xt7qft8dg99g https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qft8dg99g/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 19161329 minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1916-13-aug29-ec. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1916-13-aug29-ec. 1916 2011 true xt7qft8dg99g section xt7qft8dg99g 

August 29, 1916

     The Executive  oard of University of kentuc'ky met in the
 resident's office, the following members Dresent: Chairman
 C.B. Nichols, P.P. Johnston, Johnlt.2 Brown,     B Brock, Fran
 MCI e, C.B. Terrell, R.GC Stoll being absent. 1he reading
 of the minutes of the preceding meeting was dispensed with.

     President Barker filed and the Board received the opin-
ion of the Attorney General of the State defining .,he law
effecting fees, etc. of Gounty Aprointees and the President
was authorized to act according to the Attorney General's
opinion in the matter.

     On motion of Mr. Johnston, seconded by M r. ra.ck, the
bond of $10,000.00 filed by D.H. Peak as Business Agent of the
University was accepted by unanimous vote,-

     On motion of Mr. Johnston, seconded by Mr. Vrock, Presi-
dent Barker was authorized by unanimous vote to appoint B.G.
Worley as successor to I.P. Tashoff, resigned, on the teaching
force in the College of Mines aend  etallurgy, the same having
been recommended by Dean C. J. Norwood.

     Mr. Brock moved that the sum of $14461.65 be appropriated
from the Experiment Station's funds to meet the requirements of
the   mit~_Lever ot.    eiuonded by Mr. McKee, the motion
carried. esers. Johnston, Brown, Brock, McK. -e, Terrell and
richolas voting aye.

     It appearing that the Committee appointed to select a
Dean 3f the College of Agriculture had failed to make a selection
and had asked for -mrther time to consider the matter, President
Barker was diredted to appoint f temporary dean and thereupon,
the President anpointed George 4oberts dean pro temn and the
Board ratified the appointment.    essrs. Nichols, Johnston,
Brown, Brock, -c ee and Terrell voting aye.

     Mr. Johnston moved that the Home Economics Department
be separated from the College of Agriculture with Miss Mary
Sweenq as dean at her present salary. Mr. Brown seconded the
motion which carried.  Messrs. Johnston, Brown, Brock, Nichols
aind McKee voting aye. &r. Terrell did not vote, being tempor-
arily absent frem the room.

     On motion of ar. Brock, seconded by Mr. Brown, Pres Barker
was authorized to continue operation of the Mess Hal1 on the
cmpus another year and was further authorized to employ a
matron and make a contract on the best terms possible, Messrs,
Johnston, Nichols, Brown, Brock, &oAle an- Terrel3l voting in
the affirmative.

     On representation by 3residett Barker that the 3nglish
Department was in need of an ad itional instructor,   r. Terrell
moved that the Department b- authorized to 'mnlo y such instruct-
or at a salary not to exceed $1000.00 a. year. Motion was
seconded by  r. Johnston and carried.    esers. Johnston, Nichols,
Johnston, Terrell, Brown, Mc ee and Brock voting aye.


     On motion made by Mr. Brown, seconded by Mr. Broek, Preei-
dent Barker was authorized to spend $500.00 in improvements in
the  hemistry Department.   essrs. Brown, Nichols, Johnston.
Brocif, McKee and Terrell voting aye.

     Mr. Johnston moved to authorize President Barker to em-
ploy a professor of agriculture in the Dopartment of Eduja-
tion. Mr. Brown seconded the motion which was adopted, essrs.
Brown, Nichols, Terrell, Johnston, Brack and Mc'vee voting aye.

     On motion of ar. Brock, seconded by Mr. Brown. Free.
Barker was authorized to provide fire escapes on both dorm-
itory buildings on the campus, Messrs. Nichols, Brown, Terrell,
Johnston, Browk, and McKee voting aye.

     Mr. Johnston voted that the salary of Miss Garrie Bean,
postmistress and supply keeper in the business offices be in-
creased from $55.00 to $60.00 a month. 'Kr. Brock seconded the
motion which was carried by the following votes Messrs
Nichols, Johnston, Brbwn, Brock, and McKee, hr. Terrell having
*ith-drawn from the meeting to catch a train.

     On motion, the meetinl adjourned.

                                       Inoch Greban
                                       Secretary Boazd of
                                       Trust ees.