xt7pzg6g276p https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7pzg6g276p/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 19320613 minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1932-06-may13-ec. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1932-06-may13-ec. 1932 2011 true xt7pzg6g276p section xt7pzg6g276p 

     A meeting of the Executive Committee of the University of
Kentucky was held on Hray 13, 1932.

     There were present James Park, E. B. Webb, Robert G. Gordon
and Richard C. Stoll.

     There was presented to the meeting a letter from Thomas
Cooper, Dean of the Agricultural Experiment Station, addressed
to Doctor McVey, President of the University, which letter is as

               "The Kentucky Highway Department has request-
          ed a right-of-way through lands of the Robinson
          Sub-station lying on Little Caney Creek in Breath-
          itt County.   This is a nice little tract of about
          500 acres.   The road wtill greatly increase its ac-
          cessibility and is desirable,   I wish to recommend
          that the Board of Trustees authorize and give the
          right-of-way requested.   The Highway Departrment
          would appreciate an early action on this matter.
          Form of deed is enclosed.n

     There was presented to the Board the form of a deed. which
is in words and figures as follows:

                    GEITERAL WARRAYTY DEED

     THIS DEED between University of Kentucky, party of the
first part, and the Commonwealth of Kentucky through its State
Highway Commission, acting in an official capacity, party of the
second part.

     WITNESSETH: That the said party of the first part, in con-
sideration of the benefits to be derived by the party of the
first part from the improvement of a public road leading from
Jackson to Salyersville, does hereby sell, grant and convey to
the party of the second part, its successors, and assigns, the
following described property, viz:

                         Tract iYTo. 61
     A certain tract of land lying and being in Breathitt County,
Kentucky, and being a portion of the same tract of land conveyed
to the party of the first part by
bydeed bearing date of          I    day of
          -, which is duly recorded in Deed Book No.
at page             in the office of the County Court Clerk of
                     County, Kentucky, and smore fully bounded
and described as follows:


     Beginning at two points in the Property line between said
party of the first part and S. P4 Slusher which said property line
passes through station 1l52+73, the center line of survey made
by the State Highway Department, the said two points being inter-
sections of the boundary lines of the right of way herein granted
with the property line first above wtipulated in this description;
running thence in a northerly direction, 30 feet from, and parallel
with the center line of said survey, and on both sides thereof,
equally distant therefrom, in and through the property of the
Party of the first part to two similarly located points in the
property line between said party of the first part and H. H. Miller,
which said property line passes through st ation 1177+55, in the
center line of said survey, the said two points being intersections
of the boundary lines of the right of way herein conveyed with
the last named property line in this description, as shovwn by
plans on file at the office of the State Highway Department, Frank-
fort, Kentucky.

     It is understood that the said strip of land herein conveyed
by the party of the first part, is not to be in excess of 60 feet,
in width, except as hereinafter stipulated on sheet 3.

     It is further agreed that due to height of fil.l, depth of
cut or borrow pits, widths additional to the above minimum widths
are hereby granted as follows:

Between 9tarl159--73 and Sta 1154..00, 10 ft. on Rt. side of road.
Between Sta,1152+73 and Sta.1163+005 10 ft. on Lt. side of road.
Between Sta.1161*00 and Sta.1164r00, 70 ft. on Rt. side of road
Between Sta.1169+00 and Sta. 1176*50, 5 ft. on Lto side of road
Between Sta.1175450 and Sta.1176+50, 20 ft. on Rt. side of road

     Said stations being the station numbers as stipulated in
the above mentioned surveys, and as shown by plans on file at the
office of the State Highway Department, Frankfort, Kentucky.

     It is further agreed and understood by the parties hereto,
and is a part of the consideration for this conveyance, that
second party is to use and occupy the land hereby conveyed for a
State Highway, and the construction thereof, which will be built
and constructed under the laws of the State of Kentucky.

     TO HAVE AND TO HOLD, same with all appurtenances thereon, to
the party of the second part, its successors and assigns forever,
with couenants of General Warranty.



     In testimony whereof, witness our signature this

day of                  19

                                University of Kentucky

                                By Richard C. Stoll

                                Chairman of Executive Committee


     II ETHEL DUNCATT, a Notary Public in and for Fayette County,
Kentucky, do hereby certify that on this day the foregoing deed
from the University of Kentucky to the Commonwealth of Kentucky
was produced to me in my office in the county and state aforesaid,
and was acknowledged by the University of Kentucky, by Richard C.
Stoll, Chairman of its Executive Committee, to be the act and
deed of the University of Kentucky.
     WHTREUPON  the said deed and this my certificate are certi--
fied to the proper office for record,
     Given under my hand and seal of office at Lexington, Kentucky,
this 13th day of May, 1932.
    My commission expires Feb. 25, 1936.

                                   Ethel Duncan
                               Notary Public, Fayette County, Ky.

    Upon motion made, seconded and unanimously carried, the
following resolution was adopted:



     "Be it resolved that Richard C. Stoll, Chairman
of the Executive Committee of the University of Ken-
tucky, be and he is hereby authorized and directed,
for and on behalf of the University of Kentucky, to
execute, acknowledge and deliver a deed to the Common-
wealth of Kentucky substantially in the form l rein-
before set out in these minutes, conveying to the
Commonwealth of Kentucky a strip of land in Breathitt
County described in the deed hereinabove copied in
these minutes."

There being no further business, the meeting was thereupon
adj ourned.
                              D. H. Peak. Secretary