xt7qv97zpj44 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qv97zpj44/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 198211 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GSO Newsletter, November 1982 text GSO Newsletter, November 1982 1982 2019 true xt7qv97zpj44 section xt7qv97zpj44 GSO NEWSLETTER
Lexington, Kentucky 40511

Last month we decided to only print a NEWSLETTER bi—monthly. . . but thanks
to Jim Wiechers we were able to print a November NEWSLLTTER. TiANL YCU!!!!
Now for the other news---ns of January 1, 1985 G50 will no longer be able to
keep our office space on Rain btreet. The realtor notified us that he needs
the space for another person to expand their office. So folks. we have two
months to find an office.
If anyone knows of available space (FOR REAL CHEAE——FHEE NJULD b3 filth} please
call 268-1166, or contact any member of GEO.


MW .1/ / 49%
Pre51dent, Lex1ngton uay Servwces Organization
There's never enough! This publication depends entirely upon personal donations
\thanks Jim) or donations from GSO fundraisers.
If every gay man and lesbian in the community would mail just £1.00 in November.
think of the income! COKE ON PEOELEEI! Just $1.00 tor more, of course}, could
maKe the difference for the future of this publication.
besides being a tax deductible donation, you're actually getting much more.
Information concerning group activities, concerts, support groups, the Ga?-
LINE and other events are accumulated in the NEWSLETTER for your benefit. »
_ It takes money! PLEASE make a donation. Remember if there's "no deposit”

there's ”no return". Let's not let the NEWSLETTER become a “throw away" publication.
Send donations to GSO, 3.0. bOX 11471, Lexington, Kentucky dOST1. THANKSEiI

fl 373/2101



Madame Xavier reigns as Miss Gay Lexington 1982 after competition at the Circus
Disco, September 28, 1982.
As titleholder, Miss Gay Lexington received the crown and trophy, a $100 cash
prize, an all-expenses-paid four day trip to Oregon for activities there, and
a $2000 clothing allowance for apparel to be worn in competition for the Miss
Gay Kentucky Pageant.
Contestants were judged in the following categories: male interview, female
interview, evening gown, sportswear and talent. Judges were: Andrea Lauren,
head of the judging panel, Kym Karr and Lonnie Ely, all from Louisville; Bridgeot
Wood, Miss Gay Lexington 1978, and Belinda Tarpley, President, Lexington Gay
Services Organization.
The overflow crowd cheered exceptional performances as Madame Xavier sizzled
to Donna Summer's ”Protection” and as First Runner-up, Laura Ashley did a
stunning live rendition of Irene Cara's "Out Here On My Own” from the movie
Chelsea Pearl O'Banion was named Miss Congeniality.
Madame Xavier performs regularly in Louisville and will have shows at the new
Heaven Private Discotheque, 256 E. Main Street, which is tentatively scheduled
to open this month.
Greg Butler, sponsor/organizer of the pageant wishes to express a special thanks
to the performers, judges, and volunteers who made the pageant such a success.
We'll be looking forward to next years pageant, scheduled for September 1985.
G80 "kissed off summer", October 2, at Jacobson Bark. Stupendous weather blessed
the event as the crowd enjoyed great music, lots of food, volleyball, and good
The event netted 080 $57 in much needed donations. Thanks to everyone who
provided their energy, food, and donations.
Any ideas for fundraisers would be greatly appreciated. Fundraisers are open
to all gay men and lesbians in the Lexington and surrounding area.
The 030 GAYLINE operates on Thursdays and Fridays from 7:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m.


Southland Lanes is the spot for Sunday open lane bowling.
bowling will be the first and third Sundays in November from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Games are $1.25 each and there is a 50¢ shoe rental fee. Bowling will continue
through November, and after a month off through December due to the holidays,
bowling will resume in January.
An all night bowling affair is scheduled for Saturday, November 27 from 1:00 a.m.
to 6:00 a.m. The cost is $5.00 plus the shoe rental fee. The $5.00 covers
as many games as you can bowl.
This activity is for everyone! Stop by on a Sunday afternoon or come by for
all night bowling, November 27 and join the fun. For additional information,
call Jim Wiechers at 299-0552.

USO monthly potlucks will move indoors with November’s being held at Tony H's
and Paul J's.
Food will be served at 1:50 p.m. to allow plenty of time for bowlers to get to
Southland Lanes.
For information call 254—2207.

"The bungaloids“, a gay men's volleyball team, will be participating in the
Lexington—Fayette Urban County Division of Parks and Recreation Men's Independent
Volleyball Tournament in November.
The team will complete eight regular season games before tournament play.
Sponsored by "The Bungalow", the team has spent many hours of practice and
play representing the gay community in the citywide league. Good luck in
the tournament! You've got our support!
Games are played every Friday night at Castlewood Park Gymnasium. For times I
of games or other information call Chuck Dean or Jim Slaline at 223-4598.

GSO needs volunteers to staff the GAYLINB, hosts for winter potlucks. and
someone to coordinate sports and social activities.
Call the GAYLINE for more information at 268-1166.




Amber Moon Productions, Inc., presented Edwina Lee Tyler and A Piece of the
‘world. in concert, Saturday, October 23 at Memorial Hall.
Edwina and her company, formed in 1979, are an African dance and percussion
ensemble. The concert was the second in the amber Aoon fall series. Amber
Moon, formed in 3977, is a non-profit organization of volunteers dedicated to
bringing women's cultural arts events to the Central Kentucky area.
During concerts, free childcare is available and a limited number of free
tickets to events are given in exchange for volunteer work.
For information regarding upcoming concerts,or if interested in volunteer work
call the Amber Moon office at 252-5110.

Humana Hospital Inc., offers a very informative and relatively unbiased view
on homosexuality through a public service program.
A prerecorded tape which is loaded with factual information concerning myths
about homosexuals, and other pertinent truths is provided to the public.
Please call humans at 255-9898 and ask for Tape Number 1380. If you have
recently ”came out" or know someone who is having difficulty adjusting to
their sexual preference, the tape is worth a listen.

if your group, establishment, or other parties would be interested in sub—
mitting stories for the NEWSLETTER, please mail them or call Tim Banks at
225-4598 as soon as possible. all information would be greatly appreciated,

A monthly publication dealing with matters of interest to the Hay Community of
Lexington and Fayette County, Kentucky, the GSC NEWSLETTER is distributed free
of charge. To be placed on the mailing list, send your name or initials and
address (which will be kept confidential) to CEO at P.O. box 11471, Lexington,
Kentucky 40511.
Entire contents copyrighted c November ’982 by GEO. All rights reserved.


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