I I -
Offlclal News·Letter of the State Council of Defense
T0 Editors: The .
news in this Bulletin THE UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY Eotoled as =<=¤¤¤¤
. class matter at the
IS prepared for the , ff_ L
press and is released Post ° gee at ex' _
for publication on l"gl°"’ y' »
I KY 1 Vol. I. No. 15
· August 15, 1918 LEXINGTON, KENTUC
ENLIST AND GO be supplied as to rifles, uniforms and RAILWAY MEN NEEDED Air Broke Repairmen 1917, the Board of Erusteos adopted
COLLEGE 011101 €1l111I1111€111 11`0111 1116 36119131 i1D· IN ENGINEERING COR]-*3 Car Ropairmcn the following resolu lon, I
'1oMENT,S REQUEST propriations for the Arnlv and are _ ,- Car Inspectors ` "Res0lved, That the Carnegie
  not d€D€11¢1€¤t OKI 8D9Cl3·1 8DD!`0Dl'l&· DL Frank L_ ]\[c\7gy’ President of T€Ild€1' R€[>ail‘m€I1 llilndowmftznt 50;*1]  
Headquarters tor the State of 11011$· as is U18 Ryo- T- C- , the University of Kentucky, has been Hostlers hence o’ers 4; ue Di i im Ot
Kentucky for the Enlist and Go To ell) A11 11101*%*190*1 P€1`¤°¤1191 of called upon by the Department of Boiler Washers · Q 21 Belaloeel on W sit vsréouncl
· 1 ri ive have beon established offioor 1¤¤11'11<1¥01'¤ to 116 Dmvldod by Labor to receive appiicationg for in. Stavbolt IDSD€Ct0lS _ n erna one o , g p
(01 egg Io . tt {rational Bank the Government, together- with the duction of 1.am.Oad men mm the eu. Englnehousemen and equipment, tor dealing with
m Room "04’ Faye 8- -· assistants specially trained in the · · Th en mooring Locomotive Inspectors the pressure of international bus-
]":;tilding, Lexington, lxénillfikyl W1111 ‘ _ V glneerlng corps. 9 S · F1 _` ingss incident to the war
, . _ , » l . t · you- camps at present belngconducted at . ·S now rend. to induct I-mivvay ue repallnlen , .
11- 11 140*111011 ol M‘ly°V1u€’ X · - Cmpsl 1 · St Sh · l R · "That otier was accepted· and ln
_ . _h G the PI`€S1(ll0, Plattsburg and Fort men according to the subjoinetl list. 021111 010 111111olS _ ’
lu°l`y’ m C arg ' - · · · Sh ·'d Th ' t r £t‘· . r it ]A Steam Shovel C1‘ilI`1€I'll€!1 effect the entire personnel and plant
rho ooroooo of this lure 1** 10 ‘“‘ 9** "‘“‘ 8 ““’g“"‘°“ ° ° ws These mw me “°l be ll (1 lss i ‘ n ·l l t · l · no t· G boil of no Division of international Law
torost all young men of tho Stuto of to 1116 $111110111Sl A1`111Y '1`1`111111¤§ or in the Class of 1918 and must be W 0101 llspeo olS» ooo ·o lv is bein used b the Government and
· . rh · -o hi h school vrzld- 1101`PS is $11111001 to 10SS 1'€$11`1C11011 physically fit for military duty 8110 el" g __ y_ _ _ _ ’
l\€mu(“ky 11 0 dl - g l· 11- tho t R O T C nits" l , · th rmt. Stonograpllers, having had railway the actlvltles ot this institution are
111105 111 1110 lleoeeelly ol oclllmlme H 0 l l 1 `u ` below tile age;f1;1'l;{l€?f1§iSnl?al;gCn experience practically serving the Government
llll"'“llee°l lllllllllly ll,‘uumg’ alle lf} the To 1119 N€“’$I>3P€1`S ot 1116 Siaitfi   seglggtczgch as 20 intmfeln with Railway Statistical Clerk: m making real, thorough, and sclen-
*01110 111110 to Clmumle teen ~e uw- , . , . ion _f , C6 Of then, duties NO Railway Routing Clerks tiiic preparation for exercising the
11011 10 llle glellleel llosllllle extent 111** Stale Council Ol Delellse im incl elm?. has been (inked l Railway Report Clerks influence of the United States after
1101010 00111g elllled to the "0l°l"’; earnestly requests lhat llesllles Hmm   mlm er. _ . d _L- 1. - tl thin Railway File Clerks the close ofthe war, and that activity
Thg associated colleges ot 1&Gl1· printing as much ot the torego- ADD1109·U011S 101 111 11010-1 111 0 1 , . _ - - · - ,
. _ . . , . , GNC must contain the following in_ Picket Agents. is taking the place of agitation [O1
111011y me all l“l€l`°llE"l ll; ll"? lllillf lllgnalllele ‘lS.l°“ deg". ‘;°“l’e“` fnfgfagon, - —~; pence, which we olnnre until tno wor
ment and are pl‘<3DH1‘lIlg ,0 SWG ’ lon y, you §lV€ e 101*121 men- · · is Won.
itary instruction with the opening of (ig); to tho t]rivg_ The quota gf 1_ sm-itti anti Order Number.   nprmted by authority Of the TruS_ U
their fall semesters. The Vvlor 11€· students assigned the State of 2_Classiflcat10n teen
. llmmellt ““0‘*l` *1010 ol Allgllel   ll‘*lll""l"’ is lleel, and 111% o°“ll‘ 1 Pllyslelll °°“€ll0°“.. . _? ·‘NlcH0LAs MURRAY BUTLER,
191S,v advises us follows: cll asks your ali ln providing not ti, Qualified tor Mllltrxry Service At the annual meeting of the Trng- Acting Dh_8cmI_·,,
"fhe Students’ Army Trillllillg only this number but ill sending; b, Qualified for Limited Ml1llH1`Y toes of the Carnegie Endowment for
(jot-ps is intended, as an €lll€l'g9!1€Y Kentucky "0ver the top" as has Service · lnternzltional Peace, held at Wash-
u·lG8'Sul·€, greatly {O i]‘]Q}‘(—}[1S(§   bggn (1()]]Q h€]‘Qt()f()]‘€ \Vii,h   I]]at— C. Rernediable ingtonl D' C" Ou   lgl   the    
scope of lnilitzlry instruction at col- ters called to its attention by the d. Disqualitied for Military Ser- following statement made by the °
logos and so to provide el. larger num- Government; vice (gm Pnggident of the Endowment, Mr.   V
bel of educated 0110 llllllloll 111011 for ———-—-——— 4. Number and address of local Elihu Root, was approved by the da'1;11i)f0I1;°l‘i;0;1;1§91;; 21V1;1it;‘;a11;;€;1(;‘;;1£
the armys needs. At the $&lll€ timo MEN STUDENTS MUST P board (of lollgln) ~ . lustees and ordered given the wld Frank L. MCVEL Of the University
it is intended to discourage hasty GET ROOMS OUT IN CITY o. Address ot transfer boald (if ap- est possible publlcltyz f K k f U d_
and pt-omntnre enlistment for active plicant is distant from local "The entrance ofthe United states lol ';l1,;_“°_1{· ost sheolgzlleggeol log
service on the part of young mon _' board) into the war and the progress of   lollllllg ll _·
who, though governed by patriotic On account of increase in the num- 6. Number of dependants. if any. events since that action have mode it r§lletBlllee·llb1°lolle flouilelllllllt ll;ll§l”`
motives, would serve the nation bt->t· ber of departments in the University All inductions now pass thru tho evident that a large part of the 0rdi· glo 11oFe mem elet o e ive e`
tot- by continuing their education until _of Kentucky and the necessity of office of the Provost Marshal Gen- nary activities of the Endowment ilellle ole? to 10   too eo egekgll
coiled tothe colors in due course. providing additional room for them, eral. Applicants should not be told must be ineffective at least until ell`_vo llfll ily oxo 100 l°ll‘ uae? e
"In view of the 8Xl.1‘3.0l`dlllZll`Y needs it will be necessary to use the old that it is even probable that they will after the restoration of peace, 011‘{llll1$ o tue eo egel yelll'de*llt_ o l`e`
created by the present emergency- dormitory and the new dormitory for be called, as applications will prob- "The hope of the world for inter- mil? tall eo eg; tllfllll glohllilloll eg
needs which could not be wholly foro- recitation buildings henceforth. Re- ably exceed the number required. This notional peace is concentrated first unl; till Teac glogi Wuie well
seen at the time when the act of pair and modification of these build- will prevent disappointment. The men upon the prevention of (german domi- loo e f tim Solilelge es o _ eLpl`°1lls`
Jung 3, 1916, was passed-and in view ings have been undertaken this sum- are wanted at once, and those of right nation. As to this it has become evi· 102;; e ioebgve I 0§’l0° e‘j'vi_
of the inelastic nature and detailed lll€l`§ consequently there will be no experience will probably in most cases dont practically to the point of B_u e leielll evo _ 1l11;°1ll`l? lon
provisions of this act, it has been room for students in these buildings be inducted immediately. Enlistments demonstration that ‘Germnn domino. bl bllelllilglle llleellllg o om 01111
deemed necessary for the period of and it is the expectation of the Board are always acceptable. tion Gon be prevented only by forgo dyt ozet Beglvlsls tgll elldllgeellge
the war to operate unde1· a more of Trustees to erect dormitories in the Applications should be sent to F. of arms. The Endowment can pit-ty Su y So llSf`1hellNou ollll; Y 1 3 ’
erning the Students Army Training ln the meantime, it will he neges- lic Service Reserve, University of to be accomplished in this way, It ?een tohlgllllltllllb elgloogeges who
Corps will aim to accomplish this sary for the boys who had neoornnio- Kentucky, and they will at once be 1135, however, endeavored to contrib- {ove dm; l eg o ion ee] e lo Sie
broader and more immediate object dntions in these buildings to find transferred. 1116 what it could by taking and mak- 610 u 1:1 wguf io De cel ee byh_ e
1 by the following provisions: rooms ill the city. In order to assist A. D. SMITH. lilg Dllblifi 11 Clear and definite posi- Omgle; B'? edt 8 lstuel‘_m wdleh
The Provisions them in doing this, President Frank The ust Of positions includes: ‘"' tion in favor of the active and relent- ggsusefgrpaeceffioe iu! aizvef {my
**1, A new and separate branch of 1* 11¤V¤v has llskod P1`01· C- 11· Mol' R0¤¤<111011$€ 1l`01`€111011 less prosecution of the wer to final to have the su ticillmd eng tho lme
the Army or the United stones is ¤h€¤‘· Deon of Moo, to make o list of superintendents 1’1°1°1`Y- Bd on an   8 intu t so pai
— created by onler ot the ln-osltlont ¤11 rooms =¤¤<1 boarding places avail- Division Engineers & Engineers “1111¤S booomo lncfeosinglv evident er it d 1 W gy S.? us an
under authority of the Selective Sor. 81119 in 1118 1"l€l§hb01'h0Od of the Uni- M_ of W_ 110f Ollly that ordinary pgggg pyopa. slag; UBS 0 weag 1 et 11211 °l`lIl· To
vice Act of Mgy ig_ tgt; student; vorsitv toeotlior with tho character of Field Engineers glllldll is 1111110 **110 0111 of F110? <1111`1¤g value ·t Propose umdod Tsxlmum
l-ooolvlng mnlnny lnsn-nonon as nlonl- ¤¤¤¤m¤¤¤<1=it1¤¤S offered Mid woo D1`a11E111S111011 of suostootiol M11- ole ‘“‘"· l’“l lllll ll “’°“l‘l be 1’°S1‘ lnolnéollnlsyotigolollilofxnlnm iattyO11
bers Og the gmdentst Army Training that is to be paid for them. Dean way experience UVGIY harmful, ns tending to distract tion in navigation and auiedus Yu;]
C0]‘pS \Vill be €]]liSt€(] and SO be l']]2l(].€ Blelchell has 11   Of Such 1`00111S 11/ith Supervisors   atténtlon of the Anlerican people Sub'BCtS In the C   ‘t  
to feel that they are already in the 11111 · 11€$01`1l1131011y $129. V€lltllEtlZl0l1, Roadmastgys 11`0111 €011C€I1KI`3tiO11 0f effort and {gg]. and] elqéwhere W;   gglnsgledatg
Service and performing Such duties lléllllllg. distance from University and Section Foygmgn 111% ¤D0¤ the prosecution of the wart considér these; as cone Q" D t, _t_
ns, in the judgment Of the mmtnny price and has classified them illto four Bridge Fgrgmgii T11€ S€f$011€1 110.1111 upon which the and not under Naval cog I ac lvl 1;%
{]uth0]'iti€S, arg just iigxv mggij use- c111SS€S· VV111111 Students €111€1’ 111 $91)* SWlKChI1l€I1 hope ol lll101l10·1l0l1*1l1 peace 111 the other word th   n
ful· Ag ]]]€]_]]b€]‘S Of the St_udQ]]tS’ tgnllbell   1nl1Or111B·t1On \v111   given Tracklnen future depends     disposition 110 the cond tsl f     Ihty for
thus have at definite military Stutu; Soloot l0<33t`i0HS. Each room was ex- Assistant Trainmasters tee rellleselllollvee of the Sellellll 1111 ing loiiiy inisiguggeos 1118 stgtozsjsg
not possihio under the Statutory pt-O. 111111119d 136101*3 being accepted and Train Dispatohoys 110115 which will at that time address in Such wa l1 11
  ggvgrnirig the it O T, o oloooiiotl. Yard lvlostors **·¤¤·S€1*’€$ t0 the   of demon of?§§Z$,,‘§,S?°l‘°1§’l“tt·Tl°
··2_ Facimiag for lnimnry instmc lt is hoped and expected that an- Assistant Yard Masters peace lolheers Of the Elldewlllelll and men on active se1r1g`0 O' wells
{ig;] will be offered to all in ;titutions olllell yell? 111111 see 1119 U111V€1`1°·11Y 111 YHIT1 FOTBITIBH V have flopelderej that the best service very greatly expanded Ngirce HQ 1   `
having two years of collegiate or pro. 1119 ll0S$0S$10¥1 of first-class dormitor- Yard Cierks ' 1116 Division of Interntttionai Layv can necessar for 1 t d t Y 1111·1_0S 1
]1QS§i0]]al grade and @]'\1'Oll_i],]g Ol` GI] lcs fOr the use Of nl€u' Cjonductors render. to the Cause Of international {1]] of 0;,]*   QBVO e gnlalctlcallly
listing for military lll$1l`ll011011 0116 ———— — Brakemen 1113300 is by  A standardization ot om- ***131 111F_11811*h111v1S1<>¤- Railroad Boiior Shoo Foromoo l" ‘tl‘?b‘l{Sg1;li°g;lt has .1‘“'°llS11°0 °1` giatgjgsligkeludengfitae ole ;“l“l"’§ ‘
(nancy; ' Y giving t 9 old familiar frater- Railroad Blacksmith Foremen °0lll`l u e e e pllblloolloll of ll . . mg m. my an have
nm The nomnanon of Stncny students walking along the streets of Car Shop Foreman sol"? 111110 01 1°“110a11°¤ for effective lllolly lll 1110 0011**0 Yea" of 1918*19-
mnnnry instruction with technicnl in,   1* ronch village "found each other" Railroad Foremen Electricians eollSldel`o1l_°ll of the ‘1“0S1l011S wllloll Thesle students “'°“l‘l be flassed ac-
mucnon in medicnm BnginB€nng_ recently. Jnnnno Hedges and nin Railroad Construction Forelnen "'ll,‘ll`lS? lll 0 Peace 0°¤1€1‘€¤<>¤ that eololllg l° 1100101 M°V°Y“ °“11“1‘l10
ngl,n,nnnl,€' Vemrinnry menicilm €tn__ tlorke lwere tne leading performers Railroad Gang Leaders lllldlsoll S 1`l°1°S_**’“1 Elllolls Debeleo as fouowel · . `
provided 1.01, members of the Ennsn in the interesting little drama staged Engine Dispatchers ‘ ooo llle Fo‘1°1`ll1lS1» and 1116 €&1”1i€1‘ Forty lll the $11111111 E1111S10‘1 R0`
gd Rgsovvg (roms which wm hero. 011 1116 Stréots of the French village itlgtchinists, i-onntihotiso, loritmigtivo 111s101`Y of 1110 ‘1€V€10Dm€¤t of ConSti~ Solve Col`11S llllllllg 1110 00111110 111
m.m_ Operate under regulation admim when ··Bm»» Saw qnnmieo and gave and Cm, Shop tutlonal Law in the United States gm-- Rndio Communication; 100 m the En—
igfpyed by this Conlnlittee; U18 f1l.mll12·1l' Whistle. Machinists, helpers, roimdhouse, 111“11 for the Conslderatloll of 111101* glneer Enlisted Reserve Corps being
N11) Reeomlllellollllolls to 1*011886* ”;_"——— locomotive and car shop Stimf <1¤if>St10¤s in America. Until this Students registered ln the Erlglneering
,-,sga,·dmg modmmtions of Courses of WOMEN STUDENTS REGlsTERlNG Machine llands, l`O\1I`l(lll0llS€, loco— llllolloolloll llllllly of 1110% “01`kS W€1`€ College ol llle lllllvelslly? 1110 111 1110
instruction suited to the present —-·— lnotive and oo]- Shop i¤=10¢€SSiblo and not widely known, Naval Reserve Corps, the majority of
mncrgency; \\’omen students for the session Boiler makers, ]`0l1ll(lllOllS€, Hll(l l0» 1111110 011161 1110111011 of 001111`111111111% whom would also be reglsleleo 111 llle
··(5; A more intensive Course 0,- 19181019, University of Kenlnoky, colnotive shop to 111111 l11`€Da1`*111011 11115 110011 1111011811 lellgllleelllllg College of 1110 Ulllvel"
lnllllnry nnlnlntr in place of the tom- oro ¤·ogisto¤·i¤g and nnllnng tno no- Bollonnolreln, helpers, nnnnlnonno ootivo ooolwrotion with tho offiooro Elly} _100 111 111** 118W $111*1*111Sf Amy
)`Oill‘Sl course provided tot- in (;_ O_ quired deposit of $5 for rooms at Pot. ond iooomotivo Shop of the Government whose official Training Corps rocontly authorlned by
49; terson Hall and Maxwell Hol], the Blacksnliths, locomotive shop and I10“111011S W111 throw UP011 1116111 1`€· the Seel`ellll`y °1W=1¤a¤<1 2001111110
*15) (nontot- glggtigjty of Ovgmlt. two (lOl`lllllOl'l€% for wolnell Sll1fl€'1]l’S car shop “l1011S1111111Y 101` 1110 10111`0S01111l11011 of   OQ T‘ (1"lReS€l`Ve Officers, '1`***1“‘ l
wltioll and supply since units or the <>l` 1116 111l1V0l`$llY. Maxwell Ilalll will l%l¤GkSmithS' helpers, locomotive 1110 111111911 $1*11*15 111 1110 PBRCG 01011* ll1{1_l‘0l1l01· 1"’*1°‘=‘ 01g0l1lz‘1110111°1`