xt7qft8djs1j https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qft8djs1j/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1975-02-27 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 27, 1975 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 27, 1975 1975 1975-02-27 2020 true xt7qft8djs1j section xt7qft8djs1j Thursday. February 27. 1975



on independent student newspaper

e] (’iiiversi'ty of Kentucky


exmgton. K y. 40506

Kentucky Congressmen express differing
Opinions concerning Red River dam proiect

Managing Editor

Kentucky's nine-member Congressional
delegation in Washington have mixed
views on the proposed Red River dam in
Powell (‘ounty

Three of the state‘s seven represen
tatives are opposed to the controversial
project while three are in favor and one is

WHILE SEN. “ENDELL Ford strongly
favors the $30million dam. Sen. Walter l)
Huddleston is currently rerevaluating his
earlier support,

Ford. a Democrat who defeated
Republican incumbent Marlow (‘ook in
last November's general election.
maintains his support for the project.
according to Tommy Preston. the fresh
man senator‘s press secretary

(‘ook opposed the project and both
candidates used the dam as a campaign

Bl'T lll’l)l)l.ESTf).\. .\I.S() a
Democrat. is in the process of re
evaluating his earlier support for the
according to Ed (Iraves.
Huddleston's press secretary

"He does not want any more money
spent on it u not the Environmental Impact

l’t'St‘lW (lll' .

UK Rose Street traffic

Statement has been completed and all
questions about it have been resolved."
Graves said.

Iluddleston has received "tons of mail"
on the issue with a majority of it in op-
position to the dam. he said.

\l.’l‘ll0l'(ill THE l‘.S. Army ('orps of
Engineers have completed the required
tin pact statement. numerous questions on
the report have been raised by several
agencies and environmental groups.

The dam‘s leading supporter. Seventh
District Rep (‘arl Perkins. is unmoved by
the recent criticisms of the project‘s en-
vironmental impact A secretary in the
Democrats office said there was no need
to question staff members on the issue
because Perkins had made his position
clear and would not change

Sixth District Rep John Breckinridge.
whose district includes part of the area
wehere the da m will be constructed. is still
undecided on what position to take.

HItICt'KINRlDtuE IS sending a letter to
outline his position to everyone who has
written to him concerning the project. said
Wayne Heyar. Ri'eckinridge‘s legislative

"l earnestly Iiope .i solution will evolve.

solution questioned

Hy LYNNE t'l'\l\'
A l'nivcnity propmal to deal with
pedestrian traffic on Rose Street by iin
pleinenting a sci'aiiible will not work. said
Dr John Hutchinson. civil engineering
Hutchinson IS chairman of (‘ampus Safety.
an administrative committee. and a [r-
banvt‘ounty Transportation Advisory
(‘oinmision member

A St‘RAMBIJC LIGHT. which has been
proposed for the intersection of (‘lifton
Avenue. Funkhouser Drive and Rose
Street. would stop traffic in all directions
during student rush hours to allow
pedestrians to cross

Because students are willing to take a
chance and cross midblock. Hutchinson
said a scramble would not be fully utilized.
The scramble would also congest traffic
and increase danger to students who cross
midblock. he added.

"There is a whole psychology of crossing
streets.“ he explained. “We have proven
that there ex'st two basic categories in a
population high and low self-testers.
Most students are high selfetesters and
have a tendency to run across the street at
all places

HIGH SELF-TESTERS are more likely
involved in games of
report co-authored by

to be chancc.

according to a

Hutchinson on 'I'i‘affic f'onti‘ol and Self
'l'estii-il \"alues
Although some students may not use the
scrambkn the l’niversity has a respon-
sibility to provide safe means for crossing
Street. said (‘lifton Marshall.
l'niversity architect The possibility for a
raised pedestrian bridge in addtion to the
skramble and proposed Rose Street
medians is also under consideration. he

t'onstruction of a median extending
from Rose and Limestone Streets to
(‘olumbia Avenue to aid pedestrians
crossing Rose Street was proposed last
week at an l'rbant‘ounty Transportation
Advisory (‘ommission meeting, The
scramble was also proposed at that

FLASHING ('s\l"l'l()f\' LIGHTS. a lower
speed limit and the construction and
widening of medians on Rose Street would
be in the best interest of student safety.
Hutchinson said.

The establishment of caution lights and
a 15 per cent speed limit reduction would
slow traffic. he said. This would lower the
present 35 mph speed limit on Rose
Street to 30 mph

A to mph speed limit. suggested in
December by Dr. Michael Romano.
special assistant to the vice president for
the Medical (‘entcr. would be
":inreasonable" and would not slow

traffic. Hutchinson said.
('ontinued on page 3


which not acceptable to all rwould at
least represent the interests of a majority
of those affected." the letter states.

Reyar said Hreckinridge has received
about 2:3 letters» with a majority in up
position since January.

District. opposes the dam on the basis that
the water supply and recreation benefits of
the project are not sufficient justification
for construction. according to Dale
Hooper. a Mazzoli legislative assistant.

Hooper said Mazzoli favors an indefinite
delay because of a “great many can
tradictory conclusions“ surrounding the
issue and that the costbenefit ratio on the
project was not satisfactory.

Fourth Distrtict Rep Eugene Snyder. a
Republican. has opposed the dam since
1970 and is currently awaiting completion
of the audit by the General Accounting
itffice on the costbenefit ratio. said
William Tanner, a legislative assistant.


THE ONLY OTHER represntative
opposed to the dam is First District Rep.
('arroll Hubbard. “Based on the in-
formation he has now. Hubbard is opposed
to the project.“ said Steve West. Hubbard
legislative assistant. "That might change
if more information that is not known now
comes out in Congressional hearings on
the dam “

The other two representatives. Second
District Rep. William Natcher and Fifth
District Rep Tim Lee Carter. favor the
dam on the fact that it is in another
representative‘s district and. as a matter
of (‘ongressional courtesy. will honor his
request to favor construction.

”I am a member of the appropriations
committee. and when a fellow
t‘ongressman asks us to join with them on
an appropriation when they come before
the committee. then we try to join with
them.“ Natcher said.

(‘ontinued on page 5

Kernel It." photo by Chuck Como"

.\n unidentified worker was silhouetted
against the sky as he paused from his work
for a moment. The worker was trimming
dead branches off the tree.


 Editor onctoet, Linda Carnes
Managing editor, Ran Mitchell
Associate editor Nancy Daly
Editorial page editor Dan Crutcher

A! '(

Features editor, Larry Mead
tutor Greg Hotelich
Sports editor, Jim Mauom
Photography editor, Ed Gerald

Ld-tovials represent the opinions oi the editors


Bureaucracy plus law equals absurdity

An absurdity perpetrated in the
name of law coupled with the in-
transigence of bureaucracy can only
produce an awesome illogic.

That is the outcome of a recent
federal court decision upholding a
state regulation requiring a married
woman to use her husband‘s last
name to obtain a Kentucky driver‘s

[8. District Court Judge Bernard
T. Moynahan .lr, dismissed the suit
brought by [K journalism instructor
Sylvia Scott \Vhitlow. who applied for

principles" which he said require a
woman to assume her husband's

It is interesting to note that Ken-
tucky does not have a law requiring a
married woman to take the last name
of her husband. The only reason why
a woman is required to use her
husband‘s name seems to be for the
sake of uniform records.

[9.111. Hodges, director of the
Division of Driver Licensing. said
record—kwping problems could result
if Whitlow used her own name but
later decided to change it to her

That seems like a poor argument
since Whitlow is simply trying to keep
her name the same instead of
changing it to her husband's
Perhaps with a little careful thought
Hodges would realize that it would
require less changes in record
keeping it w omen did not change their
names when they were married.

Hodges also said a name change
might even be used to circumvent the
law He person nearing
suspension of a driver‘s license for
traft ic Violations could possibly get "a

said a

license but It appears unlikely that
this would happen given the emphasis
placed record keeping III the
Division ot Driver Licensing.
l-tesides. the purpose of wanting to
retain one's maiden name is not
ustially tor scurrilous purposes btit is
based mainly on reasons dealing with


personal identity

The request to use one's name in
stead of adopting the husband‘s name
However. for the sake
ot tradition til the and an un
willingness to amend record keeping

is a small one


and was denied a driver's license last

her maiden


year using
M oy na ha it

On the spot

Name 'Rupparena' lacking


The skeleton of the Metro show
house is raising itself against the
winter sky downtown. Our twine
net quintet will host visitors from
around the conference on a home
court in the new facility. The
additional revenue generated by
increased seating might
persuade the athletic department

- " com Ill ()ll

"get the records

law names ate changed.

to schedule games against even
Notre Dame and Indiana in
Lexington instead of Freedom

Rumor holds that students will
be bused there igasp!) from
campus. No doubt student seat-
ing will provide for a contingent
of hyperactive undergrads ade-

He said it is difficult to

when It titay
t'otl ltl

quate to intimidate referees.
charge the air with rabid enthus—
iasm. and generally maintain the
sportsmanlike tradition of Hi
basketball. Backs for those seats
are mandatory. So far. so good.

MY COMPLAINT is with the
designated name of the edifice:
Rupparena. Don‘t get me wrong



Letters to the editor

Pan Am buyers are not Arabs

Concerning the cartoon which
ran on page two of the Kernel,
Thursday. Feb. 20, it must be said
that it revealed an unerring
accuracy in ignorance — both on
the part of the cartoonist and the
journals that published it.

The cartoon depicts an Arab
(as identified by his traditional
garments) thrown unceremon-
iously off a Pan Am plane with
the caption: “The new owner‘?’?
We thought he was a terroristl”.

A certain amount of political
humor could indeed be found in
this were it not for the fact that it
was not Arabs who bought stock
in the airline but Iranians (Per-
sians) — a people neither Arab
nor Semitic who speak an Indo-
European language (Farsi) and a
nation that has shown consistant
political friendship with the U.S.
and coolness, if not hostility.
towards its neighbor to the north.

the USSR. Although predomin-
antly Muslim in religion, Per-
sians do not imitate Arab dress
and moreover have generally
refrained from the trend towards
international terrorism.

Hence our only conclusion is
that the nominal knowledge
needed to recognize the flagrant
error in this cartoon is severely
lacking in both the cartoonist and

the newspapers (including also
the Los Angeles Times and the
Denver Post) which have carried
it. Admittedly this oversight is
disturbing in light of the role of
the press in public relations
through their clear and careful
presentation of the news.
Dana Denniston
Tim Ballard
Middle East (‘ivilization Seniors

Defense fund for six

A grand jury “,..can be used by
federal and state officials to
harass and to fish for information
about you and your associates. In
the last few years there has been
a dramatic increase in these uses
of grand juries tfrom: “Your
Rights Before The Grand Jury‘"
an American ('ivil Liberties
Union pamphlet. 1972, p. 2i,"

We are seeing such a use of a
grand jury in Lexington in the
case of the six individuals who
have refused to talk to the FBI.
Do you want to help these six
people? Contact the Lexington
(irand Jury Defense Fund. 454 S.
Ashland Ave. extended

Stey e Medley
l’K alumnus lttit

new record under another name "
be true that
be used


to obtain a

now . the name of that formidable
basketball mentor of yesteryear
honors the structure to which it is
given But coupled with the
peculiar meter and consonance ol
‘arena' the
comes out sounding like the name
of a car wash‘ "Rupparena.
where your car comes sparkling

Poets favor Rupp Pavillion or
Rupp Hall or ltupp (‘oliseum or
ltupp (‘enter or Rupp Stadium or
ltupp House or ltupp anything to
Rupparena But poets don‘t name

Before the name of the building
is etched in granite or raised in
steel. perhaps the planners will
reconsider their choice and opt
for a designation more befitting
the fond memory of the ltupp
years and the stature of the man
in the brown suit who made them


The economy continues lll its
head first tail spin Government
and industry remain frustrated in
efforts to remedy the situation
Their responses have achieved
only modest success when the
value has been beyond doubt

Present policies address the
effects, not the cause; treat the
symptoms not the ailment The
crux of the problem has not been
accurately defined

A time of national crisis such as
this behooves responsible laymen
to step forward with dynamic
ideas. For this reason. revelation
of the source of current economic
woes can be delayed no longer
Serious-minded analysts have
recently concluded that the ten
tacles of financial fiasco stem
from the absence of statuselite
symbols. That‘s right


THINK ABUI'T IT. The dollar
was solid as a gold brick under
the benevolent reign of Elvis
Presley. The Beatles. ah, the
Beatles. They sold everything
from bubble gum to haircuts.
Those were products that assured
acceptance. Those were sounds
that dominated audio entertain
ment along with Dylan and
Hendrix Anybody could become

prot'etltilt‘s the request was tlt‘tllt‘tl
\laybe sottto‘oiit' \\tll see the light
when the appeal rolls around

in meter and consonance

somebody simply by knowing the
words to the latest release

The same was true for other
marketable l’eter Max
and penny loaters. fallout sbel


ters and Maltese crosses, vette‘s
and ’l‘ birds surfboards and rat
finks. Batman and skateboards.
and on and on. from the 'l‘eabury
shuffle to John Way iie You knew
what you wanted because that is
what everyone else wanted and
that is what you bought because
that is what you could be sold
The same market today is less
decisive Merchandisers offer a
perplevng \ariety of “trends" in
products In a group of perform
ers from :\llt‘t‘ (‘ooper through 7.
7. Top. none dominates lit a pack
of autos including Hornets.
l’intos and Rabbits, none lead in
a rack of footwear holding ‘eartlr
\didas. and Saigon san
dals. none is a step ahead l’rotits


tire \lllll on confusion

on chaos is poor business

\lY lttttnnl \Tli points
the common knowledge that Mc
Donald's has sold five billion or


more hamburgers He then poses
the question Have you ever seen
a meat delivery truck at a
McDonald's" Where does all that

beet come tron." (iood question

contrary. the game of romance
merrily continues. played with
rules centuries old
the latidable
and praiseworthy ends of the
popular women‘s liberation
movement. the long-standing
courting rittial in western culture
leaves the btilk of the enticing to
the ladies

Therefore. accepting my own
premise. I am pleased to note the
return of the skirt to the feminine
arsenal and hope to see more of
the same as the long winter of
body shirts and tight pants gives
way to the approaching warm
weather of spring.


Luther Langsdon is a junior
"tutoring in Psychology and His-
tory. His column ”()n the Spot."
appears every Thursday.





New course offers ‘rotionol approach'
for persons who wish to lose weight

Kernel Staff Writer
A tttvweek course in rational
weight loss is being offered for
those who have lost weight in the
past but always manage to gain it
Teachers of the course will use
a rational approach to dieting for
students who have had difficulty
losing weight in the past. said
Linda Carpenter. course


'l‘llri (‘ttl'ltSE is being sport-
sltl‘t'tl b_\ the Rational Behavior
Therapy Trainingl Section ot the
Med l'enter

“l lnr purpose is to teach line. to
nicals." she said "It‘s not geared

go about rationally
to lose a lot ol \U'IL'III quickly
"l‘lie liody ls not used to eating
less .itnl 1li.il \ \\l1\ people \Ilill
losc ‘.\l'lL’III lilttl'hl} gain ll back.‘
l'at'pi-nlcr said '\‘.'c want people
e.itinutliekindsiit I11l1(llltt'_\ like
and health} loud but Ill sniallei'


"\\’lI'Illl-jlt l{I-.\.s'lt\ Is he
Itlll\l‘ some people e\pe(" to feel
better iiieiitally or eniotioiially
.itlei they \e lost a lot ol \lciglil,"
“.\iid when they don‘t

tlie\ regain their ‘AI‘IL'III to bring

she said

luick the cotiitor'alile tceltngs
lllt“. had lit-tort"


people ti'_\ to lose too

weight loi their bod)

structure. Carpenter said. These
people become frustrated and
regain the weight they‘ve lost
when they cannot reach a goal —
even though that goal isn’t realis-
tic or healthy for them, she

()ne of the goals of the course is
to teach people how to be
comfortable with the self—image
accompanying weight loss, (far-
penter said ”A lot of times
people gain weight back because
they‘re not comfortable with
their new self-image "

\(I'l‘ BEING ABLE to accept
how people react to one's thin self
instead ot lieayy sell is another
reason tor gaining weight back.
she stttll

“\le want to teach the people in
the course how to calnily accept
lbeniselu-s no matter what their
weight is] i arpcntcr said
"\Iost people think eniotions are

caused on the outside, but this
isn‘t true \Vc create our own
eiiiotions tron; what we IIt‘lIt‘\('

we re auare oI

“'l‘licreloi‘e \xe waizt to change

lialiits of thinking that lead
people to be upset or cause people
to ignore their goals in this

case \lciglit control.” she said

"“l'I'VI-I \HIICKICI) \Il'l‘ll 111
lll\t(lllill\ in the past and discoy
cred that common problems such
as aiixrety. worrying depression
“inning to lose too much weight



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bedroom unfurnisnedhouse, 2‘ .i blocks from
 i i v
on Tues CHd Labor Egan. a retired .-\lllt'l‘1t‘iil‘. llll\2l:t.\>!li.llt looks lu-m, sulinl .r. In :1: \I'..“lll.l "l't' .‘.N>:. litlllt' ii. ( l

alter :\ltlt‘l‘lt'till interests in l'ordotiti. Arueh'iria's Argentina
t l

Sources predict nothing can save .


Cambodian government from collapse


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l’ll.\l).\l l’l‘INll t‘amhodia »\l’i lhploniatii .\l't 1.4..“ oi l)t‘fi'll\t‘ loom 1v; N‘lilesinuer in“.
(Headquarters For Foreign Car Tires) WWW-S prt‘tllt'lt‘d Wedtiwln} Helium! would see lwvtiwi't‘ \.ilil “t”ltit‘\il.lf~ n. \‘..‘l~lltt:;jliiti that llti‘ \.
(‘amhodia from eventual collapse even it the l' .\ t)ltlll.ll)llll_\ is 'extreim-lv hitili t'.iinluuli.i t'tllllll




('ongress votes all or part ot the supplemental) \lll'\l\e it t‘onigress approves the $133 inillioi.

militar.V and requested M ”W Fem «whitinlstm’wn t-ttiet'p‘ettt‘} .ml Hot in- .ltltll"i ‘i‘iit-n» l\ no \llt‘l‘
They said it will take more than ltliiltt'} to rescue think: .is a mutant“...

the government of President l.on \iil. pointing out l’ltlis‘llHCVl l-‘tiltli Till I) .. l-‘lorida News

that it suflers a severe manpovter shortage 'l‘he (‘Ulllt'l't‘llt‘t‘lllt‘\l'll.lilill1 is 'evlit-inel} i-iitit-al lle

diplomats also believe that vital Mekong, ltner said "('ainliodia villi riiii oii’ ot ainiiiiiiiitioh in .i

suppl) line into l’hnom l’enh Will never he relatnelt short period oi ltltli‘ ' unless it u(‘l\ no“


I‘ it

to Per Cent 20 Per Cent

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All Labor All Tires and Tubes


Expires Mar. 8, 1975 Expires Mar. 8, i975
reopened aid

M h t rThe Kentucky Kernel, ltd Journalism bouldimz. Unuyevsaty at
are 0 Kentucky, Lexmqton, Kmtucky, moo. is mailed live hm
weekly durmq the school year except during mlidays amt
exam periods, and twice weekly down; the sunmer session

Dlmes Thirdclass postage paid at Lexington, Kentucky, 3051‘.

Published bythe Kernel Press, Inc. toutded in IWI Begin as

theCadetin ”194 and wblished continuously as the Kemudty '
Kernel SIFK'P l9t$
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m Southland Drive . ems'ww'm “1%" mm mm. ,m. a ~ -
i . y y a se or misl rig advertian should be re, ed
mammal!» I . to the edbrs. pm ‘ , , HO
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SpotIight kid

I ontinued from page i
‘I'l-IItKINS IS S'l‘iltiNt. on this
the Ken
Illt'h} (It‘lt'LiiIIlllll