xt7q5717q258 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7q5717q258/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1941 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, December 1941 Vol.13 No.2 text The Kentucky Press, December 1941 Vol.13 No.2 1941 2019 true xt7q5717q258 section xt7q5717q258 I , . I» , ,_ ,, A ;—;---- 0:231:26.“”:‘:.‘,‘:;.T_R ‘2"?‘1' " I ' II“
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1941 I W I I f
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I III z ’ ' II I .
I: I I I
6.6- I I I
- , I III
1319 , Published In the Interest at Community I I I I
I , I5; III-’5
-. I Journalism - - OF, by, and For I I
3 Kentucky Newspapers 'II’
< I , i
I :3: Volume Thirteen Number Two III E"“I r
. M big-I I 251.}
I > I
- ' ' I:

 . l
. y . Page Two THE KENTUCKY PRESS December, 1941 ; De“
I l l
l I
. g i 7
l ' 0 like fine imprisonment or both - ‘TO I‘m”
, , duo
-t C h I . ’ , , .. .
, i ar 1me ensors 1p S any property, funds, securities, papers" The y
. I . . or other articles or documents, or any of uiicert
, Est abll shed BY PIGSI d ent vessel, together With her tackle, apparel been obs
- 1‘ furniture, and equipment, Concerned driven L
' i - . . in such violation shall be forfeited [5
, g 1 Acting under the eXisting emergency of vessels and troops. The response the United States n ”T?” no
, T l powers supplemented by amendments has indicated a universal desire to co- 0 Ieace
. i passed by Congress this week, the Presi- operate. ————— 'Of MC:
. 1 l dent hainmposed Iwartiine censorship. “In order that all of these parallel paymgm of Overtime in DEfen' p?‘“né
. . I Byron Price, executive editor of the As- and requisite undertakings may be co- Bonds 01' Stamps Le 'al imdn‘ W eriiViIlegIe
, g soc1ated Press, has been named Director ordinated and carried forward in accord- Ham. Law W1 -1 ng ., ' c . “if. my 1‘11““
g of Censorship. Postmaster General 7‘ 1 ' 1 'f ~ ' . . 11.0 w01 6” cannot wan tucky Pr
. , . . ance “”1 a 5mg e uni 01m 1301195 I have their r1 hts to time and a half I ‘
, l —--—— . We, as
t - , - ' \Vhenever durin the resent war the . . . . -
i i stiated thatIsome dIegiee Of C€nSOIShlp P esid it )sh I11 deem 151m the )iiblic Walling Time During Black-out thave an If
t . . ~ r ei . z , a ‘ .
. is essential in wartime, and we me at E I 1e nmds it he ma camel“) be “Hours l’VO')‘k€(l” Under Wage-H0113 appaier
" ‘ $21 6 ’ ( 1 ' , ‘ " ' ' r g. ‘
i i waL ‘ ‘ ' cisdi 'd 1:1](161 such 11116: and 10 ula Law: Iinie spent by employees on “that task
it , . . . . . (:41 . ~c - I ~ « . ~. . .. .
The ifmportantIthing now is that such II II he mav from time II; time egstab premises of an employer covered by dpresent. X
‘ - . .. - ions s ‘ s — . .
i forms 0ICf3nSOYShlp as 316116035531} 5112111 Ii 11 (to iimunications b mail cable 1 l VVage-Hour Law during black-outs (m the fu
. . -; ~_ 5 .i i 1 : .
. be administered CHCFL“ ely and in 1.131 1-0’ 01 other mcms )ol' ti’ansmissio‘n air-raids alarms where no work is doclosely tog
, r v s - . . w. (1,, ~ m y I- . I II I
. { mom with the best inteiests ol oui licc . betw en th‘c United States and need not be compensated for as houand eveiy
. ~» - - )135111 e e ‘ ,, . . .. .
, i matlmu‘wns. ~ 1 , ‘ '1 , ill‘lV [ogrei n countrv he ma r from time worked, according to Acting Admm It ls onl
. it It ISIIICCCSISdIy tii' ”'3 {Hymn I5“ t “I. gecif' 01/ which ina be car trator Baird Snyder, Wage and Hale, that x
~ ~ , o llDCS)’ ‘ /-
t 5 “31?; Walt L1G £1111,11[ary hm 011mm?“ 'el 1 alnv Bessel 01 othei iiicans of DiViSion, U. S. Department of LabCountry o
1 : 1 ~ 11 ( ) ' V .‘ ‘ ‘ “ . . . . . .
‘ w m Imiint €101 a}: [0 the enemy )e t a“ drtation touchin at an )0” Several inqiiiries on this paint had beneed. We
‘ ‘ ' ' ' ' .. r i .' ' : ‘ . . ,
. SCWPUIOUS ) “1L 1 16 ‘1‘ t e 50“”6' P . . g . i 1 ’ received by Mr. Snyder from West COGovernmei
l, ; “It is necessary that a watch be set place 01‘ Territory 0f the United States factories 1 iIOurse '
i . . ‘, . < . . . In
I. upon our borders, so that no such m- and bound to Oi liom any foreign trisis It I
1 formation may reach the enemy, inad- cou‘ntry. Any pdl‘SOH who Willfully ~——’—— inture l
y vertently or otherwise, through the med- evades or attempts to evade the sub- Paste Formula Elmira W?
ium of the mails, radio or cable trans— mission of any such communication Here’s a good paste formula furnii‘be necgee 11“
i . mission, or by any other means. tIo such censorship or Willfully uses or by the Freeburg (111.) Tribune. ilian 55‘“
I; “It is necessary that prohibitions attempts to use any code 01‘ other deVICC publisher says it not only works, [IImIISever
j against the domestic publication of for the purpose of. concealing from ‘does not get sour and is inexpenis/Vithoulioo
. ‘; . some types of information, contained in such censorship the intended meaning To one cup of flour add four cuPsiiNhich tl ,(
i ' long-existing statutes, be _rigidly en— of such communication shall, upon con- boiling water and stir to a creamy flaccom I}:
t ; forced. viction, be fined not more than $10,000, sistency. Add one teaspoonful of ”Assoc‘p Iis .
, 1 ‘ “Finally, the government has called or, if a natural person, imprisoned tor dered alum and cook five minutes. Tit T latlon
, } upon a patriotic press and radio to ab- not more than 10 years, or both; and while cooking, add a teaspoonful 0”; . he IASS(
: stain voluntarily from the dissemina- the officer, director, or agent of any cor- bolic acid and a teaspoonful of Ollylld-Wintei
‘ 3 tion of detailed information of certain poration who knowingly partiCipates in cloves. Paste Will be ready for use as 54,111 Louisv1l
_ I: kinds, such as reports of the movements such violation shall be punished by a as it cools. Prday, Jan
. u I
, . i
i t
‘ lII E
I . it"

 ,7» 2:73:13 :7? wk“ 1' "' ‘

1 1 December, 1941 '1_""."11

1 THE . . . .‘EZ ‘ , 1'


1 1 ‘1 ‘.‘ ..

1 2111(1T0 Kemudly Newspaper Fol/e- Page Three 111 i '.
1 " attendance at all ‘ . 1 1' ' 11 .1

a €l'1 1 1 . . . _ 1 535810115 ott - a1 . 1
11p X; The 19211 how ending has been one 18 essential if the re t ha" meeting to them and Will brin1 "' ' ' 1

an1ofuncerta1nt1es, and the skies have oft is to Come fro i afiCSK posslble good that can be give . g encouragement 1s 1 . .
1parel been obscured 1) en m t 6 he pro am h n m 110 other wa 1 . ' . ‘1
Y dark clouds of d b has been ar gr t at Thankin ' y. ‘ 1 11 1
iel‘nel driven by the b‘ ou t, ranged for mu Wh'l» g you for the considerat- 2 ‘. i‘
; leath of 1 ram must a C1 - ' 10 I that has b 10“ “1 1 11
Led 1 know not our G 1 Y s that gr c With those who wo 1d 1 . een shown me and . h' 1 11 1
0d Of Justice an - that '1 ~ 11 alOue f l ’ W15 lng 1* 1 1
, ‘ (1 PF] 116 Clson '3 or 31 a full N 11 1
of Peace and Who Care not for o “C6 tiOns arep t} al contacts and COnversa- work well (:1 CW Year made happy by 111 11
:of life. “r way 1 . _ 13 pub of the meetings- it (”1611 am 1.11. 1.1 11
1 1 1 still remains that the re ) 1 1 Most sincerel 1 i 1, 1 '.
1 1 puring [hls trying year it has been in 1 are the r00t the t p I arec programs Russell D y, - ': "i ‘ 1

1116"” PnVilegC and pleasure to serve yo 1) thereof ancl [1 funk and the branches K6 t k YChe' PrCSIdent "'1""'1

/ - - ‘ ll 1n _ 1e ex . . n uc 1 1 - . j 1 1 11

1v:1311111Y1(11n11ted Way as president of the Ken Therefore I urge 1:156 [01 the pull“ London Ky Dec E7P113251A350C1at10n. "‘ l1 '1'1'1 '
‘ 1tuc y Press Associat' ' ’ ' ‘Omptness 011 th ' " ' ' 1 . 1 111 11.1,

1 - »1 Ion. The bu d part of eve ' 6 ~ !1119.1
1 ove‘Of doubt hav — r ens ry 01161 at all ) . 1 '1‘ =1

6 been lifted ‘ 1. Pro - erglams. ___ 1 11 1. 1
luntaj . _ 1n gleat mea. lllptness Will be ab ‘_ 1 1'. 111 '1
11d th sure by thle assoc1at1ons that have been if we are to carry out Egiljtetlly necessary Don’t be an iSOIationistl 11 11.111
mmc, am the Whole he 1 ,1 ' 16 program - 111 .1 1
3116111 Su ) ‘ on Llat has been a 1 1‘ ' .1 1
each and 1 : - . 1P - r1 3'“ng fOl‘ our _ ————_._ “ 1111‘,
seven 1 1 1 may one ol you has glven to lightenment and entel‘tainm y en 1 11 1111111 1
b1011e11310gc13ms your ASSOC'M'OH has SPOH Harry Lee W t fi ld Gnt. Women’s Press Club To Meet '1’ '11 1111'
. sore . For this I 112111 ' - a H e and th ‘: 11‘11‘ ‘
6 been a d ' wll ' ‘ 056 W110 1.1 1:111 11
in . 11 a 1 as . T - 1 .11
°“most thElnktuL m [I slst hhn,~have a real 10b before . he Kent—“Cky Press Women’s C1 b ; 11|11‘.
Hg” A1 16111 In yOur behalf 1 1 W111 meet immediatl ‘1 11: 1121 1‘ 11.1
1A5 the New Year approaches, some of presence at and part' '11 .1942' Your 0f the KPA meet' 6 y after the Close 1111‘1 ‘11 "11
tie uncertaint‘ lClpatlon in th 111g at Louisvill “ s1. 1 1‘
(15 Ag 165 Of the past have b lanuar ' - e uar 10 . 1 e, Jan- 1 ~11 1 1
. 1 1 e- . Y meetm Will 1. Y at the B~ _ 11 1.1 1 11 1
vaivincome grim realities and our COUntr1 - g be a gleat hell) of Officers .11 10Wn Hotel. Electlon 1 1 11111 1111
‘V61‘ 1110w facing a grave task in WI ' 1 ) 15 ———_—“_Lbi_lfld—_ '1' 1' I"=11
make must not and will not fail N 11C 1 she _1‘ 111 1111‘ .
1 1 in my lifetime and 1-1 ever before Seventy-Third Annual Mid—W‘ t . 1‘1 111'? 1'1 1‘1

oglan £011 . 1 1 possibly never be- KENTUCKY PRES 1n er Meeting :1 111 11
1ploye 1C 111 1115mm has there been such Janu S ASSOCIATION 1‘1 ""1 .1‘.
nsatiounanlmity 0f PUI‘pOSC amon all ha Brown H0722, 8' Q-arid 10’ 1942 1' 111' 1"1
3ox1e1-1PCOPIC 0f the United States g Th t '6 - ' Loulsvflle’ KentuCRY 1 11151
. 21150 21 V01‘ .. . - ' ere '5 ”“— 1 '1‘. '11:.

woul y 5110113 determinat’ 1 1;; _:11 ,
> 1 our 1360 )le t 1 10h among 41 1 THURSDAY, JANUARY 8 . 1 1111
he W; I 0 flCCompllsh that pur Ose .00 P. M.—Reg1stration in B10 11 1; 1 .111
‘ lMeh and women . ' l 1 - - P ‘ 7100 P-M.—Bufiet s - 1 W11 Hotel Roof Garde ' 1‘ 1i "'31 ' '
1 a sa 1 1 w1t10ut distmctlon of “DDBI‘ 1n Roof Gard _n. REgIStl‘ation Fee $1 1 1 11 11.

.Statlon, are working lnnd and 1 . en, Compliments Br0wn Hotel .00 Per Per50n_ 1111-11111 ,
' ' ‘ c ' .1!” '1
film nation of ours g ove 1n 8'00 A M Bre kf FRIDAY' JANUARY 9 ' 11' 1 ‘1" '
- ' - -7 a ast Meetin . 1 1} 1 1"»
1hWe, as newgpaper m en and women 9:30 A. M.—Business session 52.111211)- ; oEgecutive Committee, 1 11;" 1.115111 '.
’ ave ' ~- - — ’ . r er ‘ 1 1.1.111 .
gut A1 an 1mp01tant part in this task that Dyche, Pres1dent Kentuck Pr “1 South Room Brown Hotel b 111 11.111 .
o~g.H01lS apparent K 1 4 ’ Invocatmn by Dr R y ESS Association S . y Russell 11- 1 1.1
D O EVCIYOIIB- We h'1 d 1 L - . - - V. Bennett 13- t - ’. entlnel-Echo 1.0 d 1 11:; 11:1
011 tltllat task well in t1 (V6 0m Addrg'llslswfue' Ky' ’ 15 “Ct Superintendent Methodislti 81111 Ki: i133 ‘ -=‘:
16 past and in the S 0 Welcome b - um . 1 1131
3 . y Hon. W11 1 1.1 1.
l by 111 resent. We can do our part still better 10100 A Response by Editor J. M. Willis figsgyam Mayor of Louisville 1 '111 1111 1
puts an the future, if we work eve 10'15 A' M-—Pre51dent15 Annual Address b'y M 1glger, Brandenburg Ky, . 11 1111 111 1..

. l 1 1 11 1110113 : -M-—Addre “ 1 I'. yche. 1 1 1.11.;

‘5 (W 051er together in all things—make each State Sgarkljeg‘iggfits State Parks!" by Mrs. Nell B " 1" "1' 1’" 1
111191113m every care a common cause 10:30 A-M-—Ad1:htess “P'roblemsogg' IS" 8 ' Vaughan, Direct-0r ‘ '1 "1 "
(mm; It is only as 1 1 Metals D" . 1acmg the Industr 11 1 1111 1 11

, . we re L . . _ , IVISIOn Amer - Y1 by Geor !; 1 I1 _
1d H0111: that nnln stiong and v1r- 10.45 A. M.—Address “Work f t lean Smeltmg and Refining Co. gét (1111:1111), Federated ‘ £11 1'1 ': '
E L bC we can best serve this great National Edito .0 he NE. A, at Washington ,, b 1 - Ouis, Mo, 11, 1 1111

a . ountry 0f ours in this time of r t 11145 A.M—Leave for Forth}:1 Assomatiom Madison Ohi'o y Ray B'Howard1 President 11' lllfz'

( . Ca ' . ' ’ 1' 1 ‘11-.
nd beneed. we Owe It to Ourselves and tg Company. Membggxbfwtgerii lunch W111 be served by the Ke t 1 1 111: 11.1..
est COGovernmem . . . 0 our US. Armored F e entucky Press ASSOciat' . n “CRY Utilities ‘1 11 '

EOurse 1 to maintain our normal 7:00 P'M-—Banquet Dinne 0_rce Command at Fort Knox in thlt'enhfv'tgll be guests of the 1 111 ; . ,

=, _ 1 1n communit r affa' ' ' Boa r m Roof Garden Br0wn . rnoon, 111' {3111"

1EI‘ISIS. It is quite likelil thatlir:1 1111 lhls rd of Trade‘ Hotel, Compliments the Louisville 1111 .1111111.

fut“ . ' '1e near 1 1 11 ,

11101;: We Wlll be feeling the pinch of 9:30 A M—Bus' 1 SATURDAY, JANUARY 10 1111 11 .
111111151116 nefe in labor and materials. It may Addreslsn'iii aetiSii't'inggstd to order by President Dyche 111' 111 1;;

Cssar ‘ . u . ’ . 10r’s FirstY n . . . - 1 _ ,‘11 '11 -
m: 1111an ever £310 be mane CO'Opel‘ative” 9.45 A M $556211 TSprmgS1 Ky. ear, by MISS Lllhan Richards, The Banner " -‘ '11 " '1'
or s L- . ’ore, an within ' ' ' ‘7" “11 able Discusi u - ’ 5‘1"‘1"‘1' '
’ 11m1t . C€rta1n _ - . 59113 National an , , 11 ..1;.1‘_.‘
'xpenmil7it11i3u'100cll our 1"mources and efforts 10:00 A M—ft'dgz'slsls' 121W: Advertlsmg Agencm Logisaiigezgdvert'SIng"' Led by JOhn ‘1 1? 1
0 - ‘ ‘ ‘ - mOrm In ' ’ ’ 11",»12'l
1r cup'whi 1 1 Ubt, the agency thmugh L. Waterfield The G terpretatmn 0f KentUCky Publicit L 11 11- :1 .11" .
’flmyu" c1 thls desxrable end can best b 10:30 A.M.—Report of N'E A 0212121181 Chnton, Ky. Discussion y aws‘ by Harry 3.1. 1; «‘11?
' accomplished - e b V. 1 - - ouncil and Assooiat- ' 311-1315

' 1 10 .l 1011 M . . 1 11.111 1
' Of pl1'f‘SSociat‘ 15 the Kentucky Press 11130 A M_Fy '01, R‘ Portmann, Edlbor The Kentuck gage“ Meeting in Chicago ‘31" '1 ‘ 1'17 '
tes T 10n_ ~ - . inanclal Report of Secret y ress, Lexington K 11 1 ;[ 1...,

. 1 Th 1 _ 11115 A-M-—Report of C 1 ary-Treasurer J. Curtis Alcock 1_ Y- :21: :1 1111;.
Eul 0N. . e Assoc1ation will 11 1d ‘ 11'30 A 0mmrttee on Resolutions ' Danvxlle, Ky' “31 ""
E illmd-Wint _ 0 its annual - -M-—Annual Election of Ofiicers ' :11. 11,111

0 O ' - er meetlng at the Brown H t 1 12:30 P-M-—Luncheon t - ' ."i' 51 1121‘.-
156 as 511“ LOUISville Th (1 - 0 e Loui .11 .9: Pendenms Club, Compliment ‘itil‘ 11 1111.1. .

hr day Ja , urs ay, Frlday and Sat- A 1 sVl e Tunes, s The Courier-JOurnal and ‘ §.' 1 1111:1131

1 , n. 8, 9 and 101 19421 Your dJOurnment, “1.; 1.111

1 1,1111 -1

1 3'11 1'

i? 11 21 .11

.14' ‘ . 11‘ ‘41
11 .1 11

l p Page Four THE KENTUCKY PRESS December, 1941 l I),
I 2 he ' \l, l Flat R.
‘ use: is?» at?” ~\ A ce- w) who: tee a» re For LC
: en » ’ SS ’1 t ‘ g The
I 'has no
. Official Publication 01' the Kentucky . And all the gifts of Love and Faith and Friends, ; V61" USIU
; g ,, Press Association . . . . . May these be yours . . . , In thlS
i . T ' ‘ 1 news a
. , 3 Victor E Portmann, E dltor'PubllShel' he Gifts that make the Dreamers into Doers, , Sc (5 e
3 The Gift to work ‘ f
, l Printed On The Kernel Press, Lexington -Through Joy and Sorrow, Light or Murk, } 0:1?OI
. t i . i l
- —-——‘—" To play, With all your soul and heart, i 53 . m
Press Association Officers A manl an! Daily S
.. gusseliLDiWne, ffgsigent. rLendonCISetntlneér-Ecgo h fY P , Papei
. at , ic - res, inon aze e ‘ ‘ ' ‘ .
‘ ‘ laéiiitis Alcocif SeecynTreeas, Danville Messenger T 6 G1 t 0f Discontent, t0 k636i) you drivmg ‘ It a CC
‘ District Executive Committeemen Forward and up, forever strivmg none of
‘ ‘ v A t t, L ' ‘11 c r‘ -J urnal . . ~ ,,
, , gfififéj), 53:35:53; Egg??? ngé’gpfizfifgfiah For something better in the days hereafter, , pose a
- t; , r un or , non . . , ,
‘ C‘ggmtf'ggcgofizate’ryg’fgamlgeé‘? Ewfiififfie '13,?“ The Gift of Kindness and the Gift of Laughter, , law prt
) I , I‘ 11 e , rim- .
’ hie sfimogfzi?v:Bedrfrd$§; Sllétth, 536% 13v gagliils, Of Justice and 0f TTUth: Chant V
i L ' tonHrd-Leaer: even, . . o - ' ' ' 7 ' - l, '
, , %:%m1§ai6tsx§§eamr ‘11} d Emfiflhkrrhvp, Wilison, gag And in your heart, until life s Journey ends, ‘ of hi]: 0
‘ ' , na; in , . . rownng, - ' ' ‘ '1
‘ Emgburgynnleguqlicfin: SPtate-at—laIIJ‘ge, Yicm F3 The Priceless Gift of Youth, , adpu t1'1
r , uc y ress, exmg on, an ' ' a V61‘ 18
_ Cgaurggg; Foggy, Ashland Independent. Hope that inSpires and Courage that endures, h
‘ 3 Leglslaflve Committee May all these gifts be Yours! V sue t e
I Eyler 1%“HIOW'tMiriiinfiéidiAd‘gcatefi cha'i‘igman; to his
.‘ ' , ' o ze e; omas - ~ .
, ‘ Rerfishdel‘eigood? eLrelietingtonul-Ieli‘aldai Henry Ward, The Editot psblishe
, , Padncah Sun-Democrat; George R. Joplin Jr.. t
1 Somerset Commonwealth; Cecil Williams, Somer- Christmas 1941 110 sav
i , set Journal. a [he fina'
Newspaper Exhibit Committee ‘
‘ Victor R. Portmann. Kentucky Press, Chairman; l A gla
, Missk figlqd Huttlgn, Harrogspugfg \yefiilg; éVIrs. \\ [/1 tracts Sl"
, ar ' r1 ge, rospec ; o. . . c ar son, 5, .3,‘ ~55! w, ,J it, , L6, ”1’” d I“, [w] \\ .7 , [J m ‘ i
‘ DanViile Messenger-Advocate; Jerry Freeman, <11” 1! frag-J ",\:’f”"l W 1V) ——*—-— [Few fl?"‘14 [5" ’2?) VJ?“ ih
. . , ,\ . ,i . i e are
1 mm News. Cubermani (era-$31442- fire) 4/. 74 3 was ans; flame H356,
' 5 can be i
, lg 55%.??? ASSOCIATION 0PM PTZOl'T-tles ial requirements, such as paper, ink, n1 Advertis
. % 4"? W13!“ - - 1 ‘ ' ' rm
f ‘ “1‘” I” To repeat the November 27 Bulletin :: 8’ etc.,‘ove11v1a pefifid 0:) 51X nlflzrifl Suriedt'
, announcement newspapers and printing t' a 2:211. i @112” 1‘13; _PM 0 Cl” of ng ‘
, ‘ plants listed in the Preference Rating 211655 etnecessrty 01 e iminating W351, ad news
2 ' MEMBER @fi) Order No. P—22 as amended by the OPM d1?“ pgacuces 1n processmg, labor a“, suverugll
‘ , 53,; . have prioroty on repair parts and re— 15 r1 ution. - thgall, ‘
‘ , W - - . _. ————— e oca
3 ‘ placement equipment to 1nsure contin— _ . , _
, K TUCKY PRES ual operations. A statement of this Local History For Short lelers ErPteCUC
_ _ . ' aises.
ASSOCIATION reguliatlon has probably been furnished What IS believed to be an origin, It is ,
, __ “0”,,” “NA” m, publishers by suppliers and members of idea has been ut into effect b Tl
____._.______ the Association are urged to read it - p Y ,merchan
‘ f 11 ' Nashvzlle Tennessean. Instead of ll be Spent
, Volume Thirteen, Number Two care 11 y‘ , usual factual fillers common to all nei 50_t0 a
. To use the preference rating you do , ,
, , , _ papers, The Tennessean uses short prr usm CO]
_.._._____..._._____ not have to make application for it . . .. , g
, , . . agraphs or Single sentences pertaimt Ing medi
Dont Be An Isolatzomst! to 0PM, or any government agency. .
‘ Whenever on order e ui ment re to the hlStOry (01d and mm) of Nai hand bil'
, The day of the isolationist has disap- 1 y 01.1) ’1. ville, Davidson County, and the Sit the like.‘
: Feared in this country we ho e forever p acement parts, 01' operating 5.11pp 165, Of Tennessee. Thls makes instructl is no d'fl
1 . ’ . p _ ' write on your order the required en- . . . . . ’1' 1
1‘ ,5 But the community editor can still be dorsement as follows as well as interesting reading, 1‘ 15 5:} merchant
j ? an isolationist if he refuses to join his “ _ _ , A C3511 prize was offered the edito, Chain Stt
! 1, state press association or stays away from Material. for Maintenance. Repair Staff memeber who compiled the gmi Centage 0
E the state-wide meetings that are ar- or Operating SUPPheS - - - Rating A'10 est number of usuable authenic fillers; on a 1
i i- . ' . .
‘ , g ranged for his benefit. The Kentucky under PrefCTPHCe Rating Order 13-22 as a given length of time. Many com users, wh
‘ 1, Press Association, today as never be- amended,_ Wlfh the terms 0f Wthh I mental‘y comments have come fr 30 percen
I l‘ fore, needs the membership and the am familiar.. readers Who found they knew little One a
l counsels of every newspaper in the state Firm Name ' ‘ ’ ‘ ‘ ~ ' ' ' ‘ ' ' nothing about their own city, co of COmpa
* ‘ as that newspaper needs the association. Signed BY ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' and state. An essay contest for sch tion. The
Q Join your association today and attend The NBA reports that 0PM is con- children (300 words based on f‘ monthly ,
j the mid-winter meeting at Louisville, templating sending questionnaires to that most interested the contestant” The flat
, 3' , January 8-10. all printers and publishers. It is be— conducted for two weeks to call afli The com:
‘ ‘ ,1 We’ll meet you at Louisville. lieved individual firms will be asked to tion to the new type of fillers—7% the flat
6: Don’t be an isolationist! provide accurate estimates of the mater- Illinois Edior. l Paper gets
1 i: ‘
, j,
, l,

 E: z 1 11’
:1 ‘ 11
'1 December: 1941 THE KENTUCKY PRESS 111 11
11 Page Five 1 1'
1 Flat Rates 0r Contracts The flat-rate 11 1 1
For Local A dvertzsmg? setting 200 ineliggeiesgesiafi? more for 222311611 business, and of a publisher 1 1 ,
1 The Grand Junction Daily Sentinel Contracts are reputed to insure steady busisne: £0515 mETC to set the extra 1 1: 1
1 ’has not signed a contract for local. ad- business—and they do mean if by steady he is kidd'e ls ta mg 11: at _a cut rate, 1
1, 1 vertising during the last twenty years. busmess is meant a certain amount true that 111,3 n: One but himself. It is 11 1 11
In this respect it is a curioslty in the every month. The flat-rate program can rofit HIS etter 'to make a small 11 1 1
1 newspaper field. and does effect the same program. If Prof't 0“ 3 0t 0f busmess than a large 1 111 111
. Scores of reasons have been advanced by steady business we mean 111016 busi— f)hatli 0th a small amount Of sp ace but 1 11 111‘

1 for contracts, but seldom is anything ness on weak days, the contract does not ductiosn rrue only when the cost of pro- 1 111
said in favor of the flat rate, which The Solve the problem, because usually the sell so tclhlalns the same. Its Sllly to ; 11 .
Daily Sentinel has found so satisfactory bigger the advertiser, the more he insists two “3:116 ing that “MS from one to 2 11 1111'1
1 Papers using the contract method find on advertiSing on the paper’s heaviest less tharsi mtchre t0 PYOduce .1301” 20 cents 1 11111
it a constant source of grief because days. No advertiser gives a whoop if haven’t fi 6 regular price. If you 1 1111
1 none of their contracts hold water. Sup- the paper has business on slack days or on this Eur,“ .to back YOUI: Conclusions 1 1:1
. POSe a contract wih an advertisser is on good days. Steady, consistent business Gra l1 Olrit Judge It until you have. I: 11111

1’ 13W PTOOf; and then Suppose the mer- comes only when the advertiser gets re- com ages Sfow that The Dally Sentinel .1 1;1‘11 1
1 chant who signed it wants to back out sults from his advertising. compa :1 ayorably Wlth 9th” papers 111111111
~ of his obligation. There are two courses Steady 13115111655 is PrOdUCCd by the ad- culafiora I6 m Slze, population, and cir- 1 11111111
a publisher can pursue. He can let the vertising salesman continually going after is alittl: 1n fla-C 1’- The Dally Sentinel 11111
advertiser break his contract, or he can it. It comes from giving the1 advertiser a ers ofaieac in inches, compared with 111111 1:
. sue the advertiser to make him live up serv1ce on his COPY and layouts, from Evfr Mn1 5 £8116. Thls ls m Inches, and 'i 111 1 1
to his agreement. In either case the helping him merchandise his business. TraKSE 010‘ It runs atlthe full rate. 1111'1
1501- psblisher is the loser. His contract can_ contracts tend to SlOW up salesmen. ferent (3111?? Int}? dollars, It makes a dif‘ 1 11 11111
not save him from losing business in VYhen the salesman knows the adver- ches wgre utre, eCause none Of these in- 1,111 1 ‘1
the final anally/sis. 115611 is going to spend 50 “111C111 and None oflTl:1 C111; hate. ‘ ' ‘ 1 11111 11111 1
A glance at national advertising con- Just when he is going to spend it, he are ever adde1 filly lighting] editions 1“ 1111.11 ‘.
v J tracts show-they are not worth the paper naturally slacks up on his selling. Con. ‘Vhen a fnemififiu Yb: 15 IS glaeant that 1 1111
they are writen on. They protest the ad- tracts make advertising salesmen “copy vertisement he is tys -a -1nch. ad- ‘ 111111
m ' vertiser but not the publisher. They shaggers” and tend to kill incentive to advertise] 1’ T no glVEH 21.40-1nch 1 11111111 1
can be and have been broken time and fight for business and give good service. makes a TICm1] O pad an advertisement 1 111 11 1
———' time again, as any publisher can testify. With contracts, he loses interest in copy the '1 ermen 13m 1086 ‘C'Othena-S m 1 1 11111 ‘
ink,m Advertising agencies use contracts to and layouts; he doesn’t care because It tellsIli' 351811 adVCTtlSlng medmm' 1 111 111
montl PrOECCt their schedule against price raises .he doesn’t have to produce. Whether er centutr1 “fileglllar rate 15 10 to 20 1 111 11 1115
031C131 during a campaign involving hundreds the advertising pulls business for the pa s th [(11) » 1gh‘ and that when he 1 111111111 1
1g W351 of IICWSPapers. But in the local field, merchant or not, doesn’t worry the con- p "yfoo e u prace h? ~15 getting gypped. 1 1 11 1
)or at advertising prices do not fluctuate like tract salesman. afraid 1111211117, ab Vertismg managers are 11 11111
. Sugar, flour and coffee. In consequence “Ihen the publisher can Show 1‘6' inercl 0t OSC' usmess. They .are. afraid 111'1
the local merchant doesn’t need this sults from the advertising, the merchant CCSSi ian 5 Will suddenly qliit if con- 11 1111 1
~s protection against advertising price is his friend; and contracts are not need- t 1 Olns are ngt made at. frequent in- 111 11 1
1 . raises. ed between friends. Eli: StlIf acimpef 5 Space Isn’t worth its 1 1'11 111
u , ‘ le . ~ ' ‘ .1 I 1" 1 ‘1
33% melrtc 1:5 said that_ eomracts tie up the Advertising is not a quantity deal. 1advertiser ;:£;:15:031613uénq13; Iafdthe 11 111 ,1
. of 11 b ants adVertlsmg money so it can’t In the first place, it is not like merchan— tising he runs he won’t uit S th ved- ‘ 111 111111 1
all nei soc—spent in other media. This may be disc on a store shelf—there is no old vertising manager wins crliothino be? - 111 1111
hortpi uSino a certain extent. But publishers Stqck that miist be got rid of at any ting big advertisers bluff hirrig '11 et- 11 1131‘,
ertainii in g cctlmtracts find no lack of Compet- price. Advertising is not manufactured cut rate, 1 mm a 111. 11 ..
of N31 1131;111:1113, such as radio, movie trailers, ““111 after It is SOldi therefore, you Don’t assume that l -. 11 111 1: 1
:he Sté the likei ISJ, slewing Circle programs, and dont have dead capial tied up in it. 11.1, to break down chC \éerttlsers ”6},“ ‘11 .
lStI‘llCifivis no difli n1 er the flat rate Syéjtem there True the publisher has capital tied up Two years ago a divisio ell-rate P rice. 1.111
it is s1 merchant cu ty in getting. an intelligent In. equipment; but the contract isn't a large chain store 5 111a manager Of 1 ‘1' 11111 1.
editoi1- Ch - to bUdget his advertising. going to make the difference between The Sent' 1 ys em stated that 11 111111 1
1 am stores spend Just as large a per— gomg broke and staying in business mg rate was [00 hlgh- When 1.11111
he gm. centage of their 1 - .- _ ' asked how much too hi h he st t (1 i1» -. 111" .
filler510n a flat mi: esalleth £1178 Sentinel fEaclci1 publisher should check his cost 20 cents an inch Mentiogni’ng “with; 1 ‘ '1111
1, com users, who in WI _ Contract 0 .pro ucmg an inch of advertising. He Colorado a er of Com arab] ('1 11
me it 30 percent disciiilf cases glve them a Ellighilf: 5:131:13); as some llllave been, to said he wafs) going to getpits spiicsliiendgf 11 11
' ' “6 mac . ‘ - . : fir
7 llttle One concrete example: Two Papers higher the cost of. rolducein e_tTunS, the 18611111161 price. 111 1 1111 1
1’: C0 0f comparable circulati d p g 1' What had haP Chm was h 1 h’ 1 1117 1‘11 1
or sch tion; The cont on an 139131113“ Some figures show is actually costs chisel d th p ’ e M :13; 1'3:
f'~ m ract paper gets 800 inches from one cent to t e. . e contract paper, perhaps 111. 11111- .
on ,- onthly from a large chain advertiser ' - W0 cents more per scared it into cutting is price below cost ‘11 H13
itant)l1 The flat rate paper ets 600 , h - inch to set big runs than for normal of production and then used that' 1111111
:311 am The C0ntra . g "If: €51 busmess. The big point of diminishin att m ’ - ' - ”1 an M111 1151‘
, ct rate is 35 cents an inch- . _ g 6 pt to blackmail The Sentinel into 1111:1211 1
lers.—71 the flat r 1 returns is reached, and beyond it rofits d ‘ h ~ - ’1 i ':1111
1 ate, 50 cents. The contract are cut (1 p .Omg t e same thmg' The Dally SE71— 3: -'
1Papergets$2801 the flat-rate paper $300. Contracfzvr: .11 1 . Inel stood pat, and as a result this 11'1“. ’ 1
1 peel y a ower price for big organization, paying the full rate, ‘1
1 4 31.1
1‘ ' ‘ 1 1 A,

 1 .
1 1 Page Six THE KENTUCKY PRESS December, 1941
. i 1 Der
. 1 is running ~1ust as lull a schedule as mond that he has recovered and is ready lroni his home town paper—aiid‘im.‘
1 with the paper that gave it the cut rate. for duty. niediately links the publisher as ani _—
‘ Another chain store manager admit- His many friends in the KPA will re- accomplice in this racket. It is one of1
. - ted to a representative of The Sentinel joice iir his recovery and return to duty. several rackets for which the Americaaj
. that in a town where he was getting a big __,n._ public pays two million dollars an"
‘ 1 reduction in rates through a contract, nually. It is wise to be careful to Whom-
I 1 1 lie was not sure yet he had the lowest Only 00.68% For Advrtising papers are sent. You may be assisting;
1 1 price he could obtain, and that the next P _ t' 1 _ in making a sucker out of