xt7prr1pk64d https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7prr1pk64d/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1995 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals Kentucky Press Association Better Newspaper Contest, 1995 text Kentucky Press Association Better Newspaper Contest, 1995 1995 2019 true xt7prr1pk64d section xt7prr1pk64d "I“:2':".I~",.’r;;.-?‘t's‘:”riff-'rlfgtgii‘?.iff“;‘:~,‘:;.I";;:‘j:.ri;i'-'_I’Iggyxi}-I‘—'~"eI‘III“«;:3gi-Igf; ""‘Ii'gfw {sag-Ii :I‘ 5-9... If, -_ ,
”'“z’y'wsig , . * .
" t - . -' . ’ ,
i .I ,. -
.m. .893
i General
3 Excellence .
g I _
. .
I "'1.
l Winners
- 3 i
" many CLASS 1 '-
.L Spencer Magnet - First Place
’I ' Louisville Defender - Second Place
> - : ' Kenton County Recorder -Third Place
. ‘2 Laurel News Leader - First Place '
' Springfield Sun - Second Place I
‘ .7. 3 Citizen Voice & Times - Third Place
L Anderson News - First Place a I 3* .3» I
‘.=' -- ' A fig“- _.I."‘.‘;, e r " v v:-
. ; News Journal -Second Place -25.“ 5553“ ' * ‘3, -
.;I Oldham Era - TIE - Third Place L x ' J ' I ‘2: , ._
Casey County News-TIE-Third Place I 5M3}. “If. ‘ ‘ ‘5 ' '
3 " r! . I “I I E '(C' J; i L "
_ . 4. '- M§:J"Ir. t, F I . ' § 1
MIL-WEEKLY CLASS . .I ,.. -. a; > l , . ~ . '- 4 h . re . ,,
. Shelbyville Sentinel News - First Place i‘ i ' ,3; "fig L - —-————————~——
Central Kentucky News Journal - , $3 "1:; ‘ -, / , I l
.1 ' 9 «"1 'TJ' ‘ I
. Second Place ' , . it} . I L a: a? ' 6" e L, :i l ‘ f
i Princeton Times Leader - Third Place . . I" i, I it”... I I “‘3‘!” Sr 1 ’l
a” . ‘ pining, I4, 7-; .. ' .r ' ‘ k! in! ' . in” ‘
‘ 3" ‘ ‘ . .4 . ’ ‘. f .' F, , *5 f.- I "fly"! .‘t’é’vflf ' W W ’a‘gr‘s‘.
. :2. DAILY CLASS 1 Mfi~ a: W. . _ ,, 33-. , _ KI . . IL‘ Ii 2' . re .9
i Harlan Daily Enterprise - First Place .. t ' ..; 3‘ I. . ‘ " ' 9:133. ‘I ’ ”($37, 4‘ Q ,Mf‘ fl!” .
is: Maysville Ledger Independent - t " 3 ' i . ~ ' ‘ 3 $5; ,' . ‘ Lu gmj-ji'fi hi] »
* I "g Second Place ~ '. ' ‘ I . , :1. V -“( > I i l i '
‘3 Richmond Register - Third Place ‘ ’ M i ‘ \‘l ' "i Vl\% \ 1 l
. ’ x , g ..’I I I {133;};"19- fit“ .
.. DAILY CLASS 2 l . , .1 3' - - ~ \ , F" e ‘5.
r - . . . I . .' ' . r ‘(LTT‘L‘II '/ ’/ l
. Henderson Gleaner—First Place 3 WT i I’ . , “ agi’QESQ' ” 445“} l .
. Elizabethtown News Enterprise - " . . . ' . : . . W'f‘fl l
. Second Place I " I” . . . ' ‘ -, ~ ‘4 ‘ I"; I, l
Kentucky New Era -TIE-Third Place ‘ ‘ ' . ‘-..I ~ 5’ 343“" 6. LA . a - A, c”
Danvrlle Advocate Messenger TTE , .I... 5.‘ . - C‘ . In ‘ . fig. Ig
Third Place I, | II . *5»: v. II ,. ,, I C __,_l
:1. 1‘.“ -' _. .- ' ' . . Raw-8W Mama...
3*. - .:> . - .. $5535gate-’r:2222::rs“~5:31was; 3
DAILY LASS 3 l" -, -' . - . I -"_. - ‘I $233“::TSfi.“’.::‘.T.I‘:';’I;£'““"“‘° ""1211...me .......... :3:.3:::;2.t.2¢;,flrr~ i
. . , w.- -~———-..... , “q an:zz'ezsz'gn'asr.mam: 3Wii-mgpf-5 2385:2322: ;;;~ . .
, Lexington Herald Leader - First Place 3 W“ - 7"“ , A," 3:521:;"'a::1i;2:2112.1":$3.32: iii-fElsi?Jaim‘ff'xlrzffiri 233;:::::.r.:x;.:- i ‘
, Owensboro Messenger Inquirer - i w I , ’ .3, I. x , “ , ff: ”mtmmrmwmm 3.":5'1. $39§:§§§f:'§§'"_:4‘i‘37'.','-‘W 1
. $Cond Place m‘dfii .‘.I W444; I l. 'I‘ - , c ”3...... 'M... _ “- - .. “my. I “W... .n.l.m.....rmmm mun-mill a, annuamwu w III . .
. 1"" ' ‘ * --— --. r .. A’- -:—--~.. . -. Th Sh lb 1: s ' IN ‘ -
. Kentucky Post - Thll'd Place . 9' ' N5 . , 5w» . ’IIIIII ‘ " ""1" ‘ ' I‘ W; Inlgrmaetiofill Emma's:cagzrfigrfi'fitnfififimém
I ,.... ..- ‘ . ' 713:” I,“ I~ Wml‘I‘qm' I';f:y;q group. I
The Princeton Times Leader won First Place in the Local News Pictures
category for the Multi-Weekly group.
V .‘ I ' A ‘\ f, r '
pr . I I. L“ i ’ " " ' e: ' .
F ‘ - ‘ J" C77" ’ ' -.., ' '1': ‘
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we . .. ., ., e. [c . , < ‘
i " \ '5 ir‘i» .’ ' x ‘ ,7! ‘ F " r 2.43;. fi‘
3 " - - tr . ‘ < t ”" ‘x (4', . " ‘ .
.’ ' 'I‘ I' ’ I- I _. ’ -.'.t II I“ j ‘ i ' \ ‘ ‘I ‘ I I ' . ‘44 5'. --‘ If { I
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. . -‘ a ' . ‘ ' 9-51 .t ‘ ' ”3‘ if ' "'
. I ‘ .; I I g .\ -' \ - '31.“.‘(3 . 5}: \u I h ‘. a”; ‘1‘. ‘I I II .
f‘. ‘ 1‘ ‘1‘: m." O‘\\\‘H‘.‘-§iz. .I \ "'3‘ . V‘ - .- “A “ . '
— ‘ a ~ ’ {it \H at u: 1- u- .. . ‘1 z 3
’I ' Fin, ‘ t:- ' fix-2:33;: . 1‘ .121..." 1% 32-'13; T K I-.‘_._‘"~ - , _ ‘ . 1 ' ~’t Y
-t‘ ; .. 5;, . . oi ““2, ; ‘ . Egg: .
29: A 55.2% '=. x , ~ .~ .v 4.; .
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’. II. I‘ I} t ,1 v.1. . < ‘. ‘\ fl 3 . ..
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,I' I,' j I ‘ ,I ~ .- ,5.‘ i I
" .I’III I VA I ‘ . III - ‘vo 4a 4
-, :1le " ‘ The Lexington Herald-Leader won First Place in the Local Feature Pictures category in the Daily Claemwm'mm ’ W H ‘ ~ . ' ;
1:?“ ‘
. I‘I-"'r"‘i"j."-‘.I".If:;,I"':jw.. f~1;,',“'_“'."'_"“."t"i"'I. 3_.-r:~7.;:e~«w~m-w~ ‘~ - ~ .... .,.- * ' - . - ~ - * ' - ' ‘ 2 l '
.3 \ '{tr-.3537:."-..',-‘".:‘...5:?:a-: rfir’xy‘afi‘m ‘ » - ‘ '
5. Was-1‘ 2‘.“'£'“-“”“53”3§S§2;""""'V~.fir?~::-.;-r‘é;§’~ > I 1. ~ ‘ . - .
, ' r “ ,«'~ 5-": ‘1 ‘ ‘fiw ’ ~ "1: Iggy...” I»: “ I“I_.‘-- . ‘-;,- *4: . - ,. .- , < . . - . _
3’3“.“.=.s'~:,:‘.9*:}..i2413*».2‘533"«u’w”“§@‘%at .’*~ '. , . ~ _. . Q . i- ' ~

 tor“ 5}"..i11911,!1-7"a?"1' 1' 11"} 1 .; v1 ' ' 1‘ 1' " " ‘ .; i
‘ ire-r" “ l . ;‘ .~ [1 a. - 1 . - 1
1‘1',:."""~~~‘\ 0'. l .- .>‘ 4 - . -. 1 -. . , . _ . . . u A. . . . , - . _ . .. . - ~ -~ .. .' . ; i ‘ y
1,1 p . I“
5 2 x» ' .
- _ 2 JUL 1995 V
.1 ' I l l 1._
1 _ g ____. ._.,.*___._-_ ._._V.. WW TELLWV .. ,.- . , .___—§__~___,_W_L,______ _--___ .___ _.
. 3;
.1. . - ‘ v ‘ ' 2 --" ‘ 1- '
Categury l . muuw’tn M m ‘.. . -. w... ' ‘4 . t ' “ “9' ‘ o
First Place - SPENCER MAUNF l ‘ “vfi- ' ; ,,. V . , ‘ i, 1
Nice use at blocks at top or page one Interesting photo ‘ ‘5) i . 's' 1 WWW.‘ .
- blocks Overall, a glean gUt‘kl'lUk‘hll‘i}: laxuut ' - A. 1 1 .1 , 1 1
Second Mate ~ llx’l-L'IT\ \‘l'lVS t l‘\llll l\'l ~\\"ll . ‘ ’ *
, Vtsuallv intere~ting and liu-h _ ‘ ' .111
llurd I'lace ~ BRlAllll ll CUl'Nl \ \‘t ‘It ’l .11 M
Way-m... ' .,-
L‘ategon I - L'OMMUNlH El l\’\'lk l; , 1
l‘lffl l’lace - lUL'lSVIl l l l‘l l'l;.\l ‘l'lx’ _~
\‘lltll-‘Ful‘cr\\Xl\‘ft\\ll\‘\\ l‘l' ltgi' \ "_il Huntuut‘tln \ll 1‘ /
item everyone \\ uultl want w \n t ‘ 1 1 . 1 . . 1 ,
stoma l’lat'e-kl-NIUN L'Ul \H l n. al
nut well written Cuml \pt‘rM t .‘l'anm E‘\ t l v‘ i r r-v \r l l . k ; W1: . Flu”;Lil-lli;'.lllrlivl.\rf'l':'::1'1'1’f ‘J. x), i’ r?! l ‘
1 l I i' )I i-ur .il hm limit 1 i J’ ‘ ' t
K ategvrv ti - AGRICULl L‘lx‘E l’.‘~t il' “l ' " ‘ 1 g .1‘11\‘“1, 1‘1",*‘;,"11'1“1:1',‘lfl‘l’f“‘1‘1“"11'“ ‘1‘: 5—53 L .4.“ A ‘ 1
Ma Place-SPENCER Macxri ; 1 11, 1173.1 ’ t ”multiri‘i ‘i'r'.’..._i'“.;f.tt "“""""“""" "'1'"er ‘
wnd We - mm m «a» M t w l ,.,- 2 ‘ “ * ‘3 ‘xx' 221:; 11ml 1:11:13: :I:::;::::: ‘ i r ‘ . .
l “ " ' 41'“. all-.' lt‘atlmi' :lu lu'ln luv \ w w! {l l ‘
enemy Q - BUSINEss PM W it l t - ,- .. .r :11 if.:;::'.'.:‘;.:f33132;; .152" I r
FlrSl l‘lLlCt‘ ‘ LL7LllS\ ll.lcl llFll \l‘l l\‘ l ! 51‘ l t 11 r i' ‘1l|1u1~ll;ll1.|l:k1l\'1l11l«ll'l1k1.|l(«l ”Ill: " l" ‘1‘ '1‘“ ~£11ll‘ "’ 'l ‘1 ’ ‘
(mud layout Fine prutlle \\'Flllll;: ; 1 _ i ’ ,7 i r. V ,; hrllkrl-‘ilhn (“,1‘1'111 “LII; \ l '1.‘ 1." l . ‘ .‘ r 1 ‘
Second l’lace SPENCER \l \ma-‘t i ' l l ’ ’3 .’i 3‘, .ff.;f ',"',‘.;L'.f;‘ ""i‘fi'Ku ; t '
Cited,cleanlaynul,lmalwut-xtlt-t mm. l 1 1111 11 11 1_11111‘11"1'1‘ ‘ All M iv .irwrvar Liam _ , ; in t » l
llurd l’laue » FL'LTON l,_l-'.:\l)l'l\‘ l ' ' ' U " “"‘ ' "H l" “h‘ " -‘ W " l‘ ‘ : > 1
Honorable Mention ~ KFN l1“; t K‘l \ Ti l-_",~ t‘lx‘l ii IQ 1 _ . ' ' ‘ 1' h; s '. L. W- i
(atellorv lll — 'LlFESH Lli I‘M l \H llt ". l t ;. Hal)ltat l r; 13/)? .1351 1
Ma Mace — SI‘ENL l:l\' \l six rl l 1 , 1 . 1 1 1‘; “35% 1'
\'er_\' good layout (awed i lame r -' av'tzt r.» ‘ l' , ‘i :r, 1’ l ; [)81/0, Ills w. 9; ""1" 7"“ 9359.1. 1 ;
set-ma l‘lace-KENTON (OlNli l-il” .‘Ia‘l ~t l l ' 1 ' 5.1 1-1:, 1 ‘5 5:12:15? n?"
l‘lease don't thanue \nur M11 1‘ -?\ '- . , ‘r ' ,1 l ‘ l 3;,‘d51reet '1‘ h! I I‘ w ‘ if";
leaJs Camel content l x v . 1 \1 ,. . ,
r ‘ ° 3 ‘ Wm ,
Category ll-LOCALVEWSI‘IL ll'lx‘h ! ”llraCle ‘ - .1 1 ?¢.\ 1.1.1; ;
V First Place - LOLvIS‘JILLE DEFEKI lllx‘ i 111 “111111111111; , w“... x 1 1111111111111,
All of the shots entered were by But ii. Am 1'. l'w \. m 1' ‘ 1-1111 ‘1 1111 '1; ,3 air .
great news shots The tuneral ~hnt~ in t. (1‘1: ri‘w i: and ‘ —————-—-———————-— 11 1 1 ) f ._ ;
lll.l).{1C lknow 1t 1> ditticult to flu it Wj'i‘i', i 'r X‘L' :» . r r 1 1 :1i1i111v1 1M1'11z1i1111xi11111x111.11111 ;’ ’1' 1- 1 11.1 \ t !
dt’l'lt\ ‘ t l , H111 ,1 111111 1 l til i item lviilla‘w‘lnmuv I I ' ‘. 11$: ; lit l a?
set-ma Hare-SPENCER \w M l l ‘ i ,f; ‘1’}“516, ‘rr‘.r’""““,"'.r".',' ' 4 v». e a i;
(loud aLtIttn spot neMN (L‘Reram 1 1 a “A; i l lull ill m ,.I 1. 1" " l. 4 '3. K." 1, 191g?
-_ rm I‘m — mm \ \‘HW r 2‘:r;.J':::;:*'..mt.7.2"“ - .. ~. 4 ' ,; » $2.33 ”fiifiw
- l'xwuld have run Lurwta «w r . . ' : ‘ w ' , l i l.twl\aluulaxaliuwllivndx. if} A 1 \1' " ' ” 19;? :11
- ma ! l §.l'."L“Y.:.“!I,‘,’ $113: 'z‘1:.:“:.'.:.‘..":: m” “‘"e/ -. -' ' ‘ a L - ‘ x
1 1 1 1‘1 11m l1l1l I..11 ' /'4&1 . 1 "#19
1 i”wiry1:.Loc'guttwu M H i‘ in - ; ; a “1, it’r‘iiiiilf” _. 1 ‘1‘??? 11 : .1;
. PM"? lllrk‘e - FLL-l ()N Ll ,-\l)l' l\‘ , l 11»111-«11-111xl1'1ll11li1vl1ia1n1«1l1i1~111i5:[:111I i~11111 ' ' 1 / -” git! 1“,; J i s 7
~ (wed plumw throughout 9 1‘ wwmrf; \. 1-H,» \ ' ” 59,11». 3: :1 . t; r"
Sewnd l’lace - SI’ENL Hx’ .'\l M Nl l l 1 I 11 1n; 1l111|11»1l1<1vl1tinfill::‘Rlil1w1|:1~:*11\1li.i\c ~ 1 .'.1t 538‘ 11111311111 ~ II‘ 1 _ 1
lhirdl'lace- lVlCl.Er\.\(;(ll .9111 \ll .‘-'\ i . i ll 'i 1., lt “ill” i M '1'l winllli .mr-ltminlrlwn 1:35” ‘1: ‘ t _- I 1 "
. fill: :5 rataxiirpirf.912's:mam 5911“,: ' . .- -‘;: -~ ;
Categnry l3 - LOCAL Sl‘ClR l9 I‘lk ll M1? I 1’7"“ “WW-"the NW NW (gig/:‘k‘ ; . 4 1;.1i'ii,1 ‘ \ 1
First l’lace ‘ FULTON LFAM-‘lc 1' ‘;!f,“;‘; [M Mm“ “1,11“ "\ 1114""; ~ u “ 1‘ '. 1
(Mod actmn shot i 1‘11'1l1!1’11t1\i11.’tln1l1nlhi1lp Al1ll| $1l1§ \J‘:‘. . 1,
Sel‘ttnd l’lace . LOLM lllll m l l'kllllx‘ ! f s i all l: i1‘i.’.:“i‘r'.rfll”." “ WC Ema:377.115.433;r; .. at . .; . r .;
(duld Kl‘ltll Ul “'l‘ull l’YlU‘l l'r’l llr' tl: 'l ? L't't li‘ ~H' l l ‘ ' " ll ll l "l'ht‘l ~h"! 'l hum-run ”It! \lrrr-t ml ”hm-ah: uu- Imilr uvllt lulli Iv m ll vl till 'l
“Md ”we ' BREATHIU l l ’l’ \‘ll \‘t l“ l‘ The Kenton County Recorder took a First Place prize for Front Page.
Cnod at‘tiun ~hnt
Hanorable Menmi — SPFV Hx‘ \l .\r ..\l l 6" ~ 1
(lurid \lt‘p dClH‘l’l an-l (lartfi / / .7; > I. t
‘ V" )
Categnrv u . BEsI l *‘i or t ,lml’lilt rut. uni MCLean .1; 1 1 w J. . * “ !
lLLlfSlRAllONS 1 ' " . 1. 11m 111111111 1
Fm l’lat e — LOL‘l5\ ILLF. Di H \m l\' [am Whitaker ; 1 ' 7 1 l 1 1 1 1 1t ' " ‘ "‘ ‘
lnterestm V amuwn: ~Ntl'\"lvlll' i; L! my, wruw ‘ n ‘39" .- ' ,- 1 J 1 -. '- t” ..
_ I 1 1 . : 1,3“ «_”1/—‘~'—-—— 1, 1 .
second Pill-e — wrxc FR \1 .\« \l l M39 mm"? : < O o o g - / if 1/1 1 v , ,r ’ ‘ 1 z t t, 1 l?
( reative, eyentppealmg grat‘lih § . Q . , l ‘ l i L f , l’ \ ' o " fi: . 1' ll (kl/Kl ‘
llurdl’lae-FLTLHJN'l,l'r\l)l.l< , - i . . 1 j}; d , ' ‘ ' 1 .’ ' ~:K ’
( ,1thl user-t; [mom in mi ‘ltlt w ' km it u itiwnx <1:ri"s'¢-«::' r . . ‘ ' ‘ t ‘l N
L l l I 'X'tfrt'c “n 1. Q i‘ ‘ v " Z: L‘) ‘K
- f? 5 e « k » /‘
Lategury HAVRMLEDIIKN *~li( uwx :fii’fi. «\ ,3 IS under . 1 . 1 1'5} )
First Place — FULTON LEADER "I'd-on .5 ‘ X; l \ ‘ /
scum l’lace—KENT(')N Col \n im nimr R ‘1‘, a l ‘ ' ' ' 3/? “. é?
lhlrd l’laCe - lRl-( llY NEWS .‘> )ns ructlon. W , e A I "/7 ‘X t 1‘ /
lltinorable Mention -Sl’EN( H< \1,\<.\t-11 111..., ' V .. 11;,
c“(lemon ( ‘3‘: 0 1 ~1 /
(“'92("'Y 1" ' URlClNAL Al) ”)F A 6 a0 “fly“ 07nd 97(2an 6le 512(‘1'1 J ‘1‘” 0/11/10/ /’ 9:1”
Fustl’lacerlCLEAN COUNIYNHNB ‘ .,
Color Would have set this ad ott’ even llll in. I], -
Second l’lace — FL LTON LEADER IJ' ; 1
Third Place — FULTON LEADER ' ' 1 , _ 1 ’ 13
Color would help * We're work mg together The Spencer Magnet ‘ , .
, 1 1 1
, (ategory l7 — DISPLAY ADVFRTISIM‘. With 0"! "p'gh b0“. 11 1
First Place - MCLEAN COUNT} NHVK‘ “‘0 (t 1 ““kln‘ ( lrt‘at mom [0 the best In local news. lt’tllllit'\ (701 1‘}, )(7 CIIOIIII
Excellent' 0 0. t‘ 0. t-(lilonals and sports by SlllJN mum: to '__________/__________‘___
53 Second l’lr‘ICk’ - SPENCER l‘lA‘ -NFT % 1.1 f The Spcru'pr Milflllt‘l run, m 'm sow.“ mum PM an. no irylorlvtllc
7‘ A (lose second I ,
’1'. Third Place — TRl-CITY NEW“ [I ' l ' - 1 Mail ("oupon Today and Save $2 uh I . ,.
(’1; ‘ or) ,t _ ()ll Regular Subscription Ralr :
’ F. l O 0 ‘1‘- ‘t ’ ()llt‘r Good On New Subsr‘nplmns (lnlx' ' 1 _1 H11 1 1 1 ‘
T ma court WIII "all down d Illll Shrltw T"::11M111»1111111£1mm b : ..
'- unumnmam Dentin”
, a future for our county! {'31 ~- I"
To the right, the McLean County News , —_—————————'-———_
took a First Place in the Original Ad Idea *fldcnb"! 0 93‘1“.“ (o1
' ‘ category. % 9 a The Spencer Magnet won First Place in the Newspaper Promotion category
It ll'
;.; » 1: ’ I Page 2. KPA Better Newspaper Contest 1 t
y‘ég' ‘.
23' 13-:
f l :
3:23: i’l" ' fig" ." g ’ ~ "’T i : ‘ ' * *2“- ' ' ' ' ‘ ‘ ’ ' ' ' ‘ ‘ ; ~' ‘ “‘ ’ ' . ‘
p * we %‘ saw,“ ;.- , '1 t - ,
em «as .* - t " ~ - - ' ’ . . - .
. . ma. .;' ..,“- :‘t‘t-‘er‘gfufi. 11-, ; , r - - . V r ; _ \
1 v r 1. " . ;‘:t'.sx£;1115§*4114‘11rp, . _ 1,1. ' \- , ’ 1. 1 ~ I 1 ;.. 1
v V i ‘ .i €11,231'1W1,,‘:f;3 1‘ 1 1 . g > .1 ' . 1 ‘ . A 1* 1 5
u 1 ‘,F,‘ft‘rf._}§ff « 1f. ".",1 .i > . 1 1 e 1 ‘ , r , . ,
. .11 L .‘.v',a$~1v‘.3v"11111f§’;n1:\' ’ ‘1‘. eé. a ‘1 ' . 1; 1 _ - . . L 1

i I . . , . .
5 09!! . .L 8
' I) x) :L)
—>—————————-—-————-—-——“_ " I ' I 1]
( ategory l IYI’OCRAI’HY Category l5 - SI’IL lAl I III I It 1". ~\lt [It > . fff _ , .
First Place - LAUREL NEWS LEADER First Place , RUSSI-l l, *II‘lx'I‘LI I - I INII ‘- ii ‘I RN \I I'i'jiz‘. , ' _. ' ‘ -.-‘ "5'
Uyerail, crisp and clean Good use of color photos Very readable section \\ IIII II. I. iIII I" \ . I .~ -n I I . II . Fifi '. ' V‘ ' 4‘ . ”'1!ij
Headlines could bea little snappier people With "helping ILHIII- I I.I I I. .-.I III II .. I . “ I " ‘< (fl '1
Sec ond l'lai e - CITIZEN VOICE & TIMES color would have helped .IpII. .II.l' .. I It A i II I. III. Y 5. A! t _
, Nice flag Really grasps attention “Line dancmg" Second Place ( I-’:\.’ l l\':\l Ith .l\.I\I \I I II iI ‘I ‘LJLLL... ‘
I and you are enhancmg kids self-esteem when they see First Place 3 1 Al I‘Rl'l. \l ‘.‘x I I \I I " " * ‘
1 their works in print Very good deSign I like I. II. - . II ; . : : u
; Second Place - CITIZEN VOICE 5: TIMES Very readable, and to the I ' I
: llIe kids page was a great idea This helps the kids be Second l’lace- IROl'lll I "III I I I I I I ".II I‘m'
. \ reatiye and you give them the goal and tool to do it Excellent section, a wry e.- I I. ' I II I I ,. . , -. Him
I \\ ith Ket‘l‘ up the good work' Third Place - HA I Ilt (II ’,I I 3‘ .. I ' l‘ ‘ i h ' I
i Eye~catching Iheail may. A. II I -iI . I" '1 i ‘1
I L ategory TI - FREEDOM OF INFORMATION thought it was a lllt‘\ II‘ I I km?
; NUIQNTRII-‘S Honorable Mention I I I II' ‘II I‘M I z" a _. "L,
I Excellent way to prom II I. , I ~ . ~ I .. ”a . {s
‘ t .itegory I - FRONT PAGE 13: ESE: 5'? :A
I I irst Place ~ BIC. SANDY NEWS, LOUISA Category I7 , DISPIM :\| I‘. I II.‘ I | l LI ‘ 2, I- "g "1‘ .
I Well laid out and organized Plenty of information in the First Place - LALIRI'I \I IXH I ‘I I I ‘I I" ,I_~-i-_ ': ‘ | - . ,“i
I t IInIinunity Calendar Good use of kl‘ltlr Sex III' I . I. I... _..__ ' N
I ‘wiond PILL - LAUREL NEWS LEADER Second I‘lace . Si-Rim .I II I II I L , .. _,,__,_,
I Nice clean layout Creatphotos, well used Unusual color for raw-I I ' . . . , . I .- a 3 ,3 _. . . . ,, . . Wt '
f~ nIIra l’lace — CRITTENDEN PRESS Third Place _ Jot i<\ I\l I ‘. I I ..I . ‘3 ‘— 3"?““3 '- ‘ 3 " ‘ "dig.
l ()ood sharp layout, easy to read, Good variety of local [Awe the mmliow II. . l I I. ,, " 5 F) I ‘3‘
I coverage on front page F3 I 3/ . i i
: Honorable Mention . RUSSELL SPRINGS TIMES 3"? II ~ \ g
”Around Russell County” column really stood out by I‘ ' I: I ’
, I proyiding an interesting variety of information .3 I, _ ,‘J 'I'
I WW"W” " ..., ”WT" .‘L’ \ ' I . "
I c ategory 5 - EDITORIAL PACE ' «t .I y. . I .J
I First Place - CITIZEN VOICE 6: TIMES . ‘ ‘ k " - ~- I; .
I Neat, clean, coi'ISistent layout. Like "Citizen VOice,” Jl, _ _ my GI _: H , ,II ‘. m elk
‘ cartoons entertaining Editor’s column a little long I" Q ' A um I ' n ‘3‘ . -’ ""‘i F ' " «it
' Second Place . LAUREL NEWS LEADER . ’ I’ ' ' A, Q ;" - , , 5" ' . , :~ “I " II
t Columns are entertaining and not too long Overall, a ' 1 K n , ,, 1‘ i ‘ I , I I _ .I 1;... , ~ 5 3 ' HEEL...» ,-‘;,
guuc‘l IIIIT / I it I I I ' C . . Swijfiéy {LEFT , I )3; I
Third Place - LARUE COUNTY HERALD NEWS / ,, , _, U , W»- ~' I . ~95 '_
.I Strong enIphaSis on agriculture in a farming community I .I ll'rrs'lringlun (YIN/(Iv [rut/lift”! for :HHH' II'HII' I In. i' . _- IIIII II . a ,_
i is good Coming from a ”tobacco county,” I could relate ' «c - g,“ A 1-3
I to the "tobacco quota,” cartoon, I ' o .. ‘ 1'3;
I o "III III L L I- 3 ..
I Category 6 - NEWSPAPER PROMOTION I ."5..;'“§‘2 "TE 3 L . 4“ " '
hm Put-e - LAUREL NEWS LEADER . - . . .~ " 3 ‘65 me We 1”:
(lood promotion ‘ ' ‘IS I "II F "F V ‘ o J
Second Place - LAUREL NEWS LEADER I“ . ‘ | V ,\\ " . “
lhird Pim —LAI?REL NEWS LEADER I It 2| \ \\ . . , WW ._ I '23-: -
I I I I.III // I;I.IIII:.: sf .I.I I‘ I
Category 7 . SPORTS PACE/SECTION I ,. .I I I . I ‘ . , .' ',- “ ,.
First Place - LAUREL NEWS LEADER I . "h“ I jg. ,. __ ' c ' - i m ' 5:53
Layout of sports is very good You are very lucky to have I L I I II .I i I ‘ , . I ’53:; 4,
two open pages Getting a lot of names and people in the ‘ .. g‘ ’ I III I' I‘ ' , ' ' . I" _ . L 113.--...
paper is what Will sell newspa ers. Good action Shots I I , . , L. . - . '1‘? 3": . ; k . , ,H,_ r , -
Second Pi...-.- — iOURNAL ENTIERPRISE, PROVIDENCE , I. , “. ' p I , ~ ', I ’j‘L . ~ , = ‘...' . , «33.7 t,f:f:$;:’f;f”s‘
Very good layout Needs some Space between your copy I F F I, . . ., f .‘ Z , Ia‘ ~ - I ' ., 4 . .-AI,'I‘. r I A) ‘
and by-line Good strong pictures and news I' . ' *I I' - ' . ; L,- ‘- ' . ’__ . ‘ " /
Third Place - CRITTENDEN PRESS , I . IF ' {I $3 . , ., . - 3 ,'_‘
Mood strong heads and pictures I I ‘ .3 3. l; "I. *3- ' “If;
I Honorable Mention » CARROLLTON NEWS DEMO— .. I I . . . _ ‘9'“ ,_ ‘ . "“gg‘f" Q ' I . ’14." ‘ v‘I _, .
CRAT . . II . II _. , . - — -» ~~ ;, w + ., ; - “ " ~ - r. .17.”
I Very good selection of sports. Too many boxes ‘ I’ ' II "I '~ 'I J x. (-7511 f I I ‘ '1'" “I," ”if F“. ' l . I". V' "A, ;_
I-I .._. \\ I‘I' ins , . I p i 1 '. - :33 W: D
Category II . AGRICULTURE PACE/SECTION .I... I . I II KIN C. “ WA ’ 1 ‘ E ..
First Place - CITIZEN VOICE & TIMES .' I,_.. w I. I I " L. Ls, . f ' - Joni" ‘
Very good coverage Strong pictures. Good local copy {1 I311 ‘ H{[ V S ' -' »§,§'Z‘“l"«,. . c2432.. * ' j 3% ' I
Not a lot of canned copy Good features. Beth Curlin did . . ' j'ffi'l”¢j駢§ '1: and: <-. _ _. '.I - 3:..." ' ‘ ‘ ':I’II’ In;
a good job With photos and news content. r. I' l I“ ' fill 33.1.1; L; . I; ' ’5 Ly‘w’"? '5» - ‘ '- ,4; 3,
Second Place - LARUE COUNTY HERALD NEWS ‘ 3;:th fi-"z'g'" .,<.I"‘:"F.II' {'4‘: I. \‘l I , ,9 ‘ ‘ "j,
Very good selection of articles. Great photos. Good local . _ l , ,3. > ’. ' ' L. I?" .. ,f. r ‘ I. " ,3, t' ,‘ ~ “,3 .
W}, in 1 mm } I; I -I _. . - , , -,..- ,...,...
Third Place - SPRINGFIELD SUN ,, , . -.. .. . 1 '5» F “‘ ' -~ ’ a’M-p. I ' . ' f I” -* e ”ash
layout Very good Good photo and local copy. " 'I ‘ I ‘I ' . L _ -- Qj‘~'s"1.;b,; L , '3 I53 1%; "' I {,1 , ' , ,‘ I; F; ;
3' , . i , ,' . i' 5 ,I M. '-’ . fl ' 7;, Refit; I; , ’_ L . 9., 55;»; “I . II...
Category «I - BUSINESS PACE/SECTION , I .I F 3% III;- 2‘ 3;;‘3‘3'; ' ‘ W - 13.53: , pf 2“ , ' '3 ‘5 III, I.
No EN IRIES ,. ‘ 3.3 ‘I'I “ - .. I‘p . ’ " ' , If) .I,,,-._ . I. a. ' .-" t‘ a L. " j ’33.: g -_
, . I . .‘ . I -. ’ . 13;, I}: I gtégj, ‘1‘; -~ I, J, - I . fl E}; I, y a in,
Category It)-LlFESTYIEPACE/SECTION m ,1, W my, ,;,,,W‘,d I “(riff-WV; ________ ‘Fx - , " " ' "‘ " -
I‘irst l’ldct’ - SPRINGFIELD SUN ‘ « . , : ’ ' ' ' "M" _ . . r w . . - .
(lreat lifestyles first page. Good use of color, photographs Above. the Springfield Sun won I Irst Place m ”I" Ilmphics/ChartS/Photo Illustrations NEWS-LEE“ ‘ WEDNESDAY, NOVE - w
and graphics Visually original and very different from category. r- — ~ . L . ., . ‘ ,
other entries , 7 , , I I .. ,, ‘ 4&5th _ .. ‘ .
Semnd l‘lace - LAUREL NEWS LEADER “—_“TATT“_TT”—W , I '2.” ' .33: ' at“ 3';
Well laid out Good variety of topics and columnsl LlnC()l n I()VerS. I _ _ {gig . 3 A I '
particularly liked the ”Asking the Teens” box, .., ...-. I .I.., II“ .. . my“ . ._... ,.. I I i .I ,
Illlrd IIIM - BIC SANDY NEWS . . Am ,- tmmsm. >33 - ,. .,_I I! . _ .;f .
Nice, clean easy to follow layout. The teatured article in 0. .2 - "s ;- I“ "f 3 . \ _ _‘ . I, ' . -I ~ I' . I
I the center of the page really jumped out. I' ‘ i , ‘22,: '_.:“<':’ ."g ‘ e; ‘ 9, '3 w?! - . 9.,/ F , "T I
I “-7. .‘s 3“- ~ ”3‘..- ,’ T \ . . . --. .L- J . . - I _ , _ I. .
I Category 11 - LOCAL NEWS PICTURES 1', a 3""; I-. - '°~ ‘ t A ' . (“‘5 ' ‘4 ' 9“,] A" ‘ 'H a I
i Elm Place - LAUREL NEWS LEADER - . ‘1‘ “.3 J, L 4 2,, I _ -' I s '. I3, r
I Killer, killer front page The snowplows are great' Other 5. 0'.'\ s I: , ‘ y“ I .' LI ”fife; ~ .1 ~‘ T - 8,] | I E I I i ; . ‘ '
I entries very strong also. I love strong, big photos Color is a ’ .I‘ '. - 1% , " .' " . L' 1qu ' “I ’ I ., gs! 3“, l ' Q ' ' " ' ‘
\ery good also . .r «- ,1 _‘ . 1" - , I ,I' Y“. I . '1. 7, v ‘, fl", ,' ; ', I ,5 " I,"
I Second Place . LARUE COUNTY HERALD NEWS it ' q ‘ ’ , , ' A: ’I S "i, -? It , .L , . _ , l
\ltot of ladies is excellent I Wish a shot like that would .’ "fl. ' ’3'” , ‘ . :- . $5.1»; » _ ‘II‘ “it,” ’ J , ‘5 “LL It. I. ‘ I
receive better I ‘ ”I - -‘ I ‘ I? '. v. x . I, .z . .h / ., ; l , I». J
p acement Good repro “3 . Ir, L 3,? ,L/‘ o , , g / .
I Third Place . RUSSELL COUNTY TiMESiOURNAL 3521;; ,1 ., i .. _ 4; . t. ,L.‘ . «I ' . ~ ~ ‘V’. ' . ‘* ‘
I 335 ,s’e‘:.”.’."‘i, .2 . L .1 '. . . i ‘ /<. i "T ' " u I 'L 1!
I Category i2 — LOCAL FEATURE PICTURES " # ""‘é- 143-: . " .r‘ ,"'- - 7' ' i F ' I III? I
I First Place < LARUE COUNTY HERALD NEWS 1, fimfif’w "Tb ' ’5" __-___,- f! . _ F K ' I" I I. .‘S __,__I I “As... ' ~ " R. v a
Wonderful, expressn’e photos Cood use of color _ -. - . .-. ._ ‘ . ,,._, ... _ . .. “.3; I I
Ikpecially liked ”War & Peace " _’" V ' I «ha: lI'f I\ .~ .. _ I“ . ‘ z'" 3'“ ' I". F.
stoma Place-LAUREL NEWS LEADER . :32: ~ , .w’ "\ .~ f, ' ~ - ' ' -" 24/ , \' .;,\\o\. . .
Photos are big enough to show expresstons Lot of action .« W "'$§ ' ‘-- e. . J". ' ‘ t ‘ 5 ' 3 / ' t, ,
makes them fun ”'f ".11" , I I -. . I » ’ '. '3 I t ».
Third Place - JOURNAL ENTERPRISE ' ff" :3 L . ".' —‘ . I" I “J . I \ - . I
Illl\ was a close third Interestin 7 Thotos With ood . — ' ,- ' ”J .I.. ..’7‘ ~ ‘ ' ‘ '.
reproduction III 8 ,I 4/ ’g e‘ 2" . ' ' ., 2‘ / ' I ‘ ' L‘ I; ' )I!‘ Q ’i
I Ionorahle Mention « SPRINGFIELD SUN , F ‘ ‘1' \ j ’ ‘ g I i" l ‘ t? ‘ '~ F ‘4
\.Iiir Sorghum-Tobacco Festival issue was spectacular ' ., ' fl ‘ 5 ’5' I " (£5? ' ~ ’— ' ,
Ubyiously a speCial effort that was a great success I ,‘ ‘ 9,. 3 A' I T 6 “t I ... . . c _' " t
:1. , .\ ‘ -. ”5" ' /\ '
t ategory I3 - LOCAL SPORTS PICTURES \ )«9‘ , ’ . L4 I ni , . - .‘t‘ ‘ ~‘ 3 , ‘ I ‘ fi/\ » _ E
First Place - IOURNAL ENTERPRISE . , .l‘ ’W‘1 ’1 t" i - ' ., «.f. 3 , 5 , I -.
I'xiellent useof act so] . Good focus shots and ,,./ i LII" ' ' a I ‘ a l . I L, .. .I V . . .- I .I I-n <
ti ure ipige ‘, _. I“: y‘ . r \ ‘ sunnwac .. ,, I ya“ I
captured great expressions of the sport and subiects ' T; 51" ’ t. ‘," ' . mammoth W” "I’ ‘ " ‘V ' ”‘f‘ “T"? WT‘fiJ'S' 3"“, "'
Second Place ~ SPRINGFIELD SUN ‘ -_E::::;-;; -11. l -n' ’ , ‘ , ' . ”0'25"“ I.” ‘ a 'w ° "' ' ° "
(Iood focus in pictures Cood layout of photos I was glad , I”, V w. A“ F 4. ‘t\ “I, __, . __..____ .. ,___._______.____
to see large photo used a~ ‘If/"gw \I ‘3‘ ‘ ' II'. I t, x . \. .. I l . . .I I I I II «T . '
iiIIraPIALLaJwREL NEWS LEADER ' , ‘ ' I' ' 2 . . (HI I .III!' s It All] L (HI
‘\ lewd selection of photos of subiect Some photos were " ‘ I. . y ..I ,.,. 4.3 _' I‘ ‘I, ‘ -‘ . I I. , F “ $43..." . . ‘
a littIle out ot tocus, but the capture of expressmn was - . l’. '. ~ . . .3 ;-" ‘ I’ll" i. z -. _ .' ky- .‘ CH fr |('\ II [\;l\' Huy IQ ( ”u "I \
)UH“ ‘_ - ‘J . I_ a ‘ Ir.” , . . 3-! I; a. . , - ' . u h
Honorable Mention - CARROLLTON NEWS DEMO— ~ '7" c, 0‘) . . ',. . . (I‘III'. &3‘ T I 3‘ _ [HM n H _ I . , , I.
I I<.\I 1}" “ . ' ‘ I . I , :3 . .3 \ ”Wu C, s ,, I ' I , _ ,I II ,
Very good .H mm shots . ' ‘ 14F, ,' a,“ i .3". \L I :1"; It . ii I4 - I I . It I . I-LL I“
I .II.I_LI.III- H I first t'Si-i OF GRAPHICS/PHOTO ‘ " _ . fi'fi _ t I -~" ' I J, 51:11", f , ' .‘ . _ '.
II I I si RAiioNs .9 ‘-.7- J .‘- )2, 3 ~ r’ m... , _ . _, -
I IN PLI. ,. s‘l‘RlN( ;HELD SUN ,I' ' ,. . . ' :3 ,‘ ' ‘ ~ .7731“ 'i ; ‘ . . . ‘ '.
Creatiw use of a photographic combination ' ' . :L d; g ‘ I ”Int . , ~ \,;O,.,,,L,,,d‘,o p”. yo”. ‘
So ood l’Iaie - IOURNAL ENTERPRISE . P ‘ , . " 5 i I ”VJ I I’“"“ I‘I' ‘_
Interesting, story-telling hotos, shows action, still life, ' . IQ," | ‘ . \ . ”awn” . V a , - -' ' ' __,,
LLIttlro‘ .tntl [‘Q’HI‘IP lnforpftlng ,V.,.,___I . _, _ ,_ - _, .I. ,, _ L' ' Fl. ' I 2 l 0 " r “LI-AI
IIIII‘LI I‘I1‘\.. \IIRINIIIIIZIL)5IIN Above, Ihe Larue COUDIY Herald NPVVQ II‘iik 3 ”,2, IIILICCIO the LOCRI FC‘OIUTC pICIlHPS AbOV9,IIH‘I-\I 'A '. ' ' I‘I‘IL‘F‘ ir‘. Ihi‘
I,. IIIIl use of humor and hard data working together to category. Sports Paws s. .
In II IIH' LN ls
L Page 3, KPA Better Newspaper Contest I
—-————~——————-————-—-—————_.___..___ __-__ A- , , . , L_____ ._.. _______.._____. -, .,-.__.-.._.
I ; , ,
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Category 1 _ TYPOGRAPH‘ :1)“ [TKT'IVltllkl‘ Vl lV l;\:.1t Vt l Vt l l hi hi l V M V, V 2 "hetsnfl c . 4,
First Place . NEWSJOURNAL, CORBIN . ontagt iiikspi . i . .t T i .r i». i V
Throughout this paper good easy to read leads, very good Size l‘lt‘W “IV I“ " ll "~" “Vf " _' _ ' NV 1 , ~ “ ““1"“ ”I.
pictures Color excellent Use of color boxes adds to emphaSIs “”“l l “N " \\l ’l I‘ " ‘ “l " -
of story and gets readers interest 1"“ “‘l ll‘ l'l‘“ '“ ‘ ‘V V m -
5&0,“ Place V CASEY COUNTY NEWS llUlli‘rJT‘H’ \lt' ' l C » ~« i ‘1 . l i \l ‘\\ N \ . l ____~,.____._.___.,-,
Lead could be larger but easy to read, not cluttered Inside “m" N“ ‘ "‘ .\ " ‘ ' " j ' ““ ' “ ___._,,__..__.._. ——-*r#
pages laid out tor easy readmg h'hl‘l‘h‘mv‘l 1V“ H“ “ ' ' ‘ ‘ I“ ' ‘ 3 ' . t t /.\
Third Putt» » ANDERsON NEWS ~1in 'th T f ‘N b] " ,
Good pl.” ot Pictures Leads easy to read, not cluttered Page V V VIVV _. V. 00 e o ec o ' kk/ 2"Q‘ .
one picture in color would have made that page! K ““4“ " “ “ ‘ “‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ . “ ' ‘ ' ' / A “
I unWIse spen mg / . \
/. , ~ , A , , W“ i
Categor) I t0MML‘erTYSERVlCE N W" 3 >3 ‘ ' " { ' ' » - ‘ ~ ' ‘ i TAM. '“ is“ ‘1‘ la” 00\ O
rim l’lat‘e . ANDERSON NEWS “‘0‘“ _ ' ' 1 “ ’ ' ‘ ' ‘ , t .‘l"? ”“1 “"13"“ “"" ”"i"‘ "’ ‘. W Lilli; ,I [4 ,,, F )
Helping the Journalism department to publish a school “N “‘ “V‘ " “‘ ‘ ' ‘ ‘ ' " - ' “ ,lv‘lff'Vfrvm”1‘:”,\"‘I':lm‘_':by;'2,'Vty‘ , ‘VV if V , YO‘ L s t V/ '
lieu spaper is an outstanding example of getttng involved in NVl‘Nl “V“ V' ' H ‘ *’ ‘V' " " V _ V “ , ' mini.- ii iiiriiin-iii-i- 0‘1 ml ~41wa / f ; f
community service, not Just reporting on it. \i othll M l l l» \\\ i N. i .1: l\l it! I . {Kiln-ll llnrrirtt, iiiiwici-ii-u. ii "“3“ iv-ir . I l r (t \f“ I
MN "W - ANDERSON NEWS I ‘ " N ‘ ‘ " * '3: " . ‘ .. ,1;;.:,;..:“:::‘:;,:“..' Lil-3:213:33:“It;Luv .: . i: (ll r
The Ln iiig School Museum is a very challenging undertaking, l‘l‘““"‘;_ “ 1 ‘ 'V‘ ‘ .' ‘ z ' ‘ Fiscal (“min 7 , V! ,. , K i
.lTlcl J \ t’fl' worthwhile community sen/ice PTOIQCT ka d 10‘ ll llitgl l l x l ‘. . \ l\i -.' f r Pr” ltlll wits liir NH zippilft'llT L i, ii . 1 " (,’-~ V V:tx\; ;
UT hard \\ ork gNK‘Ll ’0in llllt‘\ i' \i rt ’ i ' - i ' “ i ‘. i l'iili H;:;;_: .Vsyiviinhl‘t-Nni: firisi‘ixtp t itiri ii VV VV ,_ , _ ['7 \j‘. , \ .
Third Price Ci NTIIIANA DEMOCRAT N ”‘4 ’ ' " » ‘ ' M V, I , , V mi .i lit": 3.. .J’. i . ' \L c“ {N ‘5, . l i
A“ Jre’lless to ;u\t’llll€ crime is a very worthwhile proiect to ”NW '1 ‘ )1} l I .' Ki " I. l w. T . l {I ..i i '" ‘” ""l'" “'"””"v” ”‘7” """ H' l ' v/l l I g A ' l :
brine. to the ct'iniiiunitv’s attent