xt7qjq0sv11p https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qjq0sv11p/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1980-02-06 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 06, 1980 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 06, 1980 1980 1980-02-06 2020 true xt7qjq0sv11p section xt7qjq0sv11p VOL LXXH. N0. loo K2] 2] unhm“, of Km‘HCKY
V Wednesday, February 6, ”80 an ' t "me Lexington, Kentucky
' . ,. ,1"; ' . 7 E: ' I n .
__., , Byline strike continues,
» f- ‘ f “‘2‘," ' V ' ‘1» 7 ,4, " ' . .
. a, r no qurck SOIUtIOfl seen
' -:' . i-- =-‘ , *1‘ 'i . “we;
- . . ,_ ”a“ By CARY WILLIS “We caught them (the Herald-
, lg : _‘ , " '- Managing Editor Leader Co.) paying some people less
_ .-. ’ ‘ ”123' ', " ' $1.. ‘ than minimum wage," Foley said.
_ . - .g. V - » - 7 “We haven’t had a contract for 14 “Darlenegot the award became of
' ' ., , ,V fl: in months!” said 3 Lexington Leader thevery difficult odtk sheis working
‘ . , ‘ ' ' 1 . '. -sV . ” reporter, discussing the contract against. This is the South; it‘s
I ' . ' 3-} dispute between Herald-Leader Co. traditionally non-union."
.- , ”"" 7 , , , . _ employees and piblisher Creed Dick Ramsey,executive secretary
- , ’ ,: ,V g ”a“ , ., , Black. of the guild's Contracts Committee
, ' ,7... , 3 he... . - The reporter, who asked not to be in Washington, D.C., said the award
a . , ~ ‘ WV . .1 identified. said it was “ridiculous" was designed to “recognize and
. , . 74,, 7- " f‘V . y “‘ N that the conflict has existed since encourage local guild leadership."
. 7 i . a“; , ’ " 1% *' ~ K...‘ ‘ October 1978. He said Bowden was cited “for her
' ,_ ”.22”, . \V W‘s. 2~7.:, 3 . Since March 1979, members of the involvement in almost every
v ,%o ’ x“ ., - Lexington Newspaper Guild have aspect" of labor relations, “She
g 1% . .' w i ‘ been on a “byline strike," in which showed a real willingness to
,yr of, - _ g _ ‘ . , . gm participating writers withhold their publicize bargaining issues, and a
/ j , ", _, - ‘: '1'7-13‘ , names from the top of stories. willingness to confront management
any“?s‘ " 4 45""; 7! Darlene Bowden, president of the over possible violations of em-
",,, Q; (I . .; 1 local guild, said the strike is a form ployees’ rights."
7%?» 7 . y of protest provided for in their Bowden said the salary aspect of
' 4‘ , i contract the dispute had been worked out. »
' " ' U , , _ ‘ w m" “M = "'3: ~» 7- ;: : “ ‘If an employee so requests, his The issue is not economics, she
5r: . . ..., ,;,-. V b lineshallnotbeused , ,, she said said. Its down to three or four
'4 .- 7 s; .; Vi rdading from her contract ‘ issues now. It's not what we‘re
5% , . ,7 .9 ,_ 7, Bowden, a Leader reporter for trying to get, its what we re trying
7. ”’6‘" of" . g "ago; {we k d ”f h a, ‘0 “01d 0" l0- , ,
'2 V 7 ,9, __ 7 years, was as e i s e ought “Th . m after our
. , ”5% 4 atwoflfi the strike has been effective. 9 °°".‘pa"’ ‘5 g° ‘3 , .
W9 t 4‘7 “Yes and no," she said. “No, contractiith a vengeance. We re ‘
~%?~3é}% . . . - _ ii 4 2 became this (the strike) has made giggle: for a few minor 1m-
V M . A V7. . .77 1 7 . .2229 t " Black very angry. Andeditors claim he ..i vements"
. By (iiisrm si ILETT/Kernel smr they have sole “Ellis to pm bylines B giggling othermr‘iireombers are
(ioi. Brown stresses a point during his speech at the final meeting of the told the 800 people attending the meeting at the Hyatt Regencyh that he on reporters stories. . asking for are: birthdays (If an
44th annual con rotation of the Kentiicy School Board Association. Brown favored professional teacher negotiations. ”50 m that way, I guess the strike “evergreen clause ., which asksithat
has been ineffective. But then, it is a ‘
. . . a contract be extended to cover
7 ' ' ' good pressure tactic; editors hke negotiation periods such as the
Brown favors professro nal negotiations mirrors mm
the Lea duo” y l ' esp ‘ y which would require that the guild . . '
' receive the same vacation and
By JAt‘Kl RI'IH) ('onsequently, Brown‘s address children,“ he said. Brown‘s address. He forcefully In a press release from the holiday allowances that the In-
Copy Editor was not well received by KSBA He did not fear teacher strikes. conveyed his intent to “keep Lexington gu'ld, Black was said to ternational Typesetters Union .
members as he airbrscd Senate “I‘m not worried about a power education as the number one have charged that withholding receives. . . .
Collective bargaining was the Bill 149. 'l‘m for it very strongly, struggle. . . I‘m not insecure,“ he priority in state govanment." bylinesis illegal. When contacted by The National Labor Relations
issue and scattered discontent was lust as strongly as you’re against said. "If we give them a chance to “There will bemore progress (in phone Monday, Black said, “We've Board is investigating the inspire
the result as Gov John '2' Brown it " grow and develop, they will make education) in the next four years filed a motion with the National and is expected to rule in the near .
7 7 Jr. presented his support of Mumbling filled the conference more of a contribution," he added. than this state has ever seen — Labor PtelationsBoard that our first future. . . _
professional teacher negotiations room and applause was absent as Brown emphwized that 33 of the Kentucky on the move," he said. amendment rights have been VBowden said she faced an ‘uphill
, in last night‘s concluding Banquet Brown voiced his hopes for the states were under thelaw and less Brown asked the board members violated." He did not elaborate. fight .t‘.’ improve my and working -
, Session of the «Hill Annual Con» hill‘s passage through legislation. than 1 percent of the teachers and administrators to get more Black contends the strike hm not conditions here In VLexmgton,
vention of the Kentucky School He called a teacher the “most strike. “Give our teachers a involved. “The more involved had much of an effect on the where workers are being paid $100
7 _ ' Boards Association. importantperson in the business of chance," he said, “let them be a lboard members and ad- newspapers‘ operation. “I think per week less than those at other 7
The convention, held Feb P. 5 at education“ as he compared that part of the leadership." ministrators are), the more ef- most of our people are going about comparable newspapers. . ..
the Hyatt lit‘imnry. covered position to one of a manager in the He asked that the teachers be fective the school board will be," their business and putting out the “But we arentabout to give up,
' . various Issues ranging from in- chicken business on whom given the right to sit out once a he said. “Ilook at the school board paper,” he said. she said. _
7 structional programs to everything depentb. year to review the school situation, system as the management across Last week, Bowden, a 33-year-old Does Black foresee a settlement 1n
' , safeguarding stud-“n? safety ltis “likewise in the classroom,“ seek out problems and voice their Kentucky." Wingo, Ky.. nativet received the the near future? '
. , Howcwr. the $11.”: school board hcsaid. “theteacheris the one who gripes against the system to the Brown alerted the crowd of International Newspaper Guild’s He first declined comment, then 7
' . members and z'dniinistrators were opens the door and has a various school boards. listeners to the fact that the state Service Award for 1979. Monty said, “Well, not If the guild Vmain—
- equally conc crncd about a relationship with our children.“ “Welivein a modern world . . . if budget would be “tight this year." Foley, another Leader reporter and tains some of its present positions." . ‘
. professional negotiations bill and Brown called the enacmient of this legislation passes, I‘m gonna The recession, inflation and high a member of the guild‘s bargaining Bowden said sheisn't tryingto be
reaffirmedthcir opposing stanccto "PN" (Senate Bill 149) as the do everything I an to make it interest rates have eliminated any committee, said Bowden received difficult to deal with. “This strike
mandatorycollcctive bargaining in "most progressive step we can work," Brown said. chance for a surplus, according to the national award, given annually isn’t something we relish," she said.
yesterday's early morning take in education. Nothing is as Such determination was also Secretary of Finance George since 1954, “ix-obably for her work ”BU! I guess it‘s a necessary 9V”- ‘
business session important as the education of our expressed in other aspects of Atkins, alsopresent at themeeting. on the grievances (between union We’ve got our backs against the
‘ -————————— - members and the newspaper). wall."
. ll '
- n - l- . Some UK black students prefer cubic/e In Student Center Gn/I ,
‘ I“ mg me' th H d"' bl k d h't tdt
0 GIS say W8 I ustrates [VISION among ac an W I e S U an S
By JAY llAMBt'RG the blacks Were in here. Did they eager to 88¢ to know you very well." Not everyone, however, sees the the negative image implied by the seemed to say ‘What are you doing
Staff Writer feel uncomfortable?" Johnson quoted thr friends as wall in a negative fashion. wall. in here'?‘ ”
‘ . - saying ”UK is the on place where “It‘s a comfortable lace to meet .. . Johnson said one solution would be
Whether by force of habit or subtle “my? ba'dbthg: 5:8 goetietig‘e you can walk across the campus on friencb," said James ISmith, social th Marl? my “"9? even ”Bad” to “take thewall down and make it a
social pressure. most blacks are ””2““ flown}; ac 5:5 f. A: Sunday, seesomeonewithaBible in professionsjunior. “Itdoesn’t cause b vea an what 't means, said more natural place to mix."
' , apparently walled off from whites in "H Veh—wa is t false t er fie; his hand, and he won’t talk to you anyprohlems,andit‘s nice to havea “Em"? Elbow? Darryl Scott. But William Green, education ‘
, the Student Center Grill. sired Pb: "“1." no gm 3 became you're black." good place to study." "I .e sma' ""3 would be an senior. has different thoughts about
Frequenters of the room are divided 53,:3 d are ‘S way mac slim But according to Shirlee Traugh- Frank Walker, electrical exp 0:11” symbol and an unac- this idea. “It would be like those
ova the value of this custom. w‘ “as 0“ communica at a ' ber, telecommunications freshman, engineering freshman, said, “I do cepta e Situation. experiments where two groups of
"In away it's self-segregation." Johnson sees the wall as an UKdoesnot havea bad imagein her not feel any isolation. Naturally, “I was slanting in the grill line fish grow up in afferent bowls,”
said Linda Johnson, telecom- illustration of life at UK for many hometown, even though shewas able you’re more at ease with other once,“ Scott said, “when it backed Green said, “When you pour them ‘
munications sophomore. "When i blacks. “People are not openly to associate with more whites in blacks —»especially asafreshman." up into the roomwith the jukebox— into one pool, they still separate
first came to ['K I wondered why all hostile here, but they’re not too Mayfield, Ky. than she does at UK. Yet some students disagree with lgot more than one double look that themselves and mm apart." ,
as a! r 5.. . oday—h—————
V3,: 4 , *5. Hungary, internal controls were eased. In Argen- havelaunched new attacks against Sowet troops in
if? g g V V}, . ' . ’ , state tlna. the incididence of people seized without ex- north-east Afghanistan’s remote Badakhshan
Vv ' ' 7. _, . ,_ v, . planation dropped sharply and maybe near an end. province, inflicting casualties on the Sovret units
» _ » . » _. ‘ ‘N l ~ . ._ . Vi A MAJORITY OF BOTH Hot SE8 of the Ken- In Egypt, liberalization moved ahead under there,Westerndlplomatic sources in India reported
‘ I“ ‘5, , . _. f w- ' tucky General Assembly voted in Frankfort President Anwar Sadat. yesterday.
ye i. f. -, ~ yesterday to try to balance the state budget without These are among the findings in the State The Soviet news agency Tass confirmed an up-
! ¢ ’ $1- ta," 4.2.. ’ . Q‘\' resorting to a tax increase. Department's annual human rights report Iub- surge in attacks since last weekend in Badakhshan
~ 3,, ' ‘fi ’ i V 2 ' ‘ Democratic cats-uses in both chambers adopted a mitted yesterday toConu'esa. For thefirat time, all and two other province, Nanprhar and Paktia,
«V r. ._ Q Jr‘s. L, resolution directing the House and Senate Ap- 154 countries were surveyed. but its report did not mention Soviet troops, saying
' 7;.“ . _ . 7 ' - ~13 Pmpnations and Revenue Committees to balance instead that Afghan soldiers were "liquidating“ the
. ‘a ; ,3" " > w "2' V I. . the budget "by reducing or eliminating existing "s ELECTED. HE WILL take bribes and other “bandt gangs." .
’ .3 i .r, 7 ’ programsnfnecessary, andto comder the delay of forms of graft raise taxes and you fu- the Equal The Tau report also described the enemy as
, " "‘ - r" unfumbd IUlhOfilCd programs, ll ""5"!" Rights Amenanent "if the girls will fool around “well-armed," indicating that the raging con-
,3 ~ 3.....- The resokitlon directs the committees to consider» with me." tingents of Moslem tribesmen of jut a few weeks
.1 1,, . ' .. . for the 13082 budget 00h! those new or expanded Fred Copeland. Jr” . 30-year-old, Reno, Nevada, ago may beglvlng way toa better coordinated rebel
. . it, “ ,_ programs which the legislature considers essential used a, salesman who calls himself “Flaw Fred," force
I )f VV ‘ e; w —and toconaiderdeiaying funding ofthou .ntil the says hi candidacy in dedgned“to show what . joke weather
{V .. z m’ second year of the biennium. the political system is."
r ' -”" natio" He .dgfi a“! he lug nofih. but 1-.qu [a the THE SNOW SHOULD END some time "it If-
-‘ _ incumbent. But. lieseys. "if theotheridiota can run ternoon, but not will another three the?” 0' the
lll'MAN RIGHTS WERE repressed all around for office, so can i." white stuff has accumulator: wharf“ rims: pram;
By CHESTER SL‘BLE -K r the world in 1979 [)ictatorships,of the leftand right. chmceof precipitation dur ng e ay p n
Students are shown eatin and tdlkin at th Stud t1: e "I 5“" practiced torture and cracked down on dissent, world so pecent tontht.
so r UK M k 8 K 9 en enter Grill- according to a suite Department report. But here L0” man will be in the low an. Tomorrow
t me o 3 ac students have complained about the little room and there freedom took a step forward. ANTI-COMMUNIST REBELS. showing better there is a charm of now flurriea, with tem-
which is partioned from the main Grill area. Others have said they in two Warsaw Bloc countries. Poland and organization and stripped with heavy weapons. per-tuna staying in the upper 20:.
enjoy the room because it provides a place to gather.

 KENmKY Debbie McDaniel
er 2 hm” ”' l M" “I'll LVN" lum \uhn-y Thom-s (lurk John (lly G", I‘M."
Jay loam Bob ( ochnm Imerlummrn/ fill/ii,- Spur/t Eilunr Diret’liir of Photograph
(my Willis {lVlldll‘V ll/llllH Plul Mann
lluiiiiriiiiii liliiiu ( ind) “the: Salt hm... Brian Rickerd David Maynard
Jacki Rudd 4mm“, Ari-mam Spam Editor Photo Manager
. ¢ 4‘ 4 s44" “‘“44 Liu Dom-aid -’ 0/“ l‘llllrl't‘ FmerIummem Fill/or 4
editorlazej & con7ments (4444444444 44444444 Mill/rial [Jim .
S b ' . / If 1‘ IT I" b t ' /
car 0f0 S VIEWS 0n 0 ery ya a an [0/7, U II‘ISU t
- 4 ‘4 - - :4 44 44 a 44.4 mica. Greg. quoted as sayin4g,4adding that he believed “those “luck.” May we soggest that many studentsshow
4i4 4 ,, 4 .4 444% 4% liter since Dean of Students Joseph Burch of us who are Willing to wait in line that long were more “diligence, “hard work and sacrifice
' i ‘4?“ v ‘3 v 5 «WWW ' 5 .3 ..;.:iuunced the “experimental" plan to distribute probably a little more vocal and enthuSiastic in by attending to other concerns besrdes the pursuit
' .. afl‘é‘ f . mush-tball tickets via a lottery rather than the our support.“ 4 of a front row basketball ticket. 4
4 oi; ‘ 9' <17 as! $7.3? '. :.‘ ai'j f4 isao‘wional first-come first-served method, there Through his remarks, it is_ becoming apparent One further comment on the subJect. Scarboro
‘ s. .‘ , 4%" .; s *3; has been a steady stream of protest letters, that Scarboro equates sitting out in freezing and his cohorts may have broughtthe new policy
, 4 t a] \ 1Q " »- ._ 4 .:'tions and other noise. Many people have ex- weather for 24 hours or longer with loyal support on themselves by over-playing their hand In the
a t; .3 i 'I " . 4. '., i ‘ 4 pg“ 44 4 *. pressed their sentiments — both for and against of the4Big Blue In other words, a fan’s support of seasons Since Rupp Arena opaied, the waiters’
44 4 ' as 4.44,, 4. Kilt“ " .. 4 .4 14% 4'. plan ~ in the letters to the editor column of the Wildcats 18 measured not in sincerity, but in hour of arrival has steadily moved earlier into
4 g- 6. 444.54; 4 3 4 4 fig“ 45 paper, and others have taken the direct an hours spent waiting and proximity4to the floor. Saturday, the number of participants increased,
. i 4} 4 4334/17.. «444 4 .444 ' g- 4 4.,inach of gomg straight to the dean 5 office. This argument is not only insulting to the in- tents4and Small fires have replaced the original
4 v 4 4,- - 444 3 ,4 4 4: Z '4 at 4 44' one student. Greg Scarboro, a landscape ar~ telligenoe. but is a direct slap at the thousands of sleeping bags4and blankets, and4the amount of
" “To: M" i '5 4: .4. h? it t-hitectiire junior, has assumed the leading students who regularly attend and cheer the trash left behind has, of course, increased.4
.. " 4 " ”it ' "I: ' ‘ ; Z position in this drive and has. according to his team's exploits from their lofty perch in the upper Scarboro arguedt4oReecti11 that mt? “carryiréy
~ ' ‘ =;: a “if: 4 ' *2: ' ' ’ 33?. " i314; comments in Frida ’s Kernel. been attempting to arena. on" are “a Kentuc y tra 'tion” at is “hel in
- ‘. ' ' -. (we a 3" I. ll; 13's.: i enlist the support 3of Coach Joe B Hall, sport- It also smacks of the questionable philosophy awe by the rest of4the nation." But couple these
4 " .4444 ' 1 @4444 ~ scaster Cawood Ledford and Lexington telen‘sion thatanalumnus‘ loyalty to his alma mater canbe “carryings-on” With the damage done to the
' " r ' ' f 4 t, a announcers. Yesterday Scarboro escalated the measured in the number of dollars he gives to it Coliseum earlier this season, the complaints from
i 4 _ _ W . “”4“ if ‘i‘ anti—lottery campaign through a new channel -- each year. City fire and pohce dficials, and the extended
' .' W t p U' v Q W 9? Courier-Journal sports columnist Billy Reed. As Burch has said on numerous occasions, and clean-up time, and the University had a situation
. 4 ,4 ' ‘ .. - ' “a. Wit. t 4 4% 1n the column. Reed outlined the situation for repeated in the Reed column, the lottery system it would sooner or later find intolerable.
' ,e .. 9 ~. . 4 3" :4 .. Z5" his readers and then threw the column open for a may distribute the tickets in such a way that Thelottery system may eventuallyprovetobea
. 4 :"’4 44.3 4/ .9454 . . ‘7’ ii . g Burch—Scarboro due]. The exchange of remarks allows the student who cannot afford to spend 24 detriment to the intense (read: loud) student
4444 ' f; at» ‘ ' ’ ‘ .. “ 4 4 served the purpose of shedding additional light on hours outside the Coliseum a chance to see the support which has become a Rupp Arena
' ~ , 4. ' -. ‘44 o. "44‘: ‘l ; '- the motives of both sides - and Scarboro came games from someplace other than the ozone trademark. Then again, it may prove to be a fair,
' ' " t .' t4 “ i 44 3a. 1: " out on the short end. layers of Rupp Arena. Burch cited the extremely eqmtable way of distributing student tickets
' 4 ~ 1 . ' lif"1' to!» a Scarboro's comments to Reed fleshed out plausible examples of medical school studentS, Wthh gives all the Big Blue’s loyal supporters a
. .4 '- “ f t . , ' " ' a arguments he made in the Friday Kernel married students and working students who have chance to holler in the players’ ears.
it ‘5‘ « 4 . 53' i °’ * t arguments that are hardly complimentary to his obligations which cannot be shunned in order to Scarboro admitted to Reed he doesn’t “want to
‘ I ' - . ‘i t” he! " = v ‘3, fellow students and suspicious in their motivation. see the players' faces from their Section 3144593843- be denieii “411434 opportunity tIoI sit germ front for me
~ . - 4 , '” "Waitin in line has becomea tradition foralot Scarboro‘s answer to this argument ist at e seniors’ as omegame.” en ’ worry— e .
. “V!“ I in ' t of CK studgents who are willing to sacrifice to gel "diligenm hard work. sacrifice and true-blue wordS“thank YOU”can find their way down from
'4 . 4 in imiiiroiii iii-memoir the best seats near the floon“ Scarboro was spirit" of linewaiters willbe thwarted in favor of the Upper deck, too.
' l
Ammcanwmmg" Letters to the Editor
' N SFf'l t h II M
ewwae asocaene --
' ' . v I g SUSDICIOUS for women and other measures number of pledges a, the\ did last
. 4 4: 4 44 44 4 4 44 44 4 When i was In high school. two designedtoaid thedisenfranchised; spring. '
' 4 , . By JOHN M "RBUROU'H NZ?“ inveslttigatesh ta cultrtrebguly carbon at the 035” level. lhmlt girls lll my class were rumored to be and since they offer only platitudes The fraternities showed responsibil-
4 4 , a4ien, a cu ure t4a4 mg. as ()f would it44