xt7qjq0stw34_5260 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qjq0stw34/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qjq0stw34/data/1997ms474.dao.xml unknown archival material 1997ms474 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. W. Hugh Peal manuscript collection Robert Batty letter to Abraham Cooper, with clipping and original notation from disbound volume text 43.94 Cubic Feet 86 boxes, 4 oversize boxes, 22 items Poor-Good Peal accession no. 11453. Robert Batty letter to Abraham Cooper, with clipping and original notation from disbound volume 2017 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qjq0stw34/data/1997ms474/Box_61/Folder_20/Multipage28016.pdf 1845 February 18, undated 1845 1845 February 18, undated section false xt7qjq0stw34_5260 xt7qjq0stw34 OBITUARY. LIEUT.-COLONEL ROBERT BATTY, F.R.S. IT is with much regret we record the death of this eminent amateur artist, at his residence, Ridgmount Place, Ampthill Square, after long suffering, on the 20th of November last. Lieut.-Colonel Batty was formerly of the Grenadier Guards, in which regiment he served during the campaign of the \Vcstern Pyrenees and at \Vaterloo. Among his military honours may be reckoned his employment as aide—de—eamp to Sir \Villiam Clinton in Portugal; also on the staff of Count (new Prince) \Voronzow, who commanded the Russian forces at Maubeuge. He has recorded the gallant services of his corps in a quarto volume, illustrated with an admirable plan, and views of his own taking, etched by himself. His historical memoir of \Vaterloo (where he was wounded by a shell in the hip while in square), met with the decided approbation of the great Commander, the Duke of Wellington. Lieut.-Coloncl Batty was well known in the world of Art for a number of interesting works engraved by eminent men. The son of an eminent physician, at the age of fifteen he accompanied his cousin, the present Lord Langdale, to Italy, where he probably laid the foundation of a taste for Art, which he afterwards cultivated with so much success. In the Somerset House Gazette of May 1824, there is a very flattering but just notice on the first part of his “ Views on the Rhine, Belgium, and Holland.” The notice says :-—“ The family of this gentleman is particularly identified with the Arts. Dr. Batty, M.D., the father of the Captain, long and deservedly esteemed by his own profession, has been equally long known as an amateur artist and encourager of the Arts. The fair daughter of the Doctor too, eminent for her topographical taste, ‘ has given to the world a series of Views of Italian Scenery, illustrative of a tour which she made to these classic regions, in an elegant publication“- which will perpetuate her fame among the most? distinguished of her sex.” The venerable Doctor‘ still survives. The daughter, now married to Mr. Phih'p Martineau of the Court of Chancery, retains her brilliant talents, which served latterly to soothe the suffering invalid, her brother, who, with part - lysed limbs, painted within a few weeks of his lamented death. Lieut.-Colonel Batty was educated at the ancient College of Gonville and Caius; and not long after entering the army, he returned on leave to Cam-- bridge, and took his degree in Medicine, for which{ profession he had been originally intended, butg which he finally relinquished for the army. He? again visited Italy, and also made the tour of‘, Spain, alone, with no other protection on his person' but the penknife he cut his pencil with. He for-T tunatcly met with no molestation, and sketche ,, some wonderfully accurate views of Madrid, and of 'i nearly every place of interest or importance in that , country. Of these, a very few years ago, he finished: in water—colour a selection for publication, simila to and equalling, if not surpassing, his other works and we regret that diffidcnce of success on the par , of the publishers to whom it was disposed of, has hitheito prevented its publication. His other works of Art, all of which have been much esteemed, but which we have not new space to mention more particularly, are the French Scenery, German Scenery, Views of the principal .. Cities of Europe, and \Velch Scenery. do His highly respected father-in-law, Sir John 73 Barrow, Bait, who survived him but three days,;. (A died suddenly on the 23rd of November last, at the "’-’. advanced age of eighty-four, having apparent "— been, till within the hour of his death, in th health and strength, which, with scarce an exce tion, he enjoyed during the whole of his life.* ‘7 Z‘ffi’w . x ‘ I "Ly/“4.1L? / /‘ fi/xél‘a 4711:“? {/7 43‘, 53.15757 i5 M Wace, fw44Z4441wZLW7/L 744a(g:,1f /‘ 1/77 7 Am C ’4 / 7 k, .L» {4, 1/ p/