xt7qjq0stw34_2962 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qjq0stw34/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qjq0stw34/data/1997ms474.dao.xml unknown archival material 1997ms474 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. W. Hugh Peal manuscript collection Mrs. [Hannah] Pattisson letter from William Johnson Fox text 43.94 Cubic Feet 86 boxes, 4 oversize boxes, 22 items Poor-Good Peal accession no. 11453. Mrs. [Hannah] Pattisson letter from William Johnson Fox 2017 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qjq0stw34/data/1997ms474/Box_29/Folder_13/Multipage10213.pdf 1811 June 29 1811 1811 June 29 section false xt7qjq0stw34_2962 xt7qjq0stw34 A" uw’) M77 upr/II/In f/
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l ,. ”H.— » s ' 4 I, z ‘ A 1
. ». Tholhortsl remains of this hishly-glfted gentleman ' ' 7 " -‘ . , ~ , ..:. , ,.,. .. l _ , '
wrote ”was, consigned totheir 1m nesting-place, in ‘ ' - ' _ ' " l%¢ [Wé‘ /77/‘///'. /
the Brompton Cemetery. The fenernlwesexoeedinglyk. n v ,v . ,, $4, //
Apnea and “ostentatious. - 0n the min] of thebody, - , ‘ _ , v M /,
, with-the;oartisgea ‘00nt only 'the‘“ relations and ' . ‘ ' ~ [l/ / _.., __7
malignant“ friends of 'the"d'e‘oeued,'ot‘ the‘geteof ‘ . ' . , , #1 M J 71,1; of: [f

the derogatory, the procession was formed, being joined . 5 .

b a enmnbet of the friends, oolleognes end edmi- ' e 'a 6 . (M71—

13:: o the deceased gentleman, as well udnumberef ‘ _ . i (/y [Vi J // ééfl
worshipping at South-plum Chapel under * '

ladiesrsnd gentlemen, members of the old congregation, .
:tomte, were desirous of paying gthe lost .- ’ - ‘J ' , "’
bfakespeet t6 hismemory. Amongst them were .- . . flW’ é/‘ey' [/7
F. Fo:,!Esq., 0. Fox, Esq., 11L Oobden, Eflfi? M.P., . » .'_' ,
‘ '.P.'A=.'TD.ylor,‘"Esq;, M.Pl,-..—- Bibbert,‘Esq., P., A. ' '
‘ ~W. Pa ton,.Es .,;W.:Lovett,.Faq.,BemuelOom-tould,
”Egg” . .. Tell! eson, Esq‘, JiWntson, Esq.,.W.' Simon,
filth, It. Moore Esq, 0. D. Collet, Mega M. Pollord,
Engage. J._ Bolyoske, Esq»? the Rev. . D. Conway,
Film. ! '5 , ;.. ,_ ,, w v ;,
' ‘The obmn was s. plain black one, having oblaok plate,
hearing the nine and age (78 years), of the deceased.
The ooflln having been lowered into the grave, a most
impressive Iddmss was delivered by the Rev. J. P.
! Melleso ,tof Brighton, who-dwelt for some tune upon
the ear or of Mr. Fox in n manner which forcibly re-
called that gentleman to the memory of his hearers;
oonolnding an eloquent address, during which the
speaker? himself, as well as those around him, were
moved :to team, by reading trio hymns of Mr, Fox’s
own posing, endswhioh‘ we in the collection of
hymns . min as Mr. Fox’s collection—sung at South- -
place—the lost of which runs as follow" :— -
“ Not for false andfleeting ‘oys— ,
Pleasure, that while taste oloys ;‘
. Not for selfsinflioted paln— ‘ -
. Born to‘pnrohese Heavenly-gain,
‘ . ‘ Did God‘msk‘e men,” '
We ”may mention thistle few years"ogo Mr. Thou.

magnum", of Yiuoent-pteeet, Ov‘ing'ton-sgnere,

Bnompton,,whose admireble but other Msje'sty mthe ‘
Roynl Academy has ettreoted‘e good deal of‘attention,’ ‘
’ modelled s bust of Mr.‘ pr from lifed, The study 'was

a, thoroughly enoo'essfxilbneesll the'jetriking ohorec- ‘
tezistiee of the noble, thonghtfnl feee being most.
truthfully reserved. ‘ ‘The model still remeinsin Mr.‘ -
Earle’s stn io, some copies‘hevj‘n‘g beenf made, from it ' '
‘ let theitimemf its exception. :11: will now‘ noises: a; '
strongEint‘erest for th monfiold'jfxiende'and‘ndmirers‘of '

othe eininent politician.‘




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