xt7qft8djw2s https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qft8djw2s/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2002-03-08 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, March 08, 2002 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 08, 2002 2002 2002-03-08 2020 true xt7qft8djw2s section xt7qft8djw2s Cats open SEC play tonight I Page 6



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Students skip class, beach bound

No one is reading this: Students trade class
for travel, class attendance low before break

By Drew Duncan
cohiliiis'uduc mm

With spring break on the
way. many students see little
reason to stick around campus
for the remaining days, (‘ollin
Williams. a math freshman.
said he doesn‘t place much im-
portance on attending the last
few classes before the break.



Crazy weather equals 0T for Ag C

"I just really don't care.
The professors probably don't
care either. unless nobody
shows up to class."

Many professors have
found ways to keep students
from skipping class by holding
quizzes and exams.

"1 would leave early ifl did-
n't have a test." said undeclared
sophomore Alison Collier.

Such lastniinute tests can
make things difficult for stu-
dents catching rides with oth-
ers. said mechanical engineer
ing sophomore Daniel Naas.
who is headed to Canada for
Spring Break.

Since he is dependent on
someone else to get him there.
his schedule partially centers
around his ride.

“I don't particularly want
to skip class. but I may have
to.” Naas said.

Skipping class is exactly
what many students are doing.


Many classes are seeing a ma-
jor drop in attendance as spring
break approaches

”Wednesday. in my statis~
tics class. only 40 people
showed up out of about 200."
said economics senior Scott

With such low attendance.
many students think that the fi-
nal classes should not be

"1 think it would be better
for everyone if they'd cancel

See BREAK on 2


UK GymKats seniors take
their last tumble tonight

JESS: Linus I mm STAFF

Above, Jessie Lamp laughs with her teammates
before practice Thursday. For Lemp, who competes
primarily on the bars and beam. Friday's meet
against Alabama will also be the last home comti-
tion of her senior year at 7:30 pm. in Memorial

At left, Cymliats senior Katie Toups endures the
pain of having her knee massaged by athletic train-
ing graduate student Stacey Roller at Nutter Field
House Thursday. Because of the early season ACL
injury. Toups must also endure sitting out the final
home meet of her senior year.


Help: UK Agriculture Weather Center staff
answers calls about erractic weather

By Vlckyllewitt


Last week when the weath-
er was predicted to he 60 de»
grees one day and drop more
than 30 degrees overnight.
phones began to ring off the
hook in the ['K Agriculture
Weather Center.

Kentucky weather can be
crazy at times. which leaves
residents curious about the
weather’s effects on the envi-
ronment. But with the help of
Tom Priddy and Wanhong
Wang. of the [7K Ag Weather
Center. such questions can be

Priddy. an extenSion spe-
cialist in Ag Weather data. has
been working in the Weather

Center on South Campus since
1977. The centers main goal is
to provide agriculturally—based
weather services and programs
in Kentucky.

“We want to minimize
weathemelated surprises for
agriculture production in Ken—
tucky." Priddy said.

Farmers across Kentucky
have daily questions that rely
on the weather. These ques-
tions can range from when to
spray pesticides and spread ma-
nure to when to irrigate crops.
They can be endless. but Prid-
dy. along with the help of
Wang. stands ready to assist
those in need.

Wang. systems program-
mer and analyst of the UK Ag
Weather Center. assists Priddy

The Student Menace? at the Universd‘i of Kentucky LexingtOn

by inputting data daily on com
puter modules and graphic

"We write and modify all of
our programs. performing fore-
cast. generating weather maps.
receiving weather data and
watching system security. from
scratch." Wang said.

Scrolling through the maps
of the Ag Weather Center's Web
site. Priddy explained that the
data is put in models and pro.
grams daily to address Ken-
tucky‘s questions. The informa-
tion is then available on the In.
ternet at the farmers”

Facts and data are avail-
able on insect degree‘days.
timely maps on tobacco han-
dling and even maps for ideal
com growing.

“The material is on the cut-
ting edge of accurate informa-
tion for precision farming."
Priddy said.

Priddy said the Ag Weather
Center makes an impact on our
lives. and it is much more com-
prehensive than information
that is received from the Na-
tional Weather Service,

“We try to go beyond the
weather information provided
by the National Weather Ser
vice general public forecast by
providing very specific weather
guidance for agricultural. lawn
and garden operations in Ken-
tucky and most of the Mid-
west." Priddy said.

In a dark room in the cor-
ner of the Ag Engineering
building on South Campus.
Priddy can flip through a list of
people who call in. utilize the
Web site and enjoy the informa
tion provided by himself and

The small. crowded room
doesn't stop Priddy and Wang

See CENTER on 2





hluslc perfor-
mance freshman
Jessica Harrison
packs her bags
Thursday for
Spring Break.


Doctors say ads urge
spring break drinking

Warning: Spring break alert blames hinges
on tourism and alcohol industry promotions

.vlrj. y;

i’PLNSM «ll..-\. Hi The
father of .i strident .klili died
troin .i li‘ilconi tall iotized the
nation‘s doctors ’i’huisdzij. in
decr\ ing azcoltol \U‘lk“(l
spring break promotions \‘ilt h
.i~ "boozci 'll..\i’.\ ‘ find all tot:
('Jiiivtli‘itlk nights

The .\rr:ei‘ic.ii. Medical
Association issued a spring
break alert accusing the
tourism and alcohol indus-
tries of fostering hinge and un
derage drinking through ads

Frank ('iug'iielnii's under
age son. Andrew 15' had been
drinking when he fell two
years ago from a hotel balcony
in Panama ( ity Beach.

”I have no words to i-.\;‘
press int. anger for the lack of
sensitiy ity to Tiiese children's
lives by those w ho seduce
then“. into thesi- danger
zones." (iiiglieinii \n’lltl

His so” .i stiitlt'i‘it ’ii ()hio
l'tiit.'ci‘«ity. had been leaning
from a lllllil-lltilll‘ bri‘iiony
when he lost lll\ balance and
fell. striking his head on a
sidewalk below He died near-
ly two weeks later

"The intensive care unit
was a war zone." the father
said "There were kids and
filli‘illli's camped out there.
kids in comas drugs slipped
into their drinks kids dying
from car accidents and bal-
cony fails "

(‘iuglielini of Findley.
Ohio. said he and his wife
share some responsibility for
letting their still make the

spring break trip. but he said
businesses that promote
'lrinking and media that glam
Hl').’t‘ spring break debauchery
also are to blame

Dr J Edward Hill. the
.\.'\l.»\\ chaii‘inan-elect. silld
\iil‘lllL' break is no longer an
innocent respite from st hook

' its llt‘l‘tllll‘ marred w itli
aiconoi-related deaths. injuries.
and sexual assaults." he said

Hill cited an insert the
Panama (‘ity Beach Conten»
tion and Visitors Bureau dis
tributed in college newspapers
with advertisements promis
:ng. 'jytlll can drink all the
beer you can handle" for 83

Rob \‘y'arren. the tourism
bureau's executive director.
admitted the ads can be per
ceived as an open invitation to

"It‘s probably not some
thing that i will do again."
\‘i'arren said. but he also con
tended it would be unrealistic
to ban all promotion of alco»
holic beverages in spring
break promotions because it is
a valid market segment

Francine Kati. vice presi-
dent of consumer affairs for
AnheuserBusch in St. Louis.
said the nation's largest brew
or adopted a policy to years
ago against spring break pro
motions a! open-air sites. She
said parents should take more

"l'ye been through this."
Kaiz said “Wi- were careful
about where we let tour chi}
dreni go for spring break ”



mm Z "NFL 57‘“

Agricultural meteorologist Ianhong lung gathers information at one of
the Agricultural leather Center's many data stations. The center
processes several gigabytes of information daily. but they still rely on
television weather reports.




The Low-down

Tomorrow ‘5


A 40 degree
drop in
should keep you
on your toes.

VOL. “I09
SINCE l971

Call 257-1915 or

Call 257-2872 or

Call 2572871 or

fax 3234906

Editor in chief
11' you have
comments, 91
mail them to
Ashley York at
kykernel.com or
call 257-1915.


Summer/Fall registration March 25

I'11111111. LILEISIIHIUII t’oi' suiiiiiiei .1111l ttill
1111:111ssesiiii1s \Iareh 211 through .\111 ll l , S111
dents s:1111I1l111‘1111'111‘1'1-g1s1ei using the l'|\' \‘Il’
telephone registration system. Before l'111‘,lsl1‘l'til,‘4
for elasses undergradi1.1111siiuisl l1;1\11t':11111 .11l
\ist-l' I‘ 1"11I1Jls111 Students \1l1111I1111113 ‘11.:‘s111:
1lt‘.1iii_~ ‘l11111 win-low 11111' not 111.11:is (1111‘? the
1d 1 111 vltisses 111d 1\‘1Il b.1111 111 11 111.1111 11

11:111i.111:- .111-11111.Students11h11ii11111l1.1111 111l111
ll..1T’.1l’: 11111111 111‘1111'2'1. 1‘11v11s11111111 111.11 .1'.‘
_. j; .1


Documentary shows silly side of Bush
.1\I'S'I‘l.'\'.'l‘e\tis .\l11\.‘iitil1'.i l’elosi 17111111111
'he'l‘evisezipital .1s;1ii .‘\'I~l(‘ .\'e\\‘s111'1I1l111‘111'11‘1
11111'111' (i111. George W Bush's bid toi' 1h11 White
House in lllllsi. This week. she returned as :1 doru
inentarv filmmaker with “.loiirn111 s 1111h
(le11rge." The 73-minute movie. debuting I1‘i'11lzi1
.11 the South In Southwest lillllli‘SllVill.sll=11\\;l
silly side of the man 1111111111uld heroine presi
dent Seine Bush aides have been appreliensne ll
might make 111111 look unpresidential, "Stop tiltn
ing me, You‘re like :1 head told." an irritated but
smiling Bush tells l‘e‘iosi in one s1~ene “'I‘his is

.Illlilgl to be a lousy doriinieiitai'y " By the end of

the nioVie. though. Bush has grown into a more

roint‘ortable. eonfident ("andidate During one

heii‘l Mlteai‘t. l‘elosi asks how the Hintonth

1..11‘.11.11;i: l1 :s whaiiged hair: "I s1111'1111l11s11 1-11\1'

11111. ‘I’nisl‘ s;1\'s "in: 111111 .1 s1.111~s111.1n ” I’11losi.

the 1‘.112111131I1l11ugliter otll1111s11.\linoi'it\ Whip

.\' 111.1 l‘el1-sz llt'aiil~.1iilsil11l111p11stl11 111111'11-

1111111111s11r111l look :11 the presi

1s p111 i 1'1 . 1'111-1 11111111.: 11: .1 12111111111111. and

We “‘11I1I1I1;’. 111 1111- media ".I11111'i‘11\s with
liosl: lrnrselt slngi'sli'il 15111111211

1 l'l‘I,l\t'll l11l111,:ii.1 .111.1l (lo-eloseatin:

1111111 11111111 11lx111l1111hreporters 1111111.

losses ll1 linikes 23111}: fires.

.st .11‘11iiiiil 1l11 plane '11-1'11‘4'111'111'

111-1's11‘11 11' Ives. i‘11iis111’11‘..'1-s 111111111. 'he

'~~I1- .1:.1l 11:111I11ls 1111:11 31111 lIiw 111.1] 'l71\‘1s l isi‘.

111:: '111'1giaile1lshirts.1-1111l1111 l11111ts .1111! .1 111:

bolt bilekiefl’he tnortealso shows '1 1111i.1111:1l111l.

well 111'1 liestrsited operation th'it ensured that

111’111‘1 stol! featured plenty olislipporters 11111111;


Compiled from staff and wire reports


Continued from page l

\1111111 til the (“lasses llt'lill't‘
spring break. espeeiallv the
lite ones Most people don‘t
show 1111 any way." ineehanli'al
engineering sophomore Kyle
Heels Stiltl

Several businesses
around eampus will be feeling
the ptilt‘lt 11f the students' ab
seii1'es before and during
spring break. espeeially the
more 11'1111111111111d eateries s111‘1
rounding eainpus.

"When students are gone
things really seem to slow
11111111," s;ll(l Naney Franklin,
.111 11iiiplo1'ee oi Elvei'vhody's
i‘eslfilli’dlti on South liiine-
stone Street

Not all people i‘OtlSltlet‘ the
11.11'11 mass e\11d11s of students
from 1:1inpus to be a bad
thing (‘11llin Williams said
llrll he 1111io1’ed having elasses
11 itli fewer people 111 them.

"I like it when people
‘1111‘1111;11‘l\ l1e1‘ause my elasses


Continued from page l

11111111 born: 1111 top of things
and providing the highest
quality information possible.

.\'111 only do l’riddy and
Wang 11111 the information to»
gether for the farmers and ex
111-s11l Kentueky. but the l'K
,\; Weather (enter also reaelr
11s surrounding states and
1-1 1untries around the world.

An avid user ofthe 17K Ag
‘1\‘eather l‘entei‘. (‘andiee
Ilarker. l1‘:i111tte (‘ounty Exten-
slttl‘i Agent. highly reeom-
lllt'llll\ the center for anyone
interested in agrieulture or
1111111 sottleotie who just wants
I11 11111111 :1 day outside, Exten
sion agents are edueational re-
s11ur111-s to Kentuckians. pro
viding help 111 improve
Ines and researchbased

llarker utilizes the inter


Tonight @ 7:30 om. Memorial Coliseum

“BUK GymKats vs
*aAlabama Crimson Tide

Fens will have a chance
to win a Mitsubishi DVD player
sponsored by Pierett’s.

Free t-shirt 81 dinners to be given
away throughout the evening.

LJKAA thanks our Corporate Partners: Vow/1111..

pizza. K” 1111 LIV 1111;111111/11 F1. l "1111» . 1/111111,11;1|.1'<; at 11l 8611.1 11131161.

Nike}. F311: :11 1.1111111'12.

\ We also thank our season sponsors:
LJK/Kertnprl/ i141 11(6'211 .100, Royal Lruma 11 1 1- A11;11t.r1'1nr1l,.=:, 011111111; Briwling
Center. Srnoot,t1ie King. Fazoli's and Toyota on Niotiolasvdle.

are less erowded "

()verali. the attitude
among students toward spring
break is one of relaxed aiii-
lilellt‘ilt‘t‘. Freneh aptly
slliillilt‘tl up the general

“I'd love to talk to you
(more) about spring break. but
I have to leave "

Protecting your
things while you are

Place lights on timers.

Make your home look as
though it is occupied.

Secure garage doors.

Avoid discussing your vaca-
tion plans in public.

Have someone pick up your
mail while you are gone.

Never hide a spare key out-
side your home.

- Lexington-Fayette Urban
County Division oi Police

ination several times a week
in the winter. but during the
spring and summer. when gar
dening information is at high
demand. she often uses the
Web site several times a day,

"The Web site is extreme-
ly llSt'I‘li‘lt‘illllk' whieh helps
ereate a sueeessful way for
agents 111 make the most of the
information." Harker said.
“In the eontext of someone
who enjoys gardening out-
doors. it‘s neat to go in and get
the information to answer my
questions without the hour
bardtnent of advertisers."

As phones ring and com-
puter modules eontinuousl'y
update. l’riddv and Wang eoir
tinue to keep the information
running sueeessfully all seven
days of the week.

During times when the
weather is ehanging rapidly.
the Ag Weather Center is at
an espeeially high demand.

“We are here to support
the farmers needs during
wealherrelated surprises.“
l’riddy said.

M: l} ruurssrmuummc

i‘.;i'u.v1'-1'iiniun-w urm‘nt >21; «11.


LCC alumnus
brings farm life
to kids' books

Writing: Children's author draws from farm
for her new book Hand it to the Bandit

By Abby Ghibaudy


The imagination of :1
ehild knows 1111 boundaries,
Animals 11:111 talk. people 1-an
fly and the world is an iiiiio
eeiit plaee .1\uthoran1l1111'111111'
li(‘(‘ student Sandy Harding
still dreams the impossible as
an adult

"I've (ll\\'ll\"s wanted 111 I111
an author.” Harding said

Her latest [11111k.[lmi(/llro
Iheltumlit. is 1111\1'111'11ilal1l11 Ill
and she‘ll
sign t'opies
Saturday at


found liter-
ary roots as a
young ehild _
when writ
iiig stories "mm“!
with her
Jack. for entertainment,
While at L(‘(‘. an imaginative
writing class eneouraged her
to spread her ereative wings.
After graduating in 11177.
Harding eontinued to write
eliildren‘s books that were
drawn from her own ehild»
hood and adult experieiiees.

Asa young girl. Harding's
family moved from Long
Beach. California. to the re
mote mountains of ()regon.
There were no televisions.
telephones. eleetrieity or
schools. Harding and her
brother quiekly turned to
reading and writing for enter

“We started to think of

books as friends instead of {is
foes.” Harding said. “We read

Ill .
1 . ’1 1
111. ’IIIII illilllllll


m‘iNSi simmers .11 AH ml VOtlm‘t



evervthuig \\‘e 11oul1‘l get our
hands on "

A large part of her writ
ing material value from her
adult 1‘\‘111‘l'li'llt’es when she
moved 111:1 farm Surrounded
by larni annuals. Harding 11h
st'l‘vell 11111111111 personalities in
earh one. She t'oiidlv reinetn
bers the time she hatehed an
iinder1le\eloped egg and then
returned the gosling 111 its

'l'he gosling. having 1111
been hatehed by its mother.
did not know the “goose
rules." sueh as walking 111 a
straight line behind the moth
er. It 1111111kl1 learned the 11111'
I‘l't‘l 11:11 when its siblings
would push ll bark in line.
Harding uses sueh experi
enees 11s :1 I1:lsl.\ for the strong
personalities she gi111s her {ill

Harding started her book
series. the Farm .1\d1'11nture
Series. with the hope that
11:11‘h book would tear'h a
virtue 11f ”lrtendship. aeeep»
taiiee. eharaeter development
or forgiveness." Harding took
the initiative to start her own
publishing eompany. Lion‘s
I’aw Hooks. to begin produt'1

"I enjoy writing books
with :1 moral message beeause
there are lots 11f other types of
books available. biit I wanted
to stiek with real life."

If you go
Harding will sign her
book at 1 11.111. Saturday
at Joseph—Beth Book-
sellers in Lexington


l Illllllllllllll llllllllllllllllll ll.
II I lllllllllllll’ll Wtillllill llllll lllll'

14.11117 511111.; I'm" to: roar . rm-ww



Anna .‘
from h.
(‘oon (
ing her
Lake (I
with t

of Resi
(‘ity se

Read 0

step fr1
as 511‘




Lucas Thomas
H Contributing Editor
Phone. 2571915 | E-mail: lmthomlwukyedu





R A C (,‘ ()0 N
(‘ITY The -
mutilated body of
Anna Mitahi was :
discovered late
_\‘esterda_r in an
abandoned lot for
from her home in
northwest Rac-
coon (.‘ity, mak-
ing her the fourth
victim of the sup‘
posed "cannibal
killers" to be found in or near the Victory
Lake district in the last month. Consistent
with the coroner reports. Mitaki's corpse
showed evidence of having been partially
eaten. the bite patterns apparently formed
by human jaws.

Such is the vile and disgusting world
of Resident Evil. The zombies of Raccoon
(‘ity seem to never die having infested a
nightmate-enducing video game series for
more than half a decade, and now
spreading to the newest Hollywood action

From whence have these devilish
creatures of the night come? No one
knows for sure. but read on good citizen.
Read on.

ideas Thomas 3

hesitates? heritage
In the dark days of distant 1996. video
game company Capcom took a deviating
step from their previous publishing path.
Famous for such bright and flashy games
as Street Fighter II and the Mega Man
series. Capcom
was al-
w e l 1
on its
w a y



game industry history books.
PlayStation release of Resident
solidified that praise for good.

No game had ever been released quite
like RE. as it established the now-famous
"survival horror" game genre. Games
under the designation place their heroes
in an overwhelmingly defeating situation
with limited ammo. little health and too
many enemies to possibly kill before
meeting an untimely demise. "Survival
horror" titles will also almost always try
to scare the living daylights out of the
player with precisely-timed shock events
that'll make them wonder where they left
their stomach.

Resident Evil (lid all of these thingS.
did them first and did them best.

Though the original game is now an
aging classic. the storyline and scenario
have persisted.

Sickening stamens

Raccoon City has always been a
normal. quiet mountain town in the good
ole US. of A. The citizens pay their taxes.
eat apple pie and go for lively hikes in the
surrounding forest. Until some disturbing
things start coming out of that forest.
People start disappearing. sightings start
being reported of monstrous dog-like
creatures the whole town starts going
to hell.

That's when the heroes are called in.
Known only as S.T.A.R.S.. the group is
your basic anti-undead SWAT team with
an attitude. Personnel include Chris
Redfield and Jill Valentine. the two main
characters of the first video game. They.
along with the three other members of
their team. must figure out just what's
going on. rescue some captured comrades
and kill a bunch ofevil things.

This story forms the basis for the
entire Resident Evil series. which has now
spanned five video game systems and had
around eight installments. Many of the
games have been released multiple
times on multiple systems. making
the total number of titles open to

LEFT: Jill Volootlao llros It on
unknown honor III Resident Evil tor
lllntoodo Smell», debuting In
you store: April 30. the «no is
o undo of tho lint title in tho
sorlos, reload back in 1996.

BELOW: lllllo Jovovlcll kicks some
canine can in tho Iiosldont Evil
movie, debuting in tliootors Morel:
15. Early pulse for the film mom
it tho host zombie flick In yours.

The film adaptation

Like all good video game movies. the
new Resident Evil film doesn't follow the
plot of its video game inspiration to the
letter. Liberties have been taken to

include more characters. more action and -

likely more Hollywood special efl‘ects.

. Milla Jovovich (The Fifth Element,
Dazed and Confused) stars as a character
named Alice, and Michelle Rodriguez (The
Fast and the Furious. Girlflght) plays the
sophisticated Rain. Neither of these
characters have appeared in any of the RE
video games. but they draw parallels to
the female heroines of past titles -
Claire Redfield in Resident Evil -—- CODE:
Veronica being the closest match.

The two women do lead a strike team
on an investigation. but the movie shifts
the horror scene to a high-tech laboratory
facility. Trapped inside the lab are tons of
scientists and workers. all of whom have
been infected with the dreaded "T-Virus."

That's a fancy name for "stuff that
turns you into a zombie."

Milla and Michelle march into the
madness and proceed to kick some
zombified tail.

Zombies in the future

Rumors are already floating around
the Internet about a movie sequel.
Apparently a REZ script has been written.
but the green light won't go on until the
first film generates enough monster cash
at the box office.

The video game series will be
continuing in a big way. as well. All of the
previous major RE titles are being
rereleased. exclusively on Nintendo
GameCube. The first of these revisited

installments will be the original Resident ‘

Evil. completely reshaped and remastered
to take advantage of the new console
technology available today.

The redone Resident Evil is scheduled
for an April 30 release.

After that. the all-new prequel
game Resident Evil 0 is set to explode
onto the scene this October. and the
highly—anticipated Resident Evil 4
will debut next year.

Zombie lovers certainly have a
lot to be happy about. as this new
wave of undead goodness should
be enough to last anyone to their


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'thh Ylnormgt lflllosl "

‘Mnth Tutoringflni - .1 ~- .
‘Nmovy T' too/105110» .
‘Nioto'y rm,t107/ioonogi -

En ' Tmov' ‘ i
m Tim"
‘ UK Judo Club ‘ _


 Stacie Meihaus senior staff writer _...
Amanda Hardaway. cartoonist

Jennifer Kasten at- large member
Wes Blevins, at- large member For

[Em “tom, 30m.
.. Clay McDaniel, dialogue editor
r~ Samieh Shalash, asst. dialogue editor
' Josh Sullivan, asst. dialogue editor
Ashley Yorlt, editor In chief














$2,600 261
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Epd 'I‘ IN MAK‘NG AW‘THDRAYAL ) I furnishedl
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5'91“ wirtrDRM/Irs ARE gig“? m fill P111 or mm
M ,‘ L ear Walli
VE ' {699 will'
Welcome to Fllddy WLD 0 859,494 4‘
the last day of M HAVE“..- The Question: 111111715111
school before our $500. For 11
long anticipated - _ . k ‘ 655:2760.
and deeply . , _ 4 ‘ . ‘ . . . . . ‘ ‘ I 150111567011
deserved Sprlnq The United States is waging a war against terror- BMW/0.1",
area, I we, Ism. the Israelis and the Palestinians can‘t agree on any- mafia
”‘WQM ""5 “3V thin and most students could care less because S rin
would come but g - HOUSE?“
then again We Break starts this weekend. $1332.10:
been behind In With that in mind. Kernel staffers were asked geeosez
classes and have who they would most like to spend Spring Break With :Efigflgfi
Visrted the and why. Office! Call
wonderful people FATTEESS'.
at student health In olaslu
:53: urgifisin as PARlllNC S
. ’ assi neds
Now, however, the What they 58",: SLE "
da has come Retail 5899
whyen school can gill/5511.155?
kiss off for a .
week while we
depart to
nest nat'ons ’ ”
‘ ' Martha Stewart, of course. Have you en 2
around the world RE DERS' FORU 1A1 1311i A
9, V616 9
I" 59...... “i“- ”I“ A M seen the can on that woman? paw/Is
and relaxation in lllllli an
an effort to furnished.
ensure that your . . . tain Iodqei
Sprianreakis Clay McDaniel, Dialogue editor ggpgcgg
one you want to bgw m
remember. I have BR. 2 BA.
com osed a “St 0511 ant
of thplll EN 1101
115 and 81137363 A1
Situations . . . . . . ' ' . .
to avord UK d 't d t h I sV stem of religious beliets imposed on them. B Dlddy and the Bad Boy Famlly. 2131:461ft
I oesn nee ras y peop e 1... . I 1. I... ,. 1b . .
\VI‘ \11 . \\ l( l‘( it (l (‘1an a eing open I h h f I uld wwwllMR
If you plan on q0inq minded took a turn in the opposite direction was maglne OW muc un CO 11651391 no
.. _ . . . . I , I . ill and to.
to the beach 1111s is .111 open letter to the people who~ .It VV11I 11 hI proclaiiried that it would indeed be “2
make sure you 111 ii p 111 on Monti; 1V .\1' Mb 1. 211112. Ili'oVII I'“‘1(tl[)l.'llllf‘ to post the Ten (ommandments in have at the partles that he 5:; ”23,:
r 1 I 1 1 1 ‘ 9, “ "
know when m h tlrroug 11 1111 RiI limIInd Road 11: iitlIII s i'11d I. it I or 11 public pl.' 1c I s as long as thI central doctrines of hr $100003?
tide IS lmaqrni ,1 mg to their 1'IIIIII 11111 or IlII 1II1 two undI tI rminIIIl other reliIIions were placed in the same manner. t OWS m The Hamptons‘ ments.l.2
v0“ will ' \‘I'llltl\\'lt‘ll t‘tllllllti‘s IlIIItlr \\‘llll regular fries. one W111 it he has grossly overlooked are those of _ . . $9919ng
sunbathing on with 111 l’e ppIIr' tlrII otliII 1 \\ llll r Spr rte and no 11s who don’t entertain any religious beliefs what— Lamu'l swan", senlor Staff wrlter greatdea.
your comfortable 111' no on the s. 111111\ it 111 '111Il ilieri pi III I I‘Iled to the soeV'IIr' aboutourl
Inflatable raft \\ T 1 IIImI: l llIl. 11 V rnIl p. 11 l\l‘tl on the South edge \11 religions 111 this country should be univer- 515M157.
havrnqabittoo til the lower lot lII lrind the building and tlll‘ll s'illV respected. as he, notes. but so should the :95 “'1;ng
much to drink. dumped their trash on the ground because tlicV thoughts of the non- religioiis( (despite what our nished 53.
passrng not, being were too 1.er to walk the .'III feet to the Ilurrrpsters: 11.1tio11 s president might belieVe). 16R APTS
swept out to sea I threw aw Ii.\‘ Vour' trash and therefore liaVI‘ Following Blevins' suggestion I would have . utilities Di
and being rudely earned the right 1:1 \‘I'l\’_ "\‘Ill’ . no pr‘IoblI 111 with religious dot tr ines being posted Johnny KnOXVflle and the 19% AFT
awaken asa To IIVIIr'V 1IIII1V else IV'IIIIp (‘I'riupus lII-aiitiliil 111 publit places it we Iotild also post. in the same ‘ , , Loademm.
shark mistakes RIIIIllV. lrow 1111.1 's it not to :i1ier " lll.’ Inner .tlrII top to arguments for atheism. We can JaCkaSS crew. Im not 3 10712871
be sure 111' 11 in tod. 1V s sot iIItV this would not be . . utIiIties,nI
our raft for the . . ,-
butline of a seal. acceptable. and it shouldn't be. daredeVll, but Ijust want 2533':ng
Not 9mm my MICHAEL CROW The 1. ref is. regardless of how many doctrines to laugh as “W's—at“?
‘ 'AII‘NINIZ'EIHNltlAN I t (1‘ l 5 ( ( e
Idea ofafulfillrnq 11 I p t d. the en 1r ation of church and state is - i~2§ 4 11
day at the beach still going to be V' iolate -.d whic h is why the 5392391333
‘ Supreme (‘orirl wouldn't allow the posting of the ' ' ' 74 —'
I . .. ' N
.f you plan to go l‘en t ommandirrents In the first place. AShlev York' EdItor In Chlef “07?:
Religious belief. or lack thereof. is and should wwwsrlls~
camp at some . . . l , . u ‘1' .. i] . . Zéfbiot‘)
large tourist N0 postlnq IS the best pollcy VI .1111 \tll mI V persona Venture. . ‘ ””255“
srqht do not feed 11 s titiie that society took note of this. and put 2“ AFAl
the Elite Squmel an end to these ignorant actions and proposals to basement
' li‘i i‘I‘\lii‘i‘I\I‘ 'i' li‘II‘ ‘I‘i‘IIi‘Iiii 1‘“ “'1“ lilt‘VHl-N reestablish i'eli'ion 111 )ublic l'rces starts in I
thatcomesupto .. 1 V I, ‘ . I L l p. I- - ” -~
the picnic table {\uppoi't IIIiIWH’ 11... .wi {I‘lrgitirr 111 l ublrI~ Actors K8Vln Spacey and Steve géish6l7gli
begging for food 11.1I‘I‘s. lIl lItVl' t.I . orrrr'I'IInt on the second part of , . , . ,, sum“ n
If you feed him ' tliI‘ .11‘11I'1II I‘IIlli'i‘l 11111:; the Ten t‘IIirinrarrtlnieiits. l Busceml. They re my favorites. “”2523;
ms friends will! commend 111111 or. his I'ItI-irrpl :It being open mind dhli§AWINDLE {airy
Come, and before till l 11).:1‘1‘1‘ llt‘tilliII SllrIllltl lltil l1.'l\'y' I'l l‘til‘tillll SOClOLOGY JUNIOR . . . sigili—bgii‘
you III... .I you'll W_ Stacie Meihaus, Scene editor 11.51....
be surrounded by or C!
hundreds of $4ng ttr:
ravenous c central 6/
once you run out 2755-5393.
of stuff to feed 280 CLAY
. arlt_ing 8
them on 11 be .
mime pm C.M. Newton. He has a house m it???“
9 3 Bit AVA
$353331... S 0 ll q we [)9 i I' y the Bahamas. Lets put that
. n 378-8024
“Wei ‘8“ 1° $75,000 annual salary to work. 3911.111
Identify YOU 131/. it s .1 Ver' V l‘. 11' e I1.1_V indeed VV11I n lzrt 111' 111V find 11.11 io. But I haVI‘ to commend the court for upholding 3310;. re
iriV'sI 1f I iiIoui 1}’l I1. IV on br'aiiI 11 of ‘tlie fIIIlei 1'1 gov- the (‘ (Institution. . . 7 -
ll VOU Dial? on going ernment Most of ‘ rm 1‘. me 1 Illot for politic. 11 contem- That brings me to many of the legislators and citi- Tracy KerShaw, Manag'nq ed'tor
Skydivino. make plation .s spent I1' iinning VVl'iiI liI VIr ptrllllt 1. '111 or 111' zens in the state of Indiana and in Kentucky, for
SUI'E that VOUVGO tron 11 .1s 111111; mid to piss 1111 oil tlr rt d. 1V lake note of that matter, What will it take to make these severely
somewhere With a this column bIII‘ ruse it 111' IV be awhile before 1 pr arse misguided (‘hristiaiis respect the constitutional rights
reputable safety 1 public ot I 1.11 .1I .1111 111 it heV Ilorr 1 worry he still oftlieir fellow citizens? A(
TECOid. YOU don't got room to 11. row sornv Ioritleii‘. 11: itiIIir. 11 our 1.1d How much taxpayer money is enough? i Mov
want to be V11 1II1 t‘nI sup. I 1.11 I III; it rIl V I1 to he 11' the state