helpful and 1‘21 1 4213 ‘g‘,
I ,'\ . 1I necessary adjunct to financial returns T1 "'11 1
'1I‘\ 1r“. 175,) 1 in newspaper work, we must recognize ;1 ' iI.‘ '1 i
'\1,‘ 11' \‘L' I the fact that it would not‘ be, and , 11,1, .1
f\<\\\x “2* " {3 ‘1 could never be made to become so, if I.» 2'11111
,. 1111",} 31 " 1 due attention was not first paid to . 1
I , , 21 . 1 ‘ the mechanical, or if you please, to 11-11 1
I, , 2/}k\ 1 1:“ the artistic efforts of the man at the 11,1211 1
1 ‘3; " 1‘II frame or press. 111 1
’ 7° “ 273,121 I// ,‘I11/ To be effective and profitable to “ ' 1112 1
I / 2/ the business end of the newspaper lIf ‘1 1
, V I/ 7: ' ./ ' / office, job printing must be perfect .1 11 ' 1
211“” “Cg/7 ‘,_ / from a mechanical and artistic stand- 11 1.I . 1
. I711, ‘% 0d,; .2\. / point. Due attention, of course, first 1111 2 , ,- _
11'\\\\ 'V% {Ki/69" ' II,“ " must be given to a proper balance or 121 I; 1 1
\x , 17% e“ , ’ " arrangement of it’s composition, cor- 2,11 12 2 I I 1
e 1 , 1’1” 11? IL___,,/'/”' rect style of type, and also appropriate 1‘1; 1.I j ‘ 1
1 I ’ 2, ' ," '1 $4252 ‘21 , / quality of stock, and last but not least, . 1‘1 3, ‘ " 1
.. ex‘2\11\\}," 1 1 If." __ ‘1 ' promptness of execution and delivery. 111 _ I2 1
W /' 111111 1%" 1 11/ 1 4 In this instance, I also wish to state, 11 1 , 1 2 1
I! \7 1,. 2" 1 1,1 2‘ '2‘I2,I , ' 2I V' that neatness, statements, order blanks 1‘1 = 1 1
1.1' I 11/ 1 I111 1 11p 1‘1 ‘1‘11T7' and such, because it adds much to the 11 ' 2121
1' 1.111”. 1 ‘2‘ 23 %~ A ,' \\ ‘ 4,- .I. - _1 ‘1 1:11 ' attractiveness of the finished product. 1I: I1, - I I
'. 4.32,, ,_I~,\ 32/211 /'/ 2:171 ‘/ WW: I: 1, 1.2 11¢ ,7 The question of delivery brings to .1121 I , .I
1' \\\Q\\1‘1%; 39.1%,; ‘2 4,6439 ’ /, ,2I I' I'21 11 my mind a point that is often over- 1121 I: I 1“,
. 1‘1 "1‘1: ”-‘4 ”Mfg? —{—\§\ 111 I Z1 1 111 11 looked in many rural offices. The 11 fl I1
:31": ,'\ 1‘2" J" 1 .I 1, 1, 1 11 last thing that is done to a piece of 1111 . , ,2
“$53“- .\ 212, . 1 1. M job printing in your office is the first 3i; 1 1 1 1
_ }é\ 1,31%: t thing your customer sees on its de- 1' 1
1° livery, and that is the manner in 11111;
1 Courtesy Engraving Department, Louisville, Courier-Journal. which the work is wrapped. It is not 1 1 l
' M enough to simply bundle it up and PM: '1 1 . 1
- ‘ “get it out of the house into the hands I 1 g 2
I EDITOR JOE GIVES SOME to the financial interests and business of the customer. Packages should be 1 ‘,
. POINTERS 0N JOB WORK prosperity of the rural newspapers. In wrapped and labeled or stamped in 11.51» 1
r __ my humble opinion, these meetings a manner that will not only attract ‘11 11 '1‘
By “Joey” P. Gozder of the Kentucky Press Associaton attention by its neatness, but will be 1111'1 ,I
1 Campellsville News_JoumaI1 would prove much more profitable more convenient and therefore very 1 1 1
2,~ 11; gives me pleasure to speak before with more of these, and less quibbling pleasing to your customer. 1115.1 ': , ,
‘ this body on a subject that is dear to over non—essential matters, or mat— For instance, orders of five and ten 1111 2 ,I
1118, and financially important to every ters too trivial to be of any vital inter- thousand lots of letter heads, bill 111 , . I
. newspaper office in the state that est to the great industry or profes- heads, statements, order Iblanks or 111"" . 1
maintains a commercial job printing sion which we have chosen to follow, other forms, it is well instead of I I . ,2 1.
department. ' and on points which each of us must simply making one large package of 1' I 1 I
I have been associated with printing handle to our best judgment. governed the entire lot, wrap each 500 or 1,000 1 1 2 1
since my early childhood, about the by such conditions and circumstances in separate packages and then as- 1 .{ I 1 1
time I started to school more than as prevail in our respective offices. semble the entire order in one bundle. '11 1,? 1
thirty years ago in the Windy City of With these few prefactory remarks, This Will enable your customer to file 11 1 i I I, 1
I Chicago, When in school I bought I will bore you with this short paper the unused part away, and keep clean 12,111, I II 1
1 from my desk mate an Exceisior rub- that I have prepared on the subject and smooth until needed for use. Also @1111, 11 .
ber type printing outfit, and have of Job Printing. by this method, your customer, may 1111 g '
I_ been associated with printing since keep track of his supply and naturally 11111 1 I
that time. My first printing was an One is at times tempted to wonder give you more time for repeat 11 1' ' .I
order of 1,000 coupons for a con— if those of us, who have been practical orders. 111,1 ', ‘.I _ I1 , 1
fectionery, for which job, I received printers or pressmen, are not really The old slogan “ a satisfied customer .1 11 .
$1.50. All thru life I have studied appreciative of the value, artistic and is the best advertisement" is partlcfll- 121. ' 1
1, printing and every phase of better financial, of job printing as an at- arly true when applied '00 17118 10b12=1 1 1' 1 1
' Printing, including colortype work. tribute to newspaper work, than those printing department Of a rural news- 1, I1 'I, 1
Before the beginning of this short who are strictly newspaper men. paper office, as the best salesmanship ‘1; . ‘I 1
formal paper on the subject I have To stand at a frame, and with ones can but fail to get repeat orders from 1 1 1 I 1
_, been assigned, I wish to express my own hands cause type and rules to a dissatisfied customer, and in 30" 1'11 {1 1
' hearty approval of the idea of Round form themselves into beautiful and printing as in other lines of business, 11 1 I, 1 - 1
Table discussions on such subjects as artistic combinations; or to bend over it is the cumulative effort of repeat 1‘, it 1 1
1 10b printing and other points so vital a press, getting an exact make-ready (Please Turn To Page Seven) I .13 , 1 I
1: 1: 1
2 If. 13 1‘1 ,_
‘2' 12",1'1 ‘ 1
1-‘1 11
111‘ 1: ‘

 ~- It? ‘ ‘
L‘ 1. ' -.

EYE :I E. .
Mk“; I.

). II F bruary 1930

‘ ‘.‘ u; 3:11 "1 e 3 ' h
l L: I .Ij“ 1‘ I“: Page Four _ . wanted to hold ,

:F' .3713) I~: - tlced that she alwayS
IIII I- , . while. And usuaHY, when this no 5 we went through the shows
I : IMM » . ‘ t Page) W°1th . t ou are my hand a
I II”:W I (Continued From Fns happens, you Will find that tyis near or rode the Whips and wheels and rolle;

,1 L ‘1‘.” “1 t» - . _
13,! {Ia-.12: s m state as writing on some subiect tha men you coasters. From that experience I ‘2
I55” H 3-, ing in thls “$960" bu reat piece of and dear to you and one to W wrote a celumn the next day which I

. '3 I it}; ‘3‘ ‘ a general thlng that no g . - iven muCh thought “Gri ing Hands,” 1n Whlch I
at... t . been written which have g 1 351380175 of called DD _ f t to I
’ f w III‘e‘ literature has em - I, rest So much for the genera . t as I told of how the Little Glrl held as I
‘» i II I was lacking In human m e I x- human interest. My .SubJec ’ - all the time. It was written 1n.a |
» I. .. f Ruth for an e t 1f more With me m .
3‘.le Take the Book 0 _ 3 _ derstand it, concerns 1 se . . , nal manner. too, and aga' I
. IIIUIII". I ample By critics this is con51dered un tual and postive experiences in very page that many people read it. I

I , ' , ‘ 5 ever my RC _ . '_ I learne

* ‘IIIII‘I 1 one Of the greatBStt lfiaiestfifilfh of at putting human interest lntflttllllg iendla Several. in. fact, told me that the 5&0}; .

“ I ‘III “II written- I't Sfizsvzzting elaborate. III: troial columnf-f1 I “gasdblgglggan to play broug‘ht tears to thin]; as :heghgeaéreat I
I ZII‘IIII i3 plot, nor is . tic courtship newspaper 0 cc, .. ~ , d many I thought of wha 81‘1‘1: _ y
'= If I it L“ tor Of a roman . . ' -‘ writlng a 800 . . - ' hen some be .

. . IIII‘I'III I? 22:15 (gliifse asrlid sorrow and joy 1:11 LEh: highs SESOUIahdopted the general styti British 21:33:21 “Tahiwzo write stories. I
‘I‘IMIII I~ rs and it has en u e ' . .' - - and followed 1 ginner . .. . eep make
Int-~31 lg long gone yea . . to of editorlal writlng I id bnefly Make em W . _

’ I‘I‘I‘I II I‘ h the centuries. What mys 1 ~ three or four years ago. He 5a ‘ . ait” I saw his ~

.hIIII III E . throng . that has made it until some . I deemed of ’em laugh. make em w . e .
: ‘I‘I‘I‘I" I‘I ‘1 quality does it have ~ that it wrote on subJects th‘f‘t lti- oint and from that time I saw mor I
.. UIHIII III I" endure? True. one mlght say at importance. Deliberately 1 cu p ' hat people wanted to read. I

» '0- t‘s l' . . » hink it is. but many gre . - f writing and I clearly W . . n in- I

. aw .. - red. as I t . . d a dlgnlfied style 0 . classlfy it as huma I

, In“? II I 15 msp‘ - - h deny its inspira- V3“ f what heavy dld not then t d to

54‘ In I... I apable critics W 0 . . as really proud 0 b t I saw that peOple wan e

< III" III c_ e that it is a great Piece W . ~ es achieved. Every- terest. 11 . 1 they knew
V [HI'II 'I‘” I; . tion also agre 9 Sim 1 b use it dignity I sometlm . t' 11. ad somethlng about peop e
I In H: l- - , p Y eca , one excep 1° 1'9 . - 1t_

I‘... I‘II'I :- °f lliiattugainzv?§tangible quality that thing lookeihineha‘zmfitat few people, and about emotionfi'fvhfifwgg fem”;

'I ‘I“‘ has a ‘ interest. The That excep 1 Lots of times It was quite a w 18,_ . t a:

III.IIII“‘!‘,‘I I‘ we now call human who if any read my stuff. . . uld make up my mind to star as

WIRIIHII' I. 1d is full of men and women . 'et into that condition we 1 co . et I can still feel
11‘ Wi‘iIIz‘.‘ ‘f war '11 love or what hope to when we 8 are too deep for columnlst. and evenly . _

:1 u: w z I begin to .
I; 'III'I‘IIII‘ I, love, or who Wl . theme of the tell ourselves that we t ff goes a. reluctance about it when h

if III‘I,.“u‘l!lI I love Love is the bas1c . . eaders and that our 5 u . thing that is extremely I
-~‘1 Iti‘fIvt ._ ' ' an ever grlppmg our r . That’s cold com- write some I started
. 1‘ lE‘I‘II Ig‘ story, and there 1s ds: “Thy over their heads. e in ersonal. But three years ago .

i IIIa I element in those Slrnl:.leie“‘“Jr Whither fort, for after 3112‘“ inlynp‘fip‘ti. it I: column. I did not know whethtr 011 1“

I :III‘III‘ ‘ I. pe°ple Shall be my IIIIDO'”. writing an Bd‘tPrl-al CO was it has as could keep it up or not but I reIotYen ‘

. f IIIIII‘II I? thou goest, I, too, W g ingly flippant to be read. If it is not re to see this to try. I made a further reso u 10 .

.“l In“; H .5: We live ”day m a seen; have been well not be written. I came for I that I would cast overboard every

[I IIIIIIII III }I age. Sentiment seems 03nd Every- very clearly and it annoyedf 1:: stuff vestige of dignity and try to thrii‘: f
mi '- I - - . '

'I III‘I‘I" i pushed Into the baciilan they did a really thOug‘ht that some :dereyd why myself wholly into whatever I miih L
Ii‘i‘ItI I body seems smarter has replaced was fair enough and I W21 't chance to write. I still lacked e -

‘ I‘III‘II‘I“ 5‘ few years ago. Jazz d story and nobody seemed to ever real 1in reach- courage to abandon the plural in refer-

I IIIII‘I I sentiment In songBuztmthis change, I A501“ this time (in y lift 6ingrning in ring to myself, and for a year 02:1th I

:. III-III. t. motion pic ures. d school age. an 0“ tinued in this manner-

, . III wt», x, t changed human 6 ~ t toward the I Con eed- I

“IIIFII ,. am persuaded. has no S tember She set 011 t f the column my town was 11

, I II‘III I I and as long as we have human 69 I saw her go that morn- star 0 t ets and With suc- .

.IRII ‘I nature. .1 have human interest. schoolhouse. n ache to my ing some new 5 re . Then the I

“ I‘I-‘IIIII‘L" I nature we W11 . - t ' and It brought a . I campaiEDEd for these. I

. em. hat sentimen mg . that picture as cess . . for

‘ “I"‘I‘I “ I Signs are n°t lacklng t d 1 heart I can still see . d s stem occupied my attention I

IIE‘F‘II' I - ' One can see a gra 113‘ '. 'n of a little curly roa y . d subject ;
Hazlitt I . still eXists. . t in I saw it that mornl g. . at a time and this was a ban y -.

II==7I"‘I‘LI.',‘ ~ -‘ back toward sentimen . '1 with a long 1‘31ch ’ t dull periods. But I
i’ IIIIII‘II‘II .. swinging t selling headed $11”: 1 and to fall back on a .
II EIEI'IIII'I. » ~ iotures and the bes . h from head to hee S. h I saw that I must I:
II IIIIIIIIIIII : movmg D : e those which are coverlng er . her the day came w en
”MI - ' lunCh box m t ally conduct
I‘II“~IIII‘II I books of today ar' orks of With a httle blue . had make the plunge and ac u
‘II‘IIII‘I‘ . filled With human 11131:: 1:: arvr‘xfong the dimpmd handS. For SIX 32:11: :2: had a personal column) made lép'dofsmi ‘
“ IIIJIIIEI ‘ biograth. for exam ’ ~ (1 the babY- For SIX hts and experiences an 1 ea - .
it -iIiI“i,‘IIIII-I‘ a: the present time. an been . . ds of father and thoug in the
‘g’é‘iv‘II‘i'I‘i” _ best sellers 0f . st be been the guiding han' he decided to use the first person
1 I: EIIIIIIII. I naturally works thhgiessgirt mu mother on every occasmn. aendS £35th at column and have held to this risolhi‘;1 I
I III“? ‘ filled :‘E‘ch‘olhlgtm’tlllie1 beginning of this was setting toutf onpsgjngn made an tion for more that: t: yeI‘QpliIneglthe I
‘ III'I‘I ‘ As sal . ' ht lead 0 ar ’ the start tha is s .
.. III-.aII it, :I t 1 a s achieve human male . d as I walked from . ch .
l . I canno a W y , . . n on me, an I; lead and made it mu ,
. IiEsIIIII'I" I paper, . ' It is a Simple impreSblo ‘ I was matter a grea ;
. its I - what I write. office that mornlng . ress myself-

._ IIIIIIII 15' interest In . that a down to the hts eagler for me to exp . I

~.,I.,.IIIII . (1 1t would seem . . down my thoug . . (:1 hard 30h .
. I...I In. thlng, too, an . 1d mentally writing _ At the begmnmg I ha a

‘ II‘I‘I‘IIII‘ I b worked out which wou - The article seemed and it was
.1 .ii I I .. 2 plan could e . st into on the subject. e1 Thoughts were slow to come

7: 1““ "I t allow one .to cram hum”? mtere hi to write itself that day. for I mer y m ult to overcome my personal re- I
‘ ‘III‘IIII‘II I: the written word at Will. But t s t 1d the story in as human a manner (111 to ce to putting myself into the ..

z t s m observa— 0 e to know uc an _ . .

I 3 IIéIIII‘I cannot be done, so far :1 orky with all as I could. It amazed dmit Friends writing of what I did write. It EIYES Y
I I IIIIII “I I“ tlon goes. One miya iece of writ- that so many people rte: s and I saw one a sort of unclothed feeling to wrtig

WWW.“ :' . ‘ ' . ‘ ‘
IIIIIE‘I-II 3 skill and diligence a seefn to be good. spoke of it to me for Sign that peo- in as personal a manner as I stait 1:5
“i‘IIIIIIII‘I I ‘ ing, the thought may me easily. Yet that I had written some 1% read but out to write. But time dulled 1. -
‘ I‘WI‘I‘I and the rightist Eazofight is not there ple had read, and 1I333,ontsliiought’.‘ it embarrassment, and today I nevei
“ ‘1‘1’; it.“ a l - Some ; ’ . - .
“‘IIIIIII‘ Elgetrffzgd At other times, and Ithave aEEmZEaiIgg'personal to me. It lack“; think :Ilyt‘did cast ofi ever shadow of I
l twig”. . ' e a