xt7qrf5kb99b https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qrf5kb99b/data/mets.xml Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station 1958 journals English Lexington, Ky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station Kentucky farm and home science, vol. 4 No. 3 summer 1958 text Kentucky farm and home science, vol. 4 No. 3 summer 1958 1958 2012 true xt7qrf5kb99b section xt7qrf5kb99b -·-my Volume 4 V
` ;A.
j Number 3
_ Q Summer 1958
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VK Issued quarterly by the Kentucky Agrncultural Expernment Station
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A Who Uses
V V Q · A .,__ COUI1ly Agent? V
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``-`’ Vx K6; A» <·. A l ‘‘"‘ A" is `
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· Q! 3 ·=;VV= ¤ -r;. A @3 ¤,V.= V rr.., A A AA **1 V A »AVA"Z}?? V Short Reports
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— ~ ·»·= A --}.»» r ;., V.»,» . - —’;== · t·::‘ --‘.= :?·1'f1%¤‘¢`i?‘ —v,* e*¢>~
?.r*¥¤”-2 vv‘`;»%‘» f= . ·~‘» .f · f '‘‘‘“‘'’` ''‘` g_ ii ·
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4 al i? éxtiffr . A ` ` - ill. it gif il VY af r »¤;Q·=‘!·
Zr·.·“·.??»<1>r:N1Nc To K1;NTUom‘ {
By (Jordon I)e]ou,t{ mu] C. rllilmn Cougheuour Page 3 `
VVuo Usus Tun CoUN’rY Exrunslon At;15N’r?
By (Z. Milton Cong/ieuour Page 4
Six-Y1sA1< PAs*rUn1c 'l`1uA1,s HEVEAL \/ALUE i __
or FER'l`lLlZElt-IRRICATION Co:\1mNA*r1ox
By \\r’. (Y. 'l`cmplcfou, ]r.. C. F. Buck. _ TV
and P. G. \VooIfolk Page 6
V ARIED liussmncn Pno mers R1;1>on’r1;u ., A
By Frank B. Borries, jr. Pagc 8 A
4 .
". »
The Cover .
{ ._,, . , . _ ~t·
ss . __»_. A —.`»_ j . .~‘r colorful scene ou many kentucky farms during the late
r_·. [ . . =-` ri . . · . . ·
?g',_ L:;Q:;.>1 _ suuuucr rs that wrotlucetl bv a hold ot burlev tobacco m ‘
I. ’”`i"£%€i·é. 1 ' '
bloom. Symbolic ot the harvest soon to come are the plants ha
» `E ; _` All · ` if Q · 1 ·
»·" ga; lll this close—up photograph made ou the Kentucky Agrl- _
s,§`·’;;;* H cultural Experiment Station Farm by Robert C. May.
gs`. Viz, · »‘ A.;
t f' err I ·
" V gl Yr`. » {~
—~ it S Study of 12 Washington county neigh-
h ’ H °
A .
_ ` borhoods reveals characteristics of new
ter T
Q •
lg ·
c l ~ Ne hborhoodse ml °l‘l "*S*‘l**"‘S
—r-Me By GORDON DEJONG and C- MILTON COUGHENOIU of farmers was slightly larger than that estimated for
L_ the entire county (11 percent).*l
. ` There has hardly been a time in Kentucky history For purposos of furthor auoiysrsa farm operators
yy when the inward and outward movement of rural Wort, oiussrgou into rirroo groupss Group A form ·
st Peellle llas llel elealesl Pleblellls lOl` leeal l`lll'*ll eOlll‘ operators were residents in the survey areas in both I
· munities. Of particular concern in recent decades 1951) aud 1955 (group B uro those form ooorurors who
‘ as has lleell llle lllOVelllelll Olll el lllllll llelgllbellleeds le had lived in the areas in 1950, but who had left the
llle Vlllages tllld ellles- lll allelllpllllg tv llllalyze lllese survey neighborhoods by 1955. Farm operators who
' llllwelllellls allel tllell llllPlle·ltlells f¤rl<>¤=1l¤€1shb<>1- had become residents in the survey areas between
_ .— 1 hoods, several questions may be asked. How much 1951) uuri 1955 oro iu (group C_
_ out—movement and in—movement is there in farm neigh-
" ’ borhoods? In comparison with permanent residents, wllel Klnds 0* F¤l'¤‘|€|'$ l-ell'? .
...;_ what kinds of farmers left the neighborhood and came C0lllPlll`lsOll of llle lllllllels Wlle lelt (CYOUP B)
1 ju? with those who remained Grou n A not onl Jermits
1* I 1
In recent Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station elle lll see ll0W llle lW0 gl`0llPs €llll€l`» but also P0lllls
V ‘ As, studies il] Wggiiiiigtgii C()1111ty’ i11f01·1*11k1ti()11 was ggfii- to 1)()SSll)lC l`€z1S()1]Sl`()l' tll(:‘ Ollt-li]lgI'2ltlOI'l. SIgI]lHC2ll`Itly,
ered concerning mobility in 12 neighborhoods. VVash- llle 'KWO QYOUPS of liifm 0P€1`1lt01`S W€1‘¢‘ alike with 1*3-
. ~El iiigton County is iocated in the ()11t€1* Bi11€g1‘aSS GOO- g2l.I`(l to C(l1lC1lltl()Il, Zl.g€, SUIIYCUS of l'zlI'Il] lIlfOI`I'IlZ1tl()ll
, nomic area and is predominantly agricultural. In this ll$<“ bllly 277 (*0 bblcelltl those who left as com >ared with 12 iercent of those
kk ··'llf ` ' l ‘·> ·> l 1955 Tl'·
Wele *tl ‘llllllllg lll tlb Slllyey ‘ll*‘l ly ' · _ lls who remained were tenant operators.
""° l"SS= llbwevblh was baltllllly flflsef by all lllllllx of 66 Three likely bases for the outlinigration of tenants
ui new farmers between 1950 and 1955, which made a mr,.
llet less Ol 13 llelcbllt llll tlle 5`ybllll llbl`l(l‘l· Tllls loss (I) They may have moved to another location to
l » . . ·
) »—~— become farm owners or to obtain a better farm to rent.
l The authors are Graduate Assistant and Assoeiate Rural Soeiologist
up in the Department of Rural Sociology, respectively. _W
=iIa1_1oorl’$ level-of-living index, 1950, for Washington county was ¢= 1*11111 1)_ ttielmirisoii, l’opnlu1inn Iirtiiiiulrrs for K¤·nti·cku Counties,
, 115 as compared with the state average of 86. Margaret ]. Ilagood, Ko _.1rrr_ 1.jxr,1_ g1u_1>ruu_ 11r.r,1_ Q1 (iuru. ]$)55)_ `
1* * Gladys K. Bowles, and Robert R. Mount, Farni-Operator Family I.ei;eI-<:f» `
Living Iml<*xe.s·. U. S. Department nf Agriculture. Agricultural Marketing , . .
A smrir-.·, smiasiimi Buiierm 204 (sims iss?). ·(·<>¤¤tH¤¤M*
0 S€S t Ollllt xt 115101] gfbll .
By (J. MILTON (ZOUGHENOUR 3; . ° `__“ ip *‘
:·$J;:‘¢zAliA;.;"l? ·;.. · V.;-. . = ‘ " ‘‘»‘ ‘ ‘V;;‘V’ i
(He S€I‘V€S best those whotn he k]`t()\)VS best lg gi A LA, Q N
_ _ ;*§>§5‘;§g; ··’· A :_3{ ‘
rule which seems to apply particularly to county .-..V i gj ··-- gr
A . . .».. ¥ ‘ *
agent and farmer relationships. ” A- ,·.°— T L `A»_‘‘= I A é`
. A A . . . ~» A...» ‘ · I A` · iii? .`V` as ` ·
A11 llI1(l(iI'St3.ll(ll1]g of the farmer and l1lS S1tl121tlOll, ‘v_ » V ’ _·V_· E .4
_ _ _ , . _ _ X, _ zlv ___.». ___V{ iev V»’‘,= . ,._ `
although not Sulhclcllt by ltS€ll» gY€*ltlY laclllmws " §" " ‘“’ §"”“”" `—-V` ’».; F .
A . . . . ._... .=.; “‘’; ’ ~==f if V‘-. .A `·`’» `’‘° ‘‘°‘ ’`'’'‘` ```` ’ '``’ ' ` V "
eflectlve C()lTlmUHlCzltlOIl and S€I'V1C€. Too Oftell, llOW- A zij s ._._-»·_;_V`° ’ ·VV’_‘__ ``l» Q A
A . ~ A A t :23.} vlil, r‘»·v f $2%: —l»· EH 4‘’‘
ever, the agent s understanding of farmers 11] his A _,..=¤ t ·»»V_ _.._ t ;Ag =1—g ;,,~_
. . . =-‘ `
county is limited to that select group already prac- t
. . . " ..». 6**
tiemg up-to-date farming methods. .·.— 4
A A ‘=· ‘`’’ `.-· :»·
Farmers USIIIQ, Ollt-(l2lt€(l practices are much less , A E ; ’-*·.i ; ¥—· ·*c ’-·¥‘»¢ #v rc
likely to he recognized personally or unglerstooql lz. N 3 u 7
. . A i ’‘’r < ....4.%*.; ` ‘ A
Lacking contact with the agent, these farmers usually ; gy ‘
‘ . A i i i - /4 ·“ - ·; az. . `‘°‘‘
are poorly informed as to the help the agent can pro- Af f if ,-.
. . . A ¤ ’‘‘ A ~’;i#A;* V‘‘ ; / Sy; i =·¢==-
vide and are 110t (l1SpOSC<,l to accept It Wllttll 0l'l€1`€(l- ' · 'V-`'
r ” ‘
· at r t te A ,A .v__.,, __ ·*
285 Furmers Surveyed f ig; a. 'lrt, A ~»·»~»-- ..·‘ `
It is in this context that some of the data obtanied t»// t ‘~/.» - _, ll
in 19 Jl) and 1950 surveys of 285 farmers in Washing- M ,.
. ‘ . A J A;. ° f e ,_ A Fi »J *··· ` '
ttm county are llT\[)()I`t2Ult.l How many farmers regu- F '
. A . ‘‘``= "
larly, and never obtained help from the agent is de- 5; §gy;;;»—;g;;e,,;;;;,‘,,,;;e ‘ · * -
A . I . .,.‘ liiéi `
termined; also, some factors associated with seeking . .,»,
A — r t ‘ ft ‘ A A s " `
help from the agent and the effects or consequences ,2;. , _
. A A . » An=‘ , fzu =·· A,
of the different patterns of using the agent are ex- ;{A ,’: ’‘·, * ·—·, j ·
. ,, g ‘‘-.·r 2 ·ij,_ ·_ *"ai:A: .rA.-.A.A.A.;A.'‘`.AA· I ’ .*·.
` I 1 · · *- Ji·-·=;’-@54: ,:=;.·::;52&;$:;;;;;;.j.j,;5;;;tg‘.A»>j"·*;;:=;.;‘·:·*; .‘ * : *-*2;; A,. »y (Ng; wx A , *,_.A>’ _>.=;,;$ 4:4*g .- V6; ;.
somewhat above that for the state as a whole as is _ _ _ _ _ in
. . _ _ A . . . . A multitude of services is offered farmers in Kentucky
mdlcutoll by n mlm Opcmtm level-Ol-lwmg mdex m counties bv their county extension offices in this photo
t· . ,. `..A.,: · `. ` -"‘
L) )() tlmt Wah 34 Pflcult ¤l><>v¤ that at tht 5t*1tf· graph, the man on the right is bringing a soil sample to bc ’ _
In both surveys farmers were asked: During the tested and reconnnendations made. A'. .
past two years have you got any information, ideas,
A . A . ¢*·—
or hel J of ·m kind from the county ·1 ’1`lCllltll1"Il ·1 rent . .
I ` _ W, “ ,, . ‘ °f" ° `& fined in the broadest sense and may have been ob-
or through lns olhee. Ilelp from the agent was de- . . . . . I ,
tained at meetings, by mail, or in person. On the basis
‘.·\lthough more than the 285 farmers were intervieivetl in each sur- of tl`lC‘l1` I`€S}_)()llSGS l:E`I.I`lTl€l`S \V€I'(‘ CltISSll:lC(l ll]tO g1`()UpSZ ;,,(~
vey, only tht- 285 \\ crt- intervit-wed in both years. Except for being prt--
tloiuinautly farm owners, the 285 farmers were much like the remainder . _ ,
iutervit-wet} in patih survey and lfpr prestpit purposes may he eonsitlert-tl Hiiglfltlrfll IWIIYCYI _lilYm(`Y$ who Y€l)UI`l¢`(l Ul lmlll $llYV@`}’$ LL
* ·pre.‘ ·nti tiv · v t ie survey neii; 1 vorhoot s. . , . , , , , , _, .
ll Filr plevlotlis reports of these studies see t·spt·cially the following puh- llmt tlky hdd lkml lldptd (dt l( Abt
lieatiuus of tliell·§entut2· ;{Q; r?°f’ rf; '·_» ij E f` » , §;*’»‘f,_{ Studies that have attempted to determine the inc-
E ,2, .j; ’i .»,_,», 1· ° I 1"_`.,;;> * .,__; ilfh n tors leading to use of the C()lIllty agent have pointed
"» ° ‘A_‘·f_ ..,.. to tt variety of personal and social CllilI'U.Ctl*l`lSlZiC5 of
4, A county agent and il furmcr reviewing the latter’s l`arm f€U`m(‘I`$· This and <>tl1e¤‘ $tU(ll(`$» ll(“V°V°f~ have not
1`C(TOl`(l EIS El UICZIIIS Oli (TllC(`l(llIg IIl2ll]11g€ll'l€I`lI ])I`2l(`Il(Y€S_ {fC(;;ifhiup(] (1]; ])([[¢_{(*
(7 KaN*1‘ur11`·5.,_g“‘_ 1
‘ ‘< t “ ‘ 1.,; ’u‘‘t * oc~4 < 1.
By W'. (I. TEMPLETON, JR., (1. F. ISUCK ‘‘—f `· 3.;. & _ afs; ~1 " *”
and p_ (;_ W()()LF()LK , éggy, , 1 N ;_, 11 1 v_._v-_ __A·» _~ ;.._ `
* " 1..11;:1.., .· ne ,.,,v 411 .11.- 1* ·1, ..5* =’ t.-4
`’·’ .=-; ·1 v—*·
1 ·`ji;.;» j_zj>s1-’ ~1M.;_ ,j;>;@2.11Z1<°° 1 2 .._. , Ati': _=__ __ :_j
· · · - · · 1 · 1 · 11:1€i1*1£1k11a4<";;1;;;-1 · 1’ 1** . ¤*i<*i·#?~11 —1
Stll(llC‘S ()Il ll'I`lgi1t1()ll, l6‘1`tlllZ&.`ttl()ll 3.ll(l l`€S(;‘(;’(lll1g of 51’i;;N;,gjg1i*1;_;,1»1¢_1 ttrll ##*1% ‘
kill ()l(l K€lltllCl(y l)lll€g1'z1SS-Wl]ltC Cl()VCl l)2`tStlll€ \V(’IC‘ ·.,s/,4·§kv*.1yy;1~,;j`11w·i'2»'¥$#*·?¢1~;1r;y1f1f12; 1.;.Ng1/r3_¢~§,@_~j_4,Q$ai-{·’_ {
. 1 ‘ ` · ww. ~*’*‘g·—? ,1;¤1 **v#$r‘¤-*11:*%, »,;111·1·~" V ¤*=1·t. ..·—;La t$s.=‘1q1@¥y;1¤¤>¢i· 1*
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*1 ;“rE’,z’”%..”1i *=1‘,1:—·if;_iiy_~>¢·¢;;i»g1·1._ e§1’”_¤·1¥, §;.`_;·.T>~~1¥-§Z‘1§*i_ .‘!T1;;:£? {Q3 ._ ~_,_e 1·._ it ~ __ ff .§_ 1 `-`‘ j:¥i~z§€·¤’$gj¢f,t"`.·£·g _
| °`”*TN` » `i?=l` is/€*` T °¤°?*%€<’1f$‘§ .·1‘ { ®¥¤ ‘1—"¥=;e~.a;1.1~.» z2't·s$i·§t; $5} .1§““}§~i’.i$.°1 i°*· 12 ~‘ ° *
These photographs illustrate the value of irrigating ferti· was photographed at tl1e same time. Note the 6%-week ,.4`. _
li1ed Kentucky i)llI€gl`2ISS-\\'iIiI(’ clover plots. The o11e on flourishing growth ol` bluegrass-white clover. (Neither plot
the left was not irrigated. Note the S(`1lllI}` I7-week growth was grazed during the growth period indicated.) * * _
of hlucgrass. The plot o11 the right. which was irrigated. V
6 KI-ZN'l`U(IKY :\(&I(l(Zl'l."l`Ult.—\I1 liXPlZRI\{EN'l` S'l`A"I`I()N yy V
Y 1‘ average for Lexi11gto11 i1l1(l was 3.67 inches less than were placed 011 pasture. Daily and total gains of lambs
11011113.1 (1ll1`11`1g tl1e same l1]Ol1tl]S i11 1952. Irrigated 011 fertilized pastures, especially those pastures 1lOt
‘*’¤— pastures received 21 and 15 inches of Sllppl€lH€lltk1l irrigated, were, therefore, relatively low during 1954.
11 water i11 1951 a11d 1952, respectively. In other words, the beneficial effects of early spring
Good-to-choice Hereford steers were used to graze t*`*`****Z******** Wete *¥**`g€*}’ **€g?~t€tt that $9350N by ttttt
< tl1e pastures. Average initial weights of tl1e steers were 1)**0* ****t**¥*f%€***€**t *mP0$€d· -
hw approximately 6()() 1)OllIl(lS in 1951 and 675 pounds i11 St*******e** “'***`***$ “’€t‘¤` tt $6**0**8 P1`0t>t€m ON *1`1'tg%it€tt
" ‘ 1952 pastures during tl1e third grazing season €V€1l tl10llgll
"‘-* Cmrying capacity of tllc pastures, liveweight gains recommendedp practices witl1 respect to drenching
1,,. PGI acre and Calculated total digestible nutrients per and tl1e 11se of a phe11otl1iazine-salt mixture were fol-
acm Wem increased by m_igati0u' Except fm. the lowed. \Vorms caused tl1e death of nine sheep on A
- animals grazing the HO f€1_tiHZ€l__m) mseedjug t1.€at_ irrrgated pastures but 110llG was lost 011 pastures not '
V " me11t, the daily gain per steer was lower 011 the ir- m-1gat€d‘ _
Mx rigated pastures tl1an on the non-irrigated ones. Tl1e frmm 1953 t***`O*‘ét**_ 1955 kellteeky b***eg*`**Ss was
. ~ Ovepall averages for iuigated pastures, expressed as 3 vutually the only desirable species present in the non-
, Percentage Of ,,On_i,.,.igm1Cd pastures (100 Percent) irrigated pastures. Onthe other hand, white clover