xt7qnk361p0s_1127 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qnk361p0s/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qnk361p0s/data/88m6.dao.xml Inland Steel Company 185 Cubic Feet archival material 88m6 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Wheelwright Collection Coal miners -- Housing -- Kentucky. Coal mines and mining -- Appalachian Region -- History. Company towns -- Kentucky -- Wheelwright. Community development -- Kentucky -- Wheelwright. Coal mines and mining -- Kentucky -- Wheelwright Theatre text Theatre 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qnk361p0s/data/88m6/Box_320/Folder_21/88m6_320_21__8114.pdf section false xt7qnk361p0s_1127 xt7qnk361p0s 74/5/ \t¢'/QLAU“y/L15L&4L .L( 911;, 1349‘
Mountain Investment, Inc.
I J c w W LP”
-‘ TOTAL 336/), 77
Return This Stub with payment

92F: ‘fi’fifl T»‘ ._117 (‘“TJC:Z““T:
Mr. a Mrs. Rex tilson have the permission or tats Company
to leave a show case 9rd a oopoorn machine stored on a
bblwpdl‘dry Janis CHILL]. b'uvh CLIP; ’r., ULLU uuCgVueg.’ building
may be rented or used for other purposes. These items
may be stored in t“; ouilding Hung) a; one “neelwziggg Wheater
at the risk or the owners, Mr. & “it. ”mluJu,8Hu Loujpain
Investment will not be PQLQSMSLbiJ 13F tutu _u a.-- or i gt,
vandaltam, or LheLt.
‘ "' 1...“..3... -’.,_ ._ - -. _.. _..r- .2 K..-
:,,.QLQI. 15. ..cle, max.
--,../.-._ .. '_"(__‘,g4;'-,...,___.____i _. '.-Li.‘ u A _.. ..- _. .__ \
Mr. Let gaion


#heelwright. Kentucky

Janurry 33, 1967
Mr. Fred F1“cvburn
150 C stlewood Drive
Leke Columbia
Brook 3;, MiCb. 39230
Dear Fred:

Having to do, further, with our telanhone
quversetion and your letter of the 18th concerzixg
rental on the Uneater here ac Nneelwrighs.

It is n05 onseible to consiiwc « lower Tent
flsure than that now being charged 0p +hp thenfer end
the other equipment and fficilities there.

Since we 0 c not lower the rewt on the Theater
to your satisfaction — we will caneider your letter
or Jfinucry 19th as cvnrqllvtLtfi or Lerwixetlc; entice
of the Wheelwright Pheater rent contr ct — aff=ctive
‘5 of ?ebru’?y 1F, 1067.

We would appreci”te you remitting for the
refits which are in arenas. :‘hce we must mnke reports
or fresc 15ers and we do net 3‘?9 L 330% Such 'm arts
‘3‘ Hpjy3~ nwtet'fldir‘7.

‘v’nnre verv trn‘fi'
,, t::~:';;;j" I: 173‘“?! M, IT‘C .
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Hr. Grit hells
Hountain I vestmcnt CO.
..W. Lax 497
w!1CulT.’l‘i~h-I}, IZLVP‘UUCILLI.
De_r LT. Lells:
ibis litter ;s is csnfirm OPE tcl :honc conversation thigh
MC ficg this marrjnj in rugards .0 erLciv- She re_L a; an
”agelvrijt the $30.
If wc cum: unable 120 ya UL.:II agrccwvxrt an LI‘IL e armnxrc of
rent I should gay Ctgrting J'nugry l, 1967, you :'y consT42r
tlxls L i/Crr Hg' motixjc t:>:?LSCfI2tiru43 oy.:u CLTQf'Lgb lJlgelTIfi Ezt
theatre effective FCUTUAT§ 15, 1967.
Very,t;u}y y U E, /
Vix/(QI; /\ 4,4—4% _ f L!" 142/1
Frgd U_ackburn
150 Castlewood Dr.
Lake Columbia \
Brooklfn, Lichiftn AQ’BO
Jennary 1:, 1967.
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