xt7q5717q73v https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7q5717q73v/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2002-06-06 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, June 06, 2002 text The Kentucky Kernel, June 06, 2002 2002 2002-06-06 2020 true xt7q5717q73v section xt7q5717q73v UK opera hosts a tenth-anniversary extravaganza I 3



June 6, 2002


Rose Street to reopen
after several delays

Clogged arteries: Construction, utility
and materials problems fueled long wait

By Nichole Lainhart


After numerous delays.
the end is in sight. The much
anticipated re opening of the
intersection of Rose Street
and South Limestone Street
is expected in mid June

“we are doing all we can
to get it open." said David
Collins. of the (aphid Project
Management division. The
last item necessary to com
plete the road construction is
a sign to hang from a mast
arm pole near the pedway
crossing Rose Street. which
will indicate lane directions.

The sign is expected to
arrive the second Week of
June If all goes well. the in
tersection should be open the
following \vee '.


The intersection has been
closed since May 2001.

Originally scheduled to
reopen last October. the con
struction has been riddled
with setbacks. Construction
delays. utility issues and ma-
terial deliveries are among
the causes for the eight
month delay.

Rose Street's intersection
with South liin‘iestone Street
is being changed from the Y
shaped intersection some moi
torists found confusing to a
traditional T shaped lllli'I"~"’
tion. as part of the f'XpEmSEHI“
of [TK's medical campus.

The expansion also in
cludes two new buildings
the ("oilege of Allied Health
Professions Budding (to lie
named after former ['K pres
ident. In: (‘harles Wething




The lights are up at the corner of Rose Street and South Limestone.
Closed since May of 2001, the street should be reopened this month.

stone Street intersection. is
expected this month as well.

The (ilii iiuiiding, next
to the i'K Hospital. has suf-
ieied delays and completion
is not expected untii 2005;.

ton); and the Linda and Jack
(‘iill Building

(‘oinpletion of the Allied
Health Professions Building
located on the ‘ point" of the
Rose Street and ‘s‘oiiti: loiili'

The gift of

Christina llidd

Saddle up

A variety of
club sports
await avid
athletes l 6


Search ending
* for important
UK official

'Student advocate': Administrator
oversees many student organizations

By Joe AMOflOI

UK officials are try-
ing to fill a key adminis-
trative position —— one
they say affects student
life dramatically

Vice president of stu-
dent affairs is “a critical
and key position for stu~
dents.“ said Rhonda
Strouse. director of stu-
dent activities. “They are
the main student advocate
for what issues and ser-
vices need to be addressed
on campus.

The vice president for
student affairs oversees
many programs and ser-
vices that directly affect
students. such as the Stu-
dent Center. Residence Life
and the Dean of Students.

An announcement
concerning the new vice
president may come as
early as next week, said
Provost Mike Nietzel.
When asked if an offer
had been made, Nietzel

campus visits.

Patricia Terrell, of
Ohio State University and
Dennis Roberts, of Miami
of Ohio, spent two days
visiting campus.

“Both candidates have
excellent records. and
have worked at major uni-
versities," Nietzel said.
“They received enthusias—
tic recommendations and
endorsements from the
search committee."

Nietzel stressed the
position’s importance.

“This individual is in
charge of all aspects of
student life." he said.
“Students have a vital in-
terest in who we select.”

The applicant select-
ed will replace James
Kuder. who has served in
the position for 15 years.

Kuder said he will
travel more, renew his in-
terest in photography and
cooking. and sleep late in
the morning. "Changes in
life are always interest-
ing.“ he said.

donates blood at the
Control Kentucky
flood Center on Tues-
day attornoon. "it's
encouraging to know
that I'll helping
somebody else." lidd
said. The shelves are
hare right now at the
center, and yon can

latter Ave" or coil
276-2534 for more

mom was i mun surr

Questions remain following death
of two men who fell from tower

Issues: Enforcement of alcohol policy,
safety of window glass may be examined

By Joe Anderson
than m an if

Five weeks after two
men fell to their deaths from
a Kirwan Tower window.
many questions about the ac
cident remain unanswered.

I'K officials have not de
cided if changes need to be
made in response the acci-
dent. and what form those
changes should take. said
Mary Margaret (‘olliver a
university spokesperson.
(‘oliiver said she thinks ad
ministration officials will
make a decision regarding
the university's response
this week. and expects an an-
nouncement next week.

Jeffrey Pfetzer. a [7K
freshman. and Matthew
Rzepka. a former student at
Western Kentucky l'anPt‘Sl'
ty. were wrestling in a Kir-
wan Tower lounge on Mav 2_
according to 1K officials
Around 251.0 a in. the two
broke through a window and


fell l’fetzer died at the scene:
Rzepka was later pronounced
dead at UK Hospital.

“We are continuing to
review the unfortunate inci-
dent and looking at several
options. especially concern-
ing the windows." (iolliver

Quarter-inch annealed. or
standard. glass was used in
the windows. This type of
glass meets all relevant build-
ing codes. Colliver said.

However. local glass com-
pany owners were quoted in
the Herald-Leader. saying
tempered glass would proba-
bly have prevented the acci
dent. Tempered glass can ab-
sorb five to six times the im-
pact of annealed glass and is
used in most tall buildings

{TK's enforcement of its
alcohol policy is also an issue
in the accident. Despite a ban
on alcohol in residence halls.
alcohol was found in the pub
lic lounge. UK officials said

The toxicology reports


A solemn

No men died when
they fell from the
third floor of Kirwan
Toner last month.
Their deaths have
led to questions of
student safety, such
as the type of glass
used In dorm nin-
dons. A UK
spokesperson said
she expects the
administration to
discuss their reac-
tion next week.


on the men's blood
are still unavailable. said
Miles White Lexington‘s
chief deputy coroner

White said he expects
the reports within the next
two weeks The tox1cology
reports will include their
blood alcohol levels and help
determine the role alcohol
played in the incident

Kappa Sigma. Pfetzer's
fraternity. is working to es-
tablish a memorial scholar-
ship in his honor.

“We're hoping to raise
$5000. and receive a matching
grant from the national chap
ter." said Stephen Williams. a
member of Kappa Sigma
"Hopefully: We can establish
two annual full scholarships "


said he has “had discus-
sions with a particular

The search process
was long and extensive,
said Mike Boyd. director
of the Office of Interna-
tional Affairs and chair of
the search committee.
“The long interview
process may be a reason
we got such good candi-
dates." Boyd said.

After receiving over
100 applications. two can-
didates were selected for

Why it matters
A few of the departments

the vrce president of
student affairs oversees:

Student Center

Student Activities
Residence Life

Career Center

Dean of Students
Disability Resource Center
Campus Media

Greek Advising



Staff elects senate;
will begin work soon

Historic: First-ever staff senate hopes
to have an effect on campus decisions

By Paul Leightty

dismounted mm

UK staff are getting a unified voice on campus.

The staff voted in their first-ever election for a staff
senate in April and May. Results were announced late in
May and over 70 senators were elected to represent the
staff of more than 10.000 in the university

“I see this as an opportunity for staff to increase the
impact they have on the university." said Sean Scott. a
senator from Human Resources.

Plans for a staff senate have been brewing at UK
since before last summer although the Board of Trustees
did not recognize the idea until December. The board ap
proved the senate in January

The board's amended governing regulations autho-
rize the senate to address the board through the staff
trustee and the president in all matters affecting the staff.

The senate does not yet have specific issues it wants
to address. said Jeanie Caldwell. who is serving as chair
of the Staff Senate Development Task Force.

"The first year will be an organizational year." Cald-
well said. “There will be an ongoing process of defining
the bylaws" of the senate.

Senators and the task force have already been devel-
oping a constitution.

“The senate will be a representative body through
which staff can work to promote their common interests."
said Dave Vantreese. director of the Instructional Tech—
nology Center and officer on the task force.

The senate‘s main purpose is “so that staff will have
an organized way to be heard." Caldwell said. and will then
be able to influence administrative decisions affecting stafl'.

UK President lee Todd said in his inaugural address
“the staff senate will serve as a much~needed. valuable com—
munication resource for me and the Board of Trustees."

“Right now we're basically creating something out of
nothing." said Scott

The Senate will hold an orientation for new senators
.lune 17 and its first meeting July 1]


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The Low-down

Ill Lo

Sunscreen time
is here!

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VOL. “"0


SINCE 1971


Call 257—1915 or

Call 257-2872 or

Call‘257‘2871 or

fax 323-1906

«21“ ,1?

if you have
email them to
Joe Anderson.
editor—in-chief. at
@hotmail.com or
call 257-1915.


UK places most grads in program
I'K had more giadiiates last year 1111111»
Southern Regional I-Idiication Board s Iioc
toral Scholars program than any other par
ticipatiiig university. with four graduates.
With iiiiie SIIIfIt‘liIs working toward their
doctorates this year in :1 program designed
to iiicreasethi-111111111111‘111' 111111111 11y pi'otes
soi's. [K may repeat its success The 81111111
Iloctoral Scholars Program was started 111
199:1 with funds from The Pew Charitable
Trusts and the Ford Foundation. It is part
of a nationwide initiative. the Compact tor

Faculty Itiycrsity. 111 increase the number of

minority pi‘t‘solis \\'lill doctorates and 1111111
courage the-111 to seek faculty positions

UK files NCAA appeal on bowl ban

I'K President Lee 'l‘oilil announced
April .111 that the I‘K has submitted its .111
poal to the Nt‘.\.\ Infractions Appeal Com
inittecrcgardingthc11.1111111 1111\I\1'(l\'tilll‘ll
1111111111 for1111131111211111111111 \1‘Jis1111 l'|\"s .1p
111-.11 1s 11.1soil on 11111 university's belief 111311
the postseason ban 1\ .111 cm 1‘.\\l\'t‘ and map
pi‘opriati- penalty when considered \\ 1111 tlic
other sigiiiliciin1 penalties Imposed 111 this
case and the other laclors normally rc
Viewed by 11111 1‘11111111111111- 1111 Infractions
when penalties are assessed I'K also 111»
lieves that 1hr (11111111111111 1111 IllIl‘.‘11'Iltlll\
was incorrect in lls position 111.11 1'11" l‘i‘
ceiyed a s1g11111c:1111 recruitment advantage
which dictated the imposition of 11111 post
season ban 111 the appeal. l'K attempts
shows that there was no significant recruit
111g advantage gained 'l‘lie Infractions .\p
pcal1‘111111111111-1111‘111 111111111 11s I‘f‘\'11‘\\ oi the
appeal and schedule .1 hearing for the 111
\'lt‘\\‘ No date has been set for that process

Psychology awards given to UK
8117;11111111‘ Segorstroin. l'Ix' assistant
professor of psychology. is the first place
winner of the 2111);! Templeton Positive
Psychology Prize Siigerstroin i‘eceiyed
psychology‘s largest monetary pl‘l/e for
her research showing the health benefits
of optimism 'I‘he 311111111111 award is iliyiil
ed as a cash prize of 1511111111111 111 he used
any way Segerstroni chooses and a grant
of 3711111111 111 support her research in the
positive psychology t‘icld, Another I'K

professor. 111111 I.yn.11n. was a yyinncr of

one of the American Psychological Assn
ciation's awards for distinguished scion
tific contributions Coupled with
Segerstroni's ’I‘enipleton Prize in the
same year. this represents an outstanding
level of achieycincnt for the I'K lli‘pill‘I
ment of Psychology.

KSU board member replaced

first Cynthia Nixon.
now Wyclef Jean.
The former Fugee
followed the “Sex
and the C1ty"star's
example by getting
arrested yesterday
during a protest at
New York's City
Hall of proposed
cuts in the city's
public schools bud-
get Jean was cited
for disorderly con-
duct. as were l2
others at the

rally, which was co-
organized by hip-
hoppers and drew a
crowd 0120.000,
many of them stu-
dents. according to
the New York Daily
News, He had tried
repeatedly to per-
form at the rally. in
Violation of the
protesters' permit
that allowed only
speech and taped
music the event
was organized by
the United
Federation of
learners and rap
impresario Russell
Sinimons‘ Hip-Hop
Action Network.
iSimmons had said
it was Nixon.
arrested at an ear-
lier City Hall
protest over the
same issue. who
urged him to acti
Jay-Z had done
radio spots in the
days leading up to
the event, urging
kids to join the
rally once school
let out. Mayor
Michael Bloomberg
has proposed edu-
cation budget

cuts as high as
$356 million Ihe
City. still reeling
from reces510n and
terrorism, faces a
deficd of $5 billion.

FRANKFURT Gov. Paul Patton on
Wednesday replaced one of President
(ieorge Reid's harshest critics on the Ken»
tucky State University board of regents.
Elizabeth Short of Beattyville had attend—
ed regent meetings infrequently in recent
months. but often showed her displeasure
with Reid. Replacing Short will be Marcia
Milliy Ridmgs of London. The KSU board
is to meet June 21) when it is expected to
reconsider Reid's employment. Although
the board voted earlier to extend his con-
tract. 11o negotiations have taken place.
Patton made appointments to all the 0111
cr university and college boards on
Wednesday. including UK reappointineiits
of trustees Frank Shoop and Billy
Wilcoxson along with the Council on
l’ostsecondary Education.


Candy makers going hot 'n' spicy

CHICAGO 111 the $24 billion US. can
dy business. it's no longer solely a matter of
how sweet 11 is More companies these days
are catering to the unique candy tastes of
11111 l'astgrowing Hispanic population.
where some like it hot. Really lioi. Sweet-
1ooth experts attending North America's
largest. confectionery trade show say can
dies with a liatin bite to them often spicy
and salty are popping up in stores all
over as maniifactiirers and distributors try
to feed a burgeoning ethnic market. Flavors
include pineapple candies With a chili pow.
iler flavor and milk chociilate-coveri~11 corn
flakes. a Mexican favorite.

Singer laces pornography charges

CHICAGO R8111 star R. Kelly was 111-
ilicted Wednesday on child pornography
charges stemming from a videotape that offi-
cials say shows the Grammy winner having
sex with an underage girl. a source 111 the
Cook County State's Attorney's Office said.
A grand jury charged Kelly. whose first
name is Robert. with 21 counts of child
pornography; said the source. who spoke on
condition of anonymity. The court docu»
ineiits were not immediately released. The
felony charge carries a prison term of up to
15 years. and a fine of up to 311111111111. The
source said a warrant had been issued for
Kelly‘s arrest. Lawyers for the 31-year-old
Chicago native did not iiiitiiediately return
calls 111 The Associated Press.

Krispy Kreme goes down under

Kreme Doughnuts. which has attracted
hordes seeking “Hot Doughnuts Now" as it
expands across the country. said Wednesday
it plans to open stores in Australia and New
Zealand. The stores will be the chain's first
outside North America. Krispy Kreme re-
cently opened its first store outside the Unit»
ed States in Toronto and it has been setting
sales records. In its most recent earnings re»
port. Krispy Kreme said it was moving for-
ward oii international expansion in five
countries. The first store is expected to open
in Sydney in March. Krispy Kreme. which
currently operates 222 stores iii the United
States and Canada. recently said it plans to



Nicolas Cage says
when he read the
script for his new
"Windtalkers." he
knew little about
the Navajo Indian
Code lalkers who
created the
Marines' unbreak-
able code used in
World War ll's
Pacific front. "I
wish 1 hao learned
more about it in
high school. but
they didn't put it in
the history books."
Cage said at a
Senate reception
marking Tuesday's
film premiere. "I
have great respect
for the Navajo
Code Talkers and
their heroic acts."
Cage, co~star Adam
Beach and director
John Woo joined
several surviving
Code Talkers --
including four who
developed the code
-- and a bout a
dozen senators at
the reception.
"The recognition
they're given new
is richly deserved
and long overdue."
said Sen. Ben
Campbell of
Colorado, the only
American lndian in
the Senate. The
Code Talkers creat-
ed a code based on
the Navajo lan-
guage. It was used
in some of World
War ll's fiercest
battles. including
lwo Jima. and was
never cracked.
After World War ll.
the Code Talkers
were sworn to
secrecy. and their
work was not for
mally recognized
until last summer
when they were
presented congres-
sional gold and sil-
ver medals.

open 62 stores in fiscal 2003.



Pearl's widow will not testify

HYDERABAD. Pakistan ~ Prosecutors
dropped a request Wednesday to have the
widow of Wall Street Journal reporter
Daniel Pearl testify against four men
charged in his murder, saying they will con-
clude their case this week. (‘hief prosecutor
Raja Qiiereshi said he decided not to pursue
Mariane Pearl's testimony after her attor-
ney filed a statement in court saying she
would be unable to travel to London or Pak-
istan for medical reasons. Her attorney (lid
not elaborate on her condition. Mrs. Pearl.
:18. gave birth to her first child. Adam. a
week ago in Paris. where the French free
lance journalist lives.

India makes conciliatory gesture

NEW DELHI. India India made a coir
ciliatory gesture to Pakistan on Wednesday.
calling for joint monitoring of" their disputed
Kashmir frontier a proposal that Pakistan
played down as old and unlikely to work.
Even as the United States and Britain sent
top officials to pressure the nuclearsarmed
rivals. they stepped up warnings asking
their own citizens to leave. In phone calls to
Pakistani President Gen Pervez Musharraf
and Indian Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vai-
payee. It was the first indication in the six-
nioiith standoff that India might cooperate
with Pakistan to end the Kashmir insur-
gency and solve the dispute that dates to 111-
dependence from Britain in 1947.

Counterterrorism official points

finger at Sept. 11 mastermind

WASHINGTON The likely master-
mind of the Sept. 11 attacks is a Kuwaiti-
born lieutenant of ()sama bin Laden who
had previously plotted to attack the World
Trade Center and to bomb several airliners
simultaneously Khalid Shaikh Mohammed.
one of the FBI's mostwanted terrorists. is
at large in Afghanistan or nearby. the law
enforcement official told The Associated
Press on Tuesday. Mohammed is accused of
working with Ramzi Yousef in the first
bombing of the World Trade Center. which
left six dead in 1993. The State Department
is offering a reward of up to $25 million for
information leading to his capture.

Compiled from staff, who reports




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show w














.\ '
Lucas Thomas
Scene Editor
' Phone 257l9l5 | Email lmtnomiauiiy edu


Famous singing alum returns to campus, joins brother in new opera performance

A grand night
of performances

Priiiia: é. ; t ,


Michael Turay practices song and dance during a rehearsal for “it's a Grand Night for Singing," Tuesday night at the Singletary Center. The
show will be performed Friday, Saturday and Sunday with tickets available at the Singletary Center Box Office.

Singing siblings: UK student Michael
Turay and brother Gregory reunite to
perform together in campus opera show

By Jodi Whitaker

37M" WP"F?

As klfh eroxi Hit up ii: “in Hilxi‘.
lii‘egoi'y and Michael Till’i‘ didii't i.
way‘ get, along in tin-t, (newt: i. Tina:
\(i\\1]\i‘tlli)l)(‘illlll.“lllll‘ liliilli“! lip
'l'hniikliilly. (il‘i'wii‘f. hm ilfliili
LIlZf‘tl. and the two get along uiiirh het
tei l\ Jitlllll\ And illh weekend. the 'l i;
‘”—“‘ my lJl'lIlllt'l\ w ill be singing together i u.
67990” Turay stage. vuiietliiiii: thrit lizisii't l. ippei'ed
\lill‘l' thex did :i piece l‘i‘iiin .Siriiiin In
Th» Rum together in hiuli w hool
lii‘eiioi‘x' riiiil .\lii liiiei Tomi :21
peitrii'iii ‘l.:‘;x' ~ Eyes tron; The he. iwr
(inn/en ll‘.‘.\ \ieekeiirl ri> [J'H‘l ‘ll l'l-E
‘lt'x .1 (ii‘itllll .‘iiulit llii‘ Silltliilfl . who

We re not , . ._ . g l _
lili'il‘k\ ll~ i‘llli filllllth'l‘N'il \ iills ‘vf'ill.

from to l'lx' dunner some doixi‘. tiiiie ii.
the elder Tiirrix \Zilfl of Working with
as their
fiii‘i‘ ll'x Iiii‘ii.’
school :it 1K and work with Everett .\l.'
['K. lie e‘x’iiev‘ted to he iii lll\ lii‘other \
have a lot
now. people lllil'ttlllll‘f‘ iiie :lx (wigs
little tough to get used to Rut l llL'lll‘Wl .t
, .
Its like

really iii“'£.’,lil‘_‘~ Turay. who peitoi‘iiii-d
\ui . t‘\\l‘ili l :ii‘eei' Il\ .iii vipt'l'fl \lllLIt’l“
KentUCky. he a part of the ll‘fllllll'li‘i, :iiiil h hsipi-i
they JllSt lii‘othei‘
.\lii'h:iel 'llek :i ('lii’ii‘zii‘il'l‘ lsee 'l whole
Children. . ..
It was lyregoi‘y Tlll’JlV who :ii‘tiialn
’ e . .
that S ( UTTT‘V. his Vlill‘f‘ professor
Of frlends hrothei” said .\lll‘ll.’iel. :i \i‘iilivi‘ anvil
that's what people know me i~3 'irid it
it»; :i way people Hm relate :iiid put the
While ;it l'K in 199:? (il‘i‘giifl Tni i\
liemiiie the ill“? and still iiixii l‘lx'

the lust (irriiid Night” :ii 19W. i‘etiii :»
it’ll” illt'lllfiiil‘ete Work with l‘:1\iili:"
~ “ I'm really looking forward to 1‘
claim us
new ~ide of him that l haxeii't \4't'l‘i lie
And eiii‘ouraged his. brother to mine to
So when Michael Till‘flV t‘f‘il‘i‘.“ to
great. We
For :i while. (lllrl \illl \eiiie'iuzm
here lX‘l‘lTiI‘llli’tlltft‘ students (ll Hi It we i
in then iiiiiid. that's great He‘s leer: ii:
\‘illflt‘lli to have won the New York

- Grequ Tura

\letzimo..’ i1. ‘ ipe: i :\'."i.'l(!:i\. win. 3. :,e did or. iii\ lil\l trV' ln
fiv‘ lizegiir Tiiii ‘ 11',\liEiJlll.xii’r'vxI’llllil‘iL’ll'mllnlp at
l'li ii at .‘ili' .. -'ip that he i ’ihed The Turay Syn-
i‘iwim 3. - .1 .:.‘ ; - student iittei‘ from when they
.i or ‘:i ‘\: m ' ilill‘iiit‘N‘ ii. illlll have everything
} ippei. wit
iii‘liti-~\.iii‘..i. :\}.w w 9‘ \illl in under-
, , own filiioize: mid The students
‘7' «1:; roiizpet:tiori= xin‘i: \‘l’ ii WM" and «zetjohs
. ‘:. um i: t"l\l‘ 'l hex tl'vi tulit it was all
ILilll to do '.\ n \lndi up Thex didn‘t
. i i? the: hurl in p: n i s it’l‘illt‘t‘ and be
1.1ierit. The: i.i.\7 wru‘fiwl to mine in
‘5‘ '~ ..;ie‘:tiriii\ ill‘l the!) ‘he\‘ did. they

, .Eihi Y liLIill'l' on? .\l.!:' INA “THUS
. x The Tlil‘i'i'. (\i‘ :tilz' urie Met‘oney

er ~e~ 'l:.it ililllLZn ~«eeiued to « oiiie around
'i? ”ii. it'sjiixt now '2er i'zireer that
m- t‘ iliilii'x did lixixe 2t
‘. :ixui'. may. Tur'r will ot~ his time
In? flames. would snow" ml like they did
lie goite ‘hr'iugh it . . and have had
.‘ :i'.'. ’iil‘W‘i‘. l i“‘itiEZl' hr ‘ "H5“; i had it.’
.. went 3:: ~ time sum e 1e 1‘. .21: l’K travel
giiiit‘oi'ixui: iii lipt'l‘dh lie ill>~l returned
”I :‘e he pei‘foi‘iiierl .2: lion (,‘ioi'anmfl
. p- I'I‘.'ill'~_{ in lllilli‘il‘iitlifiil.\ .- t‘ter that.
\.i~ivi‘.,l";l‘.1l"iifll from peitoi‘:t‘.,r.1 to work on


mum» .ind ’l'} llld re‘ hm k to the
lyflifllii‘V Tiii'ix Hui of his time
.1‘ in
«who at wife l oiii‘tiiex who he met at
, g i . _ . .. who ‘,‘1\i turned It kind? Ilill (oiii'tney
Turns. «1.. is: 1... performing in ’(ii'and Night." playing
.\l.u :i .l‘. in Ri- ,\l; t'ioii‘. 7hr Sound of Mom i oiirtney also
‘»livll'l'iilt.‘lpl‘fl‘tl .utd '.\"It‘l«‘"ll '.‘.lill the r‘hlllli‘t'l‘i. who Wlll be
\l?‘i‘;§.ll;§ «lot: .i '31". her
ll'ii’uiu l irezri ‘l i K time off. the Turriys w il'. he 1‘ u ilx'lllL’, for a
home iii the if“! i~~ ”well
"Wi- iv. :fiii i“'rtil\ ti'oiii Kentiii ky, they pm .mim us as
lllt‘ll‘ rhiéih‘eii »\ii«l that's great," Turay said of the warm wel-
miiie he gets i“ the \’ ate We haw a lot of friends here It's
like lii-ii‘ie

Go see the show

"it s a Grand Night for Singing" will be performed at
8 pm. Fridav and Saturday. and 2 pm. Sunday at the Singletary Center for
the Arts Tickets are 518 general admiSSion, $12 for students and $10 for chil-

tickets are available at the Singletary Center Box Office.
or by calling 257-4929.


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I'm sure that you've all
been missmg my wrtty
sense of humor these
last few weeks. but
put that noose away.
for I have returned
Okay. so that‘s not a
good enough team
to want to live. but
lust give me a chance
this summer. I've got
a week between each
article so no more
thrownng in crap at
the last minute like
I've grown accus
tamed to It‘s too of
the line quality all the
way. Here’s a list of
things to look forward

be tackling all at the
big issues in or
columns We may
even discuss the best
angle to tap the keg
or the advantages of
steeping till own
You iust never know


l’ll definitely be gomg
hardcore at the foot-
ball and basketball
programs Since I'm
now working With
www thebtdbluena-
tron com i may even
start to sound like t
know something
about the sports

There won't be any squir‘
rel comments unless
it's acknowledging
thei.r superiority over
the student body, All
negative jokes are
saved for the wtnter
when they're asleep
and less likely to

Grammar and spelling Will
be thrown out the
wrndow this summer.
It's simply not impor'
tant enough. Well,
actually I‘ll just be
drinking all day in the
hot sun and be lucky
just to get my name

And you know that ill
make plenty of time
for the ladies over the
next few weeks. That
class action sexual
harassment sort
against me IS making
sure that I give equal

Most can't help devoting
an entire column to
why Lil‘ Bow Wow's
movre “Like Mike"
should have never
been made. He's 15
years old and doesn't
look a day over nine.