xt7pnv99917n https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7pnv99917n/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1972-02-18 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 18, 1972 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 18, 1972 1972 1972-02-18 2020 true xt7pnv99917n section xt7pnv99917n Q I #‘
Th¢ H‘n'u‘kg Winter’s buck
Sick of spring'.’ Fantastic. Look for the
weather to be windy and cooler. with a chance
. of snow flurries Friday; partly cloudy and
colder by Friday night. Precipitation chances
. are 30 percent Friday, 20 percent Friday
night. High today will be in the upper 30‘s; ‘
VOL. LXI” N0. 93 LEXINGTON, KENTL'CKY 40506 Flltl);\\'. FI‘IBRl'ARY l8. l9?! low tonight 20.
Romméears leading contenders .
UKf lt ' t 6t f'llt t seat ”
By MIKE WINES entire faculty in a nominating Teacher Award and a Teacher winner; ofgraduate studiesin elementary - '
Editor in (‘hief ballot held this month, and one Spokeswhell Award. He has --Harold R. Binkley. professor education; . ' V
The president of last year's must pull an absolute majority of researched in the fields of germ- and Chairman of the Department --Hobert W. Rudd. professor . I ' .
University Senate has emerged votes cast before the balloting free experimentation and of Vocational Education, College and chairman of the Department
as the front-runner in the ends. education. and has authored or of Education,ateacher since 1950 of Agricultural Economics,
’ nominating ballot to select a Faculty trustees serve a three- co-authored some 35 articles. and publisher of some 30 articles; College of Agriculture, a faculty I .
faculty member for the Board of year term. while regular board monographs. and a textbook. He member since l948 and faculty
Trustees. members serve for four years. currently serves on the -—James T. Moore. professor of trustee member from 1968 to r
Dr. Sheldon Rovin. professor of Dr. Garrett Flickinger, current University Senate Council. education. College of Education, 1971.
-. oral pathology in the College of president of the University Other candidates a past visiting professor at the First balloting for the faculty
, - ‘ Dentistry.was the tOP vote-getter Senate. said PBSt VOteS among Sears. a UK graduate. was a ['niversity of Maine and director trustee ends Thursday. Feb. 24. i
‘- . among six faculty members who faculty members have tended to visiting professor at Michigan _
Q will be presented to the favor “someonca majority of the State University in 1966 and has _ ., __ .. _ ‘
University faculty as candidates faculty thinks (hast. - .a certain served as past chairman of the .fi " the“ "
for the post. He received 79 of 318 capability to keep things cool." University Senate Council. ' ' . ’ "1 is. .l _ _, . .
ballots cast. ”it (the vote) tends to go in the Committee assignments include . ~ ' fix ""K . ., ._ . ‘
' Close behind Rovin was the form Of prestige." he said. “The a post on the Presidential Search > . . ..y " V: ::-§‘;- .
only member of the Arts and winner usually has served in Committeewhich selected DrOtis I. ,_ . . “t t/“w'
Sciences faculty to be nominated. other elective officers." Singletary and the Committee on . ' v g' . - V . »
" I)r.Paul Sears of the Department Little campaigning Codification of the Governing fijif ~ ;
» of Chemistry. Sears, who now sits None of the faculty nominees Regulations. Research interest ‘ i . .
on the Board of Trustees with has actively campaigned for the include non-aqueous solvents and -' i . 2:.-
. College of Law Professor Paul post. Flickinger said, but electrochemistry. He has ._ / \ . ‘
' . ()berst, drew 73 votes in the coalitions in support 0t different authored over 40 research ””4“ < . i t
. . . balloting. candidates often form as ballots papers. :3: fl . W! p .. .
Selection procedure narrow the list of candidates. Other nominees include; . 22;" f 2;. _ "4,; "j .
The six candidates face a long Rovin. a graduate of the --Staley F. Adams, professor “ g ‘5‘ . _ 5*“ .-
' series of ballots held by the entire University of Michigan. has and chairman of the Department ., ' ,1. “V f g (1’, , ~ ’ . ' - .
. ' . University faculty before .a received three teaching awards of Civil Engineering College of .. __ f 13-55 - 3,: .
, . ' trustee is finally selected. All six inthe College of Dentistry. a UK. Engineering. and a UK Alumni , f v'-.§l_f;€;;i§i :. ' ‘ ' '
were originally picked from the Alumni Association Great Association Distinguished V. _ . i it. . . '
. / A ' . . .- ,3] ' - ' ‘ " .. ' , . _
' { . Problems face U YA office we . e ___ ' .
BF LYNN MARTIN with the students. confident that all problems will . if
Kernel Staff Writer Continuing the student said, be equitably resolved since they .» ' . ' ‘ .
‘ Approximately 30 students ”W“ weren‘t considered in this represent areas of concern . .
" involved With University Year for action. We haven‘t been con- already identified by the UYA 5:; .. "N .
. Action (L’YAi have submited a sidered in any decision making Staff“. A ' £ ' ”'7 ., '
- , . list of problems to the L7 YA office process in the whole program." \'ol an d went on to say that f .... .... . .. . ..., ““32? ' .
. 4 . and the Dean of Undergraduate ' List withheld . these problems will be discussed A kosowmawewmww; , . X: _- g
. ' . htttd'ee ”the"- “ hen contacted about the “St by the t'YA office management “f“ at: .17“ first» teetewe‘”ww““ :T‘? 1; .
' ‘ The problems. or areas of or problems. Voland refused to team and the volunteers in a " “W“ '- " .. -.
‘ , ‘ concern. stem from the recent release it. He gave this meeting Saturd av. v- -: « . ‘ WVMetristmg’“?
' . firing of (‘arol Haines. former co» statement. "Roughly 30 UYA According to Yoland. the list of ' w - av» ‘“‘ - -
‘ ' ' . director 0i t'YA- volunteers have identified a problems could not be released _ , " 7
. ’ ‘ ' Sel‘ViccS not needed series of concerns and problems because "misinterpretation g. . .
' According to several students. as they SOP [hem relating [0 might dth’lOp." fife. .
Vt'hO W'iSh [0 remain anonymous program inanageinent‘" he said_ $5.: t ' .
.. . for fear of reprisals. Haines was (I we .
fired without reason. One student “In reviewing the problems WP 2200f? ___. ‘ , -
said, “She got a letter from Dr. stated that were submitted by the ,
' . ‘ \r’oland (Dr. Maurice \roland, students." he continued. “we A review of the play ”Little -
. . UYA director) saying they didn‘t were encouraged by the per- Murders" in Thursday's Kernel PraCtlce makes Peril/’0‘
- ‘ ' feel her services were needed ""ptiof‘ Of the Xmme‘frs tand‘w" income”? “s“?d Pam Elam. as Elaine Wilson refines her broad Lafayette High School and are
that the training was over. The deeply apprecmte their concern the story 5 writer. The reVIew _ _ . . ,
. . . - - . . , Jumping technique as Sheri King members of the track team.
, student explained that this action for the total operatic: and suc— was actually written by Pat I , . . _ _
. . . ‘ ooks on. Both girls are Juniors at (Kernel Photo by Jim Wight )
. was taken Without consultation cess of the program. We feel Islam. ,
' t H f'lt t bl'h 'hb'll  
' . B." ["ANE NASER SB 191. because in four sessions while members Of the committee Non-publishing professors faculty member possessing . . .
‘ ' Kernel Staff Writer of the house committee “nobody who how the same sentiment as The Senate Education Com- either tenured or non-tenured
The House committee on could agree and if we (House President ()tis Singletary are mittee met later in the morning status shall be removed or denied
Education failed to act on ”B 39. committeei wait maybe the holding 01“ for his proposed and Senatos William L. Quinlan renewal of contract for faiiure to '.
' the publish or perish bill,’putting Senate (‘ommittee can agree on amendment or defeat ofthe bill in and Lacey T. Smith introduced publish research or other
! off a final decision for the fifth . . Committee. SB 191. Smith stated he was in scholary wows". This amend-
. week in a row. somethinguand get "1 out or According to Karcm there has favor of the bill since it would ment to SB 191 is identical to the
Representative David Karem. committee \jizt‘astadearem. $1.: Shir:thgeliigltiii‘ctaitnwtiitfh tit: assure some kind of one summitted by Represen- ‘
'h'iirman of a sub—committee. - t t . ‘ ' . . 'icknowledgement to non tative Joe Clark for HB 89. .
t ‘ . . _ H 'k t t d , The lack ofagreemciit resulted the House hdiicatiozz (ommittee publishing professors.
3 appoinited‘ (lit firm” (:aifllili: fromthe varied views concerning this legislative session. 3}; 191 was not opened for SB 19] will be discussed next
iitlimxzsilén 1;. Otabled hilt” the what the purpose of the bill ac— The sub-committee report did (ii-SCUSSIOH or voting because an Thursday '1” the Senate
I i . tually was meant to be. The not favor either amendment but amendment had been filed prior itdiication .(Olllllllttt‘t‘ meeting
' Senate Education (“thim'ttt't‘ sponsorsofHHtttiandl'K student thought the concept of the bill to today's meeting but copies “hit according W Mark i‘etzer.
' (Wt-S on it similar hitt- Th" Wt)” lobbyist think ‘heir proposed was a good idea and would were not available for committee I h ttlt’th‘tshth“ ti'” “looks pretty
("Hiiiiiiittt‘t‘ ‘ti‘t‘i‘tt'tt t" "t‘t'hm' .‘itliiit'iitliiii‘iit is necessary for the support the original bill the wav it iiicmlwrs good ft)" getting ”“t ”t th“ Senate
h} mmd \t‘illtintl to" the St'iiiit“ ttttt- hill to carry out their intentions. was lllt‘d The amendment states that “no toiiiuilttt‘c K .

 ‘ 2—TllE KENTUCKY KERlfil‘IL. Friday. February l8. I972 (
  ” KERNEL I, d f ’ nly
- ~ . = WORKS FOR YOU' . . .
‘ .~ . \ o I“ l)l-I.\.\ ('n.\\\'l“()ltl) property that are good enough tor expansion is the area bounded 23326:;
' ‘ . . Kernel Staff Writer are rented until needed. hub— by Rose Street. Euclid Avenue, 16F_18__
f .‘ . '. h ’I‘he l'niy‘ersity of Kentucky standard houses‘are torn down woodland Avenue. and (‘lit‘ton 2:13:
U - . ,. . Like fine engraving on your gift selections . . - besides being an educational ‘hit\'(‘llilugh Mild ”ldt‘ t“ Avenue. UKalreadyownsagOOd -——F°R s;
' .' ‘ . I , institution must also rate as one l niyerslty owns 110 houses. number of houses in that area. A mom! “
.' . r 'V " the" you ll love ot‘ the city's biggest landlords 'l‘hree places with tour apart~ few people renting from UK on dlthn r
l N A ‘, 3 . \i / “it" 11“ “'mal properties. ments “ltd. the rest single (‘olumbia and Clifton said they SK'WEI
.' ._ - ,- . . _ f The ['nlvol‘slty handles the dwellings. lhe houses are rented were satisfied with the conditions lldcgindm
a , . ' ’ V -. ', 7 ARMERS W acqusition and rental of property entirely to taculty'. staff, and ot' the houses in which they are 5601 "
I ‘ . . _ - V. through the Office of the Real students of the UniverSIty. living. 'l‘hev also said that the GERMA
.' ‘. i ’l ,1 Chevy Chase village 59""‘9 W 5m"? ”5° Property Division directed by . ”Uh buys PFOPQNY directly University is very prompt about mmca’rifc'
j. . ‘ 3 t ' an 5““ Avenue tram—5:30pm Mon-Fri. George Kayenaugh. trom the owner 01‘ property/‘llsted making repairs. Most talked of bargain
' . y ' : Karenaugh said that his office by a real estate agent. said same dav responses to com- AKC cc
.. . I ‘ ' I 5 ~ . .. . . .. ., .. . -, is an arm of the Vice—president Kavenaugh, “State statutes plaints. ' $21.15;);
' «. V , . ' _' ,:_ . - ' .. -’ " ' . VI .- » - , for Business Affairs and that providethat thelandbe deeded to James King Coordinator of :2.
'. ‘- ‘ ~ . . ' > ' » 1 , -“=- '- policy is decided by the Board 0" ‘Vho Commonwealth 0f Ken‘UCky Physical Plant. said that com- woagon.‘
‘ ' . , If: . - WM" v.01: uy . _ . Trustees. Purchases are tor the use and benefit of the plaints are directed to runningt
v. , . 3 , . : - h . authorized by the state. he said. University .of Kentucky." Most Kavenaugh's office and then to W.
. .l ‘7 . ‘ l ‘, 'ksn fem Land purchasing sales. he said. are Voluntary! With the Physical Plant Division to be m
. ' ' ' ‘3 . o! » ~- V . "We only go after property thalt the 0an rs approaching the taken care of Kin ‘ 'NCOMI
. . w » - '-;:~.::r: ‘ .V=;-~ -- = . - . , .V .~ V V . V , * , . g said that ,
.l , Z ._ . trlvedn e, . - may be needed for an expanSlEn liniy eil‘slty. The onlyl time hLK expansion into the area across figs;
. '_ ' . it t 0 §-3'- project." he said. “Houses on t 9 HOME .V pursues a 53 9 15 W en . s , S , . 2 2 pm, 257
' " . . welvelhflfl - the land is needed. Kavenaugh .“0 ‘ We” abou‘VO.” ”ears vv'mc
. . 'v -r . . W.-'..I:2-;:»~::;.s:i:::. " :--.:-:-s5;::;::*::Es:5:::55;‘$2:-s‘ $53535':-:55;5»i=E:---:-’Z2;: .--.;:;:s:r's.s.3.:.;:.:::’:;~:-s.33.;25:52:35;23:29.35...aria-5:; . , . . In the future. He said that ex- Much (
._ : I; . . ., ; .5:"*1~,2:;,g;53353;;2:23.333:3:1;5-5'"3:53;5:3;3.9233552; 2555;;-~fggsgggtzgz5». .235;;gsgjj;'5s.2-1:.::.j.::::=:§ss;:=-ga:r53:2.:-::.:»:::s::::5-'5:...43.. - '- said that bK Is presently trying . . . . . . possible
.' ,, ~ " o elsecnb -' .. . . . d tention 0t UniverSIty Drive is now
‘ ‘ 1 " ~'-.....»E¥a-;,..::.r....§§- .f‘ffj "I. 5'7":;§;=-.v.,.;..s-. ‘§1.;.;1.9;~' ;; . ¥~=‘2,I": ' to buy three parCEIS 0f 1d" ' far more ressin than any other m
, ' - ' “ Laifiifiifiil'?‘5:5"?iii-is???"is.f:§iff§¥§;£;2§'i;= ,, ._ ‘, E STEREO CONSOLE Fx ansion lans . _ p g -
. , , ‘ :55‘5.§:E...::::£:E:.1::‘E‘:i.;:-":;:.-s,. -3 "3‘:-.i§-'.i I.'Ei.?.i""‘.': 3 '.?:’§:::13"-:3;1".-".":"'.3"' ’ H ' ' ' ‘» 1‘ .1 ' ' A p p [‘0 Oct ln that area
‘ 3‘ ‘- , i ‘ 353-2: -: ', .. I» - . d d p J . ‘ ‘
. . _ , , . . -- o . .. . _ The biggest area conSI ere PART
.4 '5 V3 ' 3 ' 7 Teflrm. ‘53 j $88 5, extend-r
' , ' r‘ ’3 I ' 35 +5. , '-:»:.:3:3 :.r3:5‘,1.-E:::§'if,-35":v:'I'i.I252:2;viii-33313;}:-:1:§Efl§3j:§;;:{§§f§§y§if}:i»:5;.;.::::§:§‘§-§.V._5;:§:}:'§.3Ij:_::::‘.:.E'"ff-j.;_1;'f‘§:;';;§‘:§:;":11" _ '1 _ . ,_ I nage
' ' i . ...-»'312%:.é;¥%is?:?izi.j~siii-ii?aééééiiii::éaéé2:est-1a:sr=;ariai:3:555if???*tififri ’ 1-.3 v M 000128 I“ n S u p [10" te r S . 336135
, fl _ '- I‘m. i» f . 9 Features. AM FM Stereor 4 speed . . HFEG
f , ' 3 ” v o ’.:;ii3:f5-3~= " , , . Changer With diamond needle, AFC l d I ll . Water
f 2'. . , - - * ‘ £52551“?555:3:.Eé':§§és;=-:r"'552:35???53i515}?2:353;iizégfiéiégkétgigéi'f;31.'5232;:5533335ééisr..."‘i‘ .2 1" .~ 355-2 swnw. mstamon solid state chassis , , ./ ,, , : . V
_‘ V-l : " ', _, ‘serwce. I -' " .: and lacks for remote speakers, 8 p an p r881 Pntla p 0 52:32::
. ," ' .. Sye||.;f;, . , :.::::,p,.g::‘:,:d,...::;: A sratw voet will be conducted tram Elam. Students to, . -—
' “ -. ' a {2. i.:--- , 0" campus to dotwmine student McGovern wu'dinator- ‘: new
a. x , ' _ ’ e 333532123? SALES presidential llt March mu “mm ,r
- . a > . . E55555;'3:;ii?5355555'iiiiiiféjéfiiifi35353235555522};255353553323532SiE§£§E§:§:§:§E§3§?§E5EE'5§:§€§E§E§EEE§E§I..§E§EEE25523§E§E§€E§3§352§E§E§5€. . -I.E:¥si2:5'i':‘:purl:.522321:"#:5953523:V: Hows Monday Saturday, 9 9 I 4. Students for M (.Govern The 3“ students attending the i; A (
.y‘ ' ft ; ' _ decided Thursday. McGovern organizational g;
L, ,‘ .. u , . A Young Republicans. Young meeting considered conducting a
-.' ' . . ' - {mg rt people can sell you 0 WV to pick up ;n l’ ere’s mOre l'OrgeCi‘Ey Democrats and other campus community-wide poll. but
¥V ~ I. Emcee cone 8 than W? political organizations will be decided to limit their et't'orts ‘;
g z; ‘ {_ Rut 3an we can awe you 0 test awe and tmdem g ,K/i-e asked to co-sponsor the poll when SG President Scott Wen- ' I
f .1. f. V ’1 bet:r; WU 90 Homework”. / . "hopefully under the auspices of delsdort' said. “‘The purpose of
5 ‘_ .~V_ And sethCe your VW when you COvne home, lPlus / l Student Government (SGJX' said theVpoll is to win. It' the poll is
. ' " I. ‘_ f gut“ get a total of four tree diagnostic check-ups to a 1/2 Carat / / V" w ‘_—-__k"‘_‘— I limited to campus. we‘re more b]
. '.- ' “pl? “390 VOW CO" ‘0 lOD‘F‘OTCh COMMON . diamond , / /: Th‘ ”emu: 9~H¢ffl¢ likely to win." DtlE
‘ . . ._ l; : \Vt/t—zll tote core of all thefdetoils, Such as licensmg solitaire ’ The Kentucky Kernel, University “Right now it would be better
“ , ' . ‘ '7 J"_l irsurcnce abroad. And I somethings not to your ,ava $ / Station. University of Kentucky. Lex- to concentrate our efforts on
. ‘ ~ I ‘ ‘ , , . V I V _’ r ‘ ‘ /,;,;; , ,. ington, K ntuck 40506. S d la ,
‘. ." g. ,' -. . 9 we, re the man is yet: at. We ve got connections Matt 299 _ v/ Rfstiierpsmt?‘ hxmgfin'?gptu:l‘§ campus." Elam agreed. “We
‘ ,. . . ,ow AM: AV, ’ a1 xve mes wee . . V
' ’ i. I, l . '-" V ' ’ l W U OCT / W' HELZBERG school year except holidagrs did-lingxani “NM US“ the p011 as a DUbl‘C‘t.‘
.‘I 3 3 i 3 ‘ A ' Jewurns 55$? and once dun": the sum” t'actor. Later we could branch trait F
' .. . - . . ‘ Published by The Kernel Press, Inc., 113 and conduct a community-WI e
' - I ' - Catt 255 2381,?“ 65k for our spec al 5' MWWWW Journalism Building. liniversity of Ken- ~ , i r “ '
. , . Z . Dan Mchty or send thlS coupon to § TERMPAPER ARSENAL I tuck Lexin ton K 40506 SUIWL). Forl
1. I. ~ I, ' v t I _ Q d lOOf .' .nc' ‘ Beygvun as Tghe (limit. in 189;! and published Th0 students. who support 2
‘. (I ’ l ' ‘ , :I § catzflrc‘lg 36"] 30%rgggl'ltgetsetlrrllpptd‘égrs § continuously as The Kentucky Kernel since (leorge McGovern for presidentV ;
‘ .- . . _, , M— » r 191:. __ . . .
. ‘ , M t m § 519 GLENROCK AVE.,SUITE 203 Ajdyertisingpublishedherein is Intended to are working mainly on delegate l
w .; . J°"" C00“? 0 0'5! C‘ 606 255 2381 § LOS ANGELES, CALIF. 90024 help the reader buy. Any raise or misleading selection” to elect Kentucky
‘ ,' _‘ '. - V - 1264 New Circle Road NE L°X'ngton. Kentucky 40505 (213) 477-8474 0 477-5493 'adyertising should be rep’o‘rted to the edltors,
' ' ‘1 . . - p a" N ‘ , ’ ,_ -. V 2 “We needa local salesman" delegates who support
‘\ . , we 5' J ‘ ‘ ” ”jwm'emawe‘s' ”37°33,” W'WWWW KERNEL TELEPHONES McGovern. Elam said. The
V ' l l , . “fix-4i:— “7’3"" ;~--. ":.- 3.1":1:Y:Ej:f:3i:§9311;;'3'1,3g52233;:555:3?#5555553;E;§;3§g§;§:§:§;g:§:?+;:§355935;; Editor . Editorial Editor . . . 257'1755 . r , ‘ ' ' ‘
- ~ . ' . ' .‘ . Nome ’--- Managing and Associate Editors county and legislative. district
‘ ' ‘ , '. m OVERSEAS JOBS FOR STUDENTS ................... . . 257-1740 conventions Wlll be April 29, the
_. ‘ - . ' Add Advertising.Business.Circulation . t- . ~ .
' ‘ , ‘ ‘ less Australia, Europe, 5. America, Africa, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 258-4646 congressional dlStl‘lCt conventlon <
“ " ' ‘ _' -V' W“ etc. All professions and occupations, Newsroom . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2571800 June 2 and the state convention ;
l .» . ' ' ' '9 $700 to $3,000 monthly. Expenses paid, M‘- June 3 3
, ’3" ‘ . i . overtime,svghtseeing, Free information . ' ' ‘ g
, . . ' ' I ~. wme JOBS OVERSEAS. Dept. 8i, Box ' . L
' .5 x ‘ " : 15071, San Diego, CA. 92115
.. .- 94+Octane Regular ..... .32
l? V ‘ I.‘ y . '9‘ v
a". .‘ li‘v‘ A I } HUROUGHBRED HOP { 100+OCtane EthYI . . . . ‘ ' . . 34 in
.- V . _-! , ‘ . .l (
;.. ,- 0- t ‘ SAVE at FARMER S w
., .: ,1." } . DRIVE-IN LIQUORS { East Main Street at Woodland Ave.
' - , - ‘1 ' - - mt
' j 1 . .- ’ Hours: 6:00 o.m.-9:00 .m., Mon. thru Sat.
- .. - ~ ., . . 1—: — A c
: -' r," ’ 2005 Versailles Rd. 254-0358 .1 . t
.1 . V. , , , ‘ .1 . _ , sel
., . .- - V ’ { Friday 3:00—6:00 Happy Hour
. - -. -_ , rt
., . .;' . > '* { Friday, Feb. 18, 9 pm. - I o.m. 1
‘1 - ' ' - I as
- . ‘ ' II ° II - .
. . _ . .- -V . a Hatfield Clan from lexmgton ,
. ..‘ ’. ' ' ’ 6-PAK 1 Saturday, Feb. l9,‘9 o.m. - l o.m. “ “
r ' I _ ‘. , . . l.\V
‘ II II - - -
,‘ V: .. . . } Budweiser Cans PRICES oooo THIU sea. I, m “Oly smOke from lounsvulle . [V
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t ' an .
., = . } ‘ (4 Blocks Behind Student Center) ,
" . ‘. ' ' V AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Must be 21 with ID.
‘ ‘ ‘ I

 .7 . .I I . .v _ V. "I:"V , I, "i“. '1,
. ‘ l A ‘ .; ‘ V _ , . , '. ‘ ‘ _, . z , , ’1 .
‘ . .1 , .;." z '
‘ A "-. I . Ix. ' I ‘ “ I: I ‘ l-‘ "1 [’13" L
. -l , ' ', , ‘ x?” ' ~, ‘ .-
..- ’.; t
o o Till-I KENTUCKY KERNEL, Friday. February 18. I972—3 I ;
Z .» '1 '_ .L- I. 1.34,” ' "-_
$1 16 5 I it", ' J": It
(W V v {I r '. '2 i‘ I" 11,
-’~‘.e‘ .1',‘.' 1.".
0~ooo'oo----------o'. “’L' t';.!' 9“ “(W 1’
FOR SALE AMBITIOUS tumor or senior to do part 'tm‘t‘ 4" ':, i" ,‘.-.‘.' .
moo-ooooo'oomoooooc wllinq ot intangibles Top company ln the 1 l l .- «5' v. :‘

FOR SALE pan“ Turck 1963 Chevy. New tit-Id Box 1550. Lexmqton, Kentucky [J .13” ’ 1 ("7 t Q

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' ' ARTIST— For advertismg agenCy Ability _ _. .',_. . 4 . .

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\(nlu‘ \ hours Call tor interwew 277 460? 14518 . W t '15.". r: :5

(‘lii'ton ROYAL Portable Typewriter s25 Marathon ——-————————————_ r I“? , ’ / ' e I ;-, .» 1;!

Se 1 ' I - mooooloooomoooooov -", 4,, ./,I g > “J ,, , :4 ‘ '1' _‘

agood w comm e I z Z a [/1 Z , ,3 .2

rea \ FOR SALE: 1967 Pont Firebird. New "~""""'“"~m 1- g /.< _, -;--—j*— - ,/ . ,,-.' -,
. 1 . L 33:13:, ignormdefbge, one owner, 900d con FOR RENT rooms tor one or two people. // -/ , 1/ ‘ \_ lg '41“ -/ I '1, ‘. I- r.“ 1 "i
[AK on ' e. 3662 5"” 5 pm, 7":25 $1552500per week 5minutes to campus by t A /"-" 3» .. 1" C" ~§fi~ i"; ‘ ‘1‘. 1‘ J
. M . \. . -, ‘1 $12 - . ’1 , iv v. ’
ld they SKI WEEK. Two persons Sugar Mountain, _Ur . _Ph ___252 ___105& 15F?“ O U \\ i > ., gt) ‘1'). , l 't~ : ._': 3»;
d‘ ' . N C Includes lessons, rentals, litts, food, o'moo’oO-O‘OOA--'5‘M ,.__'_,_’--1:;-"" ‘ '_ ' .- wt. l -‘ .‘
t ttions , . ...__ . ,.
odglng Privatesale 3210.0010tal. Lall254 MISCELLANEOUS ;, t" «
ley are 560] m¢oo~~0~o~m p {J s "v, ,1. h... , , .1
M ., ~' ' 1, r I. ' J
‘ GERMAN SK ' ’ " , '4 ‘. 'o ‘ j
at the w Gertsch B'ifidirfrg'stlgiglresbefigouigte MCAVTzAPreparation tor the Medical College _.‘ .,
t about humanlc plastic boots 5:19 H barely used 3:?J.‘3;°."’ “SJ; isitlrehztizhd we??? Tossed salad on I $ II 3 9 ””1ng R 00"] ”n IV ‘1}: s ",:' " 3'15.
ked of W4 0"“ “F"? GRADUATE STUDIES CENTER, P.O.Box ° ' .' .5: ~ " ‘
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l206 otter 4 p m tthe _ .V. " 13'5" f * r -' .- -.. _ -
i H“— u’""-‘ ~ . . M. s. ‘ ’2. .3 . _='.-’,U.f.\"*.-

[01‘ 0f FOR SALE— 1962 Rambler American -. .~'- .1. A
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l ‘ A i fl/V WA A S
. l Department of Theatre Arts presents 1‘ I ' ,1)» 4. . .1 - ; .02.,
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ng the f. A Contemporary American Comedy 1 FE / — i £6 2/ w ' 1;? '5'1 .
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better ‘6 RE -
ts on = casual. D , -.~ : .-

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ch out Februaryu, 17.18.19 azaopm. : W i r ,‘

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We like to feel that service, ._ »' . .
in its fullest reference. is the O F ‘.-‘-.j 1 xwv
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__. . REE Peps ..
tion of some 900 carefully - 4 .' A ._ . .§
selected firms of professional 1 1; '. ‘ '. ;
jewelers in the US. and 1 2'. *3
r Canada. It signifies the y ‘;'- .. ~.1..
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reliability and capability of 1 .' 1 ‘. W _
- I: this firm. and is your 1, _ _- .1 -.
assurance that the fine gems ‘ ’1‘ 1 ‘V‘ . ,‘L
m ' and jewelry purchased _ < _ __ ” ' «~— ~ \ ‘ i. ifii ’-L .
‘- ~ . .; -
' it“ (to? S A m E 2i 2. w pm- 2 ~ ,
n J tcprcwntcd. .imi explained. ‘ a » .‘1 '- ,' ‘_‘
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 ' ‘ .V . r ,
t . o o o 'l l
T "1
. , . Tlllthll hlke may be a necessary CV1
' 7 It is becoming increasingly it recent bl‘OChUN- SUI‘V93'9d $292 for West Virginia. Fur- 0V0“ though they may be more
V , ‘ »‘ clear that Kentucky students are tuition rates for the nation's state thermore, four of the eight state PmCth iinancially.
. going to be confronted with institutions. The result: of the it‘s had had rate increases within And piling the burden of support
- I -. ‘. another tuition increase when eight states nearest KEDtUCk)" the past year. on outof-state students, as some
' jf - ' . ., classes begin next fall. only 0119 primary state mStltUllon have suggested. won't work V
i .‘ ‘ . v ~ . , . . ' ’ , . . . . . )
. . NObOd." 15 SUIT .Vt‘t what the had “10““ tu1tion rate. The big question. however, either. It is both discriminatory H
'. ' .- increase Will mean f0F UK should be how much the rate and against the tradition of an n
5' " 5 i. V . students. who must “0W fork over Tuition at Nearby Institutions boosts would deter students from “open door" institution that UK .
' ‘ . ' $330 a year to attend 9135593 0" . . . . coming to UK. In an interview last has clung to. "V
L 2 j , $1.030 if they are non-residents. L” 9* “1mm? ‘t $655553 vear,one UK financial aid official So with rising enrollment and :a
. . w . . . . 7 r . .
- V _- VV . Thetalk.however.is that fees Will {Vndlfinflislignfirs} 3 510 gave hope that few students would dwmdling revenue sources. a H
- ‘ _ ' “59 by at 1935‘ $35 a year, and , 1:0 a U 790 have to turn away. Despite rising tuition hike may seem the only m
j. V - * V perhaps more. OVWfoTtate ' 33 costs of education, he said, ap- way out. Students, who now pay
't ' ' ' ' It AS one Of the poorer statesin the \LN 0t Valve-$865 :92 plicants for financial aid at UK one of the lowest fees in the VV‘
. ' . ~.. . . , - - - es ir inia . - - -
. . ' ‘ ’ country. Kent‘fcl‘.‘ W'“ flnd_ ‘t g who are turned down almost nation, are just gOing to have to a
: ’ V ‘V , increasmgly difficult to justify it . t always attend the school anyway, grin and bear it. i,
.V T .- :. tuition increases that could force (Fees 8 0w" are for m'8 ate a
,7? ,' .. 1 some students to leave school. But Students) . l
, if. ' ‘V , ' . a look at fees from surrounding ' " ury uty.
'_ l I 'f states. and some facts from our Closest to Kentucky was Ten- VV
-'x_.V ' . own university. might make the nessee. with a $333 a year tu1tion . . t
. L ‘ hikes a little more palatable. for in-state students. Tuitions ...(l ( hance for students to learn is
‘ . V The American Association of ranged as high as $720 for Ohio 0 f th ult f th k . tth th f;
5 1 7‘ ,3 . State Colleges and Universities, in State UniverSity. and as low as ne 0 e res S 0 e WOT S agains e POOP maVn, e
;_‘ '- .. r ,r 4 , December ruling by Judge Mac black man and the somal or
' l. ‘t I It! . 'V I u I - I I ' ' I . I I I n I I . I I I o I I n . I I I O ' ' SWinford that allowed UK . ' ' I
i. . .V tmflprfinflpr W"f""I"IWrit"ftt’r/Wf“Whit,”’itp'lfl’r.’ d t t V t t t . political dev1ant,and generally in
. '3» , ~' g: " ‘ " ' " ' ' ' " ‘ " stu en 5 0 1‘9ng er 0 V0 e in favor of the wealthy, white, and
VV -V . .- TV: MOEM’UGQ I HATE wm m THE Bug Lexmgton that most students socially acceptable
- VF ' ~, s; TO WORK I HATE probably haven t thought about 15 For the student who already
, ;:. .-: ' * V V: that now. students can serve as realizes the very real
. ' g " . 7:- / - ’ 3 JUI‘OFS- inadequaCies and inequities of the
‘ -. V_: a; / / \. Vi’ Prospective jurors are selected judicial system, jury duty will
'. V V .. V V: // 1/ // '@ from lists of registered voters in serve as a mode for responsible
'. ' _' ~31 [if] ’ I ‘ Fayette (3011th and 50,, 1f large social change. Change from a
‘-_ 1-. -. n V V‘ ; numbers of students take ad- system that too often in the past
- 'V " .3 \ __ \‘ (" vantage of the opportunity Judge has made justice in Lexington
‘ 1~§ \ .' . , Swinford‘s ruling affords them, mean middle class, middle age
. , ,_.. fl . {V ‘ 's/ //{ students will start turning up on justice.
. .. ~ i cab/(172mm 2-3 - Juries '
I. . ‘ . -? Students who take this new
, - i ' ' , i WRK I HATti. COMING FORE EPOM right or responsibility lightly have e cfne
- . . 1 .5 WORK I l T - poor memories. They apparently
' f ‘ 7'? \ forget the COHVlCthH Of Gene Established 1894 LEXINGTON KENTUCKY
'5 f 1 ' ,. i %\ " 3 Mason, Jim Bell, Dr. Philip
. I ~ * .5 (_. , ;' Crossen, Jay Westbrook and the A” MOTEL", 3??§i‘,’f,’§,”i';f,§§’fijv "”""""
; . . .V 2 , l: l / <5 numerous convictions of drug 3
i V V. . .‘ r -; . . Mme wines, Editor in Choet 1
V' ,4V V V . .V - , V; VV. ‘ fi 3'; users In LeXlngton. Jane Brown. Managing EVditor i
'15 ' ' .: é a .‘Z All were convicted by juries ,,.,",°,"',;,GL’:L:§V31:23:32,330,
. . . . .V V13 V . ' 3 made up primarily of middle-age, 7"" Ba"agfigaazfi'fim‘".1:T..fi‘;t.‘~;° Gm”
a . " ~ ‘ , .l U . a middle-class people who no doubt Ass'stan'Mammsw-‘ors 3
, . V ‘1‘ 5 , _ . MichaetT-erneyjports Editor :
. _, : V. = _~ ‘rK"! felt they were domg the just thing ma Thornton AnsEditor :
' ~ . - . ' ' 2:. ‘ ~ by convicting these people. Dave Callahan CampusEdnor
: » .- .' . '~' . t , i t I ‘
‘ ~ . " .5‘ Jury duty might also educate a 0°"331's???priilu‘l'lfifxfigi': m
" . l" SOMETIMES‘ I THlUK WHAT A RENEE: T0 lot of students as to how the E
~.V V V V . _‘ “P6 ALL ‘rHle . . . . _ Published byVTiie Kernel Press. IN c
> - . 1 , - 7:- 55 50 JudICial System works in reality, a “1'?“0'90'6'40" imposed 0' t
,' . '- . -~' . , smden , atultyandadmmistrators :
j . " -. 5; AND 667' MARE ' not in theory. Jury duty might aimwmemvotKym-w g
. . , ', ~ ‘ , . 0 :
. . , - , 3 / \ demonstrate to a student the F ”Now ”7' :
V' . . j I V. " Z‘ ' ' Editonats fopfpst-nlfht'cplnlons otthe editors. E
. , V:_:- ‘ I 6"” enormous power of the District mummies.” i
~, i V. Attorney and how the system E
. " ' .- ' . E Vzggggézis5353333;isésiaésés‘aiigéizitsisisésfézéisféisfs:£33252353:???ts::5z5:353;isiaiziézaisisfgm ’m“¥mWWWMW“H.§ ., g
. '. . ,. l ,l ‘ ‘ :- ’ . is i
. , , « .-- geszg o :
; , a . ,gtKernel Forum. the readers write 3
-,V. V V VV '. 3;. V V A. (A Sll‘iln “V Rupp's superb basketball teams. g
. V V VV . V. VV V 1:. l \ l r i ~ g. a," the same benefits could be reaped. on a 2
. V .V . . V . .V V; *