xt7qjq0stw34_3258 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qjq0stw34/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qjq0stw34/data/1997ms474.dao.xml unknown archival material 1997ms474 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. W. Hugh Peal manuscript collection John Reeves letter to Lord Sydney text 43.94 Cubic Feet 86 boxes, 4 oversize boxes, 22 items Poor-Good Peal accession no. 11453. John Reeves letter to Lord Sydney 2017 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qjq0stw34/data/1997ms474/Box_32/Folder_21/Multipage11273.pdf 1784 November 4 1784 1784 November 4 
  Scope and Contents

Peal accession no. 11024d. Includes a transcript.

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I . x ‘ J M 'l .5/ , / , 736/; /)P/,"/j/}1 “1,7579 46:62:4' w/ W n»? 6/ , W “mad/7 I 7,30 , c}-f:i2'Y~ l’ A If? 1/ - {’flv; , r7 » 4-K Vm/ V sieves gioem‘) heroes—leg swim TO Lose sour That ?OQI Lordsnio '"gortifit object I of trouuling Tour Lordship mi" of whet I 3: doing. Your Lordsfiip renegoers, should be cerved out or the counties of Midx., Bu rear2 end Kent, containing the whole AEtrODOliS exceot the city of Eondon; and then, that a separate Gouge. 3f the ueece should 0e excluded; tho' the Juetbes :0: ts_ district be in the Genes. ior txose counties. V ' was thgt s. :2 ofiicers should 9e appointed on txis s'i" on§_om the other; in eacu to De three Justices by government on the plan of Bow Stre»t; this district shoulo contain these 24 Justices 1, or fig more, who should as chisen free the most respectable oersons, who would assist i valuntgrily and gratis be training, perhaps, to sucoee to any vacancies among the 34. This was the :irst idea of a plan for rotting rid of ;11 exoeptionaOle magistrates,, no presenting Justices any low end dirty traffic. But, in consid— tnrt much odium :nd opposition might be excited by so materiel Comes. .f the peace, WV- .. ror three counti six " wt _ 7 my: in some different gene effect wee d be producei More easily, emu quite as com- eletely, is Eris wry: to erect, thet ni Justice rithinthe etymp~duty 1 sbove district shoula *3;- any fee; Efleu to put JQOD sum ons' warrants, recog susza¢sich, in. fine aresent ‘fiV*“*‘cc ‘: .w' i L: "->q “ ‘: Ling or ”611086 papers, let to esch of the "‘are 'zhe 7Niclic d.nce. that I admit these EW“ be ofjice, but seCondly, 5;: .me ;u’: for. Therefore,.My Lord we wish.to remove such persons as ecuse the power of a justice, by giving encouragement to cries rad squaoolil among the lower sort 01 people, it is highly necessrr. the 2 : or Magistr tee should be :till OpeA to unmoleinte when (ll reesoneole peiflS have been taken to eom;ose r$$rein the WiEfiout effect, they should have their warrants, their suit &0. m0. as herefiofore. 30* we ”ugt oe C 'e' the revenge n’il 011 ortts i:rto ; 7:3: L 1;' 1' 131 ;,i;; coulitrj, >3revrn1ts those retaliatigns t se: in others. satin, it seems reasoneole *:gistr.te should not be open without the eryence of law pay for our liberty; " way 3' trusl; sgi: a justice oi oeece are r‘e g ‘ 3 tr: 1 52' 1:7 ror their licentiousf ness. In short, w't~‘ ' isn‘t ri"; that these beeple mould hardly have an opinion or the lee which cost them notniny, it would be cruelty to let them loose, without this checf on their jury; :nd still more so to the magistrates, who would not have a moment's 98306 the Whole day.r It is for these reasons, that I thick tn entire sbsolution of fees, as some gentlemen brooose, would oe impolitic, hurtiul, and visionary. I I have tit . a I? " u"aw v.L1 ' Samoson @ri ht upon the whole ' 3' *f :11 d? obliged to him jar the egove plan about the I " the alace ofthe separate Gomssn. we use in vies. I spent three hours the other morning with the necorder, ‘ M who exoressed greet seti faction that government were so serious + J. U uoon he subject. is has it very mucn Lt heart himself, end has, For some time, been penning doun such hints as were furnishedby ~foerienoe in this part or his orfice. ‘ei‘A‘ very Iully him, about deceivers2 nnich seem to haVe eng: ed much of his Some or these hints I have minuted down, and others These I shall have the honor of connunicating to your Lordship in my next. I mentioned the sub— ject to 4r. firinngrins, tn~ Uheirmen, whose assistance I have greet reliance upon, but I have not vet had any oonvereetion MEOGRGI gentlemen, wnu readily eon rioutee his Arr. Silvefitgrj tne oouneel, who nae loni been in at tne old ‘ai er; as I nrve were op,ortunitiep y aentleman, I oftener confer with him than Otlier gentlemen whom I “a - 'rr3- at'ins iron, are Ur.LVleq ml oeputy r or the OSEL to er. Q- *N and nr. Reynolde Clerk of the erzeigne at the Old beiley; witn these txo gentlemen I heve sopointeents-to meet, e‘ an eerly d;y. "tho' lest; not least," a M“. John vlarie, one of the officers belonging to Bow Street; wno is a very old serVent to the end is epnsidered in e very respecteole light in 1 ir. :ond, wno is more :nown on the world than the vet fallen in.iv new; out I dare gay I 9 , under ‘1.Bampson, have the lize confide nti l corrunic tiiflS irom hat I have already had from “r. Ulnrxe. Thi , my lord, ' “‘~ myurse I cm pursuing; 1o: out visionery theories, ‘of my own, but by repeated oenva en niry to urine into one point the experience of those, alone are intim;tely :c<7iiited with this euojeot; my intention is, that the fruitsof tnis enouiry sliel ll be gut into where the defects of all the present system, and form of them, should be spoken noon fully, with Objections on all sides; thet tais Shduld oe submitted to above gentlemen, as well as some others, who have the same of experience, so that whet is brought finelll before your carry with it the concurrenee or those who may be :one rithout x itin" is? any 01" C11 parts are 011111512" In the Jeanvhile, I Eng.” vt~ ?a ‘ “= . oi communicatbg to your Lordsflip, occasivnRTIy, H‘ progresg yvx“ Z “1““*» may 06 EODIiSed Of Ehfi neture 0? -». 1 form, QIGViOQS at its coming before you finally, in the gh;g: 0‘“ .1; “301211911 61180011336. I REVB Ch; honor to be, with great Changs, my Lord, your Lordshio's 1os* obliged humble Servt JCS-Hm 111.1111) Thgnet Place. 4th nov“ 84.