xt7qjq0ss94t https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qjq0ss94t/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky. Libraries 19881202 The title, The Green Bean, was not used until December 14, 1973. During 1992-1993 some issues were sent via email with the title: Green Screen.
Unnumbered supplement with title, Wax Bean, accompanies some issues. journals  English University of Kentucky. Libraries Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Green Bean The Green Bean, December 2, 1988, no. 540 text The Green Bean, December 2, 1988, no. 540 1988 2014 true xt7qjq0ss94t section xt7qjq0ss94t .....·—·-·“
Number 540 December 2, 1988
UPhanks to outstanding donations and purchasing on the part of the library
staff the November 18 pre—Christmas craft and bake sale was an overwhelming
success. Thanks are also due to those staff members whose donations enabled
LSO again to make its annual Thanksgiving donation.
Next on the LSO schedule is the Library's annual Christmas party which is
scheduled for Friday, December 16, at 11:30 a.m. at the Alumni House on the
corner of Rose Street and Euclid Avenue. The party will follow the format of
previous years: it will be a pot luck with the meat entree and beverages
provided by LSO. Current staff are asked to bring a dish to share. As in the
past, retired staff members will be guests at the party. All library
employees are welcome to attend. There will be no charge to LSO members;
non-members will be asked to pay $3 at the door.
Again this year children‘s toys and money will be accepted at the party. The
toys, which will be donated to the Salvation Army, should be new, suitable for
children from infants through 12 years of age, and should be unwrapped.
(Parents will select toys for their children, so the toys need to be readily _
identifiable. The money collected at the party will be added to that col-~
lected in the LSO donation boxes which are already in library departments and
will be donated to the UK hospital's children‘s ward for a special need iden~
tified by them. Last year the money bought a guitar; the year before that it
went toward purchase of a microwave oven.
é 1
» E?ire alarms will be tested in both King North and South on Tuesday, December M
r 6, between 7:30-8:00 a.m. M
  1 if
  - ‘In¤` Newsletter of the Umversnty  
I of K t k L’br¤ries

IIK's Circle of Love, a continuing program dedicated to providing a joyous
holiday season for children who might not have one, will begin with tree
lighting ceremonies at the Student Center on Wednesday, November 30, at 12:00
noon and in front of the UK Hospital on Thursday, December 1, at 7:00 p.m. At
these ceremonies and continuing throughout the next week, people who wish to
participate can choose a card with the name, age and wish list of a child.
Participants will then choose a gift from the child‘s wish list and return the
wrapped present and the card to the location where they picked up the card. A
Dates and times for returning the gift will be given when the card is picked
UUhe University of Kentucky Library Associates have just published the first
issue of their new newsletter, Library News and Information. The newsletter,
edited by Paula Pope, will inform members of the Associates about their ac-
tivities and other Library activities at the University of Kentucky. The
first issue contains articles about the 1988 endowment campaign, the Math
Sciences Library and the Library Volunteer Corps.
‘ IDr. John Shawcross's catalogue of the Library's Milton Collection, The Col;
lection of the Works_of John Milton and Miltoniana in the Margaret_Tg King.
Library, University of Kentucky, published in 1985 as No. 8 in the Occasional
Papers Series, has received notice in Volume 66 (1985) of Thg_Year's Work in
English Studies. The notice commends the usefulness of the annotated list, *
catalogued by Dr. Shawcross "with his customary expertise." The notice con-
cludes that "[t]he library must now be considered a major center for the study
of Milton."
Ddusic and literature conclude the Gallery Series programs for the fall A
semester. On Friday, December 2, the Collegium Musicum ensemble, directed by
Jonathan Glixon of the School of Music, will present a concert of music of the
Baroque period. The semester's final presentation, on December 9, will fea-
ture two Appalachian writers, Anne Shelby and Belinda Mason, reading from

 . their works. The Gallery Series programs are at 12:00 noon in the Peal
_ Gallery, King Library North, and are free and open to the public.
E5everal informative videotapes are available for loan to any library staff .
member or department from the Library's Technical Services Division. Included
in the tapes are the following:
OCLC Report #3: Features theater projects at the University of Tennessee; on-
line catalog use at Ohio Wesleyan; Online Reference Searching Project; OCLC's
approach to electronic publishing; optical disk manufacturing; OCLC LINK
demonstration; OSU history professor interview; Vanderbilt's campus network
(27 min.).
OCLC Report #4: Five special librarians discuss the unique aspects of their '
jobs; development of research prototypes, especially a Collection Analysis
System prototype; OCLC's Uninterruptible Power System (31 min.).
Also on this tape: Egpipment for the Future: demonstrates the capabilities of
the OCLC M#!) and M330 workstations and the M220 terminal (10 min.).
OCLC Report_j5: Profiles the National Humanities Center North Carolina State
Database; quality control of the OCLC database (37 min.).
Keynote Address at the 1987 EDUCOM Conference: Describes the 21st century in-
formation delivery system as envisioned by John Scully, CEO of the Apple Com-
puter Corporation; the most talked—about video in the information industry.
Also available is a 15 minute videotape describing the LS2000 system in the UK
Libraries. ‘
If interested in any of these tapes, please call Mary McLaren at 7-2543.
ABOVE AND BEYOND We amain the process of of buying
books and materials far Wha Karen
Cobb Library at our church, Mt. Olive
E3rad Grissom received the following M. B. Church. As you know, there
letter from Mrs. Romelia Hogan, have been numerous contributions from
mother of Karen Cobb: the University and surrounding area.

 . I would appreciate it if you Janet Stith, Assistant Director
would put an article in the paper so of the Medical Center Library,
that everyone will know what is hap- received the following letter from
pening with the money that they have Pyddney Jones, Bluegrass South
given. And if any individual, club, Regional Librarian:
or organization would like to donated
books, magazines, money or any Thank you so much for conducting
library materials, it will be ap- the two KLN training sessions for my
preciated. region last week. I have heard noth— v_
When the project is completed, ing but positive comments from both
everyone will be informed of the date the class for library technicians at
and time of the dedication. Everyone Lexington Community College and the
that donated to the library will be Powell County Library. In fact, the
given recognition at the dedication. director of the Powell County Library
All materials are to be sent to: called me the afternoon of the ses-
The Karen Cobb Library Fund, Mt. sion and told me excitedly that the
Olive M.B. Church, c/o Mrs. Romelia KLN people had just left and now she
Hogan, Route 1, Box 100-A, Sheffield, understood the fiche!
‘ Alabama 35660. Thanks again. It is efforts like
yours that will make the Kentucky
-———-- Library Network a reality.
Mr. Willis received the following —-—-——
letter from David Spaeth and Stephen
Deger, faculty in the College of Ar- Lillian Mesner, Technical Serv-
chitecture: ices Librarian for the Agriculture
Library has received the following
We would like to express our letter from Toni Powell, chair of the
thanks for the use of the main Kentucky Academy of Science's Library
library's glass case to display and Information Science Section:
selections from the Architecture .
Library's Special Collection. It was Thank you for your excellent
a nice addition to the A.C.S.A. con- presentation about changing bibliog-
fere_nce sponsored by the College of raphy and the use of OPAC's in ac-~
Architecture. cessing information at the Kentucky .
Further, Dan [Hodge] and Julie Academy of Science meeting. Your
[Moseley] were most helpful in the presentation was clear, concise, well '
preparation of a selection of pub- executed and of great interest to the
lished works by the Architecture audienceu
faculty. They and their staff also I appreciate you coming to Rich-
had the library looking as good as it mond on your vacation to participate
possibly could. in this program. Your participation
We received a number of compli- in the entire program was most ap-
ments from various faculty visiting preciated.
the campus for the conference. They
were uniformly impressed by the depth -~·-··-·——-
of the architecture collection. Some
even expressed envy. If you some- John Bryant, Assistant Director
times wonder if it is worth the ef- of Libraries, has received the fol-
fort, know that it is. Thanks again. lowing letter from James   Hiller,
. Director of Library Services at ;ome-
———--- rset Community College:

 . I wanted to write to you today sions after, it is hard to say ex-
and let you know just how much I ap- actly what the reaction was, but we
p preciate your efforts on behalf of felt people really appreciated it...
the community college libraries. You Your help in planning where to
have been tireless in our effort to show it and what to say was invalu-
- achieve the goal of an LS 2000 system able. I also want to thank you and
connecting the community college your colleagues for making it. I
libraries. I realize how much time have seen it several times now, and
you must have devoted to this and you each time I am struck with the skill ·
even hosted receptions at your home. with which it was made, the power of
LS 2000 will increase our library the veteran‘s voices and the impor-
services dramatically and you and the tance of this video to the history of
University of Kentucky Library System Kentucky. It is an excellent work. l
are due much credit in helping to
bring it about.
Telefax is also a new and very
important aspect of our library serv- STAFF ACTIVITIES
ice which we have you to thank for.
I really never dared hope that we
could achieve this addition to our IYIike Markiw, Original Cataloging,
services. is the author of two recently pub-
The effort toward LS 2000 has lished articles. "Searching of East
been very rewarding and I am pleased Slavic Materials in Library Catalogs"
to have been associated with you in appeared in The Reference Librarian,
this effort. Many thanks! no. 22 (1988), and "The Use of Mini-
mal Level Cataloging in Bibliographic
--—--- Control" was printed in The Georgia
Librarian, Fall, 1988.
Terry Birdwhistell, University
Archivist, received the following --—---
letter from Michelle Gardner, Deputy .
Commissioner, Kentucky Department of Lew Bowling, Music Librarian,
Libraries and Archives: ` recently gave a presentation on music
_ librarianship at Centre College.··
Thank you for allowing us to show This was apart of a panel on careers ·
the video, "Long Road Back: Vietnam in music which was given for music ¢
Remembered", and for helping us plan faculty and students.
the showings. We showed it four
times during Veterans week, and I
feel it was an effective way to
recognize Kentucky Veterans. DEPARTING STAFF
The video was shown in four state
office buildings during lunch hour
A and was announced by notice posted in Lisa Karam ...... Business Library
1 the buildings...In each case, the
  video was introduced by a representa-
1 tive of our Department or the Oral
  History Commission using notes I got NEW STAFF
p from you. In all, around 70 people `
E saw the video, and our representa-
tives reported a high level of _inter- Williain Travis .... -. -Circulat1·;n
est. Since we didn't hold discus-
[ 5

PCSUG will meet on Friday, December 9, from 9:30-4:00 at Morehead State
University. Registration for the meeting is $15.00 for members, $18.00 for
non-members. Pre-registration will include a buffet lunch. The meeting
agenda features a business meeting, a panel discussion on serials holding for-
mat and union listing and breakout sessions on OCLC's LS2000/long authorities;
Faxon's MicroLinx serials checkin system; the Kentucky Newspaper Project;
SAVE—IT (an ILL software package) and a SOLINET demonstration of OCLC's CAT CD
For additional information, call Bonnie McNeely at Camden—Carroll Library at
Morehead, 606-783-2143.
The Milton S. Eisenhower Library of The Johns Hopkins University is currently
recruiting candidates for four—month internships in library preservations.
The internships, which will run from March through June 1989 include exposure
to practical hands-on techniques in collection conservation and to special
projects in preservation administration.
Prospective interns must be currently employed by a library or archives com-
mitted to preservation, have prior background in preservation administration
and knowledge of conservation techniques, be responsible for the care and
treatment of their institution's collections, and have the support of the in- _
stitution to attend the internship. The internship provides a stipend of
An application should consist of a cover letter and resume from the prospec-
tive intern explaining his or her background in preservation, current job
responsibilities, and a statement of what he or she hopes to gain through the
program. The applicant must also include a letter of support from the direc-
tor of his or her library explaining the institution's preservation concerns
and current and future support for preservation.
All application materials should be sent no later than December 31, 1988 to
Robert J. Milevski, Head, Collections Maintenance Department, The Milton S.
Eisenhower Library, The Johns Hopkins University, Charles and 34th Streets,
Baltimore, M® 21218.
microforms, CD-ROM, software for ·
CZrawford, Walt. Current Tech- lending, and preservation) and com-
nolggies in the Library: An Informal nunuications (including printers,
Overview. Boston: G.K. Hall, 1988. graphics, speech, E-mail, telefac—
[Z678.9 .C7 1988]. Crawford explores simile, and LANS) in general Ferms.
publishing media (for example,

 . Includes a glossary and index, as libraries, and 6 school libraries.
well as suggested readings. Includes a bibliography and an index.
Hall, Max. Harvard University Press: National Online Meeting. Proceedings
A History. Cambridge: Harvard of the Ninth National Online Meeting:
University Press, 1986. [2.473 .H34 New York, May 10-12, 1988. Compiled
1986]. by Martha E. Williams and Thomas H.
Hogan. Medford, NJ: Learned Informa-
Intner, Sheila S. Circulation Policy tion, Inc., 1988. [QA76.55 .N37
in Academic, Public _a__ng_School 1988]. Topics range from enduser
Libraries. New York: Greenwood Press, searching to computer security to
1987. [Z712 .I57 1987]. A detailed CD-ROM to expert systems. A collec-
analysis of responses to a circula— tion of 66 papers. (Submitted by Rob
tion questionnaire sent to 14 Aken.)
academic libraries, 17 public
J" C) QB C) P E N I N C3 S
CALIFORNIA Foreign Literature Bibliographer and
Reference Librarian. Purdue Univer-
sity, West Lafayette. Salary:
Engineering Librarian. University of $22,000 minimum. Deadline: March 1,
California, Irvine. Salary: 1989.
$25,380-$57,816. Deadline: February Assistant Engineering Librarian.
1, 1989. Purdue University, West Lafayette.
Biological Sciences Librarian. Salary: $22,000 minimum. Deadline:
University of California, Irvine. March 15, 1989.
Salary: $25,380-$44,676. Deadline:
January 1, 1989.
Head, Department for Spain, Portugal, *
and Latin America. University of Kan-
Assistant Professor. Graduate School sas, Lawrence. Salary: $21,000-
of Library and Information Science, $28,000. Deadline: November 30,
University of Illinois, Urbana. 1988.
Salary: $28,000 minimum. Deadline:
January 15, 1989.
Director, Milton S. Eisenhower
Library. The Johns Hopkins Univer-
sity, Baltimore. Salary; none
_ listed. Deadline: Decembe; 15,
1988. »

_ MISSOURI Catalog Maintenance Librarian. New
York University, New York City.
Salary: $26,000 minimum. Deadline:
December 31, 1988.
Catalog Librarian. Washington Univer-
sity, St. Louis. Salary: none
listed. Deadline: February 10,
Art and Architecture Librarian.
Washington, University, St. Louis.
Salary: none listed. Deadline: Archivist, UE Archives and Curator of
January 20, 1989. Labor Collections. University of Pit-
tsburgh. Salary: none listed. Dead-
line: January 31, 1989.
Public Services Librarian/Arts and _
Women Studies Bibliographer. Rutgers
University, New Brunswick. Salary: Catalog Librarian. Virginia Common-
$30,705 minimum. Deadline: January wealth University, Richmond. [ Tem-
15,1989. porary position.] Salary:
$1,800/month. Deadline: December
15, 1989.
NEXT GREEN_BEAN: Friday, December 16, 1988. »
DEADLTNE: Friday, December 9, 1988.
Bonnie Cox, editor and typist.
Cecil Madison, printer.