xt7qbz618t5m https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qbz618t5m/data/mets.xml Suard, Jean-Baptiste-Antoine (1732-1817) France Suard, Jean-Baptiste-Antoine (1732-1817) 1795-03-27 This bulletin is part of a collection of newspapers and journals published during the French Revolution, collated by unknown person, representing both sides of the revolution. Call Number Rare Books: AP20 .R235 bulletins Rare Books: AP20 .R235 French De l'Imprimerie des Nouvelles politiques (Paris)  This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws French Revolution publications France. Assemblée nationale législative (1791-1792) France -- History -- Revolution, 1789-1799 Nouvelles Politiques, Nationales et Étrangères, 27 March 1795 text Nouvelles Politiques, Nationales et Étrangères, 27 March 1795 1795 1795-03-27 2023 true xt7qbz618t5m section xt7qbz618t5m N'. 187.: ’{ 7/25)


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Tnoxsmmn Asm'zn Rfipunucuuz. SEPTIDI 7 Gcrminal.

( Ere vulgairc ) Vendrcdi 27 Mars 1795.






LP ,G’m‘m‘u (1M ELL'VELLES POLI’I‘IOUL’S, Felzille qui paroit tons [(3.9 jours, cc: éta-fi]; ('1, Paris , rue a'm
If.‘L'f.l'~l'.)' , 1:". 5w), (1:5 (mi/1 de [(2 rue YYIIIIR'EJ'L’. Le prix dc [a Souscriptian (as! {101111419111an (a Go Iivrfis
par an , (/1: ('51 limes pour xix Innis; , at ([5 17 Iivres pour h'nis mois. Les left/v: (l’em'oi ([UIIIJFIZ/ fitm- Pizar—
\gux, album'w 1’: :‘T "17511 NONI/HY: dc Welles (1am: s’égarent, et arlressées fi‘mzw’zes all, ciéoye'n Cilds-FONT.1NIZ;L-E.g
Laban/Lyman! cloit :uujuurs; conmmncgr [c premier dc c/mgue moi: (nozwcau style. )




menl pour Ics aHic’s , l’arméc prussicnnu sc portc 21 grander;
journécs vcrs Ia \Vcslphulic, oil 105 prsznicrcs C(SIL‘IM'ICS
De Frmzz‘fori, [e 11 mars. doivqmlxélrc rendugs (‘11 c.c womant; sum cola 11 cizt été
51 rtmmd’re que Ics Frangms profiiant dc. Inn“ 5111 ériorilé,
‘ 15951-111 fait de Irés—rapidcs pro; its 5111‘ lcs


D‘s Ieftrcs do TV— CI , du 5. portnnt qu’iI y est (Eff:
‘grz'i\'x§ pILisir:LH's 1" . nir'i‘s px'usssivins , ii: quc I‘m: a £111an .
'l‘w arbx'vs autsur pIurc. I‘:II(‘§ nj1ul.iol. \ N1“ _' ’ .I. «Ir-s

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eat on curl“? ._-1_, : 1; “1.. 1.0 p913”
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De Lori'J/‘aa , [s 2'} fél'rirr.
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,~w_ 1H . I. ’ ' 1 , -- _ ‘



x (31: 5!} S; 531; 517 dc 111,510, 5 , 24,18 ou 1(1;


nu wi- ' ‘ -- ' ' m1 9 V. : de 7!; (imam-5‘ 25 an. epux do (5411; (} vzlis—
' \ 1., - 11

' c' '1
:m‘iw . , (f I,“ . . .
m ‘m‘ . . . ' “H I‘ - 1~;‘115':‘:- am: Hump :. :2 m hauincns dc 12 .52 311-11.

3 ' V I ~ ~» ‘ « ’i "' ‘ IrC urmic w; I/Lsnbs ELL; - 24314:. do lcutc Fz‘inxlcur. This
[(3, g; leL 1111. ‘v" ' L)



p1 1".(11t '. 2 vainscaux (10 631, 11110 1'L-L’egatc (10 56, (3: deux
(1111' ' ‘1 ' ": ‘ " ‘ ' ' . 69 bfilimt'm
.1... ' » ' (1001 7 vmiant (105 1111105 uric-111.1105:
l’Lm {0121;011011 viLLLt (1.1111'1111' 011 00 11011
110 ..'. L 1.11:1".111, '110111‘ (1’1111 million (10
1iv. 51- 1111110 0.“. 01101110 (1110 [LS 115110110113 110111m-
dLIE5 (1111 5-," ‘.1'011' 30th 111: 11111011101 5111 111' 111111150 , 50111 (l’uue.
v.1.1'111' 010 19. 111111



'LL [1110


10125 51011013.

2.110105 occupant (‘nL'OL‘c II: Port-au—Princc 3: (12111—
hes 0.1111005 dSJiIl'l-1)OX]1.'II7‘IC', 111.115 011 L'L'LiinL 0111- 1.5
iianLais 110 ‘mivicnncm {ML 5011 ('xn'LLlsr.-1.DL5 1L-1.11L's (101.:
Jumuique, disent (111011 nV 051 11:15 511115 11101110111512 5
105 51111.05 quc pomml zix'5i1' 0001' 0.011(- i:.'L' 10>:f
(105 1: 0111135 1111;111:11111115 Saint-90111111910. £111

(111-: 1051103105 (11' 1:1 1311111121110, 110 viL'nn‘L‘nt. 21 50 1.\‘1'('|'
£1 (1’L_\IL'01.1L-5‘ (1050.21r05 si 105 hungais faisoicnt (11.0 0110
101‘. tuLivL‘ (0111.10 CLHC 151C.

13111:: C".

(11‘. L'.";.1113

LI) qouw‘i'ncmem vicnt I10 mettre 1111 embargro sur 105
.11 .1 11011111015 Lmrglziis (111i .50 tmuvent (12.1 1105 pm‘Ls.
11110 10"» 00 (10 '.'30 1111110 1310101015.

navii ".5'
11 551311
3131.010 Curt

8; L10 anbcz't, (169111095 (1(5 15125 0011-

quiSLs (111 vent, 0111.011 1"1'1011110111', jcudi (brain, (10
baist‘r 111 main (111 1'01 Lide 111 1'51 (1".1'ain‘. 1011131
1'('111I‘1'('i0‘.11.'-11.5' 1110‘11'5 1112005165. , I0 111'0mi0r[10111151111100
(1r: (11'-'1)I10 (111 (2011501 501110150141? 1a1'-‘11.xir.1que, ‘ 1..
(1111110 i1 :1 UL". 1101111115- pair 10. 1‘0i; .8; 1e sec-0nd, po'u'
10(10 1‘41"111411'1’11.(111Cl!1'-1\1"5L11'\11( (111 1’01‘t~:111~1’1'i1I.L-o.
"'1Ls Vuissc—zzux 11011211 "'1i5
suivi (1"...11

“53,. ’

L’m'di'c {lui 1m". I'L111i ”0


31.1110 1:iiisi

- 1

:11 (1:105 12;; 13015.5 (1'.:11';10LL:1'1'0 . .1 (:11:

(1011901 I

(I. 11 05'. (11'-11011110 £1 1011.25 .05 commundans 51L Vaisscauz:
(:I>.'.I;'.i1'L"5 qui 0111. 01111111031 (1&510111'03

1a . 10m: , (1’1.1.'1L'n [1(‘1'15 L10

5110.11111111i5 c.1111"; I' 5 [10113105

(105 1111:1510. 110115, I‘U‘Lli‘

5.1130115 001111110

(10 g111"1'1'(:,',; 10
{10 11111-21110 (‘01111'0
C: 10.731117?) 101' 1L'13b11111119!
[10.215 (11‘. 011 1011.101
«7-110 (15-11.:1115 provisoii'LLuc-m mu: lcurs ca."
propz'iélé iioHafldaisc.

nI'r 33:15 iL'5
110111111110 ,
0.1 1051' Vu'LL'ur

5-.‘1'0111 1'05—
(105 111115.-

. C05 ('ai‘guisons 011 panic (1'12 2(1103

(L I..i‘.a1L'1‘:1 .‘, 1.011VL'L51'11101'L1L1'03'1i15 bitimens.
1111100; 5:, 115' aucun L1L'1z1i (111x 17101111011111 '05 1.0th5
'.LL'.;'L'I(5 011 111‘

fidHCY‘S LlLll‘S.

)1 1'5 1:11;:
19:5 111. 111115
71111‘1111‘5 0; 111:1113i1‘65,b.
11011111012, (111-3110 (1110
iiL‘nL'ixo'L-Lii. L(:5L1i1<‘5(‘:11'gr_

1(111211'1', 111..i5 11:10 p1cine 111(1011'. .
105 ‘.uotio 15 (10 10111105111011 111114905011 1':I.iL (1:015 1005
103110115 L. .\11 I10101"c1 L11mmL'n5‘L5'111'L'1.11:.li.5'1I‘1I.1'2.;1,j.1:I‘:1~
'U‘l‘ 1’111'111I"(: 1161\‘11-310 00. 01111111111110 L105 11011105 11001105 (10 1.x
.Ii‘.’. 51011.:

15 1:1 56.11100 (105 00111111111105
1:1'5 51111i1'105 110111‘
1'5' 1(11'1 (1 )1
L1: ‘0' 2"}: 1s, '5'0111 (10 :27.
-I115 1:11051110111011L21 1,513,000 "". 51111.

L1'11i21',1'~'i.1i11 1.1'17‘105'21
“.7 7‘"


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1'00,- 0L1111-II..5

1 3“ .1 (L Lvl -1
L|LI. / I I) ‘ 1..


D’Al‘zstcra’ .7711, .75 27 f.2';»'.'i:'r',
On 1111111101111. (10 1:01
(21115 (10. 11 1.":"1'50

(111i {1’01 0i1.

‘.‘.11‘2‘ILI311 ,

qua 10 151, 105 111111111115 (1..
111mm 1'

.. 1111 L'ozni‘LL': J'L'".'01111.iun.
nai“L‘ 01:11:11 (1.1115 Cl'HC provim't‘. 1.0 01101;”
[1. 11010111101; 010i1.f(111101.' \1C 15.1001111111021 (1111 1111111125.
soudrc 1L5 011115; 11 10. 11111 11111115001115 1100510111101 up”
105 .1\0i1' (111111010 5 (10; {1152;1qu .S'JI'U‘IIL‘IL-“S .. (EL 1.‘.LL'
avoii L'1L"(:1111‘L': (1110 005 ’Lili'LL'. 5L101L‘111 (1.50 111:1i5 101111111
par (:(‘111i L10 L‘.I'.’.'y:-'/15 , 11 1011'. smuh‘ia(11111511’111011111110;..1
1'11 001111111101: (1051".1501'15, (11:11.5 L10i('nt (10.11115 8! (10:10..
(1010115 11051.05, L‘L 01.011111105th 5011110111. qu’ils (1100.1

‘.‘Ofl‘é’ responsa’fi/Zlé, ajoutu—t—il; .‘L

‘lii‘2 1,
1.. 1

7 LI.
5.1.- L.

1111310, Innis 110/2 (.10
(1.7.2110 /i‘.'z on (‘\'.".’7'(’ [21.011 (‘.‘L‘IIU‘JS-S‘L'J'illf’llt 1.7.12 1‘01” ([6 r0511;
[)ése/zs' (la/1.9 ('1': /){11.S‘]V[I.’IFL’ 1‘05 ('L)'I('i/);.'.‘Is'.

Les Lints—(TéiiL-L'uux rogoivent j0u1'11L'11C-111I111 (10 110111'01111
111011111105 (115' pioViiiCL‘s (11111001112, (10 0104111110, '
Ciuc1L11'c , (1’()\‘\'01'—Y55L'1 L'; (101101121i1110: 111 1111;10:115-
aujouid’hui biL‘n (10L‘iL1'L'c 1101.11 1:1 111011111011: 1L5 L1H
L10 /:-L'.1.111L10 8: L10 1"ri50. (1111 11 0111 0.13 0110010010 1'01:-
005, 1"0111101'11 1.1 1110101310 0L 11101111'. .11 1101111: 011p (1010:;

'.'1 50111L'ni1‘ 10112'5 opinions

1’. 130111115, p1'L'-51"L’10111 (.105 01.1.5 (10. TIL 11..11L10 21 15 11.1.11,
a 01L". 00111011115 10 21(13115 007.101 11110 0 111' 011L010
joui's; 111111511 11"; new-1.1L". 011:“ 50115 1.1 C 1.0111011 (Ix:':'.--:I
(111.3 1’: 550111111! 0 5’0ibc;"1'. 11ir'1111 (111110 (31101.1 10.011.
(11.11110 101.15 551011111 03;; .'



De Bruxcllcs, le 1". germinal, (21 mars , v. 51.)

1111111501110 105 trouy 05 (wuss '00110 5 50111 on mouvrir ._
pnm‘ 5" 1011(1.'0 (111115 1:1 “'0 513711110 & 5111‘ 10 an~
' 'Ljh 1an0 01105 50111 1100. 1:1 plupart um
I‘..L.'.n:11i011 , 10111.0 121nm. au11i«:11icm1(:. (1011.111. . I.
0.11‘ 10 , r01101111 C1.1ir1.'1y,l coniinue il so 0011001'111'1' 5111' 1:
1.111111— 11in , ((1011 10111111011110 5111—10111 (11101.1 man-'11:
11.11110 (10 505' 1010.05 50 10111111. 011110 Coblenm EL' j‘i
11 11211011. posiiiL quc 10 proth (105 00.111505 0.51. (’.L
10 R1110 (1.105 (.05 L100}; 011(11'0115 011 115 1101117 ".1
avec 1.11115 (10 1'i‘1(1111é (111 ’.11110111'5, your 50 1101101
:111 5.2001115 (10 11HXCKIIi/0u1'g..1_l‘d it)1“'1rl(‘35€ (1111'
(1011 0110. rc'rn 1r0 (30.111110 la L'ii.iL1‘ ‘11 L‘ (10
sa siiualion 0110 (101111110 (.0110 villI' 'L'\ 1.1“111 1.1 101111 .'
I.L-"r1I11‘Ls (101.1(1 01II? 10 juge a (1103.105. "’ L51 0.71110 Ni“
10"110.1(....0 I3; “.3110111'11 quc 105 .I’\11.1'iL'1'1i0115 1'.'1:.'5L"111'.I"-'II
um: 011013110 1111.171111ch 1114101111112; LiL'1'1Li-5' . 1 00. (111011-
('1'0i1, 21 1.1 0011113011011 (1’1m 110111 (11.“ 111117211X. (21101111?
.-. ai'i'ivés 11011\I‘("11(-111("11.(1L: 1a rive (110110 L111. '
qui 0111 (1011110 005 1'L-1150igL1L'111L‘115'. LijLJu1I11L (111L'1'LH‘LI'1'II
1210111 21 121111150 (10111011100110, (1110 1:1 02:11;
la prL‘miL‘i' L1’11‘.1".1.
1'11'111<"(: 1101'2L11. 'Iziir'". Vfl vcuii' pi'r-‘L‘I‘nd
011L1101010VL1'alL-s 11It'
11 011M111, '.I'.' 0113 50. 1'I11L11'0ti.
("101: 1 ‘



1'0 1 .


5 011211111
1m." p.111 i0 (1L'

(111115' 1:1 Bc1riI111L' ,

- 7
ll‘lliHFL’S (1111.3 }

111'111L':I 5' (111 N001 73..
11011 11.111115 50111
(-n 131111111211,011115 10:11

(10151 (-11' ‘i.01‘L.5‘ \‘.

. , ,
1.2 (“111110 LLL‘




 s 1111 mbrcs (11:1
Lé 1'L'".'()1L11'1011~
to. 1.0 (11103113
:1 (1111 1111111115-
15 1031161 113115.;
Hen-"s". (3L 1-1111
11.115 101111111115
{11101an 1101111
hus & (1631101.:
qu’ils (11101111
ajouiu-L—il; 11
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11 (1c nouveam
110111114110. 11'

1111501115: y .
11: 11's (111711.;
310610 101.11

1111) (1L' 10;

1110. 11 121115113,

51111011 m1-
choir. 10.:111:

'lm's , V. 51.)

on mouvn
1 1c Ens-'11}.
part 3115 .
1c , 0011111111. 1-.
mcertcx‘ 5111 11'
que 1a 1111112111:

111/. 8:

(3111.1112111' ‘
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'P51 0.7111(- NH!
:115 1......

1,111 ca. 1111- 1-‘
1. (1111.) 171111 ('11)
113 1:1 0a111121yz.

i'1111' proud": “
(‘1‘?! [vs [111.
SC"- 1‘1’ 11-11'11

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.111' 1'1“: c; 11

101111-11; 111113 '

‘ -3 11101113 (farmcr

‘1’; (\L’ 11.

“51]“- 113-4 {1111‘ 11“

wndar 1111011 légércmcnt dcs ciioycns u. (is; (I 1111.1
amrndc“ illimitécs pour (165 (1011" 5 pour icsquds

milk 1'L'101u11011nai1'cs , (:11 112111013 , 11c 1110110110019
(11111511011165 , s 651 cmprcssé (1' o1'd0.m nL 1..1.1.)11.5L1n 111(1- 5
urés , 211111 (16 11111": )01111' 111 11:1:11 111: (1:3 111L111'v1115 (1'5 13'
1,0111: 'L-11L's. CcL‘Le nouvelle 111111wa (1.: juuiuc 1.1.1 '
1-05 1&1 Iis1aleu15 ,1and1s qu 1111c (:1;1'1a111c:1:1356'

511111 11011111 (18 voir 10111‘ 1ugc 01116110 ' '



De .NEce, le 20 (2721650.

L’csradrc (10 Teulon a 11115 (‘1 1a voile 1c 10, 8(101111111
qui 31/011. (1011111 (10 511 10111100 (:51 001111011115. 13110
'Poséu do 15 vui55L'uux dc 116110 ESL 12 1166:1183. .'..c but (1e
1".3pé111110n n’cst. 111115 1111 mydi'crc; 11 ('51 (1111511011 (1'1111c
1(3111991110 en C0150. Les 561210116 LS: s 1:;1111'16—(11'191110 (101111—
5111'13111105 (17111101110110 , c0111poséc'5 PI'L‘SCIEJL'CHHL‘;CUR-”111, (11:
{01:05, 0.11 (:10 (1012111011005 , ii»: (:63 dcux corps 50111111—
1‘1VCJ 11 21111.9.

1.15 va'. 11011511011 charwés (lo
11011112105 (1: (i151);11'(1.1('111L'-11L $01.11 0111011 31 131110.13 (11w
11111:“ . 11313110111 L ('01' .L5 11111 11015 i'jé‘"'11\5‘:3\ (10113; '11:
101:5 101'
‘ 011 105

051 com—

.;-.~,5 50:11 11115 0119 50111511111L5 pour 1'L.‘11111'L' 1.1 C0126,
131151015 50111 ('11 PC‘LLL 110:11b1'c 6; V115 (1': 1111031115

De Paris, 12 7 germinal

On man-:16 dc.
activiLé , (13115 Le


6"" " 1"1' "1 " " 1 r (.1
5., (1.1011 . aueuc lapus Cram 0
123011, 21 1.11111m1cnt L165 13155111113; Oct :ré—
(1111 (101116111 I1.11111 [101111111116 8: pour (Mint—Do-

" .1. 11111 'uc. La 111v1: 1011 (11: 1111118, (70111111 11112:: par le contro—

21111111'111 1*.(‘1'guc1cn , SOFA c011.:)usL'e (1-: 1.01.; 1115562111); (le
1'71- (“11110115, [6 j'fcdoumble 19; 132-1111.; .."1.' .i'j'i'ulllillc 3; 1e
li"'(1/!11«"1L'. avcc quelquc' 11051103. 1112115 (10 b1111‘1’1—Do-
'1111 ' 1:; 511 1'5 dc quake “115501.111; (10. 115.16 (x qudqucs
‘ baL11115115 155cm.



. Les 10110115133 (19$ rues n'out '1311 11é511gL'. pour ma—
Jnipulm‘ 11116 $01!: (1'111‘7111‘I'CC11011 P1111111 10 110111710 10.111'
113111 (“10.11 visib1t‘nunt (18.0 . 1:1 dmcun 'sn r('11111‘v'c 2.113;
5 '5111'év 11115 , par 11111: .11'1'151011 . 5111' 11? L::( es de laquml

.1115 CO: 11111015111. 1130115 165 11,113,215 0:11. sunb'é 11011;;
$110111 .13; Eng-3121110113 s:11;si.<.211: 1:1" .

“ 191‘

5111' 1':11'('!(
1'03 011' .. . (1-310111"
1.0;1111Cux 1.111115 - .' .-.' -::'.1""f.--1'1:11135

1:11: (51"-


15:1 (;0\'(.r1—
1;:(1115' .119 50116111
...-1V(; (10 101:1;

1-11 111011111111.
-".'.'EL1'.101 111'31:1’: .
1.111.: '1’ ' :11
111116011011 (111111111113.
11:1'1'0111'11 Ics 1110111111155 ."‘.:1‘.0'

1?}.11'1' (11,113 111
1.» '10111'


13:1 1‘ (1 1':

211111.15. 1a Lonvcnhou;111.;15 ' "-1115



(10011.11 110115
9211111151.; 01111.1 p101“; 11.71111
1111121131: 1111:. 30111:. (13 13
01.1.1151 11 10
.1 111111 (1111.115 , (111'
:111"}1 J

(11:115 ('9
.- ~1‘1'.~ .. .- ..}—-1:~n-
1,(1»L1)1L.~1 (.0111 0.; 1.1 ., 1:1...»
19;; l('11o1'1..'.('5nr1_L
111." (1.1111. 115
" l
-(10 111 COIN/81111011

1'('11:11'L' 101N111"

110111;! 11111:
1' .~.;nw'~ .1
0.1L (quJL ..1‘
1'11111, 110111

(:0111'c11. 1011
S1; 1'0111'01' 1". C
“11 U'é uni-(6's, (3' 11: 0.111110 5 1119113111.

\'('111:: (1"


C {1:21.111 ioute cs piran-e n’c:.t pas (1111111113 pot'r 1-1.
31111; 5.5 do 1:1 13011111111: L16 hoacspiu'rc , depuis 911.1113 out
Vu quc 11 cause (1&5 p11 (”'nus (111013 com 01111011 (wait 1:11-
conscriie '.1 11113.1(: rcpmscntans , 111011 L11: cicnduc {1 me;-
"11': [0115 c011 1'; (.1111 on: (:11 part au gouvei 1191310121 (1.11911,
(’L qua or; reprcucnlans étmandoicnt cu uz; memes
came (20.. 12.110 avec les nevcnus.

S311 131 (1c tou‘c jusiicc quc toutcs 1613.;1'11'1-1 11:010.;

' (10141111113110, L10 1.15u1cté L1L5p-31w-11511-5

'1 5 111 (1 scussion 1'L'1-2t1vc £1 1L'L11' 2.1...11- ,
5101.15 1.25.1011); (1c voir cclle 31110111611111.11 5.0211. (15.: .1111”
1111:1111” es (11.1 gouvemcmcnt a 10111 cadsc : 53140111.:pr'3 (1'11;
111 L011VL-ntio11 a 1'L-c01111u (11111 y avcl‘. '2‘ 01);). 1.1.: 1311 551' 1:
11211119 8; 511: 61113.- 11101113 “11-15111. 121L1111C: (.e 13. 1y...111.1'-;- (11¢

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