xt7qnk361p0s_568 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qnk361p0s/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qnk361p0s/data/88m6.dao.xml Inland Steel Company 185 Cubic Feet archival material 88m6 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Wheelwright Collection Coal miners -- Housing -- Kentucky. Coal mines and mining -- Appalachian Region -- History. Company towns -- Kentucky -- Wheelwright. Community development -- Kentucky -- Wheelwright. Coal mines and mining -- Kentucky -- Wheelwright Cement Paint text Cement Paint 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qnk361p0s/data/88m6/Box_112/Folder_4/7895.pdf section false xt7qnk361p0s_568 xt7qnk361p0s CONIINENIAL
225 West Market Street JAckson 2167 Louisville 2, Kentucky
JAckson 2168
5 MAJOR APPLIAN 3 December 28' 19% cs
7 The Inland Steel Corp. , I I QE‘ ..
Wheelwright, Ky. v”, a » 3, a“
Gentlemen: ,3 i 7.,-
Thank you for your Purchase Order #ESBSN. We are 7
pleased to hear of your interest in our product.
The full directions for application are printed
on each can and are shown in our literature but,
so that you may have these directions on hand in
your files, I shall give them to you in this letter.
The methods and characteristics of application of
RFMIRFDEK are as follows:
1. Can be applied to metal, wood, or
concrete surfaces which are painted or
2. Applied with either Spray or trowel.
a. Thin 1 gallon R—MIRPDEK with one—
half pint of R—MIRPDEK Extender to
spray both coats. ,
b. For troweling, thin same as above
to apply first coat and use as re—
ceived for second coat.
3. Application Procedure:
a. Clean surface free from grease
and dirt with Primary-Extender,
using clean cloth or brush. Wipe
off with clean dry cloth and allow
to dry — about 15 to 20 minutes re-
b. Apply first coat of RéMIRFDEK
in a very thin layer and allow to
dry, about two to four hours.
0. Apply second coat to a total
uniform depth of 0.025 plus or minus
0.005 inches. Allow to dry complete—
ly, about 6 hours will be required.

, //‘ ‘

R—MIB—DEK Floor Paint may be applied by brush or '
spray and from four to six hmirs should be allowed
between coats. Aside from these details, applica—
tion is the same as R—MIR—DEK Non—Skid.
We are taking the liberty of enclosing with your
order a tube of Miracle Adhesive at n/c together
with some literature on its use both alone and
in conjuction with Gemco Industrial Hangers. You
will be amazed at the number of uses to which this
adhesive can be put.
Wishing you a joyful and prosperous New Year, we remain
Sincerely yours,
’A r x
L. B. Frantz, Sales Manager


. 91 ~
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y Portland . _
Eement ggaranteei‘d t’i‘) compllvyl’: with the specification requirements of the ‘ MEDUSA PORTLAND CEMENT PAINT 1
nierican ociety or esting aterials. :
ME3U§% WATERPROOFED . GRAY PORTLAND CEMENT Our v This is a paint for concrete and masonry surfaces including concrete blocks, brick, stone and unglazed
Twittergroofii‘iz: gl: (dirtirlii‘ini'inc:1fn:l::t/rfil'iltlh filespfgper amount to}: Medluls‘a Integral or building tile. It is not recommended for concrete floors. It gives a decorative, protective, economical '
. 1 55 ex enswe an a in wa er- t' . ' ' ' ' ‘ ° '
Proofing on the job, and insuregrpmper distributionPIt should be used ngherever ;oating 11:/I edusa Portland Cement Pamt has a true Portland cement base “hmh 15 “5 prmmpal 3‘
concrete is below grade or exp std to moisture or dampness. ‘ ; ea ure. ecause of this base, it makes a natural bond to concrete, stucco and masonry surfaces, 1’ I
I MEDUSA "MEDCO" HIGH EARLY STRENGTH CEMENT Hi h and is unaffected by the chemical action of lime and alkalies which destroy other paints. Medusa 2’
Early Strength Cement has all the properties of our standard Gray Portlargid Paint can be used on damp surfaceS. No priming or neutralizing of surface is necessary. 1,
Cement but with this difference—it has the normal 5 to 7 da ’ ' ' iv
ys strength in 24 -
, used wherever Portland Cement is specified and white or colored efl'ects are s f ' ' ' ‘
(les1red—same strength as Gray Portland Cement—non-staining. Ul' aces Apply only to surfaces such as con- and suction Whmh CXISt 111 concrete, stucco and
MEDUSA WATERPROOFED WHITE PORTLAND CEMENT o... ...E., ””13“ cement ““““ building “‘8’ mm“ su’f‘?‘°es’- °f-‘e“ °“ the 5...... building
standard White Portland Cement with the proper amount of Medusa Integral brick, stone, concrete blOCkS’ Portland cement Our 00101. chips indicate COIOF for a two-coat
Waterproofing ground in during process of manufacture. Used for stucco and plaster or concrete ceilings‘ D0 “Ot use on any application. Two coats dry out lighter than a one-
stone mortar and all work subjected to damp or wet conditions. Non-staining. glazed 01' vitrified surface. coat application. It is recommended that tCSts
MEDUSA STONESET CEMENT A nonstaming wate.p.oofed mortar be made {Or col“ 1’8““ Painting ‘5 S‘a‘tcd'
feinlen trfl‘pr setting, pargeting, and pointing of cut stone, and for laying up face
)rie . e cost permits use for mortar in backup wall. Coverage Surface coverin '
g capac1ty ranges from _
MEPld’sOAb BRIKSET CEMENT Has a Portland Cement base and is water-' 200 to 350 square feet per ten pounds of paint one Regard'ng Blue Blue lVIedusa Portland CG"
P530 0 .. tains a high early strength which Is very important to the mason coat. This coverage does not apply to exception- merit Paint is not guaranteed as to color, but it
c tractor. It has a very pleaSing color when used natural or With mortar colors. ' '
It is a prepared masonry mortar having minimum shrinkage; simply mix with ally rough or extremely porous surfaces such as Is often used by those Who CXPCCt t0 Pall“
sand and water on the job. Cinder, Haydite and other light weight aggregatgm periodically.
MEDUSA PORTLAND CEMENT PAINT A decorative and protective bIOCkS or units. h
coating for all concrete and masonry surfaces. Can be a lied on fresh concrete
or wet surfaces. Furnished in black, white and eight C(Iilldrs. P u - . MIXING AND APPLYING
MEDUSA FLOOR COATING A concrete floor covering that needs no revlouleoaf'lngs .All previous, coatings in-
undcrsurfacer. It is moistureproof and highly resistant to abrasive wear. Furnish- eluding 011 paints, lime bound cement paint,
(‘d In black, whlte and 51x colors. duSts efl'lorescense, dirt 01' grease muSt he re- FTTST Coaf Use five quarts of water with ten
MEDUSA-LTTE _A flat wall finish for interior use. Comes in white and seven moved (see directions on inside). It is not neces- pounds of paint.
Efifillgllfui colors, 18 durable, quick drying, economical. One coat is usually sary to remove previous applicatigan 0f Medusa
_ ien . _ Portland Cement Paint, but it must be washed
I’MofieiggéeiyAtTgRPPOOFlNG POWDER Afdg'y Ipowder £0 be aciidefi to free of any surface film that will prevent proper Second Coat Use four quarts of water with ten
en . y l s use concrete is water roo e -. . t is to e use w ere b (1. °
IVledusa Waterproofed Gray Portland Cement (I); Medusa Waterproofed White on Pounflis 0f Palnt' Be sure to wet firSt coat before
Portland Cement is not available. Powder is shipped in 40-lb. bags. applying the second.
results are obtained as with the powder. It is added to the concrete mix thlrough ?ense suafgce: In thef case Of very dense sur- F s ' ' P I
the gauging water. Paste is shipped in 8-lb. and 4041). containers. Also furnished aces. cause y t e. use 0 .pressed wood forms or or WImmll'Ig 00 5 Use four quarts of water P _‘
in 225-lb. and 400-lb. drumS. rubbing stone, omit wetting of the surface but with ten pounds of paint for the first coat and
MEDUSA WHITE TILE GROUT CEMENT A whiter, opaque tile cement spray several times while hardening. Smoothly \\ three and one-half quarts of water to ten pounds (I
specially prepare d for grouting ceramic wall and floor tile. Has high hiding fimshed cast stone trim and also old swimming \\of paint for the second coat. V . ‘
power and is resistant to staining. Hardens insoluble in water. pools ShOUId he treated in the same manner. ;fl I ___ ’“HT 7 CW 7
tin ma t d
stucco surfaces. Unusually economical. Four Bolors. g sonry, CODcre e an C I s I . NOTE: First coat is thinner SO that it can be
our e eC'IIOI‘I Care must be taken in select- worked into cracks and surface pores, scaling
THE MEDUSA PRODUCTS CO. ing colors. Colors will vary in depth of tone on ‘ them and re arin a ood base for the second
(Div“ fMd P 1 l ' p p g g
1000 MIDLXN‘E (;;LDcGITM orb andcicgz‘fgi‘ (1131), OHIO different surfaces due to variations of porosity coat.

PREPARATION OF SURFACE VI Eugen After mixing, it may _‘,§ SECOI‘ICI Coat, Any Sur- Swimming Pools Before painting old concrete
Wire Brush It . ‘ m . _ e Ollllld that there .w111 be run: III‘IIZIM-wm face The second coat can be swimming pools, the surfaces must be washed
3‘6-l\\3 3:311:52 d (1 th t .11 ‘5 ficco b- ignie umps in the paint. For I—« I I "x: applied the day following the. WIth a strong caustic solution to remove the
\‘zi'j;)”.I'_I3"“ ,// Elenhed aha stir acltfs It: . .:./’.‘ k _i. flis refison .we advocate that I" (l). , - ‘ first coat. Wet the first coat film of body Oils and grease from the concrete.
‘3“ 1* ' . . $3.? "$55.: ' Tong Wln 0w :’ I ' b _ - E g' , .7 I
.. ., . NIH; cracks to remove any aceumu- 'i‘efés SCreen wire several times to 3"" . M1???” c:;1:133551202£13333al£: 21:;
~\\*‘\.\.~‘ llzlltcd diEt or loose Eirticleslon I :1 retrieve aiy lllvnlpS.OI‘ foreign ___—x, be sure the Paint is stirred CLEANING SURFACES
%H"‘l‘i\\\\ ”TREK; Hlatirliii'eaffacclrslgrt cgsilr:¥ill; ' £130 tCh-ouiispl) f Itmmt ‘_Vl'Illlln from the bottom each time
, 1 ,..V '\ 3 ‘ _ - a ‘cr 1111x111 r. - Q, '~ ' L ' ' ' ' '
///"1 ._. ed by brushing the paint thor— Diedlfsfl Portland Cement Paint, under ordinaf‘jy is applied 'with a 1mg,"(l::;~i:f::ig(ll1:lgzilg3§i§fllnt R-eTOVInsgh fill Pall“ l:Illnsl _Eflamels, val" ~
oughly into the crack with the conditions, will attain its initial set in from one as h l . . {91's es, 1e acs 0: GI": Sillng Oil paint
‘ first coat. to two hours. 1 in, enanlc s, varnis ies, s ellacs or glue sizing
II ' , , I , , / I may be removed with a solution of one and one-
, j ‘j -‘ L' Siil‘ P - i“ . h B '1 :;-;.;=:_..:=:,‘I,‘ {IV/,1; Keep Secondl Coat Damp half pounds of caustic soda mixed with one gallon
y/// La: e Cracks Cl t :_ j ,,I _ Wh'l ad“. WI'!’ I‘ll-5 Hill/’29” Unhl Hard The second coat of hot water. This solution applied freely, loosens
//'ONG 111mg)“ hl 11 1 can 0“ ' , p _ (“ 4.} ,- .1 e. painting, StlI‘ the Faun} I’//1//;/:’(/// :/ should be sprayed lightly scv— the {din so that it can be washed away with water.
/% bl' g yt_ al (frose efum- .5311} .._ VJ) . with the brush each time it is '--~=;;-:;:'Il,/,,/; ;/:,:, eral times with a fine spray.
/ . % inlg‘ hair 10 es rom alrfgltl: I 3‘31 ,.' dipped. This prevents the Iii/5'27” This Spray should be applied h. . .
/ / crac {s e ore painting an i ; H paint from settling to the - "1;? ,5: as soon as it will not dama e w, ifewas" CaICImIne and COId water
/ With a heavy aste made 1) A b "t I ' 11 ‘ / ‘~ " ' g P
///, 7/ . .- h 11’ . y _ . I (._ 0» 0111- tlS we to brush the ‘IET:"""‘-:~L-.--~- the film of the second coat. amts can be removed by washing the surface
I;/ i31lxllng t e (ry path and a If" 7'”? b.0tt0n1 0f the container each " ‘.‘: “'ith a solution of 0110 part miiriatic acid and
3// illtiti set :thlzfll‘a S4111:1 (:nlllffradijiai 132. tfine the brush is dipped into five parts water with a scrub brush, and washed
, ' ' ' ‘ e so a' t e ' . - - ' . - .
% the paste keys itself in. The paint To Apply Palnl' by Spraylng MIix paint with Owfilleth Hater wheh the finishes are loosened.
large cracks should be sprin- enough water to make a heavy, creamy con— bin ac; or fiausvtics are used, we, recommend
klcd before filling with paint. The filled crack APPLICATION SiStenCY- Let Stand for 2“ mi’mm- add balance m m gmes 6 “0m
and adjoining wall should be spray c (I frequently . of watenand stir until batch is completely mixed.
until the paint filling the crack is hard. Viéfiz’rr? FII'S‘I' Coat, smOOTh sur' Pour mixed paint through NO' 60' mesh screen In all cases 0f “3111‘”ng PTCViOUS finishes, be
5 II c l‘ _ “L_ that." faces Use a bristle, white- for more thorough n'iixnig. I‘Sm‘ll't." into spray sure the surfaces are thoroughly washed with '
".‘a . fat 5 In applying the first coat, work I- II fluff wash, calciinine, Dutch or ‘ container and proceed, Spfal‘lng (”OBOUUUOUSIY- water to remove all traces of the caustic soda
paint into all fine cracks With a short bristle ‘. @I I ’ wall brush in a )1 in the Paint must be kept continually agitated. T0 01‘ acid.
brush. .._, 'I‘ a paint (for sprayingylscye bit-flow) prevent clogging, outlet pipe of container should
, , I In brushing use dhorizontal be shortened to about one and one-half or two . _
”I; .' I sweeping mdtion keeping the inches from bottom of tank. wash all spraying, Removmg Form Oll Before painting concrete,
I’v‘ f)‘ / .‘..... ‘ ' _ u - .
I? fi/{é'i-HI,’ / ,,, Spray Before Painting The #5125224 57:3" ._ .. brush full of paiht. Flow the apparatus, blow out hose and gun when work is examine surface carefully for 011 or grease
1;” [gm], ,/ fl , ’ surface to be painted should E5“: paint on, do not “brush out” delayed and when through painting. :dhcripg‘ [:0 ‘lthiti concrete due to “15,0 of 011 or:l the
In?" If”. I , , , 7 , . . ornis.;}. is’éo or rcasc must e remove
flVi,'/’,’,’,’,c be thoroughly wet down With the paint. EqUIpment Consult manufactlircrs’ catalogs - ' . d g1 ' 0 1 . -- M d y
“(WV/”L ‘, I I , , a fine spray of water from an . . a caustic so a so ution. t 1(.rw1se e 1158
. a: _";-':",/w-—‘ , _ . . for proper nozzle for cement paint spraying. P tl 1C _ P ' - '11 b d
'. “ZIP/3:7»: OFdIHary garden hOSC- Be sure F Irst Coat, for Rough or am cmmt amt WI "0t on ° ’
" .'“ ’31.???" 7; that the wall is thorou hl Fifi-‘.": :,a2i=?7v:.-5':’?zv- ' .
._ . , _. ,_ g y .. urfa -
I; I )ngfl wet before applying the paint. ”*l'i-"J-F‘Ti"? i S 'ces and‘ Raln Pen WARNINGS Bf" .
I ”:.l/‘ddiig/ This does NOT apply to very ‘ . A ehahon Res'flance Use - °Iileum-r":e may be .removed by scraping,
V" I dense surfaces as described r,“ scrub brush, dipping it into Surfaces That Cannot Be Painted Medusa Wire brushing and washing wuh a solution 0f
above. :31" III the paint, then scrub the Portland Cement will NOT bond permanently one part niuriatie field and five parts water.
.“IHV‘ paint V813: thoroughly into the to non-absorbent surfaces such as enameled Thls .solution must be removed by thorough
J;h,.'e,r:fi surface w1thac1rcular motion brick, vitrified or glazed brick or hard-burned, washing wuh clean water.
MIXING “t.:, in olider t3 get allfitlhfi little non-porous tile.
crac s an pores le with . . ' ' '
‘ _ paint, For evenness of color, FreeZIng Weather and Raln DO not use this soc" BOdy Olls' Greasy DI", O" aI'Id
:23“ .. as“; Pour Palm into Water the paint should be kept thoroughly stirred dur_ paint during freezing weather. For hardening HanY Grease are .rcinoved by thoroughly
.1 l‘leasure out the water requir- ing this operation. Four quarts of water are used cement paint, 70° F_ is ideal. At 40° F. harden- washing the surface With a solution of one and
If“ p .'_ 0d; pour the paint into the with ten pounds of cement paint. ing action ceases. Between 70° 1;.“ and 40° F. one-half pounds of caustic soda to one gallon
All; Wm” slowly, stirring well to the hardening is correspondingly slower. pr0_ of hot water. Surface must be washed free of
*' QM 1: prevent the forming 0‘1- lumps. WG‘I' with Fine Spray Keep tect paint against rain until it is hardened. 501“ [10“ befm"? painting.
‘1:; i For first coat use five qu'irts I: 'Illlll/II/lé the first coat dam u -'
- ¢ ~ __ .; ntil hard . - . . - . ’
, _ "f water with ten pounds of -:i:.-_:-4:I‘II!/[//l///,/, by spraying liglillv several Conchete Floors. lfl)o not use-this paint on con- Crumblin MOI'I’GI' Joints Where I t . h ts
"’~“‘r}‘ - 5:; paintgfor second coat use four v/’/,’,’////, ’ times with fine 5 ra ,- before crete oors except oors 0f suiniining 0r wading 9 - - nor ar JO 1 k
- ~ . ts of ,. t _ 'tl ,, _ “I,,,/IQ, _ P 3 * pools. For other concrete floors use NIEDUSA are 50ft: sandy 01' diSintegrated, they should be
(1111” ~ “d U‘ W1 1 Mn -'—::..‘;‘_—:I///,’// 3’, applying the second coat. FLOOR COATINC raked out to a de )th of 3/ inches re )ointed
_ pounds of paint. For swim- I.’ [)xéfff-jfi Sprav should be applied as ’ 1' 'tl t I d f4 . ‘.’ t 11“ d '.
mmg pools use four quarts of water with ten 55 "’/’—""T soonga 't ill td th K s f D ' WI 1 a mor ar compose 0 one par '0 "SJ
pounds at paint for first coat 'md three and ‘ _ ", 5: 51 w no amage e eep ur aces .amp Do not allow the paint Portland Cement and two and one—half parts
half quarts of water Iwilh‘ 1:“; )ounds . f one; F .‘.-EITT‘Z.'I'"§~i‘- film. The first coat should he film to dry too quickly. It should be kept damp masons’ sand. After pointing, joints should be
. _ ' . I - 0 P81" .., '--=: damp when the second coat is until paint has hardened or chalky surfaces ke t moist for several davs to cure the new
for second coat. 1' d ' p s .
app ie . Will result. mortar properly before painting.