xt7qnk361p0s_921 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qnk361p0s/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qnk361p0s/data/88m6.dao.xml Inland Steel Company 185 Cubic Feet archival material 88m6 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Wheelwright Collection Coal miners -- Housing -- Kentucky. Coal mines and mining -- Appalachian Region -- History. Company towns -- Kentucky -- Wheelwright. Community development -- Kentucky -- Wheelwright. Coal mines and mining -- Kentucky -- Wheelwright Houses 135-204 text Houses 135-204 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qnk361p0s/data/88m6/Box_311/Folder_31/ww_311_31_1182.pdf section false xt7qnk361p0s_921 xt7qnk361p0s X ('1
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Date [Z ‘ j j 6 (5
fig »'4-1 (a; é 22:: flu f HOUSE NO. /< 4’ IA
(Form 69-18)

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Date a ,,4 f; /,’ 7
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(Form 69-l8)

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‘(Form 69-13)


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Date w, P I - ‘.: 2,

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(Form 69-18)

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3&257 291%; 2:94 / HOUSE no. 2 6 A
(Form 69—18)

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‘52:: La TM: a: ":35 ‘r r ”’30-:
faxed in Lap; ::.:‘!!}3 (mu‘jés'

 Copy dated 1/6/69 of
Letter from Joseph L. Reynolds,III of
Island Creek Coal Company to Pikevilke
National Bank 5 Trust Company releasing
its lien of mortgage on

Lot 1635

Lot 290

Lot 202
filed in Lot 1655 folder.

- A tract or parcel of land lying and being in Floyd County, Kentucky ‘
on Otter Creek of Left Beaver Creek in the town of Wheelwright and being
Lot No. 292 , including the wielliup p '53 and appur-
tenance thereunto belonging, located on said lot or parcel of land of the
Wheelwright subdivision as shown by first party's map or plat in file
No. 3MB records of Floyd County Clerk's Office.
Being part of the same property conveyed to party of the first part
by Island Creek Coal Company of Deed dated November 9, l966, and recorded
in Deed Book l9l at page 501+, records of the Floyd County Court Clerk's
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 ‘ 1 530 American Heritage Bldg.
January 2, l969 Jacksonville, Fla. 32202
Plkeville National Bank 8 Trust Co.

Pikeville, Kentucky hlSGl
Attention: Mr. R. B. Johnson, President
RE: Sale of House No. 202
Enclosed is executed deed to the above cagtioned real estate,
running to _903 Thomas Yates and Audrey Pack YatesI his wife,
Island Creek Coal Company will shortly deliver to you an executed
release of this property from the mortgage held by it; also its
disbursonont letter.
Please collect the Full amount of the gurchase price of SIX
THOUSAND FIVE HUHDRED and 034100 $56,500.00) Dollars
and remit 30% thereof to Island Creek Coal Company, in accordance
with its disbursement letter above mentioned. In addition, glease
collect from the purchaser the sum of $30.00 for the enclosed Plat
of the graderty, and $33.50 closing costs. '
Recording for the deed and release is to be charged against closing
costs, as is the tax due the State of Kentuaky.
The net proceeds due Mountain Investment, Inc., the $30.0Q charge for
the plat, and the net closing costs (after disbursements authorized
above), are to be deqosited in the non-Operating account of Mountain
Investment, Inc. in your bank, with advice to us showing all receipts
and disbursements of the transaction, accomoaniod by a duplicate de—
posit slig.
Yours very truly,
Notice to
Escrow Agent
Lot Ho._§fl§_
(Form bi-lU

 530 American Heritage Bldg.
Jacksonville, Fla. 32202

fiecember 3i, l96$

Joseph S. Reynolds, III, Esq.

Island Creek Coal Company

lSDl Euclid Avenue

Cleveland, Ohio hhllS

Dear Mr. Reynolds:

We are enC£osing copy of dead from Mountain Investment to

Joe Thomas Yates and Audrey Pack Yates, his wife, Covering sale

of house #202. Please prepare a release by Island Creek Coal

Company of its mortgage on this property.

The Pikeville National Bank 8 Trust Company of Plkeville, Ky.

ls escrow agent on this transaction. w- have sent the origi—

nal deed and plat, together with a disbursanent letter to

Mr. John Allen, attorney, of Prestonsburg for his certifica~

tion on the deed, which is to be forwarded with the other _

papers to the bank in Pikeville.

Your letter to the bank covering the release of this proper—

ty and the disbursement of funds should be in form Similar

to those provided in other such cases. ’

If there is any Further information required, please advise.

Yours very sincerely,


Frank M. Arnall


- EMA/w

 530 American Heritage Bldg.
Jacksonville, Fla. 32202

December 31, l96fi

Mr. John AI len

Attorney at Law

Box “41

Prestonsburg, Ky. hl653 ,

Dear John:

I am enclosing the deed prepared on Lot #202 and copy

of the Plat on this Lot, and the original Of the

disbursement letter to the Pikoville National Bank 5

Trust Co. who will act as escrow agent on this trans-


Please cerLify the deed and forward the papers to the

Pikeville bank, advising us Mien this has been accmnpiished.



Frank H. Arnail




 John Young February 13, T969 '
Gordon Brown Lot 202
Dear John:
This property, I beTieve, was sold to Joe Thomas Yates and
his wife, but nothing as yet has come through on it.
If there is some holdup please advise us as to what it is.

 Gordon Brown May 7, lflu9
Frank H. Arnall


Hr. Schissler called reference your request for releases on the

Four houses on whirh sales are pending, and for which releases had
already been furnished by Island Creek. His garlicular question

was related to house No. Ida and 5-27. It aspears we did not in»
clude Ho. lfih in tle smrtgage to the bank in Louisville, but did
include 6-27, and he was interested in breaking down the sales price
between tfie two. He alss mentioned that as far as he was concerned,
lbuse 30. 732 did mat require a release From the flank.

I think at this time it is well to naintain a real gbod relaiion—

shig with the Bank, so I instrurted Ar. Schissler to go ahead and
issue a release on do. lfifi and “-27, and ta instruct the Essrow A em;
to gay 63% of the net sales proceeds on that gragerty tn His hawk.
This semfied to please him very marl, since I could net give him a
breakdawn as to the distribution of the fi7,l90.03 sales price be- //
tween the two senarate nroaerties involved (20% and 8-27). V//////
It tierefure aipears we will recover the full sales price 3F Ha. 792

. . . . _.__—v
w1thouz disbursenent to the bank. ’
This we nrandum is Far your infarmatlon and For the record.
Frank H. Arnall

 C May 27, l969
P Mary Ann O'Brien

Gordon Brown Sales of Real Estate as Follows:

l67 — Oscar Snith - $5,000

l04 — G—27 — Geo. Robt. Hanger


202 — Joe Thomas Yates - $6,500
We forwarded to you some time ago Form letters bearing No. 68-]2 — addressed to Hall—
Music Agency, and No. 68-l3 — addressed to the Floyd County Tax Assessor and the City
of Wheelwright, Ky. These forms are to be sent upon completion of a sale, consequent-
ly both of these Form letters are to be sent out for each of the above mentioned sales.
Form 68-l3 is to be sent not only to the County Tax Asséssor lbut also to the City of
Please send the letters to the County Tax Assessor and the City of Wheelwright regis— ‘
tered mail, return receipt requested. When the return receipts are delivered to you
please staple them to our copy of the Form letter and send the form letter, together
with the receipt, to me.
I am enclosing a copy of Form 68-12 showing how to cross out the parts of the notice
which do not apply if (as always seems to be the case, Hall-Music is not going to
write the new policy for the purchaser).

_ These forms should not be sent until the Escrow Agent reports that the money has been
paid in by the purchaser and the deal actually closed and paid for. You may have to
follow up with the Escrow Agent in each case to be sure you get word on these cases
when they have been closed.

Please check back through your records and determine whether these notices have been
omitted in any case in which property has been sold. IF so, please get out the
notices promptly and send us copies.

Copies of both notices are enclosed so you will recognize them.

Gordon Brown





3 May 27, I969
Helton 8 Linton
Pikeville, Ky. hlSOl
Attention: Mr. Robert F. Linton
Enclosed are photocopies of the bank statements from Peoples Bank 6
Trust Company, Montgomery, Alabama, and First National Bank, Prestons— ‘
burg, Kentucky, also photocopies of two deposit slips from Pikeville
National Bank 8 Trust Company, and one from the First National Bank of
Prestonsburg. These three deposit slips represent the sale of
three houses and one garage.
Lot 167, shown on the First National Bank, Prestonsburg, deposit slip,
was sold to Oscar Snith for $5,000.00. 80%, or $h,000.00, of this
amount went to Island Creek Coal Company. $1,000.00 was deposited in

. our Non—operating account as shown by the deposit slip. Our cost on
this property was $978.00.
Lot 202 was sold to Joe Thomas Yates for $6,500.00. The full amount
plus the closing costs, less recording fees and taxes, amounted to
$6,555.60, and was deposited in our Non-Operating account in the Pike-
ville National Bank, because of the fact that the Island Creek mortgage
had been paid in full and discharged of record when this transaction was
closed, and the lot was not included in the mortgage to the Liberty
National Bank. Our cost on this property was $l,370.00.
House IDA and Garage G-27 were sold to George Robert Hanger for $7,l00.00.
60% of this amount, or $h,260.00 plus $9.77 being interest to May 12, l969,
was paid to Liberty National Bank. The balance of $2,883.33 was deposited
in our Non-operating account at Pikeville National Bank. Our cost on
these properties was as follows:
Lot l0“ - - - $2,l75.00
Lot G-27 - - 57.00

Very truly yours,

WHEELWRré:+.aI(o:N::::KY “can PHONE 60°45’47“ nu" ADM". an" TO:
Date Max 207 1269
To: FIcyd County Tax Assessor, and
City of WheeIII/right, Kentucky
Re: House and Lot No. 202
City of WheeIwright, Kentucky
The above captioned reaI estate was sold by Mountain Investment, Inc.
to Joe Thomas Yates and Audrey Yates, His Wife
mai Iing address Idheelmrj ghI Kentucky
166 in Max , {47146:} for $6,500.00 totaI purchase
PIeaSC indicate on the tax r‘oIIs that this I"'r_)oerty is now owned by
I the above named DurchaserIs) and that aII ICUILJ’“ Lax biIIs should be
I Issued to him IthrWI. AIsm pIearm rCI‘H'ixa‘ our harm; a Owner of this
I .
I property.
I Very truly yours,
— In,
Certified Mai! file on
Return Receipts Its/Lot No. Hl-I/Z
Tax Notice
(Form 68-13) Lot No. 202§_C_Iie§§_;_;_C_QE_T_R_AQI.
Wheelwright, Kentucky 12‘16 , 196 8
Through Mountain Investment, Inc. , I hereby offer and agree to pay the sum of $6; 500,000
for the following described property located in Wheelwright, Floyd County, Kentucky, and more
particularly described as follows: House 8: Lot # 202 On page 26‘ 3 of 7
with all improvements thereon, including any screens, shades, awnings, and all permanent and
attached fixtures .
Citizens Bank of Pikeville, Kentucky
As evidence of good faith to bind this contract, the sum of $ is deposited with Mountain
Investment, Inc., to be applied on the purchase price, upon passing of deed, or refunded, should
. the title prove not merchantable, or acceptable, or if this offer is not accepted. $ '
will be paid upon passing of deed and the balance of purchase price. will be paid as follows:
Obtain a 97% FEDERAL HOUSING ADMINISTRATION loan for a pest)" J‘.’ a_______years, with the
seller paying all allowable closing costs. This offer is subject :0 E ., ti. 1 . approval and. the 3% de-
posit will be refunded if unable to obtain this loan. A deed of General ‘:Vc rm at], with the usual
covenants and restrictions, if any, shall be executed and presented. '0 us, laser than 90 dart-z, 4
conveying to us or anyone designated by us a title to said property winch snail be ;lea: and I as
from all incumbrances of every kind, with the exception, if any, herein cient: : .31. All range. and
interest involved in this sale shall be adjusted and prorated to date of transjer, Taxes on said
property shall be adjusted as follows: Prorated as of date of closing. Possession. of said property
shall be given not later than , 196 .
To be accepted on or before , 196 .
Deed to be written to:
Joe Thomas Yates 8c Audrey Pack Yates-wife
' "\
y /,
up“ ,
Witness: l / , ”W’Tf,i/’ / ‘I.- ( 4
a; :
W . 7 .
’7 ::-/[12'17/ / ,/ ZS: ,’l 1 ) /’l: 6" I".
The above proposition is hereby accepted this day of , 196 .
We acknowledge receipt of copy of this contract.

 f 4
THIS DEED OF CONVEYANCE made and entered into as
01: December 31, I968 , by and between Mountain
Investment, Inc., a Kentucky Corporation, party of first part, and
Joe Thunas Yates and Audrey Pack Ygtes, his wife,
party (ies) of second part,
WITNESSETH: That for and in consideration of the sum
Dollars cash in hand paid, and other valuable consideration, the receipt
and adequacy whereof is hereby acknowledged, party of first part does
hereby bargain, sell, grant, convey, transfer unto second parties, their
heirs and assigns, the following described property to-wit:
A tract or parcel of land lying and being in Floyd County,
Kentucky on Otter Creek of Left Beaver Creek in the town
of hheelwright and being Lot No. 202, including the Jwelling
House and appurtenancc thereunto belonging, located on said
lot or parcel of land of the Wheelwrignt subdivision as ,
shown by first party's map or plat in file No. she records
of Floyd County Clerk's Office.
Being part of the sane property conveyed to party of the >
first part by Island Creek Coal Company of Deed dated
Novenber 9, l966, and recorded in Deed Book 191 at page 504, ,
records of the Floyd County Court Clerk's Office.
This conveyance is subject to the exceptions and reserva-
tions contained in those two instruments of conveyance from Island Creek
' Coal Company to party of the first part, referred to herein for source of
title and which are dated November 9, l966, and recorded in Deed Book l9l
at page 50l and at page 50A, and ALSO in those certain deeds executed by
party of the first part to Harold Telephone Company and Tel—Com, Inc.,
dated June 15, 1967 and recorded in Deed Book l93 at pages 271, 273, and
275, records of the Floyd County Court Clerk's office, and ALSO deed of
conveyance from first party to Kentucky Power Company dated December 29,
1967, and of record in Deed Book l95 at page #25, records of the Floyd
County Court Clerk‘s Office.

 First Party hereby further reserves a right of way
and easement with right of egress and ingress and entry on and over
said premises for the purposes of maintenance, operation, repair, re-
placement, relocation and removal, in whole or in part, of any and all
of the water, gas, electric, telephone and CATV lines and cables, sewer
mains, connections and service lines as now located on said premises in
its operation of said facilities, which right of way and easement shall
endure as long as said systems or any part thereof are operated by
first party, its successors or assigns.

TO HAVE AND TO HOLD unto the parties of second part,
their heirs and assigns forever, with covenant of General Warranty of
Title, subject to the exceptions and reservations contained hereino

IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF first party has caused this
instrument to be executed by its President and duly attested by its
Secretary as of the day and year first herein written.

By W ,5
7 President
“ff; ‘4; ‘R-k
g Secretary


I, ,a
Notary Public within and for the County and State aforesaid, do
hereby certify that the foregoing deed of conveyance from Mountain
Investment, Inc. to
was produced to me in said County and State by
as President of Mountain Investment, Inc,, a corporation, party of
first part, and was acknowledged by him as its President thereunto
duly authorized to be his act and deed for the purposes therein
stated and same was duly attested by as
Secretary of said corporation who duly affixed to said instrument the
corporate seal thereto as its Secretary.

Given under my hand and official seal of Office this
the “_____ day of ______________________ l9____a

My Commission expires on the day of
19 .

Notary Public — Duval County
I hereby certify that the
foregoing Deed of Conveyance
was prepared by:
' Attorney

 202 Harold Morrison S-l-nf
3-1—68 to h-22_eg
House they lived in (202) was sold, 50. they? -
' moved to House #88 - ~ _1 “w.--

House No.
5. Interested in House No.


SRA - [4725 IC - 27150 _

Rent. $75-00
Sale Price ,.,/z _/

’ ’ $6500.00
.r’ (V ' r {,A/ ~ I? _ ..’

 Jacksonville, Florida

TO: John Young DATE: February 13, 1969

FROM: Gordon Brown SUBJECT: Lot 202
Dear John:
This property, I believe, was soid to Joe Thomas Yates and
his wife, but nothing as yet has come through on it.
If there is some hoidup piease advise us as to what it is.
Gordon Brown


 530 American Heritage Bldg.
January 2, 1969 Jacksonville, Fla. 32202
Pikeville national Bank 8 Trust Co.
Pikeville, Kentucky hiSOl
Attention: Mr. R. B. Johnson, President
RE: Sale of House No. 202
Enclosed is executed deed to the above cantioned real estate,
running to Joe Thomas Yates and Audrey Pack Yates, his wife,
Island Creek Coal Company will shortly deliver to you an executed
release of this property from the mortgage held by it; also its
disbursement letter.
Please collect the full annunt of the purchase price of SIX
THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED and OOZIOO ($6,500.00) Dollars
and remit 80% thereof to Island Creek Coal Company, in accordance
with its disbursement letter above mentioned. In addition, please
collect from the purchaser the sum of $30.00 for the enclosed Plat
of the property, and $33.50 closing costs.
Recording for the deed and release is to be charged against closing
costs, as is the tax due the State of Kentucky.
The net proceeds due tbuntain Investment, Inc., the $30.00 charge for
the plat, and the net closing costs (after disbursements authorized
above), are to be deposited in the non-operating account of Mountain
Investment, Inc. in your bank, with advice to us showing all receipts
and disbursements of the transaction, accompanied by a duplicate de—
posit slig.
Yours very truly,
Notice to
Escrow Agent
Lot No . 202
(Form 63-10 ,

Wheelwright, Kentucky 12-15 , 1%;
Through Mountain Investment, Inc. , I hereby offer and agree to pay the sum of 315,373.00
for the following described property located in Wheelwright, Floyd County, Kentucky, and more
particularly described as follows: House Lot [,1 on? )n page. 3 of 7
with all improvements thereon, including any screens, shades, awnings, and all permanent and
attached fixtures .
“i tizons Tar}: of Dikeville, Kentucky
As evidence of good faith to bind this contract, the sum of $___ is deposited with Mountain
Investment, Inc. , to be applied on the purchase price, upon passing of deed, or refunded, should
the title prove not merchantable, or acceptable, or if this offer is not accepted. S;
will be paid upon passing of deed and the balance of purchase price TILII be paid as follows:
Obtain a 97% FEDERAL HOUSING ADMINISTRATION loan for a perm“ of “___years, with the
seller paying all allowable closing costs. This offer is subject :0 P . H. i. . approval and the 3% de-
posit will be refunded if unable to obtain this loan. A deed of General Wart» fit], with the usual
covenants and restrictions, if any, shall be executed and presented. 1‘0 as. 2:“ tater than 90 (iavsi,
conveying to us or anyone designated by us a title to said property when shah. be ales: and I" ee
from all incumbrances of every kind, with the exception, if any, herein Arlen? :_zetl, All rents and
interest involved in this sale shall be adjusted and prorated to date of transfer, Taxes on said
property shall be adjusted as follows: Prorated as of date of closing. Possession. of said property
shall be given not later than , l96___.
To be accepted on or before , 196__.
East In: be wrj Won “m:
( Joe Thomas Yates 91 Audrey Pack Ids-mi i‘e) \ ,
Witness: / (I: E /Z ; , .- ".g ,’ [;;; ffii
,/ I ’) , I , ’
y, 4 , ; g, z g) z, - Q «T
The above proposition is hereby accepted this day of , 196__.
W W—

Wheelwright, Kentucky Z; ~[é - , 196L ‘
Through Mountain Investment, Inc., I hereby offer and agree to pay the sum of Q, 5 quQQ
for the following described property located in Wheelwright, Floyd County, Kentucky, and more
particularly described as follows: [JelJSE + 1.0} III 20 2. . ”NFC/9%. «F1:
3 L t: 7 -
with all improvements thereon, including any screens, shades, awnings, and all permanent and
attached fixtures . .
. Ct‘hiem ‘ Eon I< m: grew/ate I?
As evidence of good faith to bind this contract, the sum of $ is deposited with Mountain
Investment, Inc. , to be applied on the purchase price, upon passing of dead, or refunded, should
the title prove not merchantable, or acceptable, or if this offer is not accepted. $
will be paid upon passing of deed and the balance of purchase price Trill be paid as follows:
Obtain a 97% FEDERAL HOUSING ADMINISTRATION loan for a per; 1" )7 w“___years, with. the
seller paying all allowable closing costs. This offer is subject :0 l1 I H. r" . approval and the 3% de-
posit will be refunded if unable to obtain this loan. A deed of General. ‘Vc fit], with the usual
covenants and restrictions, if any, shall be executed and presented. '0 as, “,2 'er than 90 days .
conveying to us or anyone designated by us a title to said property which shall be: elea: and J' '39
from all incumbrances of every kind, with the exception, if any, herein sheaf: 2.2, All £3315. and
interest involved in this sale shall be adjusted and prorated to date of transfer, Taxes on said
property shall be adjusted as follows: Prorated as of date of closing. Possession of said property
shall be given not later than , l96_____.
To be accepted on or before , l96____.
(flea/'74 5e Iii/775i 1‘0 .
If Mamas Z/szes \l 41er g“ %725 4/5 W222",
The above proposition is hereby accepted this day of , 196—.
W W—

P. 0. Box 357 PHONE 606 4 7 761 PLEASE ADDRESS REPLV To:
Mountain Investment, Inc. to Harold Morrison
You are hereby notified to move and give up possession of house {'7‘ 202
within 10 days after service of this notice given under my hand as
Resident Manager of Mountain Investment, Inc., this day of
Narch, 1969. / //,
’ SET—fig . Ygéng, ééesiog t Manager-
L/ 'ountsin Investmeutg/ Inc.
This notice executed by delivering a true copy thereof to -
Parole“ T~‘orrison and Imel Morrison this _ ’[J’ day
of March, 1969.
. ' O _ I
. VIC, ; I . L 7'
N\'\\ .LVJ’ALKQ IAN L \\CA‘(: L
Hers-hell.~:fif;itc‘r1cook, Chief of“ Police
City of Wu-‘ejwright