xt7qjq0sv07n https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qjq0sv07n/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1977-10-31 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 31, 1977 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 31, 1977 1977 1977-10-31 2020 true xt7qjq0sv07n section xt7qjq0sv07n  


..' ‘ *9 "’L'

Volume 1. XIX, Number 5?
Monday, October 31. 1.977


A spirited pep rally,





on independent student newspaper

colorful parade, beautiful queen
and impressive football victory all made for

A most successful Homecoming

About 3T.t)t)t) fans saw the
culmination ofthe 1977 Homecoming
festivities. a :t2—l) rout of Virginia
Tech in t'ommonwealth Stadium
Saturday night. ”was the perfect
ending to a week of". as: Anti-TV


footballcommentators are protic to

say, color and pagcntry.

'l'hui‘sday brought the traditional
pep rally for a football team that.
prior to


ranked seventh in the nation by the
Associated Press. (‘laudia Wellman,
sponsored by ltlanding Ill dor-
mitory. was crowned Homecoming
Queen by coach Fran (‘urci
\fcllman responded by treating a

game, was



Because of a reporting error,
remarks made by cheerleader
Kirby Morris were mistakenly
attributed to cheerleader
Darrell Fisher in a story printed
Friday. ()et. 21.

Uni eersity of Kentucky
Lexington. Kentucky

The article, which concerned
support given to the
cheerleaders by the athletic
department and their adviser.
mistakenly quoted Fisher as
saying such support was
inadequate. 'l‘hat attribution is
incorrect and is retracted, as

Story quoting
UK cheerleader

was inaccurate

those remarks were made by

Fisher w as not interviewed for
the story. according to Kernel
lteportet ltebecea l’rem. the
author. During interviews with
Morris. whom she had been led
to believe was Fisher. her
references to him as Fisher
were not corrected.

The Kernel regrets the in-
correct attribution, and
apologizes to F'Lsherfor any ill
effects or embarrassment the
mistake may have caused him.

surprised t‘urci to a bear hug tlower




Ann l’owell. Amy Maglinger,
t‘alhy l’erfator and Kim Fusting
tttppt‘l‘ right). all members of (‘hi
t)mega sorority. contributed to the
mayhem at the rally. also staged at
Memorial (‘oliseum

Next came the Homecoming
parade on Saturday morning. The
winning float. “Kentucky Fried
t;obblers.“ imiddle right) was
created by Alpha (ianima Rho and
Sigma Pi fraternities and Alpha Xi
liefta and Pi Iteta l’lii sororities.

That night. halfback Freddie
\filliams ibefow center) and his
it ildct teammates stampeded over a
hapless Virginia Tech squad that
cougfiul up eight fumbles, losing
live Ullllt‘tll. Quarterback Derrick
Itamsey was voted the Most
Valuable Player award, sponsored
by Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity.
Itamsey passed for one touchdown
and ran for two in the rout.

During halftime. (‘laudia Wellman
waved to the crowd tupper left)
after Ioriiially being crowned by UK
l’resideiit Utis Singletary. Wellman
was flanked by Dr. Singletary and
her father, (,‘laude ton her left).

The l Iona-coining (‘ourt consisted
of ruiinerup Sharon Silk, sponsored
by l )efta ’l'au lieltat'ratemity, Susan
Ishmael «Alpha Gamma Rho
fraternity). .lean Itogan (Kappa
Sigma fraternity) and Betsy Pearce
It‘hi Omega sorority).

'I'liehaff'tinie show also featured a
spectacular presentation by the UK
marching band, including a per-
Ioi'iiiance by former band members.
The oldest. former drummer A.l..

.\lehison (lower left), graduated
from t K tll 1922.
l’lltl’l'tlS BY Ill‘lt'KY l.l'l(iAl{'l‘

.\\l) I).\\'Il) ti‘NlCll.





\ Ifl‘l'lll Slu\'l'\'l'l\li til” I‘ltll'll‘LS'l'l\(i S'Il'lil'lNTS
will meet today with president hero liowning to discuss
“csterii Ki ntuckv t‘iiivcisity's open dorm policies

the regulations touched off lhrt‘t‘ days of peaceful
demonstrations last week.

Steve Downs. a spokesman for the protestors. said they
object to the regulations which require that a student's
dormitory door be left apir during visitation periods.


slll,|. Iil \lilm Mani“ tilt .\ national energy program.
tongrcss will try today to break an impasse oyer abortions

2' Inch coiild tie up paychecks for thousands of federal em-


House and Senate conf'erees have been arguing since July
our guidelines for fcdeial funding of abortions. the most
i'illllt‘tth'l‘fltll portion of a bill that will govern health care
programs for the poor during the next year,

t outerces planned tomeet today in hopes of rcsolvmg their
.fitterences before a midnight deadline. This is when a
temporarily providing operating funds and
s.ll.|l'l(‘.\ for social service agencies expires.

I-‘ondmg tor the agencies. which employ about 240.000
persons. technically raii oiil Sept :tt) when fiscal year H77


llll‘ l‘ tmli \\li liltl (- \IHIIVIS'I'RA'I'IUN is giving the
cosmetics industry a partial defayon a new requirement that
aerosol spray cans with tliioi‘ocarbons carry warning labels

\tost newly shipped aerosol cans ofdemforants. hair spray
.uid other products must carry the fluorocarbon warning
staitiiig today.


lslt \H 's‘ “in I“. ti)“ \ltlia lrt‘t‘tiltll’kt'l economy set off
strikes and buying sprees iii 'l'el Avnv yesterday as workers
iteniaodcdeonipeiisation for sudden price hikes and shoppers
limited last minute bargains before the increases take effect

l'oslal I'lllploycs staged a one day strike. communications

technicians walked out for two hours and tongsliorcincn
planned .I day long shutdown today of Ashodod. Israel‘s
biggest piiit

leaders ol the II ioilliion member llistadrut labor
tedcianon :‘ct up what they c.illi-d.'i"w.ir room" to coon
innate their campaign for wage increases by January


IV I” \Sl\l. t Itil "HI-SS 'I‘UI)\\' with a high in the
upper iio's Partly cloudy with a :to percent chance of showers
tonight I ow iii the mid to's ('hance of showers on Tuesday.
a oh .i liigfi ill the upper cos

i umpiled Iiom \ssociali‘il l'ress dispatches




m editorials 8: comments

Gloria Steinem tackles
sex abuse by employers

NF“ Yt)ltK-— She was as you
always see her these days, behind a
lectern. leaning into amicrophone to
talk of the contributions to misery
made by the male fear of women.

Her face was a slender oval
peering between thick curtains of
brown hair. She startedas a writer
Gloria Steinem (lid. andshe easily
could have been qurte affluent by
now. Instead. the writing career
dripped onto the floors of a thousand
stages at meetings such as this one
last Saturday and she meets her
t xpen ses. perhaps. Of course her life
has been an enormous success.

She was a tthe (‘ommunity Church
of New Yorkon East 35th Street to




start pushing what she feels is an
issue that willprediice motionin the
sluggish women‘s movement: the
sexual harassment of women at
work. The audience was not large,
but the idea and the fever was there
and this is all you need. As a
woman's columnist from a
Philadelphia paper explained.

Whatever starts with agroup like
this in New York becomes a major

issue six months later in
As Gloria began speaking. a

woman in the audience tried to quiet
a baby. The noise seemed louder

than it actually was because of the
church setting. Finally. thewoman

did what women with crying babies
have done in church for all of my
time. She got up wearilyand began
walking toward the doors in the

"Ah, th's woman walking outwith
thcbaby,” Gloria said “Why don't
you come back and sit down? We
seem to cheerfully put upwith noise
from jet plans We certainly can
take a nice infant sound."

The audience applauded and the
woman came back and sat down;
the baby continued making noise.
but this time it didn‘t seem as loud.
If this smallaside of hers catches on
and becomes part ofthe woman‘s
movement. then Gloria Steinem will
also be responsible for the
destruction of the 11 o‘clock mass.

She was first aroundin 1962 when
she took a job as a Playboy Club
bunny and wrote an article for Life
magazinethatmustbe creditedwith
forming a piece of the start of the
women's movement. Now.1962 is a
long time ago. and Life magazine
has been dead for years. And I did
notwish to ask Gloria herage. It is
notthat l wasafraid of hurting her
feelings; I simply didn‘t want to
hear the answer We were around
together inthis city during the years
l consider the start andl do notwant


to be told how long it has been for
both ofus, especially me.

She got into the women‘s
movement for the same complicated
reasors that anybody does anything.
Her life has been one of cool
disorder. “I have a theory that
anything you do is easier than
writing,“ Gloria says.

“Being arrested at a demon-
stration and going to jail is
preferable to sitting and startingan
article or, God forbid, abook.“ She
used any excuse to get away from
the typewriter.Speech invitations to
women‘s and political groups were
gratefully accepted. Soon she was a
recognized leader more than a
writer.Now she is listed as founder
and one of the editors of Ms.
Magazine, which sponsored
Saturday's meeting. “Thatstillisn‘t
writing," she pointed out.

With Steinem, beautiful, ac-
mmplished and sought after, the
women‘s movement had an im-
mediate defense at the start against
the male scream thatit was made up
of lesbians or dissatisfied women
who were too old toget a man. And
now here she was again,with her
movement in need of a lift after the
equal rights amendment stumbling,
and she had people comeup and talk
in public aboutwhatwomen always
have been tootimid to mention: the
boss trying to take advantage of

At first,mention of the topicleads
to quick humor. But then Saturday,
a gray-haired woman in her 505
stood up and stilled you.

”I earned $185 a week in a one-
wornan office,“ she said. “I was the
secretary,bookkeeper, receptionist
and phone girl. It was an investment
company. The man who owned it
wasa millionaire. A Phi Beta Kappa
at college. Yet the first time I
brought the mail into him, he made
a gesture. I turned and walked off.
The next time I had to go into his
office, I said [didn’t like it anddidn't
want anymore ofit. Hesaid to me
thatthe only reasonhe was doing it
was because of myage. He said I‘d
obviously been through the mill and
Ididn‘tdeserve any better. He got
up and started to take off his pants.
Well,l quit. Now I can’t find a job.
They look at my resume and say,
‘Oh, goodness, you only stayed there
a short time. You must be a job
hopper. We can‘t use you.”‘

It happens to older women a lot,"
Gloria said. “So the reason for the
harassment is power as much as
anything else. The key is how
powerless you are, not how at-
tractive you are."

Steinem satin the front row with a
striking young woman, Hattie
Connolly,who said: “I think it also
has to do with whenever men feel
threatened. I did a study for the
Urban Institute on pnlicewomen

when they first started inNew York.
I found out that when the

policewoman became as good at. her
job, the sexual comments come over
the radio. If the policewoman wasn‘t
goodshe hea rd noth ing. She was no
threat and the male policemen felt
no need of putting her foot down.“

A dark-haired woman in her early
205 stoodup. She said that in her
final year of college the professor
made an appointment with her in the
officeHe asked her out for a drink
and she refused. “He said to me,
‘Oh. if you‘re too embarrassed to be
seen outwith me, then come up to
my apartment.’ I told him no. lie
kept it up for some time and finallyl
said that I‘dsee the dean. He said to
me, ‘I'lljusttell the dcanthat I‘m
well aware that you‘re gay ‘I was
afraid to say anything because of
this. Atthe end ofthe year he gave
mea low mark in in" major. I had no
way to complain."

The stories told on the stage dealt
with indignities. notwithtle aspects
of slavery that the subject indicates.
However, this was the first. public
meeting on the topicand the first
speaker hadb roken ground. There is
more to come.

Lin Farley, who has just finished a
book for AIcGaw-Hill called Sexual
Shakedown was telling of a situation
with female janitors at the
University of Michigan. “At night,
the foremen would lock them in the
buildings.'l'hcy were black women
and Puerto Rican womcnneedcdthc
jobs desperately. The foremen
would coerce them into having sex.
We got twoof the women to sign
complaints. The school said there
was notenough evidence. Then one
ofthe foremen killed himself and left
a note which we haven‘t been
allowed to see. The women still have
the casein grievance."

As they tilkcd,l was thinking of
the dayafter blackoutin Brooklyn.
A guy I know whoruns a policy
numbers business in the Bushw'ick
section was pointing toacouple of
burned-out stores.

“Some of the people here knew
what they were doing.“ he said.
"These owners were hiringwomen,
and payin‘ them under the minimum
wage. And then the women had to go
in the back with the bosses and do
things. If they didn‘tthey losttheir
jobs. Lastnight, those joints were
the first ones to go on fire. People
aren‘t as dumb as you think.“

Saturday, Ms. Steinem was taking
on this issue. with merely a few
people getting up and telling their
stories to a smallaudience. But the
potential for something broad and
disturbing was there. Iler record
shows that you‘llhear more about it.


(01977 by JIMMY HRHSIJN.

D'stributed by The (‘hicago Tribune-
New York NewsSyndicate. Inc.

an.“ 1m“ AW

Mahmud News hilt-r ( Mel Photograph-r ( up; Edltou
sen lamiiur SuunM Durham lllll Kuhi
Judith l-Zuei tun
“Infill gm“ Annotate Editor Spot‘s Edltor Lyn!" Funk
M Gnhrhl Mark Mitchell David lllbbltt: Heuy Pearce
Phll Rutledge
mun Editor Sta" Ant-t Am Editor
Jo. Kemp Mlllam Punt: Thomas t'lark




Shah’s visit protested

Shah Pahlavi last visited the U.S.
in May 1975. Since that time there
has been an upsurge in the Iranian
people's movement against his

About 250,000 workers have gone
on strike, many of them shot on
picket lines or killed under torture,
hundreds of peasantuprisings have
led to violent clashes with the


government. universities are closed
several times a year because of the
regime‘s fear of student protests,
more than100,000 political prisoners
and so on.

The two factors are severe
economic crisis becauseof the back-
wardness of the economy and its
control by U.S. corporate interests
and repression by afascist regime
are behind the upsurge in the
people‘s movement.

Since the Shah‘s last visit U.S.
military aid to the regime has also
been escalated. There are now more
than 27.000 U.S. militaryadvisers in
Iran. Arms sales to lran-an un-
derdeveloped country which cannot
supply the masses of its people with
food. clothing and shelter—totaled
$13 billion over the lastsix years.

The almost complete dependence
on U.S. trade rivals Europe and
Japan and to a lesser extent, the
U.S. itself, on Persian Gulf Oil
makes the dominationof the area a
key factor in America‘s quest for
world dominance.

While OH is the main source of
profits for the United States cor-
porate powers. non-investment
investments are also enormous.

In 1975 non-oil U.S.-Iranian trade



Aw, shucks

In response to that thar “New
York“ letter to the editor by Ms.
Michaels, I shor would like to make
a comment or two. Well. shocks, I
ain‘t nothin but an old hillbilly from
Kaintuck, but 1 do know a few

One. I just don‘t see where it
makes anydifference where a teller
takes a crap, whether it be in a
ceramic bowl or in a hole in the
groundl mean the shit don‘t care
and neither do I.

Also, I surely have to admit that
t Lexington ain‘t a prime city, but it
don't have the overcrowding,
prostitution, pornography, slums
and just plain dirt thatcomes from
seven million people living in a few
square miles.

Shoot, ma‘am, even if I was
married when l was 13 and all my
relatives were too. I doubt we could
produce anywhere near the
population of New York.

I sure am glad to the people of
New York for helping as poor, back-
ward people in Kentucky. Maybe
one day we can be in as “good"
shape as New York, but I hope not.

I love Kentucky. not because it‘s
called Kentucky, but because it's a
beautiful place to live. And that‘s
why I think jealousy is the wrong

rose to $2 billion or five times the
figure for 1972.

Arms sales is another source of
profit for American corporations.
For example US. arms sales in the
fiscal year 1977 (ending in Sep-
tember) totaled $9.9 billion world-
wide. $5.5 billion of which went to
Iran alone.

Three factors are the background
of the Shah’s visit to Washington
Nov. 15.

~The growing struggle of the
Iranian people against U.S. im-
perialism and the fascist Pahlavi

WThe growth of U.S. corporate
interests in Iran.

~—'l‘he growing direct and indirect
U.S. military presence to make Iran
an “oasis of stability“ for American
corporate interests.

The Shah‘s visit is timed to
coincide with the conclusion ofa six-
month National Security Council
study on the Persian Gulf region.

Undoubtedly, the main topic of
discussion between Jimmy (‘arter
and the Shah will be the escalation of
the U.S. military presence in the
Persian Gulf area.

A recent Senate Foreign
Assistance Subcommittee staff
report (Aug. 2, 1976) recommends
increasing American military
strength to 60,000 bythe end of the
decade and states that, “This
support may not be sufficient to
guarantee success for the Iranian

The report, which has been sent to

the Pentagon. contemplates the
possibility of direct U.S. in—

The other superpower, the Soviet
Union is interested in Iran and the
Persian Gulf for motives similar to
those of the United States. The U.S.

word, Jeanne. because I doubt
anyone would move from Kentucky
to New York.

Unless, like you. they were
ignorant of the things that really
make a difference.

Psychology Senior

Amazed at facts

I would like to comment on the.
“Jealousy" letter in Friday's
Kernel. First of all, I‘m amazed at
the wealth of facts you possessed
about outhouses, bathrooms.
restaurant ownership. marriage,
childbirth and pornography—root to
mention your obviously well-
research criticism of Kentucky

Frankly. there is so much wrong
with the letter it‘s hard to know
where to begin. I guess the first
place would be thcmisconceptions
held by the author.

Where did you get your in-
formation that New York's poverty
areas had working bathrooms, or
even bathrooms, for that matter?
And what makes youthink indoor
facilities where thefamily lives and
sleeps with the defecation and
urinary stench (including germs
which cause disease, Music Major)
is better than a separated hole in the

presence in the region also increases
the dangerof confrontation and war
between the two superpowers.

The US. governmentbrought the
fascist Shah to power by a CIA
engineered coup in 1953. It supplied
his regime with allof the repressive
apparatus of a modern fascist police
state, built his army and now is
considering the possibility of
dispatching troops to allow the Shah
to keep Iran in the Dark Ages by
suppressing the just struggle of the
Iranian people for independence and
democracy. This is done in the in-
tercsts of giant US. companies
without the knowledge or consent of
the American people.

The real interestsof the American
people lies in uniting with the
Iranian peopleandcondemning the
Shah's visit.

The Iranian Student Asociation in
the US. will be staging protests
against the Shah's visit throughout
the countryW'e‘ll be protesting U.S.
supportof the Shah‘s regime and its
recent plots against Iranian people.
raise thevoice of Iranians who are
struggling against tyranny, op-
pression and liberation from the
yoke of U.S. and other corporate
powers and expose the hypocrisy of
Carter‘s “human rights"campaign.

We will hold a meeting to plan
activites in Lexington 7 pm.

Wednesday in room 117 of the
Student Center.

We invite all prospective
Americans who uphold the

traditions of genuine human rights
of the US. people and their an-
tiimperia list movements which have
nothing to do with the bogus humna
rights show by (‘arter to join us.


This commentary wassubmittedby
the Iranian Students Association.

——Letters to the editor———

I hardly think New York put
Lexington on the mapand l was
shocked and appalled to discover
that “the whole town" is owned by
outsiders. Even if the majority of
businesses were owned by in-
div idua ls from outside the Bluegrass
tWhICh they‘re not) they obviously
likcit or they wouldn‘t stay.

Hut 1 don‘t think there‘s any point
mcontinuing to expose this author‘s
unsupported evidence. Most people
who read thatlettcr recognize it for
the quality it isl—bullshit.

Even to compare Lexington with
New York on the basis of poverty,
business. culture, history and
pornography and try to make the
conclusion that Lexingtonians are
jealous demonstrates the ignorance
ot the author. What city in the world
would want New York‘s problems
with the poor and crime‘.’ And you
accuse Lexington of ignorance?

What‘s the matter, Music Major,
did you flunk a Bluegrass Music
test‘.’ (to back to New York and get
off on you Punk Rock.

I am opposed to stooping to your
level for an argument, but so you
can fully comprehendthe meaning
of ms response, “Get your head out
of your ass and lookaround you. If
you don‘t like what yousce, get the
hell out."

Terry Wilkes
Social Work Graduate Student




 New tuition plan adopted
will up late payment fee

By JEANNE ii‘l-leNl-IS
Kernel Reporter

A new policy for tuition
payment has been adopted by
the Billings and (‘ollections
office, to be started at the
beginning of the coming
spring semester.

l'nder the announced
program, students have an
extended three-week period
at the beginning of the
semester to pay tuition.
Those who do notpay during
this time will be dropped
from the student enrollment

Payment can be made by
mail prior to the beginning of
the semester or in the Student
(‘enter Ballroom during the
first week ofschool. For the
next two weeks. payment
must be made in the Service

If a student fails to pay
during the first three weeks of


todate can pay tuition. plus
the reinstatement tee, and
still be enrolled.

Jack lilanton. vice-
president ot‘ business affairs.
said late tee payment has
been a noticeably increasing
problem. A committee was
formed last winter to study
the situation of delinquent
tuition payment.

The fee committee that
made the proposals to
liianton was composed of six
administrative and six
student members. Pilanton
said the students had an
active voicein the formation
ofthe new policies and often
were more “hard~nosed"
than the administration in
pushing for a new fee
payment policy.

The committee
unanimously approved the
proposals sent to Blanton.

'l‘wo reasons prompted the
formation of the committee



chaos at ilillings and
collections last semesterthe
week alter payment could be
made in the Student (‘enter
Ballroom.“ he said. “Lines
were long and confusion

"There were also
assessment problems with
l.'l‘l il.exington 'l‘echnical
liistitutel students and UK
students taking classes at
if”. this caused confusion in
the lines. Hopefully these
problems hau- also been
straightened out," lilanton

Waiting lines willbe color
coded. maps will be handed
out to tell locations of various
departments and
arrangements will be made
so students in wrong lines will
not have to keep returning to
the end of lines.

[in student has a bona~fide
problem with paying tuition

KENTUCKY K l'fRle'l.. Monday. October 31. l977-«3


Career Alternatives for Sociology Majors

Nov. 1 3:30 pm- Rm. 206 SC.

Representatives from:
FI‘IIH‘IILH. .ltlll [\l-‘tllHl \‘l‘lil\( rl\'l‘lilt
l.e\ington-l-'a_\ ctte l'rhan hot i.
Sin-cling it; Snelling limplov merit \gelic\
Sponsored by Dept. of Sociology h- Student

\ctiic in



it offers protessnonal development and

0 must h: n ‘J ‘1
o atthow” 're mum ‘i-r age is lit WirilS .e', ten applicants
under 20 'wt-I'.’ the ".- ltu ant wot-petite necessary to quality
0 must meet medical and leg: ClllE'ra


L. lli’wr‘



- i



,1 357 w. Short St.


Halloween ifiarty

jazz & insanity
with the


costumes-drink specials-surprises and



- lasts from 4 to 14 weeks. u5uatty in the host c0untry
- emphasizes language and cultural studies
0 monthly allowance tor food lodging Ineldentals
0 medical care
0 readiustment allowance of $125 per month set aide in the
U S uSually payable at completion 0t servuze
0 optional hie insurance at minimum rate
0 personal satisfaction and overseas career development
NEEDED: People with experience or degree: in:
Education, especially mathxsclence
special education. industrial am
Engineering. especially Civil Engineering
Nutrition. Home Ec (Degree required)
Health Professions
Skilled Trader
Auto/Diesel Maintenance

Placement. lif'f‘ice
.‘iovemter lh, 15.
Student rTtr, ‘Iov iii-16.



























. . , n time, exce tions will be
$1 school, a $50 reinstatement and the actions it reeom- “. ‘ .. | . p. ,- .. '
. . . ,, . __ made lllt stumnt willhau
~le fee will be charged.” this mended, this semester Hob to t'ilk to Financial Aid 0
‘ tee.plus normal tuition, has students (lid not paidtuition ll' ,‘. - ,
.- . . . ,. Il(‘( tor Jim in lo about
notbeen paid by the lastdaya until after the firstwcek of getting a promisogiv note Mon. OCt- 31
s student may withdraw from school. Payment in the S(‘ ltl'mton said it must .
classes without a grade. the Ballroom was extended this ..val_(,wm a true hardship j
student is reported delinquent semester from three to five _, ’ .. . - » . ~.
. . . . . . rast to pay tmtion by this
it tor one-half of his tuition (if days, yet, Blanton said. this mciiiod ‘
the studenthas attended any did not reduce the number of ' . . . .
classestlleis officially with- late payers. it a student s tuition is
drawn from the University Another problem the beingpaidbyatIhird-partyIta
andcannot enroll until the committee cited was the company. lPHOWShIp.
following semester. student practice of signing up llonIovan land or others), t
The currentth policyisto for classes, withholding fillings and (‘ollr-ctionsmust
collectstudentfees during the itatnwnt and later deciding bcnotiiied by Jan. 5,1978. if
ses first week of the semester.“ whether or not passing lltlll‘t‘ixll‘lt‘il.tl studentwill be
tar thei’eeshavenot been paid by grades can be received. it “it'd '01‘ ‘lt‘hll‘lllt‘m'N ”1 “f“
the third day of classes tuition isnotpaid.low grades ltiiiillt'mfitl‘d "WM have his NEW MANAGEMENT SALE
the tr‘ridayl there isa $51ate-fee or failures will ”0i m. registration cancelled.
[A charge. If the student still recorded on a student's lilantonsaid lieencourages Oct. 3] - NOV. 5
led fails to pay by 30 working transcripts. To date, 791 fill‘tlt‘ms 1" Pit." Willi)“ b." [0% discount anyfime with UK LD.
"'9 days after the beginning 0f students still have not paid ”W1 't‘M‘t‘P‘ “m"lClil' “id .
lice the gemvsien there is an their fees recipientsl lie pointed out —io per centoil on allshoes Adidas, Tiger.Converse . III
is additional reinstatement fee Blanton said measureswill lht‘ HM‘ ”1 hitting hi mail -$8-5°PrA”CO'OFCdCN‘Vr‘SCO"V€'Se 2% “M M;
of ot$23toputa student'sname be taken to keep confusion :mdthc lens hnes that are 417.95WoltwarmupsRegéfoIzIS '
hah hack on the enrollment lisL surroundingfee pavinentat a avoided. Deadline for spring —50 per cent oiiAllTennis 0 mg I .
by ['ndor [his policy' students minimum this coming semesterpayment by mail is —40 per centoiiAiiTennis IlfaIchRucts I Don t Be caught WIthOUt You" ' '
the whostiil have not aidtuition semester. "There was near- Jan, 3. M8. —33 per centotlA“ Raquel a “(We 9 - °
Mid p ——33percentoli Allwomensspecdoswtmsuns senior YearbOOk Portralt
in‘ «50 per cent one rack wool coats
' _ I - t .‘i ll ' > ' -
leS State bu rley g rowers try » 25per ccntteamordcriootbal b‘iSkt ba itrseys Make YOUY appomtment "OW
tof 753.00 colored gym baqs req $4.95
. . women-Hem in Rm. 251 so
t f ht h h h d
the 0 '9 I over ea Mont910078:00 Oct. 3i-N0v. 4 9004200 1:005:00
;he . . Tues~Sat-9:00»5:30
llyJM‘K li'.-\lNWRI(illT Itcrgland di‘oppchthe idcani "\l’c \c tell the pressure and 343 Southiand Shopping Center I This is yOUI’ last chance!
tin Kernellteporter price supports this year for noticed it ioming for some OtfofNicholasvuie Rd 277-3977
asts loose leai burley. time.“
tout “The price of producing According to (iraddy, the Itcynolds is the largest (**************************************
l. . hurley has increased four to restraining order \\ as tobacco manatacturer in the * ,
its livetimisin thelastcoupleof dropped three weeks ago I S. GUILLERMO S
)le. years. while the price paid to because it was “unrealistic. w“, mmmlupiu“.pm“. leaf *
are larmeis has doubled," said he tried to strike back any [0,)“qu changcwouldhave 4k *
op- “sm‘t‘timddy. a membcrof \‘iltt‘t‘t'ttl'ld-” '3"~*“'d' to lie tlli‘ltlt‘ in production 4K ATORS *
the the Hurley Producers Now. says (.raddy. the material. equipment and i
.‘ate Marketing t‘oop. “This group has two options expansion of wliarehouse *
yof means a small profit per available. First. the group space." t'ousart said. "But K K
gn. pouIiiil, i d . in hasprrIiposed thctormation oiI lteynolds ”I prepared to meet * *
Dian ie more note -in ey proeerures in soiing anr these demands." I . II II """" I III .
lm ll‘dl'lllt‘i‘sl get. the more sellmg tobacco through the (‘ousart called for unity * I‘M“ [11"1i,.;\:); l:1:6,};leillitliliilgt! tiiiliiiti”stiiiutihiiii: :
" '. u .- . '~.. l‘ ‘..l .._ u "‘..
the . ingenious theyIIget. he said. roop. lllt toop would attas a ”mm “mm“, producers, * titti’ItI . llli III. IIIII those freebies irom Diner‘s
‘ “ Il‘llls is the lll‘St time far~ tlt‘tllt'r. w ha I‘ (i house in t‘ n tllld * )Illtt It gr gI I ‘ . I‘ .- ‘ .I .I . *
. . . t ' " 'l'l . d 'h ‘n - 1d bi llathonsc .\ttuall\. ont of you fishes did. luntSthiltr.
tive 5. ”HT“ have m en united. K “um. k ottewou t manufacturers on the loose ¥ 3 lil l\ three )l‘l‘(ll"lltlfl\' llewon the honors of *
the 'I The coop recently soughta court action to prevent leaf i531,“ 'I“‘-‘~\”‘t~ “ .I _ I lI II~III b it t dinner 'llltl the
ghts i restraining order to keepthe discrimination of tied hurley According to (iraddy. * "“"“‘l"'”tl1“‘I’l’I‘I“‘“I:I“" ‘I‘ ‘Liskh .I‘: li‘ I'l;l\lttlll\t‘ ‘K
an- i bui‘ley market from opening. lasystertn in whishthe bLIirley politicians have let them * IiIlII.iiiiIiIIiIiIiIiIinIciIi IpIay. . u nanr on .a lllil s _ i
.. I . I . t , i t i l v \ . , , . . . . s '
lave l Ili(.()[(i(r“OUId "mallowlhe roll-t I one m our 0050 down and manufactuters * .\e.\i week‘s act is not meant for the squeamish *
nna ~ ”Wk"! [0 0pc" "mil a be" “‘I‘ . , haw broken their word. t- - 'itled "\lmc tucr \lis \larkham ' the fully l'lelht‘d ‘k
s. i tiement wasreached ina sud According to John (I ousarIt. "They agreed [0 buy loose i l”. l . I ‘l' ,1. m I . wh I"! [flu H” .l infirm)!“ iarec and
lillt‘d against Secretary of tlSSlslalil director (ll public [mil H llt‘ Silid. i ll ‘1}1 ill I” ’H ilil l 5‘1 l I‘m-l \‘ti i\ iltll iliil *
— ,.. .. ,. .\.~ . t ‘ . ‘ iilgl iculscigisru‘. .t‘
lby .\inIIicInltIui: ltob i"i3(drghii:i; iIItIlaItIiItIiIiIiI: loIIrOthlzItIIII itIIIIJ. “(inert-r. ( ousart said that * innit int-get the l'itlt‘s check the teams you think K
on. K N“ \tdS l? d \ ‘ i ‘ H “(I‘mlldS gave I" Slilillllltl * Itrlti \\ilt .illrl illt'liitl lltt‘scili't' oi the lit'lit‘t‘ttki‘t‘ ill case It *
- grant to both [1‘ and the .oincsdowntoit .indxlmthoselngyaluahlepasscs *
BUY baSketba“ tICkets tOdaY l_,”,'\'“'3'[-V ”t “,""“‘5.5.°“' * lhultlllttt‘ltlt‘t'ltll'} is l p m .l‘d‘ltiil)’. .\'o\ i Soentcr
llh‘ system 0‘ bailing * mil.” ,\o Ii..ttltl.\ ti‘ buttocks tlnly one entry per living *
General admission tickets game must show two student proved to be better."he said. “hm WIN, *
to the UK-ltussian basketball identification and activities ltcynolds also agreed to * '
t game Nov. 11 go on sale this cards at the front east side buy loose leaf only for ex- * *
pu morning from