xt7qnk361p0s_697 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qnk361p0s/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qnk361p0s/data/88m6.dao.xml Inland Steel Company 185 Cubic Feet archival material 88m6 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Wheelwright Collection Coal miners -- Housing -- Kentucky. Coal mines and mining -- Appalachian Region -- History. Company towns -- Kentucky -- Wheelwright. Community development -- Kentucky -- Wheelwright. Coal mines and mining -- Kentucky -- Wheelwright Law (Child Labor) text Law (Child Labor) 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qnk361p0s/data/88m6/Box_125/Folder_3/88m6_125_3__2765.pdf section false xt7qnk361p0s_697 xt7qnk361p0s .” .'.‘ 1.) ii A ‘ >3 ’3 '
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2 .IV A«mw
J. Iocd”ord ”owurd
W. Porter ”ayo
Zpril 20. 1943
Mr. Blaine Smith
Chiaf Clerk
Inland Steel Commany
Theelwright, Ventucky
Dear Ylaine:

”cu asked me to advise you ccncerniny the enzlryment o” "Snore
unfl;r sixLeen ycwrs cf are in ?Onh;otirn 'Ith runhinn a "“i “ing TCFI.

”he child labor statutes cover a wide ranve and crnt in numerous
specific regulatirns m king it dif”icult to n’vise a; to the Vér'rus
Theses of these rceulqticns in a ljttef. WCTCVur, T shall try tc 1n5fi r
ycur in uiry the beet I can in a Fcner ] way.

The limitaticns on employment of children ore QEVPIccd in ‘ecfiicns
339 010-—3?3.°QO (4474-4; ALIA—19) Ky. "Iatutes. It is honorally
provided in Bection 330.010 that no uersrn shall emrlcy Iny child unl;r
sixteen years 0? ave tc work in any 'uiETHl ooounatirv until such hereon
has secure? and HllCud CU ?ile in hi‘ 0’ ice 1 'CF? per~‘t, as Provided
else here in the s‘Itute; 5hut no child un or 558 3‘5 0” "’urteen Shall
Pe emvlovel to work in Iny ceiup tica or service duriny Iny 0“ th: firwrs
that the nu lic schrols in the schrol district in 'Fich the child resides
are in session.

In fiecticn 1?0.?20 it is provided thit any “ear? of Udncrticn,
thrvugh its luperintvn ant or other authcrizcd event, may issue “ork
permits: (1) ‘hen the iswuing of'icer is TChVinCBd 4nd? the n;e% is
suf”’cicnt he may i:SUe a pIrmit to 1 child rho is under fhc age of
sixteen yelrs “1t who has p Read his fifteenth birthday mnd who has 00"-
plcted the scventfi grade of LPG ouhlic *CVrrl course or an cgwfivwlent
course, or, (2? he may issue a ucrmlt then arnvinecd that fhe need is
suf?icicnt to a child whr is under sirteen yeare of are *ut who has 'asscd
his fcurteenth birthday and who holds 1 certificqte of ccnwleticn of an

 Ci 1t ysxy clcficutary scficrl ccwrsc or an e “3v lent ccursc.
The r, ul Lirns 'C'c mix: the i 3min: C? such pcrnit; arc ccvaye: E; the
otatztas Inf you, nc ‘CtVt, have thes; refiniatirns avxiliblc.

; C ”hath;r Twoh ri“rrs ray *cr"crm Fulie: Mt ‘hc «£1, tPUrc is no
seccific rrchibitlcn ar.in t this. ‘eJticn 33“.?30 :overs If"; t upty Four
dif‘”eI‘-;nt itxdi; of" ork (IT ”is Tro‘niblted list, the lav-t (1‘ “Holt 1‘; that N
Whild unicx Sixteen re rs cf 3Ӣ :Egll be employs} or n~rvitted to 'crk in
why occupaticn ”danrgrcus t: 'Te liFe or 1im?, or injurious to th, Lcalt‘n cr
mcrils c” the chill, :nl n“ he ’hcse mutter: ‘“c Decision 0“ t‘e County
Physician cr Citv Vaélth Officer 1h 13 “c Vital."

5C, it noul“ Seer +hat one: ccmplianc; *ith the regulations, such "The s
C? ‘33 are a‘Cvo indicwtcd, wirht h, :fplryc‘ upon 5 cwriao pro :r :cvoi*s
and ccmplvinfi "ith the statutory rexulwtirns, if ‘he Con ty ‘lvi'clan or ‘ity
R 31th 7”?i3cr hclig the cccupaticn ntt tc b: din-Crrus or injurfIUR to the
health cs mor ls r“ ‘hc child, ”DST: mxy te ‘edesal regulitirns applicable
fr th’: situation, ‘ut I '0 net hrv; these ‘vu‘la‘lc.
Trusting this is SWTPicient.
Very truly more,
3. 7. WC 2rd