xt7q2b8vf074 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7q2b8vf074/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1998-10-16 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 16, 1998 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 16, 1998 1998 1998-10-16 2020 true xt7q2b8vf074 section xt7q2b8vf074  






.. -‘a—**

Main event

of Madness

Tonight at ii pm The
basketball team begins
their season at Memorial
Coliseum with "Midnight
Madness,” its first
practice of the season.

Love advice

on love

”If falling in love is
anything like learning how
to spell, I don't want to
do it. it takes too long."

"The person is
thinking: Yeah, I really
do love him. But I hope
he showers at least once .
a day." i


"Lovers will just be
staring at each other
and their food will get
cold. Other people care
more about the food.”

"it isn't always just
how you look. Look at
me. I'm handsome like
anything and I haven't
got anybody to marry
me yet."

“Love will find you.
even if you are trying to
hide from it. I been
trying to hide from it
since i was live, but the
girls keep finding me."


“it's better for girls to
be single but not for boys.
Boys need somebody to
clean up after them!"


— Source: l


“We will not have him
put down. Lucky is
basically a damn good
guide dog," said Ernst
Gerber, a dog trainer
from Wuppertal. "He just i
needs a little brush-up ‘
on some elementary
skills, that’s all." i

Gerber admitted at
the news conference
that Lucky, a German
shepherd guide‘dog for .
the blind, had so been I
responsible for the
deaths of all four of his
previous owners.

"I admit it's not an
impressive record on .
paper. He led his first 1
owner in front of a bus, l
and the second off the i
end of a pier. He 5
actually pushed his third i
owner off a railway ‘
platform just as the
Cologne to Frankfurt
express was approaching
and he walked his fourth
owner into heavy traffic,
before abandoning him
and running away to
safety. But, apart from
epileptic fits. he has a
lovely temperament."

— Source:

-Complledby ;
RonNorfon ‘


THE 4n _

Tomorrow's .
weather i

8,; 5.? 1

Sunny and warm today
and tomorrow.
Kentuc kv

vor. mot lSSUE soar l


News tips 5

Call: 257-1915 or write:


w- v» ,w-


Octob r 16, I998


‘ i - . . - ,
_. .yw M.~u..g;n t».



., . v ”a...“ who ,.



album rides
wave | 5


Forged passes mean tight rules

Women gain access
with fake credentials

By Richard Coo_k


Two women gained access to the UK-
South Carolina game on Oct. 10 with
forged press credentials.

“The women refused to provide iden.
tification to stadium security." said Rod-
ney Stiles of UK‘s Athletic Administrative

After being taken into police custody,

Looking for answers ‘

A somber moment: UK
students pay respects to
Wyoming student at vigil

By Regina Prater



Last night students were asked to
imagine the last few moments of
Matthew Shepard‘s life.

"You are bleeding. you are cold. you
are alone. you have no shoes on your
feet. you lose all sense of time, you lose
all sense of hope."

This is how the president of UK
Lambda described the death of the Uni
versity of Wyoming student to about 100
mourners who gathered for a candle
light vigil in LTK's Free Speech Area last

Police in Wyoming are investigating
Shepard's death to find out whether it
was a hate crime directed at him be-
cause he was gay.

Worthington said Shepard’s death
was brought on by ignorance and si-
lence. He said silence and ignorance is
acted out every day by public officials
and citizens who do nothing to prevent
hate crimes.

Shepard was beaten and left hang-
ing on a fence post until a passer-by.
who at first mistook his bleeding body
for a scarecrow. found him and took
him to a hospital. police have said. He
died later when hospital officials and
his parents made the decision to take
him off life support.

"We want to pay more attention to
hate. intolerance and bigotry in our so-
ciety." said William Wharton. execu-
tive director of the Lexington-Fayette
L'rban County Human Rights Commis-

Wharton said the vigil was held to
bring attention to the lack of inclusive
ness people face in our society.

Students. professors. ministers. UK
police officers and UK representatives
were among the people who attended the

"We should stand to make sure peo-
ple are treated fairly." said state repre-
sentative Kathy Stein.

Student Government Association
president Nate Brown said his college

See VIGIL on 2 >>>

Tutoring program gets boost

Residence Life, SGA combine
budgets, better situation

By Mark Vandarhoff
s’i‘n‘s'iénfii" "

The Student Government Association
and Residence Life are working together
this semester to provide UK students with
free tutoring in many subjects.

increased demand for these services
pi‘cvcnted SGA from offering the same
program as in the past. when students re
ceived one-onrone tutoring.

“i took one look at the budget and
could tell we couldn't provide enough tu~
tors to match the demand." said Jason
Hicks. tutor coordinator for the SGA.

Hicks approached Melanie Tyner-
Wilson. assistant director of Residence
Life. which has its owu tutoring program
and offered a collaboration.

Residence Life runs programs at UK

different and bigger than ever
not being used as much as it could be.”

the women produced identification that
did not match the names on the press cre»

The NCAA regulates who can have ac-
cess to the sidelines. They determine
which media outlets are given access.

"We follow the NCAA guidelines,"
said Brooks Downing. associate director of
UK Media Relations. “We try to follow the
guidelines to a T.

Stiles said UK is cracking down on the
number of people allowed to stand along
the sidelines of the football games.

”It is for the player’s safety.“ Stiles said.

The 1998 Kentucky Football media
guide says only daily newspapers. special-


Aniy Shelton, an English, Spanish and linguistics sophomore, pays her respects at the cande-llght
vigil for Matthew Shepard, a University of Wyoming student who was beaten and later died Oct. 12.

resrdence halls. and offered free tutoring
directed at incoming freshman. who con-
stitute the majority of students living in
the dorms.

“Neither program has the budget to

cover all the needed areas." flicks said.
"Now. all our bases are covered and
we've filled the demand rather than offer
ing the same classes."

Residence Life uses graduate stu—

dents. and S(‘u\ sponsors [per-tutoring.

The two groups have established a

set schedule of sessions Sunday through
Friday evenings at the dorms.

“The big thing was to have the courses

at night to go along with the students‘
schedules.“ 'i‘ynerVi'iison said. “Having
them located on different parts of the cam-
pus also makes it easier for more students."

Hicks is concerned that not enough

students are using the opportunity de-
spite thc convenience and free price.

“There‘s a service out there new.

and it‘s



The Student mm. at


ized publications and television stations
will be issued passes. NCAA regulations al»

. low for local and school papers to put work-

ing journalists and photographers on the

Photographers are required to sign in
and must present their credentials at the
UK Press Will Call table to obtain an arm
band. The combination of the press pass and
the arm band are required for sideline ac-

Southeastern Conference guidelines
are strict about sideline access.

To gain sideline access. someone must
be a working member of the press or a
staff member of one of the teams These

passes are generated through various con

"The women evidently got their passes
through a contractor." Downing said.
“Probably one of the contractor‘s official
passes had been duplicated."

Patrols are made on the sidelines to en-
sure everyone has the appropriate creden-
tials and passes.

The patrols also make sure that
everyone on the sidelines, whether they
have credentials or not. is working. This
is to ensure ready access for the working

"We were fortunate enough to find
these ladies." Downing said.

u .-la-,-.~<.p.‘.‘.....‘_. ,. _-

Group’s debut


the Universwf Kentucky, Lexington

.V. .n,__.._. ,.7A,#._c W, .

Schools , 2

Working it out: Louisville,
UK social work programs
qet boost from partnership ‘

By Jill Gorin

STA—r5553 T

While [K and the i'niversity of
Louisville may be huge rivals on the
playing field. the two colleges have
joined together and created a social work
program to benefit many students

“(K and l~ of i. have been separately

: thinking about the project for many years.
but only recently did it get supported by
higher levels of administration. ‘ said Kay
Hoffman. dean of the L'K (‘oilege of Social

The joint doctoral program in social
work began last year as the only program
of its kind in the nation.

The student selection process. Hoff-
man said. includes gradepoint average
scores. graduate record exam scores. a
master‘s degree in social work and lead-
ership skills, Only 12 students are cho-
sen each year sis from [‘K and six
from I' of L.

"Suddenly. this is not such a small
program." Hoffman said. ”The intensity
with which we work with the students
means we must keep the program small.
We must continue to be highly selec-

l The program is taught by both L'K and

' L' of l. professors. Students get to decide

which university they wish to attend.

The doctoral program also includes iii-
teractive video and computer technology to
teach classes. As ofnow. one class is taught
by video only. Professors teach the others,

Students log a total of 3-4 credit hours of
coursework and 18 hours of dissertation
work to cr implctc the program.

Students are theoretically able to grad
uatc in three years This includes two
years of course work. one year of disserta»
tion work and qualifying tests

"('onibining the intellectual wealth
of the (‘ommonwealth's landgrani re-
search university with its urban re-
search university promises great learn
ing opportunities for students." Hoff
man said.

Students of the program are also satis-
fied with its contents

“They were rcally good about schedule
ing to accommodate all the students." said
Willa Webb. .i socondycar student. who
first taught at l’iki-ville (‘olli-gc ”l apprct i-
ate being selected for the program and i
value its teachers."

(‘arolc ()lscn of Mt. Sterling. also a sec
ondyeur student. taught medical social
work at .\lorchcad State i'nivcrsitv From
there \l‘il‘ army to love teaching and ap-
plied for the ioint program as soon as she
heard it was oil‘i-red

'i‘hc mission of the program. is to pro
pare intellectual leaders in social work for
the commonwoilth. the nation and the
world so that they can carry out social
work‘s purpose. said Siiriit Singh iihooper.
professor of \iil‘ilil work at l'K who coordi-
nates l'K‘s portion of the joint three-year

“Social st‘i‘\ ices in this state can‘t af
ford to go without being manned by top
notch people at their heims." llhooper
said. “Society is becoming less generous.
it wants scr\ ices to be available. and it
Wants us to [irou- that what wc do is
working ”

inciicook j KFRNEL 31m

Hicks said,

Hicks cites a couple of reasons stu
dents might not be taking advantage of
the free tutoring sessions

Many of the sessions are not lain-led
coursespccific. therefore causing confu
sion. For example. a graduate student
leads a ”Math" session

Hicks said many students don‘t know
the general siissliili covers any unilcr
graduate (‘olll‘sc

Some sessions are (‘l)lll'St‘NiH'l‘llll‘.
others offer assistance in an cntirc dc

Because they are located in residence ,
halls. many students may think the pro l
gram is not for students who live off cam i
pus or who aren't freshmen. but Hicks *
said the program is for everyone.

Tyiier-Wilson said the new scliip
pleases her. i

”it (free tutoringi helps students meet ,
the challenges of academic life." Tyiicr l
Wilson said. “Some-limos. people aren't i
comfortable asking questions in class ” i‘


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The Low-dovlrn

Rabbi charged with drug smuggling Lil.


M killed at Dunkin' Donuts

CAMP SPRINGS, Md. 7* Two workers were
found shot to death early Thursday in an appar-
ent robbery at a Dunkin' Donuts shop that was
then set on fire.

A third employee was shot in the arm and leg
and was in serious condition at the Prince
George‘s Hospital Center. All three men were

ALBANY N. Y. A diminutive 73 um old “9'!“ “'5 “mam: rfggfgfgggeggfrgflfiiggggfl:Si'd
._ . rabbi in a tumpled pinstripe suit was released FAITH. M the department learned at 3. 39 a m that a burglar
ii: w lthout bail Thursday on a that g1 til it he JO“ '0" " alarm had been activated inside the shop which
er smuggled drugs into a federal prison in the all“ on was open 24 hours Officers found the shop in
75' Adirondacks where he ttilnistered to inmates fa't'rllc t flames and called the fire department.
»‘ Eli (lottesman. a former “Rabbi of the Year." 0 wars 0 . , .
f. has pleaded innocent to the 1b 1r ge of attempting "Iain magi/1:121:13???gigggigwegydlegggstglthe wounded
to mm 1111- contlaband. a felony. 1 stoadtast lg
.; Authorities say Gottesman t1 ied to smugg e mg, mg, 1. . .
; a bottle of Pelt l’lus shampoo tilled w ith 1111 alne Ills encyclical Man held f" threatening Cllnton
‘1 and mm ijuana encased in balloons into the led yesterday
etal (‘ottectional Institute at R; 1_\ [book 111 the ‘ EUGENE. Ore. -» A man has been arrested

Aditondack Mountains

"God knows I didn’t do anything wrong. I
was tricked." (lottesman said after his court

(lottesman was arrested by a special agent
of the l'.S. Justice Department on (let. 7. Au
thorities said he had been under investigation
for the past several months by pl‘lson officials.

413 per thousand during the 1.98115.

Though the teen pregnancy rate dropped dra-
matically. the nation continUes to have one of the
highest rates of all industrialized countries. Tew

on charges of threatening President Clinton with
explosives that were found in a ditch at the Eu-
gene airport before the president was to arrive in

Jeffrey Pickering. 49. was arrested Wednes-
day and was to appear before a federal magis-
trate Thursday.

Clinton came to Eugene and Springfield on

and complex change can leave. especially the
younger generation, to whom the future belongs
and on whom it depends, with a sense they have
no valid points of reference." he wrote.

Compiled iron wire reports.



RlCll coon 1111111115121"


UK students and faculty gathered last night in the Free Speech Area ot
the Student Center to protest hate crimes against gays.

Communications profes-
sor Ramona Rush said atti-




E-mail us at


’ as well the Justice De 1artn1ent. the FBI. and June 13 in the wake 0f the Springfield SChOOl .
Vvhel 1:0 state police. I shooting rampage that left two people dead. Continued from paqel tudes start in the classroom
8° 3 “This didn't just come out of nowhere." The preVlous day. a caller‘ told police that . . and move trom the undergrad-
imect Ray Brook prison spokestnan Michael Lamitie "bombs have been dlstrlbuted. The caller men experlence has taught him tol- uates to. the professors up to
’. said. tloned two by the airport “in a pipe," and others erance. the pre51dent.
8011.18 Gottesman could face a maximum 111211 years at City Hall and a bus station. . "I was closed-minded as a "I hope they" all get the
sanlty 111 prison and a $2501“, m“. S1.111 {1111mm pimp. Two bombs were found that afternoon in a kid; I made fun of people who message tonight. Rush said.
into the cutor Richard Hamniian. culvert behind an air and space museum on the were differ- R 1 c h a r d
airport grounds. about a quarter mile from the ent." Brown 1‘ . Mitchell. a
insane - terminal. No explosives were found at City Hall said. “but we need to organlze C e n t r a l
orgy Of “-5- abort'on rate decreases or the bus station. now 1 hayie and be With other Elfentuckzi
met 0 e eace an
their NEW yORK The pregnanci- mite among 1 in (gigge people SO We can be J u s t 1 c e
homO‘ L 5 teen- agers h1t 11 )0-\e;11 11m 111 1991111111 lht‘ Pope detends CI'IIII'CI'I S centra' truths WhO were spokesman.
abortion rate also dropped dut 111g thefi 1st half of differe n t. stronger.” said people
sexual the decade accouling to a stud\ teleased Thul s VATICAN CITY W. Pope John Paul 11 called and they who are not
lives 1’ “at“ on Roman Catholics today .to battle challenges to have become - Richard Mitchell, Central Kentucky aware of
' The authors concluded that more teens are their most fundamental religious beliefs, cautlon mV close Peace and Justice spokesman the exis—
" using contraceptlyes or abstaining from sex. ing them not to lose their way “in the shifting friends." tence of
HM echoing a 1995 government SIUdSI sands of widespread skepticism." R u 5 5 hate crimes
m 0' "A lot of the messages that have been put out Summing up one of the central themes of his Williams the staff representa just haven’t been paying at-
W about the importance of delaying sexual activity papacy over the past 20 years. John Paul issued tive on the Univ ersity'g qBoard tention.
Wm .. seem to be having an effect." said Susan Tew. a an encyclical that warned against the tempta- of Trustees said UK is a safe "We need to organize and
Mom spokeswoman for the Alan (luttmacher Institute. tions posed by some modern schools of philoso- place for people to get an edu- he with other people so we
mm WhiCh FE‘IPBSE‘d the ”’1le phy and theology. . . cation. can be stronger.“ Mitchell
‘ «WW “More teens seem to be delaying sexual ac It did “Gt 80 "“0 spec1fics 0f ChUI‘Ch teaching Williams also promised to said. “Join something. get in.
. '~_ WW“ tiyity and among those teens who are sexually fOI'Wthh John P3111 has repeatedly demanded fi' challenge the board to reaf- yolved. unless YOU (10 501110
' “the active there appears to be better contraceptive dellty. but he made Clear he FBJECtfii any pOSltIOHS firm the sexual orientation thing. you are going to lose
1 ““9"“ use." she said. that “called mto question the cemtudes of falth." policy that ensures all people this moment and lose this
- W . i . . 11 -~ . , ., . 11 ,- .1 _ An encyclical is one of the most important are safely allowed to be them cause."
Shuttle-Y . The ”n“ 3 f0?“ that m.’ 111 3‘ g? 111 “1“? documents a pope can issue. This one, the 13th of _
MIN!!! (files If”? 191' 1‘91}; ”9?“??? 3’1”}??35}, ( mo“ {6' John Paul’s papacy. was timed for the 20th an-
M“ tent yeat fol whlc data was 11111. a 11 niversary Friday ofhis election as Pope.
W I? The abortion rate fell from about itlhper It was addressed to his bishops. in efiect a call
washoaten 0 thousand teen-age girls 111 1990 m 30 DOI‘ I 0U- to action for the roper education of Catholics.
Ml. sand girls in 1995. It had hovered around 412 and “For it is ungjeniabie that this time of rapid Gut a news StOFY?



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. . . ~ .
.311 -.-. . ..-w....u-o~4-un-m a... .- , . a .o L. . 3

Matt May, Aoron Sanderford
SportsDoily Editors
Phone: 251496 | E-mail: nimayoelpopoliyedu, sanderfordOhotmoilcom



mummies» | mumvm I I



Declawed: Tigers, UK
wrestle with desires
of bowl games and
championship hopes

By Aaron Senderford

UK kept pace with LSU for
two quarters last season. before
a barrage of turnovers ended
what could have been a break-
through win for the Cats.

LSU won that game 6328
and finished 1997 with a 9-3
record and an Independence
Bowl bid, while the Wildcats
fell one win short of a bowl
berth and finished 5-6. Offsea-
son expectations in both the
Bluegrass and the Bayou were
high for this year.

All-America candidates
Tim Couch and Craig Yeast
highlighted nine returning
starters on a UK offense that
ranked sixth nationally in 1997.
and the Black Flag Defense bole
stered its speed and depth with
a youth movement. A year after
coming so close. nothing less
than six wins will do.

At the halfway point of 1998.
the bowl goal is well within
reach for UK (42, 12 SEC). but
expectations at LSU (3-2. 1-2 SEC)
have already been derailed.

With All-American running
back Kevin Faulk foregoing the
NFL Draft and 17 starters back.
things looked especially bright
for the Tigers in August. LSU
head coach Gerry DiNardo fed
championship expectations by
saying his team was ready for a
conference run and fueled that
fire with an impressive 30 start.

But life in the Southeastern
Conference rarely comes with-
out its lumps, and October has
been hard-hitting for DiNardo
and Company.

Georgia started the Tigers‘
free-fall two weeks ago, when
they made mincemeat out of
“The Magic" and stunned LSU at
Tiger Stadium. 28-27. Florida
threw salt in LSU's wounds last
week. with a 22-10 Swamp Thing.

“I don't think expectations
have been too high.“ DiNardo
said Tuesday at his weekly
press luncheon. “i think they
were right about where they
should be. because I believe we
were in the two games we lost
enough to win. We played well
enough at times to win them.
and we didn‘t."

DiNardo maintains that this
is his most talented LSU team.
and he said the challenge is re-
focusing the Tigers on the task
at hand. With another danger-
ous opponent coming. there is
little time to mourn the loss of
championship dreams. he said.

“it's tough to play college
football. especially in the SEC.
because the people on the other
side are tough people." he said.
“I really have no time. use. or
desire to be around anybody
that's moping because we lost
two games. things haven't gone
exactly We had wanted them to.

”I don't know what's going
to happen against Kentucky. ['d


( Great Expectatio


., [32$
nioro ninmsneo

LSU senior defensive lineman Anthony McFarland will lead the Tiger defense into battle tomorrow night at Death
Valley in Baton Rouge, La. The game can be seen on ESPN2 at 9 on.

like to stand in front of you and
say everything‘s going to be

LSU uncertainty spells
hope for the upstart Wildcats.
UK overcame two-straight SEC
road losses last week with a 33-
28 win against South Carolina.
and for the first time. it is the
Cats who come clawing with a
mental edge over a ranked op-
ponent on the road.

“On paper. we look pretty
good against them." 11K run
ning back Anthony White said.
“They‘re pretty vulnerable
right now."

Vulnerable because they are
down. he said. vulnerable be-
cause of the soft style of zone de-
fense they play and vulnerable
because of a depth deficiency.

And that omits the speed dif-
ference. LSl' looks a step slower
than the tough defenses at Flori»
rla and Arkansas who solved the
UK attack. White said.

“They might be the slowest
defense we‘ve faced so far. or. at
least they look slow to me." he

In the conference where




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speed kills. should the Wildcat it 7...:

receiving corps be licking their
Bayou Bottle

chops? Not so fast. L'K head
coach Hal Mumme said.

LSU is a typical SEC de- LSUieadsseries 34.13.,
fense hard-nosed. athletic
and talented ., so there is little
any team can take for granted.
he said.

UK will try to find seams in


the zone and exploit corner- 3'-
backs who play too far off the m ”21 L!)
line of scrimmage. Mumme 4_ _ _ .
said. but he expects the Tigers 2 (1 2 SEC) 32 (1 2 SEC)
to mix up their defenses and try
to rattle Couch. a sentiment “'17
echoed by the LSU coach. ”I-

“1 don't believe you can do TWWHMV‘M
the same thing over and over Baton Rouqela.

again against the same team,"
DiNardo said. “i think you've

got to mix it up."
if the Tigers stay back in 20'4.1

their base defense. wide receiv» .flm record of LSU
er Craig Yeast said it could be
another long day in the Bayou.

“LSU is a good team. but
their scheme plays to our ad-


vantage." Yeast said. “if you
take what they give you. you YEN Ol Uil'slosfvictoryin 3M0“
can put a lot of points on the Rouoe.a27-25 win.

boa rd . "




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the Campus Calendar Is a weekly publication produced by the OfYI(e of
Student Activities. Postings in the Calendar are FREE to all
registered student organizations and UK departments . information (an be
submitted in room 203 of the Student (enter or by filling out a request form
oniine at WWW. All reouests must be submitted
ONE WE K prior to publlration For more Information (all 257 8867

FRIDAY 10/16




Appalachian Music with Randy Wilson. l‘eui l-.H‘>” : r "I i \. N... t'“

PIPPIN. Hi)!" (iiiiqnol Theaiiu in kreis S«‘ \(ililt‘li' SN: '«r’iliill I‘ll/O‘HK. .mii l k
(employer's Si? general «Itll'li$\'(ll\ in” .“ii' 1029

Using Markets to Motivate Environmental Improvement :i. l): m- um -i sn-mw
sponsored by ("minm Sigma Dt'lltl WT Voiimi (Ilnlo‘l win it VII-Ir“. m we» urn .irv
"NAFTA'S Impact on "19 Environment" h» lulm lilI‘i4Hl.’i\ii" (U‘I‘ M N 14‘

UK Basketball Midnight Madness. I l 00pm Uv'iirii'm ll‘i “vim.

UK Hockey vs Iohn (or I oi L‘Iiivmslrv \lillillulll ieil'r‘uhn‘ it p ( . mu

UK Women‘s Soccer is (morons 4.1m

UK Volleyball vs South (nrnlina 'iiivi \tr-mm m: ( ammo».

French Cooking Demonstration. h on. h RPM-iv!“ . liltinl'll‘u‘i imwuwui

Open MIC Night at Stiitlvitt (untrii' (Winn-room h Hill"





PIPPIN, 7pm amt 8pm, (.uiqnnl llir-‘atl'v In irle S ' stiiilmii :6 li’) \OHIIH llll/vilk
and UK employees. Si) general .stiiiiiswvn «all .“i‘ 49.“)


UK Hockey vs. John (m I‘ol LiliiVPl‘Sllv \iiiliiiuiii. In whom ... H e (univ-
UK Football J4 inuislniin State Qnm

UK Women‘s Club Soccer vs Mir hluan loan»

Stand—Up Comedy with Ellen Stelgman. mum... m1 ti» It‘wlwli simimii


5K "Run For the Kids" \ponsorrri in Drills n. ii.i Ill'ifn \nrririiy i-l mm qdir‘
(nmmrinwenlth Siadium‘ 9am r her i. in ti m.in~ I.“ .~ -.i.ii l\ $10 I'Jl I» ii-tiistrn
iirm isle. S12 I‘m 0 tiny, liens-fits r hiltii or s i win w: it!” I min” at i) i 1‘09! it)!


SUNDAY, 10/18


PIPHN, Zuni (nilgnol iiieati‘917iikets Sf siiiilwii s‘ to «it...» «Iii/i-ri- «or! Inn
employee-s. SI) general admission. (rill PM 414.“)

UK Wind Ensemble Concert. Single-inrv ( s-uim

Senior Horn Ensemble Recital. 7pm. Sinuie-tm \ (mum

Guest Oboe Recital. Merit Ostoich. ?nm Lil-nit" i... mu Ailimm om.

UK Buddhist Association meeting. to 00m“ moon i,‘ I i mi. ii.»
Phi Sigma Pi iiieetinu. 8'00"!“ Rm no ‘olutlr‘ril I mm .

University Praise Service. (iii-Isrian Siiirimu loilriwuf'i_i ii..- ..i I ...,...i.i.i
UK Alkido Club met-lino 1 Tom Alumni rwm i .m i.» w... .- ==r.v. . .mmu I m I.

SWPnt at 24‘: 5881'

UK Men‘s Soccer xi Beliunitt 1pm
UK Women‘s Soccer = it tonne-“m: I mum
UK Volleyball vs (iprir‘qid. 2pm. Memrir mi (_lill\}-”fil




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