xt7pzg6g4q6f https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7pzg6g4q6f/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1982-10-04 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 04, 1982 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 04, 1982 1982 1982-10-04 2020 true xt7pzg6g4q6f section xt7pzg6g4q6f , ifiwfifl, , , _.V___v'_ ,, ,,_*,,,,,VV_,,V______# WWW,
_. ’ J
i ‘ No strike here
er 2 Despite the NFL player's strike, pro foot-
, _ . ball will continue to make the Kernel
' fl, ." sports page through the wonder of
I , - - ‘ Strot-OMotic Pro Football. See page 6
for the first game story
T | Vol. LXXXV, No. 39 Monday, October 4, I982 An Indopondonf stodgy" "gwgpcpor University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky
' 0 e 24 s s ects in 1 ernoI deaths reported
— ' ' for w t 'n to understand what kind Ol person COUld do these its northernand western suburbs. found. and each was traced toa different store.
‘ “stilltllenggxérlzp-slmfiegfylfgtgfsm withm thll‘l;-”_ . . . .Ii'rylenol is as much. a victim as those who died," he Fahner cited thatfact and the adulteration of bottles
doses of cyanide, killing seven people, have come up He said mveStlsatorS are convmced that one person said. ”Somebody Just pickedon this product. _ . from four batches in saying investigators believe the
. with “at least two dozen potential smpects," state At~ acted alone, hlhhg, the capsules Wllh POISOh at home There have been no ransom demands. Fahner said m- tampering was not done in factories or distribution cen-
tomey General'l‘yroneFahner said last night. and then “salting’ store Shelves With the deadly cap- vestigators believe the killer bought or stole Tylenol ters handling the best-selling over-the-counter pain rem-
Fahner said the suspects include “malcontents . . . sules. ‘ _ from a store, took it home, filled the capsules With cy- edy.
and weirdos who don’t act right or did something ex- Earlier. Fahner said the pmsoned capsules ’were anide and placed the bottles in the front of store dis- Authorities have determined that the bottles con-
' tremely out of the ordinary." He said some suspects placed on store ShelVeS “probably the day before the playssothey woiildbebougit quickly. taining the poison came from several manufacturing lo-
were people who had ”complained about the effective- first three of the seven deaths were reported Wednes- Police also said yesterday than a fourth batch number cations and didn‘tcross paths during distribution.
nasofdmgsgv day. The cyanide used is available in school chemistry of the capsules was involved in the deaths. ‘A woman Fahner said authorities confirmed that the poison was
. . labs and metal plants, he added. who died in Winfield. a far west suburb of Chicago, had ta i 'd h't t I ha ed f
Al enumber of tential suspects havebeeninter- .. . - PO SSW" CY?!“ 0’ W 1e crysas t t are US or
”8 9° . . It is an act of a random murderer who filled the cap- capsules from lot M81833. metal extraction electroplating heat-treating steel and
l viewed and cleared already, he ”‘9' Starting today, soles with cyanide and then placed them in the stores," The first two batches implicated. lots M02880 and other chemical piirposes '
Fahner added, investigators mu m" looking through said Fahner who is heading 3 Task Force of some 75 1910MB, were recalled nationwide by the manufacturer, Fahn r 'd th . ‘ . ll fl bl
personnel records of people who might have had access ' ' ' fed al and local a encies McNeil Consumer Products Co. a subsidi of Johnson .. - e. 5a] e porson was commercia y _ava a e.
mine capsules invmlgatgfsrfgm ‘5 State' 9' 3 & Johnson . 3’7 It s a kind of cyanide that people have In high school
‘ . . . . e . . . . . . . ,,
“We are making 9'98"” In W the investiga- mg‘ortyllt‘hree state chemists were working around-the- All but one of the contaminated bottles contained 50 or college chemistry labs or m metal finishing plants.
tion," Fahner said. TIPS are continuing t0 come lh to clock intheinvestigation. capsules The FDA has urged consumers nationwide not to use
the task force, but no one has asked about a ammo Fahner said evidence indicates a single person “went The pills in Prince’s apartment were from a third Extra-Strength Tylenol for the time being, and Johnson
reward thathas beenoffered. around the Chicago area salting the store shelves with batch, lot 1801MA. That batch has not been recalled and & Johnson has Offered a 5100.090 reward for information
“'l‘here’s no way of knowing if any of these tips or one bottle of contaminated Tyelonol (at a time)." The neither has the fourth. leading to the arrest and conViction 0f whoever was re-
these leads could break the case." Fahner said. “We‘re stores were as much as 40 miles apart in Chicago and So far, five bottles of contaminated Tylenol have been sponsxble.
If u t . e, -:. . ‘
MONDAY v » v
3-; 2.1% g write “our ‘4‘." ’vf‘w-
Eddyvrlle hostage-taker surrenders _, gr ‘1' ' i. .. we... , - , ' i \
EDDYVILLE - An inmate at the Kentucky State Penitentiary “f,” j'rgxr * ‘ ’ A . ’ , . - ,g ,1, . ' .
held a guard hostage for more than eight hours yesterday 3,, ' " ’3, , 4; .5: ' ~
and surrendered after hearing a radio story about the inci- ; , ’: "‘ g ’ , ,
dent, oprison official said. ' M“ a .. . x .x-r ,- .
William Woolum, 26, released the guard unharmed offer ‘ ' o ” ' ““1; ‘ “-
the incident in the prison’s maximum-security unit, said . A . . ”r {to '
Jock Wood, assistant to the warden. The end come after .. w . i {'13, ' // ‘
Woolum, who told officials he had a weapon, heard a news .. ,‘ “ , J I...‘ ' ‘1
story in which Wood said prison officials would release to l g I .,.,} l' ‘1- ‘” i
the media a list of the inmate's grievances. st. , ‘ x. 1555 . .
The weapon turned out to be a fake gun fashioned from - . . ' l l “a « '0'
a bar of soap, Wood said later. X ! “jo- W; .. J ,.. a; ‘ .
Security was tight throughout the prison during the epi- ' s3 ,. '1’ 7
sode, which began when Woolum escaped his cell after » 2.»: ., 9,) fl. " , \
sowing through bars on its door. Wood said. i. P \r 1 fife» "1*” . ,4 1-1,, /
The guard, who asked his superiors to withhold his ' .- . ‘““‘ . 4”?” 5 \t ”it:
name, was walking through the cell block when an inmate , LR: 'IL, ”$4,, k1,: is. '2; .
pulled the fake gun, Wood said. >, ‘ (r ’ ‘ ~' ' £3.43 , ' . " \Q i \
Woolum —— serving life plus 31 years for "multiple of- ”’1” ' .- .. __ "" " ' '
fenses," including the death of an inmate who was stabbed ' ‘ . ' . -_ .
52 times — then slipped out of his cell and took the fake ~ ‘ " .7 l '
gun from the second inmate, he said. ‘ . 5?: " .1 2:3" / .
Carson celebrates 20th anniversary . , g ,, , ' a , ,, , I
LOS ANGELES — Johnny Carson celebrated two decades as ‘ , .. -, 51‘s..) " ‘ ‘3 é .5 . 1‘ 1”
host of NBC's "Tonight Show" with a live special last night «_ “5:" I, __.;"e - .. .- ,
loaded with reminiscence and highlights of celebrated 3»- V . , we " ear '
guests from past programs. . . 1 . ,1 y "3% ‘ . 41f ’ e , . ‘
Carson, greeted by a standing ovation, recalled his first ‘ . hlcfigwugr. A, .“W' V" 1*
"Tonight Show" broadcast was from New York. He was 36. ’ ,figv;;§:* z, \. “Mn-fl . - --
"I walked out on stage, and the audience stood up like this. , .. . a r gnome «rgwrgafi . :2: $333“ ‘ s \ ”a“
I thought they were leaving." . _ . . .
Carson said the show's producers had calculated that Police officers removed handcuffs from iunior defensive charge °l dr'V'hQ Wh'le lht°¥lcated- TWO other players were
35,460 guests had appeared on the program since may firs, tackle Chris Dorozio yesterday after arresting him on a arrested on charges of public InlOXICOlIOI’l.
show, and "32,000 of them were Tony Randall." I I
Carson, who took over the show from Jack Poor on Oct. k h r as
1, I962, has spent more time in America's living rooms and 00 a p avers arres e on rln 'n9 0 a 9
bedrooms than any other performer, despite all the kidding
°b°”' his V°°°l°ns ”‘5 days °"' He is believed l° be lele' ‘————_‘—'— e rwere fi ‘ throu the an thin . Accordin to Pa ett. Ference said Dorazio. Grimsley
VlSl°”'5 hl9h95"P°ld entertainer. By EV;§ET§;§$EE3ELL ll bhpeil:a window ofutligegillglficle. thalso whim tlfi: car was piled over dthere and he had disassembled their three
a, ,., ,0“ d m, m smear: Moss” ‘35 trawl?” reignsisssmgisshm °‘
3, i igrs iain "on e car y e arms mg were a o paice oun "one or more . _ -
beenrecently fired. shotgunsin the trunk. Dorazxo confirmed there was beer
IEIIUT. Lebanon — Six Israeli soldiers were killed yester- . Elan discounted what he said was ingntlalzirmilslevdgle” {13:31:33 5221‘; Sun“: car but 5“" ‘t was m the
day and 22 others wounded, half of them seriously, when Information for this story was also an earlier report that the occupants ton /Fayette Urban-County Detention Grimsley refused to comment.
ombushers fired automatic weapons and bozookas at o gathered by 3'” Steiden. Andrew of the car had been firing at pursu- Center Dorazio and Ference stand- “I don't have the slightest idea of
troop bus east of the war-torn Lebanese capital, the Israeli OPP'hhh" ahd Steve" W- “Mlle" ing police vehicles on US. 27 in mg in the hallway outside their Kir- what we were being pulled over
military command Shld- Wildcat starting linebacker John Nicholasvflle and that they had wan 1 dormitory rooms. denied the about." Dorazio said. “We were
Also, 'a landmine explosion in downtown Beirut G, Grimsley and Chris L, Ference. a managedtoevadecapture.f ed police allegations. pulled over at gunpoint and never
wounded two French peacekeeping troops and four others, defensive guard. were arrested by Nicholaswlle police re us to Dorazio said they had been hunt- read our rights."
but otherwise the city was relatively quiet. campis police yesterday on charges comment. ing on a friend‘s farm in Woodford Dorazio said he had taken a brea-
Explosives killed 0 us. Marine and o Beirut civilian lost of public intoxication. Athird play- Thomas R. Padgett, UK director County, not in Nicholasville. which thalyzer “5t- and Ference 531d he
week, and police have warned civilians to stay out of areas er, defensive tackle Chris Dorazio. of public safety. said it could not be is in Jessamine County. Woodford had h0t. UK police WOUld h°t release
not cleared by mine-sweeping teams. W85 iqfiihgxgggtfiarged Wlth der' hordfirllzeed UmShgopccupatnts of bbhdey car County.Chowever. is adjacent to Jes- thgol‘ggligs l): aligillgttblgalbtpear in
. .. . . .. anle . a n in a an or samine oun.
binThlel'idsgiree'o'Phletrrytlfzfgrd‘s‘lrel‘rinsmidhstdi?c:fllslaw:r:f fir; gerry Claiborne. head football 8 y y _ traffic court at 9 am. today, and
f 9h h k d h b g . coach, declined comment on the ar- '. . Ference and Grimsley are sched-
or t e gunmen w b after e t e us. Its statement re rests when contacted last my". But I I TAP uled to appear in criminal court all
leased in Tel Aviv did not say who was suspected of carry- he said the players are still on the [0,3 ames pm.
“‘9 out the httOCk- team. Dorazio said Ference. Grimsley
it was not clear who was responsible for the attack. The UK lice sto a car Dorazio . n n and he had met with Claiborne for
Palestine Liberation Organization is believed to have about was arising andpfidwhicn Grimsley forlall Overcro Wdlng ..15 to 20 minutes" last night. the
10,000 fighters among the estimated 25,000 Syrian troops in and Ference wereS pastsengferst a: mm: tillme‘ugeth higrtradsktesd to Clax.
northern and eastern Lebanon. 11:50 am. on Rose tree in mu 0 _ . c o .owm ei , ‘
The French-language L'Orieni-Le Jour quoted sources the UK Medical Center. The police W— idnnthuueizrntel‘tlhggfarevsitssfiatg £1258! Ive Just Sht no ogmmfint fight
close to President Gemoyel as saying it appeared almost said they stopped the car l“,re’ Editopinmef cility. "Woo Sllélbortgfkegalt geenlacgps
certain that his choice for prime minister would be the se- 390"” toa request from the be")? And with 1.359 DWI arrests re- tact . ve . o p y
. . . .. . .. ton-Fayette Urban/County Police , and got their Side of the story. I
curity chief, Brig. Gen. Ahmed El-Ho”. It said El-Ho" does Department _ §orded in the (15:88” mallthsuff haven‘t talked to theofficers yet.
not belong to ony"politicol clans." . ' . AP — as compa to 142 or e .. w ‘t them until later.“ he
An-Nohar did not mention El-Hoii by name, but said mgngfgfl Michael Bandy made . The deputy director of the Lex- same period in will — the capaci’ alsd 53?; “51;: right now I've got no
Gemoyel "‘0” “h‘lY Wl” Ch°°5° someone lr°m outside ”he lt could not be determined if Dora- ington-Fayette Urban/ County De- 9' of the detention center. de comment untillknow all the facts.“
club of former prime ministers." Under Lebanon's power- zio, of Houston. pa" was the owner tehthh Center has 3h alcohol Signed'for a maXimum 0t 410 Pl'lS‘ “He iClaibomel wasn't very
shoring agreement, Gemoyel, 0 Ch'lStlhh: must OPPOlhl 0 of the car. which had a Pennsylva- . problem. . . oneis,is severely taxed. happy about the situation.“ Dorazio
Sunni Moslem as prime minister nia license plate Ray Sabbatine cant turn to M' On one August weekend. the said.
' Also on the. scene were urban coholies Anonymous for help, how- center's population. ”9°.”de “He was trying to help and ex-
county officers who said the request ever. "‘5 problem has t0 do 2”“ reached 430‘ Sabbatine 53'd the plain to us the'alternatives ito going
\ for UK Wheel") stop the car and the law —spec1fically, the Lexing- overcrowding problem has been to court) we have." l-‘erence said.
\ / apprehend the occupants was issued :‘lgFfieitfie #m/ (333301ng {:rtmléuéavifintrecfi'yugi "He said we're not off the team yet.
e s s . ~ ~ ‘-
ll'ifatcilivtehde :rbgrmiermtzmmrtm gram. Fall semester. N$2$§lilghgglse§§nsafiihg fullback
WBAT _ Nicholasville police. The pr °8.”.'"" a crackdown on Every night 0‘ the week except who was the team's leading rusher.
A The Nicholasville officers report- Mill mvmséhhas put extfra w Sunday.“ 475 to 500 people are and Ty Richmond, a defensive back,
/ \ edly were following up on citizen re- 'ice cers °“ e are“? ° Lex- booked “"0 the center, he said..At were suspended from the team in
ports there that the car was driven 3‘33)“ (”120:0 grayghkdng‘tmg ngadbfignfiofihz'bdxhxggg Semptember for violations of team
reckless] . , , , r as
Tod-y wlll be mostly sunny end worm Mill 0 hlgh D.H. Elan, an urban county police nights). I! "39°"th has "’3th are Jammed “m" as many as 20 Grimsley, of Canton, Ohio, led the
' "’ .0 officer at the scene said the players m an 80° percent increase ,m mm", 39'9“? team in tackles during the 1981 sea-
neer . ' . l h t- drunken driving arrests since its Sabbatine said he crowrb the d p r nce fHubbard Ohio
Tonight will be eleer wltli Info fog end e low In the had apparently been squirre un inception May 1 as measured cells because he doesn‘t want to son, an e e .o _ . .
m“ 9. upper 50.. mg near Nicholasvdle and were re- against thesame period last year. subject prisoners _ many of them is a spot starter. Dorazno saw lim.
turning tocampus when arrested. . . . . . ited action in mne games last year.
tomorrow will bewnny wlthehlgh neer .0. Elan said there had been reports The problem. Sabbatine said in alcohol offenders waiting to be All are on the team‘s traveling
from Nicholasville that occupants of an interVIew last week. '5 that seeu't' ”993 squad.

harm" l 1 3‘
clinician Aneu- Own-m- ust-ovum. stout-mum tuition“ Lev-ounce mam.“ ' "e
Editor-victim. Nst Editor Arts Editor Sports Edltov SWIG. Fronds Edltoi Photo Editor Grophicl Editor
1m um. NIHII cindy Mu when r. IIIbI Mldin MW KIOMI IMIIIon a... Van upon cm- A». In
Monagmoiditov Editoriolidltot IIIII.WId.M;JL AnismMSpornEditov Spgc|°|PIOIKIIASIISl0nt ChiIH’hologrophor Copy Desk (the.
AssistantAnsE ivors
_____________________—_.________—__.__————————————-———————- _
I ' '
u reme ourt 5 case 0a nee 5 re ucm ..
0t M
2. Pride

Today is the first Monday in October — greater restraint — a theory that sounds Q ‘\ . high;
opening day for the Supreme Court’s 1982-33 good on paper but might not work in prac- , , just 1
session. And it looks like a busy year is two. . _ _ (I ’ ’4. “ ' “we
ahead for the nine justices. Another proposal is for the Justices to f , - on a

In fact, each year seems to be busier than show greater self-restraint on their docket — 3 ,l, tocor
the last. And statistics reinforce this deciding for themselves on what they should (I .f ‘g; " “a _ mic:
statement. rule. However, what the court would rule on :- ‘ \ m-bu,

In 1961, the court’s caseload was about would vary as Justices come and go. Q j um
2,000. Twenty years later, the court heard 4,- One of the more sound proposals to help ,_ . Pfi . .333 din-in
400 cases —- a very visible signal of the in- case the court workload came from Stevens ' 3—; A1) l ac n
creasing workload facing the nation’s high- and‘Chief Justice Warren Burger. The two ,;. , .‘ ‘ \ to X “a”:
est tribunal. justices have proposed a new type of court "I l’ \ ,1 peep]

This is a disturbing fact. As the court’s — a. National Court of Appeals — to be es- . l \“ \s the o
docket increases, the significance of some of tabllshed to weed out some of the cases that a. If; 1\;; I 5, the cl
the issues facing the body are multipling in presently reach the bench. ii 1' ’1 4 - g; \g, M N: A
value. The ability of the justices to fairly 1] fl- _ fat/5’ ti . . \ I ‘ in has:

. . . . Sen. Howe He in, DAla., has proposed ; J4, ..( in, v ,w n,
weigh the issues before them is being threat- - 1 - f - w , J " . ll -‘ 1

d b the hee l d f 1 bet legis atlon to arm this new appeals court. jar. l,- .5,» / .
gee!“ y s r over 0a 0 appea S ore The new body would take cases refered to it 3 " W «gm ’ 3’ rs; f:
. by the Supreme Court, providing a needed ". (4 Mn .7 ,. .
' . . . . :‘rr‘ 5 ' - ~ -- l"
83““ch “mammgrsili’aii: J03“ BPaul pressure valve for the justices for ciVil cases jaw i ‘~. . to d

evens; Leyr'onF P 11 ha 1 lamk - :8“; and conflicts between circuit courts. . ’ \ . £9 R S a {ll/Ii g; 1. .i g,
nan. an t' “”5 - owe ‘Ef’ 59° en oub a Questions concerning conflicts with the 3;}; ‘t .— , _ 9 A" .-. (g
Xanous imes about the 90‘" S growmg "I” Constitution would still come before the Su- _”'-' {-“k‘? , IN me; fitV : » a

33‘- , 'l' h , preme Court. It would still make the hard- , ' “y! F - «r:

itilstlcde IW‘ liam 3e “q"‘St'l ‘1"? cagipu; n: hitting decisions — the new court would sim- - g ’ .. ‘5 91;." .
cen y _ e ivering e annua ac “’1 0" ply give the justices precious time to better , ’ // - ’4 .
Memorial Lecture, said the heavy load fac- 'd th ,- ’ ,- ow ,
. ,, _ . . conSl er efacts. ,, . ”fl __ .3
mg all federal courts suggest . . . Signifl- . . . _ '- . 1 g: .. 2;, , I, 7 . it.
cant problems are in store for this country’s Whatever course of action is decided upon, , ' .1 p 3:32;; x ,-
judiciary.” the problem must be dealt With — and soon. . , ; f ' 1.32:; .- gang .

The problem is clear — the method of solv- The court is dealing With very Significant 18- ’ f i 11/4 : n. ..

' - . I ’ ' ' ‘ »- ' ”’3’“ ">"5e1-';:=" ’ PC
ing it isn’t. sues this term and may face harder, deeper ., . , _.__‘ #7,; . :1 ’ 3, ..

In fact, there are several options to relieve conflicts in the future. Justices need the time " . [/1 g 7 1;. " ”1/ “(t-e v,
the court’s workload. One idea is that law- to adequately prepare and fairly Judge the 7 ‘ , . fleas—.9— — , . c
yers who appeal cases upward should show matters before their bench. ,,
Aft B ' B ' ' h ' ‘ °

er elrut massacre, egln Is onor-bound to reSIgn .

The slaughter of Sabra and Shatila involved. If these reports are true, advisers in the bombing of their of the Israeli command, is difficult proved very deep. According to Is- moral credibility. He can no longer
fills us with revulsion. It is a mon- then it appears the murder of Pales- headquarters earlierin the week. to understand. Israelis do not butch- raeli press reports, Israel was guilty speak for Israel‘s soul. Begin did not
strous crime in an age of monstrous tinians may be the one thing the The situation was explosive. For er civilians. That is known even to of more than sins of omission. Israe— kill the poor people in those camps,
crimes. Hundreds of innocents were Phalange and Haddad‘s men can seven years, they had been waiting the Palestinians. who fled to Israeli 1i authorities in the area of the but he is killing his own/people‘s
gunned down by Christian mili~ agree on, divided as they are by bit- to resume the civil war. Israel lines outside the camps for protec- atrocity may have known about it as dream.
tiamen because they were Palestin- ter enmity. moved into West Beirut in part to tion. early as Friday morning — a full The campaign in Lebanon aimed

‘ ians. Those Christians of Lebanon _.._——— prevent that from happening. In the ABC News reported that the survi- day before it ended. at expelling the PLO was largely
deserve the outrage of theworld. areas which Israel occupied, it suc- vors of the massacre pleaded with What they did then, or did not do, successful, and, we believe, justi-

But not only the Christians. 15- NEW ceeded; it disarmed the Mirabitoun the Israelis not to leave them under must be fillly established. A com- fied. For that. Begin and Defense
rael’s government was respomible and other militias and restored a the supervision of the Lebanese mission of inquiry must be created Minister Sharon have reaped politi-
for the safety of the miserable peo— semblance of order to West Beirut. Army, since, as ABC pointed out, to establish the truth about Israeli calrewar's. 7
ple of these camps; it had made it- REPUBLIC Andrthen it letthe war resume. the Israelis were the only people the complicity. Those military and polit- But, they simply did not know how
self responsible when it took over But it did not enter the Palestinian Palestinians could trust to protect ical leaders reponsible for doing to stop. and the Beirut massacre
West Beirut the day before. The ____—____.___ camps. It surrounded them and ei- them. nothing must suffer the full conse was also a result of their campaign. ‘
blood the Christians spilled stains Is- The Christian militias of Lebanon ther sent in or let in Christian mili- And yet, the Israelis let the mur- quences of that commission’s con- It came from a fanantical attempt ‘
rael, too. are guilty. The Israelis, however, tiamen. The Israeli intention was to dereis in. How could they have al- clusions. to root out the last PLO stragglers

The massacre was a wild orgy of are partly responsible. It is the pres- achieve a second goal: the removal lowed this? Whether or not the knew about remaining in the godforsaken Pales-
random killing and a systematic ex- ence of the Israelis at the scene that of PLO men who remained in the The Israeli chief of staff, General th B ‘rut kill'n itywas on on tinian camps. The decision to allow
ecution of entire families. Survivors has put these latest Lebanese kill- area in violation of the Habib Rafael Eytan, said simply, “We do (:1 did thil g atsh r g l g’ble the Phalange in, with its history of 5
identified the killers as members of ingsonthe front page. agreement for the evacuation of the not give the Phalangists orders and 2‘" th t no’blngde . 956 toeslpigiwflth vendettas and less than a week after
the Kateb, the Arabic word for Pha- When Israel moved into West Bei- city. we are not responsible for them." If; 1 e er", eth gsiontin‘ an m e the murder of its leader,appalls. -
lange, followers of the assassinated rut after the assassination of Gem- The Israelis were ruthlessly deter- An Israeli official told reporters atange m 015 e 1,8 $0 “an? I: When a crime of this magnitude is
President-elect of Lebanon. Bashir ayel, it assumed responsibility for mined to dot the “is” and cross the after the massacre. “We have mus ”if” Jae? "That 'nc‘iod- committed during one‘s watch, one
Gemayel. protecting its populace. And an “t’s” of Operation Peace in Galilee. warned them more than once in the 503;?" $39 t 033:" His ll-efu‘slal is honor-bound to resign. That is not

There is some evidence it was car- enormous responsibility it was. The But they did not enter the Palestin- past that they should not engage at :5 ime nls f’rd, g t ‘r nsibili- only our view, it is the view of a ‘
ried out by the so-called Damouri Lebanese Army, for all the ceremo- ian campus. They allowed their al- all in vendettas." to feign even Infuse?“ grim us large segment of a shocked, out-

Brigade, a highly trained Phalange ny with which it moved about West lies. the Christians, to go into Sabra Perhaps the Israeli commanders Y 0r dim“? :d‘ e P raged and remorseful Israeli socie-
unit made up of survivors of Dam- Beirut, was a paper force that disap and Shatila. The Phalangists, how- who let the Phalangists into Sabra ”39011:" e degd .K'his usual tru- ty. It is also the view of many lead-
our, a Christian town whose inhabit- peared attheflrstsigns of trouble. ever, had their own work to do. and Shatlla warned them once ulet s "3590" dl'n the rocess ing Israeli newspapers, including 5
ants were slaughtered by Palestin- The Mirabitoun and other private They went in simplytokill. again. Perhaps they thought that :1 end 13:23:“ at“ ailother psacr ed some on the political right normally .
iansin1976. Moslem militias had effective can The Israeli decision to allow the with this warning they had dis- as bole of J g: histo He accus— sympathetic to the Begin gavem-
, There are other reports that sol~ trol of West Beirut. The Phalangists Christians into the camps was a charged their duty. Then they Syria] :Mfin d 1512;] somehow ment.
.. diets of Sand Haddad. whose Chris- controlling Christian East Beirut moral, political and military enor- looked away. ‘5 0511‘” ‘2 r the massacre as This week we write not in praise
tian militia in the south is closely al- were enraged by the assassination mity. This decision, which must There is not wiping away the resilpons; ”$10031 libel .. Blood libel _ of Israel. but in praise of its shame. ~
lied With Israel, may also haVe been of their chief and scores of his top have been taken at the highest level moral stain — a stain which may gu y 0 . ‘ . We hope the Prime Minister will see
the accusation that Jews killed what he has done to the Jewish _
Christians for ritual purposes — is . .
I I I I . , tate, df ts k,t de.
Credit needs to be wen to Unwersu ersonnel “e or...
g p murderous examples 0f scapegoat- humane and clear vision of Israel’s
lng Jews. The crime alleged was purpose to take over, but also to tell ’

It’s nice to be treated with courte— embarrassment that a student in his partment treated me with the ut- They have some cute ideas there: pure thtlon~ the world that Israel .will not allow
sy. , fourth year didn’t have the presence most courtesy. walking outside to first-floor rooms don‘t require win- The Beirut massacre was not flc- itself to be led anymore by those

Many students Prefer to describe 0‘ mm ,and the selfdlwplme to verify that my permit was on the dow blinds. leaky water fountains tion. Begin’s government allowed it who led it to the killing ground.
their college years by relating. ec- obeytrafnclaws car. don’t need repairs and peeling paint to happen. This man has lost all s 1982. The New Republic
5“ e at ll 5 0 niversity ‘ ‘ played as prominently as it should . .
administrators and staff. To hear have been. Is it fair for parkers to Dyitu’ac‘wm‘ .bathmm futures
some complain, higher education in- : Olin“: expect police to examine cars’ muf— remain ggunfitlonal '" no elabora- B
velvet more following of regulations ASH fler systems forthelittle stickers? ‘3," See ‘ ”:- Basemem and .
and procedures than leamins in A No matter — Newell sent me on 5‘ ° .°°r5 were 89‘ “"1”“ 5°
classroom ———————‘ in way with n. assurance in uck- d°ii2§iisznaixfln employ... —————W—n—n7

. . ,
morass W .. M . m... an. w... . sneer. m: w vcw W W: Informed vote W W .. me

In using “is housing, parking, that [had been cited for not having ticketing the car incorrectly in the while'paylng my $45 for a summer . . issue. 1 suggested-the idea to SGA
admissions and health services 1 a permit. when actually my car car- future permn. It was interesting to learn Although I agree With the main PreSldent Jim Dinkle before the
have found the personnel to be for ried the appropriate bureaucratic ‘ about the break-ins of cars and that thrust of your Oct. 1 editorial about election last spring. j
the most part efficient and ’con- attire. Some people have had problems in the main lot for residents during the the mandatory health fee, I must I drafted the proposal. One of the
cemed about their work. Perhaps it So I began preparation of my de- registering for classes, complaining regular semesters is miles away in challenge your statement, “But sur- key points was a charge to the Pub- '
is time to end the cycle of cheap fense. Combining knowledge of that course requestsare alterednee- a poorly lighted section of down- veys of physics graduate stu- lic Relations Department to develop
shots take) at University staff and parking laws and my holding of the dlessly and that fee information and town, accessible by crossing a dents are nothing on which to base a publicity campaign for the refer-
insteed give credit where credit is proper permit, and muttering about “hm“mm‘ received. bridge. an informed vote. particularly on an endum and bring it to the Senate for
due. ‘ Miranda rights, I drove to the cam- Perhaps this needs to be cor- . - ~ issue of this gravity.” approval. , -

_ ted I dm’ I dealt With my mistreatment in a . . . . . . .

[was dismayed one afternoon re- pus police department armed for rec . must a it, however, to meaningful way. I hid cheese be- Ithought phySlClsts studied graVl- Thus, any discusswn about a light
cently to find a parking ticket on my battle. never haying these types of prob- tween the mattresses sprayed the ty (as part of astrophySics or cosmo- voter turnout was a red hemng. to
windshield. The threatened :4 loss My expectations proved totally in Li'fi' 18711:: "g‘gugectgg rim:$ housing office with ant’repellant and logs? ' l I ttend d meet'ngs of hails: "ire {n‘g’mei fearngfulosmg .

fair. Ed Newell of the rki de- , v n . . nous y, a e l s ya owm campuSl .
was not the pablem so much as the pa ng schedules and the needed payment L%“Ae: tzwmggrggzrmngfu Smmtf‘e the Students Health Advisory Com- Vincent Yeh
information. Any time spent in pay- (The h aven’t reached the age 2f cg; mittee, Students for Political Choice Graduate school senator
ment lines has been of my own lightznment sufficient to field a foot- (which is opposed to a mandatory ,
accord. mum"), fee) and the Student Government Sallee 5 columns
- ‘ - ~ Association Campus Relations Com-
Now, If you want to hear ~89“? Perhaps more meaningful action mitteetwhichstudiedthe issue). Barbara Sallee takes great pride i
horror stories and tales of inefficien was in order. I could have written .
- . . - I conducted a Brown Bag Forum in her columns. She should — after
Q cy, let me transport you to the RlCh letters suggesting improvements . .
t mond Va. campus 0‘ Virginia Cam and complaining about the prob- on the matter, and by chance, ex- all, in a school newspaper, any kind
\\ 2)) mm monw‘ealth' University lems changed a few words with President of bull can and is printed. But, Sal-
/ > ' ~ ' Singletary on how he viewed the lee, I've noticed, is a journalism se- .
\ I lived there for 13 weeks this ,
’ For thatmatter,people here 00““ thenupcomingSenatedecision. mor, who probably would like to
[SA summer. One wants to stop along . . .. t . . . . . .
the interstate and kiss the median do. the same. Those With illegitlma e I took this information to a meet- gain employment With a credible
while returning to UK from that war gripes 8b0llt residence hall, cafete- ing of the Physics Graduate Associa~ newspaper when she leaves UK.
D - , ”NA zone ria and administrative office Staffs tion. Unlike a poll. there was oppor- Like a “true journalist." she prob
' ' ' , could make specific, offic1al com- tunity for both sides to debate the ably has been putting together a
\v/ VCU has two campuses, academic plaints rather than cursing “the sys- matter and persuade the undecided. folder resume, full of her wonderful
‘ N and medical. That means separate tem"and all its components. . Ichose to abide by the decision of articles. Picture yourself as Barry
W ’— ‘ll- housing,offices, libraries and names Perhaps things might change With the majority, because these were Bingham Jr. or Ben Bradlee with