xt7qz60bzz3c https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qz60bzz3c/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1998-02-16 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 16, 1998 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 16, 1998 1998 1998-02-16 2020 true xt7qz60bzz3c section xt7qz60bzz3c  

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By Matthew May

.Ilmvmnr .‘s‘pm-rx [Mum-

Behind most successful people or
organi/ations in the world there Is a
dedicated sup Irt staft that Is truly the
backbone ott e entire or animtjon

\Vhile the (Iats‘ Tiigh- profile
plaIers run roughshod over helpless
opponen nts game after amc there
are eight guIs In the ilIacnground
who perform equallI as well. provid—
ing some of the building blocks tor
the VI ”dam on court successes.

L'nder the watchful eye of “Mr.

I l


Dfierent kind of personnel help give Cats I; needed lz'fi‘

Bill KeightleI'. the UK
student managers spend everyday
taking care oI many ofthe small. but

\Vildcat "

signi icant. details that must be
accomplished to ensure the team's
winning ways.

Ihe responsibilities include run'
ning errands for the coaching staff
and Keightley. ordering and doing
inventory for the equipment room
making sure uniforms and apparel are
ready to go when needed and most
importantlI being at each practice tor
such Iobs as running the Lock keep—
ing stats or partiLipating in drills.



LI L‘IILIIIL'L' (I/il'L/III. lug/a of ill.
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. jl


Rebels find a
Cats at home

By Rob Herbst
.SpLII‘II' I'll/fur

lo trulI understand the signiliLanLL LII L K s , I— (I4 loss
to()le \Iiss oti SaturdaI one needs aqinLk historI lesson.

Lesson number one: I.ILLliILliIIg tlIL I‘ILSLS ‘4‘) season under
liddie Sutton. a season \Vildcat fans like to put out of their
mind L'K hadn't lost three regular-season home games
sinLe the 197 I‘I— 7‘) se Ison.

l iitil now.

“I asked (niI' plaI'crs) what the problem was at home."
said L'K head Loach Tubby Smith “None Ulilllclll seemed
to haIe an answei ldon t know what it Is.

Lesson nutnher two: Ole Miss hadn I won III Lexington
sinLe WI 7. That was Tl \ears ago I egLnLIIrI Ills IIIiskLIIIill
equipment manager lIill \Ir. \\ iILlL II KLighIlLI was Illst a
two— month old lIIilII when thel ast IIInL- ()lL \liss lIL It tlIL
\\ ildcats In Lexington.

“They're Itnnping in the streets oli()xl'ord. .\Iiss.. right

.Si‘t' CATS III] 4


runs." Summers said. “ \I practice, we
need to be at each run and make sure
we always wipe tip my wet spots that
IIIaI oLcur (luring prIILtiL c.

7Iach (mines a Iunior Iinance
manr Irom Ohio. said the older guIs
suLlI as himsell are rcs‘ponsIlIlc Ior
running thL‘L loLk and scoreboard. as

’I‘he responsibilities are split tip
among the eight managers (two
seniors, one Iunior. two sopho-
mores. two freshmen and one gradu-
ate student), with the more enticing
IolIs. such as working the clock. set
aside for the older guys.

Anthony Sinnmers. a sophomore

communications major from well as administrative duties.
Louisville. said that while jobs “The older guys are responsible
rotate he usuallI does a lot of for running the clock and score:-

board." (ioines‘ said. “\Ve also do II

errand running and Loiirt- -dutI' Iobs.
lot of stuff iii the equipment room

“H e run a ot of personal errands
tor the coaches, both basketball-relat-
ed and personal. like doing airport



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February 16.1998

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"H group
QBTS hack
T0 basics

By Jill Erwin

.\.I.II/I\I./,'II ll

illlt’ Snn/ o! IlLtLp wLIL toIde In ()LtoIILI In a
gioiip ol IIILIIIIN look km“ ILII III oppoitnnn\ to I! .itliLi.
dIsL tIss tlILII ll\s‘ In I n IIL ."IsLIisL ol lItothilIooLl

"-\\L LlIsLnss Izoi onlt wli. n IILIL's on on Lampns. IIIII In
our lIILs .is lel. said l)l.' riILk I IttlLIolm. Lo— spokLsItMII
Ior tlIL-group.

"I lie campus orgam/ation loinied as si\ triends gatlr
L‘t‘L‘tl III LlIsL‘Iiss lil-t' lllL‘I had no lllIL‘I‘L‘sl 11‘. other groups
on Lampns and sought lIiotlIerlIooLl through their own
organI/atlon. \leinlnership now ilnL'InatL-s between .‘H
and I" InLInlIL is

thI in not goILInLd III I piLsidLnt but I ItIILI III

llIL IIIILnIIon \\ Is so LILiIonL would hII\L LLIII ii


th- members took their name Irom tlIL- (.osnIologIL‘s
workbook alIout \triL in spit'ItiialItI

lt w as .iunIdL to how tlIL aiiLLstois slIode spnitnilI~

lIttlLIolIn saiLl.

lllt lltll|l L
most st. ltIoiI

It Is tlIL st. itL (ii in 1nd wlILiL thL oIIl\ thing that mat«
l ILh ispLLt ol ilIL


had .I trLc ol ill“. and llctep Is Ihe upper-

tLtsIsoIIL sspIIIt.oi "-pLaLL. IIH'LLHI"
lite" represents .I LlillL-i'cnt SL‘L'II III of mu god. lioin peace
to intelligane to unitI

"()nr II .L..‘ goal is to lll'lIT" lorth tlIL Uod lIkL qii. alitiLs
that w e IL” I all pLL-IplL ha\L sa1dl)oion lownsLll an lllltlL'
L‘lared sophomore. “\\ .- LliLlII I Lome III with anI lalIL Is. and
we IIaIe no preIudiL'e with w nat each person claims."

\ aslIId l‘alikrid- I)LLn. dirLt tor ol \lInoritI \ll nrs tor
L ls s Lommunm LollLIrLs. sLiILs Is IhL group s sponsor
or ‘ “\Illl Itu. Il LouiIse'."loi lattlLIolIn said.

llL has .ilwaI . L\thLlL-d llIS hand towards us InLlIIIdn
allI‘." 'I‘ownsell said. “\\ e asked him to be our sponsor,
and he has lIcen \\'llll ns c\ M since."

'l'he group serves as .I "IIrotlIcI' group" to the (IIrL‘lc oI
lmani. and the two work together protidc other
options to those looking to get in\ol\'ed on campus

llIL-t ha\L plannLLl nnmLious LILnts loi this wLLk
honoring III. iLk llistorI \Ionth

\t S p III tonight the group will be showing .I Ii‘ee lilHVIL'
in the Ising( nltiiral( LIItLI l3~l Student (LLIIILI‘ 'l'oinor~
tow the .SiudLnt( n'LIItLI (iamL Room will In. host to a pool
tournament. Rtgistration Is at (Ir-IS pan. and the entrI ILL Is

.\LlInIssion is adoll. Ir. or tree w ith on I Lanned goods.

\ woiks hop. lrom tlIL Soul I p. st. Iits \\'LLlnesLl I\ at

p. III. in IIIS( oniplL\( oinmons ( thtLI (illllltl\ he. Id
ot tliL \IInoIIII \tlnrs ()i tiLL will "I\L .I speLLII tiIlLd
“ I In lnlluLnLL ol I l// on \IIILan \mLIiLan (.nlturL
ilillk‘ll and \ow. l.iitlLIolIn will then gI\L- "'l he State oi
llL’lL'p \tldrcss."

\nother workshop lollows on ’l'hnrsdaI. this time III the
King ( Inltural (IL-titer at S pm. litled "\lanlIooLl l)c\elop—
Inent " tlIL workshop will IIL had In l‘i-ath‘Id l)een.

ltId .‘II thL gioup Is pl Inning oII II. I\ III‘ a “Soiree (iele-
lIrItion at ‘1 p. m. III IIIS'( ominons.

‘Suites, seats'
plan complete

By Matthew May



l.ost III the media circus surrounding I his battle with
the LItI' o\ er the future of Rnpp \rena is l'ls's plans to
upand ( Lonnnonwealth .StIiLIInnI.

Now that a deal has been worked out Ior the ( LIIs to staI'
III Rupp, and attention has again turned to L K‘s desire to add
an estinI. ItLd IIIIIIII) seats to (IoinInonwLaltli Stadium III
LnLlosing both end loan at the loIILi had of tlIL stadium

IIarrI III senIoI IissoLIaIL LlItLLtorol .IIlIIetiLs lor L l\.
LlLsLIilILLl thL e\pansion plan.

lhe prioritI I.s tor more sLats and lIo\Ls we Lall it
Suites and Seats III saiLl \\ L are going to L‘Lpand both
end zones sat the lower leIel. It will takL LapaLitI to some-
where o\ er (I8. 000 hopelullI as Llosc to "(I (XX) as possible."

Raising theL LapaLitI ot( .oniinonwL alth will bring I Is
mon in— linL with Southeastetn ( .oiItL renLe sL Iools
whose stadiums hold or exL'LeLl "0,000 people.

u’lennessec has IIITJIIIII and Honda. (ieorgia and
.\ulIurn all seat about 80.000." l\I' said. “.\la|Iaina and
l.SL' are Iii the "()s. "

L K will begin LoIIstruLtIon on tlIL South l nd 7.one
Llosest to \utter lieldhouse this tall and finish the \orth
l.nLl 7Ione after the WW4 season. III said.

“\\'e are going to go ahead and close down the end
[one closest to the Fieldhouse." In said. “(Ionstruction
will start before the season starts and the North End
Zone will be worked on after the season is over. It will be
read} for WW) "

()ne olIstaLlL the I niIersItI will haIe to law Is finding
seating tor the season tiLILet holders In the South I nLI 7one

“\\ e are going to mow them to tenIporarI seats in the
.\orth I nLl 7Ione to tit exerIonL- in In said.




5‘ “‘7‘ mama m4



2 1”le“). February 111. I995. Arum.“ I\1'I”u(/


her da

By Dave Gorman

. .\mff lI 'I'Iri'I'


()h 11111111111111:

Senior [)111'. that 11.11, for K1111 1)L'nkins.

Oh what .1 pertortnance A418 points, seven rebounds

\11111111.11 better 11' 1.11 tt1LL'lL'11r.11L' than 11111111 "l- (13
1iL'1or1'o1'L'r.\1ississippi 51.11L'111.\11'1nori.11(11111111111

‘1 .1111 11.111111 .11111s11.11 1 111110 L'ni111'L'11 1111' time here but
i 1111111111L'111g1111n,1)L'11L'ins 5.1111. ‘\\ L are going:r 111 L'L'l-
ebr('.11L' 111111ght..11111 pr11L'tiL'L' hard tomorrow:

1(.1.1L'h 15cm .'111L11L' .\11 .1111111 111111 nothing 11111 good
things to s.11 111111111 her mind senior.

“Kim came out on .1 mission this afternoon," .\111111111'
521111. “1 .1111 so proud of her. K1111 11.11 definitely the 1:11—111

’iihroughout the first halfit looked as ilthL' Bulldogs
were going 111 spoil 1)L'nkins‘ 111111 1.11111 the \\'il1lL'1.1ts'
L'hanL'L's 1111.1. 100 1L'L'11t1i this sL' ..1son

L K s 11111111' \\ .111 hit 1hL' first iumper ot the game.
Buttrornthat111111111111.\18L 111111L111hL'lL'.111111L'111.1111rit1
otthL'tirstl111lt,sp.1rkL'11111 12 points 1 111LLL lrom StaL'iL
Farris and Sharon 'I‘hompson.

1‘11rris h.111 thrLL' L'onseLutiVL' thrL'e- pointers at 1hL'
1.12714111ar111n1hL-first lr11mL' giving .\iSL .111— l1 1e..111
lhat lL'111 1111'11 up 111111 .1 18 11) 11111111111: lead .11 the end
111 the hall 1h1 1111.1 111 part 111 1)L'nl.'1n~. thrLL' louls L' ar11'

1)L'nk1ns \1]()\\L‘ti L'1'L'r1l111111' 111 the 111111111111: 111111111111
hL'r night 1111111111: 11111 hot in the second halt scoring six
points in 1.1 r1111. .\1111 then .111 the pieces 111 the puzzle
\1111‘1L‘11 talhnLr 111111 place.

.-\1111 so were the shots.

“\\'L' 11111 not 111111' good defense down the stretch. \VL'
1111111'1 focus the entire 401111111111'1.".\1SL' L'o1iL'h Sharon
151111111111: said, 11'11111'1111L'hL'11 L'K from 1987—1995. “This
was .1 kL'1' game for 1111111 11111». 111' are 1111111 around the

101) 111.1r1L'."

11Lr'lLLt11111L's.()nL'tiL'11thL' 2:11mL' 4-1 44111111L' 11:11
markin thL'sLL'onLll1all.Sh1'tthg111L' L K 1 111-1‘)
lead 111111 another bomber 111111 10:01 left 1n the game

[he Bulldogs could then 111111' My 111 contain 1hL1 \VilLl—

th1'r11v1111:111111sL'L'I11L Barnes 11111111 .1I11r11.1nL'squL'
111'111111s \iiL‘ split t11o11L'lL'1111L'rsmtl1L'111rtr111111hL'r11:ht


111111: broadening: the lead 111 (13—57. She 11111111111L'1111ith
10(11L111n 1hL' 1:11111L' and hit a trL'L throw giving the ( .1115

\ttL'r 111.11 1111' Bulldogs could 11111 contain or stop
the ( .111. L K11utsL'11rL11.\1SL 8—(11111hL' remaining
1hL' l-(12 1111111rings1he( 11111111L' 1'iL'1or1 1111'. 111'
.100 record, (13-11) with 11111 games remain-

from .1
111.11 11.1» one of our 1:11alsin the beginning of 1hL'

1'1111 1111:11 101),".\1.11111.\' s1111l.1 rom here on out 11111
1'1111111111hr1111 1hL' TCU)i‘(1\ 11111. \\ L' are trying to further
11L'1L-lop 111 this rLl1uil111n1: phase. \\L' can 11111 take 11
l1rL .111er at .111."

Barnes agrees.

“\\'e have 111 remain optimistic with111111'111'11g11111es
left. “’11 have 11111'11rk h11r11."1hL' said.

Farewell llomia

There goes .111111111'r1111e.
[11 her lourth 111111 11111111'L'11ras11 \\'il11L".11 senior \'on11a

1111111111 has been 1lis111issL-11 from the team. .\111111111 1111111L'

1hL' announcement on Saturday.

1hL-.\11111L'11L'stL'r nativL' 111.11 averaging 1.5111111115111111
1 rebounds, 11111111121111 111L'r111:L' 111.1 8 11111111th per game
ShL'1:r1r11111ates 111 1)L'LL'ml1L'r with 11 major 111 11111111111111]
.11111111111111 studies






006 CAICHEBS Irflrrm 11 (III ([1 II) IIIIII \Ilfil/lt .111/IIII11': (IIIWILI Irv/[MI IIIL'(III."1 .. "III IIILII' final Sum/.1—

.I—6351'I1Im 1'1'III1I Aim [)1 llIL/ll1 [1'11 1 I1 1' IIIII 1'18 [IIIIIIIJL

1':"11\ILIII I 011/1111)” Iron/1' 1:10:11 11/ III: yea/II





Campus Calendar is a free service which appears in the Monday edition of the Kentucky Kernel.

All registered organizations wishing to publish events and sporting

events, must have all information to the Student Activities room 203 Stdent Ctr. or call 257-8867, or e-mail ukevent'fi‘pop.uky.edu one week prior to publication.

MONDAY 02/ l 6


‘Dept. of Theatre is raising $ for
it’s Guignol Theatre Restoration
Project for a 50th Anniversary Gala
opening in ’99; 257-3l45

—Fine Arts Institute: Hon-credit
classes in art. music, theatre, 81’
dance for adults; CALL 27517831
dates 81 times vary

-ML King Cultural Ctr Movie 81
Discussion, 8:00pm; FREE

-UK Waterski Club Meeting,
8:30pm, l06 Old Student Ctr


~UK Career Ctr Orientation
Workshops: M. W. F 9:00am 81’
3.111111m; Tue l l.0()am 81' 3:00pm;
TR 1.1100 8130011111; CALL 257.
27/10 to sign-up, orientations last 45

-Ul( Career Ctr ”Finding Career
Related Summer Jobs 81
internships." 4:30—5:20pm, Rm. 208
Mathews Bldg


Newman Ctr Catholic Mass every
weekday, l2210pm, 320 Rose St,-


-UK Ski 8' Snowboard Club
Meeting, 7:00pm. 245 Old Student
(ltr, planning Spring Break trip to
Winter Park, Colorado. interested
people invited

-UK Alkido Club, 8:00pm, Alumni
Gym Loft,- 278-9283/268-3870

i TUESDAY 02/17


-EXHIBIT: The Downtown Gallery:
Jurierl Photography Exhibition, locat-
ed at the entrance of the Pl‘lC Bank
Bldg on Vine St. (thru 2/28)
’BXHIBI’I‘: Panoramas of Passage:

, Changing Lanwcapes of South
Africa, UK Art Museum (thru,3/08)
EXHIBIT: Critters: Animals in the
Collection, UK Art Museum (thru

EXHIBIT: Art and the Everyday
World: Pop, Op, and Minimalism In
the Collection, UK Art Museum (thru

Lox. Catholic High School:
Grease, 8:00pm. Singletary Ctr,
Recital Hall; $5 (thru 2/l9)



-Student Activities Board Meeting.
5:00pm, 203 New Student Ctr; 257.

-AWARE Meeting, Sandra Cairo with
a discussion on stereotypes 8r prej.
udice. 7:00pm, 363 Student Ctr, for

-Green Thumb Meeting, 7:30pm,
205 Student Ctr

-Donovan Scholars Program
Forum: "Homelessness in Lexington
and the Hope Center,” Cecil Dunn,
3:30-4:30pm. Lex. Senior Citizens

-Ul( Wesley Foundation United

Methodist PHAT TUESDAY, 7:30pm.
Rm. 230 Student Ctr; 254-023l
-Baptlst Student Union Tl‘l’l‘
Meeting, 7:30pm, ChapIe-429
Columbia Ave; 257-3989
Newman Ctr Student Night,
7:30pm. 320 Rose Ln; 255-8566


-Table Tennis Singles 81 Doubles
entries due by 4:00pm in [45
Seaton Ctr; 2576584

-UK Women's Basketball vs.

Eastern Kentucky. 7:00pm:
Lexington, KY


4‘“. King Cultural Ctr Playas
Challenge, Pool Tournament.
7:00pm, Student Ctr Game Rm.



-SAB Film Series presents ~Dazed
81 Confused," 7:30pm, Worsham
Movie Theater, Student Ctr. $1


-SAB Cinema Committee Meeting,
4:00pm, 203 Student Ctr

-AIAA Meeting, 6:00pm. 209 CRMS

Student Assoc. for
Environmental Professionals
Meeting: Ashley Moore, Career
Counselor, will talk on Career 81'
internship Opportunities, 7:30pm.
34l Ag. Engineering Bldg

LE 5

-MI. King Cultural Ctr presents
Chester Grundy, speech on jazz 81'
the influence on African American
Development then and now, 81
Derrick X, "State of Hetep Address,”
7:00pm, 308 Commons; FREE


-UK Career Ctr "Business
Etiquette,~ 12:00-l2c50pm. Rm.
208 Mathews Bldg

-Cats for Christ Encounter,
7:00pm, Rm. 230 Student Ctr

-Ul( Alkido Club, 8:00pm, Alumni

Ciym Loft; 278.9283/268-3870

-UK Men's Basketball @ Florida
(JP) 8:00pm

THURSDAY ()2/ l 9


‘College of Fine Arts presents Lax.
Jazz Artist Residency: Public ,
Forum, ”History of African American
Music.” 7: 00—9;00pm, hex. Public
Library,- FREE .11


-WildWaterCats Whitewater
Boating Club Meeting, 6:00pm, AG
Science Ctr l‘lorth, Rm 1‘18.
Equipment Reviews, for info e-mail

-Donovan Scholars Program
Forum: ”Deciding Which Books Get
Reviewed-And Don’t,” Art Jester,
3:30-4:30pm, Lex. Senior Citizens

-ML King Cultural Ctr presents
Hashid Fakhid—Deen, discussion on
Man-hood Development; FREE


~UK Career Ctr ~Preparing for
Interviews,” 4:30-5:20pm, Rm. 208
Mathews Bldg


Baptist Student Union Devotion
& Lunch (Si all you can eat!)

l2: 15pm, 429 Columbia Ave: 257-

-UK Wesley Foundation Dinner 3:

Praise, 6200-7: l5pm, 508 Columbia
Ave, $2; 254—0231

Christian Student Fellowship
Thurs Plight Live, 7:00pm, 502
Columbia Ave; 233-0313

-Campus Crusade for Christ
Meeting, 7:30pm, Student Ctr
Worsham Theater

-FCA Meeting, 9:00pm, CSF Bldg on
corner of Woodland and Columbia
Ave, for info e-mail

-UK Men’ 5 Tennis: National indoors

(thru 2/22): Louisville, KY

FRIDAY 02/20


-College of Fine Arts presents Lex.
Jazz Artist Residency: RBI‘
Teleconference, ”Jazz lnstrrlments
Part I: Saxophone 61‘ Trumpet,”
3:00-4:00pm, UK Student Ctr; FREE
College of Fine Arts Faculty
Recital: Benjamin Karp, cello with
Cliff Jackson, piano, 8:00pm.
Singletary Ctr, Recital Hall; FREE


-Ul( Libraries presents "The Art of
the Black Death,” Dr. Charles
Ambrose, UK School of Medicine,
noon-l:00pm, Mi King North, Peal

Muslim Student Assoc. Friday
Prayer, 1:30-2:00pm, 572
Georgetown St; All are invited
Muslim Student Assoc. Meeting.
6:00pm, Rm. l l l Student Ctr


-Ui( Gymnastics vs. Alabama;
Lexington, KY

-Ul( Women’s Tennis vs. Ohio
State, noon,- Lexington, KY


-ML King Cultural Ctr: Social
Gathering, 9:00pm, 308 Student
Ctr, Admission $2 or $1 and a can

SA'l‘l ll<1)/\Y ()2/2



-College oi Fine Arts presents hex.
Jazz Artist Residency:

Concert, ”Symphonic Jazz: Extremely


Hot & Way Cool," 8:00pm, Lex.
Opera House; Paid admission, CALL

Newman Center Catholic Mass.
6:00pm, 320 Rose Ln; 255-8566

-Table Tennis Singles 81 Doubles
Tournament (thru 2/22); 257-6584

-UK Women’s Basketball @ South

Carolina, 7:00pm

SUNDAY 02/22


-College of Fine Arts presents Lex.

Jazz Artist Residency: Musician
Workshop. 2:00-5:00pm, Singletary
Ctr, Concert Hall; FREE

-Lex. Community Orchestra:
Johnathan Roller, conductor,
3:00pm, Singletary Ctr, Recital Hall:

-College of Fine Arts presents
Guest Recital: Music for Cello 81
Guitar by Leo Welch 8: Susan
Tephly, 8:00pm, Singletary Ctr.
Recital Hall; FREE


Newman Center Catholic Mass.
9:00 8: ll2303m, 5:00 &' 8:30pm,
320 Rose Ln,- 255-8566

-Christian Student Fellowship
University Praise Service, 1 l:00am,
502 Columbia Ave: 233-03l3
Muslim Student Association
Quranic Studies. l l:45am-l :OOpm,
572 Georgetown St; All are invited


-UK Alkido Club, l:00pm, Alumni
Gym Loft,- 278-9283/268-3870
-WildWaterCats White water boat-
ing club Pool session, 4:45-7:00pm,
Lancaster Aquatic Ctr, $3, Come try
it out! Open to UK faculty. staff, 81
students of all experience levels,
canoe 81 kayak; for ?’s 81 sign-up e-
mail zmerkin®ca.uky.edu

-UK Women's Tennis vs. Maryland.

noon; Lexington, KY
-Ul( Men's Basketball vs. Georgia
(JP) l:00pm; Lexington, KY





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\Ilicd Health

Farmer Cats’ assistant Braden earns UK job

By Jay 6. Tate
Sp mtr Editor

You can always go home again.

One month after former UK
head volleyball coach Fran Flory
returned to LSU —— the school
which provided Flory her first
chance at the Southeastern Con-
ference, Jona Braden returned to
the school which provided Braden
her first chance at the SEC.

Braden is back at UK.

“Kentucky has always been a
very special place to me,” Braden
said Friday, soon after formally
accepting UK's vacant coaching
position. “I learned a lot here and
I‘m excited to be back."

Braden returns to the school for
which she coached her last volley—
ball match — a 3—0 loss to Florida
in 1992’s NCAA Tournament.
The former volleyball standout at
Ball State was an associate coach
under Kathy DeBoer for both the
I99] and 1992 seasons. During her
time in Lexington, the Cats went
49—22, won the NIT championship
in 1991 and advanced to the
NCAA Sweet 16 in her final UK

“I did not expect my time at
Kt ntucky to be that short,“ Braden
sa‘d. “Moving into administration
w; s a tough decision. I thought the
Butler (University) administrative
role was a great opportunity."

“The first time I hired her, it,

w: s kind of a long shot," said
DeBoer, now an associate director
within UK’s Athletics Administra—
tirn. “She was a successful head
coach and I was lucky to find
sorneone like that to come in. Peo-
ple like (Braden) are very valuable.
Butler knew that and they offered
her a great opportunity."

Though Braden’s role as But-
ler’s senior associate athletics
director moved her away from the
day-to-day life of a full-time vol-
leyball coach, many close to her,
including UK assistant Ainsley
Grimes, knew there might come a

time when sideline withdrawal
would move Braden back into

“She always told me since she
left here that she missed Kentucky
and that it was always somewhere
she considered ome,” said
Grimes, who also played at UK
and was recruited by Braden. “This
was something I think she always

Sotne were surprised when UK
elected to hire a candidate who had
been out of coaching for six years.
But Braden, who spent eight sea—
sons as Butler’s head coach prior to
her time in Lexington, doesn't
view the decision as irregular at all.

“I don’t think there's going to
be a problem —— it’s just a matter of
boning up on what it is that I need
to learn," she said. “I“.ach person
I’ve talked to about it says it’s just
like a bike —— you just jump right

“I look at it like a sabbatical,”
Braden added. “I was away from
coaching, but I was intricately
involved with (Butler's) coaches
and their development. I was able
to provide them with that wisdom
and support that comes from being
in the coaching ranks. Ifanything,
(being away) kept me fresh in my

Assistant Athletics Director for
Non-Revenue Sports john Cropp,
who along with DeBoer and Ath-
letics Director CM. Newton led
the search committee, believes
having a background in both
coaching and administration is a
valuable blend ofexperience.

“When you have the opportuni—
ty to know that person and what
their style was it makes it very
easy,” Cropp said.

He noted that moves from
coaching to administration back to
coaching are not rare. Cropp
pointed to Newton’s moves from
Alabama to an administrative job
with the SEC back to a coaching
job at Vanderbilt as evidence that
this type of career movement can

lead to success.

“Those of us who have been in
this industry for a lon time have
seen it work very wefi and hove
done it ourselves,” Cropp said.
“That’s a factor that I think is a
strength in this candidacy.
(Braden) has grown considerably
by being in a role other than a

Braden’s most important role
now will be as an architect -— to
merge her vision of UK and the
existing situation. Last season, the
Cats went 14—17 and have man—
aged only one SEC tournament
win since 1994. Though UK
returns All—SEC talent in outside
hitter LaTanya Webb and middle
blocker jenny Muzzey, Braden
shies from making boisterous
claims of future greatness.

“I want to push it to the Nth
degree that we want to be success—
ful," she said.

“The oal would be to do the
fastest of ense possible to keep the
defense reeling. But first and fore-
most, we’re going to grow this
program from where it is right

And where it is right now is a
place where quality setting comes
around rarely. Last season’s start-
ing setter, Kristy Burns, trans—
ferred to Indiana University—Pun
due University Indianapolis.
Sophomore Terri Crabb, who
eventually lost the job to Burns, is
UK’s only returning setter.

But help may be on the way.

Braden was a setter in college.
And DeBoer thinks Braden can
make something happen right

“I‘ve seen plenty of college
coaches take someone who wasn't
the world’s greatest setter and
make them very effective," DeBoer
said. “That’s the piece in the puz—
zle right now that‘s doesn’t have an
answer. Yeah, it’s a pretty big
piece. I think that’s where you’re
going to see jona’s impact more
than anywhere else.”

Dingman wasfirst choice

By Jay G. Tate
Sports Editor

Though former Butler Univer-

sity administrator jona Braden
became UK’s sixth head volleyball
co ich Friday, current But-
ler head coach Sharon
Dingman was the Cats'
first choice.
Din man said she was
offerecF the UK job two
weeks ago, but declined
the offer.

“All the reasons I decid—
ed to stay dealt with But-
ler," Dingman said.
“'I here was nothing at UK that
wasn’t very good or very appeal-

Some close to the UK program
believed Dingman would eventu—
ally become the new coach after
former head coach Fran Flory left
for Louisiana State last month.

Those ideas were born from
several strong ties Dingman has
to Big Blue.



She worked at UK as an assis-
tant coach in 1988 under then
head coach Kathy DeBoer. Ding—
man maintained a relationship
with DeBoer and coached sum-
mer camps at UK after her career
moved her away from Lex-

But in the end, Ding-
man said she was unwilling
to change programs.

“People don’t realize
how good ofa job I have at
Butler,” Dingman said.

“I have nothing but
good things to say about
UK, but now’s a good time
to be at Butler."

Dingman also said it was tou h
to decline an offer made to her By
DeBoer — someone Dingman
considers a good friend.

“That was certainly the hardest
part," Dingman said. “Kathy is
really a mentor to me and I have a
lot of respect for her.

“But I just think I need to stay
where I am right now."

UK Assistant Athletics Direc-
tor for Non-Revenue Sportsjohn
Cropp refused to view Braden’s
hire as a second—best situation.

“I wouldn't say we tended to
focus on Sharon first as much as
Sharon was the obvious candidate
because she’s actively coaching
volleyball," he said.

DeBoer view the situation sim-

“I didn’t really rank them in
terms of first or second,” DeBoer
said of the Dingman—Braden deci—

“Once Sharon declined, I was
like ‘Where do we want to 0?”
Our people had been tal 'ng
about (Braden) from the begin—
ning. I thought it might be diffi-
cult to lure her out of administra-
tion. But it was something I felt
like I owed to our players and all
the people — C.M. (Newton) and
everybody — who kept saying,
‘What aboutJona?’

“I thought we should at least
make a run at her.”


lllt tennis teams
tail to top toes

I‘he No. ll UK men's tennis
team fell to .\lo. 3 Georgia, 5—2 on
Saturday. UK's Dan Spaner won
in singles com ietition while the
doubles team of Carlos Drada and
I'ido Bawono won the doubles’

The UK women's tennis team
(2-2 overall, 0—1 Southeastern
Conference) fell to to )—ranked
Florida, 7-1 on Saturday. The
doubles team of Christy Sigurski
arid Brooke Skeen won UK’s lone

"livery player believed the
Could win today," said Coach,
Mark Guilbeau. “We competed
hard and our matches were closer
(ln points) than last year. We
made a lot of strides in our per-

Florida blanked out Big Blue in
the singles matches.

UK junior Kelly Brown fell to
Florida's Dawn Beth in a three-
set match 2-6, 6-3, 6-3. UK
senior Kathy Herring fell to


Florida's M.C. White 6-3, 7—6.

In doubles competition, UK
and Florida each took a win
today. UK's double team ofjunior

Christy Sigurski and freshman
Brooke Skeen topped Florida's
Bleecker and Laiho 9-8(5).

“Strategically, our doubles
(teams) are better then they were
last year."

Sl'lllll Slllll I"!!! CI“

After pulling off an u set of
then—No. 6 ranked 0k ahoma
State last Saturday in Phoenix, the
UK baseball team traveled to
Coastal Carolina for a two-game
series this past weekend looking
to stay un ieaten on this young

However the Chanticleers
were not gracious hosts as they
knocked off the Cats Il-6 in Sat-
urday afternoon's opener of the
two-game series behind junior
Ron Deubel’s strong pitching
effort and the clutch hitting of
shortstop Dorian Cameron and
third baseman Steve Tylke.

Yesterday the Cats lost a heart—
breaker when the Chanticleers’

» ... 4... w“..- cc-..- 4. -~ g“... - -

Steve Tylke blasted a grand slam
off UK’s Matt Borne in the bot-
tom of the ninth to give Coastal
Carolina an 8-7 win over UK (2—

80mm notches first win

The UK softball team won it’s
season opener on Friday when
Leslie Kwiatkowski singled in
Jackie Elston in the bottom of the
ninth to give UK a 1—0 win over
Sam Houston State.

The Cats weren’t as fortunate
in its following games this past
weekend as they lost to Oklahoma
State 9-0; Louisiana Tech 11-];
and Baylor lO-Z.

”I“!!! all I. H0. 8 Mlclllll
Michigan outdueled No. 6 UK
Sunday at UM’s Cliff Keen
Arena, 196.800 to l9l.600.
The bars, an event which has
caused the G mKats trouble this

season, again urt UK as it scored
a 47.500.

Michigan countered with a
49.100 on bars and an eye-pop-
ping 49.600 on floor exercise.

Cmpiledfmn mffrepom.

For Braden. the plan is slllllilc.

Speed kills.

“\Ve're going to go .is fast .is we
can without narrowing our oppor—
tunities to score,“ she said “l'm
not a high-ball, methodical setting
type. I'm a settcr by trade ~~~ you
want to sec how fast you can push
it, how fast you can run that

The team met its new coach
Friday afternoon in .in informal
meeting. Afterward. (irimcs said
her past experience uith liradcn
led some of the players to .isk
about the new Ltidtll and what they
could expect

“I told them .lliIiHl just
great She is and how coiiimittcil to
winning she is." ( iriuics said.

“I'm sure they're going to h.i\'c
a lot of issues or things they're
going to want to discuss. but she's
the perfect person to come in

\Vill any ofthe players transfer

“I hope that \\lll not happen,"
Grimes added. “I hope the girls
here will he opcii to the change
and will be excited .ibout the
change. Since I‘ve played for her
and seen how she coaches and
does things, I know how it's going
to be.

“She's the real dud."


spring break fever

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