xt7pzg6g4r4t https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7pzg6g4r4t/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1990-02-13 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 13, 1990 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 13, 1990 1990 1990-02-13 2020 true xt7pzg6g4r4t section xt7pzg6g4r4t  


viii». ‘xei‘ii. his. 1716

': ""iéstabiisiied 1894

University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky

independent Since 1971

Tuesday, February 13, 1990


Mandela calls for South Africa fair to all races

Associated Press

Nelson Mandela said yesterday
that he seeks a South Africa that is
fair to whites and blacks, and he
insisted that violence against apart-
heid is justified.

The 71-year’old black leader, en-
joying his first full day of freedom
after 27 years in prison, defended
the policies of his African National
Congress but said talks with the
government could be held soon.

In the tribal homeland of Ciskei,
10 blacks celebrating Mandela’s
release Sunday night were shot and
killed by police, and 20 were in-
jured, according to the Daily Dis-

U.S. ignorant
of world,
ex—CIA says

Contributing Writer

American businessmen are the
last to arrive on the international
scene because their educational
system has failed them, according
to former KGB and CIA agent
Vladimir Sakharov.

At a press conference yesterday
at the Lafayette Club, Sakharov
said that the US. educational sys-
tem teaches students very little
about foreign relations, which is
taking its toll on America‘s busi-
ness community.

Sakharov said many Soviet con-
sumers are hungry for Western

Sakharov said that a multi-party
system can work in the Soviet Un-
ion. The Communist Party its grip,
and if Soviet President Mikhail
Gorbachev wants to stay in power,
he will have to create a strong pres-
idency, Sakharov said.

The most pressing issue in the
SOviet Union is the rise of women’s
liberation movements, Sakharov
said. The ratio of women to men is
5-to-3.7, and 19 million women be-
tween the ages 18 and 22 will not
get married, he said.

“Women are the suffering major-
ity in the USSR," which will
make or break Gorbachev, Sakha-
rov said.

Sakhar0v said that “women run
Russia" because many Soviet men
are complacent. As a result of
women’s efforts to organize, the
Soviet Union may have a woman
president before the United States
does, Sakharov said.

Unless the United States gives
the Soviet Union financial help,
Sakharov said a civil war could
erupt or Russia itiight revert to its
czar rulership.

Pamyat is one of the movements
pushing for a return to a dictator re-
gime, Sakharov said.

patch newspa-
per in nearby
East London.
Homeland au-
thorities refused
to comment,
and civil rights
groups demand-
ed a judicial in-

ln Washing-
ton, President MANDELA
Bush expressed optimism that
Mandela‘s release was a sign the
country was “at last" on the way to
ending apartheid, but he showed
no inclination to move quickly to
lift us. economic sanctions.

Bush said that the legislation im-
posing the sanctions against South
Africa also prevents him from end-
ing them until specified liberaliz-
ing measures are taken.

“What I want to do is discuss
these provisions with Mr. Mandela
and with Mr. de Klerk," he said re—
ferring to the freed black leader
and to South African President F.
W. de Klerk who ordered his re-

In Mandela’s hometown of Sow-
eto, schools were deserted as thou-
sands of students marched anti
danced in the streets, anticipating
his return home.

Believing Mandela was due back

for an afternoon rally, tens of thou-
sands of Sowetans crammed into a
soccer stadium, and dozens were
injured in the cnish.

Hundreds of youths heading
home from the stadium surrounded
a police van and freed l3 prisoners
inside, according to Gen. Herman
Stadlcr, a police spokesman. He
said the officers in the vehicle de-
cided not to use their firearms, and
no injuries were reported.

The activists making arrange
ments for Mandela decided that he
should not re-enter Soweto until
today when a massive welcoming
rally was planned.

They refused to disclose where


28 years.



TUNNEL VISION: Dr. Jacqueline Noonan, chainivomen of the Department of Pediatrics, strolls
through the walkway over Rose Street as the sun sets. Noonan has been with the University for

he would spend the night, although
televi3ion networks deployed heir
copters to pursue him.

“I am absolutely excited to be
out," Mandela told reporters in
Cape Town before taking an cwn
ing flight to Johannesburg.

Mandela said negotiations be»
tween the ANC and the goyernr
ment could begin “very soon" it de
Klerk continues his peace Illlllttlht‘
anti makes further reforms.

“The state of emergency has to
be lifted in its entirety and political
prisoners have to be relcasetl,‘~
Mandela told more than loo joiir-
nalists assembled on the lawn out-
side the official resttlcnc" of Antllb

can Archbishop Desmond Tutu in
(“ape 'Iowri,

Andries ’Ireurnicht, leader of the
pro-apartheid Conservative Party.
accused the govcmriicnt of falling
victim to "\landela hysteria" and
moving toward white surrender.

Eugene 'lcrrc Blanche, leader of
the iico«.\a/.i Afrikancr Resistance
NIovcnient. said dc Klerk is now
powerless to control Mandela, and
hc warned that his iiioicincnt “will
protect ll\t‘lf and II\ property when
the «ain'c‘rtitttt‘ttl can no longer do
so ‘

Mandela saiil wtiitiss \houltl not
fear the pltfsl‘c'tl .il .in ANC-lt'll

UK and tennis clinic
to test training methods

Contributing. Wrifu'

UK and thc lcungton ('lizii. .fl‘
conducting a research project lii
find out if sprint training is a.» use
ftil as aerobics in training lt’llllts

The US. Professional Tenni»;
Registry, an organi/ation of teach
ing tennis professionals, proyitled
the $3,600 grant for the project.

The eight-week research project
will be conducted by Ms CXL‘I’L‘lst‘
physiologist Ronald Biilbiilian and
Lexington Clinic evcrcisc pliysioli i7
gist Jeff Chandler.

“It basically originated between
Mr. Chandler and myself.” ltlllhtl'
lian said. “The reason for the pro—
ject is because we have lt‘flllls
players training in a specific man
ner, and we thought that thi‘rt‘
might be a more efficient \\.l‘. t r
ennis players to train,"

Sprint and aerobic training coiiili~
tion different areas of the body.
Bulbulian said.

. iritliiioi'


i:l \j‘lllli\ gciigrn.“
" iir‘i 'ti,‘ ."iitf‘th' lll hi.'l‘. power an“
3.1,: w. 'k lt trams the heart .iw:
limes, but not as well as aerobics."
He said the two training method»
also set a different pace

“.>\crobics l\ long—distance an!
slow-pace training." Biilbuli iv
\Illd. Sprints are fewer and are re
tit-cited and are more like tennis "

The money for the proiect w ill l»
if\\“\‘ for II'LIIIllllf.‘ ariil C(ltlll‘l’l‘;""
t'htiiiillcr said

“N w ll be t'tintlt: '
at? In Iht‘ TL‘M‘lil't h I‘Itllt‘t‘l

.\_ st-rics t‘l t

' llii' tests it tolw :i maxnn. if
.rcailniill li‘sl fir llltl\|lllllnl on ‘

‘Il\llllll‘ll"ll it‘tlim strengthv'
.iziif shunning} t: t. ' (‘hantllcr 1

\M‘ .i:0 Mln~
utes,'" Marans said. “What‘s really
impressive about this is that Fox
isn’t available in about 12 percent
of the country."

“I don't think we expected to do
quite this well,” Chemin said.

Running against the Jan. 2x
Super Bowl blowout, “The Simp»
sons" had a 17 share, and it consis-
tently has placed in the high teens
or low 20s. “I would be thrilled it
it keeps at the same level." Cher»
nin said.






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 G-KonusckmeIJ‘uudaonbmnry 13,1990


Mandela’s release
leaves Pretoria
uncertain future

The release of African National Congress leader Nelson
Mandela Sunday is a reason to rejoice, but the uncertainty of
what lies next for South Africans should cause world leaders to


Mandela said Sunday and yesterday that while he hopes for a
peaceful settlement between blacks and the white-controlled
government, he refuses to rule out violence.

Mandela has spurred some radical elements of the black
South African resistance to proclaim that it is time for blacks to
overthrow the white Pretoria government violently.

Those statements understandably upset whites who fear that
their nation is in danger of slipping into social anarchy and


It may be tempting for some black leaders to advocate violent
overthrow of the South African government, but that route
surely would be more costly than beneficial to South Africans.
A civil war likely would do even more to polarize blacks and
whites, which could take generations to mend.

Mandela’s role should be to stabilize relations between ethnic
groups through peaceful negotiations. He appears to be one of
the few South Africans who can command the respect of many
blacks and whites, and therefore, he should act as a negotiator
to bring an eventual end to apartheid.

Pretoria also should not pretend that releasing Mandela will
be enough to satiate blacks’ demands. President F.W. de Klerk
should work with Mandela toward achieving a peaceful
resolution to the nation’s domestic turmoil.

The developments in South African are yet another example
in which there is little opportunity for the United States to
affect the outcome directly. The Rev. Jesse Jackson has been
conducting his 1992 presidential from Cape Town by
becoming a sudden spokesman for black South Africans. But
most US. leaders have been limited to issuing press releases
or commending de Klerk for freeing Mandela.

One action the United States can take is to encourage dc
Klerk’s government to meet the remaining four conditions and
remove the US. sanctions imposed by Washington.

Washington should join other Western nations in prodding
both sides to avoid the temptation of violent confrontation and
work to ensure a peaceful resolution for South Africans.


Letters -

Bush not a DSA


The recent (Tuesday, Feb. 6)
Kentucky Kernel article entitled
“Trail of local activist gets under-
way today" contains a subtle error,
if my reading is correct The article
notes that Mr. Chris Bush “was in—
volved in a number of campus acti-
vist groups, including Socially
Concerned Students and Democratic
Socialist of America,” although not
a student, at the time of his arrest
during the fall 1989 semester.

This is not precisely true. Mr.
Bush paid membership dues to join

No ‘good’

Dear Counselor: 1 need to de-
cide on a major, but I‘m stuck. I’ve
never really made a major decision
on my own. I hate to admit it. but
I’m not sure l know how to make a
good decrsion. Can you give me
some help with this? Barry, un-
decided freshman.

Dear Barry: First. I admire
your candor. However, being inex-
perienced at making decisions
doesn‘t mean that you can’t make
an effective decision.

There is a process that allows
you to make a “considered" choice
which reduces the probability of
picking an “unwise" alternative. So
let’s talk about how to get started
in this process.

Being undecided is not bad. The
tension associated with being unde-
cided provides the motivating force
to initiate the decision-making pro-

the Central Chapter of Democratic
Socialist of America in 1988 and
interacted significantly with the
campus chapter during much of that
year. (As in most cities with com-
munity and campus chapters are
quite porous, and members — like
myself, Mr. Bush and others — did
and do float between them.) How-
ever, by the fall of 1988 Mr. Bush
was no longer interacting signifi-
cantly with DSA, but was operat-
ing primarily within the organiza-
tional boundries of Socially
Concerned Students.

Donald Jones is an anthropology
and pschology senior.

or ‘bad’ career, just ‘right’ and ‘Wrong’



More specifically, it impels us
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‘1 Having your abilities chal-




Letters > Policy

Readers are encouraged to submit letters and guest
opinions to the Kentucky Kernel in person or by mail.

Writers should address their comments to: Editorial
Editor, Kentucky Kernel 0331 ‘ ’
Lexington, Ky. 40506—0042.

Letters should be 350 words or less, while guest
opinions should be 830 wads or less.

We prefer all material to be type written and
double-spaced, but others are welcome if they are legible.
Writers must include their name, address, telephone
number and nujor classification or connection with UK

Frequent eonuibuters may be limited so that we may
publish letters from as many writers as possible.



. 11“"th


CA. Duane 30"“

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Michael L. Jones

Editorial Editor

13““ utuull

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Executive Edltor


Brim Jon
Managing Editor

Tory WI
Carrpus Editor

Jerry Volgt
Editorial Cartoonist

Julle Euehnon
Special Projects Writer

A how-to guide for catching your own millionaire

It has finally happened. Just
when you were about to lose all
hope, the event of the decade hap-

I’m not talking about Nels