xt7q833mxn0h https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7q833mxn0h/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky. Libraries 19760109 The title, The Green Bean, was not used until December 14, 1973. During 1992-1993 some issues were sent via email with the title: Green Screen.
Unnumbered supplement with title, Wax Bean, accompanies some issues. journals  English University of Kentucky. Libraries Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Green Bean The Green Bean, January 9, 1976, no. 110 text The Green Bean, January 9, 1976, no. 110 1976 2014 true xt7q833mxn0h section xt7q833mxn0h _ ' dh}? { Q~
  T H E
A program offering staff members
the opportunity to visit various B E A N
areas in the library system will
get under way soon. Details are
provided below by Faith Harders
wh. is coordinating the actmtia. ‘,{'g§,‘g§§$}{§ °",\,§$"'{‘{‘,§"" L’”'{§§}$§
Th€_f1rSt uP1t t°_°ff€¥ °r1€“' David Farrell, Editor. Ext.7383l
tation sessions will be the newly
formed Data Services. _
I am hopeful that all interested staff members will take advantage of
this program. I hope too that this can be the first stage of a more
comprehensive staff development program. All of us can profit from
participating in the sessions designed to better acquaint us with
new developments in the different departments within the University
of Kentucky Libraries.
  _If you have suggestions for the sessions as the program gets under
way, please feel free to let Faith or me know about them.
The Data Services sessions will be given by Trudi Bellardo the week
of January 27EE. The sessions will cover the goals of the automated
lsystem, the components of the system (hardware, software and data
files), how on line literature searching is done and the contents of
the data bases.
This will be a general review of the entire system, including how it
relates to other library operations, so that even those staff members ‘
who have observed a search will find the sessions informative. Al-
though it will not be possible to do an actual search, those people
wishing to observe one can leave their names with Trudi and she will
call them as patrons come in with research requests.
There will be three orientation sessions: Monday, January 26 and
Thursday, January 29 from 10-11 a.m. and Tuesday, January 27 from
2-3 p.m. (place to be announced later). I hope that each staff
member can attend one of these sessions. I would appreciate it if .
Veach department head/branch librarian could let me know by Monday,
January 19, how many staff members will be attending each session.
If you have any questions, please call me.
Faith Harders
Meetings: T S Area Meeting. Wed., Jan. 14, TS Conf. Rm.
Library Faculty. Fri., Jan- 16, 8:30 a.m., Gallery
christmas Party Leftovers:
The following may be claimed from Jean Robinson
(Cataloging, 7-3831):
I 1 - Tupperware Top
1 - Tablespoon `

1 · Teaspoon
1 · White Plate
l · Blue Plate
2 - Trays
1 - Electric Cord ‘
Library Staff Organization Annual Report — 1975:
The officers of the Library Staff Organization for 1975 were: -
President Harry Gilbert
Vice President Jean Graef
Secretary Toni Powell
Treasurer Margaret Williams
Social Secretary Jean Robinson
Ombudsman Clair McCann
These officers were assisted by numerous committees and volunteers
who made possible the various functions and services undertaken
by the organization.
A summary of the activities for 1975 includes:
l. Ms. Naomi Burton, 9 April 75, presented an informal seminar
in the Gallery on problems of the writer.
2. Mr. Charles Hinds, State Librarian, presented a program on
23 April 75, on the activities of the State Library and
3. Reception for the faculty and Dr. Otis Singletray, 29 April
75, in conjunction with the UK Faculty Book Exhibit.
4. Mr. Edward Carter, University Budget Officer, presented a
program in the Gallery on 24 June 75, on University
5. Sponsored a coffee break, 24 Nov. 75, for those attending
the evaluation program put on by the Professional Activities
and Staff Development Committee.
6. Collected contributions for Ms. Mary Ireland, Hospital
Volunteer Services, UK Medical Center Hospital, to enable
her to provide Christmas gifts for indigent patients.
7. The Christmas Luncheon on 19 Dec. 75, was sponsored by the
Staff Organization with help from the Director's Office. It
was, judging from comments by those attending, one of the best
activities of the Staff Organization and should be made an
annual event. ‘
8. The Staff Organization officers for 1976 are:
President Terry Warth
Vice President Adelle Dailey
Secretary Nancy Congleton

Treasurer Cecil Madison ‘bi“$r
Social se¢reta:y· _ Thisfis an appointive_position
Ombudsman Ebba Jo Sexton· " `· ‘ ‘·‘¢
.‘ H. Gilbert _
Vivian MacQuown has returned from her sabbatical and will be working
in the Law Library. V
New staff member: Martha Blodgett will be replacing Alberta Conner
(Art) who is on leave until September. Ms. Blodgett has her B.A. and
her M. Ed. from Auburn University.
Mary Ransbottom - Geology LT III »
Karen Boucias — CSR LT II
Patty Mucio — Interlibrary Loan LT I
Openings: LT II Circulation
If interested, please see Faith Harders.
Reminder: Staff members taking a course should send a note to that
effect to the Director’s Office.
Associate Director, Medical Center Library. University of Kentucky.
March 1976. If interested, please contact Omer Hamlin, Jr., Medical
Center Annex #2, Room 225. Phone 233-6241.
Associate Dean for Libraries and Learning Resources. Eastern Kentucky
University. March 1, 1976.
Periodicals Librarian. Eastern Kentucky University.
Latin American Studies Area Specialist. Indiana University. July 1,
Foreign and Retrospective Bibliographer (Humanities, Latin American
_ materials). University of Florida. January 1976. $9,300.
Music Librarian. University of Florida. January 1976. $9,300.
Life Sciences Bibliographer. Syracuse University. Feb. 15, 1976.
Assistant Dean for Tech Services. University of New Nexico. Jan. 1976
Soviet Studies Librarian. University of Washington. Feb. 29, 1976.
Library Director. Pacific Lutheran Univ. August 1, 1976. $18,500+. n

The Oxford Comganion to World Sport and Games, edited by John Arlott.
London: Ox or University Press, 97 . -
What is the biathlon? To whom did Tommy Ryan lose the world
welterweight title? what races comprise the Italian triple crown?
Ever heard of bicycle polo? what on earth is cricket anyway?
This new Oxford Companion supplies all the answers. It is readable,
well laid-out and well illustrated and what's more it's scholarly.
In addition to the brief, concise information that we've come to
Vexpect from the Oxford Companions, this one includes encyclopaedic
articles like a 16-page study of-the Basque game pelota, and a
20-page essay on bullfighting. The editor notes that the work is
"intended to help the reader to understand a sport when he watches it
for the first time". It amply succeeds. The one weakness may be a
certain bias toward British sportsmen and particularly cricketers!
Shouldn't one expect to find Johnny Unitas, Pete Rose and Chris Evert?
P. Renfro