xt7qbz618w8g https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qbz618w8g/data/mets.xml United States Alexander, Charles M. (Charles McCallon), 1867-1920 compiler 1910 1 close score (unpaged), 21 cm. Call Number: M2198 .A43 no. 2 1910 scores (documents for music) M2198 .A43 no. 2 1910 English Fleming H. Revell Contact the Lucille Little Fine Arts Library for information regarding rights and use of this collection Glenn C. Wilcox Collection Gospel music Hymns, English -- United States Alexander's Gospel Songs, [1910] text Alexander's Gospel Songs, [1910] 1910 1910 2023 true xt7qbz618w8g section xt7qbz618w8g  









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. :3: R." v ‘ 'I
~ up?!"


Gospel Songs
No. 2

Compiled by

Charles M. Alexander-



New York, 158 Fifth Avenue
Chicago, 125 No. Wabash Avenue
Toronto London Edinburgh



Copyright 1910.
Wtional Copyright Secured.


In compiling this book of Gospel Songs the purpoSe in view
has been to encourage the devotional spirit in worship, the study
of God’s Word, and personal effort in winning people to
Christ. A large number of the hymns are entirely new. Most
of the others have been an invaluable aid in the work in which
Mr. Charles M. Alexander and I have engaged in different parts
of the world. Amongst these are many of the old Standard
hymns that are known and loved everywhere, I have the
assurance that God’s approval has been given them, and I

know that they will prove a blessing to many people.





No. 1. ;/Meet Me in the’Homeland.

“In My Father’s house are many mansions.”—JOHN xiv : 1.







1 ;4_~.-_:::E§.£ ’!*~4—-—«_F!:a:-—.l~i 133323;; :13;
“31:71“ g4.__,‘__1_1_j__ym.-;_d_ .._.__.__?__.L,- .3...“

1. Will you meet me in the Homeland,Shall we both reach heav’nat last,
2. \Vill you meet me in the glo - ry, Shall we both to- geth- er stand
3. \Ve are nev -er sure of meet-ing An - y-where be-neath the sun,
4. Shall we both‘ to- geth- er see Him, Shall we serve Him side by Side.
5. He has promised soon to take me Where the King will fill my gaze,































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When the training days are end - ed, And life’s jour-neys all are past?
’Mid the com- pa - ny of sav’d ones, In that blood~bought, happy band ?
But we look for glad re - un - i0n,When our earth- ly life is Gone.
With His ransomed,hap-py ser-vants,Whom He wash’d and sane - ti - fied ?

Will your voice with'mine be blend-ed In that per - feet hymn of praise?











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CHORUS. 4‘ . 4‘




Will you meet me there? Will you meet me there? ’ Tis the Saviour bids you come;

“Till you meet me there? Will you meet me there ? He can take us safe- 1y Home.



Copyright. 1909 and 1910, by
Charles M. Alexander.
International Copyright Secured.



2 He Lifted Me.






‘1. In lov- ing kind-ness J e- sus came My soul in mer - cy to re-claim,
2. He called me long be- fore I heard, Be— fore my sin- ful heart was stirred,
3. His brow was pierced with many a thorn,His hands by cru- e1 nails were torn,
4. Now on a high - er plane I dwell,And with my soul I know ’tis well;





'i‘ 'd‘ '

And from the depths of sin and shame Thro’ grace He lifted me .................
But when I took Him at His word,For-giv’n He lift— ed me .................
VVhenfrommy guiltandgrief,forlorn, In love He lift - ed me .................
Yet how or why, I can—not tell, He should have lifted me .................

He lift-ed me.




From sink-ing sand He lift - ed me, IVith ten-der hand He lift - ed me,
H!‘ . O


From shades of night to plains of light, 0 praise His name,He lift- ed me!


(7o yright. l905. by
Cbll' es M. Alexander.
International Copyright Secured.


a/V of.
n |m PM



 3 Who Could It Be?

” There is a. friend that sticketh closerjshan a brother.”—Prov. 18: 24.




._l DUE“ J l l 1 I l I h l
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—— 5:811—4— EO— o—-—a—.——o—a~ I—T-I-T—l———‘———O- o-—-—a——o—,——

- 'FC'E .— ”HM—‘0 .—"'7::_—'_'-— —V‘—‘———’——'

1. Some-bod- y came and lift - ed me Out of my sin and rule. - er-
2. Some—bod— y bent so ten -der - ly Pleading so long and pa- tient-
3. Some—bod- y whispered sweet and low Tell—ing me just the way to

4. Some-bod- y holds my hand each day Guid—ing my feet lest I should


















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y, Some-bod - y came, 0h, who could it be, Who could it
1y, Some-bod - y came, oh, who could it be, Who could it
go, Some-bod — y spoke, I list—ened and 10, Who could it
stray,Walk—ing with Him how bless- ed the way, Who could it









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“7110 could it be, who could it




but Je - sus?



be? Who could it

Who could it be but Je - sus?



be, 0 who could it; be?





1 Tall. V Q5-
sus, Who could it be but Je - sus



sus, yes, Je - -


.1- _p:'.‘





1907. h
Alenn er.
lntornatioml Copyright Secured.




4 V Some Time We’ll Understand.

































41253 J 1‘1?“ :‘WEJ 111 Ahlsr 1:! ]
_:’: ' ‘—' h'rjn ll? '1 I‘lQVfiALafi
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4- 4— 1:: 1+ -0- '11
1. Not now, but in the coming years, It may be in the bet-ter land,
{ 2. \Ve’ll catch the broken thread a-gain, And fin — ish what we here be—gan;
' 3. \Ve’llknowwhycloudsinsteadofsun \Vere o — ver many acherished plan;
4. \Vhy what we long for most of all, E — ludes so oft our eag- er hand;
5. Gods knows the way,He holds the key, l’le guides us with un—err—ing hand;
j—1—1—D—D— —,——l———1—,—EF~' : lvf—J—D 9—1—
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We ’11 read the meaning of our tears, And there,sometime we’ll understand.
Heav’ n will the n1yste1ies ex- plain And then ah, then we’llunderstand.
\Vhy song has ceased when scarce begun; "l‘isthere,sometin1e,we’ll understand.
\Vhy hopes are crushed and castles fall,Up there,sometime, we’ll understand.
Sometime with tear-less eyes we’ll see; Yes,tl1ere, up there,we’ll understand.











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(loth hold thy hand;
Then trust 1n God thro’ all thy days; Fear not, for He doth hold thy hand;

11;. :3: :3_ 1‘ '








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1 Though dark thy way,still sing and praise,Sometime,sometime,we’ll understand.
h b h f“: '


. >



Copyrig M: by MchnnhAn.
International Copyright Secured
Olnrlea M. Alanna" owner.






n o n -











0 Friend Without Jesus.
Bosoom GILMORE STOTT. D B. Towxnn
H 1 _ 1 h J
. r 1 j J *_1 g” 1 t r
fi—AALd—Al ",3, #4 dig—7 4— 6‘-—
_. -- _‘_—':dI 1—- - i ' v1 Lv - - \- Ev -
_:__i;"_=_l' ' V l- 'cxrlvcx 6K",

1. I have a. Saviour Who’s pleading a-bove; Have you? Have you ?
2. I have 3. Shepherd Who leads all the way; Have you? Have you ?
3. I have a Father, Who hears whenI call; Have you 9 Have you ?
4. W ho could reject Him, my Saviour and King! Will you? Will you ‘2

Have you ‘7 Have you ?













”LL 0 p 0-. Jo """
[8 E11 1- A" A ;E‘ ' pl I:
IU-Hima “f r r .' .- L 1b - y r 1 r: K
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I have a Say-10m Who keeps by His love; 0 friend without Jesus, Have you ‘7

I have 3 Shepherd W ho seeks when

I stray, 0 friend without Jesus, Have you 7

I have 3 Fa- ther Whowarns ere I fall; 0 friend withoutJesus, Have you?
I have believ’d Him ;His love makes me sing;0 friend, Ireceiv’ dHim; Will you?










10v - ing Sav - iour, my

flfifl 'E;_ .211 F. " '
new ,= .= .= = L “if wit—4 f—bZkZ': “$9231
WHfia? {are I; , ‘71 if yg—V—FVg

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- er, my King, My












Ema” nin‘r j n 1‘ J 'K I i K‘ c J 1 l 'R‘ 5
LL — _ .'
T”U. fin 1 g N m" H—H—"d—H‘ 4...,“ F.f__,;_-__L
lW—Hfl- '—’-—‘-2—#£ .‘fi A it 0‘ - 0' - d- r 1 1!
U U ' fl- ' v ' ' . w
l bless-ed Re-deem-er, Thy prais - es I ! Yes, I have a.
-p. . _p_ ‘








Mas - ter so gen- tle and true;

‘11 Danie! B.
Owned by (‘ huh: M. A
In rrnsiinnnl (‘ opyrizht boonred.


. K - 1 N J
g‘- *a—' M'l'. l 4.“ e9 .11 F‘ R ' -
—— —-a:t—v—a—d——1 aL—a' a—Hl: '
l —- —a ——.+—-- 2+:—zr-1— , u—v—a: ,:

0 friend without J e - sus, Have you?




So Near to the Kingdom!

“ Thou art not far from the kingdom of God. 'g—MARK xii: 34.



















































L ‘ JA
1 (l 1 f j \ L A 11‘ r; I— . ___ _“_
‘ g’flfiajaugé AB. .gfi— §.E‘—
e - -V=q;w—-—q——'—:— 3.41—- —V———————
1. So near to the kingdom of heav - en, But yet out-side the
2. So near to the kingdom of heav- en, Al - most per-suad- ed
3. So near to the kingdom of heav - en, Your friends are en-t’ring
4. So near to the kingdom of heav - en, Yet halt - ing at the
-.--' ~05"?- .+ t -.v- 4‘ 17.. -A- - - --
Al- 0 r r L L L i i In - a . , v z
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sm é-a'ia-Jla'f‘a‘qwi "F;..‘. -J' 22::
82‘._\:‘ ._T_ _"T-d—__g__;§‘ _.. . I 'A o o v
gate! Some day you plan to en - ter—“Some day” may
now To trust the bless — ed Sav ~ iour, Be - fore His
in To find the great sal — va - tion That cleans-eth
door! Oh shall your soul,thro’ doubt-ing, Be lost for-
--- + 1* - ’5 . . . . - 53%
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be too

fig-2211‘? 29:" g So near to the king-dom,why hes - ~i-tate?



to the kingdom! .Why lon - ger wait? Oh, en - ter be -





fore ’tis for ev - er too late! So near to the kingdom, so near!






Copyright, 1907. by
Charles M. Alexander.
International Copyright Secured.


A!“ \l








1/ Lord, is it I?























J. R. CLEMENTS, arr. “ Lord is it I?"—Matthew 26: 22. ‘ ROBERT I'IARKNESS. '
n L h l
11011 1 1 1' 2 1
‘ l ‘IY ‘—
. . . . W, fi-
b’ . . i . F 1 a1 - = a+
%_ . n a o 1
1. Some-one is slight- ing the Sav- iour of men; Lord, IS it I?
2. Some— —0ne is halt—ing, and count— —ing the cost; Lord, is it I?
3, Some— —one ’sbe- tray-ing his Mas- ter (10-day; Lord, is it I?
4. Some— —one is liv — ing in self - ish de ~1ight; Lord, is it I?
5. Some-one in si -1ence is mak-ing the choice; Lord, is it I?
i‘ x J
P lth r J ’10- -1 — >1 - -L'_ . AK ' . . l -1.“
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‘D—‘Tfi I. v . E , . I g , , {




Lord, is it I?
Lord, is it I?
Lord, is it I?
Lord, is it I?
Lord, is it I?




Some- one is spurn-ing His love once a-gain;
Some- one in dark-ness and sin may be lost;
Some—one is walk-ing 3
Some- on: is turn- -ing his

Some- one

per — il - ous way;
face from the light,

will yield to the Lord, and re- joice,


1-; 1 .1“ i











Lord, is



Chulea M Alennder.
W 00W; $399“

I? ..... Lord,
it I? Lord, is



.. ....... is it I?

I 1 Lord, is




Tall. h h



it I?


weakness, and blot out each sin; Hear us, dear Lord, as
"‘ "‘I

_ - _ -'_
E F' 2* -1-' I ,- . . -!-- h J
. . 1 1 r1 H 0 1 .. 1 1 u 1
‘ _h_.h_;,1n_1i - I e H. 1 111 V l V P‘ 5—
, H .1 . 1 u u I n 1 1
,1 1i 1, 1 1 V v r L r 1
7 V ‘7 1


Par-don our



we cry!



8 / Nearer, Still Nearer.

“Let us draw near with a. true heart."—-Heb. 10: 22.































































O. H. M. Mrs. C. H. M03315.
m‘Hi‘ 4 I j j a j i I I e F J: i
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[a _ u___ 1— I I 0| 0: a 37—14 . R 5 E
§i___§ g__g__§ J ‘9 5; F] .I J % r
1. Near- er, still near - er, close to Thy heart, Draw me, my
2. Near - er, still near - er, noth - ing I bring, Naught as an
3. Near - er, still near - er, Lord, to be Thine, Sin with its
4. Near - er, still near - er, while life shall last, Till safe in
,, _ ,, J , I" 4-— 4—
@flvfié' :I.’ OI I w"? F—T
[f 7 ' I
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@fi—y—d—i T (j J I ,I‘ . 5r d:i 1 [i a
U ' ' 0 1- 'p ...g a I a v
Sav - iour, so pre - cious Thou art; Fold me, oh, fold me
off - ’ring to Je - sus, my King; On - 1y my sin - ful,
fol - lies I glad - 1y re - sign, All of its pleas-urea,
glo - ry my an - chor is cast; Through end- less a - ges
. —Q_ 3 L r9 h I . [ l I I *2-
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close to Thy breast,
now con-trite heart;

pomp, and its pride;
ev - er to be,

Shel - ter me

Give me but
Near - er my


Je - sus, my


- 4.1

in that “Ha. - ven of
Grant me the cleans— ing Thy blood doth im -
Lord cru - ci -

Sav - i0ur,still near - er to





































'F‘ ‘ - ll fifi‘- # #2- J ‘
- —IL—'—Ha2—I.—Ez=—b:i I F ' .
———L_ I. l I L I
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0 a ‘ P P a -o— - 1- F °
rest,” Shel — ter me safe in that “Ha - ven ’of Rest.”
part, Grant me the cleans—ing Thy blood doth im- part.
fied, Give me but Je - sus, my Lord cru - ci - fied.
Thee! Near - er, my Sav - iour, still near - er to Thee!
0 '12- -l'_ I) 14 n
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 9 - Give Me Jesus.

MARY Bmxsmennn.

s! eh

SOLO or Unison.
















1. Letearth’sbrightestpleasuresvan-ish,

2. In my sor-row J e - sus com - forts
3. In I the hour of great temp-ta — tion,



E I”
Let its gems and riches flee;

Till each bit-ter trial is o’er,
Let me to my Sav-iour fly;
















I j I - -

2 '45 07‘ [a d I; %“ I—IZ:
{CA r4 A Ii I7 E_'__
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avi-‘I‘WHII HuaJI'IlEFI u.
‘ - I J I ‘ ‘ I).
__ -_ -5. D"? ' an

Give to me my Sav—iour, J e - sus, And His love so full and free.1
With Him I shall ne’er be lone - 1y, Give me Jesus, nothing more.
J e - sus,while on earth I lin - ger, J e - sus,when at last I die.











Give me



T I‘ I

on- 1y Je - sus,



I I L I ”I , .-
{GB—VT” 0‘ I2 ,I I f, I? L?- .
lib—b . D L" L’ [ |’ I' iL I I I
I r I r I I v
Give me Je— ens, on - 1y Je - 5115,

Grace and mercy from a— bove;

T .5-

With Him I shall ne’er be lone - 1y, Give me Jesus and His love.

Copy ' he, 1908, by
Chum . Akxmdor. /'

His love,



No. 10. ’T is Jesus.


J v
1. I know of aWorld That is sunk in shame Where hearts oft t and
2. I know of a Book, A marvelous Book With a. message for all who
3. I know of aHome In Imman—u— el’s Land,Where hearts ne’er faint nor

v \.«
tire; But I know of a Name, A pre -cious Name That can set that
bear; And the same dear Name,Hiswon-der-fu1 Name 11 - lumines its
tire; And His mar- velous Name,His own dear Name In - spiresthe










world on fire; Its sound is sweet, Its let - ters flame.
pag-es clear; The Book is His word, Its message I’ve heard.

Heav’nly Choir; Hear the mel — 0— fly ringing, My own heart singing.




Copyright, 1909, by
Charles M. Alexander.
International Copyright Secured.








’Tis Jesus.——Concluded.






‘1 X V
I know of aname a pre-cious name, ’Tis Je - - sus.
’Tis Je - sus.


No. 11.

He Knows, He Cares, He Loves.
“ I am the Lord thy God which Ieadeth thee"’—ISAIAH leiii : 17.














I J\ .l ‘ 1" A
film; E '1 ‘4‘ ql—lri a—g a 1 F1
, n I __ __ ‘_;___.A_— I I
.KW—fkwi—HL—J—I-dw—-—q. 7 H a z .r, E a.
a _o_ _3_ a - 'i‘ ,1 ' a . a


1. My Fa- ther knows Just what I need, He watch- es 0’ er my way;
2. His eye will guide me in the path That leads to light and home;
3. His grace is mine in weak—est hour,VVhen en - e- mies ap- pal;






















- n p l ' j r ' 5 *5: L0 0
[lg-hue E . .5 E . k— -— Ere—4:
I f “f l E; V r 1 l l! L [W]
I / / V J V V l
A I. R‘ Q“ J. h |_ _! K 1‘ \‘l 1]
- j — — — —d— Ell: " ““— 1 ‘ H I J
I L L- —j:E sewn. EZ§1:5:FE—fig—;Eilg

How sweet to lean up- on His love Each mo- ment of the day.
His grace willhold me, so that I From Him will nev- er roam.
My hand in His, His hand in mine, I know I can- not fall.











--- a. ---- a" - E1. -. -. -.-- -.-- -.-- -9-
gw—«F "a -'=¥59,= 5. g: E .r I I
E9 F' v vFv v; FFH—L. :FfibT-E—l

/ F V v v


e knows He cares, He loves me so,

He watches o’er the way I go;

And by Hishand will lead me on


Copyright, 1907, by
Charles M. Alexander.
International Copyright, Secured.



 Verily, Verily.












\ "V n 1' l 4 TV
—n—a——,—-«—4+- —q~——6~t—q:g—'—
a 0 a


1. Oh, What a Sav-iour, that He died for me! From con-dem .
2. All my in - iq - ui-ties on Him were laid, All my in -
3. Tho’ poor and need-y I can trust my Lord, Tho’ weakand
4. Tho’ all un— wor-thy, yet .I will not doubt, For Him that




















































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U ' ' ' U a '1 ‘7 _‘_ 1-
na-tion He hath made me free; “He that be-liev- eth on the
debt- ed- ness by Him was paid; All who be-lieve on Him, the
sin - ful I be - lieve His word; 0 glad mes-sage! ev - ’ry
com - eth, He will not cast out; “He that be-liev- eth,” Oh,the
—o~ I ' - "'
. " g i p l - D I r 1' p”7_:—h:1___._‘_.
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t v v a, 'r ' 'v'
il—ITD g F El h TN ! j CHEEUS'A: A a
l. a .—a— 4 a a a 4
_:- A a l :- E—g—q , a: :—r——g—: 9
_——_ J I r v v v A U v I v
U - 3- ' a r


Son,” saith He, “Hath ev- er-last - ing life.”
Lord hath said “Have ev- er—last - ing life.” “ . .
child of God: "Hath ev- er¥1ast- ing life.’ ’} Ver ' 1 ' 1y, ver ' 1 ' 1y,
good news shout,“Hath ev- er-last- ing life.”










iii- 0 o I‘l'- 9¥:4L-'-rz [IN RF! i!“ RAH

-_ _' r l ' F [ T —L —y_. TIP—.74“:-

“€41 P—E 'r fi—p~b Ir :4 a L '7 a LJI
F I, 1 V V


Ver - i — 1y, ver - i - 1y,” mes— sage ev — er

I say un- to you,
' ‘ ~ .1- -1- 42-. 4- -p- 1-





“He that be-liev-eth on the Son,” ’tis true, “Hath ev'- er—last- ing life.”
-p. .p-



Copyright, 1906 by Mrs. Addie McGranahau.
Charles M. Alexander owner.
International Copyright Secured.





He Will Hold Me Fast.

“ Thy right hand shall hold me.”——Psalm cxxxix, 10.

Bonmrr mnmmss.



































REFRAIN. a tempo.




He will hold me

He will hold me

hold me fast,


Co yrizht. 1906. h
Chisel M. Alestndzr.

burn-mull Copynght Boonufl.

my Sav - iour loves me



He will hold me

I A: j 1 [#1 j j l 4 i H. F
W l D l J l j l l l l l l H_l #1 r .4
17'11 U i U A I A l U A fij U l j I: l 6
*‘EF L7 ' I V l ‘v' I U I v I— a} .
1. When I fear my faith will fail, Christ will hold me fast;
2. I could nev - er keep my hold, He must hold me fast;
3. I am pre- cious in His sight, He will hold me fast;
4. He’ll not let my soul be lost, Christ will hold me fast;
n A z 1 J. ! l I J , ,
a .. . 2:4;mgwcazte::a:ar.
7 a 5 , 9v 3 I r A: H".
' é gl- 0 ‘
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51. A r r .— n r n ' .- n I - r - I
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|\./h A I r r rr r I I l L I I I II a
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A I I J Tan 4‘
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h A I' J l I 4} 4‘ l l r l fin g j I CJ
m V I' 'I V U I J ' j l r l A‘ J 4‘ I j Y J
i: I l ' ' V. I d ' 'l V C 1 l4
When the tempt- er would pre - vail, He can hold me fast........
For my love is oft- en cold, He must hold me fast........
Those He saves are His de - light, He will hold me fast........
Bought by Him at such a cost, He will hold me fast ........


hold me fast;




.14 The Promise of Pardon.






“Let the wicked forsake his way, . . . and return unto the Lord, and. .He will
J. H. SAMMIS. abundantly pardon.’ ’.—ISA lv: 7. D.B. TOWNER.

‘9‘“I7'B r I j I d I J A N s n J
I . Lei \ 9‘ 3| I I “J I r!) 0' s T sl‘jIfl‘I—‘d_‘I‘:l
,6??nd .“r0 0 = (In! I“. All i 2 :3
. 1119-31: .' -rrii:gg-rr‘ f 'IJ

Ia IV IV 5 I I I I I— I“, IV 5 I I I—
1 We all like sheep have (tone a - stray, We’ ve turn’d us each to His own

have gone a-stray, to

2. O hear and heed the piophet’s cry “Ye sons of men,why will ye

heed the prophetscry, “Ye sons, why
3. “Incline your ear and come to Me, And take sal- vation’ s wa- ters

and come toM
4. Proclaim this gos- pel grace to all, The ethoughtlessthrong in pleasure’ 3
this grace to all, the throng in
44nRJ_-IIL+JE+ gnRI 4-..;—
Q??? ”53 F:§:§-FI:——IE :I’ '
7 V

I .

















































I ILLV I) 15 ‘5' 4 :5 ‘d‘ 1) If ! AYJ IE A(1I 1.
HI? - a .3 i rrj ‘ i i' I .5 - z r a q——*
$17 7 . r— ' r v I r! ’ .- I . .
7 I F I" F I I I— an ~0-
way- ..... . In sin - ful thought and word........ and
His own way , In sin -ful thought and word and deed In sin—ful thought and
die? ...... Wh do ....... ye spend... .. your strength for
will ye die? Why do ye spend your strength fornaught Why do ye spendyouy
free; ...... Here all ......... your sins ...... and sor - rows
wa- ters free? Here all your sins and sor-rows cure, Here all your sins and
thrall; The bus - y world re - fined”... or
pleas- ure s thrall; The bus- y world. re- fined or rude, The bus oyworld, re .
I A I -o- - «p- —o— -o-
d g "I r: 4— M [A L ' e = =
. -——o —— . e ———D D—-—D
_ L —‘I‘—b fi :Ii“I:."IL‘"——b— ’I—"L—’t——
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[L . h J J J/ \JA I
32L! in 1 1 J_. 1 I _I J I _I J r j
_-I2__ TAIHjJ a I” ”Ha-JP”:
__ _I__I : 3 r 9 . r9 9
——ag———:—§:_— 3 ‘ "4 Ir F r r I F I r.
V d- I | | I I I VI
deed! ...... And on God’s Lamb our gu1lt was laid... ........
word and deed gulit was laid, our gu11t was laid.
naught, For bread which sat- is — fl - eth not‘? .............. .
strength for naught sat - is - fi- eth, sat - is - fi - eth not?
cure ........ In David’s mer-cies sweet and sure.”...........
sor— rows cure, David’s mercies sweet and sure.”
rude ........ And all the sin-stain’d broth - er - hood ........... ..
fined or rude, all the sin—stain’d brother- hood.
1- -o- #— 1— 0- -Il- ~9-AE9-
s4”? L‘fi"*‘1:’."+‘* .
eafi r-I: Im-
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b ;:; I F FL F I—p L .0 Irr’)





Let the wicked for—sake his way, And the unrighteous man his thoughts;
-63- . A


Co yright 1909, by D. B Towner.
harles V1. Alexander owner
International Copyright Secured.


 The Promise of Pardon.
N /——'\










un-to the Lord ............
h h h un- to the Lord,


And let him re - turn ...............
Let. him re- turn





l 2:
And He will a- bun-dant- 1y par- don; Let him re — tum ...............
Let him re— turn

'4 2; -9L/“_\


un-to the Lord, .. . ......... And He will a-bundant-ly plar - don.
un— to the Lord, _. \_d_


No. 15 To=Day the Saviour Calls.







































n I . 4 l l J
T I 0 r c J J I r E J .' I r J l
mea~9H*a—i I? Ia iaIaII
W 4 a r U' i 0' r ‘2 I 5 l‘ ' I I; I
U i v v
1. To - day the Sav - iour calls, Ye wan—d’rers, come;
2. To - day the Sav - iour calls, Oh, hear Him now;
3. The Spir - it calls to - day; Yield to His pow’r;
4. To — day the Sav - iour calls, For ref - uge fly!
(I - "‘ 1" 1" ‘9' - !

[.x- E) ; I s s. I I I 0 a i E a

IU'I 4 z I .' .' r I I n .' I I

IV?! 5) L I r C r a I r r r r

I 4 I I L L b r I 5 F ' I

a I J h . _I .

"IT. J r ' I l ' r ,, I l l j _l l
Th q r d 1 ' __q r 'J l I . j J j
(m v a r d 1— d— . r I ,I a .' I J
$2 E r d a r a I g: o z I a
0 ye be - night — ed souls, Why 1011 - ger roam ?
With - in these sa — cred walls To Je - sus bow.
Oh, grieve Him not a - way; ’Tis mer - cy’s hour.
The storm of jus —’ tice falls, And death is nigh.
—- —- 19- -p- ,
“E- r, I - - - I — r I r j ,

“12-. I1 r r I— .- r r I r I
IlU‘h ' I I L F I A r '0 b: k 1
II V I I L r L I r, r | . I


‘r F




 16 Carry Your Bible.

Dedicated to Mrs. CHAS. M. ALEXANDER, the Originator of The Pocket Testament League.







Arr. R. H
.L/K n A i R l i L 3* i“ th“ s v JCZTF‘
_ I I -—‘R- 1 I I ——fi I ‘__—+:Y———-—A- .
*5; :3—-—I‘ZJ‘3_J= L ":5 3 3 ; .+_ -
—o- 1- + ' f— b

1. Car - ry your Bi - ble with you Let all its blessing out - flow,
2. Car - ry the word of par — don Sweeter each day it will grow,
3. Car - ry the wondrous sto - ry Tell it to hearts plung’d in woe,
4. Car - ry the word of prom - ise, Sinners un-par-don’d may know









“Mn? .:¥= .9r9' I'L-ri a a a :l;;l
~ 9“ L I e ,- ! IL rev—4. . . . r—Lo r-=4-






It will sup— ply you each moment, Take it Wher-ev- er you go.
Somewhere some heart will be wait—ing, Take it wher-ev- er you go.
This word of gracious re-demp—tion, Take it wher-ev- er you go.
God’s path from sin un - to safe - ty, Take it wher-ev- er you go. ‘

O o I

A 1
Fl . e a .
w .7, cute-4:]


















Take it wher-ev- er you go, ....... Take it wher-ev- er you go, .......
you go, you 8'0»

. r" *r”
) God’smessage of love,Sent downfromabove,0take it wherever you go ......
you go.


Copyright 1%. by 7
Chnrlel M.’Alexnnder.

‘ International Copyright tecuod.




No. 17. “ Fear Thou Not.”


L L g I

n H . t . . -
“Vane“:- s__§‘ tut" 5‘ j 2;: ,s, 1E :4 4
@fléd—Bfl—FL—i—st—g: -— :93: ';3:_‘:t;35_—:

1. O Chris-tian trav-’1er, fear no more The storms which round thee spread;
12. Thy Sav—iour, who up - on the cross Thy full re—demp-tion paid,
3. A safe re-treat and hid - ing-place Thy Sav- iour will pro ~ vide;
4. No; in thy dark~ est days on earth,When ev - ’ry joy seems flo/vzn,





















-1- -fl- -1. -1- .fl- -fl. .fl- .fl. .fl. 'P' -'- .1.
ll 1 n I x L L A L l I A 9
[a l r: L l l H F l H I if ' I
”fig 9 g: = a '= Y? e E ':L k i l g *
n n :1 It .'. L i. ll . r .1 Lb::bmmb:_:b I v‘
’ ‘ ' ‘ ' r ’ r ’ l v 1 u



L .
J" l


gt: 5““: .,—%‘: .IJ- 5L5 5%“:
9— 9:14—44—vms—a—asflFzflg‘mg—awgl—rw
' ' ' ' i- m
Nor yet the noontide’ssul—try beams On thy de-fence-less head.
Will not from thee, His ran-somed one, Withhold His promised aid.
And sor-row can- not fill thy heart,While sheltered at His side.
Be- liev - er, thou shaltnev - er tread The toil—some way a - lone!












— wee






,. —.!- +— 4&1- 4:- ~5— #- - 4- ~e- ~.-- '9- - x»-
7“.” [ l[ [ [ [ IL [ .' [ ll 1 L 7 [Su'

'n ., i it i I. E :. 3 :. ””1— f?

,. ,. "*Ffi‘w‘tr
CHORUS. (Isa. 41: 10.)




\_/ v
“Fear thou not, for I ........... am With thee:


Be not dis -



Fear ...... thou not,


I am thy God!

4!— ~ 4‘?

mayed, for




o . ;/ V

I ......... am with thee: Be not dis — mayed, for I am thy God!”
A ‘ P IN A
11-“ Lo— A ‘ 4'


Copyright. 1883. by James McGranalnn.
Chas. M. Alexander, owner.
International Copyright Secured.







You Must Do Something To-night.
“ What shall I do then with Jesus which is called Christ ? ”—Matt. 27: 22.







. Y on must do something with Jesus, You must do something to- night,
. No neu-t-ral ground can be tak— en, You must do something to- night,
J e-sus would have you receive Him,You must do something to- night,
You must choose life or death’s darkness,You must do something tonight,
With God there is no to- mor— row, You must do something to- night,

a f. o ,'_ n -I. -1. _L :" -'. 1'- Lap:


















\M'liw \





















\ ,
1 ‘ ‘5‘ l i l I
A 4'— ‘ ' L.‘
l' v I

You must decide this great question,You must do something to — night.
You must be for or a-gaz’nst Him,You must do something to - night.
You must confess or de - fly Him,You must do something to - night.
These are the is- sues e - ter - nal, You must do something to - night.
Now you can have this sal—va- tion, You must do something to - night.

,.b,,+++—F— #— , —o— +:





@113 'r




You must do something with J e-sus, You must do something to - night,

Will you reject? or,will you ac—cept? You must do something to-night.

C glut, 1908, by
Ghsrleu M. Alex-min,
' Copyright Bound.



No. 19. Jesus is Calling!

“ Come unto Me, and I will give you rest."—MA'1'1'. xi: 28.










A u R I 1‘ fir“
TV {3, A ‘. h A re } A 3‘ A“ a r q
1 ' _.J l J J . '
o A .fi .' 1‘ ' r A I v "ig— i‘—‘_“!
(:17 0 z z x .'