xt7r222r836h https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7r222r836h/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1981-04-28 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 28, 1981 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 28, 1981 1981 1981-04-28 2020 true xt7r222r836h section xt7r222r836h Vol. Lxxxui, No.149 11111 11 1 1 11 1 l "MN" ”I” Numb .. . 1
Tuesd. , April 28‘ 1981 (1er I‘ll \ u ("I llf”\pllll' I('\i'lgl‘|n. kl'lllut'k) , 1
_ .. ,' l
O 1 ,1 . .
ody Ollll II] ta“ ' ' '
t0“ now stands at 26 Wt . ‘ .111
.1, 1 ' .- 1 .
' I ~l ‘ l .' ' ’
. L1 ,' ‘1 .
By DICK PETTYS A reporter at the scene said the > 1 .
Associated Press Writer body was naked from waist up. and . ‘, -1 _ .
was clad in a red garment from the » I W " 5..
ATLANTA _ The body of a small waist down. at least to where the legs , 1 I . i1 .1. .1 .' .-_
black male was found enmeshed in entered the water. ’ 1 11‘ ‘ " ' ,
tree branches in the Chattahoochee A young black man. 21-yearold 7 ~ - 1 m
River yesterday, and members of the Jimmy Ray Payne. has been missmg , § ' 3 ,
speCIal police task force in. smceWednosday. Atlanta authorities 1. 1 1
vestigating the slayings of 25 young said earlier that his disappearance 1 ' 1 . .1 1. .
blacks were called in, authorities had not been aSSigned to the Special 3 . 1 1; 1
said. task force. \ ," y“ -’ I 11' 1 1
. It was the fifth time in less than a Payne. who was slight in stature, (I . It ’ t 1 ‘ ‘1 1:. 1' 3
month that the body of a black male was wearing red jeans. a gray shirt . it .. 1‘ . ' 111111 .' 1 1, 1
was found in an area river. and and grey jacket when he was last 1 3’ . ' 1 -~‘ (1'1, :11. :1- ~
. . seen. t «. P d ' ‘ , ’. ‘ ' ’
CObb County Public Safety The task force investigating the 25 : . 1. ‘. r * -: ‘ .- ,
tor 30b Hightower said the body pull- murders since Jul 1979 also is rob- ' ' l r A. 3: "-
ed from the river was that of a small . .1 y p 14. ' r a: we ‘ ‘ _ ; .1
ing the disappearance of luyear-old .1” ' * «Wt» ~ - i.
black male, and appeared to have 1
. . Darron Glass, last seen Sept. 14. w . .
been in the river for a week or two. 1.

A l 1. The last to be found was the body of ' -' 1
H tanta1P01ce spokesman “03°F 23-yearold Michael Cameron Mcln- ‘ 1
311;": 531d members 0‘ the special tosh, who was discovered April 20 in 1‘ 1 ‘11, »~ "f
tfst'g 05“; were at the scene m' the Chattahoochee in the southwest ’ 1 .~ .
051 a in . ~ ‘ .

corner of Pultontounty. ~ , ;
wfgesggg “giasshffigndify {thhzeerilzzgys Earner yesterday1 mourners [h 'IVUIHH Hll l'FR.\i kO‘l'lll'l \lélll 1 1.
r1 b . 1 _ . 1 . . .1
.. . , uried McIntosh, the 23th Victim. R h t dt h i 1.
authorities said. It was caught in tree - , . . 00 e 0“ an OUC someonfi ,
b h th Fult Co t 'd f while police debated whether the ‘1,
ranc1 $0" e on un y 5‘ eo search for Payne should be assigned 1 1 1 .1
the river, about 20 feet from the to the task force for investigation. Terrc Roche belts out a tune during the Roches‘ concert in a nearly-lull ( i-iiii-r l’mnrit t oin-crt (oniiiiittcc. si-c hililnll’l)“ s n. loi .i (l‘\ it'\\ of 11 , '1;
bank. Memorial Hall last night. The eycning was sponsored by the Student llll'\lltl\\ and an lllll'l‘\lt‘\\ with The Rtlt’llt‘s by i .ii-\ win, 1~ »
9 y . ‘
0 e 6 0 TC 1166171]? 1m rave u COL! 6 6 er 6 ./ says
, r o) a In ‘ .'
ByJAMl‘IS EDWIN HARRIS creditation team and acting dean of a vocational school." grains kwnmmngputw~~ hcaskcd «m 11,1 _. .1119; “1. ”1 1.11 Ln. , , <1 1 1 . 1 3
Staff Writer the School of Architecture and Plann- A positive attitude and studcnt and The need for additional or upgrad iiii-dinit- . l is in mint ’l’tw 9;. i: . .r . ii 1 in nu
ing at the UniverSity Of New Me’HCO- faculty Vlgtll' “1"" PriliSt‘tl “3 cd facilities was one of Schlcgcl s biiildiiiu heir: Ll - all the ‘.\.i'. iill; my ~."i v - .. *l .‘wi 'i in: 'lav‘ Vi

Anthony Eardley. dean 0‘ the COI‘ 531d during a bt'lehhg 0t faculty and Schlegel. as was the inyolycnicnt oi concerns. a conccrn echoed by He i_‘iil!‘lil'!‘:lt'llli‘ll l’ciii -.- s .i: in'i . . . min. i 1-...i. :n: 3 ‘f
lege of Architecture, said he believes students on April 8. “We are aware of students in determining the (lift‘t‘tlflll Eardleyr‘urther needs are new pro cliitci-tiii c t .ltliZlL‘1 ii .i Illt‘i‘ mum l :i'ii.l'. .iski-w .i» viii rum-w 7 ‘ 1
‘there iS very littlemoi'e we can d0 the correction of stated problems, of the program The success of the grains. the beginning of a graduate iiiiiliting,‘ lilll took am; at ilii- .n. a “inninioi :i...i Hp- who... \ _
at ourpresent Situation, but thepro- and they cease to be issues any school's own student council and its school. and interaction between 'llt‘l‘lllt‘lltllll} st‘illl’fl Lil. am». in: ice-i ~ ,1 .: tow-n .~ ~ :4. - ~‘1
gress that the SChOOl has made 1" the longer. 000d things are happening in curriculum committee were cited as students. internshi s and .irchitec \\tl!(‘ll .iiw iiiiaiix .iiiiitlivtii .i! t i mm? «a r y -... . .wi, .. i- = "1 v " I

. . . .1 _ 1 P . .

last me years 15 enough t9 Virtually Kentucky, improvements by Schlcgcl. as w as iiirc in the real world. said Sclilcgel tcaching .ii‘t liili-ctui‘c \ti- ti ltt‘ liap sit} 1 1. T
guarantee reaccreditation in 1981. 1 Team member Fred Travisano. an the jmnt student-faculty evaluation "can students makc tho lrunslllllll in in .. mini-m n ;1!‘('l|(ill_si' iii. I'i‘ «111. \i : w. t , i. ,1 . . .1 g,» .i. ..-. -.‘
- The SChOOI was Vls‘ted fr0m1Apri| architecteduenlor from Trenton. of the school‘s progress from academics to a i2tM'-pci‘son of would in noualls ” s'r‘i w» ,1 l‘ irilm. ‘i-" . '7’ .
3-8 by a team of five professmnals N..I.. said. “Five years ago. things The testing program used by the lice" How will they react toniundanc 'liiuhty thousand stlilill'i 'i-ct ;. -'i ii ' i; in r . 'il'i \ . 5‘
and one student representing the Na- were in pretty bad shape here. But school in its admissions process was work“ There is an unusual gap loi lht‘ iighi ioittigiii~.it:ii:.. 's with; -. i. il-iil . _ g . 5- . n 1. .. -’ '
tional Architectural Accreditation this place has come around 100 per‘ also termed ”an outstanding way of programs in urban settings hcrc ' llt‘ l‘,.ii'illt‘_\ is Eoiilong liii' ll‘ 'tl'lll‘l' to . t 4 m: ~ 2. . . . . * ~ ' .-" .
Board from Washington, DC The cent. This is an exciting place to be selecting qualitied students" by said pnnil Illiiliii Ltt'iliiws izit. lilili‘if . .. J. ‘i u i. ‘1.
team s1rep01rt was critical of1spa1ce now," Schlegel, “This is probably onccl the rlarillcy said he would likc a now. sinico- and in pl‘ini'll‘ spaco ioi‘ iiti 3,1 1 _ ., , 1 . 1, ’ .1

‘ limitations in Pence Hall during its ”One very positive thing is the few places where this type iil‘ pro- building which could lioiisc all the «tart ol a giailiiatcsi~tiixil “ l llt'lt'ul“ 1.1.111 , _ , 1 1 " '1
VlSlt to UK five years 380 mt had a Clear sense of direction and the direc- gram is going on." school's students and lth'tlll) uiidcr callcd this building appalling." ii.» 1 1‘ 1 _ ‘ 1 1 11 ‘ 1"
more favorable report this year.1 11 tion of educational approach.“ Schlcgcl pointed out some minor one root, The school presently has on siilll "’l‘liis proui'aiii‘s .slii‘t'n'ss is ;. W1 X1. .i .1 l . N. l. " -'

“The report has been gratifying. Schlegel said. "Asa school. there isa issues the team fclt should lic cor- percent of its students in [ii-nu- Hall. nittwrt iii lltt'li‘; .ls .. i:-.«.iili 1 ,1 111, . 1 .1 '4
Eardley said. 1“1The team has conceptual direction of architectural rected. Most of the issues related to percent in Miller Hall and the all A inlttlt‘lt‘l the Mini ll!lL‘.ilt‘\:‘r_‘,lll>i1 it; 1 11 ' 1 1' 1“‘1'1 “1 .s 1' ,
reported nine posmve areas and one education. which is different than directly to budget cuts suiicrwi by ministration totally hoiisml lll Pt‘llt‘t‘ lhl‘ xi limit in lllt’ \‘i.;lti§'.‘il‘l‘ he ism :s 1 '. .1 1 f '1 1 " ' ,.
negativearea to me.1 other schools. There is a sense that the University in recent years How Also. faculty members shuttle li~oin sitting (iii thi- slit'll .\ 't-lll‘iti liir iiiiiils ‘ A l d H ' ‘ ll 1 ‘l i ll ' \ ,1 -

Don bchlegel. chairman of the ac this is a L'niverSity program. and not long do you keep enthused whi-ii tit'o— one building ll)lh(‘0lllt'l‘ in lilllld it i i» 1 - it i. m 1_ 1

_ . :- . . . ' 1 1- ' x 0 a I} i
., a: _1 1 .- v a»; - - .1

ar- gr ~' «- 2 , -~ Only woman pI‘OfESSOI‘ in college lOSGS jOb
1 r ' .3" . .;- - 1 "“7" “ . . .3 r“
. 1 11-; ‘1 1")” V _11 1 "tor-.1111” 1 . _1~1 1 ~ 11 1 11’. '
‘ ‘. s . Q , “I.” By DENISEILAMRUN dcpartmcnt that could be considered , . 5 1 would hit ’ lump: .1 ‘ new» 1 int». .1 1.1 a: .
Lu“. 1 ’ , ~ ’ . ix . Reporter extras. but "I think we have a lot ol iiis: >lt'i) ‘- .llltl Mt.“ 'll"!' ‘ "t‘t‘i: d .'-.‘ ,2
nan- . \ _, ., . . . ‘ g
‘ v .a .. .r 1 stall. And I don t know how Vital they . 1 iinsciiuii' i! he li."llti"~ . t, t
‘ . t: — : [We “In any profession. you're going to arc to the overall program because ‘< ‘ ‘: \Vbcii hi" ruin‘c was ."Y‘ii‘llli 3"; ”l" .33“ "
1”,. » f‘ have a curtain sense of the closcd I‘m so narrowly involved with one ‘1 lllL‘lll ot tl'c t~iigiiit»m-~v.. \‘ltlll'Lt ;.1.11..1..111,
Wm. ’ . ' 7 club. I'm not exactly a member althc area that I just don‘t have the global l l ‘. ‘lllt‘l :‘lltllle‘l ' ‘l l'.‘ Ill-”l 34"“ l" ““ ',‘. —. i"
1 “111 * Club. I'm ”.11, ladies” auxiliary. -- View the dam has.” said 'I \hlllu‘tl tip to tho iiiit‘i‘opliiitii‘ 1
"a” . .- _. t and lookcil .it tho .iiiiiiciicc .iiii‘. ; ‘ 5' -
\r V1 1 1 . 1 She was named Outstanding Many students were surprised 1..1, , x “no...“ my Mimi ii....,- tum-i. 11.111, '1.
‘1‘ . 11 1 1 Teacher of the Year 111 engineering when they learned Somers would not “ 11 rlt'lil’rll 5,911,”... in... ililiiihihl \tn- \ . 1 ,‘1 '1
- ".._ 11 1 . . bv Tau Beta p11 an engineering be returning next year. 1 t4- ‘flfl going \il\ \‘.l‘iiil stir mill) thinks , '
‘ ' honorary Engineering senior Debbie Fin ‘ a. , 11 . . 1 11 1 11 1 1 1111 '1.
Scott Murray soaks up some sun in his front yard on :\ylesford Place. The ‘ 1111111111131 8011111111 01 l'rock. president of Tau Bela p11 51.1111 :11- 1 1111 1 1 1i 1n. AH."‘li1i-llllllLIll'lllt11llt1 i1iill1cg1t‘ 11
Mechanical Fiigineers a mechanical when she heard Somers would not be ‘ 1'1” ’ti1.‘ "Hi *l“"“ il- ‘ “1~l1'- “1‘ l l‘ ‘1‘“ .1" .'1 .
‘ “ ., . , .. .,. , 1.1; i ~.\. u‘ si fll'l‘ ~i:' l l‘..l' c .i , _.1
° ! "slag engineering professional 50““th ”1::an 3:“, thought .n “fl? ”(it .d. ‘ womb-Mid ,. ‘l'it‘t"'.l writini: ltllt' ' J
.L9 2 . 0 gave her their annual Outstanding got 11d“. “‘11::(‘1'hd1151tr3 ‘5 “1““: 1.111“ “111.11 . 1" .
Faculty and Staff Award comp aining a engineers can 1 11 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 111 1 11 11 11 11 11 1_ 1 11
The subject may be a bit like AsApril Marches out we May have communicate. It is a real wasti- .‘l.\R(-.\RI‘.I N’MLR“ 11l1ll1ll1l11l1111‘l’1‘“ \1i-l1t1'11111-l v11it11‘11t 1..1 1'
. . . . , . . . .. , _, . . , . , ., . 1 (i. ‘ .i)s.i .‘1 L‘a-it'ii ‘ii' - .-‘.
beatmgadeadhorsebutTurtWriter a sneak preView of summertime Bill these awards tdnnOt help ”£89159 bht '5 gmld dt “hdl >ht ”111111111 1111. 11.1.411111.” 11m, ,1.1\1‘..hl.1,i1.._ “W... at q...
Marty McGee sings the blues for one weather. Today will be sunny wtth Margfiret bonifirs “tin" her.p05".m" do“; sliphliiiioi‘i's ‘i‘lt'iitlllt'litiii Ii‘w-iivil "(Vt .. lit iiw‘ 1111.1. 3 '
- . - - . ‘ ' . in t e mcc anica en inecrin * ' t ' i i . . . . 1. . i s i. . . "
1315t time as he attempts to explain thehlgh‘n the m‘d1805' ltwillbepart d 1 1 1 1 g g ASMl‘I member and engineering laixiratiirj. tociiiiiiiiic. a rcailiiig think t in good it 1. -. Mild tiit .i he i '.-
his record-breaking losmg streak at ly cloudy and mild tonight With a epar mtn . 1 50111111. Andy Fisher. 11.11111 111111 “she 111.111.1111.” 11111111 \1.111111.1\.1_111111111. [1111,11 1111111111111 1111111111 11111111 1111 111111111 111111 1 .1,1.1.
Keeneland. You have to give him chance 0f thundershowers. Tomor- At the beginning 0f the spring has done more for the college than ‘l’roductiiitx 'llt' l'Iiiginccr's lloli- lhl‘\ "('\\iiiltlt"' ’ ‘ ‘
credit though ‘ it does take guts to row's high Will be in the low to mid semester. Somcrs ['08de her stall most Most engineers have trouble iii s‘oi-ictx . ‘ . l l ‘i ..
~ ition was to )e scontinued ‘ .‘ ’ ‘ ". ' . . .. .c . . . ‘ ~ '-
Stayin town.See pg.4. 70$ geiause of University bilidget cuts communicating and she has bridgcd l‘ishcr said Ntiiicrs is lllllll1\ lll ”‘1’11‘lil‘l‘ '11 ~”- '1 that *l" 1‘ - 11 .
L . ' ‘1 h ‘ z ‘ "‘ “ ‘l . ‘li..’.’ l: ' ;\1 i - - t.- L‘Wlt "mm“ ‘tlt‘l ‘VW‘H'YW L'""“ .-
Somers. the only woman in the th11 1g1ip :(.t.m(n enginurs ""1 ml : “‘UWHT,‘ l1] .1 i u Tl?“ WU}? l \ooiim-lsm .iv~ tow fltl pincc " ~ , 1'"
' mechanical engineering department n“ worl ' m” ”I‘M” 0 l "5" 1‘ 1" ”1“” up ”\v 1 . . .i. . .. .. ' ' r'. .
S s V 1' es ' . ‘ . ‘ - V Bridgingthis gapis soincthingthat prtlilt'lllllilt‘lliilll inns: " .hi MA- ,... it .. ii.“ it t i ii... . 111.. 1
. pCLla I21 .. In (nglnflrlng t,()1m‘ W)n](‘r< flrlan 1191“,ng 1n “‘1 “10” ii\ (‘illlvui' i .‘itii'l si‘l’K um .'\\ llllkll‘i'lillllll 11 _
munication. Wthh ‘nYOIVeS teaching 1111111111111 11.111190 11f (1111:1“1101111 ’ :\ll('l‘ Sotiicrs‘ l!‘.lrllt‘(l licr iiib was tbc “111.1141 1.11”.“ “in pnwmw- 1 ' 1,1
- I writing and speaking skills to pl ‘ g tolwdiscontinucd "she told the class ”.1; \..,,.., \fc.» t-‘ri-ciiinii iii’t‘stiloi": -'j1. ‘ ,
0 r0 essor engineerin students. “You cannot be sloppy in com that she was touring. but lor us to go ”t an”: ‘ _ ' 1
S‘omers said she believes 1f she municating what you found out ontothcncxtilassiinthcrlnglish so 1111 1 1 1 11 1 1K ~ :7.
‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ because it's what makes the world (ucncc' 'l‘henshcst'irti-dcry'ii ' ‘lllll “I l "V” mmwx Mm] m
1 ~ ‘ were a male she would not have been . . l " - ' L‘ . . .. . ~ \ » - .
By ”M RAD-"BA and estrabtiiol. should not 7359'} m fired work. If we didn t have engineers to had to lcavcthcrixim.” Fisht-i-saiil “”1 l" ‘1’” m“ d "l" “”l‘ ‘l’ “ l“ ‘ “l . 1 _-
Staff Writer these pro ems. 111155??? 53111. ldobem I11 '8 Feb 10 Kernel story Somcrs budd the bridges that connected the Soiiicis said receiving the awards h“1‘1‘k"'“l""'”t 1 1 1 1 l '
expectations aret att eres 0n 1 _ 111 ‘1 1 1 . 1 _ [111111111 “31951 we wouldn't hth the was 11 “1.11111 11111011 kind ()1 thing 111 \M' will ttllll'ill" .ii hope tot t it ~1 1 1 1
no side effects because the stermds 53'd 't 9W” my mind that “ere l a - . ~- best but in . itll“\i‘ ll \till «ion t thiu'

In the next two to three years ‘ d r 1 1 1 1 h man withafamtly thevsimplv would l‘nitcdbtatcs. have It shows the kids are truly in ‘ '1 1 ‘1 1 _ 1 1 1 1 1 1 .1
women may be taking nose drops ”1. are alrea y 1(1‘ii‘Cu ating in t e d so ethin else B Q . 11 1 As a teacher, Somers decribes \‘olyi'd m “.111,” happens V111 011111111111 thc diagoti tail} til. it ht ii iii .it ting 1 . . ,
steadof thepillbeforethey 8° to bed. woman SblOOd' . .0 l m ' dgbec: ‘ ecau.e m d herself as a "tyrant. because it is so iii-oph- ask tlic students what thcy mm” “m" ”Wk ”M r" “N "”l h“ " -, .

Anwar A Hussein a pharmacy However. these natural steroidS. woman an ause my field 0f ' . ‘ ‘ i . . , ~ . . iiigtoiioas wcll slicsaid

. . 1 , . . t . 4 - - , 1 1, important langinetrs makt society think ,
professor at the University along Whteh operate exactly like the Pl“ "1 English engineering Is what they Ldll work and if they don‘t communicate \1 , H t h t» 1.. “c ,c ,1,“ .c ‘ '
' . . . . - ‘ ' ‘ ‘ " . r \HH‘ ‘\ 5; I \ Q‘ 'i ' ‘ i . .\| n , ' ‘
With graduate student Rima Bawar- lhhlbltlhg OVUJat'Oh- cannot be taken a gflegfflxflgflt’an 1 k 1 1 what they know well. it wouldn’t I was cncouragt-d that the) took ”111‘ W111. \. 51.11111“ 111.11111111101 11111 “1“ ,
shi and Shin Hirat, a Japanese scien— by the mOUlh.hheleXPla(ijneftl. M05350 85110" for r discf‘tminoajftfn 9gf’1‘1 work that much llllt'l‘t‘\l. and pcoplc say 11,1“; 11111 1111 111111 11.1 1111 ”11.1.111l1w, 1 * .
' ' . enz mes in t e iver es ro em 1 _ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . 11 1 . _
tist. has invented a mietfhod of con befhre they can 61119: the wouldn‘t dream of 111 I feel that the "I think It sso “ml that [Just don t (:giiiw rsiioitt g \l .i damn. but thiy .. ”1111 \ part 111 1‘ by l 11 11> >11 hoi 1 1 1
traception which con] ree women bloodst people here are so good whether allow my students not to do well." " Y‘mNF '1” l‘llil} tipN‘t that l was bciin’. discon 1
from the Side effects caused by birth ream. 1 . ' ' ‘ ‘h 1 ., 1d homers said slic belicycs some of tinucd -~\.h(,\.1111 ‘ 1'
. “So what we have done is to get [believe they are telling the truth or 5 t M , 1 1 _ 1c . 1 ., , . ,. - ‘ ~
control pills. - - “ Somcrs interest in communication the ”M” pm" W'r“ “‘ n ‘m’r't "Iiiit thc kids I \’c toiichcil saxs
MOSt contraceptive pills presently these natural contraceptive sterotds not. ‘ l ‘ - - about her rccciytng the awards not . ' ' ‘
. . - R0 er Eichhorn dean f the (‘ t. difficulties of scmntists and 1 ‘ Mini-rs. tboii lives are ll‘l‘t‘ptll‘tllih

taken by women contain synthetic into the MM by way 0f the nose g . . .‘ .0 1 01 1 crs be an in her so much because they didtit gct _h11111111 “111‘ m“ 11111111. 110 ”11, 1 .
steroids. which are potentially harm- through nasal drops and thereby 19,80 .Of Engineering. said homers engine ‘ 5!. them. but because "not one of thi-ir (, ‘ l“ ,_ ‘ , . ,. . ,. , ,. 1 ‘
ful avoid the enzymes in the intestines." dismissal was ”strictly" because of Undergraduate years at Penn- own 1101 11 11111111111111 1 1111111 11111111 1111 saint attti haunt. int llil i ttat iii

Those steroids can cause heart at- said Hussain. Such a procedure. he the budget cuts. syivania State Universuy. After "11111111111111”: 11111111111 11.\ 1111111 111. 111111 and l in positiw of that l \c .lul) 1 . .

. . . ~ - h ‘ h “En ineerin commun' t' -. graduation. she obtained her ' ‘ changcdthcir liws and lllt‘ll' t‘ili‘t‘t‘i‘s *

tacks m those over 35 and In women explained, is equivalent to avmgt e 8 8 tea ion is a 1 1 1 1 1
who smoke said Hussein Other side steroids injected. much needed area, him there was not masters degree In English from tradictory to be Teacher of thc \ car and l wouldn t be in this business il 1
effects incltide blood clotting. loss of Thesenose drops. though not tested enough money to put her into a facul- Kansas State (‘ollege and her doc» in mechanical engincering ” didn t fccl that 1 1
appetite and nervousness on humans yet “should be as effec- ty Position? Eichhorn said. lorale from tome“ Univemity Somcrs said she did not believe she ~ At (orncll w'c always said l'.\ cry

The administration 6f natural tiveas thepill,“hesaid. Somers said she does not know Shecame here in ISTI and her work would gm the award because “1 child has one great teacher. lct it1bc

I ‘ on a 0 7 1 , g ' has in '11de teaching technical Couldn't h0ll(‘\'€ ”’0 admimstrqnon you ' lli‘lll}~ h0llt‘\‘(‘ that lam that
1 female sex hormones. progesterone 1 (onllnued I) K where: there are other areas in the i ‘ . « 1‘ 1

 . . l
' t > . ’ (‘hrls Ash ~ . ~ - ToniMorun ‘~l
e d It 0 rl a I s & ; Tiii‘thr‘i:§::iet :«i’i‘tfiii‘dli’Tdi’tiln 2:222:02? fittctt‘gi‘iitor tEttav\i‘ii|iliilvsiiuvit Editor Picture Editor
' ' t J‘\ I'msru max-P.“ [giti‘e‘fiftiii‘tii'gtuphf'
, comme nis t
i hm Rudd AHHMM “m hm”, 1:213:30?“ :3:i:‘:iw::;r . lasuW-llacr ~ Exxg‘llyi‘i‘n
. ‘ hm hm“, John Little Assistant sports Lditor Assistant hnti-viimiineut l‘dtlm Stquitrtin;
| IheAmluil-i know who"... All ,..,.. .t woo-rm Iii leuilti opmmih shuumh‘ lipeit Invlr : Dale (E. Morton
‘ ‘ ward inn . "iii..." it“... ”on...” ...i .. ..... "union“... mat-aw I it In to: \luth‘l‘h and l A . Conchita Ruiz
"nph'wr‘ l-“r'~ \ht'nlll 'I- humid t. 3M! nuiil~ Alli] i‘plllillllv and ionimenu I-t not: mints ‘ Senior Staff Writers
' Se t of State Al Haig is setting the tone for Reagan’s term in office
Alexander Haig‘s past three months as Haig‘s position on the “Reagan team." His responsible countries? What happened to the 18 guilty of the same mistakes: 3 haughty
.‘ Secretary of State may be indicative of the continual disregard of the ‘Round Table' Round Table concept there? preisunliptii‘onfon the extent ofd .1th athfthtétgéy
‘ j course Rea an‘s term as resident may take decision-making process which Reagan so ‘ . _ . an a ac o openness regar in .i s
. ' if things cortitinue to go asrt)hey are. enthusiastically espouses indicates that he 15 “Secretary H318. If he 15 indeeéi relieved ff and opinions of others involved. Reagan
‘ » ‘ Consider that Haig. as commander of more eager to playhis own ball game than to ht? P0990“, '5 lh ddWTY 50‘: Pfismg" e: may as well keep Haig around, if only to
' ' , NATO, earned a reputation among our allies play Reagan‘s. which undoubtedly P01ht a finger. The a minis ra 10" e 5 W serve. as a role model.
. ' as a quick decision-maker and a calm. cool, displeases to the president, and his refusal to
‘. .t . take~charge leader. Consider that he alone submit to anyone but the preSident himself is / . /_/ -
can claim to have survived the Watergate downright stubborn. He can‘t last long like i g. ‘ , 7/; y ;/ 7 ////
, . scandel of the early ‘70s unscathed by the this. HOW“; THC «2:274 ,f/ 11,6 {7 /
. . t‘ ‘9 . M4" , 7' "
. press. What could be more ironic. PReflPeNT COPItG , '14:. 1., , ,/
.' . , Is this the same man who now presides The evidence suggests that the Secretary WITH HIS CONFIHCNT ‘ " 7:3?3/
\ . . over foreign policy in our capitol? The refuses to work in tandemwith anyone else, ? {fzcaa’fg’é/ /
‘ . media haveyet to really scrutinizejust what he takes charge when it isn‘t his place to, HGKe . fiégfr" /
“ . a blunder llaig committed on the 30th of last and he wants to decide things for other peo- ' '
-' - month. ple. On the national scale, that seems to be ‘4, . ; ._
- When word came that Reagan had been the course of Reagan's administration. . thigr, “V v , g
. j _. shot, Haig‘s instinctive reaction was to Is it the place of the United States, taking ‘ a at ”2:5 , 2‘42;
. report to the white House. unsummoned. into account its shaky standing at this pOint '1' ’ Q $39.5 / //rl,y‘. ‘
. ‘ within a half hour of the incident, where he with its allies and its economic position. to “it ‘ fl {latte I _. ,
' ' '1 informed the assembled press that the police the Western hemisphere? it seems ' fj' , // i ‘71” of. ’/ , u”???
, government was still running smoothly. that it is usurption of power by definition to / .‘ - mm ’g « a “for“
v, L. y . , , . t ~ tit. L,__i/ “93’
_ When lht take charge general took cha rgc. presume upon ourselves the duty to support t a. if
‘ it became immediately clear that Haig was regimes that are “moderately represswe ‘ : .: _, (L a
‘ , g either usurping authority or was simply ig‘ in order to stand off the threat .of_ com- l . 1/ ' D
. , norant of what the boundaries of his authori- munism. It is almost a contradiction in 1 93$}- ‘0 t )
. ty were As Bush was eti route from Texas. terms. _ . ,1 ‘ y . ' -' .. .5 t‘. ’
the burden of command. Haig assumed. was And is it in any way proper, after budding vi ,~. g- . » V ./
. . on himself. when in tact it would have fallen the 'nuclear umbrella' in cooperation and \' \i . ( _~ ': .- . \
. on the speaker of the house. as any ninth with the support of our allies in Western 535313,; .. fl , : a; ‘1 _-.\ V
grader knows Europe,tolift the monopoly on nuclear arms M R45; . \I: . .. 7
" . I This event is the culmination of a series of in order to permit trade and development of ‘ "v 31'”- ,. ‘ * k ‘
' _ sum assumptions that have endangered nuclear technology with smaller. less "" "' " \ g e ',
. ; ~ Tactical man uevem
' . _. o o o ‘ o o 9 o 9 g
, Kilhng people in the national interest —— it s the only way to die
.' ' , ltiopelteagarlies l‘oobadlie It a Russian Whit" that about me. as well give up any hopes of a hasaSecretServicerecord?" — drowned out by righteous self-
; ' Join; \\ lliin-kle} .lr missed l.:onid lire/.liriev. a visit from ttie cnet-rinioiirnalisni. G. Gordon Liddy doesn't have that f m . proclaimed majorities What is
V .' ' 'l‘lm' ~ lhc :‘t-«Ilt ot wridiiit‘. an Kt ll". would soon follow .\ file would Manno's editor told Bob Greene. 3 problem Getting a job, that is. He , worse, most terrifyingofall,they are
' .‘ iifliti'i‘lil" . lat: piwtewonal ioh ;..~ opened in the wri'cr's name A can oiro I‘rshune columnist. “This is surely has a Secret Service file. one , l academic voices
. . ‘ lie was: min-yo iii lu- someone new ot .‘llplilltllt would be found for goingto havcan adverse effect on his which I imagine consumes several _ i There is a lesson in the story of
' . , . who could put upset and angry ‘ilt‘t‘tililf‘fldO career It‘s hard to be a journalist file drawers. lle may have even writ- ‘ James . . .. i these two men. 0,, Gordon Liddy and
' eiiougli i-boiit the political system to When l)oi:iinic Manno wrote the when you have a file with the Secret ten much of his own file. and Liddy t . -* j t Dominic Manna. Liddy captures his
useabuliet ‘or'anceloiitthe ballot :itwvi words about ltonald Reagan. SPFVK'E‘ He's a good journalist. but probably has a longer file on the t griffin . ' w 2 ‘ l audience with deathdefying tales of
' ' .\ lot oi peopleieel that way about it“ secret Seriice paid him a visit how is he going to get accreditation Secret SerVice than they have on I ' . t skulduggery advocated as national .
v_ thv \:».\'t ‘l including Illt‘ iii‘ iiaizu went into a \ptnt‘ldi tile lie to cover national politics» when he him i ‘ \ a t policy; Manno lost his column when
. - ' r——' ,W___.......__._,,____ —-——--————~——————~——« G Gordon Liddy and Dominic i “t he related his gut reaction. a gut
' f I ' Manno are alike in at least one 7 l i reaction be now admits was hasty
. ' . f 3 respect ~- neither sees the taking of a L ._.___ ,_ WW” ..._, W" ‘m’ "J and wrong. to the Reagan assassina-
, ‘ human life as anything more than a direction? tion attempt
‘ ’ tactical ”WWW?" in playing 01" a A hint of direction was disclosed Ironically. the notoriety of Manno‘s
1' f ‘ V ' ' " ""—— “““"“““~"” “7 _-. *‘G—"fl" #Mf—f‘f’ W‘— . strategy. no matter the game. after Manno wrote his “I hope act has. temporarily. at least. earned
< I I l l .“23.1.1711""3:53;"Ffi'ili'li'.’ 'i'I'IIlL'EI'ill-l.‘.'t.i:l"i'.'§'§3i'.'f'i't'.."£'l.'.‘i.'.".§;.tl 3.1331".tl"..'.l§i"tl.,"f.l‘.l.;5.3.1 G- Gordon Liddy isa hero to many. Reagan dieS” column, The Daily his column a wider circulation than
, " . l "'t' "It" '"JWHI' "ml WH‘""“‘""' "' r"1"“"""“""“"°"‘ and hiS St'ht‘dUIC is CF0Wd€d With Pennsylvanian fired Dominic Man< most columnists can only imagine.
.1 . * ‘ * "—————-————-——-——