xt7qnk364b3k https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qnk364b3k/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2004-10-19 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 19, 2004 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 19, 2004 2004 2004-10-19 2020 true xt7qnk364b3k section xt7qnk364b3k Columnist: Camcorders are

I :< T H E K E N T U C K Y 1 smaller, better than ever
rn Page 3
e e 0&A.UK administrator talks if

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October 19, 2004

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newsroom: 257-1915

First issue free Subsequent issues 25 cents.


Page 4


Attorney general: Police must release victims' names

By Adam Sichlto

The UK Police Depart-
ment has no legal basis for
blacking out crime victims’
information on its incident
reports and must stop the
practice. the state attorney
general‘s office ruled Friday.

At the beginning of the
school year. UK Police adopt-
ed a policy that gave crime
victims the chance to check a
box on police reports, telling
police to withhold their per-
sonal information from the

public. The Kernel challenged
that this new policy violated
Kentucky open records laws.

The UK Police Depart-
ment based its argument on a
state statute that says public
records can be withheld when
they contain “information of
a personal nature where the
public disclosure thereof
would constitute a clearly un-
warranted invasion of per-
sonal privacy"

The department also used
another state law that enables
institutions to deny open
records requests if the re-

lease of the information
would hinder ongoing police
investigations or proceedings.

But the state attorney gen-
eral‘s office found that UK
failed to meet its burden of

“UKPD has not described
in any harm to it or its inves-
tigation that would result
from disclosure of the inci-
dent report." said the opin-
ion. signed by Assistant At-
torney General Amye
Bensenhaver. “Not even a
bare claim is made in this re-
gard. Nor has UKPD attempt-

dto justify with specificity
the refusal of inspection of
these records."

Barbara Jones. UK‘s gen-
eral legal counsel and the au-
thor of UK's opinion to the at-
torney general. did not return
phone calls to her office.
When reached at home yes-
terday night. Jones said she
hadn't seen the ruling and de
clined to comment.

UK Police Chief Fred Otto
also hadn‘t seen the ruling as
of last night.

“I‘ll make that the first or-
der of business in the morn-

ing‘ ‘()ttosaid. “But Barbara
Jones is probably the one to
go to first before coming to

.lon Fleischaker, the Ker-
nel's attorney and general
counsel to the Kentucky Press
Association. said he is
pleased with the ruling for
two reasons.

"No. i. it is exactly the
right decision. and it's in line
with a number of other deci~
sions throughout the years."
he said. “UK counsel‘s efforts
were to change the law. not
implement the law.

'And No.2 it in fact the
decision had been otherwise.
it would have been a major
unwarranted change in what
the law is." he said. "i trust
that UK will go back to appro-
priate policy"

The attorney general
ruled that the UK Police De
partmeiit must. by law. re
lease all of the information
on its reports in this case be-
cause it failed to show a
"heightened privacy interest“
that overrides the public's “le-

See Opinion on page 2


At dusk Friday, a horse in a
farm near the Keeneland Race
Course grazes. Keeneland is
open Wednesday through Sun-
day through Oct. 30.

Special events for this week-
end include:

' Thursday - Charity of the
Day: McConnell Springs.
McConnell Springs is a natural
area and historic site, where
according to regional lore,
Lexington was founded and
named. Following the races,
the Friends of McConnell
Springs will have a Bluegrass
barbeque buffet and silent
auction in the Keeneland
Entertainment Center. For
ticket information, contact
Betty Barton at 255-1757.

' Sunday - Keeneland Wall
Calendar Giveaway.

The first 5,000 patrons to
Keeneland get a voucher for a
Keeneland Wall Calendar.
Vouchers may be redeemed
between 2:30 pm. and 5:30
pm. at the calendar redemp-
tion table located trackside
on the first floor of the grand-
stand behind Elevator C. For
more information, contact
(Source: wwwkeenelandcom)


mm run | STAFF






Afghan election still undecided a week later

By Paul Watson
KABUI.. Afghanistan

Interim President Hamid
Karzai held a strong lead
in the ballot count Monday
as allegations of fraud
continued more than a
week after the Afghan elec-

With an estimated 21
percent of ballots counted.
Karzai had 61 percent of
the vote. according to the
U.N.-Afghan group that or-
ganized the Oct. 9 election.

His main rival. Yunis
Qanooni. had almost 19
percent. Abdul Rashid Dos-
tum. an ethnic Uzbek war-
lord. was riiniiing third in
a field of 16 presidential
candidates with a little
more than 8 percent.

After briefing a UN. of
ficial Monday about a long
list of alleged irregulari-
ties. Qanooni said there
were more problems with
the balloting than he had
first thought.

“Unfortunately. our
friends working in the. gov-
ernment are trying to
make these big problems
seem very small." Qanooni
said in an interview.

“But in reality
fraud is preplanned."

The election was large
ly peaceful despite threats
from Taliban militants and
their allies to kill voters
and attack polling stations.

But in the days since
the polls closed and a mas-
sive security operation
ended. violence has mount
ed again.

On Monday. an election
worker and four other
Afghans were killed when
a blast struck the truck in
which they were riding in
Paktika province.


U.S.»led forces have
been battling insurgents in
that southeastern region.
which borders Pakistan.

The explosion occurred
around 8 am. on a road
southwest of Sharan. the
provincial capital. said
Sultan Bahcen. spokesman
for the Joint Electoral
Management Body.

Based on initial re-
ports. U.N. spokesman Ma-
noel dc Alineda e Silva
said it was not clear
whether the election vehi-
cle had been targeted.

‘ T h e
a r c a
where this
is known
for mines
and im-
he said.

" A n d
we don‘t
k ti o w
which cx-
plosive dc-
vicc hit the vehicle "

The list of 1&8 com
plaints that Qanooiii pre-
sented to the L'nited Na
tions included claims of
multiple voting and ballot
stuffing. as well as charges
that voter identity cards
were handed out in some
areas on election day. on
derage Afghans were al
lowed to cast ballots. and
monitors were beaten and


Qaiiooni said his cani
paign‘s monitors saw at
least seven ballot boxes set
aside in the Kabul count
ing station because of
“technical problems.” such
as broken seals.

But when monitors re

But in the days since
the polls closed and
a massive security
operation ended,
violence has
mounted again.

turned later. the boxes had
disappeared. he told the
United Nations.

On election day. a poll
worker in Kabul handed a
voter a ballot and told him
to check the box beside
Karzai's picture. Qanooni
reported. adding that the
voter replied: “Look tip. 1
am Mr. Said Abdul Hadi
Dabir. one of the candiv

“They should not have
called this a real election."
Qanooiii told the l'N. offi-

" F o r -
eigii couir
tries just
s it o u l d
have an
‘We want
Karxaif i
would have

iolti l‘t‘-
that any-
one with
complaints could fill out a
form amt have them iiives
tigated by the Joint Elec»
toral Management llody

Election officials esti~
mate that at least 8 million
ballots were cast. out of
more than ltl million regis-
tered voters.

Several thousand peo»
ple are believed to have
registered more than once.

To prevent multiple
voting. election officials
were supposed to mark vot-
crs' thumbs with indelible

But many voters were
able to rub off the mark.
prompting all if» candi-
dates riiniiing against

Karzai to announce a boy-
cott before the polls closed.

When US. Ambassador
Zalmay Khalilzad inter-
vened. Qanooni and other
major candidates agreed to
accept an investigation by
a three-member panel of
UN. election experts to re-
solve the disputes.

But foreign experts are
investigating complaints of
election-day irregularities
only. Qanooni said Monday.
adding that many serious
problems had occurred
since then as ballot boxes
were moved to the eight
counting centers. often
without monitors. and as
the ballots were being tab~

Karzai would need
more than .30 percent of
the votes to avoid a rtinoff.

He also wants a strong
mandate so that he can
counter the power of war
lords and disarm their

He is leading in half
the country's :l-i provinces.
while Qaiiooiii and Dostum
are each leading in five
provinces that form their
Taiik and l'7bek ethnic

Mohammcd Mohaqiu.
an ethnic Haxara leader. is
leading in two provinces.

The remaining five
provinces have yet to re-
port any results.

Old-guard warlords
such as Dostum and Mo-
haqiq may use a strong
showing in their home re-
gions to press for a share
of power as members of
the (,‘abinct. something
Karzai has said he wants
to avoid as he tries to build
a government based on
merit rather than political

A hundred gather
for ‘Fahrenheit 9/11'

Film shown free yesterday at Cats' Den


By Dariush Shata

When (‘ats Den ('oordina-
tor Leslie Hollei‘man made
arrangements to bring
“Fahrenheit 9 ll" in to be
shown on the prtilt‘t‘iloll
screen. he only expected
about 60 people or so to H lillt‘

Last night. more than l3o
people turned out for Ilio
showing of the controvcixial

"i really didn't expect illl~
many. to tell you the truth."
said Hollermaii. an integrated
strategic communication so
nior “This is overwhelming
I‘m happy about it "

He said he brought the
film. the highest-grossing doc
umentanf ever. because he felt
it was an important piece of
information for this election

“l‘m not trying to create
any bias. l'ni just trying to get
the information out there." he

Hollcrnian said that he
didn't believe that the film
would encourage people to
vote either way to a large de-

"I don't necessarily think
it's going to skew the vote one
way or another.” he said “i
(just) think more people are
going to get out and vote be.
cause of it."

Though the film has been
touted for its political lean-
ings. some students said that
they wenen t there specifically
for the politics of it.

“The reason (I came) is
that this film is very famous."
said Asel Naskeyeva. an inter-
national relations scholar
fmm Kyrgyzstan.

students said that
they believed the film woisld
carry a significant amount of
weight politically

“l'vc heard that :lliyollt'
who watches this tends not to
like Bush no matter what po-
litical party they belong to.‘
said psychology sophomore
Allison Sopp

l’olitical scienccprotcsst1'
Stephen \‘oss \tilfi that the
tilni was sigiiiticaiit because
of the widespread release and
reaction to the film.

“It; .1 record breaking
docimicniarx which has tired
tip lllt‘ left and angered the
right so it seems llkt‘ a good
tilm to see." he said "Part of
a good odiication is knowing
what all the hype is about.”

“line \‘oss said that the
film would likely not have a
signilicant effect on voters lit'
did say that it could be a fac
tor in who wins the election

“i think it will whip tip
(the Kt‘i'l’V voters) and niotie
vatc them." he \Jllll. "Rut ma
close election. that can make
the (lll‘l‘ci‘t‘iit‘e "

dshafh u Agvkcrnclmm


"Fahrenheit 9/11"

- Opened in 900 million
theaters across the na
tion. making it the
largest documentary re-
lease ever

a Set record earnings
with over Sim million in
first month. $2? million
in first weekend more
than $200 million world-





Oct. i9, 2004


Crystal Little

Features Editor

Phone: 2574915

Email: clittleOlykernelcom

Smith's album gloomy but insightful


By Jeff Patterson
xéiufi music cmtic

We all thought he was

But Elliott Smith knew
how it would end: Strung
out again.

In the singer song
writer‘s final days. every-
thing seemed normal.

He was sober. oft' drugs.
and working on his next at
bum in loos Angeles

Then. unexpectedly. he
died Oct. 21. 2003.

A self-inflicted
wound to the heart.

Coroner can‘t rule if
was self-inflicted or not.

He was 34.

NOW. with the release of
Smith‘s final album. From a


Voting begins

MIAMI Bongo drums.
rapping preachers and a
smattering of (iii-llNiltllllllllll'
technical difficulties greeted
Florida voters Monday as the
state’s first attempt at early
voting iii a presidential elo-
tioii opened the lit-day voting
season in this critical battle
ground state

'l‘hoiisaiids ot tier-tilo
many motivated by that:
over the botched zooo poo
deritial election. lined up to
cast ballots in .‘yliaini. l‘iliti
Beach l'ou'iijv and tillltl
parts of the s‘ it»-
the chaos of ihe pies:
deiitial race Voters wedged
into Miami‘s cayei :ioiis
downtown government 'i‘li
ter and took tiiiizibers \llllloll
to those Used at L'l'w‘l'l".
deli counters t'it' ottitzix
tried to otter ! lliiitlli lll‘: ..~
privacy by sliooirie iwa'. pi»
togi'aphers who lumped up.
lines and pushed illi'l! it .ises
within lllt'llt s ot the fir-i i it
ers to cast liliihils

"'l'lie t'iiciis :-- .i'i olx
getting starie d ’ s od i l
Detorres. io‘. l ie gt .i .g.. w
the poor. whosi slip of pipe:
identified him as Mimi:
llade t'oiiii'y \otei‘ 1, little"

The state was that. w. z“:
poll watchers illlillwri
every step of the [il'tit‘i'ss c _
they were spotting '. .w
throughout the day Laptops
Used to verify registixitioi
malfuiictioned in
County. and t ompiite is hot
in ()range (‘ounty briefly '12-
layiiig voter verificat ltill

“All l know is that were

rolled in



’i;.tl\.' i (i


Continued from page i

gitimate interest" in the Hi

“The media and people in
general can‘t effectively be a
check on the police without
having those names." said
Emily Hagedorn. editor in
chief of the Kernel.

"It alloWS us to talk to
those victims to see how the
police handled the crime.

“This ruling allows us to
do our jobs to their full capac-
ity which is to provide useful

Musician Elliott
Smith shares
the darkness of
his last days in
his post-
released album,
Basement on
the Hill.


Basement on the Hill. he re-
veals how dark his final
days were.

Smith‘s final 15 tracks
are full of self-deprecation

much more so than his
last two albums. Figure 8
and X().

“I can't prepare for
death any more than 1 al
ready have." Smith sang in
“King‘s Crossing."

Smith toured iising sev»
era] of the songs on his
posthumiis album. but they
weren‘t as depressing live

This album gave the
warning signs that very few

The final line of "King's
crossing" may have fore»
shadowed his end: "Don‘t

let me be carried away."

But Smith has always
been dark in his lyrics.

()n 1997‘s Either, Or. he
associated himself with
street trash.

Wes Anderson figured
"Needle in the Hay" would
be the perfect song to go
with Richie 'l‘enembaum’s
attempted suicide in Ander-
son's 2001 film The Royal

That was the thing with
his music. That was why he
had such a following,

It was so beautiful.
so gloomy

Smith could write har-
monies like the Beatles,
have the lyrical skills of
Bob Dylan and have the
pain of The Smiths.

The first time you heard
his voice and understand
the depth of his songs. he
had infected you.

Basement on the Hill fol
lows Smith's style in his
other five albums.

There are the upbeat.
melodic songs like “Pretty
(Ugly Before)" and “Shoot
ing Star."

They have pop‘s catchi-
ness. while maintaining his
punk honesty:

Then there's “A Distort-
ed Reality is a Necessity to
be Free." Smith‘s final

He preaches about peo-
ple corrupting the world be»
hind a tuneddown acoustic

For the chorus. he lets
the music drown out his fi—
nal message:

“Shine on me
‘cause it‘s rainin'


Grade: A


in my
we knew that all

E-ma il
jpatterson u kykernelrom

in Florida amidst problems

not going to let anything slip
by us.” said state Rep. Shel-
ley \'aiia (Iii. who com-
plained after noticing miss-
ing pages on an absentee bal-
lot she requested at a Palm
Beach t‘ounty polling place.

Florida‘s early-voting
process like almost every-
thing about the state's elec
'ioi: machinery. has been .is-
sdlh'ti li‘. t'i' lllpl' 11! its liliS iélli
I‘ took .i: .\ \ \t l’ lawsuit to
L‘t" :ddnmril earlyyoting
\olusia t‘oiinty.
kolvl‘ :iilyoc;i'--s com

in the county‘s sin

Tilt» Till il‘lilll

~ii<*eziti'.iiioiis «if

' at. i\llll'litllll \oieis lll
‘ Ht' it'i.

‘ti.il.i: wttoi'is l-y ‘.'ttt‘l'
tlyw flies titled in riltl'k
son he '.\lil':'t' llii\ vi ( oun-

i.i"’ Superx :soi loliii
\‘iiii""ii Y"~‘.'iltti Monday
wi'in; :1“. problems
lli‘Y‘iavlls‘i‘iliils Lliillit‘l‘eti
\lwrwlti‘. . xt'sldv- the l'ii‘t'lltilh
\_,;itl‘vis'ii 'ii'il’iili'st
ttl“ lsilifl spt iwliiig
ll 1‘» «E l with: with :ts liiue
*oiitiw's of ,\triiaii :\lllt'l‘l
i.t!t \iitiit‘s iii vl sillLIlt' i'lll'iN-
'.o'::.; lo: .ifioii 'l'he Ilt‘llltlt'
:‘ its‘ dis:ippoii:tiiieiit in Jack
«in lli‘ nixiti lied lll 'l'al
"chasst c wlieii- 'he state
\ .preinwl o‘ir' ruled against
idiot onions 'hat wanted to
mow \IiIt'l‘ including those
llhliitlli'ti by hiii'i‘iiaties to
last proi isioiial hzillots out
then designated
lil‘t‘t .fli "s

l‘loi‘idsi whiih was
rooted ii: early \oting Mon
day by t o'ioiado. Texas and
not the first

.. .,.
\l-"\ i.i


HUI} \\tl\

\ '>illi'

v .. .J.

'v't (t\


Aikaiisas 1s

iiiloriiiation to our readers in
the best way that we can." she

l’leishaker said the entire
public is served by the deci

"The public ought to
know and has right to
know the information that
the university was blackiiig
out." he said. "In terms of
having some transparency on
how law enforcement agency
works. the public is well-
served by the railing."

The only real implication
of the ruling is that it permits
journalists to continue doing
their jobs. Fleishaker said.

“The benefit from the de—
cision is that in am. we have

state to conduct early ballot-
ing this year. Voters in Michi-
gan. Missouri and Iowa have
been able to cast presidential
ballots since last month. But
the passionate buildup to
early voting here is virtually

Chants echoed off the tile
in the Miami government
center as the 11 am. start of
early voting approached:
“Let‘s go vote. No more

The overwhelmingly De-
mocratic partisan crowds,
with large numbers of black
voters. voiced an almost uni-
\er.sal outrage about the 2000

"It was a rip-off." said So
nia llethel. a nursing home
assistant who proudly dis-
played the ticket that labeled
her as early voter number l.

The signs around Hetliel
guided voters in English.
Spanish and Kreyol: “Early
voting. \‘otacion anticipada.
\'oie l’i Hone ” Outside. a
lanky man pounded a bongo.
and voting women lingering
iiiider shade trees swiveled
their hips

The Rev Lennox Year-
yyood. heads of perspiration
building on his forehead.
called out a steady rap' “All
souls to the polls We gonna
bang that ballot box."

At least this time the
dead will be able to vote
legally Miamilmde election
officials said Monday that
anyone who dies between the
time they cast an early ballot
and Nov 2 can he assured
their vote will .still be count

had an attorney general
again take a look at it and say
‘that's the law.” he said.

“We'll continue to get the
police reports with informa
tion about victims that the
university was trying to

If UK chooses to appeal
the decision. it must do so
within 30 days. Fleishaker

In an interview with the
Student Press Law Center,
Jones said she would not ap-
peal the decision if the attor
ney general ruled in the Ker
nel's favor.


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Most up-to-date camcorders can almost fit in the palm of your hand. Some don't require tapes, though most do. They can also connect to most computers.

New camcorders take the clunk out of taping

Editor's note: This is the
second in a two-part series on
cameras and camcorders.

Tired of
m a k i n g
movies that
look like
they were
filmed 20
years ago’.’
Editing op-
tions nonexe
istent'.’ Nev-
er owned a
and want
easy to use?
Where do you start? Never
fear ~ it's your friendly
neighborhood tech guy to the
rescue with this handy

First. ask. “What am I re-
ally going to do with this cam»
corder?" (For those paying at—
tention. this is the same ques-
tion you asked yourself last
week when we discussed digi-
tal cameras).

A variety of options are
available when it comes to
camcorder selection. The two
main formats are analog and

The analog category in
cludes VHS. VHSC. 8MM and
H18 (typically the only analog
format still
available). ~ —

In the digi-
tal category
you'll find Mi-
cro MV (not
very popular).


rice coruumsr

standard) and
DVD (suppos-
edly where
things are go—

But what‘s
the difference?

You can
pretty much
assume that
“analog" is
synonymous with "old." Ana-
log camcorders are the pre-
cursors to digital and offer
very little in the department
of options and editing.

Typically these cameras
were lower resolution. and
larger in size.

The resolution of a catn-
corder is measured by the
number of horizontal lines
that make up the picture, or
lines of resolution. The more
lines your picture has. the
better the quality.

If you go digital, your
picture looks better,
Mini Dv (the but don't just assume
that the latest thing
on the market will
produce the best


Paul's top three
camcorders under

I Sony HC-30
I Canon ZR-70




Analog has anywhere
front around 240 to 400 (400 be
ing the Hi-8 format; a typical
VHS cassette has about 240).

Digital camcorders pro-
duce images that run from
about 500 to 540 and can be in
excess of over 1000 if you
shoot with a high—definition

If you go digital. your pic
ture looks better. but don‘t
just assume that the latest
thing on the market will pro-
duce the best picture. The
newer DVD camcorders only
produce 500 lines of resolu-
tion. where most Mini-DY
models produce about 540.

Just because a camcorder
is digital doesn't mean there
is no tape most camcorders
still use tapes. The device is
“digital" because information
is encoded on the tape in a
way that allows the cam-
corder to inter
face with your
computer and
its digital

zoom is a little

There are
two types of
zoom. Similar
to a digital
camera. you
have optical
and digital

Optical is
the good kind

it doesn't hurt the quality
of your picture. so the more.
the better. Digital zoom. on
the other hand, isn't so nice:
It crops your image. which
cuts the number of lines of
resolution considerably

The more you digitally
zoom your camcorder. the
lower your resolution be-
comes. With a digital camera.
you usually digitally zoom by
a factor of two to four times
(not good). With a camcorder.
it can be up to 990 times (deli

nitely not good). Any picture
actually taken with such a
substantial cut in resolution
will be virtually useless. so
turn your digital zoom down.
Even better. turn it off.

A camcorder‘s picture
quality is also affected by its
CCD chip the light-sensi»
tive chip that turns visible
light waves into a digital im-
age. Most cameras have one
chip. but some of the better
models will have three (one
chip for each of the primary
colors of the light spectrum:
red. green and blue). They‘re
pricey: but if you can afford
one. the difference in picture
quality is quite dramatic.

Most digi»
tal camcorders "
also have a
built-in digital
camera func-

The bad
news? It's not

The mea-
sure for a still
picture's reso-
lution is the
megapixel, and the more
megapixels a camera has. the
better picture you can get.
Many camcorders have price
points based on still picture
quality. so this is an impor-
tant thing to know: the more
megap'uiels. the more you’re
going to pay.

But don‘t think buying a
camcorder will retire your
digital camera most mod-
els feature one megapixel at

Most either have none or
0.68 the few that have tnore
usually will rim over 81.001).
and men they won‘t top two
niegapixels. Meanwhile. most
digital cameras begin with
three megapixels.

The last thing: Buy acces
sories to make your catn-

cordcr work for you. (hit of

the box. most models will
have a one-hour battery. ca-
bles. software and a neck
strap. Plan to purchase tapes
as well you won‘t have
everything needed to start
filming just out of the box.

A fresh tape for each new
project is a good idea as well

the more you reuse a tape.
the more it wears. leading to
poor sound and picture quali


Can you imagine film-
ing a wedding and
running out of power
right before the bride
and groom kiss?

Picking up a case for your
camera is always a good idea.

You‘ll probably spend over
$500 just for the camera. so
spend that extra $20 to protect
your investment ~ manufac-
turer warranties do not cover
incidental damage.

Also budget for an extra
battery The battery that typi
cally comes with camcorders
lasts one hour with the LCD
screen closed and about 45
minutes open.

A single Mini-DV tape is
an hour. and most major
events that people videotape
will take two to three tapes.

Can you imagine filming a
wedding and running out of
power right be.-
fore. the bride
and groom

When it
comes to trans-
ferring your
video to a com-
puter. the two
most common
hook-ups are
universal seri-
al bus port and
Firewire (also
called a DV
port. or IEEEIBSM).

Typically: people are more
familiar with ['88 it‘s the
small rectangular plug that
printers. mice and keyboards
use. Because of this familiari»
ty. it's a popular primary
means of transfer.

My advice: Don‘t.

USB can cause many
problems. and that‘s if you
can get a connection to work

it‘s slow. as [TSB has to
compress the footage to trans-

Expect a four- to six-hour
wait for an hour of Video and
a loss of quality to boot.

Additionally. some cani
corders or software are inca
pable of transferring through
if SB at all

I think the best means of
moving digital video to a com»
puter is via l-‘irewire The
transfer is in real time. and
there is no loss in quality.

If you don't hayc a
Firewire port on your coni-
puter. don‘t stress you can
install a Firewirc card for
about 840.

So there you have it: (‘am-
corders ltil. (‘lass dismissed.

features u k‘i'lt'crne/ com



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'Ioptlot sum unnaturmmcumohm

“UK Ioroon llblo Goody. cm. W Condor, loom "3

'ShoolleroCIubIootlog. ommmmmnm

'UK Foncing Club. leOm. Iuoll Armory on W Dr.
'UK Wotor Sid Club. 8:00pm OFF cm. Coll (“Om-4128 lot man In”.
'0! no Kwon Do Club Mt... omnm Alumni Owen to“. col 351-7311

loi- moro Info

'Tho Lomon Troo prooomo 'Tooto of lndlo', 11:00pm-1:0°oln. 20' lukoon Noll
'Coniody Convon prooonto Pot Dixon. 8:00pm. Mon Concor. Cot'o Don

"coon tho Gotoo of Conoclouonooo: An Nouvoou Glooo ond PM." Noon-
5prn. UK Am Mumm. $8.00 Admloolon


'MCL. French Division‘s Toblo Froncoioo, French Conversation Group, 3:00-
4.30pm. Student Cor-tor, Room 206

'anondor Society Mtg , 7:00pm. Student Cantor, Room 228

'Cots For ChriIt Mtg, 7 00pm. Student Contor. Room 230

'UK Followohip ol Chriotion Athlotoo Mtg, 8‘00pm, Upotoin of tho Commono
Markot, South Campus

'Bnptiot Student Union "Tho Rock", 9:009m, 429 Columbia Avo., Groolu
building a Iolid spiritual foundation one otop ot I timo

' National Student Exchange Mootlng, 3:309m. Millor Noll. Room 102
'Luthoron-Epiocopol Campuo Ministry's Wonhlp ond Dlnnor, 7:00pm, St.
Augustino'o Chapel on Rooo St

'Colloga Rapubllcan Mtg, B’OOpm, Common: Morkot. Room 306


'Mo Rocca, 8 00pm, Grand Ballroom, Student Contor

‘Tho Lemon Tree pro-onto "Toots ol India", l2'00pm-1‘00pm, 206 Elikoon Noll
'Comedy Caravan pro-onto Tim Northnrn, 8:00pm. Studont Contor. Cot'o Don


‘ "Open the GItoI of Conociouonou Art Nouvoou Glooo Ind Pottory," Noon-
5pm, UK Art- Muloum, $8.00 Admin-ton

"‘Knltina Bogdonov," Mondoy»Fridoy, I 1 OOpm-S'OOpm, Rood-ll Art Gollorv.
Student Contor

‘Crootivo Writing Corner, 8-00pm7800pm, W T Young lerory. Writing Contor.
5th floor Waltoida, for moro information call tho Writing Contor It 257-1358


'Wooloy Foundotion Focus Woe-Mp, 7:30pm. W Contor. Condor M
‘Chriotlon Studont Follow-Mp prooonto ‘Svnorgv'. am C" loading on
tho corn-r ol Woodland ond Columbio

' Flliplno Amt-icon Orgonlutlon flooding. 82M Stud-u Condor, loom 11.
'UK PM Alpho om. Pro-Low Mt... mm m m. m 2“


‘UK Foncing Club. moopmdmoopm. Iuoll Armory on Mon Dr.
'Shoolln-Do Club Mootlno. 8:00-4:30”, Alumni Gym Loft, 8.0 not ooroooeor
'DrooIogoToomM ‘ -Izotbm.‘ ‘ Condor.‘ ‘1.

'Tho Lon-on Tl-oo prooonto "Tonto of Mo”, lawnm. zoo Inho- I'lol

Born. UK Am Woo-om. oooo Won

"Id-«no Ion‘onov." Mutiny-Fwy. "MM Ioodol Art My.

'0“ Too Km Do Club "I... Irwin-01”!» M 0'— LOW. ‘ '1-7811

lot noon lnio

‘Groco Compuo Miniotrioo prooontl Frldoy Nlohl Uvo, 6-009m. Klrwlrr
Blinding Ploxo. FREE FOOD


' "Opon tho Ootoo of ConoclouonooI An Nouvoou GloII Ind Pmon,‘ Noon-
Spm. UK Arte Muooum. $8.00 Admlooion

' ~l(rlotino Iogdonov." Mondoy-Fridoy, ‘Il.00pm-l:00pm. Roodoll Art Oollorv,
Studo'nt Contor

'Flonlot. Jonlno Flolkowoko. 8:009m. ElngIotory Contor for tho Am, Unhod
numbor 00 FREE tlclrm ovollohlo lor UK Studomo

'UK Too Kwon Do Club Mtg, ":00om-112309m. Alumni Own Loft. coll 3.1-
731 1 lot nioeo Info

" mmummmmum‘»


0 u: iiooiiIi II: loo-onio- mono-loot. M m
Commono. Ind oi tho Mudont Contor.


"OponthoootooofConoclouonooo: AnNouvoouOIIooond PM.” Noon-