xt7r222r845g https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7r222r845g/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1988-02-03 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 03, 1988 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 03, 1988 1988 1988-02-03 2020 true xt7r222r845g section xt7r222r845g  




Lady Kats
No. 7 Ole Miss. SEE PAGE 3.



game to





Wilkinson‘s budget: study in
stubborness. SEE PAGE 4.


Today: Cloudy, rain likely
Tomorrow: Cold. chance of rain





Kentucky Kernel



tlntvereltyof Kentucky. Lexington. Kentucky ’

independent since 1971

Wednesday. February 3. 1988

Roselle says budget a step backward for UK

Editorial Editor

UK faculty can expect no salary
increase and eventually the Univer-
sity might be forced to lay off fac-
ulty if Gov. Wallace Wilkinson‘s
budget is approved by the General
Assembly. UK President David
Roselle said yesterday.

Addressing a standing-room-only
crowd of about 1.800 in the Sin-
gletary Center for the Arts, Roselle
called Wilkinson's budget “tough. it
is tight and some would even call it
draconian in nature.“

Roselle had called the forum to
explain to faculty. students and staff
the ramifications of the proposed
state budget on UK.

Roselle told the audience. com—
posed mainly of faculty and staff
members. that "things (at UK) are
in fact going well and that we are
truly on our way to having a univer—
sity which can compete on a nation-

However. he said if Wilkinson‘s
budget is approved. the University's
momentum toward reaching its
goals will be stalled.

Wilkinson‘s budget proposes giv-
ing higher education a 0.5-percent
increase in funding for the 1989 fis~
cal year and a 5-percent raise the
next year.

UK would receive an additional
$900,000 from the state under Wilkin-
son‘s plan for fiscal year 1989. which
essentially amounts to no increase.
according to UK Vice President for
Administration Ed Carter. UK needs
about $19 million just to stay even.

If the governor‘s budget is passed.
UK faculty and staff would not re-

ceive the 5-percent raise Roselle had
hoped to give them next year.

In addition to providing no funds
for salary increases. Roselle said
Wilkinson’s budget also allows no
money for maintenance costs or sup-
port for any of the University‘s
planned programs.

Roselle said UK probably would
have to allow some current staff
openings to remain vacant until the
financial situation improves.

A study would have to be con-
ducted. Roselle said, to determine
which programs the University can
eliminate and still continue in its
day-to-day operations.

When Kentucky has faced difficult
economic situations in past years.
Roselle said. higher education was
able to survive because the state al—
lowed it minimal room to grow.

But Wilkinson's budget hardly al-
lows for any growth at all. he said.

However. Roselle pointed out that
not everything in Wilkinson‘s budget
was bad news for UK and higher ed-

The governor‘s budget called for
an addition and renovation of the
UK Business 8: Economics College
building and for a learning resource
center to be built for the Ashland
Community College.

Although UK would suffer sub
stantial setbacks under Wilkinson‘s
budget. Roselle said ultimately the
"big losers" are the people of Ken-

"The University of Kentucky is
really one of the shining lights in the
state."he said.

One way Roselle told the crowd
they can help to influence the Geiierv
al Assembly is by writing their state


UK President David Roselle speaks to almost 2,000 faculty. staff

and students about Gov. Wallace

representatives and senators and
also attending a rally for higher edu-
cation to be held in Frankfort on
Tuesday. Feb. 16.

"It's time we looked beyond the
next two or four years and
looked to the future." he said.

“This certainly and clearly is a
time when it is imperative for all
members of the University commu~
nity to rally toward meeting the edu-




Staff Writer

UK has planned a full slate of
events to join the nation in cele-
brating February as Afro-Ameri~
can History month.

This is the perfect way to high-
light Afro-American people. cul-
ture and history, said Jerry Ste—
vens. intermin executive director
of office operation for the Office
of the Vice Chancellor for Minori<
ty Affairs.

“This month is a sharing time
in the fruits of labor of under-
standing our ancestors.“ Stevens

But study of Afro-American is-
sues should be year-round. not
limited to this month. he said.

“Our interests are not isolated
to 29 days in February." said
Chester Grundy. director of mi-
nority student affairs. “()n a

Staff Writer

A cash award of $100 will be up
for grabs when the Black Student
Union hosts its second annual
black history quiz bowl as part of
Afro-American History month at

The quiz bowl will begin at
4 pm. Thursday in the Old Stu-
dent Center Theater.



year-round basis we have events
and workshops that have good at-
tendance and support like any
other cultural and and educatio-
nal event on campus. "

Grundy said Afro-American
history month is not extra-curric-
ular for Afro-American students.
but it is cocurricular. It is im-
portant for all students to partici-
pate tin the events) and to gain
the exposure of Afro-American
knowledge. artists and intellects
that's not offered in the class-

"It‘s positive reinforcement to
identify culturally and racially
with the success of our people."

The winner will advance to
next Thursday‘s round; the final
round will follow on Feb. 18.

Preliminary plans have teams
of three competing in the bowl.
answering questions pertaining to
black history.

Missy Finley. who heads the
committee planning black history
month. expects up to six teams to
vie for the top prize. “It‘s not as
organized as I would like.“ she

l 7 3km. -

Grundy said. "Blacks have the
capability to succeed at anything.
what one achieves is a stepping-
stone for others.“ Stevens said.

Stevens said blacks should pur-
sue the knowledge of Afro-Ameri-
can history month as a reflection
of oneself.

“Education must begin with
understanding self before one can
hope to understand the world."
Grundy said.

“There is a serious deficiency
in most schools when it comes to
offering opportunites for the
study of the culture and the histo.
ry of black people." Grundy said.

said. “but it’s better than last

Those interested in forming a
team to participate in the quiz
bowl should contact Finley some-
time today.

The idea for the quiz bowl orig~
iiiated last year when the student
union was trying to come up with
something to celebrate black his-
tory month.

“We wanted to do something
educational for black history

Wilkinson's proposed state bud-

cation needs of this University.“ he

UK will continue to “make its
case in every arena." both public
and private. Roselle said. and also
plans to seek “non-traditional" sup.
port and partnerships with business.
es and corporations in order to
reach its goals.

Roselle repeated that it is UK’s re»
sponsibility to put budgetary propo~


sals before the General Assembly

7 KiogGumir’ atCenter

m Cutturat Center
Memoriai Hall

King Cutturat Center
Memoriat Hatl

Old Faculty Ctub, Student Center

The Office of Minority Affairs
has sponsored lectures. concerts.
workshops. films and other
events throughout the month. The
Office of the Mayor. Student Gov
ernment Association and Student
Activites Board have also co-
sponsored events.

Several highlights are an artis-
tic show and sale. a presentation
by scupltor Ed Hamilton and a
speech by (‘oretta Scott King.

An art show and hook sale ti-
tled “Oh My People" will feature
works of national and local ac»

Sce F.‘ l-INTS, Page 2

Quiz tests students’ knowledge of black history

month. as opposed to dances and
parties." Finley said.

The quiz bowl is also open to
non-students. Finley said. ”We‘ve
tried to make it a community
thing." she said. “It‘s for every-
body. not just students."

Finley said the goal of the bowl
was not to embarrass people who
may be lacking in black history.
but to “educate you and have a
good time.“



CLAY OWEN Kernel Ste"

get yesterday. Roselle painted a dim picture of what UK can expect
in the next two years if the budget passes

and it is the job of the Wilkinson ad-
ministration aiid the state‘s lawmak-
ers to find revenue resources for the
programs suggested.

(the lawmaker who was in attcii
deiice yesterday was State Rep
Ernesto Scorsone. l)—l.cxingtoii

Scorsonc. who is a member of the
House Education Committee. said
members of the General Assembly

“know what the options are iii
dealing w itli higher education

tliic ol “seyci‘ul options" Scorsonc
said the state's lcadcrs can consider
in looking for additional revenue lHl'
higher education is by conforming to
the federal tax codes. which would
bring iii an cstiiiiatcd Smitto mil

\‘cc PRI‘..\II)L\ I . Page 6

Hospital employee
hit by car on Rose

Staff Writer

A l'K Hospital employee was hit
by a car yesterday morning on Rose
Street as she was crossing a pcdcs
ti'iaii crosswalk on the way to work

Natalie 'l‘agaloa. 122;. was at the
crosswalk on Rose Street across
lroiii the Albert R. t'handler .\ledical
(‘ciitcr when she was struck by a
car driven by Dwight Overstrcet. a
l'K employee.

'I‘agaloa‘s pelvis and left elbow
were broken in the accident. said
Joan Boyd. a registered nurse at l'K

'l‘agaloa also had bruises around
her mouth and under her eye. which
was swollen.

'l‘agalozi was listed in stalilc t-oiidr
tioii at [K Hospital prior to liming
hcr clbow operated on

l‘:tli‘llt‘l'. shc had had a large knot
on her head~ howt-u-r. lllt‘ \“t‘lllllg
wciil down coiisirlcralily during the

'l'agaloa was wearing dark tltllll
iiig when she atlciiiptcd to cross the
\‘ll't't‘l while it was mining

”It was raining very hard and it
was dark outsidc.” (Herstri-ct said
'l‘agaloa was hit by the right \I(lt‘ oi
the car As soon as the car hit her.
she was flipped in the air and fell
through the windshield belorc talling
to the ground. ( lwrstrecl said

\ccl K. l’agc I

Reagan speech last try
to save aid to contras

By Sl‘SANNI-I .\I. S(‘|IAFl-IR
Associated Press

WASHINGTON ,. President Rea-
gan made a lastditch effort to sal-
rage his $36.2 million aid package
for the contra rebels yesterday by
promising to release money for
arms and ammunition only if ('on-
gress agrees.

In an Oval Office address shunned
by three major television networks.
Reagan argued that today's vote in
the House amounted to nothing less
than “win or lose for peace and free-
dom. It is yes or no to America's na-
tional security."

“Our support is needed now ~ to-
morrow will be too late." Reagan
said. pleading support for the con-
tras‘ battle against the leftist gov
ernment of Nicaragua.

It was unclear whether Reagan's
lastrmiiiute maneuver would sway
those undecided about today‘s cruv
eial vote. Prior to the evening
speech. Democratic leaders had said
the president was likely to lose

"I think there's going to be a bi-
partisan group tomorrow against
this proposal." said House Majority
Leader Thomas Foley. I) Wash.

Hut Reagan argued that the con
tras represented the last hope to
prevent the spread of communism in
(‘entral America and must not aban-

"If we cut oil aid to the freedom
fighters. then the Sandinistas can go
back to their old ways.” Reagan

Initially. Reagan proposed that
the plan‘s $36 million for weapons

Sec RI-AGAN. Page 2

Professionals to describe different categories of law today

Staff Writer

Societas Pro Legibus. a UK law society. is sponsoring a pre-law
day today to help students interested in the profession decide what

area of law they want to pursue.

“We want to promote awareness of diversity in legalities among
the pre-law community as well as celebrate the 20th anniversary of
Societas Pro Legibus.“ said Karen lmboden. the club‘s president.

The day is structured to have five attorneys who practice differ-
ent types of law speak about each of their practices

Also. Paul Van Booven. associate dean of academic affairs at
UK‘s law school. will speak about admission to law school. Rep-
resentatives from area law schools will be present to answer ques-

tion: about their schools.

"I feel that a lot of pre-law students are not aware of the legal
diversities they can practice." lmboden said. “Waylon on helping

them learn that there’s more to law."

lmboden said Lexington is clustered with lawyers and thinks
that every lawyer needs to have a degree of specialization to be

able to compete.

Lee McCracken. a corporate attorney with Jerrico Corporation.
will begin the day with his speech at 9 am. McCracken said he will
make general observations about law in corporate situations as op-
posed to those in private law and then entertain questions from stu-


Public defender Allison Connelly said she plans to speak about

delegation at 10am.

“Basically I will tell about one‘s voice against the state‘s and the
state‘s voice against one‘s trial." she said.

Booven will follow at it am. with a description of the require-
mentsastudentneedstomeet for admission to law school.

Alice Kinkead. a lawyer with Dolan a. Associates. will talk about
her experiences a I pm. in practicing family law. She said she gen-

erally works with divorce cases. in which she said no one ever truly


“It‘s not a happy practice in law because both parties tend to
lose." she said. “If a student is looking to study an upbeat. cheerful
practice. they should consider corporate law. "

Former State Attorney General David Armstrong will speak at 2

pm. about how politics relates to law.

William Garmer. an attorney with Savage. Garmer 8i Elliot. said
he will tell why he chose to be a trial lawyer. He will give his views
about current legislation and what he thinks will happen with it in

the future.

lmboden encourages all people interested in law to attend at
least some part of the pre-law day to help them to decide if they
want to study law and what area they want to practice.

“We hope to help them make up their minds." she said. “It‘s a
good chance to hear people in different areas and ask questions one-



 2 — Kentucky Kernel. Wodnuday,FobruaI-y 3.1m




Pushpa Nagda Patel, Robert Higginson and Ted
Drafien experiment with the vapor pressure of

a pure liquid in the Physical Chemistry Lab yes-
terday afternoon.



0Events celebrate black month

Liiiiiiniicti from Page i

claimed artists with an emphasis
on positive African images.

The events will be held at 9
it m. to .3 pm. today through Fri~
do) in 24:3 ()id Student Center.
The art show will feature Alkebu-
ian images of Nashville. Tenn.

"Black pride paraphernalia.
such as the Black By Popular
Demand logo on T-shirts.
sweats. posters and cards will be
on saIe," said Frank Walker ”I.
director of the Martin Luther

King Jr. Cultural Center. “If the
art show and book sale goes well,
we'll extend another day in the
Martin Luther King Jr. Cultural

Sculptor Ed Hamilton, commis-
sioned by the City of Detroit to
create a 12-foot bronze statue of
boxer Joe Louis, will present a
lecture and slide presentation
atday in the Martin Luther King
Cultural Center. Admission is

“Ed Hamilton is nationally re-
nowned for his national commis-
sion of a nine-foot bronze statue
of Booker T. Washington at
Hampton Institute," Walker said.

(‘oretta Scott King. the widow
of Martin Luther King Jr. will
speak on a wide spectrum of pop-
ular and controversial issues fac.
ing the nation. Her speech will
begin at 8 pm. Feb. 16 in the Stu-
dent Center Grand Ballroom. Ad-
mission is free.

CUK employee hit by car in rain

Continued from Page i

“As soon as i saw her, I put on my
brakes. However, my front wheels
skidded through the walkway,"

“I couldn‘t have been going too
fast — about 25 mph." he said.

"After i hit her, I put my car in

neutral. 1 went to check to see how
she was doing.

“Everything happened so fast,"
Overstreet said.

Until the paramedics arrived. Ta-
galoa’s co—workers held her hand
and comforted her.

She has no memory of the acci-
dent; however, she was able to rec-
ognize her friends.

“She recognized me and called my
name,“ said Barbara Gray, a friend
of Tagaloa.“She said she was hurt-
ing from the hip on down.“

OReagan tries to save contra aid

Continued from Page I

would be held back until at least
March 31. it would be released only
if he found that no cease-fire had
been achieved and the Sandinislas
weren‘t abiding by their promises
for democratic reform.

In his address, he changed the
terms in an attempt to win over wa-
vering lawmakers. He proposed that
both houses of Congress decide with-
in a 10—day period whether they
agreed with him or not on the neces-
sity for the military aid. Such a res-
olution is usually comidered non-
binding by the Congross, but the
president pledged to abide by it.

“If Congress adopts such a resolu-
tion within 10 days . .. then I will
honor this action and withhold deliv-
eries of ammunition in this pack-
age," Reagan said.

In the Democratic response writ-
ten before Reagan‘s speech, Rep.
Lee Hamilton, D-Ind.. said it was
time for the United States “to sup-
port the Central American peace
process, to put the Sandinistas to the
test, and to take risks for peace."

Hamilton, who gained national at-
tention as chairman of the House
Irancontra investigating committee

last year. acknowledged that the Ni-
caraguan government could renege
on its promises to restore civil liber-
ties. “But if they do, they will be re-
jecting a peace plan their neighbors
endorse," he said. ”Their bad faith
will be clear, and Americans will be
unified against them.“

Hamilton said Reagan‘s request
“is not enough to win the war. But
as the Central American presidents
have made clear, it is enough to sab—
otage peace."

Reagan’s speech was not carried
by three of the four major television
networks, who decided that Reagan
was likely to say little that was new.
Only the Cable News Network
broadcast the address.

The lack of network attention
aroused the ire of the White House
chief of staff. Howard H. Baker crit-
icized ABC, NBC and CBS, saying’
the decision interferes with the “tra-
ditional right" of presidents to com-
municate with the American people.

“The decision . . . represents an
attempt to substitute their judgment
for that of the president on what the
country should have the opportunity

to hear,“ Baker said in a written

in a symbolic move yesterday, the
Senate Foreign Relations Committee
voted 10—0 to send Reagan‘s request
to the full Senate with a negative
recommendation. The panel‘s Re-
publican members boycotted the
meeting as partisan and meaning-
less, since the aid package will go to
the Senate floor automatically if it
passes the House.

Not counted in the package is $20
million in Pentagon funds that would
ensure against the loss of any leased
planes used for supply drops to re—
bels inside Nicaraguan territory,
and an estimated $3 million worth of
electronic gear such as radar-jam-

If the package wins House appro-
val it will go to the Senate for a vote

Reagan kept up his push for the
package throughout yesterday by
meeting with some 20 House mem-
bers. attempting to sustain those
leaning in his favor and garner
votes from fence-sitters.


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of the legal profession.
Old Student Center Theatre

900 Poulo Shives Corporate Law
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Allison Conneily
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Paul Van Booven.
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 Kentucky Kernel. Wednesday. February 3. 1988 — 3



Late Rebel charge halts
UK Lady Kats, 75-67

Staff Writer

UK Lady Kat coach Sharon Fan-
ning doesn‘t like to lose. But if a de-
feat can be positive, last night‘s loss

“I‘m hoping that it’s going to hurt
enough until we get better, " Fan-
ning said after No. 7 Mississippi
came back from five points down in
the second half to beat Kentucky. 75-

“I hope next time we want it that
much." she said. “If winning means
enough to them, we'll get better.“

Kentucky, 10—9 overall and now 05
iii the Southeastern Conference, led
the Lady Rebels 49-44 with 13:26 re-
maining but couldn’t hold onto the

Mississippi came charging back
behind senior guard Kim Bullard’s
five-of—seven three point field goal
shooting and game high 22 points.
Bullard hit three consecutive three
point shots down the stretch to lead
the Lady Rebels on a 17-5 run that
put them ahead for good, 62-57.

“Anytime (Kentucky) went to
playing that (2-1-2) zone. it made me
feel confident." Bullard said. “After
that first (three-point) shot went in I
got more confident."

The guard play of Bullard and tea»
mmate Sherry Slayton combined for
sixxitlnine three point shots. 29
points and seven assists.

“With (Bullardi and (Slaytoni in
there they were able to come back."
Fanning said. “We didn't get a hand
in their faces and they had a lot of

Staff reports

UK football coach Jerry Claiborne
was admitted to Central Baptist
Hospital Monday night for the sec-
ond time in less than a week.

Claiborne. 59, entered the hospital
after suffering pain from a kidney
stone. Dr. John Perrine was unsure
as to when Claiborne would be re-

Claiborne was admitted to Central

Baptist Jan. 29 when the pain initial-

ly began. but was released the next

open shots. They had a shooting
practice out there."

Kentucky drew to within 70-67, but
UK guard Jodie Whitaker‘s three-
point attempt with 1:07 left rimmed
out. Bullard scored the last five
points to seal the victory.

“I thought we played good to-
night." Whitaker said. “We were
close but so far away. But tonight
we showed we could play with the

In the early going, it looked as
though they might not. Ole Miss
stormed out to leads of 9-2 and 31-21.
but great shooting by the Lady Kats
enabled them to claw within four
(34-30) at halftime.

“I thought (Kentucky) did a great
job,“ Ole Miss coach Van Chancellor
said. “They were red hot and we
could not stop them."

Ole Miss ran its overall record to
172 and 3~1 in the SEC.

Bebe Croley led the Lady Kat at-
tack with 22 points on “pf-17 shoot-
ing. UK shot 49.1 percent from the
field compared to the Lady Rebels‘
44.4 percent.

The Lady Kats lost for the eighth
time in their last 10 outings and re-
main in the basement of the SEC.
But the play of Kentucky certainly
left an impression on the minds of
the Mississippi players.

“The way they played tonight.”
Bullard said. “they’re gonna upset
someone before the year is over."

Kentucky's next home game will
be Friday night at 7:30 against non-
conférence opponent Alabama-Bir-

“We‘ll just have to play it by
ear.” Dr. Perrine said. “If be con-
tinues to have pain and the stone
doesn't pass, we will have to go in
with an instrument and get (the

Claiborne coached the Wildcats to
a 545 record last fall, his sixth sea-
son at the UK helm. Claiborne is
fifth among active collegiate
coaches with 168 career victories in

Three of Claiborne‘s players also
entered Central Baptist on Monday.
UK team physician Dr. Mary Ire-
land performed arthroscopic sur-



UK forward Pam Shrum puts in two of her 1 2 points last night
against Ole Miss at Memorial Coliseum. The Rebels won, 75-67.

Claiborne admitted to Central Baptist Hospital

gery on Ron Mack. Eric Green and
Joe Curry.

Mack. a senior cornerback from
Lexington. had anterior shoulder re-
construction on his left shoulder due
to recurring dislocations.

According to Ireland. Mack will
have his left arm in a sling for 2-3
weeks. Ireland said he will likely
miss spring practice. which begins
on March 23. Mack started all 11
games at right conrnerback last sea—
son and recorded 41 tackles

Green. a junior quarterback from
Cincinnati. had bone chips removed
and ligament damage repaired in

his left ankle. Ireland is uncertain it
Green will be back in time for
spring drills. Green did not see ac-
tion during the 1987 season.

Curry. a former tight end from
Madisonville. had a meniscus tear
removed from his left knee. It was
the fifth time Curry has had surgery
performed on the knee.

Ireland said Curry will be on
crutches for 2—3 weeks. Curry played
in SIX games last season before he
was dismissed from the team on
Nov. 1 for disciplinary reasons.

Todd Jones
Sports Editor

Jim White
Assstant Sports EditOr

Sutton warns Cats

of serious

Staff Writer

Times they are a changin‘.

Nobody knows that more than
coach Eddie Sutton as he prepares
his Cats to face a team that for so
many years was one of the doormats
of the Southeastern Conference
—Ole Miss.

In the past. when you looked over
the UK schedule. you could mark a
‘W’ beside the Ole Miss game before
the season even started.

Since the first game was played
between the two schools in 1925.
Kentucky holds a commanding 70-6
series lead.

Adolph Rupp never lost to Ole
Miss in his 42-year reign as head
coach. And Joe B. Hall hardly ever
had any trouble with those Missis‘

Hall ended up a total of six points
short the three games the Cats
dropped in his 29 tries.

Sutton. however. insists things are
different now.

"Our fans just think. ‘Well. Missis-
sippi‘s coming to town. We ought to
beat Mississippi.‘ " Sutton said.
“Times have changed from those
days when the other institutions (in
the SEC) had assistant football
coaches coaching basketball."

Last year. the Rebels even beat
UK for the first time since 1982
when they upset the (‘ats 76-65 in
()xford. Miss.

And it took a doubleepump. under<
handed lob to the hoop by Rex Chap-
man at the buzzer to win last year's
contest at Rupp Arena. 64-63.

Sutton believes his team must
take the 8-9 Rebels seriously in
order to win the game.

“I really believe a major factor
will be convincing our team that.
‘Hey. Mississippi is capable of beat-
ing anyone in our league.‘ “ Sutton
said. "Ole Miss is the best .500 club
in college basketball. “

Sutton said the Rebel attack is led
by senior guard Roderick Barnes.
“one the best players in our
league;" senior forward Charles
Prater. "one of the best athletes in
our league;" and freshman guard
Tim Jumper. “probably one of the
best young players in the league."

The three players average 48.9 of
()le Miss‘ 65.5 points per game.



Metclwp: Ole Miss 8-9, (26
SEC) vs. Kentucky 14-3. (6-3

Time: 7:30 p.m.

Plece:Ftupp Arena.

Redlo Coverege: Live on the
UK Radio Network. WLw-AM
700 with Cawood Ledtord and
Ralph Hacker.

TV Coverage: Taped delay on
WKYT at 11:30 p.m. with
Marty Brennaman and Larry





Barnes. standing a scant 6-l'oot»l
and weighing 160 pounds. leads the
team in scoring at an 18.1 clip. 19.6
against SEC competition

"Roderick looks like he‘s got scurr
vy so everybody overlooks him.”
Auburn coach Sonny Smith said
“lie looks bad. plays great . "

But it isn't the Rebels' offense that
worries Sutton. It ‘5 their defense.

"They're tough." Sutton said
“Very few teams we play this year
“III play as tough of man-to-mari de~
tense as they play "

llowever. Sutton says the smaller
Rebels WIII be at a disadvantage
when attempting to match up with
l'K‘s Twin Towers ll lineup. feature
ing (Hi centers Rob Lock and
LcRoii Ellis.

The Rebels will give up about
three inches a man across the front

“Their size could hurt them play
ing man-to-man if we're doing a
good job of jamming the ball in
side.” Sutton said.

“If you've got Ellis. Lock and
(Winston) Bennett on the inside and
if we‘re smart enough to get the ball
to them. I think that Will hurt



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