xt7qjq0stw34_4384 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qjq0stw34/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qjq0stw34/data/1997ms474.dao.xml unknown archival material 1997ms474 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. W. Hugh Peal manuscript collection Bound volume of letters, manuscripts, and prints of Alexandre Dumas and Alexandre Dumas, fils text 43.94 Cubic Feet 86 boxes, 4 oversize boxes, 22 items Poor-Good Peal accession no. 11453. Bound volume of letters, manuscripts, and prints of Alexandre Dumas and Alexandre Dumas, fils 2017 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qjq0stw34/data/1997ms474/Box_49/Folder_1/Multipage20549.pdf 1794, undated 1794 1794, undated 
  Scope and Contents

Peal accession no. 7582. Includes translations from the French.

With part of the original manuscript of Life of Bianca Capello.

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AAdéw AAA AAA/AAA AA ‘ . $ 5; M J M% W W IXA/d/ W. 5; A AAA/AA; AA/AAMAA/ AKA/AAA 4A AA/WAAAA AA AA AAA} AAA WWW ’ 4 MW’ ’1 “:7/ /77¢L flj’ AAA (%& WWWMM fl/ WZZWW gc J W A; C/W é/W , fl ‘ I W [A 4 /fl Ma AW M W‘fi Law 3 / / ‘wtfl/Af' WM ' i’AAA [AMWAAMZ fl/W/W/ flwW~ ZAAAA ALEXANDRE DUMAS — Part of original manuscript of "Life of Bianca Capella". CAPELLOI BIANCA * Born 1540. Died 1587. Consort of Cosmo de Medici and Grand Duchess of Tuscany. ”IIBEfiTE V“. (Via DQ/attzet-S’enezaf .._._ Ilka, /)7, 1/227”, 7 ‘ ' £0 {)an (Deuce (Dc Refugfzyue um (S mazvzltzgfg, / 11; 912ml w cite/p2 commafiamé . Z’o/sze/cfi 9369 9140601» 0/1” pfiyl {4A, \Dt’l/Muu, Lama/diff? 0(JW flf“ m/m— .94 ”kw/5W M «”071111- ma fifiwD/ ; :‘wmvv 7 y‘firmeL/GW*W' - 7111/ ~11", 1444/” I’m/‘12 FG/flllk ML,’ 17(1/(7: “' I’VI’V-I/ I 1 ‘ I «Jan‘v’J’L . /ufifzwmmtb 1,» DL/xi/u7Cr/t/ My, [fi'v/ffiw f @199 L, mac/757471790 4447 JW 99"{sz'm‘flzzfi—ou1ym 75': flak/(Lil 912097124213 pm); bum; win/azu/M, Dav AirnVW/W/ , _ //th/&1/7 “W M s 1515. DUMAS (ALEXANDRE DAVY DE LA PAILLETERIE—French gneral, sa. luted by Bonaparte with the title of “the Horatius Cocles of the Tyrol,” father of the novelist). LB. 1 p. folio. Headquarters at \. Grenoble, March 8, 1794. On military matters. ‘1 ' v4 :‘1 1% 98, afivcnuc dc Willie/“s .wWEBmE PE .8.“ 839m momma“ gaufimwtu maiwflo dd .9me fix: a wad vma H .wdd Amdm Emma‘mwfid 3.2an .mmmH M 0/6“” Wm“ amww W‘ ' I‘ * :%%av§ _ , @27 ‘ flw flai/~ \_\ J. h .503 SE is 3 23% 2%: . 4 wimfiwp: “6.9m? 65$ .m H .med gays/Hm «EQENMWEAD 9:qu ommfi ,, 7 .V 1 w I‘M”: HMLiI . .HI I" 1 ‘ vista: 1 ‘ I w. | ,WIHHC l ‘ ‘ w‘ t ya, .mMHFHPfliqlhx wn‘ I u .y ‘ 3 ? { “ “ML. 1111‘ 31? {11“ Lt‘llvbr H ‘ ,JV . ,‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ 1 y a . a, f l,‘ . ‘uuuavgbll‘.{wwwm.\\|1vkxi» {h ALEXANDER DUMAS. N E of the principal characteristics of Alexander Dumas is that he wears his father’s hat, but, unlike the gentleman who sports the chapeau de son grandpére, it fits him. Du- mas’s pere was a dramatist and novelist, and eke Dumas fils is a dramatist and novelist, the difference being that the old gentleman is dead, while the young one is not only alive himself, but is accustomed to making things extremely lively in French literature. Nevertheless, he is a member of the French Academy, and one of the forty who call them- selves immortal, and are forgotten before the ink of the complimentary resolutions that form part of their obituaries in the journal pour Kim is dry. Alexander Dumas, Jr., was reared in a religious. environment. His father was a member of the First Presbyterian Church of Paris, Vice- President of the Association Chré— tien des Jeunes Cons, of the same city, and a regular contributor to the Paris Igzde'pendanf. Under his pious instructions, Alexander the younger grew up in the way he should go. He never played marbles for keeps - in his earlier youth; he never'stole barrels to make bonfires on the Fourth of July; he was kind to the cats in the back alley, and he never encouraged carpetztacks to stand, with acrobatic perversity, upon their heads in his teacher’s chair. At the age of fourteen, Alexander joined the First Presbyterian Church in Paris, and was entrusted with the task of passing the contribution box, Napoleon Troisiéme going upon his bond. The same year young Dumas established a mission Sunday—school in the Quartier Latin ; and at the age of seventeen he published a pamphlet, entitled ” Les Péchés de Jeunesse,” that made him popular with the President of the Paris Tract Society. Afterward he travelled with his father \ in Spain and Africa, and was so much impressed with the opportunities he observed for the evangelization of the natives that he wrote a book, on his return to Paris, called “Les Aventures de Quatre Femmes et d'un Perroquet,” which was published in L’Avamt C/zre’tz'm and ex- cited universal admiration in church circles. A few years later Alexander Dumas wrote a book caller ” La Dame aux Camélias,” which was reviewed by Gladstone and Became a tre- mendous success. In spite of the author‘s wishes to the contrary, how- ever, the book was dramatized by Verdi and introduced into “ La Traviata," involving upon Mr. Dumas the necessity of producing a dramatic version himself, which ran almost as long as “ Adonis,” and was able to compete in a jay town with the San Francisco Minstrels. The charge that Dumas stole the plot of “ La Dame aux Camélias" from Mrs. Harriet Beecher Stowe‘s novel, ” Uncle Tom’s Cabin,” has been proved to be unfounded. LIFE’S GALLERY-0F BEAUTIES. No. 17. ALEXANDER DUMAS. Mr. Dumas has written a great many other books and plays since, and” is very well known in the theatrical profession of Paris, where, as is well known, the religious element predominates. He is sixty—five years of age, has a comfortable income, and wears a top—hat on Sun— days and legal holidays. AN UNPARDONABLE .ERROR. ATHER'. Mr. Sand, the grocer, tells me he discharged you for swindling him. This is a terrible disgrace to the family. SON: I couldn’t help it, father. He gave me some lead to put under the scales, and I made a mistake and put it on the wrong side. hr}? i4; _ . mew E32 “)9 .. _ / E __ : a M , _,.E ;.';' _ 55* ' ' 9 E63“ 0 . "mm [OWE]! E ' ' 11 5 E ME :1): E" Eff M .3 \-" W 1::ij if )Q E 5:3 ‘5 1' 1:1" it"? If} SEEP, E 5 J- 2% E', I" 5' J .», . I "r' ‘ ” 53 ’ -’.,.;._,,; ‘5“ - ; 5 X “5&1? E '1! 7 5:.) 5% ENE)“ EEE, r Eib , g * r a - ~ ’ , E 37: . My «@ng {TE ' V ff“ , , . . mm M; (M Cd {‘5‘ ECEE " '"’1” 3’3 J Ml Ev EENE CE) Em Em Ed] Em; EE Nomi ESE Ex, CE WE" ‘ "E, n, L; axle/g CE E’E’EE’E- 1" 5" W m EEEEEE CESQE‘CEE“ CJE®>E LE EEE' WE ' "E" V" CE E :9): w CE: E E ' ‘ 7. '9 w Jx! [9/1 %( ’) E "L {$553 5"“ i E‘} {~(7{ Cg Eff EL.) "GEE CI '5 Effigy, ( m «CE ECEE' ‘ E E MCC: ME 5»: {SE A E.) , <52" CCECE A. W (ME WM 8% Loo“; «\EEE am: E ‘E' E53 M M E1 ”E EE Ex, "EE ESEEE ’E "E E}; K“ \ \RE f" ., I .. - '_, \‘J (\\ _ E Exp! ’5“ {J 5‘ n.5, ‘2. w 21>, f’x E M( . 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