xt7q5717q573 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7q5717q573/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1988-10-10 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 10, 1988 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 10, 1988 1988 1988-10-10 2020 true xt7q5717q573 section xt7q5717q573  

Monday. October 10. 1988


Board gives Roselle final
asketball probe

word in

Editor in Chief

The UK Board of Trustees gave Univer-
sity President David Roselle the authority
yesterday to “take all actions necessary“
in dealing with the NCAA investigation
into the men's basketball program.

The move, part of a unanimous resolu-
tion by the BOT, was a show of unified
support for Roselle, who had drawn crit-
icism recently from at least one board
member for his handling of the investiga-

Yesterday‘s board action also apparently
gives Roselle the go-ahead to hold a hear»
ing in which sophomore forward Eric
Manuel and his lawyers will answer ques-
tions about his score on a college entrance
exam, which reportedly was at least nine
points higher than his scores on two pre-
vious tests.

“l think the president was very pleased
with the resolution that the board came up
with,“ said UK spokesperson Bernie Von-

When asked specifically if Roselle had
approval to go ahead with the hearing,
Vonderheide replied, “Yes. “

Vonderheide declined to give any specif-
ic information about a possible hearing,
saying that it was the University's policy
not to comment on hearings concerning

Dan Reeves, a lawyer representing
Manuel, said yesterday he expects a hear‘
ing “sometime soon," but he said that any
hearing would be initiated by the Universi-

“As soon as l have further information
concerning whether there will or will not
be (a hearing) or what time it would be I
would certainly be willing to make that in-
formation available.“ Reeves said “I

haven't been told that if there is a hearing
it would be confidential."

An open hearing, Reeves said, might
force information that the University has
about the investigation out into the open.

"I think there's a lot of information that
the University may have that hasn't been
released to the press or to us," Reeves
said. “If an open hearing would facilitate
that then I would certainly like to have

Reeves, assistant basketball coach
Dwane Casey and his lawyer. Joe Bill
Campbell, were on hand at yesterday‘s
meeting to answer any questions from the
board, but none of them were called into
the closed session.

The University had been expecting the
additional allegations by the NCAA in time
for yesterday’s meeting. which was called
last week. Vonderheide said. But when




Mills says he is puttting
investigation behind him

Contributing Writer

The UK program is now under inves-
tigation by the NCAA for that and other
rules infractions.

But the Hoot-7. zoopound forward
from Fairfax High School in LOS An»
geles is thinking about UK‘s chances to
have a winning season and the ways he
can contribute to the team.

"tCriticsi think we're young and in-
expirenced. which we are," Mills said.
“But we're going to play together and 1
think we'll do()K "

Although more has been said about
Chris Mills‘s link to the NCAA investi-
gation into the UK basketball program
than his playing ability, the Wildcat re-
cruit is trying to keep his mind on has»

“Hopefully I can help the team.”
Mills said. “We‘ll try to win the 'South-
eastern Conference), hopefully go far in
the NCAA (tournamenti and maybe win
a championship. Nobody thinks we can
do that."

Championship seasons haven't been
given much thought since citiplo)ee~ oi
Emery Air Freight Corp. said a pack
age sent from UK assistant baske'ball
coach Dwane Casey to Mills‘s father
popped open in tranSit. revealing Si woo
in cash.

Mills comes from a basketball family
and started playing competitively in the
sixth grade. He chose to attend college
ill Kentucky after narrowing his chOices
(low It to five schools.

Mills earned many awards during his
high school basketball career including
a spot on the ..\ll-.—\iiierican team and

See Mlll‘. Page 9



BLAZING PASTURES; Horses graze as the sun sets on the Bluegrass Heights
Farm on Old Frankfort Pike last week. Thoroughbreds are now racmg at 1:30 pm

Keeneland Tuesday through Saturday through Oct . a

Priest: Room

for dissent
in. Church

ttizii in; ...;-v, ..

i‘nstt'rie-e-it’ ‘t‘v .. . i..,,i.v

aux t tan l i(\| \l

New freshman senators say they are optimistic about terms

Staff Writer

After a twohour delay because of an ex-
tremely close race among the top five can-
didates for freshman senators. the Student
Government Association announced the
four winners of its annual elections
Thursday night

A bill was passed Sept. 21 to increase the
number of freshman senators from two to
four This is the first time in nine years
that SGA has had four freshman senators,
said Senator at large Sean bohman.

"Nine years ago we had four freshman
senators. but we also had four senators
representing every college," he said.

This year 556 freshmen voted. which is
the highest number to vote, according to
SGA Vice President Leah McCain.

The four winners were Sheryl Beasley.
294 votes; Thom Payne. 237 votes; Lance
Dowdy. 2t? votes; and Carol Von Yount,
2l6 votes Allen Putman was the fifth place
runner-up, with only two votes behind Von

“I think we‘ve got four awesome sen-
ators.“ McCain said. “There were so many
good ones that we would have had four
good senators no matter who won."

All of the winning senators were very
happy to be chosen and they already have
several ideas about what plans they would
like to implement

Some of the ideas include campus safety.
handicap accessibility and a grocery store

on, similar to Blazer X-Press, on South

Sheryl Beasley, a Kappa Alpha Theta
pledge from Paducah. is majoring in busi-
ness management,

“I was so excited."
couldn't believe it

"I would like to see tl student run credit
union and a Visa or Mastercard that goes
through L'K l would also like to see a
Blazer .‘H’ress grocery on South Campus
and better handicap accessibility. ‘

Thom Payne. who is from Lexmgton,
spent the last seven years living in
Ft. Wayne. lnd. lie is a member of the
Freshman Representative Council and is
undeCided on his major.

“I am so happy because there is so
much i want to do." Payne said. “l want
to play an active part in the bills and reso-
lutions that I think are best and best for
everyone. especially the freshmen.

“I would really like to see a Blazer
X-Press grocery on south campus. This
would really increase campus safety be
cause people wouldn't have to get out into
their cars to go to the grocery "

A Pi Kappa Alpha pledge from
Blacksburg, Va . lance Dowdy plans to be
a business major

”I have been saving myself for SGA,"
Dowdy said. “1 was happy because all the
hard work paid off. “I really want to im-
prove communications and understanding
of SGA by freshmen and to help w1th the
elevator situation with the handicapped."

Beasley said "I

Carol Von Youiit is a Delta lielta Della
pledge from ShelbyVille, Ky. she is en-
rolled in the t‘ollege of Business 8; Eco
nomics and is undeCided on her major She
also is a member of the Freshman ltep—
resentative (‘ouncil and is a ineiiibei' ot the
SGA public relations committee.

“1 am upset that our whole ticket did not
win," Von Yount said. “I am supriseu'. but
we've got an awesome group. i want to get
in touch With the freshmen and find out the
problems they are having.

“The main problem I have heard of is
parking, but I don‘t know if anything can
be done in the short term. i will try tor the
long term and next year‘s freshmen '

Von Yount said she also is concerned
With handicap accessibility.

“One thing i would like to have done. is
to have a tone at crosswalks tor tne tiliiid.'
she said. "I want to find out what things
are possible and how much it would cost to
get them done here. “

The four senators will go through an
orientation Monday with McCain and SCA
President James Rose.

“We Will be havmg an orientation with
them to tell them their responsibilities and
the ins and outs of SGA," McCain said.

SpeCial elections also were held
Thursday. Paulette Fides was elected (Tol-
lege of Nursmg senator. Shari Carleton
was elected College of Library and Infor-
mation Science senator. Clay Hall was
elected College of Secwal Work senator.

Sec NI‘LNAI'ORh. Page 5

. ~ 74'

DAVID WLLINQ (”not gem

SGA Senator at Large Ken Payne was .i tongratulatory hug to Ms brother.
Thom. on being elected SGA t'eslillldti senator Thursday night



m,“ 3.: _ .

a “\ 60°-65°




Today: Partly cloudy
Tomorrow: Partly cloudy








James Caan continues his comeback in

‘Alien Nation.‘
See Page 3

UK women's volleyball team wins
one, loses one.

See Page ii









I - Kentucky Kernel. Memoitsebertonm






Information on this calendar of events is collected and coordinated through the



Student Center Activities Office. 203/204 Student Center, University of Kentucky. The

publication date.

lnforrnation is published as supplied by the on-carnpus sponsor, with editorial privi-
lege allowed for the sake of clarity of expression. For student organizations or Unl—
verslty departments to make entries on the calendar. 0 Campus Calendar form

DEADLINE: Forms will be accepted no later than the Monday preceding the













6:30 p.m.; Cd 233-3923

oReIgious: Curran Beiore and After; Free; New-
man Center Room 3; 7:30 p.m.; Call 254-5577

-Other (through 10/28): SAB Visud Arts Commit-
tee prennts Chuck McGuire exhibit; Free; Rasdall
Gdlery; iO a.m.-5 pm. Call 7-8867

OOTher- AUDITTONS for “Joseph and the Amazng
Technicolor Dreamcoat“, Free. Guignol Theatre —
FA, 7-9 pm. Call 71385



-Other: Campus Aerobics; Free; K-i-iouse; 4:30—
5:30 pm. Call 254-7765

OReiigious: Tuesday Night Together—Informal
Worship; Free; 429 Columbia Avenue; 730 p.m.;

~Reiigious; Genesis It. Free. Newman Center; 7.9
p.m.; Call 272-2486

-Rellgious: Rite at Christian Initiation oi Adults


; (RCIA). Free; Newman Center, 7-30 pm, Call 255

OOther (through 11/13); Aerobics; Free; Newman

Center Room 3; 5:50—7 pm. Call 266-6920

-0ther; RM 22 Jan Band. Free. SCFA Recital Hall;
8 pm. Call 74900
oOther: UK Japanese Programs presents the

1 movie; "The Makioka Sisters"; $4/odults. S2/chlidren;

Worsham Theatre; 630 pm, Call 272-4262
-Seminars; 0r. Jeremy Thorner, U of C, Berkley;
"Molecular Genetics oi Caimodulin Function In

‘ Yeast", Free; MN 463; 4 pm. Call 7-7060

oOther: United States Marine Corps Presentation,
Hoe; Student Center. 6 p.m.; Call 272-0083

~Other Class In "Business Etiquette tor Women";
Coil 7-3294

-Other; Game Night; Free; Student Center Game
Room; 7:30 pm, Call 76636

~Other; SAB Indoor Recreation Committee Meet-

ing; Free; Student Center Game Room; 78 p.m.;

~0ther: AUDTTIONS 10! “Joseph and the Amazing

. Technicolor Dreamcoat"; Free; Guignol Theatre -

FA; 4-7 p.m.; Call 7-1385
- Other: Bridge Lessons and Games; Free; Student

‘ Center Game Room; 7.3010 p.m.. Call 7-6636

-Other: UK Fencing Club - Beginners welcome;

; equipment provided; Free; Alumni Gym. 7309;30

p.m.; Call 8-5564

oMeetings; Public Relations Student Society of
America (new members meeting); Grehan 223;
7:30 pm.

OOther; Speaker; Sandy Williams. UK graduate
and owner at SS Prep Shop Free Erikson Hall; 5
p.m.; Call 74917



oMovies (through 10/15): Full Metal Jacket; $1.95:
Worsham Theatre; 730 p.m.; Call 7-8867

oMovies (through 10/15); Hairspray;
WOfShGTt MTG: TO p.m.; Call 7-8867

oReilgious: Student Faith Sharing; Free; Newman
Center; 9 p.m.; Call 255-8566

00ther: Mdo Club Meeting; Free; Alumni Gym; 5
6:30 p.m.; Call 233-3923

-Seminars: Norman Dovlchi. University of Alberta,
"Capillary Zone Elecrophoresls Separation and
Laser-Based Detection; CP 137; 4 p.m.; Coil 7-7060

- Seminars; “Particle Physics on a ETA Supercoum-
puters." Kevin Moriarty; Mining and Minerals 102; 4
p.m.; Call 7-8737

‘OTW: ADM}. Free; STUOOHT COHTOT 205; 7 p.m.;
Call 7-6636

oSemtnars; Ms. Jean Overmeyer. UK; "Post Tran-
scriptional Addition oi Sequence Information": Free;
W463; 4pm.; Coil 7—7060

OReilgious: Holy Eucharist; Free; St. Augustine's
Chapel; 5:30 p.m.; Call 254-3726

oOther: Food tor Thought “It's a Toss-up —
Strengthening Your Decision-Making Style"; Free;
Student Center 231; Noon; Coil 7-3383

OReligious; Bioehtics Roundtabie; Free; Newman
Center Room 8; 7:309 p.m.; Call 254-5577

0 Other: Call at Cthulhu/Roie Playing; Free; Student
Center 205; 9.1130 p.m.; Student Center Game
Room; Call 7-6636




oOther Campus Aerobics. Free; K-House; 4:30
5:30 pm. Call 254-7 765

OReiigious: D 8 L Grill - Devotion and Lunch; 51;
429 Columbia Avenue; 12 15 pm; Call 7-3989

-Reiiglous Christian Student Fellowship Bible
Study; Free; 502 Columbia Ave 7 p.m.; Call 233-

Oiheatre (through 10 15). Ah, Wildernessl by Eu—
gene O'Neli. directed by Russell Henderson; 54/55.
Guignol Theatre, FA, 8 pm .Cail 257-1385

-Sports (through 1015) UK Women's Goit LKIT.
Call 7-3838

-Other. Art at Lunch; Free; UK Art Museum; Noon;
Art Museum; 7-5716

-Other; A080; Free; Student Center 205; 7-11 30
pm. Call 7-6636

~Concerts- UK Bond Spectacular; 55; Concert
Hot. 730 pm. Call 74929

OOther: Chess Club; Free; Student Center Game
Room: 7:30 p.m.; Cd' 7-6636

~Other: “Give Luck 0 Hand" presented by UK
Cormwnity Education; Student Center 205; 6:30
6:30 DJ“; Cd 7-3294

OOther- ix Fencing Club - Bednners welcome;
eqrsbment provided; Free; Alumni Gym: 7309.30
DJ“; Cd 6-5564

OSports: Campus Rec's One-On-One Basketbdi
Tournament (sign-up deadne 10/12); Free. Seaton
outdoor courts; 7 pm. Cal 7-3928


oMovies (through 10/15); Phk Hoyd The Wall:
$1.95. Worshan Theatre. Midnight; Cdl 7-8867

OSports (through 10/16); 1K Women's Tennis Flor-
ida invitational: Gainesvlle. FL; Cdi 7-3838


oAcodernics: Last day to withdraw item the Uni-
versity or reduce course load and receive (my re

-Other: Donna Renae Phillips/Senior Soprano Re-
cital; Free. SCFA Recital Hal; 8 p.m.; Call 74900

- Seminars: Behavioral Correlates of “Structural
and Metabolic Changes In Alzheimer‘s Disease":
Free;Sanders-Brown 112;Noon:Ca1135471

oOther: Gallery Series; “Women and Poverty In
Kentucky" Carol Straus; Free; Peal Gallery; Noon;
Cali 7-8634





-Sports (through 10/16); UK Rifle Team vs. Ala-
bama. Vanderbilt. Tennessee; Nashville. TN; Call 7-

~Sports: UK Soccer Team vs. Western Kentucky;
Free; Equine Center; 4 p.m.; Call 266-7447

oOther: Sunday Obligation Masses; Free; New-
man Center; 6 p.m.; Call 255-8566

- Sports (through 10/16); Racquetball Intramurals
(signup deadline 10/11) Free; Seaton Center; Call

. Academics: Undergraduates planning to partic-
Ipate in the November Advising Conference for the
1988 Spring Semester should apply tor admission or

~Sports; Wildcat Football vs. LSU; Away; 7 p.m.;
Call 7-3838

-0ther; Kappa Sigma/Alpha Omicron Pi Road
Raity; S5/car. Commonwealth Stadium; 10 am; Call

- Sports; UK Cross Country lowa State Invitational;
Antes. IA; Cali 7-3838

0 Other: Workshop: Equilibrium; Free; Recital Hut; 8
am; Call 74929

00ther: Dance; Le Ballet Jazz De Montreal; $10
public. 56 students; Concert Hall; 8 p.m.; Cali 7-4929

- Other: Day trip to Natural Bridge; St. Augustine’s
Chapel; leave 9 am; Call 254-3726

oOther; ADBrD Varlents: Free; Student Center
Game Room; 10 a.m.-3 p.m.; Call 7-6636

oOther: Star Trek/Role Playing; Free; Student Cen-
ter 205; 7-11:3O p.m.; Cali 7-6636

oOther; Table Tennis Tournament (trophies
awarded); $2/event; Seaton Squash Courts; 1 p.m.;
Call 7-6636

0 Other; Twilight 2000/Roie Playing; Free; Student
Center 205; 7-11;3O p.m.; Call 7-6636

~Sports: Army ROTC Flag Football Tournament
(male and female categories); S20; Seaton Fields:

OSports; “B" Soccer Club vs. Asbury Seminary;
Free; Seaton Fields; 10 am; Call 7-3928





oMovies; Full Metal Jacket:
Theatre; 7 p.m.; Cali 7-8867

0 Religious; Collegiate Worship Service; Free; 502
Columbia Avenue; 11 am; Call 233-0313

0Concerts; Center Sundays Series: Equilibrium/Dr.
& Mrs. W; FT”; Recital Hdl; 3 p.m.; Call 74929

oOther: Sunday Obligation Masses; Free; New-
man Center; 8. 10, 11:30. 5 and 9:30; Call 255

~Concerts; Chamber Mssic Society: Atlanta
Chamber Players: 510 public. tree with UKID. Recital
Hall; 8 p.m.; Call 7-4929

0 Concerts; Mary Ann Fraiey/Senior Organ Recital.
Free;Conoert Hall-SCFA: 3pm.;Coii 7-4900

oOther: “Unstress Yourself"; Free; St. Augustine‘s
Chapel; 7 p.m.; Call 254-3726

- Religious; Holy Eucharist; Free; St. Augustine‘s
Chapel; 10:30 am; Call 254-3726

°Religlous: Holy Eucharist; Free; St. Augustine‘s
Chapel; 5:30 p.m.; Cdl 254-3726

sOther. Activities Day at Seaton Center; Free.
Seaton Center; 12:30 p.m.; Call 7-3928

$1.95; Worsham



00ttter:.hdoClubMeeiing: FreezAiumni Gym: 5-
6:30 p.m.; Call 233-3923

- Movies: The Morning Alter; Free; Worsham
MM: 8 p.m.; Cdl 7-0067

oSerninors; Dr. Mary D. Baririey, UoiLA. "Fluores-
‘63; 4 p.m.; Cd. 7-7060

-Other; Class in "Skills identification and Gair'ring
Employment"; 7-3294

-Other: UK Wheel-Cats vs. ux Faculty vs. Farm
tion; Seaton Gym; 7 p.m.; Coil 7-1624

' Meetings: Student Orgmlsations Asserrbty Reg
uior Meeting; Free; Student Organisations. 106;
7:30 p.m.; Call 7.1109






special events










OAcademlcs — 10/14: Last day to withdraw from
the University or reduce course load and receive

oAcademics - 10/15: Undergraduates planning
to partldpate In the November Advising Confer-
ence for the 1988 Spring Semester should apply tor
admissionor readmission

OOther - 10/10; .udo Club Meeting; Free; Alumni
Gym; 56:30 p.m.; Call 233-3923

OOTher - 10/10-10/28; SAB Visual Arts Committee
presents Chuck McGuire exhibit; Free; Rasdaii Gai-
iery; 10 a.m.-5 p.m.; Call 7-8867

¢0ther - 10/10; AUDITIONS tor “Joseph and the
Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat"; Free; Guignol
Theatre - FA; 7-9 p.m.; Cali 7-1385

-0ther - iO/ii: Campus Aerobics; Free; K-House;
4:305:30 p.m.; Call 254-7765

OOther - 10/11-11/13; Aerobics; Free; Newman
Center Room 3; 5:507 p.m.; Call 266-6920

OOther — 10/11; RM 22 .1021 Band; Free; SCFA Re-
cital Hall; 8 p.m.; Cali 7-4900

oOther — 10m: UK Japanese Programs presents
the movie: "The Makioka Sisters"; S4/aduits. S2/chil-
dren; Worsham Theatre; 6:30 p.m.; Call 272-4262

-Other - 10/11; United States Marine Corps Pre-
sentation; Free; Student Center; 6 p.m.; CalI 272-

-Other — 10/11; Class in "Business Etiquette for
Women"; Call 7-3294

-0ther - 10/11; Game Night; Free. Student Cen-
ter Game ROOT“; 7:30 p.m.; CO" 7—6030

~0ther — 10/11: SAB Indoor Recreation Commit-
tee Meeting; Free; Student Center Game Room; 7-8
p.m.; Call 7-6636

-Other - 10/11; AUDITIONS for “Joseph and the
Amazing Technicolor Drearncoat". Free; Guignol
Theatre — FA; 4-7 p.m.; Call 7-1385

oOther - 10/11; Bridge Lessons and Games; Free;
Student Center Game Room; 7:30-10 p.m.; Call 7-

OOther — 10m: UK Fencing Club - Beginners wei-
come; equipment provided; Free; Alumni Gym;
7:309:30 p.m.; Call 8-5564

~0ther - 10/11; Speaker; Sandy Williams. UK
graduate and owner of SS Prep Shop; Free; Erikson
Hall; 5 p.m.; Call 74917

0Other - 10/12: Judo Club Meeting; Free; Alumni
Gym: 5-6:3O p.m.; Call 233-3923

~0ther - 10/12: ADBrD; Free; Student Center 205:
7 p.m.; Cali 7-6636

00ther — 10/12: Food for Thought; “It's a Toss-up —
Strengthening Your Decision-Making Style"; Free;
Student Center 231; Noon; Call 73383

OOther — 10/12: Call at Cthulhu/Roie Playing; Free;
Student Center 205; 9-11:3O p.m.; Student Center
GorneRoom;CalI 7-6636

00ther - 10/13: Campus Aerobics; Free; K-House;
4:305:30 p.m.; Call 254-7765

oOther - 10/13: Art at Lunch; Free; UK Art Mu-
seum; N000: ATT W: 7-5716

oOther - 10/13: ADBD; Free; Student Center 205;
7-11:30 p.m.; Call 7-6636

-Other — 10/13: Chess Club; Free; Student Center
Game Room: 7:30 p.m.; Call 7-6636

oOther — 10/13; "Give Luck a Hand" presented
by UK Community Education: Student Center 205:
630830 p.m.; Call 7-3294

OOther - 10/13: UK Fencing Club - Beginners wel-
come; equipment provided; Free; Alumni Gym;
7:309:30 p.m.; Cali 8-5564

~0ther - 10/14: Donna Renae Phillips/Senior So
prano Recital; Free; SCFA Recital Hall; 8 p.m.; Cali 7-

-Other — 10/14; Gallery Series: "Women and Pov-
Noon; Call 7-8634

OOther — lO/15: Sunday Obligation Masses; Free;
Newman Center; 6 p.m.; Call 255-8566

OOther - 10/15: Kappa Sigrna/Aipha Omicron PI
Road Rally; SS/car, Commonwealth Stadium; 10
a.m.;Call 8-8436

-Other - 10/15; Workshop: Equilibrium; Free; Recl-
tat Hall: 8 am; Cali 7-4929

00ther - 10/15; Dance: Le Ballet .1022 De Montre-
al; 510 public. S6 students; Concert Hall: 8 p.m.; Call

00ther — 10/15; Day trip to Natural Bridge: St. Au-
gustine's Chapel; leave 9 am; Call 254-3726

oOther - 10/15: ADSD Varlents; Free; Student
Center Game Room; 10 a.m.-3 p.m.; Cali 7-6636

OOther - 10/15; Star Trek/Role Playing; Free: Stu-
dent Center 205; 7-11;3O p.m.; Call 76636

'Other — 10/15: Table Tennis Tournament (tro-
phies awarded); S2/event; Seaton Squash Courts; 1
p.m.;Call 7-6636

o0ther — 10/15; Twilight 2000/Roie Playing: Free;
Student Center 205; 7-11:30 p.m.; Call 76636




looking ahead




10/18 — Movies; arlottt Lights. Big City; $1.95;
Worsham Theatre. 8p.m.;Cail 7-8867

10/19 - Other; Food tor Though: "learning a
Personal mm": Free; Student Center 231; Noon:

10/22 - Sports: Wildcat Football vs. Georgia: Free
with W10. Commonwedth Stadium; 7:30 p.m.; Cdl

10/22 — Phi Psi Chariot Race; Free; Seaton Field;




«Concerts - 10/13: UK Band Spectacular; 55;
Concert Hdi; 7:30 p.m.; Cali 7-4929

0 Concerts - 10/16; Center Sundays Series: Equilib-
rium/Dr. 81 Mrs. Eudow; Free; Recital Hall; 3 p.m.; Call

OConcerts - 10/16; Chamber Music Society; At-
lanta Chamber Players; $10 public. free with UKID;
Recital Hall; 8 p.m.; Cali 7-4929

0Concerts - 10/16: Mary Ann Fraley/Senior Organ
Recital; Free; Concert Hall - SCFA; 3 p.m.; Call 7-

'Theatl’e — 10/13-10/15: Ah. Wildernessi by Eu—
gene O‘Neii. directed by Russell Henderson; 54/55;
Guignol Theatre. FA; 8 pm. Call 257-1385

~Movies — 10/12-10/15: Full Metal Jacket; 5195:
Worsham Theatre; 7:30 p.m.; Call 7-8867

- Movies — 10/12-10/15: Hairspray; $1.95; Worsham
Theatre; 10 p.m.; Call 7-8867

~Movies - 10/14-10/15: Pink Floyd The Wall, $1.95;
Worsham Theatre; Midnight. Call 7-8867

0 Movies — 10/16. Full Metal Jacket;
Worsham Theatre; 7 pm; Call 7-8867

~Movies — 10/17; The Morning After;
Worsham Theatre. 8 pm , Call 78867










- Sports — 10/13-10’15: UK Women's Golf LKiT; Call

0 Sports — 10/13: Campus Rec's One-On-One Bas-
ketball Tournament (signup deadline 10112); Free;
Seaton outdoor courts; 7 p.m.; Call 73928

°Sports - 10/14—10/16: UK Women's Tennis Florida
invitational; Gainesviile, FL; Cali 7-3838

-$ports — 10/15-10/16: UK Rifle Team vs. Ala
bama. Vanderbilt. Tennessee; Nashville; TN; Call 7-

0 Sports - 10/15: UK Soccer Team vs. Western Ken-
tucky; Free; Equine Center; 4 p.m.; Call 266-7447

0 Sports - 10/15—10/16: Racquetball Intramurals
(sign-up deadline 10/11) Free; Seaton Center; Call

oSports - 10/15: Wildcat Football vs. LSU; Away; 7
p.m.; Call 7-3838

0 Sports - 10/15: UK Cross Country Iowa State Invi-
tational; Antes. IA; Coll 7-3838

OSports - 10/15: Army ROTC Flag Football Tourna-
ment (male and temale categories); 520; Seaton
Fields: 11 am; Call 277-0458

cSports — 10515; “B“ Soccer Club vs Asbury Semi-
nary; Free; Seaton Fields; 10 am; Cali 7-3928



.. sees









OSeminars - 10/11; Dr Jeremy Thorner, U of C.
Berkley; "Molecular Genetics of Caimodulin Func-
tion In Yeast"; Free; MN 463. 4 p.m.; Cali 7-7060

-Seminars — 10/12; Norman Dovlchi. University oi
Alberta. "Capillary Zone Eiecrophoresis Separation
and Laser-Based Detection; CP 137; 4 p.m.; Call 7-

cSeminars — 10/12 "Particle Physics on o ETA Su~
percoumputers." Kevin Moriarty. Mining and Mner~
dis 102; 4p.m.;CaiI 7-8737

OSemlnors - 10/12; Ms Jean Overmeyer. UK; "Post
Traucriptional Addition of Sequence Information";
Ff”: W 463: 4 p.m.; Cd. 7-7060

OSeminars — 10/14: Behavioral Correlates of
"Stmctural and Metabolic Changes In Alzheimer's
W"; FT”; WHO'S-51M 112; N00“: C01 3-

-Seminars — 10/17. Dr Mary D. Barkley, U of LA.
"me Probes for Peptides and Proteins";
Ff”: WM3; 4pm.; Cd. 7-7060

OMeetings ~10/11:Public Relations Student So-
ciety at America (new members meeting); Grehan
223; 7:30 pm.

OMeetings — iO/17 Student Organizations Assem-
bty Regular Meeting; Free: Student Organizations.
106. 7:30 p.m.;CoII 7.1109





 Kentucky Kernel, Monday. October 10, 1988 — 3



Rob Seng
Arts Editor


Caan continues comeback
in science fiction ‘Nation’

M Critic

N two-hearted bundles of sour
Iii dragging alien joy. “Alien Na-
h" puts slam—bum action with a
“unity message (not so strongly
need since “The Brother From
Another Planet") to create one hel-
luva buddy movie.

“Alien Nation" is set in the Los
Andes of 1991, three years after a

Wu] d 300,000 aliens crash~,

landed in the Mojave Desert. The
aliens are quarantined for a bit,
then freed for integration into the
watderously acceptive American

This all occurs in the first 30 sec-
mrb of the film, and leads the au-
tience straight into morality issue
number one: RACISM. The “New-
comers" are feared and loathed for
reach the same reasons bigotry oc-
curs towards minorities/
immigrants like the boat people,
because: they look and act differ-
.tly; they need jobs; they have a
H d unknowns about their culture
(specially one biggie which makes

The rough process of “Newcom-
C" integration is highlighted by
the promotion of a one to police de»
tective, the first to become such.
and the other detectives‘ reluc—
tance to accept him.

The plot is fairly simple. with

Waters’ ‘Pink Flamingos’ a decadent diversion

Arts Editor

John Waters‘ recent film "Hairs—
pray.“ a fond look back at the
early ‘6lls. has just been released
on video and. as enjoyable as it is.
it’s just not a true indication of the
types of films that Waters has
made throughout his career.

“Hairspray" is fluff _ Waters‘
real artistic claim seems to be to
follow in the footsteps of Herschell
Gordon Lewis and become the king
of sleaze cinema.

Nowhere is Waters‘ penchant for
nut-stop grossness more evident
“In in his first film. “Pink Fla»
fringes,"madein 1972.

these transvestite Divine ta
Waters favoritel stars as Babs
Johnson who lives with her son
Crackers, daughter Cotton and



one police detective, Sykes, played
by James Caan, teamed with the
newly appointed “Newcomer“ de-
tective Sam Francisco (whom
Sykes called “George"l played by
Mandy Patinkin (of “Evita“ and
“The Princess Bride") to find out
who's assasinating “Newcomers"
and why.

The two end up discovering a
drug problem of inter-galactic pro-
portions. leading to the movie‘s
second moralistic point: DRUGS

Directed by Graham Baker. the
movie has the humor—action combi—
nation that Gale Anne Hurd-pro-
duced movies (“The Terminator"
and “Aliens“ i are famous for.

Rockne S. O‘Bannon should be
praised for writing a script that
brilliantly merges two different
cultures without any cheap Mork-
From-Ork effects.

Some differences worth mention
ing about the "Newcomers" sour
milk is like a liquor to them. regu»
lar condoms don‘t fit. even if they
stretch. they have two hearts. and
shooting them in only annoys them
immensely. hitting them below the


mentally deficient mother in a mo
bile home somewhere in Phoenix

Divine and her family are in
competition with the Marvels for
the title of the filthiest people in
the world Divine and company are
only hedonistic perverts and mur
derers while the Marvels do such
vile things as kidnapping young
girls. chaining them in the base»
ment and having their butler 1m,
pregnate them and then selling the
babies on the black market

Babs' happiness is shattered
when the Marvels find out where


Thaae Smllea
Bonded by
Dr. Flanagan


James Caan and Mandy Patinkin star as two detectives from differ
ent worlds trying to break up a drug ring in "Alien Nation "

arm pits is like kneeing Randy
Savage in the groin.

They swim in the ocean as a slug
can‘t swim in a chlorinated pool

Their language, when written.
looks like a biorhythm flow chart.
Rumor has it. prior to crash-land—
ing on earth, they were genetically
engineered as slaves. They also are
contemptuously referred to by hu
mans as “slags.”

The movie also involves a great
role trade near the. end of the
movie. when quiet “George" goes
wild and know—it-all “Archie Bunk
er" bigot Sykes which in “\'e\v

she lives and send her gift-vi'rzippcrl
excrement in the mail in an at
tempt to forget the Marvels. ii
birthday party is thrown tor Babs
at which a man performs amazmg
tricks with his anal area

The Marvels step up the filth war
and burn Bahs's trailer Babs .1an
her son swear revenge and put a
curse on the Marvels‘ home by
breaking in and licking everything
inthe house

In what may arguably be one of
the silver screen's more memora-
ble scenes. the film ends with
Divme playing puppy pooper scoop»
er behind a man walking his pooch
Yes. he/she does eat it while the
strains of "How Much is That
Doggy in The Window" play peace-
fully in the background

Lennon’s optimistic nature
is brought out in ‘Imagine’

Hy lAl RA si 'l'lll\
Stat“ 'ritic

"linagine.' the film biography of
John Lennon, not only traces the
musmian's 41i~ycar life. it manages
to capture the spirit of both the
man and his music, Even more sig-
nificantly, however. it captures the
spirit of the t'l.'ll‘t' Lennon cra.
thereby settiriL’ .i standard for it-

The llllt‘ taken tron; the Lentior.
single of the same name. is t'tir

crystali/atron ot his dream for llll’
world‘ it: this him. the -)pti'iia»i*
behind that stream \l‘illll‘S on

For ‘lic part. 'lrriagiiir‘
takes a chronological :iiok i?
lk-nnon's Eiti- Beginning with ‘..-~
troubled l.l\t'l‘ptKJl thildhow.‘ uni:
t‘ll'llllg' wth his ‘ragn litRii Ania.
nation .iiiil filing
.t‘ il'.\ .‘.'i'li .i 11ll i'l ginkl lliU\.t

. nLluil)

\t'lL‘t' of humor sortietriirig Lennon
4-» tried lii losi- iall'r ill his llli.‘

\ neither tritiial not
alter about We Lll>.~ilrllllllli'. iii the
croup pdlfllull} hunt-s: The
hint or. tin other hand lulu-s great



giéillis ll: Llitll'di'lr'l‘llt‘ ‘lltli (is
‘tung wither mar.
\lll‘ Lam lit‘l massing air"
' ;r‘l,‘t-(' Ali-I‘ldl:

lzzt.i «i: Y?»

' .lfiliiflil

I ‘ .
i ..,iil.

Iiiris’ . . _
“tuna, tlw: ,5 -. , ,

PHOTO couerEsv OF 20m cenrunv FOX
petrol! .-l1,t

comers“ tongue means eXci‘i-
ment" and “cranium' , llé‘l'ttllil—N a
bewildered tag-along.

In short. this is not Just another
actionbuddycop movie. but a top
notch sci-ti flick with moral and
cultural statements. if even has .i
nifty keen monster to tie it all up

I really love this piece
true art can be
only rcget .s that

iii ’llt’ .i’. lii*".ii-i-f

; ....‘._\ Hi.
.ti. .. .1
r“‘ l

. i..-
3.7!! {rilllvilfilthf
li'll’ttgf.’ till? “'17."
i: innit ,. .

later 2.2}

\‘Eltti‘gt‘ l’n'u'llw'
‘.lt"v\,\, (ltLt 4i silt?»
.is only lli.“"‘*lt“‘f""’l l -'