xt7qnk364705 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qnk364705/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1974-11-01 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 01, 1974 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 01, 1974 1974 1974-11-01 2020 true xt7qnk364705 section xt7qnk364705 KENTUCKY


an independent student newspaper

21 University of Kentucky

Lexington. Ky. 40506

Vol. LXVI No. 62
Friday, November 1 1974

' Housing official tells

“* business managers


to watch for minors

Kernel Staff Writer

Two managers of establishments near UK who
sell beer say they were recently contacted by
Tom Sturgis, north campus residence hall
coordinator, and told to “watch out for students
under 21."

Sturgis contacted the two managers after a
meeting with Lynn Williamson and Frank
Harris. both assistants to the Dean of Students.

STURGIS SAID he “observed an increase in
drinking by the freshman class and i am
concerned about it." Williamson said students
are “constantly bringing beer back to the

Al Durham. manager of Convenient Food Mart
on South Limestone said Sturgis told him that
there is too much beer going back to the dorms.

Durham said since then he requires two pieces
of identification and will not sell beer to anyone
with a residence hall address.

THE OTHER manager who was contacted by
Sturgis asked that his name and business not be
identified. He said Sturgis told him the
University had a problem with students drinking
and said he wanted to “calm it down." The
manager said he told his waitresses to carefully
check identification.

Williamson said alcohol related arrests of UK
students is up 50 per cent fromthe same period
last year. Williamson gets a police report on all
students who are arrested and computed the
number of alcohol related arrests from these
reports. Sturgis and Williamson declined to give

Goodwill ambassador‘m m" °"°'° ”' "H arm

Jerry McCoy. of Ashland. Ky.. enjoys a private intensive care wards of the Medical Center on her

Halloween party provided by Lee Parks. a senior in
Parks visits children in the

business education.


volition to cheer them up on a traditionally festive

the actual number of arrests.

t'ontinued on page 7

Rules committee streamlines election method

Kernel Staff Writer
The University Senate rules commitee
met Wednesday to begin streamlining the
method of electing faculty members to the
Board of Trustees and the Senate.
Under the Senate Rules, the rules
committee is charged with codifying,
making editorial changes in, and
interpreting the Senate rules.
“WE'RE NOW primarily concerned
with the definition of who is eligible for the
Senate and the Board of Trustees, under

Senate rules, which state one must engage
in full-time teaching. research, counsel-
ing or librarianship,“ said Harry Barnard,
education professor.

Barnard said the three sets of
regulations defining the method-Govern-
ing Regulations, Senate Rules and
Kentucky Revised Statutes ( KRS)--are not
consistent and need to be codified.

For example, the KRS section establish—
ing membership in the Board of Trustees
states “teaching or research members of
the faculty of the University of Kentucky

of the ranks of assistant professors, or
above" are eligible.

BUT THE Senate Rules state only those
with an assistant professor rank or higher
and full-time academic assignments in one
or more of the areas of teaching, research,
libraries and counseling shall be eligible.

Barnard said some faculty members’
eligibility is questionable because of
inconsistencies in the various regulations.

The committee agreed to ask students,
faculty and administrators for suggestions

Archtitecture dean sees little benefit
from Department of Art alignment

Kernel Staff Writer

(Editor's note: This is the third of a
series of stories dealing with the reactions
of the schools and departments affected by
the College of Arts and Sciences
reorganization proposal.)

Although the College of Architecture has
not taken a formal stand on the Arts and
Sciences reorganization proposal. Archi-
tecture Dean Anthony Eardley said he
could see very little programatic benefit
from a Department of Art alignment.

The proposal would align the College of
Architecture with the Art Department,
separating Art from A and S and making a
College of Architecture and Art.

FOR ONE TlllNG.it would require a
dean with a remarkable breadth of
understanding to coordinate the pro-
fessional and liberal art differences
between architecture and art. he said.

“It would require a dean with
remarkable perceptions." he said.

However, Eardley said it would be a
good idea to combine the two libraries and
reduce the staffs.

IN. CASE of an alignment with the art
department, Eardley said a new facility
would have to be built for the merged

“We are in Pence Hall and they (art
department) are in the Reynolds Building.
()ur faculty rarely sees their faculty and I
would say our students see even less of
their students." he said.

In the October University Senate
meeting, many senators expressed a fear
that the University was headed toward a
professional trend in education rather than
a traditional liberal arts education.

Continued on page 6

on how to best systematize eligibility

THE RULES committee’s role in
certification of faculty elections was also
discussed. Senate Council Chairman
Stanford Smith was present to help clarify
the role of the Council-—the administrative
arm of the University Senate-and the
rules committee.

Barnard said changes in the University
Senate require the rules committee to
certify ballots and results in elections of
faculty members to the Board of Trustees
and the University Senate.

Certification of ballots has traditionally
been handled by the secrtetary of the
Senate, presently Elbert Ockerman, dean
of admissions and registrar, Smith said.

BUT SENATE Rules state the rules
committee shall certify faculty eligibility
in elections conducted by the secretary of
the Senate.

Smith and committee members agreed
that the rules committee should certify
eligibility in the future.

Rules committee members Barnard,
Sidney Ulmer. political science professor
and Alvin Goldman. law professor. were
named on a subcommittee for certi-

There is currently an election being
conducted to select faculty representa-
tives to the Board of Trustees.




Editor-incmet, Linda Carnes
Managing editor. Ron Mitchell
Associate editor, Tom Moore

Nationally, one-half of all enrolling
college freshmen do not receive their
degrees; this University is near that

Human qualities such as cultural
shock, sickness and accidents prompt
many students to quit school or, at
least, settle for lower grades than
they might have received had they
been totally well.

A proposed "academic bank-
ruptcy“ rules revision now before the
University Senate Council could help
to alleviate this problem.

In its present form, the bill would
allow students‘ grades to be stricken
from their records if they prove
“incapacitating illness, debilitating

Features ednor. Larry Mead
Arts editor, Greg Hotelicn
Sports editor, Jun Manon-

emotional stress or sudden physical
incapacitation" caused low grades.

Under the present system. grades
may be removed by repeating a
course three times, with the second
and third grades recorded, or
returning after two or more years of
absence to continue studies.

Adoption of the “academic bank-
ruptcy" proposal drafted by Student
Government would put some flexibil-
ity into a grading system which often
is cold and inhuman.

The proposal, if adopted, would
create a new administration prob-
lem: who determines when a student
is eligible to have his record swept
clean? Hopefully, the Admissions and



Editorials represent the opinions ot the editors. nottne University

Broaden scope of 'academic bankruptcy'

Academic Standards Committee.
which will probably be assigned by
the Senate Council to study the
proposal, will draft an amendment to
the proposal clarifying the often
unclear wording of the bill.

Overall, the proposed “academic
bankruptcy“ bill is sound. however.
an even better “academic bank-
ruptcy" proposal would not be
restricted to illness. Similar
“academic bankruptcy“ rules have
been passed at other universities
which allow students to drop an entire
semester of grades from their records
if they desire.

If a student has a bad semester, for
whatever reason, he or she is allowed

to clear that semester’s grades from
the record. Generally, where this rule
has been passed it can only be used
for one semester of a student‘s
academic career.

We feel a proposal which would
allow a student to disregard an entire
semester‘s work without attaching an
illness requirement is fairer and more
beneficial to students than the
proposal which was sent to the Senate


We encourage the Senate Council to
study “academic bankruptcy" pro-
posals at other universities and
consider broadening the scope of the


Letters to the editor

Ford in Frankfort
during Watergate

g If we ever want to get tax relief
and get going on straightening
out the economy. we had better
send Govern'or Ford to the ['8
Senate. He led the fight to remove
the five per cent sales tax from
groceries and medicines and he
has kept State government
operations out of the red. Marlow
Cook hasn't done much of
anything for the people of
Kentucky since he was Master
of Ceremonies at Nixon‘s second

There have been a lot of people
screaming about the Red River
Dam issue in the present senate
race. but this issue is a
smokescreen to hide the basic
issues of what has to be done

about inflation. unemployment
and tax relief. These are the
important issues that are faced
daily by all Kentuckians, Prices
continue to rise and become an
ever increasing burden on those
people with fixed incomes.
particularly the elderly who are
on pensions and social security.

I know that Wendell Ford cut
taxes on the poor as Governor
when he got the five per cent
sales tax on food removed. What
has Marlow Cook done to help the
average Kentuckian make ends

Isn‘t it kind of funny how so
many of the people who are
running for public office this



were big Nixon
supporters in 1972, are running as
fast as they can from being tied to
Nixon‘s coattails. Marlow Cook
was a big wheel in the inaugural
ceremonies for Nixon‘s second
term and he wasn't even in the







Senate recently when they voted
a resolution calling for no more
Watergate pardons until the
courts have heard the cases

I think it is best that we send to
Washington people who have



been as far as possible from

Watergate I know that Wendell

Ford was in Frankfort during

those days and Marlow (‘ook was
in Washington

Ronald T. Winkler


Wear WIN button on way to Monopolyland bank


President Ford made a mistake
when he chose not to recommend
jumping the tax on gas 20 cents a
gallon and rationing it. Both
these measures would have had
about the same effect on inflation
as passing out WIN buttons while
devastating the already dis-
tressed automobile industry, but
they would satisfy our craving for
Calvinistic economics or bullet-

The ascendant opinion among
editorialists and commentators is
that good medicine must taste
bad and that it will somehow help
us if we turn our freeways into
pedestrian nature trails. The
acceptance of this sort of
Calvinist need for self-inflicted
pain is puzzling in a nation that
grew up playing Monopoly. By all
rights anyone who's ever had his
token land on Marvin Gardens
should be impervious to the
argument that a sudden rise in
the price of a commodity, i.e.
gas, can cause inflation. In the
game of Monopoly each player
gets $1,500, and the bank —that is
the government or the Federal
Reserve Board —gets to keep the
rest. The bank may make loans in

the form of mortgages but, unlike
what happens in Washington, it
can't create new money. The
ratio of dollars to real estate or to
the number of players is fixed
and must remain the same. How
different from the United States
where the number of paper
dollars per person has gone up
from 755 to 1940 to 6,049 last year.
In the beginning of a Monopoly
game the relative liquidity or
cash on hand between the players
changes according to what
properties they each buy. Thus a
player who buys Pennsylvania
Avenue (price $320) or Board-
walk (5400) will soon find he’s
eaten into his $1,500 grubstake,
which may make it difficult for
him to buy Park Place from
another player in order to
complete his monopoly. To do it
he may have to pay more than the
going rate, but you’ll notice that
price rise doesn’t cause a general
rise. All that happens is that the
buyer is short on cash; he’s in a
little, private liquidity crunch.

When Real Estate Goes Up
Now suppose he finds the
money to put up hotels on his
monopoly so that he can charge
$2,000 to the unlucky wretch
whose token lands there What
does this sudden jump in the

price of real estate do to the
economy of Monopolyland?

It transfers wealth. It makes
player A richer than player B,
but it creates no rise in other
rentals. Quite the contrary, it
tends to depress them since, if the
cash-short B next lands on
Virginia Avenue, owned by C, B
will try to convince C it’s in his
own interest to drop the rent and
thereby prevent B from going
into bankruptcy and leaving the
game. In no event, however, is
the purchasing power of the
Monopolyland dollar degraded.

Well, you may answer, in the
real-life Arab monopoly game
there is a difference. In real life
the Arabs raise their prices and
rip off all the players at once, and
it is that “economic blackmail”
which causes the inflation. The
situation is similar to that in
Monopolyland when one of the
players draws the Community
Chest card which says: ”Grand
Opera Opening -—COLLECT $50
from each player." But again this
is just a simple transfer of
wealth. One player is arbitrarily
enriched at the expense of all the
others. There‘s no inflation.

The only way you can inflate a
Monopoly game is if the banker
cheats by grabbing a fistful of

money from a second Monopoly
set and hands it to the players.
who then use it to pay their $50
assessment for the Grand Opera
Opening. To the receiving player
it will seem that he is getting his
full $50 payment, but actually he
is getting less. How much less is
determined by how much the
banker has diluted the currency.
For the first six months of this
year the Federal Reserve Board
has been diluting our currency at
a rate of not less than 5.5 per cent
and sometimes as high as 7 per
cent. This is the “tight“ money
policy you’ve been reading about.

Only Choice Is to Demand More

Now, if the banker cheats this
way in a Monopoly game, and the
receiving player catches on as he
inevitably must if the cheating
continues, he‘s going to demand
$60 instead of $50 to compensate
for the loss in the dollar‘s value.
He has no choice because there
are now more dollars per unit of
real estate or per player than
there were at the start of the

So the question is: What would
happen if we used a fixed money
supply in real life as we do in the
game'.’ We would have constantly
falling prices, since we would be

making more goods, more cars,
more TVs. etc. to be purchased
by the same number of dollars.
The same thing would happen in
Monopoly if you kept the same
total amount of money in the
game while you doubled the size
of the board. In real life this
would also ultimately mean not
only a drop in the interest rates,
but negative rates under which
the bank would pay you to borrow

It would also get rid of one of
inflation‘s most pernicious side
effects, the obscuring of relation-
ships and happenings. When the
banker cheats, neither we nor the
other players can distinguish
between a real price rise and an
apparent one. Thus while we
complain about what the Arabs
are doing. you need a green
eyeshade and a computer to know
that in terms of actual pur-
chasing power they're really not
getting very much more for their
oil than they were 25 years ago.

So, go directly to jail. Do not
pass GO, do not collect $200, but

don't forget to wear your WIN

Nicholas Von Hoffman is a

columnist for King Features







Saphomori’sm at 'Um’farcify of Kentucky'


I suppose it‘s usual for students
leaving the University to write
their reactions to the years
they’ve spent here. so I feel
rather justified in writing my
reactions after having been in the
UK system for four years.

Definitions: Sophomorism.
That's what the title up there
implies that I'm going to talk
about. Also. I use the word
“Unifarcity,” which is a term
used by a friend of mine in
referring to this university in
which this ”intellectual preten-
tiousness" or psuedo-intellectual—
ism is the general ethos of the
university community.

I fear that our friends who
scream about generalities will
want some evidence so. I
suppose, l should give some,

A freshman journalism major
wrote to the Kernel recently
regarding the series of articles
that was published regarding the
(iay Liberation Front (GLF).
The essence of his complaint. I
think. was that the Kernel in
publishing the articles. advo-
cated the GLF. Perhaps he was
unaware of the editorialopposite
editorial layout the Kernel has
adopted regarding opinion. Es-
sentially, if I understand correct-
ly. this layout gives. on page two.
the opinion of the editor and. on
page three. opinions received
from inside and outside the
university community. Opinion is
not news. it is an interpretation of
it and any charge of biased
reporting cannot validly be
made. This whole incident is a
good example of what I‘m talking
about, A student makes a
judgment based on what at first
appears to be conclusive evi»
dence but which subsequently
turns out to be an ignorance of the

H.240. recently, there has been
some complaint as to the
concerts we get. I was at first
disappointed with the idea of

Urges Cook vote
Boycoifing polls won't rid us of


It have Ferguson is so appalled by the cover of
-he Student Directory. why doesn‘t he do something
about it '.’ Why doesn’t he try to find out why Student
(toyernineiit tSGi is given the responsibility of
printing it" It seems tome that SG should not have
his burden; however. as long as they have to put it
out. they have every right to put anything they want
in or on it. No one makes you readit.

Ferguson is typical of the pseudoliberals that
abound iii college society today. He is quick to point
as unconditional
amnesty and cutting the defense budget; but then
he turns around and uses a trick long condemned by

out such “important issues“

the true progressive liberals


ltl-Zt'.“ ‘sl‘l Marlow (‘ook chose :25 years ago to be
a Republican tbel'ore Richard Nixon was even vice
“one of Nixon‘s
bovs.“ I‘m sorry. Mr. Ferguson. but it is not obvious
. that ('ook is “still of the Watergate men-

\'ou are actually exhibiting Watergate
mentality yoursell by labeling Wlllltllli takinga good

presidentt. he is automatically

if) lllt‘

look at who you're labeling

Senator Marlow (‘ook was an original cosponsor
of the Equal Rights Amendment; be sponsored the

Three Dog Night and Doc
Severinsen for concerts. but I
modified my position when I
realized that sooner or later most
music preferences within the
university community are
served. Although there is a lot of
rhetoric regarding concerts, no
one, except perhaps the Concert
Committee. actively seeks to
remedy the situation. I realize
the limits and pressures that the
people of the Concert Committee
face and bombasting them with
charges of not serving the entire
university is invalid when one
considers that after all the gripes
are in no one tries to actively
change anything.

Which gets me to another point.
Just about every student within
the university has a gripe of some
kind regarding the university.
This is healthy, I think. because it
prevents the university from
atrophying. Most students. I
believe, feel impotent in the face
of a public university of this size.
But when one considers atten-
dance at meetings of Student
Advisory (‘ommittees (SAC‘s),
the folding of the J~Board, and
the impending collapse of the
GPSA. that argument. too, must
fall. If the people with the gripes
genuinely wanted to help, they
would get involved in the
organizations that have at least
some chance of implementing

But enough on students.
Faculty, too, invoke my wrath. I
have found since I‘ve been here
that the faculty are primarily
concerned with imparting know-
ledge. At this they've been pretty
successful _ almost too success-
ful. It seems that we can't see the
forest of wisdom for the trees of

WHAT WE GET at the
University after four years is a
vast compendium of knowledge
~ the kind most people could
readily find in a library if they
knew where to look. I believe one

that of labeling











could get all the knowledge base
he receives at this place if he
were to spend the four years in a
library. A university should be

Students today expect answers
to problems. I doubt the wisdom
of this for if the student is given
the answers he tends to take them
for granted. If he arrives at the
answers himself after exhaustive
study of the questions. the
answers tend to be more


meaningful. If a student does not
arrive at the answers himself.
but relies on his professor to
furnish them. the student is guilty
of something akin to intellectual
plagiarism. If he is incapable of
coming up with answers himself
or, to put it another way. if he is
incapable of thinking of himself.
he has no business at a
university. The ideas a student
comes up with. when cribbed
from a not-too—exhaustive study
of the ideas of others tend to be

Phlllwe Weisbecliei'v

sophomoric because they are
based on incomplete answers.

Dr. Fred Vetter. a political
science professor here several
years ago. was accused in class
of not providing any answers.
only questions. In response to the
student. Dr. Vetterlreplied. to
paraphrase, “Of course I don’t
have the answers. I don't even
have all the questions."


Bob Grace is a senior majoring
in Secondary Education.

corrupt pols

federal R evenue-Sharing Act; he left a day of heavy

st‘llil lt‘


campaigning in Fayette County to vote for cloture
of the Democratic fillibuster which sought to block
passage of the (‘onsumer Protection bill. He has
advocated cutting the defense budget by $5 billion.
He urged President Nixon to seriously consider
resigning as an alternative to impeachment.
Looking at these examples. I find it hard to accept
(‘ook as Ferguson has tried to project him. I find it
even harder to accept Ferguson's philosophy about
voting. He needs to “free himself from the illusion"
that apathy can solve problems. This view is
nothing short of myopic. Staying away from the
polls on Nov. 5 will not wash his hands of the corrupt
politicians; it will be a mandate tor Wendell Ford to
continue his madness in government. I doubt if even
Mr, Ferguson \\Ill take pride in laying helped
obliterate any \oice Kentuckians have had in the

\l \ll|.tl\\ (00K is his own boy; he has done
layors tor no one except Kentucky as a whole lle
desen es a tan‘ consideration. and he deserves your


and Sciences.

hay Rubin is a freshman in the (‘ollege of \i'ts






4—THl-Z KENTUCKY KERNEL. Friday. November 1. 1974





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news briefs




Nixon remains critical

I.ti\t; I’.I£.\t‘11. t‘alit t.»\l’t —- Former President Richard M~
Mum's- (tot-tors said 't‘liursday they are studying Nixon‘s condition
to determine whether he is suffering from slow internal bleeding.

Nixon remained on the critical list and “possibility still exists for
lurther coiiiplications." the doctors said.

lirs .lohii t‘ Lungreii and Eldon Hickman said their suspicions
were raised that Nixon could be bleeding because of a drop in
Nixon‘s hemoglobin count overnight.

They said this could be "normal lieiiiodilution.” but added. “We
are keepmg iii mind that this is a slow oozing of blood into the
retroperitoiieal area.” «the lining behind the abdomen t.

“It is still premature to otter a prognosis at this time,"
doctors said In a written statement read to iiewsmen

Boston judge issues
rules for desegregation

BOSTON tAPt l' S. District t‘ourt .ludge W. Arthur (tarrity Jr.
signed Thursday an order setting forth his final rules for drafting a
comprehensive student desegregation plan for Boston

Some of the city's public schools were desegregated this fall
under a short~term plan designed by the state Board of Education.

In his latest order. (iarrity said that future orders would set forth
guidelines for racially balancing vocational and examination
schools. teacher administration and recruitment. hiring and
assignment and "other areas of school desegregation not involving
student assignments."

Today‘s order requires the Boston School (‘oiiiniittee to "utilize
the most reliable data available." but it allows for the future filing
of revisions "necessary to adjust the plan for later changes iii the


data "

Farm prices iump 4%

WASHINGTUN MU" Prices of raw farm products jumped 4
per cent from Sept 13 to Net 1.3. more than ollsettiiig a decline one
month earlier. the .-\griculture Department said Thursday

The t‘rop Reporting Board said higher prices tor wheat, corn.
hogs. soybeans and cotton were mostly responsible for the

Lower prices were reported for cattle. calves and potatoes

The 4 per cent increase followed a 2 per cent decline from Aug 13
to Sept. 15 which had been the first drop since mid-June The
mid-month index rose 6 per cent in July and 3 per cent in August

Over the past year the price index has fluctuated widely. but as
of Oct. 15 it averaged five-tenths of a per cent above a year earlier

Prices farmers pay to meet expenses. meanwhile. were up five
tenths ofa per cent in the month ended ()ct 1:3 and were 17 per cent
above a year earlier

Newspaper president retires

(AP) —Fred B. Wachs officially retired Thursday as president of
the Herald-Leader Co. after a newspaper career that spanned 56

Wachs. 77, had been president of the newspaper company since

1959, although he had not been active in management in recent
years because of poor health.

He joined the Lexington Leader in 1918. became its general
manager in 1927 and was given the same post over both papers
when the Herald and Leader merged to years later.

Wachs was named the most valuable member of the Kentucky
Press Association in 1961 and earlier served as the organization‘s

Minnesota professor to speak

The Political Science Colloquium Series will present an address by
Dr. Samuel Krislov. University of Minnesota professor of political
science. at 4 p.m., Nov. 4 in Room 309 of the Student Center.

Krislov, brother of Dr. Joseph Krislov, UK professor of
economics. will speak on “Representative Bureaucracy:
Expanding Governmental Service to lnovlve Non-Participating

A specialist in the judicial process and the politics of
bureaucracy, he is the author of “The Supreme Court and Political
Freedom." and other books. He is the editor of “Teaching Political


th [\h \ l It(,l\i thNEI,
The Kentucky Kernel, ltd Journalism Binding, Uiiversity 0t Kaitucky,
Lexmgton.‘ Kentucky, 0506, t5 nailed five times weekly airing the sdml yea
except airing holidaysand exam periods, and twice weddy airing the sum
sessaon. Third class onstage paid at Lexington, Kentudw, 05".
Published by the Kemet Press, Inc. founded in 1971. Begun as the Catet in 1994
and melt shedcont'nmustyasthe Kaitucky Kernet since 1915.
Advertising puUist'ied herein is interned to help the rem buy. Any Ialse a
misleading advertising should be rem'ted to the anus.

Kernel Tdeflmgs

Editor, Edl'OrId editor 257 I755 Adverfising’ bUSITBS, CIrGIIa'Im 2g“


Manag‘ng editor, New desk 257 I740 Spats, Arts 757 IE!)






These freshman students in architecture
test their mid-semester projects on the
administration lawn facing South Lime-
stone Street. The bright metallic-collared
kites added sparkle to the area Wednesday
afternoon. Bob (ireathouse. above left.
receives an extra boost from a friend with
his variation on the box kite theme. At left.
Lori Lyons. waits for her turn to try out a


kite project.

Army submits for

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Kernel staff photos by Stewart Bowman

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new educational program


Kernel Staff Writer
Project AHEAD (Army Help
for Education and Development).
the Army‘s new nationwide
educational program has been
submitted to the University for

The program is not completely
new. but it ties existing

educational programs together
under a single plan designed to
appeal to educators. parents and
educationally motivated men and

the enlistee admission to the
participating college of his or her
choice when that person enters
military service.

The college opens or maintains
an active record file and assigns
a counselor to student soldiers.
Counselors advise them on which
courses to take while they are on
or near their assigned installa—

(‘ollege credits are earned by
soldiers at one of the Army
colleges. such as Eagle Univer»
sity at Fort Campbell. Ky. and
are then transfered to the college
of that soldier's choice after

said the active record files are
kept to avoid as much red tape as
possible when the soldier enters
college after discharge.

The Army pays up to 75 per
cent of tuition costs. with the
individual paying the rest. At
Eagle University soldiers pay
only one—tenth of educational

Fifteen per cent of a soldier‘s
on-duty time is spent in college
plus any additional off-duty time
a soldier wants to devote to
gaining extra credit. Toomey

Soldiers must be enlisted in the
Army for 180 days and be on
active duty before they can
receive college benefits,

already over 100 colleges enrolled
in this program. including
Morehead State and Eastern
Kentucky Universities. Eastern
enrolled the first soldier in the
state to join the program.

UK. now. gives credit for
certain types of military educa-
tion based on guidelines