xt7qjq0stw34_3163 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qjq0stw34/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qjq0stw34/data/1997ms474.dao.xml unknown archival material 1997ms474 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. W. Hugh Peal manuscript collection Anne Benson Procter letter to sir text 43.94 Cubic Feet 86 boxes, 4 oversize boxes, 22 items Poor-Good Peal accession no. 11453. Anne Benson Procter letter to sir 2017 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qjq0stw34/data/1997ms474/Box_31/Folder_27/Multipage10949.pdf 1874 March 14 1874 1874 March 14 
  Scope and Contents

Peal accession no. 13093a. Includes a transcript. Transcripts with letter to sir 1974.

section false xt7qjq0stw34_3163 xt7qjq0stw34 /7*' (gaff/Af/ 37‘ (A .522 fljmwzfli fl . [Bf/f/jnné np/aii‘ WV ‘ //b/n7‘ . firm a //l«/|:r.£ L47, flax/1’54“ 1.; 7/u/‘V/ a/{L xfix ,fl’n/Z \x , , V / < ‘ 4 £12 L? /" 07/70W/ (7% /< 'u'/(Q7Ll 0,7!) \ iv/xfi—Q —.-- 4):) /yAr‘/,g/( [ix/(L. 8/; o 37/— / / . ado 71 >24 [7 (z , a) n’ 94% ,7 Z; , /U(V //‘/ 7/5975 (2/719); (2474/002r ”Iv/w, {0’ ”M0" .. 4 2 / (If Vljx/qu/I‘ux) /{Or@(. /fl’C/I‘/////" //I’QIA “/72 _ L'X/fl’m'r’f'i/ e/y/fl‘l/flf/ /7’)71v}74_»7 777*ff/‘ [OQL Jag/71, Fo/(Bp/Q'JL‘ w://\»1/,/, (17$//;de {bl—‘7- {6:1 /a41/,/) _ / V A/ / 5, q "j 0471/ ‘/(‘7' ' /%7‘ n/% fi/rZaw/i‘ / 7 I (@614: - {/91 VAR/2,9» \ , " UVHLIJUL‘LUL'J 1E3 ufil‘.;"_1;_ii;} 4).]. .L... . .1.) . 4. -kUU .4“. (wife 03 “m0 :‘Qez‘ arch l874 " y husband 'gr. Lrocter/ is not able to refily 5 ywur .."li05 bion on behalf of iSQ w 8. His d? i L_‘ b: and severe illness do not ellow him to USWGIC ary l sh_ouli ,' though ‘ been Ullfiflbed, bhoub apy' Sir, " Jeth: lnne ‘ “rooter. Lmfien ~lfieB lansion ,Vin: quibiaf cejved unr j sxbrewoly, bub nova 1H1:.Ure. ‘flogr, Jv—Pl you will :3 JUL-1139 Z . _ _ _ sin; to re ;‘g ?¢ra Gen dab . L. i . : a 'flk ya L L " L ., 7"& JOUOTO ?‘h yuys seven A i ’ l '1 Iriicg ? , n'1 “I“ , 1A 2' bu;5 verv 0: iLL @. U : f on ¢cdnesda lf 91 (388 din>wt ’“ no '-_;‘ L' ;‘_ icz'L‘ of +e_.: *3 n 3 a 9 00A; serv I V f~; 316$ ;? jV F :5 u ti :‘ 0 b0 Hm2 \l LJ. " Easy ”eflvvqns heve lOOkS Sauces— . uheic country b GCCBW hat ' (Coufid) eui “AK/1‘0 c; flhey cl_ose .le d' hobe 'mie Jabs. l 6 “1eie before icbel‘ C ”J l] 1" S e 'Tl’l1 1‘1“! (x ~'.- is w“ "5.17.338 1.1 .LC; C: L i see .31umfl it fl'bobe dinner Jou yzuiixoe Avlee very ,believe we E3 ”DU. 1.151. S 7. Jr 1. "G 1;, cannot m 1-K; CAL/V hurch Janus. [.131 received LUBE be 'hgu your 0 s11: re in i have and yau :rried,rbut wished us rs. Skirrow, weddiq YOu are rem “Hy decr excellent think thgb yeur usuel aced Che iherc is tended in June ce1;ed it‘ have here I hesi?d 3f 3 _ firowninfi Socieciesi still in Venice. @eorge Lmichs ere ya01biij. 1/ Lid 1 U u.viug we o:qu loci” 0 ll 72‘ jusui ce iii July, and d d.11rin£: Vi ib uabi Atkinson _ all ever been in warring *"113 ‘ 10 ,v.\, (if e DOW flhe ibis is filink. l 010. :‘Lo ' t 'u e Jerd or Note well. Mort vie it to -. ucv‘r (? ) 114:6. be e1 _usbaqu. ' greebe eful olfl ;rocte1_ I ETDIZ friend A) L. 1 2 xilmure slace,6 , yacmillen, 11: not be able to in sendwing me a t. ‘HJP‘WS. 5A "“ I Lid should li sue as l ru:s jgi1*e11 lj\ 91111: 11 you OK that 1 b' DO kiifl thou1hu 13168 91311“ . eived it yesterday (Sunday) and have read it " delight. it for granted you Te 195. good wise derick born . .. -1", are Lue re His account of his A 3.4311 . h .sed ”'11le. ”eddings never for your extreme w i 13 h 185l charming — a ' 1“ I admire the Letter written to his brother Lalcolm. page 16. I have begun to read out to my daughter the book and so I shall taste his remarks better — when a book is well written I enjoy it more reading it out. I shall like hr. haurice oetter 'thcn I ever did. I knew him slightly — and never cared to see more of Jim — I learn that I was wrong. Kinglsey — I shall re—read. Je have a good Library here — and your father has given me a fresh interest in his writings. If you are good enou5h to write to me, do tell me if your Nether still lives. . and your Sister? I bitterly lament that I never knew your father..one must have been some times in the same room. how excellent his account of Savage IJEJIldOI‘ . I think I saw your brother halcolm one day at your home and your ster Katherine? Yours very 5ceatefully With love to your Jife unneB. lrocter. Your letter arrived this morning 2 filnuir glace, St. Andrews N.B. Sunday hag, 27th 82. My de r hrs. Skirrow, Iow kind it was of you to write to me: you who are in that lively place :Womo _r3. I was there, some years ago. and I only wish We had gone there tiis year. Jhat nice walks L talks we should have ad' There is somethin5 melancholy in hearin5 of the dinner you ; the @eorge Smiths are 501n5 to have togegher. I console myself with thinking, that we shall all be in London a5ain. 5e came heée on the 26th July — and on the Dunnichen near Lorfar, a place that belon5s to a riend of mine Sir Iheophilus Letcalfe and is now Let to . Leznann. I sav rs. because the Wusband is at Homburg and I be3in to fear will not “return until my visit is over. Lord nou51r ton is also eXEected and hrs. 9. Lehmann Wishes me to assist in amusin5 him. We like this dreary old Gown very well. It suits us adrt.ire bly we have a fine sea 300d Sands and the ninks ten miles round are excellent for walkin5 - a 300d clean cheap Lod5in5, three rounds a week and fruit 5 ve5etaoles in profusion. 6 nence busys as many strawberries as will plea se four yeople and two 2 ence creen. ~ The peeple here have been very polite and hzve all callc -d u:: on us — but my dear Mrs. Vkirr‘“ they dont car for me, nor I :Lor them..nll their interesus are local — SOfi°blI°6 tmi y asks a small eiiort to suit me, as they term it. It is equally relcnch ly ie have dinners here — and five 0 'elock eas and 5olf talk always. I am cheered 2* times by seeing a fat old .an in a Scarlet t rSepr we leave I 6 de rs. v Joet, \tn3 bounds and Golf Jlub livery; and the meet. ,1. " . 1 1‘, . nere tud l he was killed jhyte nelville lives remember his boyks, have seen tLe death of on visit at Mrs. 31 out to Sketch, fell ‘ ayoep ened. Let' shops * nape yyu go over You may never ab l is beautiful.. my n"me was a -rentice. 1 finglish making irey give my a“: the tered v.4. ’lrfO 4e :0 to London on the 29th See. lent me her louse servants Mall ansiony sensinjton lore. long walks two hours and 0 half, (2. out of doors. ‘_v 19 fip?il 7. ensin Albert 3311 tension, mjrd 1385. V 3'1 J I“ U ““ mes [IO'UV U the old home, having Mrs. esbett for they know well all yaw 1 I am not pleased with Lord me that it is badly done. legal or nrivete character. Jven I ould 1ive fivein him anecdates about his Unolel Yr eif eet old: Mr inns it end M00 2 L). . he re; (""7915 olmondelars three CLFLES Letter. 1 Whom T her dc Lu :;11t e1 2118;. L} SOLE _inds me L_s_ of no in hunting. L, '1 e fiiss fade in the ere to . write teem and buy some riqteez. born b name L 0 went eident firownin; plain how Clb': ’ :1. c1. " yr1' ’ 1/- le _ a it CDJW that "yarkable as more \7 J his V and aeoest from iriend nas Elbert :e take LVork ’ $0051 1 read gton was the asking be t was and d 1 before its about yeu. ginning Lew, I altho'fi r. (3. with you will ;.Ve lost. lifie (1) justice 4.1 1e.leys does no r. CL one to qvery either grees one gin 3 interesting lost office reenei, Heer6ee1snir h.1. LJCb. )th 1334. I7 dear! I want to hexr ”19* ~ a: _ '1 stI‘ -n and well — coming home to be pru6ent Ea: Janr I 1' aIe of v)rr'elf for your husbands sane — to sII' 171.1 2 j \J rye an6 anxious ni3hts. Shis is to be e 3006 fife. ’ I am here away Iron all mutual friends for if I coul6 hear 3‘s of you_r health I should not trouble you witi n Ietter — time o:I yger all souls are away. or. ea 91 s I hear from Re IIely says you 11.6 it hot. rrs. Lil is away holi6 a3y and where..? . not g-een very ttIf 3:? j -7” :061606 the last use in sgent a fortni3hi ‘tn b: "' "'e '“ Inverdruie . detne who wee i‘t well IIen we I ; 11;; Iw in -no:; se, so we wen into 3 , =HJ remained there a whole 3:1'1 UIder Jr. Keith‘s care. '}:1 .u ' Fur comin; orrc..I11s I I w h;s re lly cured ' ' “ yet we .~<<' .1 1.4 o, 1 feet“ i will allow us to Ihle to sit out 03 6: ors on out. Ihe only comes home to C; Ci‘ (1 011'; b:.€f:ct L .L_\'JUT)CL1 r'V O 6):. S J S :1 U. ’- ..0 CE, n give no news. QrvII"f s “OLUJ to orJ _n hook. I learnt this from 'L2 I “ valor [0 were so thankful for ' I sen6 you my love en6 m;Ie J , y 1 1 I r. Uhcmillen. If I were wr. .fI ” _: J not need intervention. Eou.t'ons were here for ten 6agvs. is met every day I s twice a 6ey. 'e lilze6 them both 7 , are always anJ 6.0 not blow hot 6 c016. mo.teli has list his sister not Hrs. Stillman. Ir e.ffect 016 frie n6 Anne Benson Irocter. 32 Heym_outh J Iortland Ileee Get. llt II 18 Ty dear kin6 , I want 1. " I g f _ 7our Letter for you have of m’ 3 6 L1 have no Where 6one him. " ' A “ ' ' who li6 h I” so lit was like tIHTOU Q1 1"6-r . f- twezrty I g..." 0077;" shall never 1 ' with. On Friday 3 took 2 i *_ I to 1 inch 11 ey ane aid him in a - _l_ l ’3 U glass, when was some kind old relcti ' “ was conti brother so nunil qu. beenit' a stay there . whilst we mere r Dhair. dis old fiir launcefote renter the ario to service home make ches was from neurnemouth ii right hand fell asleen on ternoon never ope: " he Chang what at 4 in the Lilli N .fine/ . svery one has been very kind. no serve us. Je hive passed thro' d called A sent ~ krowniny ' the Ctheneum when “ to We J:_\, o N) .LI 1:1: .‘._\J (:3 to 990? friends return it a V ‘1 Your s ”u very gratefully e s. rrocter. see in the Daily Hews Ly love to Lady "1?"! G J a: ‘ t You would LiSS hurtineau. Shepborne @range, Jan. lS“ Ly deg here and ould like house, " end-deugl visits for Six weeks at week in Qct. where gr. ” ‘ Ehom for Chris A r. Gibbs here, . G neying London the first we came her to of them to ask L fie have isles, ' ‘ She only new i has e me very 0110 l l,»l.8.‘ib be here in Eeby. l have made the acquaintance of have both been to see me. Iou know what a dxcent those who are hot one all Americans have for me. cold the next. dhey however, find me fixed Cold. Jhen will you con many small linners. ny kindest regards to your hush he first of every months shews we r'end. Anne B. Procter. r 6 home. rondon / \ ,., ‘1 she lei h he then gave one sigh a died. 17‘] e h little one he nually dr 1i ioner my here on “ Aowever ‘ ground. ss as fhursday so ed to. irnd " l .‘3 hehmsns shove all anxious ‘terrilflxaiveei:, one fury 45 in :rancc. I send you, dear end it, be kind enough to ll GS. and Cl .21"! v «25%; U told bright. of your pretty i {3 4.»; .n n... a k'“;.i' were alter 9 ' ' we came to until 24th when It was very kind ,tv son dank '\ e b‘-W e v o u s s Eew [ears day. Uutor to the irince of ,3 v Zr Lowell. that he CLV e El 1r. 3 hrs. ghelps. Bhey strong attraction «3! It: — \.1.C=.3’ l know this, J; , when once has been very pleassn so t, we '- and. " old housin"ton *ore uCry 2nd 1387. dr_v1n3s are r9 .Wain. is very do not sellin3 be had nall ,L. I 0 send should stre3d as giving. asking. to see the I have full faith in 1ours my dear 1r. Syn3e very rate fully, unne H 1rocter. kind think I as well for the hope soon of you HL‘" ,3 the Ilbert hall nansions, Feb. 7th 138‘ hensington my dear Er. Synge, I no e Vou er those lovely Illue r oe autiful I qud h alWays have a ensianted With them. no is L.H. I ho the boo‘: Will soon at: of the )erlyle Letters, one to give a copy heiore, I have a List oi ”Lo hen hdhums na111e led taken for a booksellers Catalogue or the ”Hexo extended” or Ehe oca e” I am dear 3r. ”yn3e iours v; ry 3111119 13. 3 Well again. a3: . s. Eh? more e I shewed then ye ratqerii J to my [11,1083 all the rest “€83“- truly, Irooter. all J-ansions, "3 l 87. ear »r.\nacnillan, I have just re ad With reat ad Juintsourvs aoer u>on WV dear old friend the Word Iri nd in soite 01 the because I adikred him all my life — I I believe his happi st hours he Was highly alued. read in all the books thct L adviser — He ems to 25 Led_I'ord (Basil ionjaeueJ When he lil: ed. 3e made “ctfield 0. ani tooK Hezlit t wit) us, & returning home 3n Londay. I once wer C 3 Square, saw the ”hen you iris: i d_Way pros eotus. iI'auI-LO I'l C‘L’ld. went under our roof 1y Mother, admired him, Hazlitt care for my st excursions going first filly beautiful, I look at them *lyle letters so tent any more they D , \ a.n:ed you for : the more .ay K When I , all were _: ‘4 we? / r- two copies send you J it was iheres in gratitude xilliam Hazlitt. mental diff first erence bet.een saW him in l 12. Where and being well found a listener ep-Iather to Box hill, away on baturday hrs. Hazlitt a he in woman in a dirtydf11annel_dressin3 1own. Hazl1Lt was gremely clean, a.nd ha most b3 'dLiful 11ands. I sa Lo him a nicLure he Lried to paint "1Lid 8c :syche. us to Lhe Life, Lhe urandson/1vroLe, it is not woth of thought, HazliLL's son was only a boy/when his faL11ec d_ied. It vould have been a "root delith Lo 1y nusband Lo have read hr. 3 intshury' s .Hotice, 0; one whom he ielL 1:e eenly, justice hed :neW r been done. he has left a notice oi hi which was ori nL ed in 111s ligfe. / ln .HazliLL fissay,on the wanL of honey (?) there is a coarmin“ oasss;e Salluding to his Visits to Box hill wiLh U_s. rgive all thisv/I love to think L speak of Lh ese old days. 1011s verry Lruly L 3ra unne b/. grocter :1Lh or1ig1nal envelo3>e. teiully, 1 fine following may be ouL of sequence as Lhey have ”no year” Decr 18th. Queen Anne's hansion 3.J. my dear urs. Skirrow, 1e only came home last Londyay from our visit to Hert— fordshire and you will easily understand that the wet days have kepL me at home. luesday next the BULL we go to oright to spend Jhristmas wiLh an old friend who oromi ses me a Ball and an jvening Some years ago there was an irticle in Lhe Spectator Frisky Latrons There will be anoLher. irisVy ol-d. Jomen. I hope you h M\r. _kirrow will have a good holiday. Jere I you Home and such a Home would be my choice for a Holiday. je are looking out for a Flat. fhis place has become intolerable. nll good be with you and gr. Skirrow. Your af ecL old friend. nnne B. ErocLer. EEK Queen nnne's Lansion 6.3. June Elst. hy dear Lrs. Frith, I shall wait upon you & hr. EriLh wiLh great pleausre on 5d of July. Any Tuesday you are near me, it will be a greaL pleasure to Lane you by the hand. Yrs. Anne E. 1rocLer. Feb. 15Lh gueen Lnne's hansion S.fl. by dear Fr. T~‘ac111illw1, I she ll :aiL 1.:on you with great pleasure on the 5d of frs very truly nnne h. IrocLer. SinU,l:qL‘U:LOU 1ore S.;. an {GCU1€S}m:V. Y fieer Lrs. 13011 lV' Eleni ywu Lor y>Ur iUviTaquU to diifler on April. fie shall 30 to 30U with greab ileasu_re. L‘ha ": Vii/U for 3 :_ tailislii *llUJL'L‘LLd, an' more too numerous l‘o: b i ' U U s sma ll UOLe Lo hold a lours mane :eneon greater glbert wail ansion, lensington Sher Bunday. Bkirvow, how sorry you a U T<'," ' be for me — a;r one left Ue witho.’ .', _i” 'zx 5he died Lhe heart being ? J Vill be buried in ?V 7:. Fi*ka_‘ burying ground Ieeving " ‘ ‘ Dledon U cage here yesberday. firowning has just T~" me. (one corner of wave: born, 5 U0"? seUCaUees missing} LafiqLiwneS/ , feeling note was like yvU. my ridnds have bCSL west kiU~. Liv) :ior lge. UL present I Ua ve so u; AGE '0 J* so that I U rdly know whaa l eel Yrs Uffect. Lune L. :rocter. '7 /% JZAL n . ,» ’ / 1‘ ‘ )’ 2442/23] 7,7», L _; r n gin—:1 /J// 13/3,; (/£.//g/,z//VL// }///l/ ’ ]/,///l '2 [gov-‘4 / “3,, / .s- 7 1%, V wig/£7 ”Lg/g,