xt7pvm42vg68 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7pvm42vg68/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1977-11-09 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 09, 1977 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 09, 1977 1977 1977-11-09 2020 true xt7pvm42vg68 section xt7pvm42vg68  

Volume LXIX, Number 59
Wednesday, November 9. I977


an independent student newspaper ]






University of Kentucky
Lexington, Kentucky

Amato elected in close race

Winner promises

to end city problems

Kernel Staff Writer

[The writer has been covering local
politics since last November. This
story contains his conclusions.]

Jim Amato reached his storefront
headquarters on Main Street at
about 8 last night to accept the
congratulations of his supporters
and volunteers.

“We’ve campaigned on the issues
and identified problems in this
community," he said after thanking
his staff, “but they’re problems that
can be solved and we’ve offered
solutions to them. We’re going to
work together now to take care of
them before we get too large to do
anything about them."

He thanked his volunteers and
staff again and said, “I’m through
talking. I want to get down there and
shake some hands."

The 300 who had jammed the
headquarters since early evening
received word of Joe Graves' con-
cession in the mayoral race more
than an hour earlier. Their mood
was not one of intense celebration,
but rather one which reflected a
sense of confirmation.

Nothing had happened in the last
six months of the campaign to shake
the com piacence that had developed
in the Amato camp after his easy
primary victory in May, and very
few concerned with the campaign
expected anything other than what

So it was that Amato and his wife
Bobby Gayle stood before the
podium in the press room of his
headquarters barely two hours after
the polls had closed, a large banner
over their heads proclaiming

A three-piece band in the back of
the room played a stepped-up
version of “My Old Kentucky
Home” several times as the crowd
applauded and cheered for almost 10
minutes. And campaign office
manager Joy Carter presented a
teary-eyed Bobby Gayle with a
bouquet of pink roses

After his brief speech, Amato
plunged into the crowd and hugged,
kissed and ‘thank-you'd his way to

Apparently, confusion about
voting regulations affecting han-
dicapped citizens caused several in
the College View precinct, including
at least one UK student, to not vote
in yesterday’s election.

The polling place for the precinct,
the High Street branch of the YMCA,
has no ramps, so those in
wheelchairs were unable to enter the

All of the building’s entrances

the front office where, minutes later,
a secretary on the front desk
summoned him to a phone to accept
a call from Governor Julian Carroll.

Asked later what he and the
governor had talked about, Amato
said, “He offered his
congratulations and said he was
looking forward to working with the
people of Lexington on common
projects that affect us all.”

Volunteers at Amato headquar-
ters began counting votes shortly
after 6 pm, when calls began
coming in from volunteers at the
precincts. The outcome of the race
was clear from the start, with
Amato carrying many suburban
precincts which had been presumed
to be heavily for Graves.

Though the election of the mayor
of Lexington is supposed to be
nonpartisan, Amato had been
identified with the state’s
Democratic institution throughout
the race and it served him well.

(‘ontinued on page i


. {
Building has no ramps

Some handicapped prevented from voting at YMCA

Kernel Staff Writer

have sets of steps at least two feet

State voting regulations, however,
allow handicapped and disabled
citizens to vote by absentee ballot.
The law also states that disabled
voters can be assisted into the
polling place and voting booth by the
poll workers.

According to UK student Scott
Hutchinson, though, when he called
the precinct, the poll workers told
him no arrangements had been
made for the handicapped.

Hutchinson, a freshman confined


The victor and the defeated after unofficial voting results came
in: Above right, Joe Graves talks to supporters at his
headquarters after conceding defeat. In photo above, Jim Amato
makes his way through a crowd of festive well-wishers after
acknowledging his victory in the mayoral election. Below, Amato
gives a hug to a member of his office staff.

to a wheelchair, said, “I asked them,
‘Ilave you provided any provisions
for the handicapped'?‘ They said
they hadn't. I already knew who I
was going to vote for; but because of
that, I didn’t vote."

According to two workers at the
College View precinct, there have
been no complaints about the
building‘s lack of access. Phylis
Vanlloose and Mac Wilson both said
they were unaware of any special
regulations regarding the han-
dicapped voter. They did say
however, that poll workers are

——David O'N II
a ”'1‘ -

required to provide assistance to
any voter requesting it.

The women said no one in a .

wheelchair had come to the building
attempting to vote. John Willard, a
poll worker for third district can-
didate Joe Jasper, confirmed this.
Willard said, “I have been standing
here (outside the YMCA) since 6 this
morning, and i haven't seen anyone
in a wheelchair."

Wanda Cranfill, an employee of
the Urban County Election Com-
mission, said the commission

; Ringham in the 3rd District lost to
3 Joe Jasper, who has served on the


-Becky Luigart

At press time, official totals
weren't available. This partial list
includes the winners for the three
districts serving the UK area. The
most serious upset was the re-
election of Mary Mangione in the
5th District. Incumbent Bill

44 V_wg_i.

Urban County Council


in past



100 Percent Precincts Reportingl
Graves 18,531 44 percent l
Amato 23,413 56 percent I
100 Percent Precincts - 3rd j
District 1
Joe Jasper 634 59percent l
Bill Bingham 435 41 percent

91 Percent — 4th District
Anne Gabbard 1.459 58 percent
Paul Schuette 1,017 42 percent

91 Percent — 5th District
Mary Mangione 2,002 70 percent !
Ken Clevidence 590 24 percent 1

90 Percent — At-Iarge
Jim Todd 16.121
Don Blevins 15.201
Ann Ross 13,973

60 Percent -
Yes [for revision] 6,006
No [against] 4,961




7....7.____v dim. _ . ,. .J

doesn’t believe there is a problem
with handicapped voters. “We think
we have given quite a bit of publicity
to the alternatives for the han-
dicapped voter.”

Cranfill explained there are no
state regulations regarding han-
dicapped voters’ access to polling
places. She said that since the state
can't force a building owner to allow
his or her property to be used as a
voting site, there is no practical way
wheelchair access can be required.

“The only buildings we have any


Kernel Staff Writer
[The writer has covered local
politics since January. This story
contains his observations.]

Gracious and conciliatory, Joe
Graves conceded defeat last night a
little more than an hour after the
polls closed.

Amid subdued and tearful sup
porters and campaign workers,
Graves congratulated the victor,
Jim Amato, and refused to analyze
the results of the election.

“I don’t think losing candidates
should rehash the campaign," he
said. “Let’s put all that behind us,
and look to the future. I hope Jim
Amato will be a good mayor, and
serve all the people of Lexington."

Unofficially, Jim Amato received
56 per cent of the vote, and Graves
received 44 per cent.

Amato led all the way from the
first unofficial returns, showing
surprising strength in suburban
precincts where Graves was thought
to be strongest.

Voter turnout was lower than
expected with just over 40,000 of
Lexington’s 89,000 registered voters
making it to the polls. 01d hands
downtown said last night that people
grew apathetic because the cam-
paign had dragged on since

About 100 persons crowded the
Graves campaign headquarters,
anxiously watching the precinct
totals. Graves came out to speak to
his supporters after his staff had
compiled about 80 percent of the
unofficial total.

“I‘m probably a better dancer
than candidate,” he said, referring
to the music of the band Hatfield
Clan, which was playing, “so we’ll
get the music going again in just a
few minutes.

“First, I want to do three things. I
want to congratulate Jimmy on his
victory, I want to thank the people
who voted for me, and I want to
thank the people of Lexington for

(‘ontinued on page 8

control over are publicly owned
ones, and of course, there aren’t
enough public buildings to have the
poll in every precinct in one.”

Cranfill echoed the poll workers,
saying that she knew of no com-
plaints to the election commission
about problems with the YMCA
building. “I think most of the voters
know the alternatives available to
them. it’s just the younger ones or
those new to town—like UK
students—who may not know about




KENTUCKY REPUBLICANS gained their first
urban foothold in years yesterday with the victory of
Mitchell McConnell over Democratic incumbent Todd
Hollenbach in the Jefferson County judge‘s race. With
95 per cent of precincts reporting, the unofficial tally
was McConnell, 91,957; Hollenbach, 84,588.

A CONVENTION 1'0 REVISE Kentucky's con-
stitution was soundly rejected by voters yesterday.
Early returns showed 151,382 votes against a con-
vention compared with 70,550 for it, with 2,027
precincts reporting—00 per cent of Kentucky's 3,367


AN ORDER TO BULLDOZE an illegally built house
touched off a riot yesterday that killed an Arab and

injured about 30 police and Arabs in a village in nor-
thern Israel, police and witnesses said.

The Arabs in Majd el-Crum. 10 miles from the
Mediterranean coast on the main road linking Haifa to
Salad, took to the streets when Interior Ministry
workers appeared to tear down the house.

According to police, hundreds of townspeople at-
tacked the bulldozers, then blocked the highway and
stoned passing cars.

Ilundreds of police rushed to the town and ordered
the demonstrators to disperse. When they refused, the
police fired in the air, then at the ground, killing one
Arab and wounding about 15. Fifteen police were hurt
by rocks.

Police kept peace while the bulldozers leveled the
house, one of 200 slated for demolition for being below
standards in this village of excessive population.

across the Lebanese border yesterday in the worst

breach of their Sept. 26 truce. Officials said one Israeli
and six Lebanese civilians were killed.

Each side accused the other of starting the shelling,
which pounded the Israeli coastal resort of Nahariya
andd at least a dozen Lebanese towns, villages and
refugee camps from the Mediterrean to the mountains
in the southwest.


IN Ills FIRST nationwide television-radio address in
more than six months, Carter appealed last night for
Americans to urge Congress to act on his energy

program .

The energy blueprint he outlined for Congress was
fair both to consumers and producers and would
promote energy conservation while protecting the

federal budget from any unreasonable financial
burden, he said.

RICHARD NIXON will suffer “mental anguish" and
embarassment if the public is allowed to hear 30 White
House tape recordings used to convict his closest aides,
Nixon‘s lawyers said yesterday.

But attorney Edward Bennet Williams, arguing for
the release of the Watergate tapes, told the Supreme ‘
Court: “I don‘t know of any common law right not to be
embarrassed by one's inculpatory words.”


CLOUDY AND MILD through today with a good
chance of showers and possibly thundershowers
tomorrow. Showers and thundershowera likely tonight.
Showers are likely tomorrow and a little cooler. High
today in the low 75. High tonight in the upper 50a. High
tomorrow in the 60s. Probabilities of measurable 50
per cent today and 70 per cent tonight.

Cor-piled form Associated Press dispatches









[‘wa News We! Chill Photographer Copy Editor!
an. Built-gar SIIIIM Durham Bill lught
Judith Egorloa
laugh. Editor Associate Editor Sports Editor [you rank
0 O M can” unri- mica-u nun Hibbltl-I am, Pearce
Phil Rutledge
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Jo. Kemp William Punt: Muss Clark
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Old king coal;
UK and the UMWA


I am not going to waste my time
and yours in replying to every
distortion in James Manning's ar-

If you are interested in the L'MWA
and the Brookside strike there is a
good chance you have seen Harlan


County, 1'.S.A. If so, you won't be
taken in by the company line of
Manning and his mining engineering
buddy and cohort in reaction. Tim

But more importantly, I don't
want to get hung up on old news. If
you have seen Harlan County you
have a good idea just has been going
on in Stearns, Ky, for the past year
and a half, for the two strikes are of
a kind. similar in general outline and
in many details.

Except that no one has been killed

yet. at least), the Stearns strike has
been, in fact. more bitter and violent
than the Brookside strike, and the
strikers and their supporters even
more solid in their determination to
win their contract.

They have had to face gun thugs
and state troopers. beatings and jail
terms 1 11 are in jail right now). and
face criminal indictments, all
because of their insistence upon a
union with some teeth and a contract
where they can mine coal more

1 would. however, like to address
one charge Manning makes,
perhaps his most insidious.

“The UMWA,“ he says. “is a big
business." concerned with its own
survival. Manning knows that
progressive-minded people are not
about to side, as he does, with the
coal operators. But he hopes that we
may be led to see their battle with
the union as a sluggling match
between two equally nasty giants
and to watch from the bleachers.

To compare the UMWA to the coal
operators as “big businesses" is
utterly preposterous. Although there
are unions in this country which
have so thoroughly cast their lot
with the bosses that they make more
money from their stocks than from
their dues, the UMWA is not one of

It exists upon the dues and the
solidarity of the working people who
compromise it. Their power is
simply not to be compared with the
enormous economic and political
power of the corporations for whom
the UMWA members labor.

As one example of the relative

power of the companies and the
union, we might take UK.

William B. Sturgill is the chair-
man of the Board of Trustees.
Among Sturgill‘s offices and
holdings the University Information
Services lists these:

—executive secretary, Hazard
Coal Operators Association, 1950

—vice president, Midland Mining
(30., 1955—1957.

~president, Kentucky Oak Mining
Co. and affiliate companies from
1959 to 1970. (As of 1970, Kentucky
Oak Mining Co. was the largest strip
mining operation in Eastern Ken-

—director, Falcon Coal Co.

“member, Board of Directors and
Executive Committee, Kentucky
Coal Association.

—past chairman, Kentucky Coal

This source of information may
help to explain the difficulties people
encountered when they tried to bring
Stearns miners, their wives and a
UMWA organizer here to speak at

The administration indicated that
it would be more pleased if Blue
Diamond Coal Co. were invited to
speak at the same forum; when Blue
Diamond refused (surprise!) the
administration was allowed to

But when the night itself came
Tim Slone (whose father is vice
president of operations of Eastover
Mining Co.), and another mining
engineering student, apparently the
only two company sympathizers
present, were able to bring the
discussion to a hasty close by
planting themselves on opposite
sides of the room and heckling in

The Student Center Board
member who presided and called a
halt to the proceedings just as they
were getting interesting privately
admitted that he did so because he
felt that if fireworks had erupted it
would be five or six years before any
such gathering would be allowed
again. Perhaps he was being
melodramatic to justify himself,
perhaps not.

All this suggests the balance of
power between operators and union
at this University. One searches the
Board of Trustees in vain for any
representative of the UMWA, of the
coal miners, of the working class at
all. And though we have entire
schools devoted to the interests of
management, you would do well to
hire a detective to help you find a

course devoted to the concerns of
working people or the labor

If this is the situation at this center
of free inquiry, what must things be
like in the coalfieids? In the uneven
battle between striking miners and
company, the state maintains only
thinnest pretense of neutrality.

Gov. Carroll has recently ex-
pressed his deep concern that
Congress is insufficiently sym-
pathetic to the financial situation of
coal operators and has said that
Congress “must guarantee profits"
for coal, oil and gas producers
(lexington Herald, Oct. 19).

Carroll is part of a faction of the
state Democratic Party directly tied
to the coal operators; his old crony
Bert Combs represents Blue
Diamond itself and has recently
been doing a bangup job defending it
against the claims of the Scotia

In light of this it is hardly sur-
prising to find the Governor using
state police to escort strikebreakers
into the mines at Stearns or to
harass, intimidate and beat strike
leaders devoted to mine safety
above the profits of Blue Diamond.

This is no battle of equals. The
Stearns miners both need and
deserve all the help we can give
them. The Lexington Stearns Strike
Defense Committee has been for-
med to help provide legal
assistance, raise funds, focus public
attention on the strike and focus
public pressure on Gov. Carroll to
stop using state police as

If you want to know more about
the strike or can devote even an hour
or two to helping, come by our table
in the Student Center or come to the
next meeting, hosted by the UK
Stearns Strike Committee 8 pm.
tomorrow in room 111 of the Student

And if you can’t help to organize it
or promote it, at least come to the
benefit concert for the Stearns
strikers Nov. 18 in Memorial Hall.

It will be an evening of traditional
Appalachian and other folk music
along with a speech or two which
should help explain what the strike
is all about and give some idea of the
spirit of the strikes and their

Blue Diamond has not been in-

George Portratz is an assistant
professor in the English depart-




‘...Tmiirtwm I were madman;
Witt momma swarm was LYING moses memo







Secular anarchist

Dorothy Day for hero

WASIIING'I‘ON— Yesterday was
Dorothy Day’s 80th birthday. It's a
sign of how reactionary the women's
movement is in its politics and
economics that has not celebrated
Dorothy Day, not made her a hero or
a role model, to use the pet ex-
pression of corporate feminism.

That is the feminism which
rejoices in seeing a sister made a
vice president of the company,
which lionizes the arrival of a
fem ale in the Cabinet or on the White
House staff who is as loud-mouthed,


von hoffman


rude and ignorant as the males a
feminism which cries Deo Gratia
because the number of pushy broads
exactly equals the number of pushy
guys punching their sentences on TV
baby-talk news.

In 1933 Dorothy Day, a former film
writer who was already a pacifist
and a secular anarchist, founded the
Catholic Worker movement. In its
organizational aspects the Catholic
Worker became a network of
“houses of hospitality,” farms and
publications where anybody, in
distress or want or out of conviction,
could go, live and take part in
unregimented communitarianism.

“She is busy making the kind of
society where it is easier to be good,
a society where government will not
be overthrown because it is despotic
and corrupt but dissolved because it
isn't needed; a society where the
selfish individual pursuing his own






‘Mfii‘ ‘




salvation, will know that he can be
saved only by caring for all others,"
writes Milton Mayer in the
November Progressive Magazine.

Mayer resembles Dorothy Day in
exercising the same intractable
refusal to be reasonable about
supportung the periodic massacres
which are the most striking trait of
technologically and industrially
advanced societies. He should know.
Even during World War II, the good
war, Day and Mayer would not
cooperate. “Our only announced
purpose in this war, apart from the
same old slogans, is victory. Victory
is not the same as justice," Mayer
said at the time.

‘Just' wars? .

In like manner Dorothy Day was
intransigent against war. Until her
arrival and that of her fellow
Christian anarchists like Ammon
Hennacy and Peter Maurin there
was no Catholic pacifism worthy of
the name.

The traditional teaching was that
Catholics might morally be soldiers
and supporters of either or both
sides in any ‘just' war, and for
practical purposes a just war was
any war so long as on side wasn’t

More than 40,000 men refused to
take up arms during Word War 11—
.not many compared to the 10 million
:who did, but those conscientious
lobjectors were all there were in
'America to so much as whisper the
way of peace. The Catholic Worker
stood with them against the par-
ticular disapproval of their
coreligionists as well as the rest of
the world. It was in the 19505,
however, thast Dorothy Day stood
up, as always, but also stood out
because yet fewer were standing
with her.

If you are too young to remember,
that was the period when every
public school had atomic air raid
drills. New York City had an annual
drill during which the entire

‘ jubilant,‘ the newspapers said.
Jubilante Deo. We have killed
318,000 Japanese," she wrote shortly
after the event.

The country oriented itself to
accommodate the bomb and its uses.
So on June 15, 1955, at 2:05 in the
afternoon when the sirens sounded
take cover in New York City, 30
people from the Catholic Worker.
the War Resisters League and the
Fellowship of Reconciliation con-
tinued to sit on the benches in front
of City flail. They were arrested as
was one Rocco Parilli, a shoeshine
boy, there by mistake. You might
call him an innocent victim of

Year after year

Before sentencing they explained
to the magistrate that the reason for
these drills wasn‘t that the govern-
ment wanted to save lives because
none would be saved in an atomic
war, but to create a war psychology.

They were back the next year and
the year after. Allin all Dorothy Day
was arrested and imprisoned four
times for these annual protests, but
in 1960, instead of 20 or 30 persons,
more than a thousand joined her,
and the city had no more air raid
drills. More important, what she and
the other pacifists had done, was to
shake people into realizing that the
content of their skulls isn’t frozen
custard and that they were not put
on earth to obey the government.

The anti-atomic war movement
was begun, and, if it’s again in
dismal shape, it’s not Dorothy Day’s

“The problem is not how to get rid
of the enemy, but rather how to get
rid of the ast vctor,” Niccolo Tucci
wrote in 1946, “for what is a victor
but one who has learned that
violence works? Who will teach him
a lesson?" Dorothy Day has tried.

Copyright, 1977, by King Features
Syndicate. lnc.

Letter to the editor


UK recently received special
recognition from the Kentucky Arts
Commission for the student literary
magazine JAR. The journal
received the largest cash award
given in the state for a publication of
its type and was cited for its overall
high-quality content.

Three judges, nationally known
for their writing abilities, reviewed
the state's independent and college
magazines for quality, design,
technical competence and com-

These judges were Gerald
Costanzo, prize winning poet and
editor of the Three Riven Review
for Camegie-Melion University in
Pittsburgh; Carol Kiur with the

National Endowment for the Arts
Literature Program and editor of
Poetry Northwest in Seattle. Wash;
and Sylvia Wilkinson, Southern
novelist and race car driver from
Chapel Hill, NC.

JAR, published by the UK Honors

.....» :~~v<-\-o-O~-‘-

Program, combines an assortment
of prose, poetry, photographs and
artwork. it represents work from
many segments of the University
and is produced, published and
distributed by a student staff.

The next issue is in preliminary
stages and will be distributed during
the first few weeks of the spring
semester. Submissions are being
accepted in room 1153 of the Pat-
terson Office Tower and will con-
tinue until Thanksgiving.

Alysia Wheeler
Arts 8: Sciences


Letters and comments should be
addressed to the Editorial Editor,
114 Journalism Building, University
of Kentucky. Lexington, Kentucky.
40506. Letters must be typed. and
include the writer's name, address,
telephone number and class.




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With the restrictions, Lexington
may become another Nowhere


While the campus is
seemingly embroiled in such
great controversies as the
difference between Lexington
and New York (yawn), and
the Boyd Liberation Army, it
looks as if we are overlooking
some larger issues. No one is
really looking at the
Lexington community and its

I would like to present my
version of schizoid city.

Let’s look at a day in the life
of a mythical character


up rich



named Speedo. Speedo is
from Nowhere, USA. He is
in town on a brief visit.

“Yes sir, may I help you?”

“I’d like a room for a
couple of days."

“Fine. Have you come to
see the sights, or is this a
business trip?"

“Oh, just wanted to have
some fun. Sure is a nice place
you have here. The com-
munity must be awful proud
to have such a fine complex
as this. With a new hotel,
shopping mall and arena in
one place, it must surely
attract a lot of business from
town and out of town. By the
way, I could sure use a drink.
Where is your bar?"

“I’m afraid it’s Sunday. By
law, all bars are closed."

“Well, is there a liquor
store open?”

“No sir. Everything is

“Hmmm. You mean that
even the shops next door are

“Yes sir. The local Blue
Laws, not to be confused with
local football, are still with
us. But if you’d really like to


do some shopping, you might
drive over to Winchester.
Many of the big discount
stores can stay open over

“No thanks." Speedo was
starting to become visibly
agitated. “How do the locals
entertain themselves?" he

“Many go to the races,
either Keeneland or the

“Can you bet?”

“Of course.”

“You mean that I can
gamble all my money away,
but I can’t buy one drink
today?. i thought gambling
was immoral, too.”

“Not in Kentucky, ac-
cording to state law. But
there are no races on Sunday,

Speedo was now confused.

“What about a play?” he
asked. Surely this place had
some big city entertainment.

“Closed down."


“We had one professional
play house. It was too dirty.
People kept taking their
clothes off. It was closed


“Screaming Virgins and
Lustful Adolescents are
playing a couple of blocks

“Hmmm. Forget it. Does
this town sell magazines on
Sunday? Playboy has an
interview with Andy Young
this month."

“Well, I’m afraid all
magazines have been
outlawed. The city council
said that you can’t display
anything unless it has ar-
tistic, literary, historical,
scientific, medical,
educational or other similar
social value for adults. It all
started with Playboy. The
city council thought that
looking for the hidden bunny
on the cover was lewd and

ISA sponsors


There are several im-
portant events sponsored by
different groups this week
protesting the upcoming visit
to the U.S. by the Shah of

Yesterday there was a
protest sponsored by the
Organization of Iranian
Moslem Students that in-
cluded a picket and march
through campus. Last night
the Iranian Student
Association (ISA) held an
Iran Night in the student

Tomorrow afternoon there
will be a march sponsored by
the ISA starting at the County
Courthouse on Main Street.
it’s important for everyone
including UK students and
employees to support thesi

Iran is one of the most

repressive regimes in the
world today. Estimates of the
political prisoners goes as
high as 100,000. Many have
been tortured and have died
for disagreeing with the
regime. In Iran a few benefit
from the wealth of the oil
while the many are poor and
have no rights.

It should come as no sur-
prise that the government
that kept the military dic-
tatorship of South Vietnam
alive through years of
warring on the small country
is in a large part responsible
for the Shah’s reign of terror.

In 1954 the American CIA
helped engineer a coup that
replaced the Shah back on the
throne. His regime is there to
protect the super profits of
international U.S. oil cor-
porations. The U.S. would not
hesitate to initiate another
Vietnam-type war if the

that the community shouldn't
be exposed to the temptation.
it finally became such a pain
for anyone to hide all those
magazines from the public
and still try to sell them that
everyone has given up. And it
was impossible to sell
something when you had to
keep going to court to prove it
had some sort of value, that it
wasn't pornographic.”


“Same thing. Everyone’s
given up. Even Gray's
Anatomy is a bitch to find.”

“Do you have any
suggestions for an af-
ternoon’s entertainment?“

“Well, if you hurry, Rev.
Norman is giving a sermon on
the 10 greatest slaughters in
the name of God that can be
found in the Old Testament.”


“Here is your key, sir.”

“Forget it, if I wanted to
stay anywhere, Nowhere
would be as good as this."

Speedo goes home. End

A couple of notes on the
local political scene. George
Herman Kendall ran an ad in
last Friday’s Herald which
said Kendall was the “Only
candidate to bring a por-
nographic resolution to the
City Hall.”

I‘d like to ask whether he
introduced a resolution on
pornography to the city
council, or whether he
brought a tax proposal to City
Hall wrapped up in the latest
steamy copy of Hustler.

The Kernel endorsed Joe
Graves for mayor. I wanted
to endorse Roger Ware. Why

Harry B. Miller Ill buys
magazines that only come in
brown paper wrappers. llis
column appears every



Everyone has a stake in
preventing this. We already
have spent $17 billion in arms
and have sent “advisers" to
Iran. We should demand that
the U.S. get out and let the
Iranian people decide their
affairs without our CIA
propping up the regime.

The U.S. is assisting the
Shah's government in op-
pressing workers, women,
oppressed nationalities and
small farmers, while denying
basic civil liberties to

Those who are unionists.
supporters of women’s rights
and fighters against racism
in the U.S. all have a stake in
stopping American in-
volvement in Iran.

regime was

Bronson Rozier is a YSA


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