xt7r222r622k https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7r222r622k/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 19460719  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, July 19, 1946 text The Kentucky Kernel, July 19, 1946 1946 2013 true xt7r222r622k section xt7r222r622k m

Don't Forget
To Register Tomorrow




"he Kentucky





Military Department
Adds Two Instructors

Registration Begins
Tomorrow In SUB

The arrival of two additions to
the University military staff was
announced Thursday by Lt. Col.
John L. Carter, acting head of the
military department.
Taking charge of the Signal Corps
Phys Ed Proposes
branch of the ROTC will be Lt. Col.
Change Gerald P. Lerner .regular army officer and wartime supply officer in
rePhysical education will be
the China theater. Prior to going
course if the plan overseas In 1944. Lt. CoL Lerner
indorsed Monday by the arts and served as an
instructor In ROTC
sciences faculty is accepted by the at Texas A&M
and since his return
Mer-wUuiversity, according to Prof.
to this country in April has been
E. Potter, head of the physical
taking a course in Signal Corps
education department.
training at Ft. Monmouth. N. J. He
Under the new plan, students graduated from the University of
will be required to pass the Uni- Illinois with an electrical engineerversity of Kentucky Physical Fit- ing degree in 1935.
ness Standard;
whereas, under
Major Donald W. Glenn. Inf. AUS,
the old system, students were required to take three class periods the second new officer, will teach
a week for a specified number of infantry tactics and training to
years, depending on the college In ROTC students. Lt. Col. Carter
which they are enrolled. If the stated. From August, 1940. to March,
new plan goes into effect, students 1943, Major Glenn was stationed in
will be excused from physical edu- the Panama Canal department
cation after they pass their tests, with the 5th Infantry. Since 1943,
he has been with the Camp Wheeler.
said Potter.
Ga., Infantry Replacement Training
"From 30 to 40 percent of Uni- Center and the Headquarters Reversity students will qualify in one placement
School Command at Ft.
quarter." predicted Potter. "How- Bragg, N. C.
ever." he continued, "if a student
Lt. Col. Carter said that the two
fails to meet the fitness standard
quarter, he will be en new officers and an additional one
in the first
rolled In a physical education class will bring the University military
for subsequent quarters until he unit to normal peacetime strength.
Col. O. T. Mackenzie, PMS&T and
has passed the test." According
to the plan, if the student has still department head, will return to his
failed to pass after six quarters, duties at the University late this
his case will be reviewed by the month from Ft. Benning, Ga., where
dean of his college, head of the he has been taking a refresher
physical education department, and training course.
the University
group will either waive the exam
ination or enroll the student in
further training.
'Down Memory
The basis for this plan origin
By Paul Thomas
a ted prior to the war and has since
been adopted in form by Yale uni
People from one town always
versity, Oberlin college, and the and inevitably meet people
in anUniversity of Chicago, Potter com- other town during the week-enmented.
it even happened way back in 1881.
In the proposal submitted to the This is what journalism seniors
University faculty, it was pointed taking Reporting
Public Affairs
out that the purpose of the new have discovered.

tt:.. CI Sll VSUllIrtlS

Expect No Increase


Registration for the second summer term begins tomorrow at 1:30
p.m. In the Student Union building
reverse alphabetical orfollowing


der. Dean Leo M. Chamberlain, registrar, has announced.
Schedule for registration of all
students is as follows: Saturday

afternoon, July 20
through Z;
P through R.





S; and




Monday morning, July 22
M through O;
through L:
H through
E through O.
Monday afternoon
through D;
A through
The registrar's office emphasized
that all students must classify and
register for the second term, even
though they may be enrolled In full
quarter courses.
All freshmen and new students,
except those enrolling in graduate
cchool. will report to Room 200, Biological Sciences building, at 7:30
am. tomorrow for their classification tests. All these tests and the
physical examination must be completed before the students will be
permitted to register.
Class work will begin Tuesday and
no student may enter an organized
class after Thursday. July 25.
All registration will take place In
the SUB. with classification on
Monday held In the men's gymnasium.
No appreciable increase or decrease In either the general or veteran enrollment is anticipated by
University officials despite the fact
that the number enrolled for the
second summer term is normally
only 50 to 60 per cent as large as
that of the first.














Cooperstowners Need

19. 1946


Vincent Talks
To Vets' Club

out - m o d e d,"
and "unworkable" are terms used
in a condemnation of the Kentucky constitution during a panel
discussion held Tuesday
at the

the candidate asserted that the
men who made the peace after
the last war were controlled by
pressure groups, and he charged
that their bungling of the peace
was responsible for World War

that he is not
backed by any pressure group and
that he believes in labor's right
to organize, to bargain collectively,
and to strike, Vincent closed his
speech by predicting that if the
type of men running against him
are elected to office, another world
war will result.
a World War II
Mr. Vincent,
is the second candidate
for the post vacated by the former
Senator A. B. Chandler to speak
before the veterans. Phil Ardery
of Paris was guest speaker to the
club last month.

Barracks Won't Be Ready
By Fall Term, Farris Says;
UK Appeals To Lexington





weekly Y Fellowship.
The panel consisted of Moderator J. E. Reeves, instructor in political science, and students Ned
Breathitt, Margaret McDowell, and
T. George Harris.

Ministers Will Enlist
Aid Of Congregations
In Housing Problem


An appeal to townspeople to open

In his preliminary remarks. Prof. their homes to women students
Reeves deplored the present trend wishing to enter the University of
toward belittling state and local Kentucky this fall is being made
government, suggesting that Ken- through the churches of Lexington.
tucky "by providing through our President Herman L. Donovan said
state government services which today. Members of the Ministerial
will attract the right kind of peo- association have been requested to
ple who will improve the state . . . make the announcement at their
instead of leaving us in 47th Sunday morning services.
place," accept the challenge of the
on the housing
shortage. Dr. Donovan said: "The


Dr. Downing Honored
For Tennis Service

Maintenance Losses
Being Replaced


living-quarter- s

in the barracks allotted
male student occupancy.




Agriculture Groups
Meet At University

DeHaven Addresses
Veterans' Club

F. Selby Hurst Wins
SX Province Prize


Hornsby Honored

Shawnee Project
The Shawnee project, now under
construction, is planned to provide
living quarters for University personnel The completion date fo- - this
project is not available. ' . Farris
said. At present, the serr;i department has no Idea as to the number
of buildings to be erected on thi
project, although
the blueprints




Dr. Taylor's Report
Stresses Importance
Of State Resources


call for 51.
Special Meeting
Attempts are being made by University officials to obtain the Odd
Fellows Home, 611 West Sixth
street, as a housing unit for approximately 200 women students. Plans
fof the use of the home will be discussed at a special meeting of the
Board of Commerce at the Lafayette hotel on Monday.
The meeting, which was called by
Edward S. Dabney. board president.
Is for the purpose of informing
board members of the University's
housing needs. A special committee
will be appointed to confer with Odd
Fellows lodge officials.
Dean Holmes has been negotiating with lodge oflVials concerning
possibilities of renting the property
and says thnt the two buildings
comprising the homa are virtually
empty. She also reported that because of the serious shor'age of
housing facilities the University is
anxious to utilire the soace.

Dr. Best Returns

Commerce Still Needs



A Graduate Assistant

Fraternities Operate Under Restrictions




Homeless Sororities
Women residence halls have a
capacity of 694 persons under the
new rooming set-uaccording to
Dean Holmes, and all space has
been assigned. Sixty-nin- e
students members of Chi Omega,
and Kappa Kappa Oamma sororities and former residents of Shelby
house are not located, and at present, there are no prosoects of room
facilities for these students. Eighty
additional reservations were accepted before registration deadline of
June 13. and space for these prospective students is yet to be secured. Mrs. Holmes stated.
Dean Holmes and her staff are
now In the process of "reviewing
the scholastic standings of all former girl students who have reserved
rooms for this fall"
"If. ultimately, it comes to making a choice of who will not receive
rooms, those with the poorest scholastic standings will be required to
find rooms with townfolk," Mrs.
Holmes added.


Change In ROTC
Schedule Is Planned

All Space Is Taken;
Shelby House Girls,
ChiO's, Kappas Out

The barrack3 project, which has
been undertaken by the maintenance
and opeations depatment. In an effort to supplement the present
housing facilities at the University,
will not be completed by the beginning of the fall term, according to
Mr. E. B. Farris. head of the service department. The offices of tha
dean of women and dean of men
have filled all available space for
the fall term and have taken, in
great number of rs?r-vatioaddition.
for the barracks, which, according to former reports, were
scheduled to be ready for occupancy by the beginning of the fall
"I cannot see how the nroject csn
possibly be ready by the opening of
the fr'l t:r:n." Mr. Farris stated.
"For that matter, we would b pushing the project to get it completed
by next January."
The dean oi v3m?n's office has
made plans to house 48 students in
three barracks allotted to them by
the comptroller's office, and the office of the dean of men reports that
they have taken reservations from
more than 50 students for


Prof. Reeves explained
that a University faces a crisis with regard
constitution should be an amen- to the housing of women students.
able guide to statutory law rather We have had more girls enrolled at
than simply detailed legislation the University this year than at any
itself. As an example of the num- time in the history of this instituerous provisions in the Kentucky tion. We are compelled to turn away
constitution which must be ignored, a great many girls because there are
Dr. H. IL Downing
thereby nullifying its strength to not adequate rooms or dormitories
that extent, he cited the limitation
on the number of doorkeepers in
"It is a tragedy in the life of any
the Senate. Since the present girl who may desire to come to colSenate chamber has more doors lege and not be able todo so bethan the one used in 1890, when cause of the lack of a place in which
Dr. H. H. Downing,
coach of
the constitution was adopted, this to live." The young people who come
limitation is not observed.
to the University are of a very fine University tennis teams for the
past 25 years, wa3 honored yesterThe panel discussed the evils of type and their conduct would be
day afternoon on the tennis courts
Replacement of the 18 trucks the long ballot and the rule that exemplary In every respect. It Is of
for his outstanding service. A
destroyed key administrative men cannot the utmost importance that we find
and other equipment,
Consome place for these young women plaque honoring Dr. Downing has
succeed themselves in office.
in" the fire last winter, is being exbeen installed on the side of the
pedited as much as possible, ac- cern over the difficulty in hold- to live."
shelter house on the courts named
cording to Mr. E. B. Farris, head ing "men with ideals" in politics
Mrs. Sarah B. Holmes, dean of
after him.
women, reported that additional apof the University division of main- and men with highest qualificaThe plaque reads as follows:
was ex- plications are being received from
tions at the University
tenance and operations.
pressed, and the $5,000 salary lim- girls at the rate of 25 to 30 a week. DOWNING TENNIS COURTS
Mr. Farris said that approxearlier this NAMED IN HONOR OF
imately 12 trucks of all types have itation blamed for our shortage of As was announced
month, further applications from PROFESSOR HAROLD H. DOWNequipbeen delivered to date. The
Agreed that future citizens will women students cannot be accepted
ment received includes one dump
truck, two stake bodiy trucks, and have no voice in government un- unless they or their parents are!"0
OF KEN- der an undemocratic constitution, .hi. tn m.lr .rrT,em.nt for the TH
seven panel delivery trucks.
All this equipment is new, Mr. the panel concluded that our task to live in private homes or unless THIS TABLET WAS
is to "convince people of the state the University can increase its livFarris stated. He also said that
program is to individualize physBY MEMBERS OF PAST AND
Percy H. Landrum, several trucks had been purchased that we must go to the polls and ing facilities.
ical education.
owner and editor of the Ohio from the Army surplus and that vote on the constitutional referTENNIS TEAMS
County News, placed three Hart- they included two station wagons endum question" when it is brought
ford papers from the year 1881 to and two all purpose dump trucks. to the people in 1947.
Casey Goman. Kemal staff mem-an- d
The coach smiled happily durin1945 on file at the University li Mr. Farris added that orders have
- announcer, wrote
presentation and said, "It
brary on the understanding that been placed for two dump trucks
an article, "University
Col. Denver DeHaven, assistant makes me feel happy to know I've
the journalism students would and stake body trucks. He said
WBKY," which appeared in the
regional manager of the Lexington been honored this way, and I apApproved by the arts and sci- prepare
"Down Memory Lane" for that the division is expecting the
July Issue of "Frequency Modula- ences faculty Monday,
a plan to
branch of the Veteran's Administra- preciate what the boys have done
tion." This magazine is devoted reduce elementary ROTC training his paper.
delivery of a new Ford tractor
The Central Kentucky Produc- tion, was a guest at a dinner meet- and what the University has done
to the furtherance of FM in the periods
The Hartford Herald is used to soon.
from five to three hours a
tion Credit association was host to ing of the Veterans' club In the Stu- in allowing it to be placed on the
field of radio. Miss Ooman's story
week, still maintaining two quar- prepare columns on happenings
tennis courts.
a meeting of six agricultural groups dent Union Friday night.
described the University's FM setfifty years ago; The Hartford Re
He expressed his views on the im"I feel the major credit should
last Monday in the University's
up from both the technical stand- ter housUniversity will be submitted publican on twenty-fiv- e
years ago;
faculty at their
portance of service organizations go to the boys who have borne
Science building.
point and the extent of broadcast- to the
next meeting, according to Lt. Col. and The Ohio County News on
such as the American Legion, Dis- the blunt of the hard knocks."
ing activities.
Included in the meeting were abled Veterans,
John L. Carver, acting head of ten years ago.
and the V.F.W. to
Dr. Downing, still
of soil conservaFrank Selby Hurst, third-yeLeafing through these papers,
the military department.
the veterans of World War II.
smiling, added, "It was well gotcan learn an American law student from Lexington, has tion, rural electrification, and farm
Dean Paul P. Boyd, head of the the student
ten up and is a beautiful thing."
groups, and vocational
arts and sciences college, expressed history lesson. He will read about been awarded the Balfour Province agriculture teachers.
Among those present at the cerSigma Chi fraternity, and
"Operations Music." the musical the opinion that the resolution the blockade of Cuba, the annexa- award of
emony were: Dr. Donovan,
The meeting, which Included
for the
tion of the Hawaiian Islands, and is one of 22 competing
Henry H. Hornsby, University members of the committee
quiz program now being heard over would probably be accepted.
at the Phoenix hotel. graduate in kmrnalism
in the same year (1898) learn of Balfour National award, an award luncheon
in 1938. charge
WHAS on Saturday afternoons at
of securing the tablet
ROTC pro the Hartford election to determine presented to the most outstanding was for the purpose of acquainting .
The new post-wnas been awarded a Nieman fel. which Included Dean Boyd. Profes1:30 o'clock, has a wide listener
gram, according to Col. Carter,
members of each division with the ,owshjp to Harvard university,
appeal, judging from the post- places more 'emphasis on military "whether or not spirituous, vinous. Sigma Chi of the year.
sor M. E. Potter, and Miss Elizaof the other divisions in
to word received nere. He beth Ragland.
marks of its mail. Letters have theory, and less emphasis on ex or malt liquors shall continue to I Winner ofthe local chapters
scholarship for the past der to bring about better under- - !wlu leave
be sold."
23 to studv
come from Kentucky,
tended and close-ordamong social
Virginia. West Virginia. Ohio, and
and economic problems of
The typical insert for ten years school year. Hurst is a member of standing and
the rural south.
Indiana. Jack Feierabend and To give an example of changes. ago will read: "Mr. and Mrs. Ho- Phi Beta Kappa. Omicron Delta the various groups.
Mr. Hornsby. a native of SexMarge Blaisdell provide popular, Col. Carter pointed out that under mer Blott drove to Licking Creek Kappa, Phi Delta Phi (legal fraterset-u- p.
first year advanced this week-en- d
ton's Creek, Clay County, is
classical, and folk music, and Hugh the old
to visit relatives." nity), Student Bar Association, and
described by a letter from Harvard
Dunbar gives clues to the titles. students received 92 hours class- - Even fifty years ago people were is a member of the staff of the
work and 68 hours practical ap visiting relatives out of town; the Kentucky Law Journal.
as "a reporter of exceptional zeal
Scattered thundershowers
plication, of which 34 hours was
"The state's greatest reservoir
tonight and tomorrow in to make journalism a social ser"We Think So," a new series of drill. Under the new plan, the only difference was the mode of
southern California. Conti n u ed vice, he has led in bringing roads of resources is its people. While
will be- same group will receive 144 hours transportation. "Visiting" seems to
round table
hot and humid in southern Florida. and better school and health ser- the state is also a vast storehouse
gin July 26 with Margaret Mc- classwork, and 16 hours practical be an old custom, as ancient as
history itself.
Dr. Harry Best, of the Sociology Kentucky: if temperature does not vices to his mountain people." He of natural resources, these are imDowell, A&S Junior from Lexing- application which is all drill. CoL
portant only to the extent that
Students who are preparing the department, has returned to the drop or remain the same, a definite has been a member of the Lexington, as moderator. A change in Carter said that the new plan con
is expected. ton Leader staff for seven years, the people possess technical knowlthis series will be the use of mixed stituted a 32H'i reduction of prac columns are Marjorie Blaisdell, University after a year's leave of rise in temperature will
mostly hot
be in mo- serving as general reporter, cover- edge and technical skill to use
Albert B. Brooke, Adele Denman, absence. He will resume his teach- Air
groups of students, faculty, and tical work drill.
Margaret Dickey, Thomas Dun ing duties the second term of the tion most of Friday and Satur ing city beats, sports editor dur- - them to the best alvantage."
That is the approach to the
day. Typical Sunday weather ex- - ing two years of the war, acting
can, Richard Stofer, Marie Thomp- summer quarter.
tives were entirely from one cateedand political corres-i- s newest study on resource-us- e
Dr. Best was serving with the pected on July 21. Temperature city editor,
son. - Janice S. Timmons,
ucation prepared by committees of
not expected to drop below 32' j pondent during the recent
Edgar Wil- Federal Security Agency in WashTuttle, Edward Webb,
up for consideration
specialists under the direction of
lative term.
son, and James Lee Wood.
the "Kentucky ConstituInclude
a committee headed by Dr. William
S. Taylor, dean of the University
"The Veteran's Program,"
Appointment of a graduate asCollege of Education,
"The Occupation of Germany, "The sistant for half time work for 1946-4- 7
and pubEffects of the Bikini Atomic Tests
lished by the University's bureau
in the Bureau of Business ReRelations," search, College
on Russian-Americof school service.
of Commerce, is still
and "Mental Hygiene." The half-ho- under consideration, James W. MarThe volume, entitled "K e
By Tom Duncan
discussions will be transcribed tin, bureau director, said yesterday.
Resources," is designed to
duct a chapter without either. The membership, were passed as war opposition to the 50 limit rule and,
acover WHAS.
If you know anything about committee will also decide ho time measures also seems prev- somewhat less actively, the regula- serve four major purposes,
Created by the resignation of a
University cam- many- cording to Dean Taylor. It will he
men may be accommodate! alent in the minds of fraternity tions that may be imposed on the
to accept a teach fraternities on the
used in
pus you probably have heard of under
each of the operations named members. While this may be true, operation of a fraternity house,
ing position, the vacancy calls for a
the rule limiting membership to above. It is understood that any there is no statement of such a even if the fraternity is in a sound in Kentucky's colleges and univer(WHAS)
12:35 Agriculture
graduate to do halftime work while 50
sities to give future teachers an
members, actives and pledges. permission given to operate may be policy In the faculty minutes. Ev- financial condition.
7:00 Kernel Digest
carrying on research for a .higher
edition of Tne
In the
prexy stated that he not understanding of tle resources of
7:15 Music Program
modified or terminated at any idently the regulations are effective
degree in economics or business.
Kernel for the fall of 1944, a list time if the
only opposed the 50 limit, but his the sta'? and the ways in which
7:45 News
condition of the chap- until repealed.
Professor Martin stated.
be handled
"issued from the ter
of regulations,
8:00 Princeton Preceptorial
The reporter checked with the fraternity was ignoring it. with the good should Kentuckians; for will
demands it
Previous experience and special- Dean of Men's office in July, govit
of all
Dean of Men's office to verify the sanction of the national and alum8:30 Jive Jamboree
50 Limit; 25 Pledges
ization in technical matters need erning men's social fraternities,"
to acquaint teachers albe u.'i-8:45 Sleepy -- Tune Gal
Dean Jones ni organizations.
"No chapter will be permitted facts of the story.
not be extensive, and applications was published.
ready in service with the probwas not at the office because of
to have more
Sat ar day:
Old Members Not Considered
50 actives and
by mail or in person should be made
lems of resource-us- e
Excerpts from the regulations pledges at any than
12:35 Agriculture
Another stated that he thought it will serve as a source book for
time and none shall illness. The members of his staff
to him at the research bureau, he are:
Monday :
pledge more than 25 men in one did not even know of the existence a reasonably small fraternity was children in Kentucky schools; it
12:35 Agriculture
Committee Decides All
year. No freshman may be pledged of the regulations.
A secretary preferable, but that the limitation will provide useful information for
7:00 Lullaby of Broadway
"The President of the University unless he has a standing of 1.0 fcr did, however, make a telephone on membership should come from adults, helping them to appreciate
7:15 Round Table
and obtained substantially within the chapter.
will appoint a small administrative the preceding quarter or semester." call
what Kentuckians now have and
7:45 News
One objection
all the to know what they could and should
The impression seems to have the same facts that have been givcommittee to cooperate with the
source, presidents made was that the rule
8:30 Adapted Plays.
Dean of Men in the control and been given to most fraternity men en. But this unknown
A training officer from the
reliable, stated that fails to take into consideration
of fraternities. All that the office of the Dean of Men presumably
In addition to the University's
12:35 Agriculture
the approval was merely acting to enforce these the limit on membership was def- the number of old members who workshop on resource-usVeterans Administration would
chapters must have
buying, build- rules which had been passed by initely .intended to be a war-tiWednesday:
are returning. They stated that Kentucky state teachers' colleges
of the committee in
like to have all veterans enmeasure.
com- the University faculty.
12:35 Agriculture
although the rule so far has not are utilizing the bulletin as a text:
ing, or renting houses. This
And this
rolled under
Public Law 16
7:00 Books and Authors
is the case. But the minutes of
In trying to find the common de- been enforced to their Injury, Eastern State Teachers' college.
mittee will decide what improvecome to Room 204, Adminis7:15 Marge Blaisdell's Piano
ments, if any, must be made and the University faculty for the meet- nominator of fraternity views on there is no guarantee that this Morehead State Teachers' college,
tration building, today, for a what equipment must be installed ing of August 21, 1944, state that the regulations,
several chapter will continue to be the case.
and Murray State Teachers col7:30 News
Bob Babbage, president of
brief interview,
In all houses, leased or owned, to the rules were presented to the presidents were interviewed. While
Dr. Lyle K.
7:45 Symphony Hour
council, said that it
faculty by Dean T. T. Jones for it was impossible to contact all
make them habitable.
Major topics In the report are
Henry, director of University
8:30 Listen, the Vet
the presidents, the ones consulted was his personal opinion that a soil, water, forests, wildfire, parks
"This committee will decide the ratification. .
announced yester- -.
of each
8:45 Musical Nightcap
Not Wartime Measures
head some of the most powerful majority of the fraternities are in and recreation
extent of the operation
An impression that these rules, student organizations on the cam- definite opposition to the limit set flowers, trees and shrubs, minerchapter, whether to operate a house
12 ;35 Agriculture
als, and human resources.
with or without meals, or to con- - particularly the one governing pus. These men were united in up by the University.

Casey Goman Writes
For Radio Magazine


Kentucky Constitution
Is Termed

Declaring that pressure groups
among lawmaking bodies present
the greatest threat to our democratic form of government, Norris
B. Vincent of Barbourville, candidate for the Democratic nomination for United States senator, addressed the members of the University Veterans clu b Monday
Speaking before members of the
club and guests in Memorial hall,






Dr. Leo




the University, savs that the school
is prepared to ofTr a substantial
rental fee for the pro .ty, nd to
maintain it in good repair.


Vet Interviews



Baptist Student I'nion . .

. Noon-

day devotionals,
through Friday. Room 128. SUB.
Vesper service, 6:15 Wednesday.
SUB roof.
ODK will meet Tuesday at 4:00
p. m., in Room 204, SUB.

* Cooperstown
Tlie Veterans club or (lie Cooperstown
roinuil lias missed a ;ie.it opjxd lunii y for service to veterans.

With the death of OPA. prices have
ued to rise. On the small subsistence

continallowance which veterans receive, it's hard to feed a
family, clothe them, and o to school at the

same time. It seems to us that the residents
of Cooperstown would help themselves immeasurably by opening a mm profit
Cooperstown men and women could volunteer to woik in the store at set hours, say from
10 to 12 in ilie mornings and erhaps from 2
to 4 in the afternoons. Stock could le sold at
cost, thereby saving money for everyone.
Cards could be issued, a n d only married
veterans, or perhaps only the residents
would be permitted to buy from
the stoic. This would Save housewives a lot of
trouble, too, by being right in the town. Even
the babies could be taken that far without too
much trouMe.
And he who did not work wouldn't get to
eat at lowered prices.

A Book

In TIic Hand



Co-O- p

The Kernel Editorial Page

comes along.
You can all see the benefits of a handbook
of this type and it is hoed that the average
freshman next fall, will be better informed
with a "IIandlook in the haikl, rather than
an armload of pamphlets in the bush." A. I).




A week never goes by


What? Already?
the editorial "Watch Your Step" ap- in last week's Kernel, we had no idea
the txiwer of the press was so great or that re- soon. We hated to have
would ap.ear
to use editorial space to call the attention of the
maimenaiHC ciepai uiieiii 10 uie ioikiiikmi oi
the McVcy hall steps, hut having fallen once
ourselves and having seen many other tKTsons
in the same difficulty, we felt that repair of the
,h o..l,...t IuhIv1 a.ul
r ,..r,.l.!. lu, '.
me triune ciiicisji.
Whether or not the Kernel editorial w a s
ihe push that started the work, we'll take
credit for it. Thanks, maintenance . depart- ,..
ment. We don t think you n regret using your
men for such a community service.



Whv doesn't someone write a storv on how
iTn'.orclH) '
u...w.;v 1 ili, . ' Mv.,1
iv irR.Mc
. .Hi . ..'.I fr
. . f .. . . ...... r. . . .
ui u am ami Hiuiui mint
put up six directional signs for new registrants,
Take the first door to your
and repeated.
right" six million times
The Kernel ajxlogies for the ahsenre of
No one knows how.
the story this week.



but what
Kernel rinir out
.... h ir...i;i;,.,. onrf th
usual verbal battle that automat- ically follows. Why should this be
an exception?
nas mK"
this, we M1
to manu.
agree. but who
acture tradition? We are but try- ing to set the stage for traditions
of the future and to revive former


Exams always are har.l for everyone, but for
the persons who have late afternoon classes ev- ery quarter, they are harder than ever. Quarter
after quarter these oor students are the last to
leave school. They watch evervone else go off
to vacation, bu, they have to watt un.,1 the very
last examination ,k,hh1 before they can leave,
Not o.ilv do they have to stay late, but they
have that much longer to worry about passing,
and evetone knows what tha, ca