xt7pzg6g4f86 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7pzg6g4f86/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 19680828  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, August 28, 1968 text The Kentucky Kernel, August 28, 1968 1968 2015 true xt7pzg6g4f86 section xt7pzg6g4f86 Jehnson's Thoughts Remain On

Associate Editor
Much has been said about the perpetuation of the plans and ideas of the
University's sixth president, John VV. Oswald, but there has been relatively little
discussion on the continuation of the
plans laid out by another top UK official
who, like Dr. Oswald, is leaving for
Robert Johnson, vice president for Student affairs, leaves UK Monday to take
a similar position at the University of
California at Berkeley. If UK's university-student
relations are not to deteriorate, as they have at many schools, perhaps attention should be focused on
Johnson's plans for the Office of Student Affairs.
Johnson, who has headed the Office
of Student Affairs since its creation three
and a half years ago, speaks little of the
brief past of his office, but more of its

He docs not linger on victories gained
by the Student Affairs Office such as
the development and establishment of
the Student Rights Code which disavowed
the idea of the In Loco Parentis doctrine.
And he speaks only briefly on the failures
of his office "the inability to help students develop a viable, forceful student
government" and the failure to recruit
black basketball players, two which he

He prefers to speak of what is to
"Students want to relate their education to the world around them . . . that's
where student affairs ought to be busy,"
Johnson said yesterday.
"It's a transformation from the old
days of discipline, handing out loans
and scholarships," Johnson said, "Student Affairs is now in an ideal position
to take the whole range of extracurricular
activities and, working with students,

transform it into a first rate educational



The South's Outstanding College Daily
University of Kentucky, Lexington


something is really worthwhile, I'm sure
the faculty would incorporate it."
He added that a "successful bridge"
has not been made with the faculty yet.

Johnson foresees student affairs working hand in hand with community action
programs such as Appalachian Volunteers,
a group which does educational and com"We're freer, we don't have to grade
or evaluate . . . we're free to work in all
munity development work in Eastern Kentucky.
the areas that students are so concerned
He thinks students should participate about."
in these type programs, return to the
Johnson said UK's Student Affairs
campus and with the help of University
professors and administrators, evaluate Office is moving in the direction he envisions and that the summer tutoriaf
their experiences.
which UK faculty and stuThere has been nationwide speculation
program-- in
that participation in such projects could dents tutored disadvantaged high school
merit academic credit. Johnson wasn't grads who needed brushing up for cooptimistic about the prospect but said it llegewas an indication of that.
was a definite possibility.
"Students are going to do these things,
"Student affairs is like a volunteer
what I'd like to see is it being a more
agency we're not doing things for credit.
structured part of their education.
We and the students, working with the
"More involvement of knowledgable
faculty, can do some imaginative things.
If they're good, they can be evaluated people from the academic community
and incorporated. If we can demonstrate that's what student affairs must provide."

Wednesday, Aug. 28, 1968


Vol. LX, No. 2






Drivers Should Be Tuned
To New Parking Picture
more parking pennits than they
have parking spaces.
With the completion of the
two parking towers and the lot
the University will be issuing
only 20 percent more parking
permits than available spaces.
The 20 percent allows for the
fact that not everyone with a
car will be on campus at the
same time.
"When the lot on the perimeter of the campus is finished,
it will relieve the traffic congestion on campus once people
realize it is easier to hop on a
bus and ride into campus than
to irritate their ulcers and waste
15 minutes looking for a parking
place," Col. Dempsey said.
The Safety and Security Department will continue to keep
a close check on the marked
parking areas.
"A" lots are for faculty and
administrative office parkingand
"B" lots are for staff. However,
persons with "A" stickers can


Assistant Managing Editor

Available University parking
spaces are approaching the figure
of 7000, but the Safety and Security Department seems to be
fighting a losing battle against
the campus's expanding physical plant.
"It seems like every time they
build a new building it eliminates parking lots," said Col.
F. G. Dempsey, director of Safety and Security, citing construction areas at the Medical Center
and Pharmacy Building.- "However we will be way
below the national campus average in terms of the ratio of parking permits to available spaces
as soon as the 980-ca- r
lot on Cooper Drive is complete,"
Col. Dempsey continued.
Checking charts and parking
statistics, Col. Dempsey explained that on thenational average universities issued 75 percent








park on "B" lots too. "C" lots
are strictly for students and "R"
lots are for residence hall parking.
New Buses
At present there are 1028 "A"
spaces, 2578 "B" spaces and 616
"C" spaces. This includes the
Sports Center parking lot which
for the first time is a lettered
lot. It is open to all A, B and
C stickers.
"We are able to control the
parking at the Sports Center because of the new campus buses,"
explained Col. Dempsey, pointing out the route of the bus on
a large wall map of the campus.
University lots are restricted
to cars with stickers only between the hours of 7 a.m. and
5 p.m. Monday through Friday
and 7 a.m. and 12 noon on
Saturday. The lot on Administration Circle is the only exception. It remains restricted until
8 p.m. Monday through Friday.
No car that has been registered with the University will
be impounded. But a car parked
in a wrong letter lot or a car
without a sticker parked in a
letter lot will receive "a $2 citation.
However, if a car receives
three such citations it will go
on the "hot list" and then will
be impounded at a $7 charge.
$25 Fine
If a
car is found
on campus parking lots the driver
will be fined $25, plus the $2
crtation and $7 impounding

1Avoid The
First Dancers


The "jam" in jam session undoubtedly refers to the crowded dance
areas that result shortly after the band starts playing. This enthusiastic couple beat hundreds of other students to the patio floor yesterday during the jam session at the Student Center, and had
plenty of spaee as their reward and stares as their penalty.

Any parking citation may be
appealed to the Student Traffic
Appeal Board which meets periodically in Kinkead Hall to review such cases.
If the board rejects the appeal
a student may then appeal his
case to the vice president of student affairs.
In addition to the approximately 5000 student, staff and
faculty parking spaces available
at present, there are 202 visitor
spaces. There is no charge for
parking but a visitor must acquire a visitor's pass from the
parking attendant before parking on campus.

In A Freshman Coed's Rush
Two freshmen hurried yesterday to straighten their makeup for the
next sorority rush visij. Many of the sorority houses have purchased
or rented air conditioners to combat the expected but lacking
heat, while the heat's on the fraternities in another way, They're
enjoying the busiest rush in UK history, as first semester freshmen
vie for bids without having to make their grades first. It's a new
rush is alrul'ng approved by the IFC last spring.
ready a tradition for UK sororities.

From the Wire of the Associated




chanting multitude shouted


sults at Mexico's president Tuesday night and demanded an end
to his government. Conservative
estimates placed the size of the
crowd at 200,000-m- ore
twice the size of a similar demonstration ten days ago.
The marchers also demanded
restoration of university autonomy and cancellation of the Olympic games scheduled for later
this year.
American student who talked to Russian soldiers as they marched into
Czechosolvakia last week said the
troops "seemed amazed" the
Czechs didn't cheer their arrival.
"They really thought they
were coming to liberate the country from the capitalists," the
York student said.
Communist party Chief Alexandra Dubcek last night asked
the Czechoslovak people to support him as he tries to rule
amid thousands of Soviet troops.
the first
time, former president Dwight
D. Eisenhower's doctors voiced


"cautious optimism" Tuesday
morning, that he might survive

old heart attack. The
report came in a medical bulletin which described his condition as "still critical."
Harris survey conducted last Saturday showed Richard Nixon
leading democrats Hubert Humphrey, Eugene McCarthy and
President Johnson by identical
The survey represents a sharp
ten point increase for Nixon since
the GOP convention and the
invasion of Czechoslovakia.
Terry San-for- d
of North Carolina is mentioned prominently in informal
discussions as a candidate for
the Democratic vice presidency.
His wife, Margaret Rose, is a
native Kentuckian.
CHICACO-Lett- ers
and telegrams poured into the offices
of Chicago officials Tuesday protesting against police actions in
dispersing crowds of antiwar
demonstrators which have included the beating of 17 newsmen.
Four newsmen were hospitalized as a result of clashes between police and demonstrators
Sunday and Monday.


* KENTUCKY KERNEL, Wednesday, August 28,

2-- TI1E


Men, 4 W omen Needed

Want To Be In A Play?





Auditions for "Three Men On A Horse," one of the great comedy
hits of the 30's, will be held in the Culgnol Theatre at 7:30 p.m.
Aug. 30 and Sept. 3 in the Guignol Theatre.
Prof. Raymond Smith will direct this play which will be the
opening guignol production of the 1968-6- 9 season University Department of Theatre Arts.
John Cecil Holm and Ceorge Abbott, authors of the play,
provided roles for 11 men and four women.
The play's plot revolves around the peculiar talents of
Trowbridge, the principal character, who earns his mundane
livelihood by writing Mother's Day verses. Finally, fed up with
his routine suburb-to-offic- e
life, Erwin goes to a saloon instead
of to his office. There he falls in with a trio of professional horse
bettors. As it happens, Erwin's hobby is "doping" the races, and
his "picks" always win. The horse players, realizing what a gold
mine they have in Erwin, decide to exploit his talent.
After numerous complications, threats, etc., Trowbridge decides to return to his wife, home and professions, content to be
a poet.
Scripts are available in Room 114, Fine Arts Building. All
interested persons are invited to audition for the play which
will be performed October 11, 12, 20, and 21.

David, Delia Rosa and Brooks will perform in the
King Library lawn 3:30 p.m. Aug. 30. They sing

mood poems set to music and their own original

City Chorus Sings In 'Messiah9
Three special
concerts have been scheduled
for next season by the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra. They
are the Uday Shankar Dancers,
Nov. 1, Mazowsze Dance Company, Dec. 5; and the choral
Handel's "Mesmasterpiece,
siah," Dec. 20. All will take
place in Music Hall.
The exotic music and dances
of Indian culture, from the most
ancient to the most contemporary, are portrayed by Uday Shankar and his Hindu dance troupe
of highcaste Brahmans. Accom

tasi'ia j

panied by an orchestra whose
members play 36 different Indian musical instruments, the
colorfully costumed troupe brings
to life with its original dances
tales of numerous mythological
gods, the religious and artistic
heritage of the ancient Hindus.
Shankar, a former protege of the
great Pavlova, is considered by
his government, and the world,
to be the most distinguished ex-- ;
culponent of his
ture. The company's present repertoire has been in preparation
since its last American tour in

Starts 8:30











f 'P"J




1962 and expresses what Shankar calls, "the living India."
Synonymous with the joy of
Christmas is the presentation of
George Frederick Handel's "Messiah." The quartet of soloists
is comprised of Emilia Cundari,
soprano from Milan, Italy, making her debut with the CSO;
Linda Matousek, mezzosoprano
featured in last season's presentation of L'Enfance du' Christ
by the Orchestra and who sang
with the Summer Opera this season; William Dembaugh, New
York City Opera tenor who will
also be making his debut with
the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra; and Thomas Paul, bass,
of the New York City Opera,





through many appearances here.
The Chorus will be the Lexington Singers, directed by Phyllis
Jenness, of the University of Kentucky Department of Music.
Mail orders for tickets to these
concerts are now being accepted
at the Symphony Office, 1313
Central Trust Tower. Prices range
from $2 to $5. All orders should
be accompanied by a check or
money order and a stamped,
envelope. Call 24
for information.

This is Benjamin.
He's a little
worried about
his future.





New art called

"Red Neon

from Wall to Floor" by Stephen

Artists Throw New Light
Called 'Black' On Painting
Light art is reaching a new
importance. The opposite of light
is considered dark. So, to keep
art out of the dark, advance
guard experimenters are applying
artificial light to the problems of
creating an object or image.
The use of artificial light by
painters and sculptors is not
brand new. Back in 1928, Isamu
Noguchi made a study for a neon
tube sculpture.
Tom Wesselman, Ceorge Segal and James Rosenquist have








Laurence Harvey













i ."JV 3

Starts 8.30

J Ad m . $1.50

I'm not a child

incorporated electric lights in
some of their constructions. The
sculptor Chryssa for several years
forms in
has included sign-lik- e
neon tubes in some of her work.
"Time Columns The Sound
of Light," by Howard Jone's, was
the work that drew objections
from another artist, Dan Flavin.
Jones' work consists of five
vertical columns of colored neon
light which flash irregularly. The
circuits which control the lights
also give off electronic wails and
squeals at intervals. It is the only
work in the show that includes
Flavin had prepared an empty
room by lighting it dimly with
purplish flourescent lines along
the baseboards and in the corners. The effect was like that of
"black light" which makes certain colors in the spectator's
clothing stand out garishly.
The other individuals prominent in the field are Stephen
Antonakos, Stanley Landsman,
Preston McClanahan and Boyd
Antonakos' "Red Neon from
Wall to Floor" H a huge set of
geometrically arranged neon tubes which turn on and off at
irregular intervals.
Landsman has created eight
separate works, each utilizing
a form of electric
or fluorescent
with mirrors, which create depth
and width.
McClanahan has discovered
that plexiglas conducts light, and
has arranged four arcs of edge lit
plexiglas in a circle.
The new technology may not
breed a new format, but the new
esthetic framework provides a
new challenge.





Mary Tyler Moore
Carol Cloanning
(James Fox


-- LS-


20 Cu r '





Oncovin Beatrice


TUlie- -r

Tony Perkins "Champayne Murders"


The Kentucky










The Kentucky Kernel. Unlvertity
Station, Univemity o Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky 40500. Second ciau
M"Uk paid at Lexington, Kentucky.
Mailed five timea
school year except weekly duringexam
holidays and
periods, and once during the summer
Published by the Board of Student
Publications, UK Post OUice Box Mtt6.
Begun as the Cadet in lui and
as the Kernel
since 1019. continuously
Advertising published herein Is
to help the reader buy. Any
alse or misleading
be reported to The advertising


* .THE KENTUCKY KERNEL, Wednesday, August 28, l8--3









Bulletin Board Supplies

Lab Coats

Study Lamps

Study Aids

Architecture Supplies

Artist Supplies


Laundry Bags
Reference Books

Brief Cases

Engineering Supplies
Desk Accessories

Poster Board

Name Tags

School Year

Wall Calendar


Montag Stationery
English and Foreign Languages



405 South Limestone Street


* The Kentucky


Tlw South's Outstanding College Daily

University of Kentucky




28, 19G8

Editorials represent the ojAnlons of the Editors, not of the University.
Lcc B. Decker,


Darrrll Rice, Managing Editor
David Holwcrk, Editorial rage Editor
Tom Dcrr, Iiusiness Manager
, Associate Editor
Guy M. Mcndcs,
II. G. Mason, fhotograpliy Editor

A Welcome Death
The decision by the Housing
Office not to enforce compulsory

campus housing this year for sophomores is welcome, but



discredited and disclaimed by the
The students who will suffer
most from the confusion of this
ruling are those who applied for
campus housing, not desiring it,
but thinking they would be forced
to take it. It is impossible to determine how many students fit this
category, but perhaps they now
should be allowed to break their
contracts and obtain private housing if they still desire it. Perhaps
mid-terwould be a good time
to again offer them this opportunity.
The other students hurt by the
housing confusion, those 150 persons now living in temporary facilities and cramped rooms, hopefully will be given better quarters
as soon as possible, and the dormitories can again begin to operate
as normal.
It is a credit to the University
housing facilities that so many
upperclass students applied for
campus housing, and now maybe
the University has seen the light
and will take action to guarantee
that the compulsory housing ruling
for sophomores is never enforced.
Then maybe it should consider

versity cannot be given full credit.
Apparently, the large number of
unexpected upperclassmen seeking
such housing helped prevent students from being saddled with an
unneeded extension of the in loco
parentis philosophy.
The fact that between 600 and
700 sophomores are living off campus now, without having gained
permission from the Housing Office
to do so, and about another 100
asked and received that pennission,
is testimony to the unpopularity
of the
Board of Trustees ruling. The expressed furor of
some students last year and the
decision by Stuent Government
to take legal action against compulsory housing also affirm that
But even if it had been popular, the compulsory housing ruling
was regrettable for another reason.
While it is true that dorm living
can be a part of the "total University experience," as the administration claims, requiring students
to gain that experience is an example of the educational logic long whether compulsory freshman
ago disavowed by this institution. housing is not equally as poor
In loco parentis has been publicly
an educational policy.



Complaint Agency
Chairman of this Ombudsman-typ- e
Washington has set up an agency
to hear complaints against the govoutfit is Jerre S. Williams,
ernment's regulatory agencies. This former professor of law at the Uniis a good idea, if it can enable
versity of Texas, and his 82 conbusinessmen and the aggrieved ference members include reprepublic to air effectively their gripes sentatives of every government regagainst the regulators of the airulatory body Mr. Williams has no
actual power to enforce any recomlines, railroads, communications,
and such. Of mendations his organization may
power companies
course most of the regulatory agenmake. But he believes the agencies
cies already have provisions for will be amenable when and if his
complaint and appeal. But now the prestigious outfit makes a proadministration, plus Congress, has nouncement.
set up what is called the AdminisThe proof of the pudding will
trative Conference of the United be in the heed
paid by the agenStates to hear grumblings against cies. A half dozen
complaints have
the regulatory agencies, make reccome in so far.
ommendations, and hope that they
Christian Science Monitor
will be heeded.

"Nothing Like Good, Healthy Democracy"

Kernel Forum: the readers write
To the Editor of the Kernel:
As a member of the University community, f would like to question the
recent statement made by Wallace Bryan,
Student Government President. His announcement that the student body supported the appointment of Charlie Brad-shato the position of athletic director
was not substaniated by factual information. To my knowledge, a student
referendum on the question was not taken;
therefore, VVally could not speak for the
student body. Apparently he imposed
his personal opinion on the student body.
I do not believe this to be one of the
privileges of his office. His statement
was printed in local newspapers and
announced on local radio stations. The
statement remains uncontested.
I would ask that the Kernel, as well
as the student body, expose this abuse
of the office and that Mr. Bryan be asked
to publicly retract the statement until
he can substantiate it with the true
student opinion taken in a student-bod- y
Beth Lefller
A & S Senior

tion that whoever is loud is representative.
By definition, the term "left wing"
refers to those individuals who exhibit
socialistic tendencies, i, for one, find
it distasteful to be grouped with these
campus leftists. As the future guardians
of "freedom" the American student class
should not allow its responsible citizens
(by far the majority) to be misrepresented
by a small number of
whose "curriculum" consist of draft card
burnings and demonstrations.
Hopefully, one day the nation will
open its eyes to the responsible students
and not just listen to the publicized
Mary Jo Bilby
A & S Senior


To the Editor of the Kernel:
We college students are often branded
as agitators, reformers, and idealistic imbeciles. As a result, the student class
in America is associated with what is
loosely termed the "left wing."
We have been cast into this role by
the television, radio, and press all of
which seem to operate on the assump

By DaW4 Holverfc


Last week, when Chicago was girding
itself for the Democratic National Convention, a ride through that city's South

Side would have been most revealing
as to what this country is all about for
millions of its citizens. The South Side
is Chicago's Harlem, the Black community
which erupted at the death of Martin
Luther King, the Black community which
lias to put up with Mayor Richard
Daley's police force.
Watching the Chicago Police Depart"
ment is an experience in
communication, for without saying a word,

you are made to understand very clearly
that the Chicago cop would just as soon
shoot you as look at you. Probably they
are also verbal; moreover their word
choices are probably extraordinary.
The South Side also puts up with
other things that white, middle class
communities aren't burdened with. The
kids along Garfield Boulevard, for instance, go to Head Start classes in an
armory. They lounge around on the steps,
play in the front yard, make the building
seem almost like a real school. Meanwhile,
on the asphalt lot in the back of the
building, reservists clean up their tanks,


them in constant working order.
who drives past probably wouldn't
that we're spending money for
only due against Russians.

In fact, nobody's making any attempt
to hide the fact that there are thousands
of soldiers in and around Chicago, or
that they are there to keep the "antiwar love hippies" and the "bad niggers"
down. As Mayor Daley said at the convention, as long as he's mayor, there
will be law and order in Chicago.
So the Democratic Convention started
as scheduled, and it will probably even
finish as scheduled. There are enough

cops and soldiers in the city to keep the
convention site safe, and so it really
doesn't matter that the whole city is
kept in law and order by cannons and
machine guns. Clued to the television
sets, we'll never see it, except for brief

instances on news breaks. Some white
Cliicagoans may see it if they look around
as they drive through the South Side, but
the Black people in the South Side have
to live with it every day. If they should
decide to tell us what it is like, there
will be a terrible beauty bom Chicago
that not even Mayor Daley will fully
comprehend or control.

* .THE KENTUCKY KERNEL, Wednesday, August 28,



Dollars Opening Doorways For Students
Va rious Funds Resolve
UK Student Dilemmas
income family in Kentucky might very well find
itself in a hind if the family has as many as two college-boun- d
children and hasn't prepared for the added financial burden through
savings or other arrangements.
There is help for such families at the University of Kentucky, but
the increase in the number of students at UK has put additional
pressure on the Office of Student Financial Aid.
James Ingle, administrator of the office, said that UK estimates
a student who is a Kentucky resident needs $1,650 to meet expenses
for an academic year-ab- out
10 months.
need $2,350. Kentucky students pay $280 a year in fees,
students pay $980.
"Add $880 for room and board on the
about $100 for books, and $400 for incidentals such as laundry,
sundries and possibly a weekly date, multiply by two college
students in the family, and you have $3,300, or more than one-thiour average family's income. These estimates do not include clothing," Ingle added.
The Office of Student Financial Aid does not assist only those
from multiple student families, however. Ingle says "our operating
philosophy is based on the ability of the family to pay, which
would include consideration of the number of children in a family."
Incoming freshmen must apply for financial aid during the
previous winter. Applications are provided each Kentucky high
school by UK in November. "In this way, the student counselors
can help the student prepare the application, which must be accompanied by the parents' confidential financial statement," Ingle
points out.

In Stale
Get Aid






analysis is made of the family's resources to determine what the student and his family can pay. This figure is subtracted from the total estimated expenses, to arrive at the amount
of financial aid the student will need. The Office of Student Financial Aid then looks at the various aid programs available to
the student to see which can provide the most benefits.
There are the institution scholarships "which go to those showing
the highest promise, but who also must show need," Ingle said.
Such unrestricted grants have grown from eight or ten of $500
or more to around 75 since 1960.
There are the Educational Opportunity Grants provided by the
1965 Higher Education Act, which provides gift assistance to students from families that cannot be expected to contribute more than
$625 to the student's education. The amount of such a grant
is $800, or half the student's need, whichever is smallest. UK
must provide through its other programs the remaining half, or
an amount equal to the federal grant.
A student might receive help through the
A scientific

work-stud- y

in which he can earn $1.25 or more an hour for a maximum of
15 hours a week in certain types of work on campus, or he may
receive assistance in finding a job either on campus or in Fayette
County private industry.
UK also participates in the National Defense Education Act
student loan program, in which the undergraduate student may
borrow up to $1,000 in one academic year and begin to pay it
back within 10 months after he leaves school. Part of these loans
are written off for students who become teachers in designated
areas and in various specialized fields. UK must add
of the amount allotted by the government for these loans, and the
school also must rely on repayment on loans made to former




Better Learn To Learn Better





City plans to build a
platform over a railroad yard to
an entire new
campus for the Bronx Community

In Philadelphia, the


sity of Pennsylvania plans to
acquire land in the air by purchasing or leasing air rights and
building a platform over the railroad yards on the banks of the
Schuylkill River. The air space
will provide the site for a new
housing and recreation complex.
And in Hoboken, N. J., the
Stevens Institute of Technology
has a floating dormitory. Faced
with the need to expand but
with no place to go, the Institute
purchased a 15,000 ton passenger-carg- o
liner, repainted it, and
equipped it with new electrical
and sewer systems. The vessel
now is moored at the foot of the
Stevens campus on the Hudson
River and serves some 200
In the Ivy League, both Harvard and Yale are planning major
library additions that will be
totally underground.
University has reached a tentative agreement with the Newark
Municipal Parking Authority to
build the Newark campus' entire
physical education complex on
the roof of a projected public
parking structure.

learning during the fiscal year
ending last June 30.
A report by the U.S. Office
of Education shows that this is
some 1,800 more than the number
receiving federal aid in the previous year.
Assistance of various types is
provided to students, and also
to schools, under the National
Defense Education Act and the
Higher Education Act.
Loans for 8,600
The report shows that approximately 8,600 students received
loans totaling $3,104,373 under
the National Defense Student
Loan program in fiscal 1968, that
7,800 received assistance of

When College Growth
Meets Urban Bounds

Unclaimed Funds Available
Health Professions loans are available to students in the Colleges of Dentistry, Medicine, Pharmacy and Nursing. At the moment, funds still are available for pharmacy and nursing students
"if they demonstrate the need," Ingle said.
The UK Office of Student Financial Aid will distribute about
$2 million in grants and loans this year, while students also will
have a chance to earn about $500,000 in various types of University
employment. UK puts up about $100,000 in matching funds for
such use, Ingle pointed out.
"While aid to students has more than tripled nationally, it has
quintupled at UK. The federal programs are applicable to students
Forced To Adapt
in the community colleges, and each community college develops
and administers its own scholarship program. The work-stud- y
These are just a few of the
program is the most used, especially in the two Appalachia-are- a
ways in which urban colleges and
universities have been forced to
colleges at Prestonsburg and Cumberland."
This year, Ingle continued, 950 entering freshmen applied for adapt in recent years to the new
aid, 200 more than last year. Approximately 1,500 to 1,600 appli- problems of severe land shortcations were received from returning or transfer students, and ages, high real estate and conabout 300 asked for aid under the Health Professions program. struction costs, and the need to
preserve open space on tight,
Ingle said his office was able to honor 85 percent of the reurban campuses. The examples
of the UK enrollment,
quests for aid this year. About
above are from a new report
or 3,500 students, are in t