xt7qrf5kdg5s https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qrf5kdg5s/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1988-06-09 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, June 09, 1988 text The Kentucky Kernel, June 09, 1988 1988 1988-06-09 2020 true xt7qrf5kdg5s section xt7qrf5kdg5s  


Kentucky Kernel

SGA asks BOT for student input into student fee increases

Editorial Editor

The Student Government Associa-
tion sent a strong signal to the UK
Board of Trustees Monday night
that it wants to be comulted when
there is a possible increase in stu-

By a unanimous vote, the interim
summer Senate approved a resolu-
tion by President James Rose that
asks the BOT to communicate with
SGA when considering an increase
in student fees.

“I think it's very important that
you send (the BOT) a message (that
raising student fees without consult-
ing with students) is not accepta-
ble," said former SGA President
Cyndi Weaver, the student represen-
tative on the BOT.

The action by SGA was taken in
respome to a move by the BOT to
double the student health fee from
szsto :50.

At the May BOT meeting, UK

President David Roselle explained
to the board that the move was
made to free more than $800,000 into
the University’s general fund.

Since higher education only re—
cieved a minimal increase from the
1988 General Assmbly, Roselle said
it was necessary to look elsewhere
for additional revenue.

However, Weaver opposed approv-
ing the increase because students
were not consulted about it. The
board then approved delaying the
action until the June meeting so stu-
dent opinion could be gaged.

In the past, the University has
subsidized half of student health
services with money it has received
from thestate.

Should the BOT approve the in-
crease at its June 21 meeting, Stu-


”I would like to say that we didn't let the
(student health fee) increase go through . . .
but what I think we need to do is say we need
to look at other student fees.”

James Rose,
SGA president

dent Health Services will be fully
funded by student fees.

“There is a strong comittment on
the board to pull this money out of
student health,“ Weaver said.

The money from Student Health
Services has already been trans-
ferred into the general fund of the
University‘s proposed budget for the
next fiscal year, according to UK
Vice President for Adminstration Ed

While Rose’s resolution does not
take a position on the increase, he
said: “We have to look at the reality


UK student
never lost
her optimism

Editor in Chief

Editor's note: The following
obituary contatins some thoughts
and observations by the author.

UK graduate Viji Jeganathan
may have lost her battle with leu-
kemia, but she never gave up the

Jeganathan, 34, died on May so.
188, at Nawaloka Hospital in
Colombo, Sri Lanka —her home.

She was a student at UK during
the was spring semester.

After her doctors informed her
in late April that her heart could
no longer withstand chemothera-
py treatments or a bone~marrow
transplant and gave her only
three to four weeks to live, Jega-
nathan decided to leave UK and
return home to Sri Lanka to be

Jeganathan and her mother,
who had come to to be
by her side, flew home to Sri
lankaonMay 5.

Muiey from the Viji Fluid, a
find established to help pay for
an operation that could have


UK graduate Vili Jegmathm gazes out a window in McVey Hall.

saved her life, paid for the flight

"She was home for about three
went into the hospital for some
medical help and died three or
four days later," said Carolyn
Helms, a foreign student adviser

Services for Jeganathan were

Jeganathan discovered she had

“l was feeling very weak and i
had shortness of breath," she
said in an interview in March

\ sass-“w

She then began chemotherapy
treatments which put her leuke-
mia into remission. After her sec-
ond remission, Jeganathan and
her doctors decided to begin
looking for a bare-marrow donor,
32:11 seemed to be her only

Jeganatlnn's brother, who
live in Wiscorain, matched her
bone-marrow type. But Jegana-
than could nu afford the smomo
price tag that went slam with the

Medical imurance compen-
sated Jeganathan for sioomo a



From the farm pages
to the world 0 art —
cartoons have a home.
See Page 4


of what we can do for students. By
passing this resolution, we‘ll be say-
ing, ‘We need to know more what's
gomg on.‘

“I would like to say that we didn‘t
let the increase go through . . . but
what I think we need to do is say we
need to look at other student fees.”

Senator at Large Kennedy James
said based on his dealings with the
UK administration, the resolution
should be well received by the

“I believe the Board of Trustees
will take notice of this," he said.

“The administration is not as bad as
some of us think it is. Not all of
them are out to shaft us. "

Two other resolutions were pre-
sented to the Senate, one proposing
to reduce the health fee increase
and the other to delay it.

But Jean Cox of Student Health
Services, told the Senate if the full
$25 increase is not approved by the
BOT, student health would be forced
to cut back some of its “elective"

“Elective“ services include labo
ratory x-ray, mental helath services
and gynacological services.

“I think a lot of students would
feel we would be cutting the guts out
of the program if those services
were cut out," she said.

Senator at large Si Deane, who
sponsored a measrue to delay the
fee increase, said the University
could find the $800,000 elsewhere if it
looked closer.

“We've got to take a stand ton

See SGA, page ll

Blanding Tower facelift
is ahead of schedule

Editor in Chief

Construction work on Blanding
Tower is ahead of schedule as work-
ers proceed toward the target date
of August 13 for total completion.

Blanding Tower, which was built
in 1967, suffered the same fate as its
sister, Kirwan Tower — poor con-
struction work and improper brick-
irig, said Bob Clay, director of resi-

“There is brick made for hot
weather, there is brick made for
cold weather," Clay said. “We had
brick that wasn't made for our dras-
tic weather changes."

As a result of the improper brick,
small chunks of mortar began to fall
from the walls of the building, pm-
inga threat to people at the base.

But while there was a concern
over the falling chunks, Clay said

mortar from the towers) bigger than
your tl'nmb,"hesaid.

However, the University did con-
struct a temporary wooden awning
at the base of the towers to prevent

Cor-traction work on the two tow-

ers has totaled over $2 million, Clay
said. Kirwan Tower construction
cost UK about $1.2 million, while
Blanding Tower construction costs
are estimated at about $1 million.

“Blanding Tower was built better
than Kirwan Tower," Clay said.

But neither tower was constructed

The buildings didn‘t meet with
building codes in 1967, Clay said.
The building inspector who passed
them at that time is “suspect," he

But the recomtruction of the 23-
story residence hall‘s brick-face is
ahead of schedule and no problems

“We‘re very pleased with the pro-
gress of the project,“ said Jack
Blanton, vice chancellor for admin-
istration. “We hope that this fixes
all the problems that we had with

Money for the project comes out
of a renewal and replacement fund
that is fed by fees students pay to
live in camps: homirg.

Lichtefeld/Massaro inc. of
[arisville is the contractor which
won the bid for the repairs on both
buildings. They have already begun
rebricking Blanding Tower.



Eddie Sutton has his hands full

UK's image needs cleansing




2 — Kentucky Kernel, Thursday, June 9, 1988




Tom Spaldlng
Sports Editor


All not well in Wildcat land;
Eddie Sutton faces hurdles

Sports Editor

All is not well in Wildcat country.

Rex Chapman, standout guard for
the UK basketball team for two sea-
sons, announced last month he
would forego his final two seasons
as a Wildcat and declared for the
NBA's June 28 draft.

‘ Meanwhile, the NCAA‘s investiga-
tion into the UK basketball program

The school is being investigated
after an overnight envelope mailed
by assistant coach Dwane Casey to
UK recruit Chris Mills popped open.
Several employees of Emery World-
wide Air Freight said the envelope
contained $1,000 in cash.

UK recruits Sean Woods and
Shawn Kemp may not be academi-
cally eligible to play next season be-
cause of grades Neither has met
Proposition 48 guidelines

And just last week LeRon Ellis,
UK‘s 6-foot-11 forward/center, told a
Lexington television station he
would consider transferring if Ken-
tucky was found guilty of violating
NCAA regulations.

So with Rex headed for the pros,
the NCAA headed for Kentucky and
UK recruits headed almost nowhere,
is the Big Blue ship in danger of
sinking? UK basketball coach Eddie
Sutton doesn‘t think so.

“We're still optimistic,“ he said.
”When everything is finalized we‘ll
be all right.“

The problems for Kentucky
started April 14 when the Los An—
geles Daily News reported the
Emery employees‘ findings. Two
months later, it is still not clear
when the investigation will end.

“I think when the investigation is
over everything will be all right,“
Sutton said. "l have no idea (when it
will end). I don't have any timeta-

UK recruit Richie Farmer said

Kernel Classifieds

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“I think when the investigation is over
everything will be all right.
it will end). I don’t have any timetable.”


last month that he, too.*felt Ken-
tucky would be cleared of charges.

“I really don’t pay much attention
to that stuff," said the 1988 Ken-
tucky Mr. Basketball graduate from
Clay County. “I think a lot of that is
a bunch of bull. "

Just as the UK community was
beginning to settle down, Chapman
sent another shockwave with his
news that he would no longer wear
the Blue and White of Kentucky.

In a prepared statement to the two
major wire services Chapman
called his move “strictly a business

Chapman, who averaged 17.6
points a game during his two sea-
sons, has a total of 1.073 career
points. If he had kept up that aver-
age for two more years, the
Owensboro native would have be-
come UK‘s all-time leading scorer.

Chapman also passed on two
chances at either playerof—the-year
honors in the Southeastern Confer-
ence or a chance at All-American

Instead, the 6-foot4 guard, called
“King Rex“ by Kentucky fans, will
be one of several hundred players
trying to make an NBA club.

“My recommendation was for him
to stay another year, perhaps two,“
Sutton said. “It was a tough decision
for him. He might go every bit high-
er this year than he would the fol»
lowing year."

Some feel Chapman is such an ex-
cellent pro prospect that even in
leaving early he‘ll become a domi-
nant NBA player.

I have no idea (when

Eddie Sutton,
UK basketball coach

“We‘re all dissapointed that the
decision was made," Sutton said.
“He is a tremendous player and a
tremendous person. He is going to
be missed. I hope he has a very suc-
cessful career in the NBA."

The news didn’t get any better for
UK. High school stars Shawn Kemp
and Sean Woods might not play next

Kemp did not pass the SAT test he
took on May 7. Woods may not be
able to play next season because he
may not meet the NCAA‘s core cur-
riculum requirements.

The NCAA academic guidelines
for athletic eligibilty, known as
Proposition 48, require a minimum
score of 700 on the SAT, 15 on the
ACT, and a 2.0 grade point average
in a core of 11 classes.

Kemp had one last chance to pass
the tests when he took the SAT on
June 4.

“We're keeping our fingers cross-
ed that they’ll be here," Sutton said.

Ellis, who played in 33 games last
year, told WLEX-TV that the out-
come of the Mills investigation
would play a large role in determin-
ing whether he remains a Wildcat or
goes somewhere else.

"Now that it's coming out, it
seems like they (the NCAA) want to
stick us with something,“ Ellis said.
“If they do slap us with something,
it will definitely be a factor in what

Ellis, who averaged 4.4 points and


DAV. mm M

3_0 rebounds 3 game last year, Former UK guard Rex Chapman averaged 17.6 points game during

started eight games for the 274s his two years asaWildcat.



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 Wildcats come in like lambs,
leave like lions after spring

Contributing Writer

It was a busy but successful time
for many UK sports teams this

Kentucky's baseball, tennis and
golf teams, used to staying at home
during postseason play, all earned
trips to the NCAA tournament.

oMaking the NCAA tourney was
especially nice for UK baseball
coach Keith Madison. His Wildcat
squad did something no UK baseball
team had done since 1950 — earn a
bid to the NCAA tournament.

The Wildcats played in the North-
east Regional in New Britain, Conn.,
coming within one game of advanc-
ing to the College World Series.
They bowed out to Stanford, the de-
fending national champion, in the
regional title game, 16—2.

“I thought we played real well,"
Madison said. “In five games we
had only three or four errors. Our
defense was outstanding. I am ex-
tremely proud of our team.”

Kentucky stumbled out of the gate
to an 11-12 record, but recovered to
win 27 of 40 games and finish second
in the Southeastern Conference reg-

Kentucky ended its 38-25 season
ranked No. 14 in the ESPN/Baseball

“The last 30 games or so we really
started hitting the ball well. Every-
body made solid contact,” Madison
said. “Even our seven, eight, and

The other good news for Kentucky
was Monday's baseball draft. Five
Wildcats were selected in the draw-
-John Marshall (HZ-Philadelphia

~Chris Estep (OF-Pittsburgh Pi-

-Jon Hudson (P-New York Mets).

~Doug Sutton (P-Minnesota

ODave Voit (P-Milwaukee Brew-

cAfter being invited to the NCAA
tournament for the first time ever

last season, the UK men’s golf team
returned for 1988 competition.

“It felt real good to get the oppor-
tunity to return this year," said UK
coach Tom Simpson.“1t was one of
the toughest courses (North Ranch
Country Club) we’ve ever played. I
don’t think we played up to our ca-

Out of the 33-team field the Cats
finished 19th.

UK made the first cut but failed to
make the second cut for the final

“We played the tough nines well
but didn’t fare to well on the easier
nines,” Simpson said.

Of the 186 golfers in the field, none
broke par for the tournament.

Olen Grant was the only Wildcat
to qualify for the final round.

Grant was one of the most consis-
tent players on the UK team this
spring, averaging 73.8 strokes per
round during the regular season.

“Olen played very well. He had a
good start and made a good show—
ing,” Simpson said. “I‘m happy to
have him back for another year."

Grant, a junior, placed in the top

“Overall I’m tickled to death,“
Simpson said. “It’s very unusual to
get to play in two (NCAA tourna-
ments) in a row.”

~The UK men’s tennis team also
made its second comecutive trip to
theNCAA tournament.

Kentucky, which finished 23-6 and
ended the year ranked No. 7 nation-
ally, made it to the second round of

the tourney before being eliminated
by defending national champ Stan-
ford, 5-2. Kentucky's top player,
Greg Van Emburgh, was also elimi-
nated in the second round.

Wildcat coach Dennis Emery felt
his team had a good chance to win
the title if they could have gotten a
better draw.

“We were in a group with two or
three other teams with a chance to
win,“ Emery said. “It’s really the
second year we’ve gotten a bad
draw. I think we played a real good
match against Stanford. We played
the best team in the country.“

Although they did not win, Emery
said it was a thrill for his team to
play in the NCAA tournament.

“It’s a great tournament. I consid-
er the NCAA tournament one of the
greatest events in tennis," he said.
“It’s truly the best amateur tourna-
ment in the world."

oLack of depth was something
Lady Kat basketball coach Sharon
Fanning had to worry about last
season. That is something she
should not have to worry about in
the 1988439 season, as she signed 10
new players to national letters of in-

Of the 10 new signees, five are ju-
nior college transfers. Three come
from lees Junior College in Ken-

“The experience and success that
the junior college players bring to
our team should be a big plus for us
next year," Fanning said. “It‘s a
good class. It should make us
stronger and improve our depth and

The signees were Kristi Cushen-
berry, Mary Custard, Lisa Ellis,
Vanessa Foster, Jamie Hobgood,
Stacy McIntyre and Ruth Ann Moun-
tain. Also joining the team are Ma-
linka Salhi, Theresa Stewart and
Tammy Walker.

Add six returning players to the 10
new recruits and Fanning has any-
thing but a lack of bodies next sea-

“It should be very competitive,
but that will be good for us," she


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Kentuckv Kernel. Thureday. June 0, 1988 — 3

i .

UK Junior Willy Laban volleys at the net during the SEC tourna-
ment last month. The Wildcats finished second in the tourney.

Hall scheduled to undergo

Staff reports

Former University of Kentucky
basketball coach Joe B. Hall will un-
dergo exploratory surgery today for
what doctors think may be colon
cancer, the Lexington Herald-bead-
er reported yesterday.

Hall was scheduled to enter Good
Samaritan Hospital in Lexington
last night to undergo colon surgery
at7:30a.m. today.

Hall said he began hemorrhaging
during a fishing trip last week at
Lake of the wm near Kenora, 0n-
tario, Canada.

The former coach, who stepped
down in 1985, said he feels well, is in
good spirits and is staying positive.

“They took me to the hospital and

surgery for tumor in colon

scoped me. The doctors found a
tumor that they believe is cancer-
ous," Hall told the Herald-Leader.

Hall said he expects to be hospital-
ized for six days and won‘t be able
to attend the 10-year reunion honor-
ing Kentucky’s 1978 national
championship team.

“I hate to miss the reunion, but I
expect they’ll stop by and see me,”
Hall said. . . The doctors tell me
it‘s a small tumor. I‘m glad we
caught it in the early stages.“

Hall, who coached the Wildcats for
13 seasons, won 297 games during
his coaching career at UK. In addi-
tion to winning it all in 1978, he led
UK to the finals in 1975 against
UCLA and the semifinals in 1984
against Georgetown.




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4 — Kentucky Kernel, Thursday, June 9, 1988



Rob Seng
Arts Editor


Local cartoonist John Thrasher has skewed

Contributing Writer

The works of several cartoon art-
ists are currently on display at The
Living Arts and Sciences Center.

“Shake It But Don‘t Break It!" is
an exhibition of cartoon and illustra-
tion styles by Kentucky artist John

Besides Thrasher‘s diverse
sketches, there are also originals of
Chester Gould‘s ”Dick Tracy," Walt
Kelley's “Pogo“ and Mort Walker's
“Beetle Bailey."

The exhibit contains figures rang-
ing from childhood cartoon favorites
to darkside psychedelic skeletons.

One of the first pictures to meet
the eye is “Unique Forms of Cartoo
nuity in Space,” which shows a
giant, grossly mutated Mickey and
Minnie Mouse laughing and dancing
across the face of a diminutive plan-

Thrasher also satirizes the work-
ing class (“Attention K-Mart Shop-
pers") and socialites (“The Greet-

Thrasher, a graduate of the UK
College of Fine Arts, has taught car-
tooning and illustration for the past
three years to children and adults at
The Living Arts and Sciences Cen-
ter. He teaches adults “drawing
from the imagination" and encour-
ages them “to start with casual doo
dling and take it a step further" into
creative pieces of art.

In teaching children, Thrasher
said he offers them a way to reach
some of their dreams.

“Children want to draw Spi-
derman and superheroes . . . or hu-
morous parodies," he said. He offers
courses in both.

Thrasher also works as a dental il-
lustrator for the UK College of Den-
tistry. As an advertising artist, he
created the image of Comedy on
Broadway‘s Dr. U.B. Laughing.

Also on exhibit is “Your Turn," an

ad used to solicit skateboard art. It
was commissioned by Joe Carrico,
former owner of Everybody's Bike
Shop, who wanted to start a newslet-
ter for his customers. The piece was
to be used to encourage people to
send in articles and artwork, but
plans for the paper fell through.

John is a second-generation
Thrasher cartoonist. His father,
Carl, had a weekly comic strip,


Cartoonist John

Howard describes
Thrasher’s style as
“hard to pigeonhole

. . . with underground,
psychedelic and
humorous parts."

“Myrt and Gert," in the Gleaner
and Journal newspaper of
Henderson, Ky. During the 19505.
the elder Thrasher exchanged car-
toons with some of the nation's lead-
ing artists. The works on display by
Gould, Kelley and Walker are re-
sults of the exchange. Hanging
above their works is “Happy Birth-
day 1986," a tribute from son to fa-

“My dad is my greatest influ-
ence," Thrasher said. “He always
gave me plenty of art and drawing
supplies and always encouraged me.
I grew up watching and learning
from him."

Thrasher said cartoons are a good
medium to work in.

“i like how intimate it becomes
when people are holding your work
before them in book form,” Thrash-
er said.

Thrasher’s comic story on exhibit,
“Misery Loves Company," was pub-
lished by Lexington comics editor




. vv~ 3

John Thrasher poses with his comic story, "Mis- exhibit, “Shake It. But Don’t Break It!" The exhibit

ery Loves Company," part of his current cartoon

Starlen Baxter in the “Monster
Issue" of Nerve Comix.

Lexington cartoonist John Howard
describes Thrasher's style as “hard
to pigeonhole . . . with underground,
psychedelic and humorous parts.’

Thrasher's “Psychedelic Death"
depicts a smiling skeleton standing
before a background teeming with
symbols and patterns. "0‘
Tannenbaum” features a geometric
Christmas tree covered with large
grinning skulls.

Thrasher describes his style as
surreal and absurd and cites Gustav
Verbeek, Jean DeBuffet and Egon
Schiele as influences.

Two abstract human forms —-
“Step Back, Repulse Monkey" and
“Closing Form" stem from
Thrasher‘s experience with the mar-
tial arts exercise, Tai Chi.

One of Thrasher’s superheroes is
on display in “The Collapsible Car-
toon Cometh," which illustrates an


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is at the Living Arts and Science Center.

“anti-hero" among superheroes. The nents with hypnotic texture and
Cartoon Man is composed of planes form."
ofcartoondrawings. “Shake It But Don’t Break It!"

“Cartoon Man’s superpowers are will be on display at The Living Arts
his ability to get away," said and Sciences Center in the Gloria

Thrasher. “He mesmerizes his oppo— Singletary Galleries through July 29.

mm ONE.
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Graham Parker
RCA Records

It was all part of the trend in late
’705 music. If you weren't part of the
disco generation, one of the holdov-
ers from the '60s or a part of the
punk movement that rebelled
against them, then you played the
part of the angry young man.

Although he never received quite

Kentucky Kernel, Thursday, June 9, 1988 - 5

Graham Parker makes a comeback
with a bitter ‘Mona Lisa’s Sister’

first two albums. They captured that
fire only once more. on 1979‘s
Squeezing Out Sparhs‘ before
breaking up. Parker then released a
series of disappointing solo albums.

Parker‘s latest, The Mona Lisas
Sister may be deemed his
comeback album It is easily one of
the strongest releases of the sum
mer and should land Parker in a
number of Top 10 lists by the end of
the year



It's an extremely emotional and
more than likely, autobiographical
album, full of bitterness and a call
to action. This becomes immediately
evident in the opening track, “Don't
Let It Get You Down," in which
Parker describes the apathetic atti~
tudes with which people approach
events that transpire around them.

Parker also has a message to his
critics — ”Some people are in charge
of pens/That shouldn't be in charge
of brooms/They have the nerve
to/Rip up a man‘s lite/In a par-
agraph or two."

Dashed dreams are at the root of
“Under The Mask Of Happiness."
but the song contains none of the op—
timism that is the light at the end of
the dark tunnel in Springsteen’s

"Back ln Time" is definitely no
"Glory Days" either. The protagon-
ists finds only pain in reminiscing
and living too long in the past where
“all the old news is like print stains
across your mind." It‘s a reminder
that society has left traditional va-
lues scattered like dusty photo-

A reggae beat propels that same
theme in “The Girl Isn‘t Ready," in
which a girl whose toys have just
been put away thinks she is mature
enough to be out on her own. "She
walks like a woman/But talks just
like a kid/She wants to take on/The
world and his brother/Next thing

Sec PARKER. page 8

the amount of attention that Elvis
Costello or Joe Jackson did, Graham
Parker and his band, The Rumour,
garnered critical acclaim with their


Graham Parker puts out an urgent plea for our society to reform on
"The Mona Lisa' 3 Sister. "

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6 — Kentucky Kernel. Thursday, June 9,1988

Overused theme finally
achieves its potential
in ‘Big’-hearted film

Senior Staff Critic

It took four tries. but Hollywood fi-
nally got it right.

After three marginally bearable
comedies dealing with the sudden
change in the age of two characters,
Twentieth Century Fox finally re-
leased one with some imagination
and humor.

"Big" tells the story of 12-yearold
Josh Baskin. a junior high student
who is tired of grown-ups telling him
what to do.

After a particularly humiliating
incident at a carnival where he is
stopped from riding a roller coaster
because he is too small. Josh finds a
strange fortune-telling machine, and
wishes that he were big.

The next morning, he wakes up to
find that he has been reborn as
30-yearold Tom Hanks.

Hanks is a talented performer who
often finds himself saddled with
Iess-than-savory roles, but the script
of “Big" gives him lots of room to
work. Hanks is perfect at giving the
wide-eyed stare, the boyish gawp
and the innocent look of bewil-
derment, that his character needs to
convincingly portray a child in the
bodyof an adult.

The adult Josh is forced to leave
his home, and. after convincing his
pal Billy that he is really his best
friend. the two set out to find the
machine so Josh can wish himself
back to childhood,








Meanwhile. Josh Iucks into a job
at a toy-manufacturing company,
and, partially because his boss
(Robert Loggia) is a middle-aged
child, soon finds himself promoted
to vice-president in charge of prod-
uct development.

Josh begins to see the advantages
of life as a grown-up: freedom,
money . . . and love, after being in-
troduced to co-worker Susan
Lawrence (Elizabeth Perkins of
“About Last Night" ).

What is so appealing about “Big”
is the good-natured charm that per—
vades every scene. Director Penny
Marshall of TV's “Laverne &
Shirley," never relies on the simple
situational gags that sank films such


VIIA'v ll (Alf-{hm :—

Tom Hanks (right) and Robert Loggia perform a comedy. ”Big" Hanks plays a 12-year-old

soft shoe in one of the better moments in the new

as “Like Father. Like Son" and
“Vice Versa. "

There‘s not a false note in this en-
tire movie. One scene that exempli-
fies the disarming pleasure of “Big"
takes place in a toy store and fea-
tures Hanks and Loggia doing a soft-
shoe dance on a giant-sized floor
keyboard. Just try to suppress a
grin while watching this sequence. It

The fact that Hanks is surrounded
by a quality supporting cast doesn't
hurt matters any. Aside from
Loggia and Perkins, John Heard, in
his third role in as many months
(“The Milagro Beanfield War" and
“The Seventh Sign”). is terrific as
Paul Davenport, a cut-throat toy ex-
ecutive who sees Josh as a danger-

