xt7qv97zpp6h https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qv97zpp6h/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1984-01-24 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, January 24, 1984 text The Kentucky Kernel, January 24, 1984 1984 1984-01-24 2020 true xt7qv97zpp6h section xt7qv97zpp6h  

Vol. LXXXVI, No. 98

Established 1094


University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky

Independent Since I97)

Tuesday, Januory 2A, 1984


SGA president implements platform promises

Senior Staff Writer

Last year at this time. critics were calling them
"dreamers" because their campaign platform seemed

Now. after completing a little more than half their
term. David Bradford. Student Government Association
president. and Tim Freudenberg. SGA Vice president.
have fulfilled the majorityof their campaign promises.

”I guess I was dreaming. but those dreams came
true." Bradford said “You‘re not gomg to achieve any-
thing if you don‘t try

"l don‘t think very many students are aware of just
how extensive our platform was," he said

Bradford‘s first job as president was to rearrange the
SGA office. doubling work space He drew up floor
plans and created a reception area. a secretary supply
room and separate offices for the president and vice
pres‘ident. the senators and the executive branch

Last Summer. Bradford and Freudenberg painted
each room and selected desks. chairs and file cabinets

from the campus surplus warehouse. They also hired a
new f ull~time secretary. Bradford said.

Students should feel comfortable coming into the of‘
fice for any type of assistance. a brochure or a sched-
ule. Bradford said “On a slow day we have 100 people a
day in here," he said.

One of their most important accomplishments. Freud-
enberg said. was changing the tone of SGA to make stu
dents aware that the organization is dedicated to them.
Bradford and Freudenberg have named this the “Year
of the Student."

“This year it‘s an organization that‘s geared toward
cooperation and serving students.“ Freudenberg said.
"If you look through our Senate bills. if you look
through all the changes we‘ve made. everything we've
done has been toward that end. and I think largely
we‘ve succeeded. "

Before last semester began. Bradford appointed four
people to serve as operational directors for SGA Each
position is a temporary one. although they will become
a permanent addition to the constitution. pending two
consecutive Senate passes. Bradford said

Bradford appointed Tim O‘Mera as executive direc-

tor. who IS responSible for executing programs in coop
eration with each department head “lt's worked real
well.“ Freudenberg said “Tim ()‘Mera has really done
what I believe to be a fantastic job in keeping those der
partments active "

He said all mne departments are now working on pro-
jects and have had at least one prOject last semester ' I
don't remember a year in student government where
the executive branch was so active in not just coming
up With ideas but putting it to the Senate and then exec-
uting them." he said

Next. Bradford appomted David Perry as director for
L'niverSity relations. He is the executive producer and
moderator of the student government television show
"L'K Students Present." aired on television station
WLEX-TV. Channel 18.

Also appomted at this time was Jim Pustinger as iii-
rector for Student Services Pustinger is in charge of
the student organization aSSistance fund and responsible
for events such as the blood drive

Finally. Bradford appomted Katy Banahan as direc
tor for intergovernmental relations She tried uiisuc
cessfullv to bring the gubernatorial candidates to cam

pus and is responsioie for coordinating the lobbying
effort in Frankfort

Both Bradford and l-‘reudenberg said they were most
pleased with the student services they helped imple
ment noting the emergency loan program as the most

("reated at the beginning of last semester the loan
program allows any fullrtime student to apply for an in
terest-free loan up to film for no days ‘ It s being usec
constantly Bradford said It s the tiestused service
w e have

Another major area that Bradford and i'reudenberg
vowed to deal Willi if elected was campus safety They
have kept this promise by asking the L'niyersity police
department to begin an evening foot patrol and support
ing an undercover w aich at (‘ommonwealtl‘ Stadium

"l'hey ye placed unmarked cars with officers out at
the lot at commonwealth Stadium and they watch the
cars. for vandalism and theft l-‘reudenberg said And
they watch on er the people going to their car at night

Bradford and l-‘reudenberg also have cosponsored a
bill for Sfioo to advertase the campuswidc escort service

Pl \lH)R\I : .ii« ‘

Author to talk
about his book
on demons,

Nazi Germany

Staff Writer

Demons and mass murderers will
provide the subject matter for Don
ald Nugent‘s talk

"Demons are not spirits haunting
us from another world. but they are
the worst of our own spirts,” Nu-
gent. an afssociate professor of histo
ry and religious studies. said

Nugent. author ofMasscs of Satan
The Demonic Hlslti'y. recently pub-
lished in England. will discuss the
relevant themes of his book in a lec
ture for the Donovan Scholars at 4
p m today in ZloStudent t'enter

"The book is centered on the study
of evil in history ” he said

The book deals with such topics as
the great mass murderers of histori~
cal times. human sacrifice and the
great witch hunt. \ugent said "But
the climatic chapter of my book is
about New Germany

Nugent said regarding denionism
that he is more concerned with the
maligned spirit than with the mythi-
cal. animated spirit "I am more
concerned with what made Adolph
Hitler liquidate 6.01m Jews than with
the kind of spirit that might possess
a teenage girl as in the ‘l-jxorc1st.‘ '
he said

The demonic nature goes beyond
the traditional monster movie. Nu-
gent said "It goes beyond the do-
main of death. of alienation. of (llVlr
sion "

()ne interpretation of demonic na-
ture is superstitious nature. the
other is a throwback to the Dark
Ages. Nugent said “I try to make a
compromise between these two ex-
tremities." he said "Demonic na~
ture happens naturally within histo~
ry. but it does not exclude a
demonic interpretation

"The devil made me do it” is the
typical excuse of someone who has
committed a sm. Nugent said “It is
not the extrinsic spirit that domi»
nates human behavior. but it is our
own inclinations "

Nugent studies the demonic nature
of primitive antiquity He was
inspired to write this book to reveal
the demonic aspects of the classical
age. he said “And as for the pur—
pose of this lecture. I was simply
asked to talk about my book by the
Donovan Scholars

"I will try to accentuate this lec»
ture on Nazi Germany. since it is for
the Donovan Scholars." he said



A former astronaut believes the United
States should build a base on the
moon. For more details. see page 2.

Columnist John Griffin rates the IO
best television shows in I981 To find
out his picks see FANl-‘ARE. page 3.



Today will be cloudy with I 30 percent
chance of rain during the morning.
High: will be in ihe mid 40:. Tonight
wm be partly cloudy with low: In the
mid 3m. Tomorrow will be partly
my with high in the mid 00:.





On ice


Snowball» poised. Shelly Athor, IZ. prepares to do haitlc wiili
her friend. Kristin Noll. 12. Both students decided to skaic at


\outli ( rcck Park on Haritidshilrg Road ticttiiivc "Tc." utility.

Mary Queen of the Holy Rosary.

w as . ioxcd \ cstcr .la‘»


Divorce can make children respond differently
and may place them at odds with their parents

By lX)l'(ll.;\S l-I. PITTENGER

Stephen Hunter. an electrical engi-
neering sophomore. was 12 years old
when his parents got divorced It af—
fected him at the time. but now the
tll\ orce is a distant memory

"I was upset at first because of
the breakup. but I could see that the
divorce was best for them Ihis par»
ents l." he said.

The fact that it had little effect on
him is more the exception than the
rule when considering the impact of
divorce on children.

John Hickey. director of continu~
mg legal education. explained one
child's dilemma "Often a child is
caught in the middle. either to win a
favorable property award. or to get
even with the other parent. "

A passage from the book Surviv-
ing the Breakup by Judith
Wallerstein and Joan Kelley explain
how children feel at the time of a di-
vorce: “A family is perceived at the
time of the divorce as having pro—
vided the support and protection he
lthe child) needs. The divorce signi-
fies the end of that structure and he
feels alone and frightened."

.Children have been fought over in
custody cases for a long time. but
things have not always been as they
are now.

According to Paula Raines. a Lex-
ington attorney who specializes in
family law practice. before 1900 the
father usually gained custody of the
children because they were consid-
ered property, Then at the turn of
the century, mothers started receiv-
ing the children in custody cases.

From then on. the biological moth-
er has mually gained custody of the
children if she so desired. “Princi-
pally. up until recent years a predis-
position was that if the mother was
a qualified person. she got prefer-
ence over the father.“ Hickey said.

But even that has changed. A 1978
amendment to the Kentucky Re-
vised Statute 403270 requim that
each parent in a custody case be
given equal comideration by the

This means that the father should
be given just as much consideration
as the mother. But Kay Pulley. an
assistant professor of family studies,




The seminar, titled "How to Deter



said: "It is the court's opinion that
the best trained parent of young
children is the biological mother
Two percent of all custody cases go
to the father "

The judicial system considers the
best interests of the child in custody
cases. according to Kentucky Re.
vised Statute 403 270 One possible
way of doing this is through joint
custody. according to some counsel-
ors. This means that there is shared
physical custody and that parents
share in making important decisions
about the child

Joint custody can be accomplished
in several ways Sometimes. the
child will live with one parent for SIX
months and with the other for six
months, ()r it can be done by having
the child live with the mother With
the father holding Visitation rights
and with him taking part in the
child's legal custody,

Pasley said joint custody is not for
everyone "Joint custody asks the
parents to validate each other." she
said. "I don‘t think people are that
forgiving. I think joint custody can
work. I don't think it‘s for every-
body. lt is an alternative for those
families in which the parents re»
spect each other and are committed
to the welfare of the child."

One positive step in child custody
cases was taken Dec. 22. 1983. when
four circuit court judges passed a
Fayette County rule for the first.
fourth. fifth. and sixth divisions of
the Fayette Circuit Court.

It states that when custody of the
child and/or a parent's visitation
rights are contested by both parents.
then the matter shall be referred to
the UK Family Mediation and Eva]:
uation Clinic. child psychiatry divi-

According to the rule. if both par-
ties cannot come to a settlement of
the custody or visitation dispute
“trough mediation. then the clinic
will send a written recommendation
to the court as to the custody or visi-

Lane Veltliamp. a clinical social

worker and professor in the depart
ment of psychiatry. works lll the
mediation clinic He said divorce
has different effects on different age
groups of children

\‘eltkamp said preschool children
can go through periods of regression
in speech or todet training This
may be accompanied by sleep dis

School-age children. act-irding to
Veltkamp, may suffer hyperactivity
or may withdraw from people Teen-
agers may let the divorce affect
their school performance or it may
lead them to drug or alcohol abuse.
he said

Wallerstein and Kelley said guilt.
fear and anger are common reac
tions for any age group. while older
children may have confused feelings
toward marriage or sex

Because the father does not usual-
ly gain custody of the children there
can be problems with his



relationship with then him the ill
vorii- For Fayette court} standard
visitation is ciery' other week and
every other Wednesday

According to \tallersteri and Kci
ley. there can be problems if the ta
ther is depressed or feels guilty lie-
pressed fathers who wcrc rejected
by their wives tend to expect thc
same reaction from their L‘llllfll‘f'l‘.
And men who feel guilty oycr the di
vorce usually have a hard time fa.-
ing the children

“It takes time to learn to trust
again." Pasley said "It takes llnlt‘
to learn he the father rcully loves
him 'the child every \l'edncsday
The only way they children under
stand love is through behavior ‘

Some people even question the de
cision to award custody to the fa
ther. especially if he is living with
someone else "I hear a lot of people
coming in and saying the boy
shouldn‘t be living with the father
because the father is liying with
someone else.‘ Raines said "Its
the quality of the relationship be
tween the child and the parent that

I I I'll MHII ll heinelh'hi‘hv. ‘

to audition .
for theme park

By P \l I. S, VlllVl‘tlSKl

\talt “rilt‘l‘

Step this way for the dollars

students interested in dancing and
\lllglllg on stage and getting paid for
vioing so will haie a chance to see
their dreams: come true this week

\uditions for performers in Kings
Islands live entertainment procac
‘ions during 1984 are to be held
Thursday .:i the Student ('enter from
Jon p ii.

lat? \ttracfions the entertai:
men? division of Kings island , ‘i
'llf‘lllt‘ park ltx'ated ju)’ north of
(“mi .iiiiat: Uhio. off IT: , :s '
tharge of the Hi auditions sad
Elam- Scott coordinator for and
Hot. .l‘illltfttulitill for the agent:

When we come into law'igtwn
it‘s» 'lhursdm we wdi be iookrsg : ir
sunset s tart f r~

The {K program will he only a
preliminary auditioi; :or prmpechw
pertornmrs Scott said After the at.
ditions are completed each per
former will be informed whether
they are invited back which
according to Scott. is the next stage
of auditioning for hopeful young met;
and women

The performers who make fine
first cut Thursday will be asked to
attend an audition at Kings island
this weekend She said these who
are chosen will be g:ven material by
the 'l‘af‘t Attractions personnel at
tending the UK aut‘btion which they
will be asked to prepare for a sec
ond come-back audition

The comeback dudlllOlb .n (in-
cinnati will be more time consuming
and expensive to stage. Scott said.
because the auditions will be less
confined in relation to time allowed
for each performer

llan Schultz. Kings Island s manv
tiger of entertainment. will be pre-
sent along with a panel of judges.

»\ music director and a piano ac»
companist will make the trip and
also will act as judges. Scott said

she said auditioning performers
should be prepared to sing. dance
and perform their primary talent

"Each audition will be limited to
two minutes. ' she said. so the first
impression made on the judges will

“All auditions will be held on a
firstcome. firstserye basisf Scott

Hopeful performers also are asked
to have two routines prepared for
the audition. one in a ballad and one
in an up-tempo format. Scott said

(13" if“ irii'.


Frank Harris. director of the Stur
dent Center. said the center‘s faCili-
ties. which will be used for the audi-
tions Thursday. are not frequently
put at the disposal of non‘L'K organi-

However. Since the auditions are
benefiCial to talented L'K students.
and a substantial number of stu-
dents partiCIpate in the Kings Island
auditions. Harris said there would
be no reason to deny access to the
center's faCilities to the talent

“If it were jmt Kings Island pro—
moting Kings Island." they would
not be allowed to use the center's fa-
CllltleS. Harris said. “I would not let
somebody use our facilities for retail
activities. or for something that was
blatantly commercial.

“If it were held somewhere else. it
would be less convenient for UK stu-
dents.“ Harris said.

The Student Center will charge
Kings Island 8150 for the use of its
facilities for Thursday‘s activities.
Harris said




2 - THE KENTUCKY KENNEL Tuesday, Jam 24, 1004

At home in space

Buzz Aldrin proposes lunar base as desirable over space station to protect against ‘foreign pioneering frontiersmen ’

Al‘ Aerospace Writer

\\.~\SHINGTON - Buzz Aldrin.
who walked on the moon with Neil
Armstrong. says his old employer.
\ational Aeronautics and Space Ad
ministration. is wrong in wanting a
space station as its next major goal
.-\lllt‘l‘lt‘ans. he contends. should go
back to the moon and build a pernia
neiit base there

"The solar systems most desira
hie space station already has six
\merican flags on it." he said in an
_.;terview "That‘s the moon Let‘s
use it and not turn it over to foreign
pioneering frontiersmen

\ldrin and several individuals and
aerospace groups are trying to drum
up support for a lunar base as the
“hue House nears a decision on an
expanded national space policy for
this century Some are supporting a
letter writing campaign to PreSident

I‘he pres‘ident may announce the
new policy in his State of the [bum
message Jan 25 Details would fol
low in his proposed fiscal 1985 bud
get to be presented Feb 1

There is sharp lelSIOD within the
administration on what course
America should take in space But
there are indications that Reagan
mll strongly endorse an orbiting sta-
tion. which for years has been the
\o 1 priority of NASA

\‘ASA offiCials. noting Reagan‘s
recent call for a "grander Vision ' in
space. said he also may support
start~up money later in this decade




- I


‘vVe need tidyerti-ing stuff members for the
second semester. ‘01 \l\\ (‘H \l.|l"\l



for a scientific station on the moon.
perhaps as an embarkation point in
the 21st century for a manned trip to

Preliminary 1985 spending projec-
tions given this month to GOP con-
gressmen by Budget Director David
Stockman show that the administra‘
tion wants to add $6 billion to
NASA‘s budget over the next five
years That's a huge increase for an
agency that has seen lean years and
about the right figure for space sta~
tion development

Reagan wants to "recapture the
\ision of Apollo" and seeks the best
way to do that. George Keyworth,
Reagan science adviser said.

The president hinted at his direc-
tion iii .i speech last October on
\ASA's 35th anniversary. He chal»
Ienged the agency to develop more
visionary long-term goals instead of
lust focusing on winning approval of
a permanent manned space station.

"We're not Just concerned about
the next logical step in space.“ Rea~
gaii said “We're planning an entire
road. a "high road' if you will, that
will provide us a vision of limitless
hope and opportunity "

The president has been influenced
consmerably by Keyworth. who said
last September that NASA had not
been imaginative enough in its long-
range planning He said the agency
should be thinking beyond a space
station on how to use such a plat-

form to return humans to the moon

and then on to Mars.




Since then agency thinkers have

been working on just such a plan.
but they have kept details under







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.m. for $20

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Students, Faculty and Staff
you are cordially invited
to meet and ioin the
newly organized
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(old U.K. Book Store, Rm.l06)

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"What a bright



‘Il\l liklli >

Aldrin and others have seized
upon the president’s challenge to
urge a moon base. Some. like Aldrin
and George E. Mueller, who headed
NASA‘s manned spacecraft effort
during the Apollo moon program.
and James Muncy, prsident of
Using Space for America. want to
skip the station as the next goal and
go directly to the moon.

Organizations like the National
Space Institute. the L5 Society. the
Citizens Advisory Council on Nation-
al Space Policy and Spacepac would
like to see both a space station and a
lunar base by the end of this cen-
tury. Some would like to see both in
place by 1992. the 500th anniversary
of Columbus‘ voyage to the New

Such groups. which are privately
funded. were formed to advocate
greater emphasis on the national
space program. The Ls society is
named for the fifth “libration point"
between earth and moon, where
gravity is balanced and where a
space station could be parked.

NASA‘s concern is that it can‘t do
two expensive programs at the same
time. Developing an operational
space station for eight people by
1991 will cost between $6 and $8 bil-
lion. Building a moon base in that
same period would cost another $10

NASA favors building a station
first. ferrying up sections with the
shuttle. and using that platform as a
launching pad to the moon.

A station would be used at first as
a scientific observation point above
Earth‘s obscuring atmosphere, to
search for resources on our planet
and as an orbiting factory to make
pure and exotic pharmaceuticals
and materials for commercial use.

Aldrin. the second man to walk on
the moon — on July 20. 1969 — said
the nation would benefit more by de-
veloping an Orbital Transfer Vehicle
to transport humans and materials
from the space shuttle to the moon.
leaving a space station until later,
He said he has personally presented
his proposal to both Keyworth and
NASA administrator James M,

The moon could serve as an excel-
lent scientific observation post. and
workers there could gradually con—
struct a large solar power station to
provide an enormous amount of
electricity to Earth. he said. Sys-
tems Development Corporation. a
Burroughs company in Santa Mon-
ica. Calif. recently made such a for-
mal proposal to NASA

Aldrin is a consultant to SDC and
has worked out a series of rendez-
vots techniques for manned vehicles
transferring between Earth and
moon As a physicist he developed
many of the rendezvous techniques
for the Gemini and Apollo man-in
space projects

Aldrin said the six American-
manned missions to the moon found
that there are conSiderable supplies
of minerals and building materials
there He said 90 percent of a moon
base could be bu1lt from materials
already there

Anthropologist lectures on conflict

B} S \('H \ lll‘W Rm i\lF\

Staff Writer

Human molution has included a
growing potential for increasing in'
tense conflict Ward R t‘iixidenough.

a Phi Beta Kappa \isiting scholar
and anthropologist said List night in
the Lard room on the lch floor of
Patterson Tow er

titxxienough. ii protl-ssoi of any
thropology .il thi- l linersity of
Pennsylvania. spoke on ‘(ontlicl

and (‘ixilization to approximately
20 people Today he also \Hll lecture
for the anthropology department

"The \cry thing in \\llll‘li we pride
ourselves also promotes conflicts."
Goodenough said As examples he
used language t'l\llll.illtin and cul

"(‘onllict is .i produt' of our na-
ture ‘ he said .\> natural scien
lists we look at tonilitl .is 1 natural
phenomenon \ natural part of
human existenti-

"We find to take short fez in inter-


started by Pi Kappa Alpha f:_iternity "A lot of girls
that aren't in the Greek system feel that it's not for
them so when the) see it's SGA and Pi Kappa Alpha.
they'll know it's for e\ cryone to use." Bradford said.
Another portion of their platform involved the prom-
ise of increased cmiperation with student organizations
Bradford and Freudenberg
doubled the budget to the Student Urgamzation Assrs~
tance Fund. making it an $8.1m part of their total bud-

oii Campus: To begin


86A also has cosponsored events With more than 25
different student groups last semester "They cover
practically every sector oi campus, life there is." Freud-

enberg said

The book exchange was the next event that SGA had
promised to promote l niler this program. which cost
SGA about $1.1m approximately 700 books were sold
using a catalog and eliminating any handling of books.


“Conflict is a product
ofour nature. . . . As
natural scientists we
look at conflict as a
naturalphenomenon. ”

Ward E. Goodenough.

anthropology professor
est into account more than long
term interest." he said. Goodenough
defined dominance as conflict of ide~

“Dominance’is established by in-
timidation." he said. Goodenough
said dominance islessened by social
scheduling where “schedules are
important "

Rights not only legitimize power
but also gives power to people that
do not have any. Goodenough said.
“SoCially. power prevents another

from accomplishing his purpose."
he said

Someties may differ but each have
a procedure to deal with rules
“Rules put constraints on humans."
Goodenough said "They break rules
when they get carried away with
purposes '

Goodenough said society has to de-
velop an institution where conflict is
well handled and where bargaining
between power interests is con—
stantly negotiated so it does not es-
calate into an argument

He also lectured about language in
human history from an evolutionary
perspective Goodenough said people
take for granted that all groups
have a welldeveloped language.

He said language is a tool for
thinking. it allows every individual
to have many wants and purposes
"Each of us are Victims of others‘
wants." Goodenough said

He graduated from Cornell Uni-
versity in 1940 and graduated from
Yale in 1949 with a Ph D

Bradford and Freudenberg also are proud of their ef-
forts to make their Views known to the L'niversity Sen-
ate, “We've had one of the most effective student cau-
cuses that I've ever heard of. Last year the students
lost every battle in the L'niverSity Senate except the
Robinson Forest debate.“ Freudenberg said “This year
we've won every one of them. "

They successfully fought a cheating rule which would
mandate teachers to fail any student accused of cheat-
ing. and a rule which would combine the deadlines for
dropping and adding a class.

SGA's speakers bureau also has been very active this

past semester. sponsoring such people as Jack Ander-

Bradlord said ll‘il\ was exceptionally successful be-

cause two years ago the SGA hook exchange cost about
$5.000 and only sold om limits Last year. they did not

attempt one at all. he said







son. nationally-known investigative reporter; Karen De
Crow. former president of the National Organization for
Women; and Sandra Canter. award-winning economist
from Massachusetts Institute of Technology

This is the first in a three-part series on the current
SGA administration. The second part will detail their

plans for next semester

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(,USQFS towwl. Nth/ti Al








April 28 EXAM
Class Starting
week of Feb. 13


2134 Nlcholasvlllo
Phone 276-5419



March 3 EXAM

Not too late
to enroll.








Come On Down




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quired, just come on down! (not valid when used mm other offers}



We're new and we're open,
now at the corner of Euclid and
Rose, downstairs. at the Col-
iseum Plaza! So come on down

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fifikafl’. (TOE-("=19





THE KENTUCKY KERNEL Tuoodly. me 24, use - 3

lorry J. Wllllcm
Arts Editor
Gary W. Plon-
Assistont Arts Editor








Chuck Mitchell, an electrical engineering junior. relaxes and
studies whiles tunes from the Beatles help spice up his home-


, _-_...._ .4

\l\\li~~lt. -, I

work. Mitchell was in the \Ilhlc [l\lt‘llli“.k‘ Room in the \lli T

dent Center Addition yesterdtn

Streisand’s ‘Yentl’ proves too grandiose