xt7pnv99935k https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7pnv99935k/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1986-03-10 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, March 10, 1986 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 10, 1986 1986 1986-03-10 2020 true xt7pnv99935k section xt7pnv99935k _______________—____________——__._______—____________—_
—— ‘
R Vol. xc. No. 90 Established I89! University of Kentucky. Lexington, Kentucky Independent since i971 Monday, March l0. 1986 4
“ '—-________——_————-—————————————————-————-——————————_-—
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Kentucky N 0 . 1 866d
if: -, ‘ . "
C j .. . .g _ '.. .. '. J .
in NCAA Southeast G l” r ’ '
Bth)HN JL'RY . a». . « . '..
‘ Assistant Sports Editor T 0 g i’ .32.; ,w fl??? ' ‘1- . I - A '1 . "
ournam nt t k 1 . . ~u -» » a . .. - ~ = .v
986 The Kentucky Wildcats will detour 6 1C et Ottery . 3 ,i 3 ng“: _ . ‘ _‘ . , '. ‘ ‘ 1‘.
through Charlotte. NC. on the road g ” 4 1a .1 " ways I . ,‘ . I. " « , ' .'
to Dallas and the Final Four. b d d j; ' . . ‘ ‘ '.., : . _ . .

UK will meet Davidson College in to 6 con nete tomorrow i g! * “I J . . .- ~ ‘ -; g -. ‘.. j
the first round of the Southeast Re- . . ‘ , ‘.V . .; I g- . "3 .3“
gion. it was announced last night Staffreports wrath] mlgflghgf‘kets can be 3 . t. . . _ N ‘.. '..V' .V 5:331"?
from the NCAA offices in Kansas , pm y y‘ 1 ‘ "-1“ ,1 _ pg“ ” . « - ‘.. {is ‘i,

(‘ity Kan UKS allotment d NCAA.bas- Conceivably, only 37 names «:3; ._’ ., -.."-..°. ». ‘ 9,. (a; , _ - 1 ._‘ ._. ‘1'. a; ‘1‘:

By virtue of ending the regular frag"??? he“? :1“ be could be drawn. Wilson said, he :a‘ j? ‘ ... f ' ' . f I I" {33:31:
season with a 29-3 record and No. 3 tofnlo‘rrowin Myemortfiralyczl' pnam. cause students can purchase two "a“. e' . f ‘ t ‘54-..- ,. ' 5.;33-5 3315“: ;-.V'.
ranking in the latest polls and win- Wilson associate dean '0‘ sets of tickets for $60 if they are ;-" 53. ‘ : . ‘ . \ km . i '-‘. '1. ’23:,
ning the Southeastern Conference studenumnts said ’5' l ts who want accompanied by another student = . g .. g " ‘ .s g. “.2;
Tournament Saturday, the Cats totry m: tickets l ldbeat Mc- withavalidlDandactivity card. * . ~ . .‘ Ill-7 9;:
xezznchosen as the top seed in the morial Coliseum when the Mars Tickets will be good for the ~ W. , 1‘ ‘ h 1- 1: Q . “grifho

Ewe‘re happy that we're the No 1 openatSpm.‘ - Wildcats’ games in the first two . Q‘ \g- \ (I. .g . I. g . Q,“ 2..
seed " said UK coach Eddie Sutton 09‘” ”mm" students “"9" m °f “W5! mm m " 3" ‘ i \i ’ ‘ 1 3‘ - . f' '. 11“. 7
in an impromptu meeting with the gmwglfieaclgny cards mu $3: £55“ “6'5 .512“??? l .. .._ ‘ ' " .‘ 9' ‘ i'

. g . . . , sat. av1 n o- " . .- H.
3752;? '§;L“T“%fgma‘{§; mgérg‘; A total of 74 sets of tickets will iege FVn‘day. and if they win. win , t ...- _ ' .. ; V n:
1 d' y be available for UK students. play either Western Kentucky or , - i‘ , . . .. :5 *
“1“”. . Tickets mist be bought in sets. NebraskaonSunday. . ; ; ~ g - . .- ~ -‘

That s a great tribute to our 56- - .1 , - ‘ _ 2 , .‘
niors and the rest of our team.“ he i _ a ., g: ‘ f j - . [j
s‘j‘f-‘fiehind UK as the other top seeds leads .lhe team m scoring with a ~ “f" ‘, ’ 1i f l . ' ..W k
in the Southeast Region are Georgia f "For . oomptete NCAA i4.2-p01nt average and aSSists with “'1 ‘.. , Ex. ’3, as)" V . . ~_ . g. . -‘
Tech Memphis State and Illinois. Tournament bracket. eee 133‘ He '5 one Of the top eight or nine \ ‘ 7 3‘. .‘W " r ‘ ’ " . . .
Alabama. the team the Cats beat in Page 5. free-throw shooters m the country ‘ . J ' a ' . - ; g ' _ i. :
the finals of the SEC Tournament. is “1313:3138 32:”??? senior forward ‘ ' " ‘0 .- g. . , . -. ~
s d ' . “do. dow ‘ .' ‘ ‘ n ‘ ‘ . . -
eeGizrghiiithTech and Memphis State “1:: a human": A“: averages 10.9 pomts and 6.8 re- "a ~” ' Vi ' . ’ ‘.
play their first-round games in sec Tournament, 33.72 F0, bounds per game. The other starting @ I x ‘ a‘ i . I ' - - , ' ’
Baton Rouge. La. _ P " forward. Anthony “Ace Tanner av. . a , a. - \ W“ -\ 1 . 7 _

The other top seeds in the four re» 9 . ' '“ .9. ' erages 8.2p0mts and 4'2 rebounds i A f E, a -‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ . " _
gions are No. lvranked Duke in the — _DaV‘d5°“'S top ”'5ng ,‘5 J9" \ ’ , i \5; “.3 5..“ - " fl; a V2. 4 . ‘
East No. 2 Kansas in me Midwest . Hines. who shares duties With Tan- . ’.. ’..;“Vt ~ Q; (It. . :3" .

‘ - - - - . . ~ . . . . . , , .s ;. . . t ,
and No. 4St. John‘s in the West. Bobby Hussey is in his. fifth year ner. Hines is the third leading scorer fl . 9‘, "if; we» r. ‘ _, ‘ _ 1‘ p

"I think Kansas is the best team as coach at DaVidson. which earned 110.1) and rebounder «4.0) on the - sgua - .V.. _ . ’ ‘ , _ . __
4 . - ‘ tomatic bid b' winnin the team. ' ~ ' sing; I ‘-
in the nation right now. maybe even '8: ti” C f 3 g g u a»)... ‘er Va.» 5 . x .
better than Duke.“Sutton said, i l: ernk :on grence‘ Tournament In other UK news. forward Kenny . f . ' 39g" ;4 g - ~ . . -V . '

The 16th seed in the Southeast Re- as wee over ennessee-Chattanoo- Walker finished fourth [or the itith I a 2 -. . -~ '“e i a. ‘ - . 2
gion. Davidson plays about three to gal.) "d. ha , ii d f annual John A Wooden Award. ' . - x * ».. v" \v . .
five games a year at the 11.666-seat 2043‘) SWIM: an $33”. retchor 0 given to the nation‘s top collegiate .~ ., ~ .e ‘1 '54.; ‘ , ’ ’ ‘ . g , ’ - .
Charlotte Coliseum. the arena where an d mar uring 9 mg player. _ _ .. '\ '- . .
the teams will play Friday. accord- ular season. . , £59“ a: .. a .‘ ‘ . ' "
mg m Davidson sports information The Wildcats are not a tall team St. Johns “alter Berry won the % a. . ) _, . ‘ , .
director Emil Parker by any means, averaging 6—foot-7 on honor. receivmg 556 votes from the ~ " ‘ i) . .4 . "f . - . . - .

__ ; , ‘ p the starting front line. But Davidson more than 1.000 Sports writers and “ch... . \ '. i. f I . " v . . .

Dadeson Wl“ be "Pligh Playmg at does boast as one of the nation's broadcasters to become the second . \~ *4 ”L“ l 'A I . -“ ' ’ I I "~. " ’ I - f-

., llgt'fileseefil‘ISOEOSNdfloslaymg (inltte best {"394th shooting teams, straight Redmantowintheaward. , f”? , , X "f ., $9! .‘ ' .
' ‘ me r is no to - —— . . -. . . , a”, . 1
playing the16th seed,“ Ezgng around 11 percent of their Dukde's .3?“le DtawkifnTl finishhed 5%? w ‘. ’h cm .‘ w‘M '. .
,. ‘ y. . ' ,. . _ secon m 5 v0 es. 0 owe y ' "'55.." ”mam,“ . . , - “I
thify yttlffiildwilfgyaéisthffilll’eslt):r\ifdligbl: m3]: gbggdagefgl: lgictfgerS-(llfgpg; Maryland's Len Bias With 346 and A h C " I. I
lucky. coached. by former Hilltopper of former Cleveland Browns wide Walker with283. top t e SE V I . ‘ , I .
star (‘lem Haskins. or Nebraska. receiver Reggie Rucker. “I was disappointed for Kenny." , , . . , . , . __ “ 7"
headed by a close friend of Sutton‘s. Named to the first team alicon- Sutton said. “I was surprised it was UKS R'Chmd M°d'5°" and W'M'O” Bennett after ”‘9 W'ldCO'S downed Alabama 8372 ’0 . .‘V '- ,
Moe lba. in the second round on ference team and the MVP during so one-sided. not just for Kenny. but h°i5' C°°Ch Eddie 50"0" 0" ‘hel" 5h°Ulders W3" ”‘9 SEC Tournomentso'U'dOY- ' ‘ " . ' ’ '. '
Sunday. the postseason tournament, Rucker for theother participants as well.“ I - . . _ _ ' _' v,
H h 1' hi ,, .. . .
onors ot me to e p '2, / We ..\ ActiVIty, disease link — . .._._.
d . ' ’ W n); 0 ' " . .. - .5" .'"
, ' r' . , . ’ ,
aca emic community ,. A I ,. w focal pomt of UK study ._ .
:fi,’ .. ..- Jr ’2 .,
B) ANNE(i-‘Ll‘m‘l‘Y conversational concept stage. Hack #yfl . \ > '/. B) SHARON RATCIIFORI) Kotchcn. who 15 in charge of the . 1;, i , .. , f5
Staff Writer has the hotlinccarefully outlined. \.+ / Staff Writer study. said "ewryone ‘ln\'0l\'t‘(l in . .f -.1 ‘ . '... 'ivai
The Homework Hotline WOUld be /" ‘ q, " the studyi has an area of exper- ‘, Hm.” I. ,1.- "it?

A new hotline may soon be avail. an academic resource, providing ex- 4:... HOT‘LlN ; % Determining if a Chm“ lifestyle use .. ,. _?- ._ .4. ' .
able on campus. but the purpose of planations for problems. not just an- / . "“"e ' (39% could increase the risk of developing Part of her job is training ln(ll\'id- : . ‘ . ; . '.1. ; ‘ {1 .4
this service is nonemotional and swers. Hack said. The service would 9 ‘ --. ’ g \ cardiovascular disease later if] life uals helping with the project. said' f '. i. , 3; ’.
non-urgent ~— unless you're a stu- be available 10 students from 4 t0 7 9e ‘/ \3 is the topic of a study conducted by Paula Reynolds. Kotchen's secre- . ’ " 4 ". ._'
dent. P-m‘ Monday through Thursday. / , - T ('5 /9\ eight UK professors. tar.V 1‘. .- ' "‘3 5" ‘. 57.7.9

The Homework Hotline. sponsored "It is a way for students to get in- ""- " g l“ -‘.\ la? ,, The pr0ject. Wthh begi”? 135‘ 599‘ lianiicr said the researchers '- ._' "5.; v'l .’ ; .l“ ,jl_
by the Honors Program. would pro- dividual attention,“ she said. “If it i ‘ \ V’ / tember. “1” continue fi’r “"9 years. aren't trying to change or intervene .‘i “'.’V.V'V a“ : 7'; ,f’,.".._:.~
vide over—the-phone information in only helps a student solve one prob- ' ‘ ‘ "/ 531d MelOd)’ N013“; ‘BSSOCIale pro~ into people‘s lives. He said they‘re ,‘ i . V.»,‘ '. 53.3”"; ,:
is‘uch subject as algebra. Napoleonic iem. the program is worth it.“ """°““ ‘ ' “‘2'?” offhealthneducfitign. t i tri just trying to describe patterns in '. g; ft ' 'i f} .- {QC}?

istorv and Huckleberry" Finn to . The Homework Hotline would be ' ' ‘ ' ne 0 “we suc ran 5 ”5 '" lif styles ' ’ 1- . “53f. '.

. . . . Ravmond Betts. director of the . _ routine responSibility. Betts said. . . V. . , _ e . . ~ Hm. _:_ ._i
middle and high SChOOI students. Honors Program. supports the idea. 3“)thth next “Trim? pending “Otherwise. it would interfere “"lh Effigtgifj‘logggfi:bglgtesttzil(¥::lu\l:\ However. projects centering on ' ‘ El .‘

.Amy Hack. an elementary educa- “It is a good-spirited. student-mi. TiggolriZtlin‘eoir'SSd fieledmat $53026 student work. on four main factors In ‘a child's ways to smp harmful 1m. patterns i; 2., 2 g:
tion sophomore. originated the idea tiated program that Will benefit the student volunteers to 0 rate The base of the rogram would be health; family. enVironment. nutri- could follow the [K findings. he ', . 3 V.._- '.“J”? .-
as a way for Honors Program stu- academic communityofiiexmgton." h ‘ pe . h . p . tion and physical activity had Jay said. . ‘ ‘. . 1,: i
dents to provide an educational , . . p ones. l". t e Games Center for the Human- K . . h lth h l .d ' 7 ‘
service to the commurii However. the hotline hasnt re- ities. General Telephone of the came). a ea . p ysitd t uca The study. once completed. w.“ . V .- _ 1—. .

I y. ceived UniverSity or county second- “It has to have a number of 20 to Southeast has already pledged a “0n and recreation me‘i‘SS0r provide the “potential for devel- ' . . " - L.

Although the project is still in the ary school approval yet. Betts said. succeed so that it doesn‘t become a separate phone line. Fred. Danner. educational and (,pmg a knowledge ha“. upon which , - g 'V . . iV‘ ilf
counseling PSXChOIOE." chairman. to advise people" about lifestyles. ‘ I, ‘ ' '. . f ‘

O 0 said the committee wants to deter- Kotchcn said. .' _. ‘, __:

Searchers find remains of shuttle cr - ~
ew similar to their parents‘. He said the Interesting results about how - ~ g . ‘ . ‘

health institutes decision that car ”lifestyle affects cardiovascular "5k ‘ - ‘ . ‘

By HOWARD BENEDICT crew have been informed." a cance of the find to the commiS- compartment debris and crew re- diovascular problems “begin early factors, could _C°m9 0‘" 0f "“5 _

Associated Press statement said. “In deference to sion‘s probe. mains. the NASA statement said. in life“ is leading the UK team to re- “ml.“ 30'3"" 53'd

family wishes. NASA will not make “I would not want to characterize Recovering the compartment search how children ”develop and p . , ; K -

CAPE CANAVERAL. Fla. — further comments until recovery op- its importance. That‘s to be deter- wreckage and remains could take exercise nutrition“habits. Wfowil‘rg‘mgfirg . .
Searchers have found remains of erations and identifications are com- mined. Clearly all pieces of evidence several days. depending on the Jane Kotchen. the principal inves- ‘ ' j . ; ~
Challengers astronauts in the debris plete." are important." hesaid. weather and sea conditions. NASA tigator of the study and an associate ”gigs“ &. ”12% ' '
massif;miseries? . . A search us... ab... ”'52.... m... a... 53:39:23; °trb°::i'°;?.:m:c“:; ' “m“ ‘ “* " *' “ . *
lantic Ocean. NASA announced yeS- mygzngxggfirgosnigfizwzcéar $23: 3:38:32 gelfififiagggaémfg Challenger exploded 73 seconds years on the adults who are now “I. C"! 5“" Alabama 3°"
terday. Eating the shuttle explosion. said he compartment late Friday and di- afterliftoff Jan'28' parents 0f the children being SIUd' urdoy afternoon to M" the '

“Family members of Challenger's could not comment on the signifi- vers Saturday positively identified SeesHlTrlii.Pagt-7 ‘ed' She began Stud-“"3. them In SEC 1m" For 9°”.

i973. when they were high school "0,3”, see m, Page
. 0 e . students in Bourbon County. ‘ . .
Panelists to discuss new UK pres1dent selection banner sa we ._....id. - .-
will be involved in the study.
Some of the work will be done W Marilyn
By CYNTHIA A. PALORMO The guest speakers will be Gene mittee at WKU. which relied on hart's contract. The board members with the parents present and some Home will am this yggr’g
Assistant News Editor Evans and Harry Robe from West- some of Robe‘s guidelines. were splitontheir position. With the kids alone. Rfieamhers "Season of 3m" tomorrow
ern Kentucky University and Mi- Ryan was on the search commit- Senate Council Chairman Bradley will make observations of the chil- "'9'" m u.
When the search for President chael Ryan from Northern Kentucky tee that recently selected a new Canon said UK's governing regula- dren‘s eating habits in the families' ‘ ° W' '..
23's A" Sinfgle${y‘s suctfeessohro":3 it" University. president at NKU. tions stipulate that when a vacancy homes,hesaid. h m. P”..-

swing. ac y mem' rs o The three nelists have been ac- "We‘re t in to find out what is announced in the president‘s posi- Noland. who‘s specialty is p ysi- g5“. ~ M
gilt? l“1:;1k2mportant role in the deer tively involve: in stablishing crite- others did '3; gmilar situations to tion. the UniverSity Senate nomi- cal actmty analysis. Will “(19013699 a .

'. ngprucess. . . ria and guidelines for search com- prepare is for the transition when nates 5" faculty (“embers to be 0" the children playing. ranking t 'r “ '

UK s chapter of_the Association of mums for presidents at their President Singletary retires,“ Pival the search committee. The faculty activity levels and talking to them
American Universny Professors Will respective universities. said. vote and the top three vote-setters about what they like todo. ‘ 1“” M. b. "”7 W
Sponsor a panel discussion on the . , , g . arethe faculty representatives. The videotapes accuracy will be N m with . 0
faculty role in the search for a new Robe. Prfitdem 0f the Coalition Of All this preparatory action stems Canon said the community college checked by following some ki$ all ”a."
president at 3:30 pm. tomorrow in Senate and Faculty 148“ch. devei- from the Situation at Morehead Uni- system 806 through a similar ”.00 day and by ranking their activity dune at W In
thegalleryoftheM.l.KingLibrary. oped criteria for selecting WKU's varsity last semester. she said. esstochooseonerepresentative levels. the m “ g M

- - ' Alexander who , ' . .. . . .V

Jean PM“. 3 Wm 0‘ EDSlISh new mdfinti Kernh ' when votes from the faculty and stu- The chairman of the Board of Kearney Will be developing M 7’. m wu~
and former president of UK's chap “’3“ " 39 "‘°" ~ dent representatives on the board of 'Iimtees will appoint four board methods for _ 983.68!“th 0‘, the pom, m m d ”it:
ter. called the discussion an “explor- Evam was a faculty representa~ regents resulted in the decision not members to complete the eight- Phi/Sic“ condition"; (and MIMI)” “NIH“. , '
atory meeting.“ tive on the president‘s sear-ch com- to renew President Herbert Rhein- member committee. ievel"onadaiiy bull


 2- KENTUCKVKERNEM, m 10. 1'“

Information on this calendar of events is collected and coordinated through
the Student Center Activities Office. 203/204 Student Center. University of Ken-
tucky. The information is published as supplied by the on-campus sponsor, with
editorial privilege allowed for the sake of clarity of expression. For student orga- -
nizations or University departments to make entries on the calendar. a Campus
Calendar form must be filled out and returned to the Student Activities Office.

Deadline: Forms will be accepted no later than the Monday preceeding the
publication date.

I Academics Last day to pay theSIs dissertation fees in - Concerts: University Artist Series: Marilyn Horne fl
‘ Student Billing Services office foraMay degree mezzo-soprano; SIS-pub, SB-stu. Center for the Arts 8 . , .
a Movtes Free premiere 'Just Between Friends ticliets p.m.: Call 7-3145 3 IO Mowes Free premiere Just Between Friends tick-
Ovulloble 0' l0 0 "I Warsham "‘90'": 71w p.mn C0” 7' ' DISCUSSIW“: Brown 8"9 Supper 3790'“ ‘Putting Time ets available at IO 0 m Worsham Theatre 730 p.m., Call
I387 Management Principles to Work' by Larry Holman: Free; 7.1337
0 Rentals Symphonic Winds Concert, Free: Center for II3 SC: 5'30-6:25 p.m.:Call 7-3295 3 ll: Movies Rosemarys Baby Sl.75 Worsham Theatre,
in.» Aug 8p m CalI7-3I45 - Meetings: UK Waterslii Club meeting, everyone wel- 7:30 p_m.‘ Call7.l3e7
' : I come, please come by!,205 SC: 7p.m.. Call268-3992 3/12: Movies: Rosemary s Baby SI 75 Worsham Theatre:
‘ I I 0 Meetings: SAB Public Relations Committee meeting: 7:30p.m.:Call7-l387
f BIS SC 4p m. Call7-8867 3 13; Movies Rosemary s Baby SI 75 Worsham Theatre.
‘V ' ‘ 0 Movies- Rosemary's Baby: $.75: Worsham Theatre: 730;, m..CaIl 7.1337
.' ' ‘. 730p.m. CalI7-I387
, . : l 0 Religious: Baptist Student Union TNI- Tuesday Nite Io-
’ ' ' gether at the Baptist Student Center, 429 Columbia Ave..
. . ' 7.30p.m.;Ca|l7-3989
l 0 Sports Entry deadline for Intramural Softball (at Mgrs,
‘ - meeting only): SC Theatre: 5 p.m.: Call 7-3928
‘ 3 It . I . 0 Sports Entry deadline for Intramural Co-Rec Softballlat
‘ . ‘ r .i Mgis meetingoniyi:scrheoire25p.m.:Cour-3m ARTS & CONCERTS
‘ I l'- i :
, . ,1 l ‘ 3 I0: Recitals: Symphonic WINGS Concert Free; Center for 3 lb' Exhibitions. Recent li’hOlonPhs bt’ BO'dW" [“9
I" the Arts: 8 91“.: Call 7.3145 Free CFA- Art Museum I2-5 Tues »Sun. Call 73‘. AS
' , 3 II: Concerts: University Artist Series Marilyn Home. 3 '6: Concerts: Center Sundays Series Central “EMU“:
' i ' 'nezzo-sopl’ano': SIS-pub $8~stu Center for the Arts; 8 You'bcs‘nPth": Orchestra Free. Center l0? "18 Arts J
’ p.m.:Coll7-3I45 9'"- ° '3 4*
3 l2: Recitals Guest Rcrital Paul Hunt trombone 8 Edwin
Betts, trumpet Free Center for the Arts 8 pm. Call 7-
' . 3I45
(I 3 I3' Recitals Graduate Recital Suzanne Barber cello
' : ' l 2 Center for the Arts: 8 p.m.: Call 74900 g
. . in:
- o Other Youth Imagination Calibration Free Center ' Meetings: Regular meeting 0‘. the UK Fenctng C'Ub \\ )\ SPORTS
. . , - i}, the, Arts 8a m 5p m Call7-3l45 free instruction 8 equipment prowded: Alumni Gym loft $2..»
, ‘ Lectures Henry Clay 8 Abolition~Emancipation Issues, 7'30P~m- >C°ll233‘52~01 . h _
’97 IBSI by Dr Robert Seager at the Henry Clay Papers ' Meetings Baptist Student Union Student Lunc eon, r
. Crimes Humanities Center 4 p in Call 7686] SI .00: 429 COlURmbIO Ave: I822:)5p.;t.:7§°llv3-39:9m Theatre i
r t m . . 0 Movies: osema s a y: . , ors a :
' - .1 [$232995 cunu fl C "1mm“? meeting 228 SC 5 p m 7-30p m 'Call7~l387 W 3 II: Sports: Entry cleoitliiu fut Intramural Softball (at 3 I4: Sports UK Badminton Club Seaton Gym 8 3040 30
:_O. _ . . ., 4 ‘ p . 7
. ' - ' herin M rs. meetin onlyl SC llIC'Oli’c 5 p m Call 7-3928 p m.: Call 278-7I38
r I 7 Vi. h Th t ' Other. German Club Kaffeettsch informal got 9 g g
> . :x riv.eéollR::::7o y s Baby 5 S ors am ea re w retreshmenlS. everyone invitedl. Donations adepted: 3 II: Sports; Entry dL'OdllnC tor Intramural Co-Rec Softbal- ; ‘5. 5pm“ UK Baseball VS Alabama {DH} at home
'lReCItals Guest Ri'UlCl Paiii Hunt trombone 8 Edwtn 57l Woodland AVE-i 5-6:30p.rn.: C0” 8‘6298 l(at MQIS- meeting 'mlv‘ SC Theatre 5 p m. C0“ 7-3928 Shivelv Field I2 noon Call 78829
5. trumpet nu (mm for the Arts a p m Call 7. ' Recitals: Graduate Recital: Suzanne Barber, cello: Cen- 3 I2; Sports: UK Baseball vs Kentucky Wesleyan at home; 3 I6: Sports UK Baseball vs Alabama at home Shively
. . 45 ter for the Arts; 8 p.m.: Call 7-4900 _ Shively Field 3 p m Call 7-8829 Field: I:30p.m.: Call 78829
7 . - ReligiOus Vtiednesaay Night Bible Study by The Great ' Lectures: 'The Interface Btw. Older Women: Fom'lY 8 3 I2: Sports: 'Aikido’ Beginner Ailiido classes: Free; 3 I6: Sports: ‘Alkid0" Beginner Aikido classes Froc-
, if n mission Students 23l SC 7 a m Call 254-3997 Home' by Professor Shirlev L. O'Bryant. Ohio St. Un'V- ‘23 Alumni Gym balcony: 8:30 p.m.: Call266-0IO2 Alumni Gym balcony I p m Call 266~OI02
' 0 Snorts UK Baseball vs Ki-i‘tucky V‘yesieyan at home Erikson Hall:3p.m,:Call233-547l _ . 3. I4: Sports: UK Baseball vs. Ohio Dominican at home: 3 '61 5P0"? UK Badminton Club 500'0” Gym 2 30:3 3U
ji wot» Field 3p m Call 7 8829 o Other: TOPs (Twenty-One Plus) dinner 8 discussmn Shi-vely Field: 3p m; Coll 7-8829 om, Call 278 7I38
: ' Sports Ailiido Beginner Ailiido classes Free Alumni grf‘up for older students (2‘ 8 older) Free K'HOU59’4I2
on balionv 8 30p m Call266«0l0'2 Ruse Street' 5-30 paths C0" 754-13!“
' 0 other Seminar 'The Importance of Helical Periodioty
i, r initiation ot Transcription by Ms Lori Dwyer Med.
. ;~ mimics in m MEETINGS & LECTURES
.: ' DiscusSions- Food for Thought disCussion group
’ .‘iomer‘ 8 Fatigue COping With Stress by Dr Catherine
4 Viirtin Brmgasandwtch IIQSC Noon
' Lr‘i tuies Local Lecture Series Fitness 8 Exercise
"" ““WWWMW ”99 0'" SC "‘90"? n l5P-m CO” 78867 3 II: Discussions Brrmn Bag Supper Break ‘Putting Time
1 0 Peligious Wednesday Evening Fellowship Food tun 8 Management PI'II'IUDIQ‘S y., ya,” by Larry Holman: Free;
' l M‘ Hi i- cttve worship Free K-House M? Rose Street 68 p m ll3SC; 5:30-6:25 D in Call 7,3295
f“ ' 25" IBBI 3 II: Meetings UK \Naterski Club meeting everyone wel-
. come, please come by' 205 SC 7 pm Call 268-3992
3 II: Meetings SAB Public Relations Committee meeting:
IIS SC: 4 p.m.: Call 7-8867
‘ 3 I2: Lectures Henry Clay 8 Abolition~EmanCipation Is»
sues I797-I85I by Dr Robcrt Seoger of the Henry Clay
. 3 I2: Meetings Concert Committee meeting 228 SC: 5
' p.m.: Call 7-8867
' V 0 Sports UK Baseball vs Ohio Dominican at home shi 0 Academics Undergraduates planning to participate in Ellvbfhefisacugglfmn Elfin“lehno‘swrgglsdLSCUSrSIOE fifty:
. .v y led 39 m (all 778829 the April Advismg Conference for the I986 Summer 595- Martin Bringasgdhl ll) ”99 SC Noons y ‘ a e e
, . , . 7 i V\|’
_ . grit" LIK Badminton Club Seaton Gym 8 30.10 30 sians should apply tor the admisSion or readmtssuon, _ . y . , . ‘
: . W I, “379‘“ ’8 . Sports UK Baseball VS Alabama (DHI 0' home; Shive- 3 I2. Lectures Li ni Lecture Series. Fitness 8 Exercise
~ : ‘3‘ ‘ “ : Free: OldSCThcatrc i2.i5ia.m 'Call7-8867
' . ,y Field 12 noon Call 7-8829 _ . y
' : ~ 0 Religious Christ Connection- Contemporary, local 3 I3:-Meetln'gs “99“?" meeting °l the UK Fencung ClUb'
‘ , ~ Christian rock group Refreshments served Free' K- free instruction 8 equipment provided Alumni Gym lott'
. ‘ amuse 4l2 Rose Street 8p m Cal|254 .‘f'i'k‘rr ‘1';
By BRIAN BARGER the National Organization for But Molly Yard, a NOW leader. fort by women‘s rights groups to abortion rider from the proposed suit-iii iliii-r out i i ~.. ., . -_-.'
Associated Press Women, NOW. Which Sponsored the estimated the crowd at 125.000. de~ counter what they describe as a (‘ivil Rights Restoration Act. Next lltln> oi t'athoiii . ~iippoi' irm- i’llllli't’ ‘ _ - , '. If; a. f.-
march. “The silent majority will be claring it “the largest demonstra- Reagan administration attempt to Sunday, a similar demonstration is and that .itioriioi. liltil Eiil'H. t'iill'":il .,
WASHINGTON — Tens of thou— silent no longer.“ tion for women's rights in the histo- reverse the 1973 Supreme (‘ourt de- plannedinms Angeles should mm... My y, pm i llH 3}“.‘51’
sands of women from across the In January. anti-abortion groups ryoftheUnitedStates." cision legalizing abortion. The F' 1 th» da' J i ‘ _ think i illll 1': ll.t v... Tl~l!i.il2. 'ti say. ,s
country converged on Washington staged a national demonstration in To chants of “Not the church. not groups also say the administration 339:: iifithe t}: i. u‘(lt Brown. (.“thnlw : 3.73133"; '.
yesterday for an abortion-rights Washington. which drew 37.000 peo- the state. women must decide their is trying to undercut family plan 3?“: 0, .. e (inflid Till?” lflrtllll) {.3 ._ 135"." {‘1' i“
march that took them past the White ple. late." the marchers walked almost ning prgrams which do not renounce “(inéegwrgug‘s flu; d.ta:,:;}.p ,2], ll 'lli ~ ' i-~ ~ , H H l "f; 313:2.
‘ v . ‘ . ‘ . . ‘ l‘ > b ti ‘ ' ' a 1 . ‘_v will iii ‘\t‘ll!l l 1211.1 t' :3 : _",'-'._';_‘
Plguistilto a rally on the steps of the police estimated the cr0wd yester- ilii‘zea’lglf: (Egrgightglt5yo?ttr::tzalie_ a or ion aimed at pressuring the ”mom a“ m" Wit” ”1 ”N Hwy) ml, w ( s. 3 ',.-r".'.7.% .
, p ' day at between 30000 and 35.000~ tol ' 3 p 1 p Today. hundreds 0f women “"9 9?“ t‘hurch for the excommunication iit lit-\i' i' ~iioiil~ l'l'lllttd .i we... option '. ‘-",'."V~’,"g.;,'-":._~'
“The numbers game is over.“ de‘ according to District of Columbia ‘ pected to launcha congressional lob- (‘atholics supporting abortion rights lli .. plillhtht‘ View". ' .\|illlll (it‘ x ‘ .‘ [i5 . 's-
clared Eleanor Smeal. president of police officer Steve Langford. The march was part of a l