xt7pvm42sr8t https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7pvm42sr8t/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky. Libraries 19760326 The title, The Green Bean, was not used until December 14, 1973. During 1992-1993 some issues were sent via email with the title: Green Screen.
Unnumbered supplement with title, Wax Bean, accompanies some issues. journals  English University of Kentucky. Libraries Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Green Bean The Green Bean, March 26, 1976, no. 121 text The Green Bean, March 26, 1976, no. 121 1976 2014 true xt7pvm42sr8t section xt7pvm42sr8t QMEEMR T H E
25-26 March - KLA Special Li- G R E E N
braries Section
meets in Lexington. B E A N
26-27 March - UK Chapter AAUP
t ' L ' t .
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29 March g;;§g§t§g;Si David Farrell, Editor Ext.82684 ,
Gallery (see note).
l April — A.I.D.S. Open House - 2-4 PM, Rm. 201 King Library
South (see note).
2 April - Library Faculty Meeting - 8:30 AM, Gallery.
2-3 April - KLA College & Research Section meets in Berea.
A.I.D.S. Open House:
All staff members of the UK Libraries are cordially invited to
drop by the A.I.D.S. (Academic Information/Developmental Skills)
Center (Room 201 King Library South) next Thursday, l April,
from 2-4 PM, to meet the A.I.D.S. staff and see what they‘re
doing. UK faculty, staff and students are also invited; refresh-
ments are being provided by the Library Staff Organization under
the direction of Jean Robinson.
Yeats Exhibit in Gallery Through Tomorrow:
· (Editor's Note: "The Cuala Press and the Yeats Family, l903—l944"
is the title of the current Gallery exhibit prepared by Elizabeth ‘
Howard of the Biological Sciences Library. The exhibit consists
of a variety of materials from Elizabeth's personal collection
that includes broadsides and pamphlets, correspondance, exhibi-
tion catalogs and other memorabilia relating to the famous
Dublin family of poets, painters and printers.) .
The family of John Butler Yeats and Susan Pollexfen Yeats were
leaders in the organization of the Irish Literary Society in the
late l890's. Mr. Yeats was a fine portrait painter and the two
sons--William Butler and Jack——have received much attention in
literary and artistic circles. But little attention is paid the
two sisters, Lily and Elizabeth, and their active role in the
Society and their contributions to Irish literature.
Both women worked at William Morris' Kelmscott Industries near
London. Elizabeth studied the art of hand printing under the
guidance of Sir Emery Walker, Morris' typographer, and Lily
studied the art of embroidery under May Morris, Morris' eldest
daughter. In 1903 they returned to Ireland and helped organize
Dun Emer Industries; in 1908 they moved to Dublin where they or-
ganized the Cuala Industries. Their goals were to provide Irish
women with the ability to make beautiful objects from Irish
materials and at the same time teach them a way to support

 *··"·"· ·· a i`
Lily's embroideries are still exhibited in the National Art
Gallery of Dublin and Elizabeth's printing work has become
highly valuable. Her press was unique for several reasons: `
she used a simple eighteenth century Caslon type and pale `
colored boards to bind the books; she published young Irish
writers unable to find publishers elsewhere; and she published
only original manuscripts or editions of the ancient Irish
sagas. Cuala Industries employed only women and, with the
Cuala Press, operated about forty years.
Among those whose works were printed at the press were: Frank
O'Connor, Elizabeth Rivers, John Synge, Louis McNiece, Oliver
Gogarty, John Masefield, Elizabeth Bowen and, of course, W.B.
and Jack Yeats. The exhibit in the Gallery includes broadsides
and pamphlets illustrated by Jack Yeats, verse, correspondance,
and journals written by members of the Yeats family, and other
catalogs and memorabilia.
E. Howard
Gunter Grass Exhibition at MIK:
An exhibition of etchings from the years 1972/73 related to the
German writer's work will be on display in the Gallery of King
Library North beginning 29 March through 17 April. Professor
S. Leslie Wilson of the University of Texas will lecture on
"Gunter Grass and His Double-Pronged Pen" also in the Gallery on
9 April at 5:00 PM.
From the Suggestion Box:
A sample of suggestion box items from the past weeks indicates `
the widespread interest of our clientele. We have, for instance,
received suggestions for books (European Historical Statistics,
1750-1970), for journals (American Ethnologist), and for recordings
(An Evening with Carl Sandburg). We continue also to receive
suggestions about facilities: installing a soap dispenser in a
ladies room, for example, and putting soft chairs around the
An intriguing item received several weeks ago suggested that we
get rid of the 50% of our books that are worthless. The Library's
reply to the suggestion was, in effect, to help us identify the
areas in need of weeding so we could start to work on it. The
original suggestor has, in turn, replied that perhaps he was a
bit rash. He is a high school student, and it would help him do
his "simple,little term papers" if we would put red dots on the
catalog cards for undergraduate—level books. "The old, technical,
and specilized books could be skipped over."
Finally, we have received an orchid as well as an onion. The
onion: "How long does it take to get a reply from this place?
I've been waiting almost a month." The orchid: "Compared to
any other university library I have done research in, U.K. is
by far the best. The people working in the library are both .
knowledgeable and helpful, Itfs a real joy to come to UK's li-
brary for material." .

 ... 3 ..
The ‘ AAUP—Kentucky Chapter is featuring two well-known
speakers at its Lexington conference today and tomorrow. Dr. william
Van Alstyne, Professor of Law at Duke and former National President
_ _ of the AAUP, will speak on "Academic Freedon and Tenure in Kentucky"
tonight, March 26, at 7:00 PM, Imperial Ramada Inn. Tomorrow,
President Otis Singletary of UK will speak on "Accountability and
Higher Education" at 12:30 in the Student Center President's Room.
Reservations: 258-2423.
A series of four Saturday conference programs on personal information
privacy and data surveillance is planned in Kentucky in March and
April. The program for 10 April will be presented at the UK College
of Law from 9:00 AM to 4:30 PM. Principal speakers include Alan F.
Westin, Professor of Public Law and Government at Columbia (and
co-author of "Databanks in a Free Society") and Jerome A Barron,
Professor of Law at George Washington University. Other programs
· (and Campuses) in the series include: 27 March (Western Kentucky
University), 10 April (University of Louisville) and 24 April
(Eastern Kentucky University). Additional information at A.I.D.S.,
Ext. 258-2684.
Tarbert, editors. lst ed., 1975-1976. Detroit: Gale Research Co.
with the proliferation of biographical sources, one can be rather
overwhelmed with a time-consuming search for information on a single
person. Gale Research to the rescue! The Master Index indexes all L
the Who's who publications and other current works of collective
biography, with an emphasis on living persons who are prominent in
the United States scene. However, as all names in an indexed work
appear in the Master Index, there is no need to consult the sources
indexed. The Master Index is being published in several volumes and
the reference department at the M.I. King Library has just received
Volume 1 covering the alphabet from A to F. _
The following is a summary of this year's classified salary changes
as discussed at the meeting of classified staff on Wednesday, March
All classified staff will receive a 5% raise as of July 3, 1976.
There is no longer any grade 0012 and 0013 (LT I). These have been
combined to form grade 0014 (new LT I grade level) and all units on
campus have been given additional funds to bring these employees up
to the new end of probation rate which is $2.56/hr. For some library
staff members this will result in a 9 to ll percent raise. (

The library had 3/4 of 1% of the total classified payroll for merit
increase. Some of the merit was used for salary adjustment so that
no employee would be below the new starting rate (see below) for his
, or her grade. The remaining merit was distributed as follows: each
category on the Performance Review was assigned a value 0-4; then the
numerical average was figured for each employee's evaluation. Each
person receiving a 3 to 3.74 received an additional 2¢ per hour for
merit; each person receiving a 3.75 to 4.0 received 3¢ an hour_for
merit. Employees currently on probation and those receiving salary
adjustments due to the elimination of grades 0012 and 0013 were not