xt7qbz618j7c https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qbz618j7c/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1972-11-14 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 14, 1972 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 14, 1972 1972 1972-11-14 2020 true xt7qbz618j7c section xt7qbz618j7c an in e endent st nt news a er
Tuesday, November 14, 1972 p . qu p p '
_ Unwersnty of Kentucky
5'9“ pages Lexington, Kentucky 40506
Singletary now has final deCIsion
Appeals Board approves Gay Lib request
By MICHAEL CARR homosexuals, meet together that they how mush influence the board’s “I think the board made a good case
Kernel Staff Writer will use the meeting place for illegal recommendation will make on for Gay Liberation's recognition,"
The University Appeals Board voted activities.” Singletary’s final decision. Taylor said, adding if Singletary turns
Friday, 8-1, to approve Gay Liberation The board recognized the public . . . . . . down the GLF appeal, court action
Front‘s (GLF) request for recognition relations problem the University may t 33319:” “‘31:" "fliehm‘éi‘" W2?" will definitely be taken.
as a campus organization. The have by accepting GLF, butfelt it in the o etceld h on '11 bema fr- 3 0 ce
recommendation goes to President Otis best interest to follow the interpretation repor. d e :Vl out o town for the SHOULD SINGLETARY approve the
A. Singletary, whose decision on the set forth in the Healy case. "mam er ° the week. appeal. Taylor exprossedhope an office
mane, is final. ”IN THE LONG run, the goodwill and PETER TAYLOR. president of the mum be “P".d am ”53"?" a. read“
The board’s ruling reversed earlier Public ”18‘1““ 0‘ the ”Divers“? Will Peeple’s Party say caucus, would not mm: contalnl'}81if"f°rmatwe ”cram"
decisions by Jack Hall, dean of be“ beserved by a clear ShOWiRS that speculate on Singletary’s final decision. on omosexua 18'
students, and Dr. Robert Zumwinkle, the Umversxty follows all laws even “We’re going to set up an ap- Although the board’s decision was
vice president for student affairs, who though ‘0 d0 5?, might be unpopular f0? pointment with Dr. Singletary today reached Friday. it was not released
both refused recognition to GLF. the short run, ‘the board said. (Pfonday)," Taylor said, “We would until yesterday. Willis said the board
. i ht- e Mr. Paul Willis, chairman of the like to get a decision before adjourned late Friday and more time
According to an e g pag A l B d 'd h d ’t lino _ _ y, _
memorandum issued by the board, the ppea S 081' . 581 e oesn W Thanksgivmg. was needed to draft a final statement.
decision was not based on the legality of
homosexuality. Instead, said the o
.. Facu iy o e go I ns Senate app rova ;
whether or not the University could
legally deny recognition to GLF. . . .
In defense of its decision, the board f f d d fh f I I f I 9 7 o
cited the recent case of Healy vs. Irs co "5' ere In 9 a 0
James in which a Connecticut college .
(113:3; rgeiiicisgactgtn «:0: Students for Any KATIE. MchRTElzldir't ..This is no, the type of body where one to the administration and students. en-
IN THIS CASE ythg S p. me Court ssmtant anagmg l or can easily function," said one Senate forcement of failures to uphold these
. e. upre The Faculty Code, after a long and ar- member, commenting on this action. duties and sanctions to be handed down by
ruled once a state univerSlty adopts a duous climb through the workings of the Discussion of the code in Monday‘s a Senate Committee on Faculty
.. 5° a W
’ . . composition of the document. Several “013““-
:gigiegatti‘g);:ups WhICh submlt proper segag'ecgi’t a ‘22: gag'zfitgsfséonsidered in Senate members were concerned with [he The Senate Committee Will conSlSt 0f SlX
- a y C . re ular and three alternate members
. . . . grammar and use of correct syntax. 8
dThe boar: also drew a léne between the Pallof 19.70. The first draft appeared in One member from the philosophy together with a non-voting chairman. all of
a vocacy y a group an a group 8 Oct., 1971, With subsequent drafts in April, department questioned the use of the word whom must be tenured faculty members
“919:6“ may espouse the propriety July and OCt' 1972' ”ethical" in several areas of the code. The With at 1935‘ a rank 0‘ associate PTOfeSSOF-
of amending state laws with which they English department professor Dr. . . TWO separate panels composed 0f Six
di ”th b d 'd “b t t Michael Adelstem was chairman of the Senate deemed to drop the word because of undergraduates and six graduate or
migrae toefltfitrthseaiii ’,, u may no committee which drew up the code. During its confusing connotations. professional students will also be
FURTHERMORE, the board said if discusswn of the final draft, Adelstem The code applies to all faculty members established to uphold the idea of a trial by
GLF . l t ,. bl limited proposed changes in the code to and graduate students or other personnel peers should the accused or complainant
l ”vltza est :easona b: cams: deletions. He said additions to the code having teaching or research assignments be a student.
Eufiit l regtlsbza ion ca; th ctanie would take up too much time and would within the University.
gi'louii :faggsonsasssolinne of Shrines; further delay the final vote. The code outlines faculty responsibilities Continued on page 4. (‘ol 4
.,.:....-.. ‘ . . ”h . . x ‘ wow ’,. . v, m):
A" d CO m I n 9 U P ' ‘ . .. - * * a , .. a.
‘1 ., is: . _. 5-1}. ’ _ . , ~....J ‘ _'. ,, ,. .‘Ttfif raj-ii.
at h a Ifti m e . -' ' " . "T ‘ it ~ . 'f A...
are” it 3,. ”W Q“ “ : 3‘ ”If ' .. . '* ‘. “E‘oem ~ ~ :
we will h ave e .. . - - ,. " . ”A “‘~:* , «a N... e.
° - - we AWN-Ne " ' gnigh... . 5.. an ' 3*»
Who has the ball? Nobody. in this (‘lifton Area “A f ~ ‘ of a 4"- e .2“ “1:3,; 1M2
Delta and Alpha (iamma Delta sororities. But as M’“: .- ‘ . . ‘ .. 1..., g \. ..' 'm; H‘ i, a“ 3%
it turned out. it didn‘t matter anyway. The game. or... ‘ ' .. ' , a. 7 . g f - ‘iiuf'mal‘iW- 1147; .M 4..”
one of many played this fall in the bowlcshaped X: ' . ‘ . , ‘ i -, » “gt- aa .3”
playground behind the Rose Street parking ' ' 5 u" A , ’ " ‘ p .,
structure. was washed out by a driving rain- a; - ' ' .
storm. (Kernel photo by John Hicks.) . V”- ,. . ’ , :1. "
A . _ 1".»
The weather today will be windy and
Top instructors from each of the state- colder. There is only a 40 percent chance of
. supported universities can be shared with . rain today, but that could turn into a 40
In s I de : other universities. This could be ac- o “'5 I d e : percent chance of snow flurries. The high
complished through an educational today will be in the mid 40's and the low
television network. Find out more on the tonight will be in the low 30‘s. There will be
editorial page. a 10 percent chance of precipitation -

 Th8 Established I." Assistant Manaqmg Egitor. Kagiex'wchfarmv . I
Edl'ol u" Ch~et Mike w. in. Assistant Managing ditor en organ
Kentucky 2:322;wire;3.73:2"; 2:22:22: 2:22:33: 533:: 27:: 3.223;“ Ed l lOl’lCl '5 [
Kernel (“'"W‘ E""°' M"! YMMV Ed-ionais vepresem the opimons ot the edilors not the University
Appeals Board was right 'www' tam—d “1 . Mg
m minim" see-mi ms .
. . . . o —_— ci-uu‘ ‘ m .
in l'l'S ruling for Ga Lib an]! M.-
y IéG E‘ 96 ’N . h
It was a year ago this month that a campus organization. Surely a school ':_:1 - .f A . ‘ 3“ ‘ " n. ,
group of UK homosexuals added to that can tolerate everything from the ‘;Q m “g :3 a 2% :3 Mi 5195:1392 "’ ‘ F
the rising national awareness of their Greeks to the Freeple Happiness C... 'm y k . l, I a ‘ f:;~'-.’-f‘.. .5 t
particular minority by creating the Conspiracy can squeezeinafew gays. 9"" , “""iv MM i .~ \— :
Gay Liberation Front and applying : %‘\“41 . %§'\I . ‘
for registration as a student ACC.P* Pr°P°3al3 “I” "xi" ' t M- "L/ " '
organization. We hope President Singletary will ,.i_; -Hmu . . __ _. - i 3h 2
Their request was rejectedby Dean gigging: (12:22:35 Sfjvlvdtlsiepglrjlsltb Ly",- up ~-u WV‘mllfil'l'MW/i 1
0f Students Jack Hall, tOUCh‘T‘g 0” a register as a student organization. t ‘ t llI ill‘ I ‘ ' ' ¢;’-7/;‘.\’¢¢:=.1:: i
round of political maneuvering and Public opinion might be unfavorable l ,. : “Q! i \ .i m >33, ’th’ . ]
formal appeals to the University as atfirst. but the University cannot hide . ' ‘ i “P .7," th' . i
the GLF sought the right to meet ,0" behind 19th centurv thinking forever. ‘ Wfi/ iii. . .n “ :@ . '1 iv,
campus. Now that the UniverSity . “ ' . y ‘4 ". ‘ § 55.12%; .4,
Appeals Board has ruled in favor of There is also merit in the board 5 v ‘ ‘i .1433." \ :5/2§%‘ .'
the GLF. they are a step closer to alternate recommendation—that the “‘2‘; ,/ i t.“ , iiiii i , ‘iiiiiffifi ",4 2
fully obtaining their rights. University and the GLF together seek w ' . ,V/ {mi 11 , // '35"-*:,-.=-;n- ’- -. /
a declaratory judgement from a .. “' ‘ ’l “‘1’; Vs l W "‘"’ ' '."'
The Appeals Board wisely did "0t court. A “friendly" suit filed to obtain ‘ t5 5,, . a H , \'
try to grapple With the complex issue a final opinion would be much better Slate " ‘ W I" \W (3%, x «m ‘ \/
0f thed lngialilty Of fhomlesexuatillitg. than a bloody court battle fought to {MA ”Auk/flu i ‘3‘ ‘t
Instea it eat 5 ci ica ywit t e - - ~ -
right of the Urrileversity to deny force the ineVitable registration. The only way 1'0 study
organizational facilities and
privileges to an unpopular group. State *eOChers may get OW" talk Show
In rejecting Dean Hall‘s objections
7 the board pomted out that meeting to The presidents of the eight state- But will it come about? Visionary a proposal committee. What happens
discuss homosexuality Is not the same supported universities recently met to proposals often run aground on the when this committee meets again
as carrying It Ollt‘ It.c1ted a Con- discuss the feasibility of an shoals of established interests, should be interesting.
necticutt case. ”0“ng an SDS educational television consortium. bureaucratic interia and lack of The first thing they will probably
Chapter and said that once .a state The consortium would link all of the money. Last year a graduate com— discuss will be money. How do you
universny adopts a policy t.0 campuses bv broadcasting their own munications student. Jim Shannon, divide the costs fairly between the
recognize student organizations. It programs through a television net- proposed an elaborate telecom- participating universities? Some
must recognize all “meet grout)? work. munications network to tie together have facilities capable of only
meh Smelt proper applications. The idea behind this is that if one scattered UK units. Where is it now? receiving programming. Others, such
"The University may “0t impose a school had a professor unusually President Downing of Western as UK. have facilities for both
prior restraint by denying adept in his field. he would be Kentucky University said that the receiving and producing program~
registration where the group has available to the other campuses via consortium would be the best means ming. It will probably result in a
expressed its intention to abide by television. Other universities would of interaction to bring forth the best in cooperation v. competion battle.
University “1195'” the board went on. then share their top instructors each university. President Harry The universities have before them
saying this was “0t merely witholding through the consoritum network. Sparks of Murray thinks the con- the opportunity to enact a program
official sanction—itwasa violation Of It sounds like a good idea to us. sortium has to come aboutin order for that would be beneficial to them-
First Amendment rights. Educational television on the high the universities to benefit from each selves and to the state. If the idea
Room ’0'. guys, '00 school level is already blanketing the other. Len Pressheitecutive director proves feasible, if money can be made
state. It would be a real treat to be atKETV, is optimistic, saying that he available, if programming can be
We COhCUh Regardless 0f the able to tune into an all-day “Sunrise thinks the enactment of the con- agreed upon. If.
popularity 0f the ideas expressed by Semester" and see the Com- sortium will happen rapidly. We hope the program comes about,
the GLR we think that student monwealth‘s top teachers holding All this is very good, but the only and that‘s the best you can do when
homosexuals have a right to form a forth on their specialties. action taken so far is the setting up of dealing with eight bureaucracies.
It's reall a shame to see a mu of Coach Ray is attacked as a “ olitician" chan , I) c m-
Former UK Player supposedlyy“capable” athletes sguffel') at and as being unknowledgeable about petenfiecanlzistgerEp‘geccd gzatghgfibj? 0
° U the hands of such a lous coach. For those football. ('ertainly he s aks in o timistic If ' ' ~. ti n
assalls Ray 5 record of you (wherever you shay be) who still terms because he has gegenuineielief in amondg igiillieglgdhhisg::?litlye‘i:taon(ly
You know. it irks me to think that the believe ask yourself these questions: Why himself and in the Kentucky team and given four years to completely turn a
majority of the people of Kentucky do not is the SEC's (as well as UK's) leading wants the public to share that attitude and program around why should any other
know what John Ray is really like. It‘s tackler sitting on the bench? Also. why is the team to believe in itself. If he does not coach want to come to Kentucky and put
really too bad he had to decide on a Kentucky‘s “ole reliable“ seeing less and stand Up for the boys on theteam who will? his head on the chopping block?
coaching career when he would have had a less action every game? in the coaching profession Coach Rays I believe that Coach Ray can do the job
much more successful record in politics, It seems to me that a University that ability is held in very high esteem. as the as well as anyone else in the coaching
John Ray has an uncanny ability to fill a gets rid of Adolph Rupp (not that I‘m a Alabama assistant coach‘s comments on profession and he will succeed if given a
room knee deep in bull. Take for example Rupp fan) when he's winning, shouldn‘t the radio at the half of the LSU game fair chance. What he needs is positive
the people of Kentucky four years ago. have any problems getting rid of John Ray illustrate. Ara Parseghian respected him support from all of us. not an unjUStified
John Ray had arrived. via Notre Dame. when he‘s losing. enough to make him head defensive coach personal attack, to develop a successful
and his campaign to lead UK to a national Tom Kirk and subsequently promoted him to head football program.
ranking. a trip to a bowl. and tops in the Sofia. Work Senior assistant coach at Notre Dame. Tom Miller
SEC had begun. Many coaches have adopted the defense Second Ypar|aw student
Needless to say here we are four years he originated. The (‘leveland Touchdown
later and people are beginning to realize Aftacks on Ray (‘lub named him Coach of the Year while X
that all John Ray has to offer is a flawless head coach at John (‘arroll University, . /
ublic image. As far as his coaching ' ‘ ° ° I Our program has reatly im roved while
:bility goes. one only has to talk to his called unIUS’lf'ed he has been here: Eve have beFt)ter athletes, ( 16
players or look at his record to see that. in As a student and football fan I am quite rarely get cmbarassed. and have a good 81 1
plain terms. the man stinks. i know it‘s disturbed about Art Blanton‘s hostile young team.
true because I played for him. criticism of (‘oach Ray. Finally Blanton calls for a coaching ‘

 THE KENTUCKY KERNEL Tuesday. November 14. 1912—3
Human Relations Center, can place you in a wide range of
volunteer services on campus and in the community.
Ca poigners violating elec'ion la‘n’s Someotthepresentneeds:
I I I ~ Young people needed to answer phones. do publicity and give counseling con
cermng VD and other problems
By TOM SCHOLL — Participants in "rap sessuons" wnh Vietnam veterans and other young patients
well‘ the election is over and we have our :'07;r:(i:l‘:::'s::ee:::urhelpmournursinghomes
president for the next four years. Even though , ,- _Baske.ba..coachesnewed,namogram mmelememrymdmm
the election went my way I was totally ashamed // v < K Efiypsinasdull retagded male and lemale need a "ma brother" and "big 5,5,9,”
. - - \ , g ‘ 8 m in rea mg and writing
0f the way It was run .here In LeXIPgton. Let me x, i i I i ' ,j " \ /,// —Acrlppled children'shospitalneeds volunteersto aidin recreation
tell you what my election day was like and please 1 . , , , l 9\ l' _Many’ Many Wm!“
write in if you have had similar experiences. gel 1 i f i ii i ,‘fiiizj3, ..

I arrived at the YMCA on High Street at 10 £5,732) l i. i i‘ / i «I» if interested in volunteer work, contact Jim Holitield, 120
am. As I walked up the front steps I was «1/; i ‘1 , i 3"; ‘ Student Center, between the hours of 1:00-5:00 daily.
surrounded by five or six jabbering people. One L ‘Q; .i . . ; Ike/‘1 ‘ \«r _'__ #
littleholdgadyjlafized an fringe] (piece offpapjr 1:“ ‘ggj%§g ‘\\4 :5 ® *3),
my an an 0 me sou voe or on 0.3.393“ 31 , ‘7 v, ' v -.

‘ Breckinridge. Then she started to rattle off all 7‘71”“; 4 ‘ : «(a E“), ‘3’ I . ‘ ’5’ ‘/
kinds of reasons why lshould vote for him. ’ ' ' 1:21,}; .g .' IRE“: =:5,7§m& jg . I

. ‘1’,"vi’.‘.\':~;‘-€\‘ ’ ‘l! y! t M ,l'v‘.
More campaigners ".yglmm ”Ii/WV“ r. a»)? 1a S o“

, A man was talking about McGovern and trying ’f—fl y: -‘., 5". i I . u h / \
to get me to take two pieces of paper..Another "*‘16‘%‘ . S I" l L ’ [VF/\LIAN /_\ ‘
lady handed me a small card and read it for me —_§._§\.~‘ *‘L it (i ~ _..‘__, . Q
so I would be sure to vote for Donald R. Herren in ‘L‘dgif; ‘ ' i . w w w J r . .
the school board race. As I got closer to the door ofigp‘f' ‘\ R PAST A l I R A N r ‘3‘ a i
a Dee Huddleston lady handed me a pink leaflet ‘L- ' i __‘w; iii") ‘3 347 South Lime , xi“?! 5
and started listing his qualities. At this time the — "S fi‘fi‘?‘ -5}‘.“-‘g, I L
Breckinridge lady started talking to me again ,“ (Across from ‘ \'~'-“’ ’1 a
and then I said, “Do you know the law says you . Holmes Hall) .
must stand 50 feet from the P0115? Right now you machine and he judged it to be 52 feet. I told the . g
are breaking "i9 laW.” ‘ sheriff they were not 50 feet from the machine . v ‘2 .

The Breckmridge lady laughed. “Who’s gomg and besides the distance is measured from the . ‘_ ‘ ng ' , . _
to put us out? You?“ Then she turned her spiel on entrance to the building. M 'Mw‘s‘” "WM
another voter. I finally got through the door and . , S - ‘ I
made my way to the election tables. Your "fo .lec'ion? ' ‘

"What’s you name?" an elderly man asked. Then the sheriff asked me my name. Itold him i {it
“Tom Scholl,“ I replied. He thumbed through and he asked me if this was my first election. I fl 1
some papers and said, “OK, sign here." No replied it was, here. “I thought so,"he quipped. 5 $ .00 OFF I'ARGE SIZE a
request for identification. I went to the machine, “Look,” I replied, “I‘m a citizen of Lexington. 5' ._
pulled my levers,and started to leave the I‘m complaining about those people breaking a $075 OFF MEDIUM SIZE ..
building. Istopped just before I reached the door law thatyou are sworn to uphold. . \ I l
and watched the campaigners on the steps still “Goodbye,“ he grumbled. As late as four $.50 OFF SMALL SIZE
talking and handing out literature. Then I hours later Isaw the same people standing on the "i _ / /
noticed something I hadn't seen before. Some of same steps harassing different voters. “ 0 Offer good Tuesday and Wednesday; ’ 1
the workers stood in the way of the voters and did In this column the people at whom my wrath is » ‘
not move until the voters had taken their papers aimed are all Democrats. I saw no Republicans 3., ovember '4 8' ‘5’ from 6" I PM}!
and listened to at leastpart of their speeches. at the YMCA but I have no doubt that they were it .

. ~l
Sh If, "I. H guilty of similar offenses at other polls. One keg" ‘ I .O./A‘\-.
.l‘ un‘ympa . C female official. working at the local carpenters

That really aggravated me, so I called the union polling place went behind the curtain with , .
county sheriff. Forty-five minutes later he numerous people who didn't know how to HurrY! There s 3""
showed up and I stepped out to listen to what he Operate the machine. Once there she began . .
was saying to them. I got there just in time to advising people on how to vote. tune to 5'9" up .
hear him say, “The law says 50 feet but as long ' ‘
as you.” outside I guess mars all right” Too many irregularities for the great U.K.. ,

“Thank you"’ the Breckinridge and Hud— I was amazed at Lexington's inefficient V"
dleston ladies said in unison. As the sheriff drove handling 0i elections. The sheriff refuses ‘0 HAWAI‘AN
off 1 spied two Huddleston and one Breckinridge enforce the law. Election officials advnse people
stickers on the fender of his car. on how to vote. Anyone can vote using the name

Needless to say I was now twice as mad. Igave of someone already registered. And individual "Ah ‘ a Av
the sheriff 10 minutes to get back to his office and party members intimidate you at the door. .
then Icalled him again and asked him why those AS 1 related my story to others I kept getting . .
people were allowed to remain there. He said the same response over and over again. People 8 Sun-Filled, Fun-Filled Days January 3-10
they were outside the building and that was told-me, ”Oh. that happens all the time" and
enough. “well, vote for the Republicans and. then watch $279 All inclusive from Cinn.

I reminded him the law said nothing of being them do it." I came to the conclusnon that the Based on 3 sharing room
outside and it required 50 feet. He then told me only reason this type of election is allowed is per person
vou measure the distance from the voting simply because we Wiii PUi UP with ii- .

3‘2 50",“ AShlflnd information i (:05 /_
‘ or for ‘ " r“ —'
. . \
O O ' . , .
New and Modern Equipment for Every Fabric appilcatlon g» .’ _
o ..
Do .Your Rugs (up to 9x12) In Our Big Boy Washers .
Your DRY CLEANING Done by /, ._.‘
/ 7
Courteous attendants -.i 3
4 pounds ‘1 .75 - 8 pounds 2.50 - 10 pounds 3.00 g . A. g . a0 3 ‘52.},
1 ' l—fl—W _

 4—THE KENTUCKY KERNEL. Tuesday. November 14. I972
' i
MARRIAGE IS onsouu. . . . .. Faculty Code gums
say 34 percent ot students contacted last spring in a nationwide survey. Acceptance ot extramarital sexual relations has grown
trom 23 percent in l969 to 43 percent in 1971. These changes indicate that the institution at marriage is undergoing a time ol stress
- and re evaluatlon This workshopis an ettort tohelpparticipants better understand the signiticanceot these changes Se n 0‘9 0 rava
Workshop on Changing Family Structure PP
-Friday &Saturday North Central 4-H Camp Continued from page I U . 't l
November ‘7: ‘3 Carlisle, KemUCkY This Committee will also niversi y no onger. guarantees
. . admissmn into this college.
F 'd A , . Saturday 3am Breaktast function as an adVisory com- Freshman a licants m t h
rt ay/ spm rrive a Camp mittee and Will make annual an ACT SCOE: t [h 5.3:}: ave
mm mm ”The Human mum" Marriage” 93m iaiiesm'fiisgopmcal Studies reports to the Senate on the centile or bettZr o: natifizl
39m 0, Onea. Weeks "Alternative Family Styles" workings of the code. . . _
Human Devmomm, & Farm” Ream,“ ‘0 30 Free “me . norms and a minimum high
"Changing Roles oi Men and Women in In other Senate actions, ad- SChOOl grade point average of
Family Relations l2 Lunch mission changes to the College of 2.00.
9 30 Dr Stephen Smith , Dr Frank Bowers Nursing were accepted. An ap- The Senate also passed a ‘1
Anatorn s i e . . . .
‘Chlldrevrt A Rigm or a Priwlege7" flail; fiihirlheehve; Morality" Phcam Wishing to enter nursmg proposal setting the
3pm Dem,” Camp must have an ACT score above requirements for graduate school
---------————"'"'—-""""'""———--—'| the 50th percentile on national entrance at UK. The applicant ,'
|r Students, iacmty, statt REGISTRAT'ON FEE ‘7 ""C'Udes 5” “Dense” : norms and a high SChOOl grade must have a grade point of 2.50 or
I NAME _______________________ I _ pomt average “2-00 01' better. better on a 4.00 scale and the j
. | I . . . equivalent of a baccalaureate :
I ADDRESS wow | .Prior to this action, any student degree from an accredited in-
| -———————-——— -—'————' l Wishing to enter nursmg could stitution.
I Hch‘ar‘ Rela‘ ans Center _l enter. However. in two years .
-————-——- Pe'urr ‘0 120 StudenlCE-n’er ——--——- ll t ' . h .
25mm enro men in nursmg as risen W f ‘
- from 289 to 685. Because of e 900 9
faculty and facility limitations,
. , the college could no longer A story appearing in Friday's
, operate with an opendoor policy edition reported that William
R . on admissions. Bartley. People's Party can<
" f " didate for US. Senator received
. d ,
to a u 'Ime Stu en's The Senate also voted to 583 votes in last Tuesday‘s
. . change the admission policy for election. The story should have
AdIIIISSIOII by UK ID 8: ACTIVITIES CARDS the Conege 0‘ Allied Health read Bartiey received 5830 votes.
Professions. Admission to the The Kernel regrets the error.
a w ,1,,, P: Q}; "I: 7“,.»- P v , ~ fie. .

CONCERT & lECTU RE SERI ES mafimflgs .4“
Wfisegsg .. ~, fa "‘ f
is ”#93; fife” W gsfim sgfl’hrism j, «Mob.

T H E H u N GA R I A N STATE atmawamtawadfwwaiaws 75$. " awflw .
SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA ——For Sale__ _l=or Rent _
, ._..- .. d ms Falcon 6 cyl. Good condition Must sell For Rent: Modern, turnished, 1-bedroom I
phone 252»0179.14N16 Apartment tor next semester. Close to
. Pair Bozak 3~way speakers; with 12”wooter. Campus. 255‘9388' ”“5
° 0 Also Advent lot Dolby 299-8213. anu Efficiency ApartmentswalktoUK Available
' emorla o lseum now Call 273.5222, 277.3344 nights. isms
, 1965 VW Bus New lactory rebuiltengine. Call Miscellaneous
atter 5'30 mum. mils .— —,
: Thurs. Nov. lb, 8:15 p.m. _
lz-String Fender GoitarsHard case $125.00. Need Charming Companion '0' Mp '0 New
. EDthone electric, and violin cheap 2691095. 3kg": bzckfurlng Tzenxmmm';° 3”
All others by season membership card. isms um“ '" W’ - "m' 2 "‘3
l Children under 5 years not admitted. For Sale: Advent caspette tape recorder a.
‘ '—‘ _ Fender Deluxe Reverb Amp. 227-6192 Frank Protessional Typing. IBM. pica. 60 page
tort. Ky. l3Nl7 After 5 pm, Bill Givens, 2513287. "no
Pregnancy Testing by mail. Reliable tests
performed by tederall licensed l borator
CAR BARN 'hfwgh Adam 3. Eire, Box 2:56PX it:
Chapel Hill, N C 275“ Details tree lSNM
Foreign Car Repair
R I N G DA Y Guaranteed _ Wanted
9 am. - 10 pm. 254-7912 Part time lob - Draft Exempt, Army
Reserve Call day 2$4~7337. uNlo
Nov. 14th and l 5th
' {l g,» A Bonne Bell
...... Cosmetic I
Bonne Bell Ten 0 Six 2:;
S V E $ Lotion For Honest Skin
‘ I l | ' 0 0 Wednesday and Thursday -
j” s
. Maw Ii) . g
r“ ‘ ‘\ ...<
November 1 5th 8. 16th it '35, o;
if 1’ f; sé
M "'\ i A l
l-5P.M. {4*
STUDENT CENTER .~ . e ‘1 ~
Free Make-ups for All - «-1-
'00 '00 1
9' AM TO 4' PM Free Samples for Those Made Up

 3 THE KENTUCKY KERNEL. Tuesday. November 14. l972—5
. " " . ’ X ‘ ' X .Xf 33 , :f‘X": ‘3'3'3 h3g-
3 \.\- _ ,7 3 . 3:3. 333 3 3:3 .3 33 w - . 3 m;
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k 'XcX < 3: .1) X - .XL' 3X 533‘“ *‘L':.\._ ‘- X-‘"3~ . - '- k ’ . 4" X X X" X
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3 3 3 3 3 2 3 i‘: {3 . 3::.'3,'-33,. v'333“.3( 3333 ,.;¥ixwg3:fi§;- F \Xfikfi . 3 5.33335. sag; g? ,‘ 3 . , ’ §
‘ ‘ ‘ f {X ' -' . fit-4t . 173' ~13" ' ' *z.m“?$\m ML. .L.:: .::.r ‘
‘X X X' X \t \ X‘ X, X .XgXXX X‘ XX XX X X X‘ vi; XX X XX. X ‘ X X .NX N" X XX‘ ”XX. X " 'V' ‘ . - o .. .
X X ? X X .. .. , '.': X . X I. : X X ; ‘XXXXX .X X .- X' ‘ ' " 3' 3 A; 4‘ .
f \ 3 . . ‘3‘ ‘ 3, §‘ , s 3 ‘.’. - . 3 3;:33‘?’ m ,333 "“ ”in , -
.c' ' i - , - .:,':-" ' .. .- . . ‘ '
\ 33 333 -_ 3 -. 3 -.3;. .3, 3_"‘3.3‘.. x? _ - 3, .3, .. . a
A \ XX ‘ ‘5. ' X‘ ‘ .tXXX' \X ‘s “ 8’ .‘X’X X XX ‘XX ' ':':XXXX.
i.“ ‘:‘X ~ 1 , . .. .L' ._ .-.‘ .3, . . 5 ~ ._
‘ X X: 3 ' ::. ., ‘-¥ _' ‘ _ _ .XX. , 'X X XXX
s “ " 3 91““ . h . "f; ”’ ~ -2. ‘ w 1 ~ 5' ~ ~ — 2"
-~ -. -. 2 ~ ' "s '7
XXX 2* l' “XXX?“ -
‘ »- ‘15 . . 2 3M» -
r 3‘? i' ' . .' 33" .3 - 5’0" PhOfOS by Phil Grosh ong
‘ X‘X‘: Xfifiigégvgs' V _
The lo-speed bicycle obsession is a UK reality.
Truckin' wheels disrupt the between-class cattle
stampede as cyclists race to their favorite parking 3
place (bottom left). 3‘
Back packing on wheels (top, right) is a fresh sport. V u ' 33 3 ,..,,-.'.. 33 _ _ m. 33 3
with cyclists touring back roads and quiet countryside. 3 ' ‘ "' ' ,3 . " _ ‘- .QX‘XX
The power train. free wheel and derailleur (top. left) 3 33 ’ ‘ ,3. ‘ .‘ . "3 5 . . 1 - ”*2...
require frequent maintenance (bottom. right) but 33 W ’ ' . 3 . . 3; 2 , P . ’.‘ . . '
. . . . .- 3-. 2 \ _ . ‘ '
pollution-free enjoyment Is the reward. 33 3- 3 1 2"“) _
" . 3 _.’X XX “‘2. l g .
". . " . . " X -
3 ‘3 X ’33 - ‘; . . X I . s
53: ~ .24 3 ,3 " . g” 3 3 ' 1
3 . . , A. . , 3 , , . o 2 . ” $35; , ' . ,‘2 ‘
. . . .2 5 A a» 2.. .22.- . a 3
.. .33 “ 3 ‘ ‘3 , ‘ 1 . ‘ j 2 3 . ‘33 343 33 . 3 .33 2 3’ 3
‘I u 9‘? \ . 2P" - . '3. 93’ k 3' . N“ a ._ ;
5.-.... \ ‘ r . . - . sis. " ' 'L' ‘.' ' ' f 3'
. , 3.4., . a. V . w; . . 33 3 \. 33 3 -
' ’ O X M X X X X\ .r ' 2 "r XX I 15-313 XX}. X X I; X ‘ 5 ‘3 X
., 3 3 3:...'-,'.2.,_-_‘,3\ 5’ _ 'A‘ 32 ‘\ , '.' " Mi- ~ .3 E? . ,3
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27” - f ' -. ,_ . "L " " ‘ ,3 . -’ . Xi; i??? . ‘2 X ‘ ' X -
" ' .. ~ , - ’ ~ “2' 1' ,4? , 2. ' §~ :
XX 1 ' .X 1,; r “ .. V ’ - ”*a X =;.- fififX ' X. -. g "X .: ' X h ‘
’ ‘ . ' 2 ' X . . . 'X’bgm- XX'I.:."'X'$X'--.X4X.X‘I'X2: .z‘XX -' § X 1 XXX“ X ~ . S X 5X
gt. « " XX” ”4'55! X g' 1’ XX XX eXXXng<§$§ - .,XX :5 XXX Q1 'i . ' > g X
, ” ' fl , ”‘7" I" . f . , ' ‘iffé'é."3%‘5" “7": ' * '. ‘4- i “'.' 3
' W ’3. ”' *1? "’ " 2’ ' ' ..-~ . - -- ' av , if " 5' if 3
' fir - l X ' X'\."XX"'~ XX' X / 1 ' t“ ' , x I: :; " X 43.51X . ' . ‘ , ‘3": ~ .3; . L -X g g
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3 :7. 1:. i 13‘ ,3 i . 3 3 33 .- ;- g 3.3- 3_ - ‘33 3 ,3. 3- r 33 ’3! . x g ._ :3. ‘3
,. 3 . 9933 “it ', - . 33 / 3 ' 3 . £ \ I -. ' [X .‘S .XX 5; . ‘
, '22-.» .. V = ' .. ., 1s. .- " ' - of 2 " 5/ .7 5'
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W222 ' .:‘-: .3 t '21 - -, 2' ’ -' a," ' . '
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3.4.3 (I ... "ffi‘fflfi. . 4 .; _ 3 . 3 3 -. ’ 3;. '3 {XXX
372' -- 2X1'?""’=-".. . .. 3 . . X. ‘2‘ . ‘.’?» .. . s .» ""'*‘* ’X
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‘ ' .- V» , ' .4» ,‘__;_,3 3,2332% -, s - ."«' ‘ 2. 3 .. .3 ' an". '
JK‘Z‘ 35‘3333’3,% 33 3 3 5° . f m _. .334; .333 3333
-’-.,_'2-.é'<:.-.:3,.3-,oh =-.3,4;3:».,,3_3.;-; 2, A2,, , ., 3 ~' . i 6- - 3 ”git-t” - ’2
glflwyfi X' 9* . " . .2371

 6—THE KENTUCKY KERNEL. Tuesday, November 14. 1972

Soccer tea m does well ..’ . ' ’ ~ . e
= s m as

Playing without a coach or Kentucky. ‘ e‘i . at ‘ a: ‘8’”

' houses, the _UK soccer team Against Vanderbilt UK w0n ~ E . W fig games 1 v f gee?
managed a ““h Place “”5“ in their first game 2-1 on goals by as? .. °“ 7" “is. 2‘ i,‘ ..:
the SEC tournament at Knoxville Eduardo Medina, assisted by ‘ 2 ,_‘ a J s, ‘. . , _-_> egg): 2- “A“
this weekend. Larry Fisher, and Kevin Burns. m. ”z ' ’9 25>: " ' .54 I.

The performance of the team ":31 ~ . :_
further strengthened its Don Hassan was voted to the all "it: ,_ er 0‘: .."§::::’.r.?.s 2 2
argument for university tournament team and the fifth . . “54’“ , "5.: W ‘ w ..
recognition. place finish was the highest for ' ' 1. y......e e : “I” " " " ’ _' " '

In the first game of the tour- UK in f