xt7q833mz51w https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7q833mz51w/data/mets.xml  University of Kentucky 1920 bulletins  English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Press Bulletins The University of Kentucky Press Bulletin, Vol. III No. 6, January 15, 1920 text The University of Kentucky Press Bulletin, Vol. III No. 6, January 15, 1920 1920 2015 true xt7q833mz51w section xt7q833mz51w I · j   . ·; I * · \"   ~ L _.
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TO Editors: The l ` .
»•••w• in this Bulletin T§`“HE       Entered as second
In prepared for the   I 1:;.  _V ;_i_5.;;._;_   q22____ AME   :_ it   _ . __._;“ . class matter at the
press and is released        if é,?*§;:_;L·’:     3;. EI __     post office at Lex-
fer publication on 21;*     Ei         if “""*·l;         l'   lngtqn, Ky.
receipt. ¥ ·`r E el-:·;e=·:-- "'¤s;-;~:F"   ’%:z·-   ‘—?:·:».4·—=` ;>v.;e-rr-. —
January 15, 1920 LEXINGTON, KENTUCKY Vol. III. No. 6
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y NGTEB MEN T0 TAKE PART IN Eiéiilli 0..... .0 .1.. as nm ...   ~··~`“Y O~**‘m€% _ _ Pm G¤¤g’ U¤1¤}¤¢
tions of the University of Kentucky . Universliy NQSAS In Lmted States
WEEK PRQGRANE AT lllllil/ERSITY   pm-¤¤a¤·y Sl·sl»md do-..9 ——+ . mfr
T.- the Christmas holidays between The promised aid of Governor Mor- Tm umgwcémy fact was brought
Addresses by noted men, among or Farm Management, United States December 20 and January 6 it was row und Superintendent of Public ln- out HF Q mGGm}g m Chicago Of the
{hom Governor Edwin P. 3IOl`1`O‘·\` DBDHFKIIIGIIC of AgI‘iCl1ltll1`€, is SCh€d· deemed ifladvisable to publish 3 struction George Colvin, in the solv— ;`?n?GmCm1 Asigmétmu Oi Coucgg Pub`
and Dr. ll. (J. Taylor. chief of the uled for a. talk. He is an authority on J-éinuary 1 number of the Press ing of the problems of the University hmty Orga“1ZaU°HQ‘ Jimumy 2“d
Bureau or Farm Iiilllélgélllélll., United farm management. Buiisliin- AIS0 because of the of Kciilucliy. in addresses before thc Tm 3m` quux fh`? Univmrsity Ot
State Department of Agriculture, will Governor Edwin P. Morrow will be Wrihcomiug examinations the student body oi the University prior r`@I?i“Fky' Its kcmucky MOSS HS`
iw ieatures of the eighth annual prcscnt Thursday, January 29, to Week of January 24 no February 1 tc the liolidziys, has brought renewed $OC?atmU`_ MS im Orgammuou
Farm and Home Convention which speak on a subject related to educa- Humber will appear. cncourngcment to the University in Tulum mnt Of any Umvgrsity
will be held at the University of Ken- tion, and on Friday, January 30, Mrs.   its present effort to meet the require- m Th? Country' The work Of this as-
ruoky from January 27 to 30, inclu- I’{9ll1`l<°il1Z1(`EllVl1l o1` the United States U · .t M A ments that the State of Kentucky is SF)€mU0U huswbgq} 1}e·¤¤¤ “€WS'
resentatives from the national asso- Thomas E. Wilson, president of Wil- W°1`°‘ l`avorable action on requests made by papers with HGWS nffgcting Only St"'
ciations will be present at the meet- son & Company, packers, Chicago, PVOEGSSOY W- E Butt. Drvlitical econ- president 1\lcVey of the legislature in GEMS fmm the mum? in which the
ing. M _ yvhg was 10 give; the p.;1C1m1-S- v1€W. omy. who attended the meeting ofthe his liiennal report made to the board given lmwspwer is published and
Tmgg Ifgntucky b1·€,BL1€I·S’ ussocm. 1101111 as 10 fhg futuyg Of beef Dmduc. Political Economy Association in of trustees at the December meeting (mes not attempt to Send out general ·
tions will hold banquets at the Phoe- tion but la-ter found it impossible to CIGVGIHHG- and transmitted hy them to the Gov- News to mpgs mdiscmumately
pix Hotel during the meeting; the come; H. O. Moxley Shelbyville, on Professors J. S. Cleland and Ed. ernor of the State to bc submitted to The association was l`€Pl'€$€¤t€d at
Kentucky Beef Cattle Association and the subject, "Thc Breeders Viewpoint ward Wiest, D»epartnient Or ECO. the legislature. lhs C0“"€¤ti°“ bl' Miss FYHUCGS
the Kentucky Dairy Club at 6:30 As to the Future of Beef Production? nomics, were in Chicago, attending The president on his request tor ad- M“`S]‘· Of Maysville, its *¤h¤i¤‘¤¤¤¤=
(yclggk Thursday, January 29, and P1‘0f. E. A. Tl‘0\Vb1‘idgG, W9 Uni- UIC Hlcctilig of the American Eco- ditional funds has asked for only such About N-gh-G mlivellsitigs were repre`
the Kentucky Swine Breeders Asso- versity of Missouri. will speak on nomics Association, ,1111pI-0D1·1;11/1011 as is Ilewsitmy to meet denied- including NIB SUNG UIUVGFS?
giajion the following night. Dean "TIIB Villllé of DYHYK Horse Blood for p_1~C,{CSSOI· A_ M_ Miuéln Department the most urgent needs of the Ullivel'- ties Of Mimmsotm U1mOiS’ Indiana
Thomas P, cooper, College of Agri- Mule Pr0duCti0¤." Prof. A. G. G1 Géolcgyry mad H paper before the sity, No request has been made for and Kcmucky V
`cult-ure, will act as toastmaster at the Phillips head of ihé Dvlllt-YY GGDHTU Ameyjcau Ggological Association, the present for funds to meet the dc- _"‘__’_*‘
dairy club banquet, and T. J. Bigstuff. Hléllt, Purdue 'U1liVGI`Si'£Y, is OH thi? mgatmg in Boston mantls of increased salaries Of the gqlcngucky Studept Body
ML Sterling, at the swine breeders pl‘0g1‘Zlm ffl? ll tilik OH "TUB Possibil- P1_O_f€(_Qm_ F C Mm. D __ faculty members, one of the most I I
banquet. ities of a Farm Flock? _ in J` Z ).1€’ Bpmtmgm -.- A -11- { · { 1 th Sh¤w¢» Constant Increase
· · · _ · · · O1 English, was In Cmcago Mmndmg agent D10) cms acmg no on y e 7 n V . _
An innovation will he introduced N€€t111gF· of l>H1`UCU]21i` 1H'£€?B’St to Um N3tiO1ml»AAS,_OCi__tiO f T 1 _ University of Kentucky but all nuivcr- `_°"M"`
. . . . s tl n o eacieis . . · ·
into the farm and home convention, women will he held during the con- Of SDGCCI1 {mms thi-UOM the Cmm.u.y_ If other The Fllldflllt body of thc University
· formerly known as Farmers’ XVeek, vention and one of the features will `__ D1.Op10SB;S made in me report MG MS. iiCC0l'd1ll£€ to the bicnual report
{big year, in that all farmers will bc a talk by Mrs. Ruth S. Rccd, Am- Doctor LY A' Shun DGDm`tm€nt Of tavorapiv acted upon the salary mat- OY {hg president Of the Uuivgrsity to
meet in thc chapel at 11 o’clock every hcrst, Mass.] authority on dressmalr- Botallx Htlengcd Ul? mgeting Of the tm. wH`bC fuvommy 1mm11Q(1Y the- UW? Board GY T1`HStT‘Y izing of athletics in the Univer-
g;i1;E;0;i §l~:;l§q1Xg3S`;tY·faYl1l for a hem On Tuesday January 13, {L 1.€f€l._ · ——— soon, This cannot be done out 0f the S-ity: S. A. Boles, Enoch Grehan andy
‘ ‘ ·" BBL Gndum vom On the Lepaguig Of Na_ Owing to the urgent demand for present income. lt is therefore GS- Major Presley T. Atkins. ’I‘hrey-—·wni
· "_;—_" GODS That the vom Cust at that time trained leaders in social and welfare spatial that an annual ap·propria.ti0n draw up a report and submit it tu
~ Culp Heads Class might be an intelligent, thOu_ghtfu1 work the University of Kentucky in or $100,000 be made in order t0 meet President ·M~cVey within the next few
_;_. mm the Week preceding was given <,o—operati—on with the American Red the requirements of these two col- clays.
. At a called meeting of the Fresh- over at the University of Kentucky CYOSS is Offering rv its advanced Stu" 10%%- A conference to discuss further
man Class of the University of Ken- to study and discussion of the ques- dents H sysmumtic Course Of tmming · -—-·——~····· their program will follow. One of the
tucky, wvilliaul M. Culp, Of Louisville, tim] of the League in virtually an lll1(]€1‘ UIQ (lGp21I`tl'llGl`lIf. of ECOHOHHCS     [)1”0bH,b]€ Cllil11gBS that will be 1D€tdG
was elected president. to fill the va- circles of the University. aud Sociology- TEACHING STAFF is that alumni will have representa-V
caucy made when Frank Wilson was In an address Tuesday, January 6, The courses of a strictly technical tion on the committee, which is. at _
__ compelled to leave school. Culp was President McVey urged upon the stu- nature which will be offered the sec- Professor _1_ R_ _1O1mS(m, 111-St gram present composed of four faculty
  an outstanding player in Kentucky’s dents the import-ance of close study ond semester are Social Service HMG Og the @011GgB Og E11g1n€€1-mg, members and four students. Changes
backiield dru·ing the recent football of this question. The outcome of the Training, a lecture course and iield_ Class Or *93, has returned to the Uni. in the methods of coaching and im- _V
iseason and is a pledge of the Kappa vote will be given as soon as it is work which will be under the Pauline versity in the capacity of Professor movements on Stoll Field are contem—
Alpha fraternity. compiled. ' Wherry director of field work. of applied machanics. {lated. _ ` '
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