xt7q5717q45c https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7q5717q45c/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1977-04-07 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 07, 1977 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 07, 1977 1977 1977-04-07 2020 true xt7q5717q45c section xt7q5717q45c rW/fli’mtgi

.: ’“
APR 7 ran *
WW of Kentucky

Kilpatrick kicks off Creason lecturesm"

Kernel Staff Writer

Millions of Americans roll out of
bed every mining to the tune of the
Today show jingle, a cup of
steaming coffee and James J.

Then, in the editorial pages of
their morning dailies. they read the
conservative, stubborn-headed
prose of Kilpatrick's nationally
syndicated column, “A (‘on-
servative View."

And they like it.

Kilpatrick is one of America‘s
most popular columnists. Even his
political opposites grudgingly admit
that the man is a master of the
English language.

First speaker for series

For this reason. Kilpatrick was
invited to be the first speaker for the

Joe (reason Lecture Series last
night»a memorial series financed
by the UK Alumni Association and
the Binglmm Foundation. Creason
was a pqrular columnist for the
Courier-Journal before his death in

Kilpatrick also spent most of the
(lay talking to journalism students
and fielding the inevitable questions
about “What‘s really going on in
Washington?" He talked about the
business of joumalism he loves and
the chances anyone else has of
getting into it.

And after spending nrost of the day
around him, one thing becomes
clear. James “Kilpo” Kilpatrick is a

From the top of his cherubic
balding head to the tip of his
tastefully tasseled shoes, Kilpatrick
is witty, intelligent, fascinating,

People draw close to him. bending

Small audience
hears candidates

Kernel Reporter

[Ken Kagan has been following the
mayoral race in Lexington since
January. This article contains his
observations and opinions.)

A disappointing turnout, 25 people.
showed up last night for the Student
(iovemment tSG) Mayoral Can-
didates Forum. held in the St‘

Disa ppoirrting, because the forum
presented a unique opportunity for
students to becorrre acquainted with
the candidates and to make their
views known to the candidates.

The 25 who did show up were able,
to a certain extent. to get beyond the
traditional format where candidates
offer prepared speeches and control
the tempo and character of the

Moderated by Tom Maxedorr. a
news broadcaster for WTVQ. the
forum was attended by five of the six
candidates. James Arnato, the
former municipal judge and com-
missioner of the Alcoholic Beverage
t‘ontrol, was unable to attend
because of a corrrnritrnent to par-
ticipate in a fundr‘aising dinner. He
was represented by Tim Cone.

Say a little prayer

The mayoral forum was closed to
the public, because University rules
prohibit opening political forums to
the public, to avoid the appearance
that the University is supporting any

St} organizers were unable to
explain the relevance of this rule to
last night's forum. Tom Stone. SG‘s
political affairs representative, said
the University‘s prohibition was
enacted during the 1960‘s political
activism. but is an antiquated
concept now.

Speaking first. Nick Martin cited
his involvement in the anti-war
movement and some involvement in
civil rights inspired by his parents in
Indiana as examples of his com-
mitment to politics and change.

The main issue to Martin is “the
exclusivity of government. The
govcmment has shown little or no
concern for gaining input from
average citizens,“ he said.

"My proposals for my, ad-
ministration include tax reforms,
which involve a graduated city tax,
a consumer affairs'office. a local
environmental protection agency
and rent control."

Scotty Bacslcr, the current vice
mayor. spoke of “the little

Continued on back page

their beach to hear his low. resonant
voice. llc sounds like a southern
Iravid Brinkley.

tit) Minutes bickering

Since his debut on (TBS'tit) Minutes,
Kilpatrick‘s weekly parlay with
Shana Alexander has beconre
television‘s piece de resistance for
backseat orators everywhere. We
get involved in their little squabbles,
enjoy their barbed bickerings and
cheer the inevitable winner.

“I always know whether or not
I‘ve ‘won’ one of the debates when I
call my 83-year-old mother af-
terwards. If she answers the phone.
‘l)arling, you really clobbered her
tonight...‘ I know I’ve won!"

But Kilpatrick is still skeptical of
television, questioning its effect,
admiring its power. "Frankly,
television appeals to the latent
tendency in every man to strut and

Vol. LXVIII. Number 139
Thursday. April 7, 1977

(‘opy Editor

Editors note: This is the first of a
two-part series about the proposed
Student (‘enter expansion. Part 2
will deal with opinions of the ex-
pansion committee.

Early next week, 1,200-l,500 UK
students will receive evening phone
calls asking their opinion on the
proposed addition to the Student
Center (SC). The responses will
determine. to a great extent,
whether theaddition is built and how
it will be used.

Recommended last fall by a
feasibility study prepared by the
Office of Business Affairs, the
proposed expansion would require

roll his eyes," he said laughing.
“I'm really scared of its power,

Does he ever worry about the kind
of influence he has on the viewing
audience? “I f I ever let myself think
about that. it would paralyze me,"
he said.

And nothing paralyzes Kilpatrick.

Liberals feel sting

When he turns his quick wit on the
“liberal heap." bodies fly. General
questions about his conservative
views on the electoral college nrcet
with a barrage of historical facts-
what elections w'cre decided on
electoral instead of popular vote,
what states voted for Samuel Tilden
instead of Rutherford B. Ilayes, and
the “fundamental part of the (‘on-
stitution that would be radically
changed by adoption of the popular



an independent student newspaper]

Telephone students

Sunley to help determine SC expansion

substantial increases in the student
activity fee.

The report found that it would cost
$4,080,(l)0 to construct an additional
80,000 square feet of space. Activity
fees would be raised from $12 to $22
per regular semester, $6 to $11 for
summer; school students and $2 per
credit hour for part-time students.

A 20-member committee (in—
cluding 15 students) was selected to
decide whether the student body
would support such expansion, and if
so, how the space would be utilized.

Tentative priority list

The committee has prepared a
“very tentative" list of priorities
should the exparsion be approved,
according to Jeanne Garvey,

—Stevrort Iowman

Isaac Sutherland and his brother l‘hester Isittlngl stop for a solemn

breather as they shovel sludge from the the floor of the Four Mile
Mission Baptist t‘hmh lo Keith. Ky. The Sutherlands. who have been

members of the church all their lives. hope to have it cleaned for
Faster services thts Sunday. See story and more [victim-son page 3.

, jrrcmas IS amaaso

. . . southern David Brinkley

committee member and director of
management research for business
affairs. Ilere is that list:
— New cinema
— Enlarged bookstore
Meeting rooms
Organization roomsoffices
Arts and crafts
Rowling alley

(live Ms. Alexander some credit,
please. You‘d have to be a computer
to argue with the man.

Yet. Kilpatrick is not a typical
conservative. He‘s only joking when
he says, “The first amendment, sir?
Well, I think it‘s pretty absolute, sir,
pretty absolute."

In fact, Kilpatrick also defended
llustler Magazine's publisher. Larry
It‘lynt. “True, his publication is
about as rotten as you can get, it‘s
the subbasemcnt of smut. But it's
not more offensive than Playboy or
Penthouse in kind...maybe in
degree. but not subject."

No, Kilpatrick is not typical. In
fact, he wrote in his will that he‘s to
be cremated and his ashes dumped
into a pot of hot lead used in old
letter-press printing. “Then,
whenever a bad slug (a wild-flying
drop of molten lead) comes across,
they can say. "There goes the ol‘ boy
agarn...‘ “


University of Kentucky
Lexington. Kentucky

— Lounge areas
— TV room
Videotape lab-viewing room

— Performing arts theatre

— (lame room

- Baller

Garvey stressed that the list is not
a final vote and did not include the
preferences of two absent com-

Continued on back page






Dr. William (ox. senior staff economist for the Joint Economic
(‘ommittce of the US. gongrcss. is scheduled to speak here Mon-


President ('arter declared flood stricken areas of eastern Ken-
tucky a national disaster ye terday, Sens. Walter Huddleston and
Wendell Ford said. Meanwh' e, the Kentucky, Cumeber‘land and Big
Sandy rivers retreated from Harlan, Pineville and Pikeville
yesterday but created apprehension in Louisa, Williamsburg and
Ba rbourvillc as record floodwaters surged toward them. Five were
known dead. thousands homeless, and property estimated at up to
$100 million.

.\bout StitliJitiil in awards to replace defective bridges were ap
proved yesterday by the Personal Service Contract Review Com-
mission. The awards were part of a $12 million project, three
fourths federally fu nded, to replace 31 bridges in the state which are
not structurally sound.


The organism responsible for Legionaires‘ disease was isolated in
blood samples of an Indiana man who died last fall of severe
pneumonia, Dr. Richard I). Telle, state epidemologist, said
yesterday. 'I‘clle said there was no connection between the Indiana
case and the mysterious outbreak of the disease that killed 29
persons attending a Pennsylvania American Legion convention in
Philadelphia last July.

President ('arter signed a law yesterday giving him new powers
to reorganize the federal bureaucracy. However, Bert Lance, his
budget director. cast doubt on whether Carter can carry out a
campaign promise to chop the number of departments and agencies
to Pat). (‘artcr said the reorganization drive was “the most con-
sistent commitment“ he had nrade to the voters during his 1976

Rep. Hern- Snyder. R-Ky., said he and Clifton Baird have refused
to talk to the FBI about an allegation that six Louisville police of-
Iiccrs and federal agents conspired to assassinate Dr. Martin
Luther King. Baird claimed he was offered $500,000 on two oc-
casions to kill the late Rev. King. Snyder said he has “no idea what
they wanted to talk about“ with Baird but that “I suspect they want
to know who he put the finger on.“

Cooling it

’I‘mi'ay will be partly cloudy and warmer with a high in the mid
50‘s. It will be partly cloudy tonight. low in the mid m‘s. Tomorrow
will be partly cloudy. The high will beinthe upper 50‘s.











editorials 8: comments

Editorials do not represent the opinions of the University

UK will be the loser


if Singletary leaves

Before Gov. Julian (‘arroll presented his
Executive Budget to the General Assembly last
Febniary. he announced that the “Golden Age“
of higher education was over.

He reduced the total funding for higher
education and increased the funding for
secondary and elementary education.

With state money becoming tighter, the eight
statesupported universities had scrambled for
every dollar they could: UK President Otis A.
Singletary wasn't pleased. He was concerned
that [K was being slighted at the hands of the
l'niversity of Louisville.

It wasn‘t the first time he had wrestled with
the l'K v t,‘ of L dilemma. And, of course. it
wasn't the last.

In fact, the (‘ouncil on Public Higher
Education‘s recent meeting to discuss its
statement on the mission and roles of the state
institutions again brought the controversy to

The council designated L7 of L as the states
only urban university; UK retained its
designation as the primary state institution.
Singletary again launched into a philosophical
discussion of L'K's position in the state as
compared to U of L. He sees this university
getting the shorter end of the stick.

But now the Ti'i-y'earold administrator may
receive an offer which would take him to
\t‘ashiongton I).C. and away from the

If he survives investigative checks, President
(‘arter will probably submit Singletary’s name
if) the Senate for confirmation as the chairman of
the National Endowment for the Humanities.

If the position is offered to Singletary and he
accepts. he would have to resign as UK

He would. however, be retuming to familar
ground. Former President Lyndon B. Johnson
named Singletary as the first director of the Job
('orp in t964. He held that position for little over a
year. ' '

But no one seems quite sure whether he will
accept the job. Two years ago, when he received
a lucrative offer to be president of Southern
Methodist University. he fooled many when he
stayed in chington.

We know Singletary will consider what effects
his leaving would have on the University before
coming to a decision either way. But in light of
the tenuous nature of higher education in the
state-and in particular UK‘s uncertain
positionvb'ingletat'y continued presence would
provide needed continuity and stability in the on-
going battle.

It probably would he too much to ask him to
refuse (‘arter’s offer, but it must be pointed out
that his departure would do little good for the
l'nivcrsity. He‘s been able to balance the
demands of the council and the Board of
Trustees with the needs of students.

It is a special talent that will be hard to


"frustations" of the job here.



UK should give Marx honorary degree

It} in xxx i,t'x

In view of the fact that he has
never received one and after con
sideration of his many qualified
tions. I would like tosuggest that ITK
award an honorary degree to

' (irouchotlai'x

Marx is the author of eight books.
lwslscllt‘i‘s ai‘noiig them. He has
own a frequent contributor to
nationally circulated magazines.




His letters have been requested and
received by the Library of Congress.
Not a bad record for a man whose
education (lid not progress beyond
the sixth grade. Marx is almost
entirely sell educated.

The Marx Archives, over To years
of memorabilia of Marx‘s lite and
career. are considered significant
and interesting enough for the
Smithsonian Institute to have re—
quested them. They will be donated
to the Smithsonian upon Marx‘s

'l\vo of Marx's books were coin-
pleted in 1976 when he was 8:") years
old. Presently tit}. he is perhaps this
nation's best-known entertainer. He
has survived in the entertainment
field since his entry into vaudeville
at age H in 1905. This in itself is
quite an aCcomplisfiment.

His popularity has been at its
greatest among the young—four
generations of them with the pre-
sent generation perhaps his greatest
admirers. No less than a score of
books have been written about this
man in the past quartercentury.

In 1975 a poll of incoming college
freshmen revealed that after Jesus
(‘hrist and Albert Schweitzer.
Groucho Marx was their most
admired man The same year. a poll
of students showed that after Henry
Kissinger. Marx was the most
sought after college lecturer.

Why should I'K not be the first
university to honor this man‘.’ While
he is not one of our great benefac~
tors. he has contributed much to the
students of this institution. As
evidence. l offer in part the fact that
his films are shown each year on this


campus and virtually every showing
isa sellout. tine would be hard put to
find a student or alumnus who is not
a Groucho Marxian.

As Hector Arce wrote in his
Introduction to The Groucho Phile in
August 1976:

“What I do ask is why a man who
has spoken so eloquently to the
yotmg of four generations. who has
become a college of one and taught
himself to become a cultured and
educated man. has never received
an honorary degree from any col
lege or universrty. At this writing, no
degree has been awarded him. It‘s


an irony and injustice that he should
be so ignored when he is one of a
handful of men in the world who
truly needs no Introduction."

Idaresay Marx is more deserving
of an honorary degree than are some
of the individuals to whom UK has
awarded the honor -- those who have
and have not contributed greatly to
the Commonwealth. It is up to some
university to grant this long overdue
honor to Marx. Why should UK not
take the initiative?


This comment was submitted by Jo
Ann Lux, a journalism junior.


(: Inna I‘d-turd-

Wall. -' "llsmi

lulu-c tater
J elm Winn ll ilk-r

LII-rm and con-ut- II
up“ and lined with I.

in art.

mumwrnuumm. loo-11¢,
m. attenuate

Add-l In.“ Educ"

1‘.” Elton “In Edi.
like “HI“! Sula-line Durham ['th Rutledge
Ilvi Gabriel ‘ lick “army

St-vve rialttnler (‘Ilrf run-nun:

Nth Slhmxe Stewart Brion-an

m» mam spa-u mu: "unlit-r Hon-u r
film-v "a v Joe Kemp M" KN"


Jonrlalll- luau. mi in. be mu. in.»
to»... number. mm: and "em no um and con-m on m to ‘llv




Few heroes left

‘ 691th MKCtKer‘fiNTLYt’”

Kilpatrick makes the grade

The few heroes I have never seem
to cross my meager personal path—
or even touch it from a distant
lecturer’s podium. Yesterday,
however, I had the heady experience
of finally meeting in the flesh a bona






fide personal hero——a man I have
professionally respected from afar
for several years.

He is James J. Kilpatrick, a
columnist syndicated in 370
newspapers under the title “A
(‘onservative View.“ Mr. Kilpatrick
came to UK yesterday to deliver a
lecture about his trade.

Some of you might know of him as
“Jack“ Kilpatrick of “Point-
(‘ounterpoint“ fame on CBS‘s 60
Minutes. But Mr. Kilpa trick is a self-
described “print-man," and so I
prefer to reject the flashy TV tag of
"Jack“ and just think of him as
“James J.“

During the afternoon I had the
chance to shake his hand and have a
little polite conversation with him.
The thrill of talking to this talented,
nationally-known writer was a

foreign one to me; it was an ex-
pcrience almost larger than life, the
kind that usually causes you to do
something embarrassing like drool
down your chin when you’re trying
to impress the guy.

Aside from the strange enjoyment
of meeting my favorite columnist—
despite the fact that I don’t agree
with him much of the time—the
meeting gave me pause to think that
it‘s too bad people these days don‘t
have many heroes.

Maybe the cause of this demise of
popular idoldom is television‘s over-
exposure of important figures, or
maybe it’s just the fast pace of life.
I 'ou Id be that the whole thing is a by-
product of this. the “Me-decade”—
the label that author Tom Wolfe has
put on the recent craze for personal
turning-inward. The “Me-decade"
has emerged in the forms of TM.
yoga, est. and a variety of other self-
conscious—some say selfish—

The biggest homes of this decade
do seem to be Mb, Myself and I. It‘s
no wonder there aren‘t many
popularly acclaimed ones anymore.

Sometimes fault must be laid at
the feet of those who might be the
heroes; a few of them think so much
of themselves that there's no need
for the public’s adulation.

As an illustration. take a look at
that bastion of American hero-

worship, the world of professional
baseball. A few short years ago,
Mickey Mantle at least projected the
image of having more love for
baseball than money. Today, Pete
Rose does not.

Although he may be in the right,
Rose‘s salary problems hold no
interest for me because, well, that’s
his battle to light, not mine. The
pitfallsof life that most ofus regular
peons face from time to time are
hard enough to keep up with, much
less Pete Rose‘s.

And this is my point. Heroes and
hem worship are supposed to lift our
thoughts away l‘rom- not embroil us
in——the mundane drudgery of things
like contract disputes.

That‘s what meeting Mr.
Kilpatrick did for me. Shaking
hands with someone hasn‘t given me
goose bumps in a long time—maybe
never. But shaking James J.’s hand
did that for me, just like watching
Aaron hit a homer used to do for me,
just like watching Rose slide a
trench into homeplate does for some
people now.

I can‘t say I would have felt that
way if Rose had won his contract
dispute. That ain‘t the stuff heroes
are made of.


Ilick Downey. in his second year as a
Kernel columnist. is rapidly ap-
proaching graduation from Law
School. llis column appears every

State Sen. Joe Graves is
best qualified for mayor


[expect in a city of over 200.000 to
have a large number of traffic
problems and tie-ups. And I’m
content to put up with a few hassles
for some. progressive changes in
Lexington. But I‘ve become more


aware recently just how bad the
traffic situation is here around
campus and in Lexington.

Maybe is was being stopped twice
in five minutes while a train
changed tracks at 5:30 p.m. ( which
is illegal under Kentucky law). But


we’ve certainly reached a point
where it‘s not hard to see we've got
plenty of room for improvement.

The purpose of this letter is not to
write out the hundreds of traffic
complaints that each of us has
complained about or muttered abut
under our breath for years. but to
project someone who I think can go a
long way towards solving some of
these problems.

Student government here at UK
and other interested persons have
knocked their heads against closed
doors at City Hall long enough. We
need someone in the mayor‘s office
who will finally listen to us. I think
that person is Joe Graves.


For O’Mera

Peggy O‘Mera for Student Gov-
ernment College of Nursing Senator.

This candidate is greatly qualified
for the position of Nursing Senator
and should be an asset to the
Student Government. Her intelli-
gence and interest are two of her top
qualities and of main importance to
bea Senator.

The excellent academic standing
that Peggy has maintained in her
three previous semesters. shows the
serious interest she takes in the

I think Joe will bring some new
faces to the Traffic Planning De-
partment who will have some new
ideas about the Rose~Euclid~Lime~
stone triangle around UK, the trains,
and the general congestion around
town. It‘s obvious that thi; old faces
aren‘t getting any brilliant ideas.

In Joe Graves, I can truly see a
man who is sincere and dedicated to
solving our traffic problems. Joe
Graves makes our next choice for
mayor an easy choice to make, and
one that will pay off in solved
problems and less traffic headaches

This comment was submitted by
Phil Mayer. a graduate student.



Nursing profession.

We need a representative who is
willing. able and dedicated to hold
this valuable position. Peggy is
more than qualified for this position.

Kim Franklin
Nursing junior

We goofed

Kathie Keller, a junior with a
topical major. was not the author of
a letter that appeared Monday on
this page. The letter, which


criticized Kernel coverage of an art
exhibit, was signed Kathy Keller,
An senior, who apparently does not

Letters policy

The Kernel recognizes an
obligation to provide a forum for
oppming viewpornts. Letters to the
editor moo words or less) and

' comments motto exceed 750 words)

are accepted.
We. reserve the right to edit and to
limit frequent contributors.


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From Russia with love

Andrei Sakharov responds

New York Times
News Service

MOSCOW—In the article
published in The New York
Times (Op-Ed page, Feb. 23)
Sergei Gusev, Deputy Prose-
cutor General of the Soviet
Union, stated the official
position of the Soviet Union's
repressive organs in regard
to me personally and, indir-


ectly, to other dissidents, and
he strove in particular to
emphasize the independence
of this position from inter-
ference of “Western protect-

Mr. Gusev’s article was
written shortly after the pub-
lication of the letter to me
from the President of the
United States. J. Carter, and
obviously was a reaction to
that letter. I am confident
that no one in the West,
including President Carter.
will allow himself to be
diverted from the chosen path
of principle, that of active
defense of human rights
throughout the world, which
is a matter of decisive im-
portance for the future of'
mankind. Mr. (iusev‘s letter
was an obvious attempt to
test the firmness of this
position in the West.

The reason for my being
summoned to the office of the
Prosecutor General of the
Soviet Union was my appeal
to world public opinion con-
cerning the explosion in the
Moscow subway and other
unsolved crimes. Mr. Gusev
expounds tendentiously on
my statement, but maintains
total silence about my'line of

lnhis article, a month and a
half after the explosion. he
gives no information whether
this crime is under investi-
gation. Gusev also evades by
silence the question whether
an investigation is being con-
ducted into five cases of
murder that I wrote about in
my statement.

During the conversation in
the prosecutor's office. I said
thatl would be fully satisfied
if, as a result of my decla-
ration, there would be a
careful and objective investi-
gation and that no innocent
persons suffered. I can only
repeat these words once
again. I was aware, of course,
that my speaking out in this
way would entail grave con-
sequences for me and the



members of my family. But I
felt that I did not have the
right to keep silent.

Mr. (iriscv quotes from the
United States Code, under
which I could allegedly be
charged if I were an Ameri-
cancitizen. The article of the
(‘ode relates, however. to
advocating violent overthrow
of the Government, which is
something I have never done.
Mr. (inscv does not quote
Articles To and loo-I oi the
Code of the HST“ SLR. illus—
sian Republic), under which
many people have suffered
and died in irnprisionmcnt for
nomiolcnt activities for dis-
tributing or for merely pus
scssing truthful information
books and sami/dat iunofii~
cially printed: materials, for
religious activities and for
desiring to leave the country.

i am prepared to face a
court for my overt public
activities, although I consider
them legal and not subiect to
the t‘riminal t‘odc and l
have no illusions about im-
partial justice in the Soviet

But the authorities do not
choose an open court, turning
instead to other methods that
are cowardly and foul. livery
thing is being done now
countless anonymous threats
of physical reprisal. slander
in the press and in statements
by Tass. illegal refusal to
allow an exchange of living
:icconnntxiations, lilt' instit-

ution of criminal proceedings
against my daughter and a
threat to institute proceed-
ings against her husband,

T be exchange of two two-
rooin apartments for one
four—room apartment of equal
space is imperative for us
because we cannot continue
to live separately under con-
ditions of constant threats of
murder against all seven
members of the family. in—
cluding two little children. it
is precisely for this reason
that the organs of power will
not allow us this very corn-
monand fully legal exchange.

The involvement of the
KGB. in this affair was
reflected in the coordinated
publication of a totally false
article by a 'l‘ass correspon-
dent. ai'cording to which we
have 30 square meters of"
housing space per person,
whereas in fact we have only
nine meters per person; the
word “exchange" was not
even mentioned.

in February, immediately
after the “warning" by
Gusev, a threat of criminal
prosecution was raised
against my daughcr, 'I atyana
Sernyonovo. instituted by the
Prosecutor General. ostenv
sibly on the basis of an
anonymous letter In tho
same days my son-inlaw.
Yetrern Yarikclcyich. was
threatened with criminal pro-
secution for distribution of
"anti-Soviet" materials and
for "idleness.“ This is the

manner. contrary to the hypo-
critical stutcments of Mr.
(iuscv about the equality of
all citizens in the eyes of the
law, in which the attempts at
rcpn'sal against the members
of my family are being car~
ricd out as a savage means of
vengeance and pressure
against me.

Despite this frightful situa
tion. which is incomparably
more tragic than my personal
responsibility for personal
actions, [consider it my duty
to continue public acitivities.
i see no alternative. But I
hope that those people. in the
West who have taken upon
themselves the burden of
responsibility for defending
human rights understand the
tragically critical nature of
the position of all those,
including me personally. who
defend human rights in the
ti.S.S.lt. and the other court-
tries of Eastern Europe.

I also put hope in the
common sense of the leaders
of the Soviet Union and the
other Socialist countries. and
in their sense of responsibility
and desire for stability in the

Each day now brings new
problems (In March It. the
net-.spuper isvcstia printed a
vile, and provocative article
in which Jews seeking to
emigrate were accused of
spying. This is a nuxlern-day
variation of the Dreyfus af—
fair! [call upon world opinion
and the heads of government
who signed the lielsinki
agreement to speak out
against this prov ocation.

I urge the world to speak
out in defense of the arrested
members of the Group for
Assistance to Ilclsinki — Ginz-
burg, (lrlov. ltudcnko and
'l‘ikhii. I call for the defense of
i’yotr ltuban and all those
prisoners about whom I wrote
in my letter to the President
of the United Stair-s‘ the
Yugoslav writer Mihaiilov.
the arrested members of
('hartcr 77. and other political
prisoners in the countries of
Eastern Europe and the So
vict l'nion,

The main focus of my

public activities remains my
demand for worldwide politi
cal amnesty freedom for all
prisoners of conscience I
consider this a precondition
for peace.
This article by Andrei I).
Sakharoy, the physicist and
human-rights advocate. was
translated from the Russian
for The New York Times by
Ila) inond ll. \ndcrson.



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LEE GRANT ‘ r; a 1-, 'm;




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